(!LANG: Why dream of stroking a goat. Color: white, black, brown, gray. English dream book: why dream of a goat

Why is the goat dreaming

Miller's dream book

To dream of goats roaming around your farmstead means seasonal weather and a wonderful grain harvest. Such a dream may also mean your prudent behavior in the future, which will lead to an increase in wealth.

If a goat butts you, beware of your opponents who are eager to penetrate your plans.

For women, riding a goat means that misbehavior can greatly harm her reputation.

If a woman drinks goat's milk in a dream, she will marry a rich man and will not be disappointed.

If you dreamed of a goat, then this promises you a neglect of scrupulousness in matters of morality, but this dream warns: you can become a source of grief for hearts that love you.

Why is the goat dreaming

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Goat cheese - you have reasons to be frugal.

Why is the goat dreaming

Family dream book

A dream in which goats roam around your house means an increase in wealth.

If a goat butted you in a dream, beware of your opponents who are eager to know your plans.

If a woman dreams that she is sitting on a goat, real life she should behave more honorably, otherwise her reputation will suffer.

A woman who drank goat's milk in a dream will marry a rich man and will not be disappointed.

A kid may be seen as a warning: be more scrupulous, otherwise you can become a source of worry for your loved ones.

Why is the goat dreaming

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Seeing a goat - to frank flirting, coquetry with undesirable consequences.

Why is the goat dreaming

Spring dream book

Milking a goat in a dream - to healthy offspring.

Why is the goat dreaming

Summer dream book

Seeing in a dream how a goat is milked is for profit.

Why is the goat dreaming

Autumn dream book

To dream of goats nibbling trees - to a person who hates you fiercely.

Why is the goat dreaming

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing grazing goats in a dream means that in reality you will have a serious fight with your opponents, which can become decisive in your fight against them. Goats climbing into the garden are a sign that they will try to intimidate you, you should be more careful in your affairs in order to avoid a mistake.

Seeing a goat means that luck will more than cover the lack of intelligence or knowledge, and even more beauty - it’s not for nothing that they say: don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy.

Butting goat - however, portends the machinations of opponents who want to upset your plans.

Playing goats are a harbinger of joyful events that bring happiness to you and your family. Riding a goat in a dream means that overly frivolous antics can seriously damage your reputation.

To slaughter a goat in a dream means to neglect in reality generally accepted norms morality and thereby gain a bad reputation.

Milking goats in a dream portends a happy marriage. Drinking goat's milk is a disappointment in love. Goat cheese - you will have to go on a strict savings regime in order to somehow make ends meet.

Seeing wild goats in a dream - in real life, extraordinary happiness will come. If they are not afraid of you, you will find yourself in a pleasant society, where you will hear many flattering words addressed to you. If wild goats run away from you, you will have to do a boring and unattractive business. There is wild goat meat - you will receive important guests with whom you will make close acquaintance and friendship.

Why is the goat dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Goat - chores, unprofitable work.

Why is the goat dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a goat or a goat in a dream is very useful: such a dream leads directly to the fulfillment of desires. Very often in a dream you perform meaningful and, as it were, controlled actions. If the dream in which this animal appears is from the category of controlled ones, try to pronounce or at least comprehend what exactly you want most of all. If you failed to make a wish in a dream, do it immediately when you wake up, or at least as soon as you remember your dream. It would be right to think about the cherished desire quite specifically and try to mentally pronounce it clearly. Remember what you wished and in reality try to contribute to the fulfillment of this desire. This is also the right way to do it!

Milking a goat in a dream is also very good. This means that in the very near future you will find big win! However, you should not immediately run to the casino or buy bundles of tickets for some dubious lotteries: it is quite possible that your winnings are in a completely different area and at first you won’t even be able to figure out that your winnings have actually been received: it could be an invitation to a promising job, meeting a future husband, a successful purchase or, conversely, a sale.

If you dreamed that someone called you a goat or, even worse, a goat - rejoice! This means that in the near future you will make the only correct, truly wise decision, and this decision will help you earn a very large amount of money!

If you are selling a goat or a goat in a dream - try to be attentive and careful! Together with the animal, you can give your own luck into the wrong hands! So it's better not to do it at all!

But buying a goat or a goat is very correct! This means that in the very near future, luck will turn to face you and, most likely, will enter your house.

Grazing a goat or a goat in a dream is also good: this means that in the near future you will get very a large sum of money. The longer and more carefully you will play the role of a shepherd, the more money you will receive!

The dream in which you watched one of your relatives or acquaintances grazing a goat or a goat means that the one you saw acting as a shepherd will receive a large amount of money. However, you should not worry that you are just an outside observer at this celebration of life: part of the amount received will definitely go to you!

Why is the goat dreaming

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

The goat is a gift.

Why is the goat dreaming

Modern dream book

Goat - chores and unprofitable labor

Why is the goat dreaming

Eastern dream book

A woman's dream, in which she rides a goat, warns: due to imprudent behavior, her reputation will be in jeopardy. If a woman dreams that she drinks goat's milk, it means that when choosing a husband, she will be guided not by feelings, but by common sense. The goat symbolizes your playful attitude towards life. Be careful - such behavior can hurt your loved ones.

Why is the goat dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

hassle and hard work.

Why is the goat dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Goat, goat - You see in a dream goats that seem to be walking around you or your house - this dream promises good weather; your well-being will grow from year to year - just because you do not make big mistakes (and small mistakes cannot spoil the weather in your business); if a farmer has such a dream, then the latter can expect a rich harvest of grain. You dream of a goat with beautiful horns and a long beard - consider that luck has married you; whatever you undertake, everything will turn out well; your deeds will be pleasing to God and pleasing to people; you will do a lot of good to your friends. A goat in a dream seems to be attacking you, wants to hit you with horns - you should be wary of aggression from secret and overt ill-wishers; they have not yet attacked you just because you were strong and they were afraid to break their teeth on you; but as soon as you give up the slack, you seem to be drinking goat's milk in a dream - a good dream; success in business will provide you with a calm happy life; working slowly, you will do a lot; you will have something to boast of to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren; you will not soon know what health problems are. A young woman dreams that she drinks goat's milk - a dream promises this woman a happy marriage; she, of course, will take into account that the groom is a wealthy person and with opportunities, but marriage will still be for love. A young woman dreams that she is riding a goat - the misbehavior of this woman or her lover can destroy their relationship and greatly harm their reputation. You are dreaming of a kid - this dream warns you: if you continue to violate the laws and norms of morality, you will find yourself in a difficult situation; you will not be able to count on anyone's help, since it is unlikely that anyone will want to help an unworthy or even depraved person.

Why is the goat dreaming

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

To see a goat is to enter into a period of vagaries of fate / your changeable moods, whims, frivolity, inconstancy and a consequence of these qualities.

Seeing a lot of goats is especially bad.

White - short-term luck.

Black goat - care.

Milking - surprise / short-term success.

Cheerful goat - a quarrel in the house.

Why is the goat dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Goat - whims, frivolity of the mood of a familiar woman; mistress; change of fate.

Why is the goat dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Many goats - portends wealth, profit. Mother and child. - portends longevity, great happiness.

Why is the goat dreaming

Islamic dream book

Goats - the goat has the same interpretation as the ram, and the goat has the same interpretation as the sheep. Some added that if you see a goat in a dream, then you will have to communicate with a fool and an ignoramus of unpleasant appearance. A fat and well-fed goat is a symbol of wealth and vice versa. A talking goat in a dream is a symbol of good luck and kindness.

Why is the goat dreaming

Modern dream book

Grazing Goats - Trouble and unprofitable work

Why is the goat dreaming

Creative dream book

You dreamed of a Goat what it is for. To see a goat in a dream means to recognize creative energy and male vitality. Goat can also mean dark side human nature and sexuality. Riding a goat means the dreamer is trying to come to terms with the dark side of his nature. The goat can represent the devil or Satan. It is also the symbol of Capricorn.

Why is the goat dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Stuart Robinson

Goat in a dream - If you see goats in a dream that roam around your farmstead, this dream means good weather and a wonderful grain harvest. Such a dream may also mean your prudent behavior in the future, which will lead to an early increase in wealth. If a goat butts you, beware of your opponents who are eager to penetrate your plans. For a woman, riding a goat means that misbehavior can greatly harm her reputation. If a woman drinks goat's milk in a dream, she will marry a rich man and will not be disappointed. If you dreamed of a goat, then this promises you a neglect of scrupulousness in matters, but this dream warns you can become a source of grief for hearts that love you.

Why is the goat dreaming

Home dream book

Goat in a dream - I dreamed - to succeed in business. If you milk a goat, not everything will go smoothly, as you would like, but the result will be positive. If a goat butts you, loss is possible. The goat is a symbol of prosperity. A goat butts you - to loss. Milking a goat is a minor setback followed by a triumph.

You dreamed of a Goat - to solve the problems that have arisen, sometimes even to the detriment of your own interests.

Why is the goat dreaming

Russian dream book

What does the Goat mean in a dream - chores and unprofitable work, opportunism.

Why is the goat dreaming

Jewish dream book

What does a Goat mean in a dream - To slander or trouble. Milking a goat is a careless act. Chasing a goat is making the right choice.

Why is the goat dreaming

Magic dream book

A dream to see about you had a Goat - a gift, little goats - whims. Many white goats - many good acquisitions. The black goat is an absurd character. Slaughter a goat - get into an unpleasant position due to indiscretion.

Why is the goat dreaming

Dream interpretation of Shuvalova

An indifferent animal means external passivity. often reflects a situation in life when the realization of your intentions is carried out with the help of a stronger person who imperceptibly makes you dependent on yourself. If the muzzle of the animal is clearly seen, this indicates the negative role in your life of a mother, or grandmother, or another older woman who suppresses your initiative, does not allow your independence and activity to manifest.

Why is the goat dreaming

Old Russian dream book

Why is the goat dreaming

Dream interpretation for women

The devil builds intrigues around, you need to be more careful and prudent. If a goat butts, such a dream says that you will have a romantic trip with your loved one. If the dream was from Wednesday to Thursday, it portends a great celebration or joy. Perhaps a pleasant acquaintance. If you sleep from Friday to Saturday - you know your worth and always act prudently and deliberately.

Why is the goat dreaming

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If a goat butts, such a dream says that you will have a romantic trip with your loved one.

If the dream was from Wednesday to Thursday - portends a great celebration or joy. Perhaps a pleasant acquaintance.

If you sleep from Friday to Saturday - you know your worth and always act prudently and deliberately.

If in a dream you are milking a goat, it means that unexpected success awaits you.

Cheerful goat - dreams of a quarrel in the house, slander.

Why is the goat dreaming

Dream interpretation horoscope

Goat - you are too frivolous.

Why is the goat dreaming

Online dream book

The dream book interprets the goat as a harbinger of the fact that serious difficulties and problems created by your ill-wishers await you, but they can only make you stronger and more experienced.

You milk it - luck will come to you at the moment when you did not expect it at all.

Drink her milk - you will be upset in your personal life.

I dreamed that you slaughtered a goat - you will behave inappropriately, for which you will incur general discontent.

She is trying to butt you - soon you will go on a trip to places full of romance with someone you like.

To dream that you are looking after goats in a pasture - a very big profit awaits you in the near future.

If you betray them, be very careful, you risk transferring your own luck with some object.

If you get it, happiness and success await you, your home will be full of all kinds of abundance.

Black goat - vanity and deeds that will not promise any benefit.

A dream about a goat is interpreted by Felomena as a messenger of significant adversity and difficulties ahead of you caused by the malicious actions of your enemies. You will be able to overcome all difficulties and become much more resilient and practical.

Also, this sign can be considered as a manifestation by the dreamer or his environment of such qualities as obstinacy, capriciousness and recklessness.

Such a dream can serve as an impetus for streamlining one's ideas about virtues, systematizing values.

Some dream books predict incredible luck, which is not just a dream, but will happen to experience it for yourself in real life. A favorable life situation will help to overcome strong and competent competitors.

Who had a dream about a goat? What color did you see a goat in a dream? What did the goat look like in a dream? What did you do with the goat in a dream? Who was with the goat in a dream? What did the goat do in a dream? How many goats did you see in a dream?

Who had a dream about a goat?

The goat dreamed of a woman

If in a dream a young woman saw herself riding a goat or a goat, then in reality she or her chosen one will commit immoral acts that can crush their relationship and significantly spoil their good name.

The girl drank goat's milk - she will choose her betrothed exclusively with her mind, and not her heart. Such a marriage will be successful and promise prosperity.

What color did you see a goat in a dream?

White goat Black goat

Why is the red goat dreaming

A red goat dreamed - this is a warning, be careful and attentive. There are a lot of unfriendly and two-faced people spinning around you who are plotting against you.

The dream book explains if you still suffer from their gossip, as a result, you will be able to adequately get out of an ornate position.

What did the goat look like in a dream?

Seeing a goat with horns in a dream

If you dream of a goat with horns, there is a possibility that some kind of threat looms over you. You should think carefully about its source, and then you can avoid trouble.

Some dream books promise to receive large sums money, and long time which will lead to a significant improvement in your financial condition.

What did you do with the goat in a dream?

Milking a goat

Who was with the goat in a dream?

I dreamed of a goat and goats

A mother goat dreamed with kids - this is a positive symbol, portending a long and happy life. If at the same time the kids frolic, a happy event will occur that will bring prosperity to the dreamer and his loved ones.

Some dream books interpret such a dream as a reflection of the true state of your soul. At this moment you are in charge positive emotions, optimism, love of life and enthusiasm. You accept even sudden obstacles on the way to your dream as ordinary fun and rush to the challenge with desperate determination and enthusiasm.

What did the goat do in a dream?

Dreaming that a goat butts

A dream in which a goat butts suggests that you will have a pleasant journey with a dear person, which will bring unforgettable impressions and add romance to your relationship.

How many goats did you see in a dream?

Seeing a herd of goats in a dream

The interpretation of the dream in which they saw a herd of goats, according to Felomena's dream book, is recommended to be considered almost verbatim - you may find yourself in the company of spineless and empty-headed friends, and besides, prone to scandals.

The dream book advises, make every effort to keep your cool and not respond to their verbal skirmish.


Why is the white goat dreaming?

Any dream is considered a reality if it is remembered by the sleeping person the next morning, as if it really happened to him. The presence of various animals in a dream is interpreted in different dream books in different ways. One thing unites them - the sleeper needs to comprehend his meaning in life, and, perhaps, take some initiative in his fate.

A dreaming of a white goat means a change in the situation associated with money. If a white goat is clean, well-groomed, with bright eyes and in a cheerful state in a dream, then we can say with confidence that a profitable business offer or unexpected profit awaits the sleeper. Well, if the white goat is domestic, if, on the contrary, it is wild, then the sleeper should beware in matters related to business or monetary transactions, deception and disappointment are quite possible. If you dream that there are several white goats, then this is not a very good sign, it means small obstacles in your undertakings or unfinished business. Moreover, the more white goats in the herd you dream of, the more problems are expected. And vice versa, if white goats dream of a huge number that cannot be counted, this is a sign of wealth, to which a person has to go through overcoming minor difficulties.

A dreaming white goat with kids is a good dream. It means the care that you unexpectedly receive or an unexpected patron and assistant in business. For mothers, this is a sign to turn Special attention on their children. Perhaps they need your help.

A white goat portends good luck, but short-term. This is a sign for a person to change his principles and priorities, maybe even drop all his affairs and do something else. That is, you need to drastically change your life and destiny. A good sign if you milk a white goat in a dream. This means that all undertakings will be successful and profitable. It’s bad if a white goat butts in a dream - this is a sign of a quarrel, sadness and lies. You should be careful, stop being gullible and check all the words spoken and the actions taken. A white goat for a woman means a wealthy stranger, in some cases even a fan. Moreover, the larger and brighter the white goat, the richer the fan will be. For a man, a white goat in a dream means an interesting stranger, but fleeting.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a white goat? This is a sign that her child will be born healthy, and his fate will be easy and serene. For lovers, a dreaming white goat means variability in relationships, extravagant and inexplicable acts from partners. If young people just met, and a white goat comes to one of them in a dream, then this means that the fan or fan has a difficult character, living together will be full of difficulties and misunderstandings. If a person drinks milk from a white goat in a dream, it means that someone wants to benefit from him, it can also mean a marriage of convenience or a betrayal of a loved one. The worst thing is to kill a white goat in a dream. The sleeper is in for big trouble, and if he himself killed the goat, then the trouble will happen through his fault.

A funny dream if you saddle a white goat and ride it. But the life situation in this case will not seem fun. Frivolity, gullibility and simplicity will let the sleeper down in a real situation. White kids, without a mother, portend family skirmishes and troubles.

A dreaming white goat is a good sign, but you should pay special attention to what it looks like and how it behaves with you. Friendly and affectionate portends success and good luck, cheerful, sick or dirty portends trouble.


I dreamed of a Goat, what is it for, what does a Goat mean in a dream

Home dream book Why does the Goat dream in a dream?

Interprets the dream book: You dreamed of a Goat what it is for - to solve the problems that have arisen, sometimes even to the detriment of your own interests.

Jewish dream book What does a Goat mean in a dream:

What does a Goat mean in a dream - To slander or trouble. Milking a goat is a careless act. Chasing a goat is making the right choice.

Magical dream book In a dream, why is the Goat dreaming?

What does it mean to see in a dream you dreamed of a Goat, what is it - a gift, little goats - whims. Many white goats - many good acquisitions. The black goat is an absurd character. Slaughter a goat - get into an unpleasant position due to indiscretion.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does a goat mean in a dream book?

Why dream What does it mean in a dream Goat, goat - you see goats in a dream that seem to be walking around you or your house - this dream promises good weather; your well-being will grow from year to year - just because you do not make big mistakes (and small mistakes cannot spoil the weather in your business); if a farmer has such a dream, then the latter can expect a rich harvest of grain. You dream of a goat with beautiful horns and a long beard - consider that luck has married you; whatever you undertake, everything will turn out well; your deeds will be pleasing to God and pleasing to people; you will do a lot of good to your friends. A goat in a dream seems to be attacking you, wants to hit you with horns - you should be wary of aggression from secret and overt ill-wishers; they have not yet attacked you just because you were strong and they were afraid to break their teeth on you; but as soon as you give up the slack, you seem to be drinking goat's milk in a dream - a good dream; success in business will provide you with a calm happy life; working slowly, you will do a lot; you will have something to boast of to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren; you will not soon know what health problems are. A young woman dreams that she drinks goat's milk - a dream promises this woman a happy marriage; she, of course, will take into account that the groom is a wealthy person and with opportunities, but marriage will still be for love. A young woman dreams that she is riding a goat - the misbehavior of this woman or her lover can destroy their relationship and greatly harm their reputation. You are dreaming of a kid - this dream warns you: if you continue to violate the laws and norms of morality, you will find yourself in a difficult situation; you will not be able to count on anyone's help, since it is unlikely that anyone will want to help an unworthy or even depraved person.

Creative dream book Goat sleep meaning:

You dreamed of a Goat what it is for. To see a goat in a dream means to recognize creative energy and male vitality. Also, a goat can mean the dark side of human nature and sexuality. Riding a goat means the dreamer is trying to come to terms with the dark side of his nature. The goat can represent the devil or Satan. It is also the symbol of Capricorn.

Russian dream book What does a Goat mean in a dream:

What does the Goat mean in a dream - chores and unprofitable work, opportunism.


Dream interpretation black goat

Why does the black goat dream in a dream from a dream book?

We saw a black goat in a dream - a significant and colossal event is ahead, where you will not only have great fun, but also make practical or entertaining friends.

The dream interpretation interprets such a dream as the formation of enterprise, vigilance and unyielding principles in the sleeper. It is these qualities that will help him pave his way in the future, overcoming bureaucratic barriers.


What is the dream of a white goat with a kid in my room?


marina sidorova

Goat, White goat, Butting goat, Goat, White goat, Butting goat, Black goat, Kid, Goat, Goats, Milking a goat, White kid, Herd of goats

If in a dream you dreamed of a Goat, a Goat or a Kid, Dream Interpretations are convinced that in reality you have an obstinate disposition or unworthy behavior. However, Dream Interpretations offer to closely analyze - who exactly did the Goat or the Goat symbolize in your dream? In general, a healthy, well-fed Goat is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. However, Dreams about Goats and Goats appear at that moment in life, When in reality you are dissatisfied with something.

I dreamed of a white goat or goats, a white goat or a white kid - a symbol of well-being and prosperity.

In old and traditional interpretations, Goats or White Goats are an extremely successful sign and symbol of financial prosperity.

I dreamed that a goat or a goat was butting you - you would suffer from some stubborn and arrogant person.

"Goat" or "Goat" (depending on gender) for you is some kind of familiar person. Probably, He is distinguished by a stubborn, obstinate and intractable disposition. The dream carries a prediction that you will suffer from this "Goat" and very soon.

I dreamed of a little goat - playful moods.

Probably, the Goat lives inside you - joyful, Playful moods and emotions control you at the moment.

Seeing a herd of goats in a dream is a big nuisance.

Goat Herds are a whole team of people who are not very pleasant to you, Who behave in reality like stubborn and uncontrollable animals.

Milking a goat in a dream is a surprise; short term success.

A dream carries a forecast that, thanks to your perseverance and diligence, you can count on some success. However, this situation will soon change in the opposite direction.

I dreamed of a black goat - stubbornness, selfishness, impatience.

It is necessary to figure out exactly who exactly the Black Goat you saw symbolized. Be honest with yourself - was it not typical for you in last days unreasonably show stubbornness, impudence and permissiveness?

Search for the meaning of a dream:

For interpretation, enter into the search the most vivid images of your dream
Source: http://astroscope.ru/sonnik/koza.html

Talbot Wartburg

you will find a guy

Goat horns

Dream Interpretation Goat Horns had a dream about why Goat horns dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Goat horns in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Goat

Dream Interpretation - Goats

Dream Interpretation - Goat

Black goat - care.

Dream Interpretation - Goat

The goat is a symbol of prosperity.

A goat butts you - to loss.

Dream Interpretation - Goat

Dream Interpretation - Horns

Seeing horns in a dream is a sign of the courage and courage you need to carry out your plans if they belong to animals that use horns in the fight for survival. To see any other horns in a dream is a sign of danger, resentment or trouble. If you dream that you have large horns on your head cattle you are in mortal danger.

If in a dream you see that the horns of some majestic animal have grown on your head, then the dream portends you the respect of others and power over them.

The dream in which you saw the horns of wild and dangerous animals on your head warns you of the danger of the wrath of some important person, which can harm your well-being. Sometimes such a dream indicates that your pride or arrogance will cause your failures or misfortunes.

If you dream of other people with horns, then you are in real danger of losing your fortune or trouble due to love affairs. For single people to see in a dream the horns on their heads, with which they begin to butt, the dream indicates that perseverance and willpower will help them achieve their desired goal.

Dream Interpretation - Goat, goat

Dream Interpretation - Horns

Jung argued that the horn is a symbol with two meanings.

Although horns and horned animals are usually associated with strength and masculinity, the horn is at the same time used by people as a container and therefore can also symbolize the feminine nature.

In ancient times, bowls were cut out of the horn, and therefore in China the horn became an emblem of abundance.

The Gnostics of antiquity said that the horn: "is the principle that gives maturity and beauty to all things."

In some cultures, horned animals: personified evil - "horned devil".

Horns: can symbolize the forces of destruction contained in the human psyche. In some cultures, horns were used as a sign of warning.

They were also used to gather forces for a holy war.

This sign may warn you of danger.

Be carefull.

Dream Interpretation - Horns

If in a dream you grab a butting goat by the horns, this means that they are trying to intimidate you. To see in a dream a bull hooked on the horns of a bullfighter means that in reality you will experience resentment from loved one. Seeing a horned man is a love affair. Seeing yourself with horns is a sign of adultery. Dreaming horned beetles portend the machinations of spiteful critics. Drinking wine from a horn in a dream - you will find well-being and good health.

Dream Interpretation - Horns

You have horns on your head: you are seized with a sense of anxiety, because you are afraid that your relationship with your other half may someday end.

Well, you cannot know for sure what will happen to you in the future.

But still, you should not indulge in gloomy thoughts, because it depends only on fate whether the relationship with your beloved or beloved will be long-lasting or short-term.

If you want to improve your business love front, strengthen relationships, give a close and dear person more positive emotions, be for him not only a wonderful lover (lover), but also a devoted friend (girlfriend).

If you dream of horns on someone else's head, you will soon witness the not very good behavior of one of your friends.

You will be shocked by this.

Do not worry too much about the actions of an outsider adult, do not waste emotions, save them for your loved ones.

Blow a horn: you will experience false fear.

Suddenly feeling the symptoms of a serious illness, you will think the worst about your health.

But when you turn to specialists, your fears will not be confirmed.

If you dream of a wall decorated deer antlers: a dream confirms that in the near future you plan to do general cleaning or repairs in the house.

Going through things, rearranging furniture from place to place, you will find some items that you have been looking for for a long time.

They will bring back fond memories.

Childbirth to see or take birth: you will take up a difficult task.

Childbirth!! To see or take birth in a dream - you will take on a difficult task.

On the way to achieving your goal, you will encounter many obstacles.

It will be very difficult for you, but you will overcome all obstacles, although it will take a long time.

You will need patience and perseverance.

In the end, everything will work out in your favor.


flock of goats

Dream Interpretation Flock of goats dreamed of why a flock of goats dreamed in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a flock of goats in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Goat

Seeing goats in a dream means troublesome but unprofitable work, and also that your plans will stall due to unexpected obstacles. Such a dream is especially unfavorable for those who are going to marry, as they may get a stubborn and wayward spouse. Pay attention to the color of the goats. The most favorable dream is the one where you will see white goats. Milking a goat in a dream portends a disease that you will acquire because of your greed. Drinking goat's milk in a dream means a marriage of convenience, in which you will quickly be disappointed. To see or eat goat cheese in a dream is a sign of need, in which you have to count every penny. See interpretation: milk, milk.

Slaughtering a goat in a dream is a sign of trouble due to your own indiscretion.

Seeing grazing goats in a dream is a call to be careful and not trust anyone. The same thing means a dream in which you see that a goat is going to gore you. A goat in a dream is a rival, an enemy. Driving a goat or riding it in a dream is a harbinger that your reputation can be seriously damaged due to your frivolity. To see kids in a dream - to minor troubles with relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Goats

Seeing grazing goats in a dream means that in reality you will have a serious fight with your opponents, which can be decisive in your fight against them. Goats that have climbed into the garden are a sign that they will try to intimidate you, you should be more careful in your affairs in order not to make a mistake.

Seeing a goat means that luck will more than cover the lack of intelligence or knowledge, and even more beauty - it’s not for nothing that they say: don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy.

A butting goat, however, portends the intrigues of opponents who want to upset your plans.

Playing goats are a harbinger of joyful events that bring happiness to you and your family. Riding a goat in a dream means that overly frivolous antics can seriously damage your reputation.

To slaughter a goat in a dream means in reality to neglect the generally accepted norms of morality and thus gain notoriety for yourself.

Milking goats in a dream portends a happy marriage. Drinking goat's milk is a disappointment in love. Goat cheese - you will have to go on a strict savings regime in order to somehow make ends meet.

Seeing wild goats in a dream means extraordinary happiness in real life. If they are not afraid of you, you will find yourself in a pleasant society, where you will hear many flattering words addressed to you. If wild goats run away from you, you will have to do a boring and unattractive business. Eating wild goat meat - you will receive important guests with whom you will make close acquaintance and friendship.

Dream Interpretation - Goat

To see a goat - to enter into a strip of whims of destiny to see - friendship / well-being and wealth.

Chasing an ox is the loss of a friend.

To see a killed ox is to receive unpleasant news. Would / your changeable moods, whims, frivolity, inconstancy and a consequence of these qualities.

Seeing a lot of goats is especially bad.

White goat - short-term luck.

Black goat - care.

Milking a goat is a surprise / short-term success.

Cheerful goat - a quarrel in the house.

Dream Interpretation - Goat

I dreamed - to success in business.

If you milk a goat, not everything will go smoothly, as you would like, but the result will be positive.

If a goat butts you, loss is possible.

The goat is a symbol of prosperity.

A goat butts you - to loss.

Milking a goat is a minor setback followed by a triumph.

Dream Interpretation - Goat

Goat - how to dream that you are milking a goat, then it will be some money from someone. A black goat is trouble, a white goat is a benefit, a flock of goats is wealth. Wild - harm..

Dream Interpretation - Goat, goat

A herd of goats in a pasture signifies good weather and a good harvest for a villager.

For the city - success in the economy.

Butting goats - to quarrels, scandals between people close to you.

If a goat or goat attacks you, you have an enemy.

Drinking goat's milk - for a woman - to a successful and profitable marriage.

If you dreamed of a goat, you want to violate generally accepted moral standards.

Dream Interpretation - Goat

To see goats roaming around your farmstead - seasonal weather, an excellent grain harvest, prudent behavior in the future, which will lead to an increase in wealth;
the goat butts you - beware of your opponents who are eager to penetrate your plans;
for women - to sit astride a goat - misbehavior can greatly harm your reputation;
for a woman - to drink goat's milk - you will marry a rich man and will not be disappointed;
to see a goat is a neglect of scrupulousness in matters of morality, you can become a source of grief for hearts that love you.
See also Milk.

Dream Interpretation - Goats

the goat has the same interpretation as the ram, and the goat has the same interpretation as the sheep. Some added that if you see a goat in a dream, then you will have to communicate with a fool and an ignoramus of unpleasant appearance. A fat and well-fed goat is a symbol of wealth and vice versa. A talking goat in a dream is a symbol of good luck and kindness.

Dream Interpretation - Goat

White goat - is a symbol of short-term good luck.

Black goat - dreams of caring.

Dream Interpretation - Goat

The goat butts you - expect trouble from some acquaintances.

We'll have to improve relations with Yulka. It was her in the class who was nicknamed "goat-dereza."




I dreamed that a white goat was standing on the pebbles on the street, chewing green grass and she was talking. In a dream, I thought that since she was talking, she was magical and I had to ask her about the most secret and exciting question for me. I asked and the goat gave me a complete and exhaustive answer, when my wish comes true, she named the day of the week and the event that should happen before that. immediately after that I woke up, satisfied and happy

Julia Dream Interpretation:

A white goat in this dream promises you a short period of good luck. Go ahead.


I dreamed of a goat. She accompanied me from one house to another. The surroundings were green. I was worried that she was hungry. And fed her.


Hello! In a dream I dreamed of green goats made of leaves, and in place of the horns they had green onion. About 5-7 goats. The weather in the dream was bright sunny. The goats in the dream were alive but from greenery :) I wonder what it is for?


dreamed of a goat with large golden horns and hooves made of gold. The goat was white, beautiful. She kicked from everyone. I approached her. and she is affectionate, I stroked her. What is it for?


Hello, I dreamed about how I drove (pulled somewhere) a white goat by the ears, I was not alone, but I don’t remember with whom. After a while, the goat began to bite my hand, it hurt a little, but not to the point of blood and not to severe pain. Then I asked the goat why she did this to me, and she answered me: This is for you from the Lord for those people whom you have done badly. And the goat turned into a woman that I had never seen, after that I woke up. In reality, I don’t do anything bad, well, we all deceive someone somewhere, but for nothing, but so that God sends me such signs, I think not ... What could this mean in this case?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream most likely indicates that you may be too frivolous, which will lead to miscalculations and material losses.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream most likely indicates that you have to deal with the unpredictable and difficult situation in the near future.


in a dream I dreamed of a small and very affectionate black goat. She clung to her hands and looked straight into her eyes with confidence and a mysterious request.


On the loggia, the goat shat. When I looked down, I saw a goat lying on the ground in the bushes. She probably jumped. Alive or not is unclear.


i dreamed that my parents gave me a live goat to give to a classmate for my birthday, and then they took off her skin, but the goat was alive and told me to bear it like that


From Thursday to Friday, my husband dreamed of some kind of grandfather with whom they talked. Grandfather unfamiliar, but friendly. Then the goats dreamed, grazed on our site with corn.


i dreamed of 2 little white goats that I took home, they sat in a bag, I even fed them with cabbage. only I didn’t know what to do with them, because. was in the apartment and it is impossible to keep them in the apartment. what is it for?


hello, I dreamed of a goat, she was white color, I met her on the highway, cars were driving, and she went to the roadway, I was afraid that they would run her over, I started to stop the cars so that they would take her with them, the car stopped, very expensive and a man came out, said that he would definitely take her so that she doesn't end up in a terrible situation.


I dreamed that I was leading a black goat on a leash and she obediently walked. Then I her
milked and began to drink milk from a black glass. I drank almost all of it and looked at the bottom of the glass, there was some milk left. Milk is white and pure.


Hello! Help me, please make a dream come true.
I dreamed that I brought a young goat to the bus station and I ask the grannies to take her to the village, but they refuse. a man was sitting next to me, he grabbed a goat and tore off her horns, and all the hooves. I cry, I swear, I fight with him, I snatch my goat from him, but she no longer has hooves. So I remained disabled with her.


Hello, in a dream, I’m grazing my goat, she doesn’t touch Enya, and there’s still a stranger’s goat nearby and they start to get tangled and bad with each other, and I’m trying to pull my own and unravel the leash


my grandmother had a lot of goats, large and small, in the garden, and it seems to me that I tried to make sure that they would not scatter


I'm going up mountain, on the mountain there is a barn burning on fire and next to it is a large white-gray goat in a semi-fainting state and I pull it out and save it


hello, I dreamed that a white kaza clean came up to me in a field covered with green grass, she lay down in demolition and began to give birth to a human baby, I clearly saw the birth process, a healthy baby was born. I myself do not have children, I am barren thanks


I wasn't quite dreaming. Sometimes I see visions when I lie with my eyes closed - just color picture. White goat. healthy (in good sense) with horns. I have seen symbols before and dream books always help me understand their meaning. The problem lies in the large number of interpretations. . As a rule, I simply read several interpretations on the Internet and choose, in my opinion, the most “correct” one. Happens quite often. As for sleep, on the night after the symbol, I swam with friends in a oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-so-great barrel with transparent walls and the purest water. Feelings like flying in a dream. I saw my beloved cat, for some reason she went to the bottom (not dead, she just can’t swim). The fact that cats do not breathe underwater did not interest me, I did breathe. The atmosphere of sleep is warm, I would say romantic. The walls of the "aquarium" of a beautiful blue hue. Thanks


i dreamed that my goat gave birth to about ten kids and they lay on some kind of bag and only one ran. The goat was white and several white kids


I dreamed of a white goat, very affectionate and walking behind me. Only for some reason with one eye closed, and the second normal and the ears were of different lengths.


a herd of goats and a grandmother who grazed them and carried milk on a cart, I caught up with her and asked if she was selling milk and drove the goats away with her feet


I dreamed that I was milking a lot of goats, I saw white milk, the goats were not bad, they were calm. There was a woman with me, she told me which goat to milk and which one was still small.


The goat ran in our yard from the dog. The dog looked like a wolf and was aggressive (it wanted to catch and bite). When the goat ran away, she fell into a hole (small) with muddy water. And started to sink. I ran out of the house, ran to the pit (the goat was no longer on the surface), put my hand into the water and pulled it out. Saved! It felt like danger and strong love to this goat. The goat in the dream was white and so dear. And the dog (like a wolf) is similar to our domestic one.


Today I dreamed of a golden wedding ring and I put it on my left or my right hand. - this is my dream.
In reality, I broke up with my young man not long ago, but we maintain a relationship. They broke up because my mother was against me, I was 8 years older than him. What can this dream portend for me? Unless of course you really send me an answer! Thank you!


as if I’m walking along the narrow streets of the private sector and I don’t see big houses, but they are abandoned a little creepy and I added a step. What would it be?


I dreamed that I was cleaning the apartment, I turned around, and in the bedroom, in the opening, there was a healthy man, and instead of his head he had a goat's head 3 times larger than his body ... I ran away, then I wanted to return to the apartment - and from the entrance I look through the peephole - he stands at the door and looks at me ... it became creepy ...


i dreamed that in the morning, in the village, a red goat ran and each one cut off her tail a little with scissors for good luck.


there were a lot of people, we were grilling kebabs and then I had the last piece of meat left, goats or goats passed by and I said let's fill up one goat two goats ran up to me and started butting me


I dreamed of a lot of goats in our village. there were a lot of little goats. they still exist in the village, but there are only two of them.


I dreamed that I was at my parents' house, I went into the garden with my father, he wanted to show me something, it was a hot morning, a lot of greenery, everything was fine. We approached the tall grass and there some branches with frequent dark green leaves were moving among it, my father said that there were fish, I looked in, and there were goats. When we moved away, they began to go out into the garden. the goats were white and told me let me kiss you.


during the (!!! :-)) trip I decided to buy a meal in a store (a wooden house, even a barn) to eat, and there a former classmate and friend (a famous singer and TV presenter in the region) works as a seller. and even in the store there was a white affectionate goat, clinging to me, as if asking to be stroked like a kitten. I hastened to leave the store so as not to embarrass my celebrity friend from the capital, who for some reason had to work as a seller, and the goat did not want me to leave)) even jumped next to me. in a dream I liked her thick hair


i dreamed that I ate something wrong and turned into a white goat, in a dream it was scary, I seemed to see myself from the outside as a goat, but after a while I became myself again, but still a feeling of fear to return to the image of a goat they didn't leave me


I ride a white horse across the field. I am happy, but when we arrived at the Ossedsky house, the horse turned out to be a white goat.


i dreamed of a white goat .. I carried it in my arms .. milked .. carried it up the stairs to a multi-storey building .. climbed up there and started milking .. milk flowed with very strong pressure .. like water from a tap ..


I dreamed of a brick three-story house with hidden rooms, in one of which rabbits, a goat, some other living creatures were found, I also dreamed of a cow in a pond that I tried to milk, the goat also tried to add milk, both animals had it, I still remember that I wanted to feed all the animals, but there was one sick tower rabbit who tried to bite me and I wanted to kill him so that others would not get sick, hit him with his head several times, he bled, I put him down and went to last a cow. all the animals were clean


today I dreamed that a big and wild goat and a cat attacked me. I closed them in different rooms, but the goat broke the door with its horns. I grabbed her by the horns and cut her throat with a sharp, large knife. There was not much blood
Meanwhile, the cat rolled over (two kittens) and died. The kittens were fluffy and cute ...
I don't remember what happened next...


I was lying, sunbathing on the grass, near the house, and then a white goat suddenly appears, and starts to butt me, I run away from her, quite far, but she still catches up with me. As a result, she lagged behind me only when some man stabbed her.


I dreamed of a white goat or a goat, I didn’t understand. the essence of the dream that I observed as a goat or a goat quickly grew horns and gored a person.


We tried to run away from her into the house .. and she was huge, we ran into the house, I thought she wanted to kill us, but as soon as we put her hand in, she began to kiss, but the fear remained


I dreamed that I was at home with my sister (the youngest, lives separately), we were talking, and then suddenly some aunt came in with a goat and a violent guy. They began to scold my sister, saying that she did not let them through at the traffic lights, and I began to defend my sister. Very violent (I would never behave like that in my life!). and THEY ARE GONE. AND THEN DREAMED SOMETHING MORE))))


At first I dreamed that one goat needed to give birth, and two lick her blood from a fir, their muzzles and sternum are completely in dark, thick blood, I try to drive them away, but they don’t leave. (in this moment I am 9 months pregnant


Good afternoon. I was very disturbed by a dream that I had recently. I vaguely remember it, but there was a white pregnant goat. She spoke in a human voice and sometimes she showed human features. She had a miscarriage. She sucked her cubs out of herself one by one with her teeth. She screamed and cried a lot. In my sleep, I soyed as if rooted to the spot and could not move. There was a feeling that I could help her with something, but I was scared. For some reason, I was sure that she could sweat only one cub, and not all ... Why can such rubbish dream?


goats dreamed in a dream and I took a little black kid in my arms, looked in the mirror and see myself with loose curly hair, beautifully laid out, there was a banquet and there were a lot of people


Hello in me, a young goat dream of me and a friend of a tale, but a little more a little and a little, I see that I took my own, I show that I don’t need it, because I may and it went before me, it shook me in the leg, I woke up and right up to the very the wound could not sleep without falling from the head.
It’s not the first time I’ve been photographed by goats that are too rich and there’s no one to give them food and the stench multiplies what can it mean
Can you give me an opinion on my nutrition that work.


I arrived in a village in a house that no longer exists and I don’t remember there someone gave me a young goat with horns, we tried to milk it but it didn’t work out and then I went outside the milk was already on the ground in a basin and the cat drank it


Hello. I dreamed of our car and how we need to go somewhere. Dad put a little goat next to me in the car and then a kazoo that was afraid to sit. I did not have time to get into the car, the kaza sat on my knee and began to lick. I gradually began to suffocate. The goat and the goat were white. In real life, we once had a goat, but we sold it and it was the same one.


Good afternoon! The first time I encountered the fact that I could not fully reveal the meaning of sleep. I dreamed that I was putting things in order in my country house, for some reason I sweep exclusively in the yard, spread rugs, arrange things. Then, outside the door, I heard a goat. She opened the door, she was standing in the garden and wanted to come to me, but because I just cleaned everything there - I didn’t let her in and sent her to eat grass. Then she came up to me and I started stroking her, scratching behind her ears, even hugging her, she reached out to me and touched my cheek with her nose :) The goat was chocolate-colored. The same goat existed in reality and lived with my grandmother in the country, but then, in connection with moving to the city, I had to either give it to someone, or even kill it, I don’t remember exactly.
That's all, thanks in advance.


I dreamed of a white goat. It's not mine, but for some reason I had to bring it somewhere. Then they took her behind someone else's fence and they told me that the goat should be released. But she didn’t take it and woke up


a herd of goats and rams was driven past my house and two kids fell behind and went into a strange yard, I opened the gate and called them, they came to me, I took them to the hut and there I also had two good white kittens. I left them all.


a little goat ran with me in the city and not one bus stopped, but it was night. and I went everywhere with this goat


I dream that I am buying two or three goats and bringing them home, I remember that I have not fed one more goat and other animals for a long time. I'm worried about whether they are alive. Then I find the goat alive, but I have not seen other animals.


In a dream, I saw myself and my husband. We were in the courtyard of a private house, there were other people there, but I don't remember them. The main thing is a very beautiful white goat, she had large milkings filled with milk. I stroked this goat, and was very happy!


i dreamed of black kids, there were two of them, they tried to attack me, butted me, I hid from them and pushed them with my feet


Good afternoon! Today I had a bizarre dream in which I found myself next to an old, falling apart wooden cage. In the cage sat a one-horned unwashed (it looked scary) goat, white. The goat was talking. With its nasty voice, pronouncing the words in syllables, the goat tried to impersonate a dog and asked to be released. For some reason, I tried to reason with her, explaining to her that she was not a dog, but the goat apparently didn’t like it, getting furious, she began to wriggle and somehow began to squeeze into narrow gap. In a blink of an eye, she was already outside the cage, after which she immediately pounced on me with her only horn. I only remember how I tried to jump back screaming, after which I woke up and realized that I was already screaming in reality. Having calmed down, I continued to sleep without dreams.


the yard is big and dim, I seem to know him, but he is a little different, a black big goat wants to attack like a bull at a rodeo, drips with one foot on the ground far away at the gate, runs, talking on the phone, I see her sideways, kick between the eyes, she ran away . Sharp, incomprehensible pictures, but I understand that the goat was the second time, and now I see it flies at me for the third time, a huge fear in me, it runs closer, the horns are huge, it is larger, from somewhere the basin is taken from my bathroom, I grab it to defend myself, I wave like a shield, it doesn’t help, it doesn’t hurt me, it hits me, I slip back, I woke up


Hello. My name is Alena. I only remember a fragment of a dream, I dreamed that three animals lived at my house, but I don’t remember the second two at all, I remember only a white, kind goat. I stroked her, hugged her, and then we crossed the threshold of my apartment with her and two more animals.


I was standing on the street, I met a girl from my former job ... a white goat was chewing her finger ... it even seemed to say “mmmm delicious” ... and then it hurt me and I started to break out and run away ... my teacher from the institute appeared (he is a foreigner) and there was a feeling that he was protecting me ... the goat ran after us ... he grabbed it and began to offer passers-by “they say someone needs it” ... we had fun and we laughed


I walked a white goat on a leash, and our cat walked next to her. And he constantly jumped on the scruff of the goat and tried to play with it.


Hello! I saw a goat in a dream! they gave it to me! I am now pregnant in real life! and in a dream, she is also pregnant! This goat was given to me by a man whom I quarreled with!


Good afternoon! I dreamed of my grandmother, the deceased, she died in 2010! (I was at her house and was going somewhere, and she was sitting on a bench with her grandfather (but he is still alive, but very sick) I went up to her, she was beautiful young, we are with her greeted and kissed and hugged! In a dream, basically grandfather was saying something, and grandmother was looking at me! Between us there was either a goat or a little goat, white in color but a little dirty! And she butted her grandmother, and ran either to her grandmother or to me .. I ran away from her, but the goat or the goat wanted to butt me too, but I ran away, then she tangled her grandmother's legs with a chain, and immediately the piper immediately untied her from the goat and untied the goat from the chain and she ran and jumped around the yard. when my grandmother was untangled from the chain, I looked from the doors of my grandparents' house. I woke up


today I dreamed of a white young goat. I loved her. seems to be his own. but for some reason I had to kill her. I cut it into pieces and skinned it. in a dream it was a pity for her. I saw a knife and meat with blood.


A white horned goat attacked, could not calm her down. (Today is a payday, a day off and tomorrow is a day off, in general, the work is difficult, few days off. about three months ago. moved to another city. Married, have relatives and friends, no children. This is just a note for a better interpretation)


At first I dreamed that a bear tore my classmate in my apartment. And after that, in a dream, when I looked either at the reflection of the glass, or at the mirror, the face of that deceased classmate appeared, moreover, with an angry, pale face. Or someone's presence was felt in a dream, and not with good intentions. Then I left the house and found myself in a large green field, flooded with sunlight, and the sky was blue. And I suddenly wanted to get goats (in this case one), and when I left the goat for a short time, and returned back, the goat was terribly torn. Then I found the goat again and started herding it again. And when I again departed and returned, the goat was again torn. And so several times. Then I became scared and I began to look for a way out of this field. And I came across a deep stream with waves, through which lay a not very thick tree. I went to him, I already wanted to go through this tree, how a cat appeared on it (I don’t remember exactly what color it was, either gray or black), her gaze was riveted to me, and it seemed that she was looking not just in the eyes It was like she was looking into my soul. Then she looked away, got up and jumped to the ground and disappeared. I stood a little longer, out of numbness, and went up to this tree. As soon as I stood on it, a tiger suddenly attacked me from behind and I woke up from fright.
I had such a strange dream, it worries me a little, so I decided to turn to a specialist. Because I looked in the dream books, they really didn’t give anything.
Thank you very much in advance.


I dreamed of two white, pleasant-looking goats. They ate grass on the lawn. There was no action from them in my direction. They just looked at each other. The dream was in color, the colors were pleasant.


I dreamed of a white goat, I milk it, at first there was a lot of milk, good. Then in a dream I tell someone look what a miracle, the goat is young, but it gives milk, I began to show it to these people, and a hearth came out of it, just as plentifully as before milk


A very strange and interesting dream, I dreamed all night. I was investigating, looking for the missing amulet, and when I got to the denouement, I fell into a trap (an elevator shaft that was closed and they tried to set it on fire), then I saw this amulet in the form of a hairpin in the girl’s hair, we were standing on top of the mountain, a goat approached me and began to gently rub against my leg trying to pass, thereby soiling my trousers. The amulet looked like a golden comb with the image of the sun and wheat.


I just remember that I saw a white goat with two white kids, they all seemed to get lost and we found them. The goat and kids were friendly as our pets. I saw my mother that she stroked them, and then many different children of boys and girls in the bathroom bathing some in clothes, some without.


I dreamed that I was walking somewhere and saw a goat, she was alone, she looked at me, but I went up to her, but she was not tied and followed me. Here I already approach the building of my work with this animal and go into it. We went to the canteen and I fed and then milked the goat. What is it for???


I was in an old strange house with my husband, we were lying on the bed, the door to the garden was open, and on the threshold stood a tied white-gray a goat with horns and loudly "baked", standing on its hind hooves. The husband said: “Yes, you clean it up, drive it into the barn.”


I dreamed that I was at the zoo and saw an elephant chasing a goat! The goat grabbed me, but I threw it away!


Hello, at first it was just like a nurse came at night, she tied me to a board and made me sit down, and when she disappeared, a goat appeared and there were wheels behind her and there was a dead man and the goat had a very scary muzzle and she pierced me with her horns !


as if he pulled away, tried to butt me near the entrance, but the woman and I took him by the horns, it began to rain .... many people and my relatives appeared, and then I found myself alone in a room with a locked door .... I woke up in fear - time 6, 00


I dreamed that on my way to work in a clearing there were dead goats, and dead people next to them. And I thought it was some kind of epidemic.


i dreamed of 2 small white sheep, I save them, but 1 white goat also helps them, which I also take home


I walked not day, not night, I remember my friend, he was walking in front, I told him smaatri, the goat was running.


I go into the barn to take apples .. and jumps over the partition, but it’s as if a white thick goat is flying over and biting me not to the point of blood .... just kind of holding my palm ... I break away from her, but she tries to bite me again ... it was strange to me why did she attack, in a dream it was my goat ... more unpleasant sensations from sleep than scary ... thank you very much ...


I was walking down the alley and I saw a guy with whom a goat and 2 little goats were walking, they were all the color of baked milk, and I tried to stroke it, but for some reason they did not let themselves get along


hello. I dreamed that I saw a big white goat and hugged her, and she was so cute, cheerful, she didn’t resist.


i dreamed that I was taking two little white goats out of my barn


Someone in the dark honked from the car with some kind of eerie sound not like a car signal, I looked out of the fence of garbage cans, everything happened at night, then quickly and disgustingly screaming raced past black cat I didn’t have time to make any special movements, then an evil goat appeared with a devilish look and humanly tells me something like why there is so much devilry in me, well, something like that, like a threat, screams at me at the same time, it worries in surprise ...


a man whom I was supposed to meet today for the first time - and at night I dreamed that he gave a goat and little kids in a box of newborns, very beautiful.


I dreamed that we came to my grandmother, and she had two goats, one red and the second white, it seems. I hardly noticed the white one, but the redhead was talking and kept running after me and butting, but in the end we became friends (I gave her something). What does this mean?


i saw a goat jumping off the bridge i thought it would come up, but it was drowning i jumped after it and helped it by hugging it tightly and felt that it was my animal


Today, from January 31 to January 1, I dreamed that my grandmother brought home a kid and he constantly sees me biting his hands until he bleeds, exactly his hands, what is it for?


Hello, I dreamed that in some big box, I saw two little goats or goats that were just born, and they were still wet, what does this mean?


I dreamed of a small smoky goat, she rubbed gently near me, I stroked her.


Hello! My dream is that I saw a white goat in the apartment. I gave her water to drink, I was very worried about her, because she needed to be milked, but I didn’t know how.


I just walked, flew in a dream, I could move where I wanted very quickly. But then it suddenly turns out that we have a shortage of cabbage in the world, and I found out where to get it, and even the exact weight is 2.1 kg. Well, I followed her and came across a herd of white goats who, in some mythical way, knew that I was going for cabbage. And the herd followed me, running to take it away and eat it, where I just didn’t hide from them and tried to fly away, but they ran very fast. I ended up waking up when I tried to take off again. Didn't get the cabbage...


dreamed of white goats. they walked up the hill. and from the hill I saw one white goat in clear water. I don't remember further.


I dreamed that I was going to some park and I saw a lot of goats. And one gets up on its hind legs, taking my arm and starts talking to me. And we start to discuss something with her. Then she escorted me to the bus, and there was my family and my girlfriend. Why this dream?


Dobrij den, mne seohodnja prisnilis koza i kozlata, koza menja kysala za nohy no ja jeje otodvinyla, 1 kozy probovala podoit. No eto bylo poxoze na chyzoje stato koz kotorije ja vyhanjala s komnatu. Thanks.


i dreamed that we took a little goat into the house as a pet, she was black and white. And my youngest son was supposed to walk her, but he was not at home and the goat made her own at home. My eldest son began to clean it all up and the goat jumped next to me.


In a dream, she approached her house and saw a herd of goats and black kids. I took one or 2 goats in my arms, hugged them, and other goats stood around, there were a lot of 20 of them.


I was with the prize. On what that granitz left black goats himself and gave me blue goats and missed on the granitz said that I was watching. And he multiplied in many ways goats and ulubnils on me!

Lyubov Vasilievna:

For the first time in my life, I had such a dream: it seems like a dead goat is lying at the pole and a small piece of skin was removed from her back (that is, as if she were bald in this place). I started to open it and the smell of freshness went. Then, as if I wanted to hide it, I began to pack the parts in some kind of bags and throw them away. And I gave the big bone to the black dog. There was no blood. Here is such a dream. I used to guess dreams myself, but I can’t do this. Maybe you can help.


I don’t remember the dream well, but I remember that there was a goat or a goat, in some private house ... and some men unknown to me and I tried to dry my long white hair and put on makeup


I came to the dacha, which no longer belongs to us. As I understand it, I just wanted to take a look at what is there now. The hostess came out and began to drive away, they say there is nothing to do here. I said that I would just stand and look behind the fence for a bit and leave. A few minutes later, a girl came out with little goats. There were about 10 of them. She immediately ran to me and began to play with me and bite. Then I took out cookies from somewhere and began to treat them. This dream ended


Good afternoon! I dreamed of a lot of living creatures: puppies, kids, kittens and young sheep. All the animals were thoroughbred and clean, combed, the goats were white. I stroked these animals. And I also dreamed about the ex-husband together with the animals.


Go somewhere by train with your eldest daughter and youngest / who died more than 9 years ago /, at first I could not find a ticket, but then I did find it. The girls went into some room on the train, the view of the room was unsightly, the walls were peeled off.


Good afternoon, I dreamed of a white goat that I bought it, it lived in my apartment, then sat on the balcony and I had thoughts of selling it


I dreamed of the devil's mark. Then I went up the mountain on the road and shot my grandmother in Uzbek, and there she blew goat horns in front of me, with the words that only so you can save a goat's life. I praised less that I dreamed of the mark of the devil, that there was a virizana on the ground with the image of the devil in the center of the star (shistikutnaya) and more than that, those that I її sipped and my grandmother yak gave drink to these goats were amazed at me if I don’t be afraid to walk on that road.” Then I leaned in the fox and sighed the spirits of my dead relatives. Yakі buli not for the sake of me bachiti there. Navit I can say that the stench was evil. But if I saw them, then I somehow transformed myself into a bright, bright, green one. I just vodpochila there morally. But if I was with these spirits, then I would be dead, scary, gloomy.


at first I dreamed of a race for which I was running, and then a white goat with big horns suddenly appeared! I clearly saw how I took the horns with my hands! then the dream ended


a white goat sailed along the waves, she had a crown on her head. I went into the water to take it out of the wave, climbed to the top and closed the gate.


Summer weather, light, warm. Rural setting. A goat gives birth to kids. They crawl out of her in the blood, but then she somehow licks them and they are already trying to walk.


Hello Tanichka. Sleep. arrived passenger car, came out of it girl - woman? took out the head of a goat with a beard and clots of dark blood flowed from it and some other animal, put it in a cage (I don’t remember), I asked at least to feed this animal, but she left. I woke up. Thank you.


I dreamed of my goats, which were slaughtered last year. They were alive. And I also dreamed of my brother and neighbor drunk. They took the meat from the already slaughtered goat.


Tonight I saw a lot of goats... a flock. somewhere in the distance .. they ran in a very even herd .. in formation .. they were very clean .. and snow-white .... and I looked after one such goat .. stroked her .. but it seemed to me that she was not very similar to a goat .. she was snow-white and very friendly .. affectionate like a dog ..


I dreamed that I was in nature, I began to go home, but it’s not clear from where I remembered that I needed to pick up a goat, I also found it completely burnt on the bedspread, I sank into the lake and she came out alive from the lake, what is it for.


it was a barn dark and very scary next to it there were a lot of black goats they looked when I woke up it was very scary


I dreamed that a white goat was biting me. Biting doesn't hurt. then followed me around. I tried to get rid of her.


Hello Tatyana, I dreamed of a white goat that I caught when a lynx was running after it, before taking the prey from the lynx, she bit me on the arm, but there was no blood, no pain


a white, clean, warm, well-groomed goat, came in a dream, licked my face, lay down next to me and clung to me. Feeling physical.


it’s like my house, I go out into the corridor where there are a lot of white goats into the cages from somewhere, but they are some kind of bugs. and all the time I felt pregnant I was going to go to the clinic

Just a Russian person:

I was attacked by a dark goat and a couple of kids. They bite, but it doesn't hurt. I tried to fight them off with a stick, but it did not work on them.


some grandmother tied up 2 goats with a red ribbon and drags them. There is a dog running nearby wagging its tail in a friendly way. I gave these goats 2 candies and they ate it. then gave butter they didn't eat


Village, all around is blooming and green. I have a young goat running on the site, which after a while I start milking


this morning I dreamed of a black goat with horns. I leave my apartment and this goat descends from the top floor. She began to butt, but I did not feel fear and pain. Then I sit on a metal fence near the entrance of my ex-husband. And this goat sits near me, and my legs are on it. At this moment, I see my cousin in the window of my house on the second floor. She preens, puts herself in order. Mine sister now lives in Donetsk.


Tamara, I dreamed that my daughter's dance teacher was leading a fat white goat by the horns .. And also a large bouquet of white and red spathiphyllums ...


Hello! I dreamed that I was looking for my mother for a long time and in a panic. I find her in a dark hole in her house, with water and a herd of black goats that licked her. After that, I see how she plunged into the water. I jumped in there and threw my mother out of the water. I shouted to her: Breathe! I need you! And she answered me: I breathe, I breathe. And I woke up. I really look forward to hearing.


me prisnilsya sleduushiy son:
Neskolko koz vedomih muzhchinami, no poslednyaya nachala uperat»sy i ne idti. Togda vse muzhchini staralis uvezti dannuu kozu, kotoraya brikalas i pochti prigalana menya. Ee golova bila vozle moei, chto ya dazhe pochuvstvovala ee dihanie


I dreamed about how a goat gave birth to three kids, two dead ones, one alive .. and after that she had another one to give birth


i dreamed that I was running away from the bulls in the field, protecting a young white goat, which then, with me, begins to give birth to little white kids, one after another. There were five of them.


At first I was going to travel abroad. And someone constantly stopped me, some kind of girl, but I still got ready and went. The next frame I go to familiar places in my city, then I go to a cafe, one of my friends was sitting there. I sat down next to me and another man I didn’t know came up to me, got to know me, then another one. Then 3 girls started quarreling next to me. I didn’t get into a quarrel, but just watched. she was indifferent to her. When she was about to leave, she followed me and when we left the restaurant, she began to run away from me, and I ran after her, she hid all the time and I was looking for her. top, where I can say at the very top of the tree and at the end of the branch, that is, the opposite there is no way and a goat blocks my way, she was white, she was angry with me and when she opened her mouth in her mouth she had an eye, she tried to throw me out of the tree and this is where the dream ends


in some house, either a commemoration or a funeral, everyone is crying, and I am in the hallway, the door of which is closed and water is everywhere and this goat is swimming in the water, everyone seems to think that this is a young guy and mourn him, and I try let everyone know it's a goat. then at some time it becomes light and this goat comes to life and tells me something I don’t remember and it becomes dark again and the first part of the dream is repeated


the goat and the piglet woke me up I have bruises on both sides where the ribs are I saw it in the mirror


Good day. I dreamed about the old place of residence, they left there about three years ago. In a dream, it was winter, in the garden under a nut tree there was a goat, and without wool. Bald. Not small, but not mature either. Everything was white around. In general, I thought that this goat was dead but did not decompose because it was cold outside. I look at her and she pulls her muzzle and moves .. and I crawl away from her on the ice. The goat had no horns...


a white goat was floating on an ice floe on the water, I saved her, cut the rope around her neck with scissors and fed her sprats in tomato sauce with canned food


I walked past the neighboring yard, a small white goat ran towards me, I felt in my gut that she was running towards me with good intentions, but I knew that she was a stranger, and one of my acquaintances showed what house she was from and, putting a finger to her lips, as if asking for silence, began to push her into the yard from where she came out the goat was very beautiful and pure white and everything around was clean and well-groomed


I dreamed of a black goat that caressed, and then turned into ex-wife. After I recoiled, she was unhappy that I realized that it was her ...


I live in a village and I go out with my son outside the village and goats graze there and I go up to the goat and milk it and the milk flows directly into my hand and the second goat does not give, although I climbed right under it when I got up I saw that I have more and a goat with a black beard and I was very happy


I was driving along a very bright road of an allegedly middle-sized regional city like Poltava on the edge of the city, on the outskirts of the city I saw several goats hung up for skinning. one of them hung and through the tail ate all its insides. The owner tried to save only the esophagus


I'm walking in the yard with my friends and suddenly a goat appeared out of nowhere, everyone fled and she hid behind me and she goes to others and I ran home


the goat was locked up for many days, I found it lying in a large basket, I thought it was dead, but the goat got to its feet very skinny and began to eat greedily and the dream ended


Hello! i had a dream, very strange, my family and I were sitting on the street, doing some business (I live in the village), then my aunt went somewhere and started screaming that the goat was giving birth, we are all waiting, then it turns out when I came up to find out if she needed help, but in the process, but to bring something, but not the essence, I really don’t like goats, sheep and everything related to them. But when I found that this process was happening in my room, I I was very upset, upset, I had a violent hatred, I screamed, roared like crazy
I would have passed by this dream, but it somehow hooked me, seemed strange, plus to everyone, of course I vaguely remember it, it seems like her cub was born dead, but this is not accurate, because the dream went astray


Hello! I don’t remember in detail, only in fits and starts ... I’m in a room, like in a basement, the light is weak, in the corner there is a goat with a long beard, tied and chewing all the time, looking at me. And I'm either afraid of her ... in general, a strange feeling, not very pleasant. And then I just walk away, leaving her.


Two goats with horns attacked me, I grabbed them by the horns, just held them, but I tore out one horn from each of the goats, while the white goat in the dream turned out to be a small sheep, blood ran from her and the guy took out a knife and wanted to slaughter her, but I did not let it be done and the blood stopped, but I was worried that the owners of the goats would show me something. Then in the same dream I was attacked with my knife cousin but I backed off.


in the first dream, a goat bit me on the hand until it bled, in a dream I felt pain. And the second dream frightened me, since I saw myself in the body of a deceased person (in a dream I knew that this person did not exist). Very disturbing because recently my dead mother in a dream she was going to celebrate my birthday with me. I try not to think about the bad, but the sediment after such dreams is not very ...


I buried my mother and grandmother - this is in life. In a dream, my mother dreams and we see four white goats running through. she said - that would be to catch. almost immediately, from the side where the goats ran away, a grandmother came out and brought a white young goat.


I dreamed of an old grandmother’s yard, I saw pens for pigs, but I didn’t see the pigs themselves, but there were chickens behind the fence and in front of the fence, which surprised me, I thought they would run away, turned around from the chickens and saw there a little goat with horns, some kind of white-gray-red color , looking closely, I realized that it was a girl, went up to her and began to butt with her, lightly, stroked her nose on the head, touched it .... this ended the dream


I dreamed of a white goat crying, beaten in blood, asking me for help, she complained to me that she was beaten and a mirror was placed in front of her so that she could see herself what she was


some woman tried to give me or leave a goat under her care, but I didn’t want to accept this gift, I even left it.


For some reason, I was looking for this particular goat, either it was mine, or it was she who was needed for something. I came to someone's yard there were several goats, but not the same ones, and an unfamiliar girl led me to some kind of barn, barn, but my goat was not there either, then this girl and I climbed into the attic in this barn and in hay found my goat, I hugged her and woke up. Note. it was a goat (not a goat), white with gray and brown sides.


Good morning! I dreamed that I was leading a goat down the street to graze. The goat was white, clean, soft and without horns, when I stroked it, it felt nice, its coat was very clean and soft, a little curly. I was not alone with my friends and sister, we were looking for a place to tie her up.


I was hugging a white goat, and she lifted her leg and my mother warns me that she can butt me. And I start running with her around her and I understand that she does not butt, I'm not scared at all.

And bath:

I saw how a goat gave birth, even a growing goat, I saw her placenta in which there was a goat .. the goat was dark in color, it was a barn.


they were looking for some book in places where they used to live. a friend jumped into the entrance to talk with some kind of grandfather. I stayed at the entrance, 2 goats appeared, one stood behind and behaved calmly, and the second blocked my path to the entrance, started barking like a dog and biting, as a result, I caught her by the horns and woke up


i dreamed that I bought a white goat, but there are a few gray spots on the back. The goat is 34 weeks old. I respected her. She should have weighed 3 to 4 kilograms. My father and someone else (I don't remember) helped me.


the goat is white, in the neighboring yard I see as an outside observer, but the feeling is unpleasant, the men are drunk around the goat with perverted thoughts, then on the street, already a dead goat without legs


I combed the wool from a goat, gray, my granddaughter ran around, never kept goats


a white goat ran into the house. ran through all the rooms and then I woke up


i dreamed of my parents' house, there was a goat in the garden, red, a river flows behind the house, the water in the river began to rise and flood the garden and the house, the water was bright, clear, blue like in the sea, the goat drowned, but the house remained intact, we opened doors and water flowed out of the house in a large stream ....


I don’t know for some reason I ended up on some kind of garbage and tied a goat after me gray color walked for a long time and then I decided to take it myself


Hello! I dreamed how a white goat gave birth to three white kids, but one Last) kid was born dead


drove the goats out of the garden and closed the door from under which a small dog jumped out barking and then a large one and bit his armpit


i dreamed of a goat, or rather a goat with proportional two heads on two necks, a very positive dream filled with emotions characteristic of joy, she played with me and licked me, it's funny, but even in a dream I thought about the proportional geometry of her two necks extending from her neck


the goat gave birth, gave birth to one dead and the other alive, a beautiful little white goat immediately stood up on his legs



I used to dream about the beginning of this dream. I was in the apartment and the light began to flash there and things move by themselves, then the water will go, then the doors will slam. Moreover, everyone who was in the house knew for sure, including myself, that this had already happened and that it was necessary to wait it out. I wanted to know what would happen next. My niece wanted to go to the toilet, I dissuaded her, but she went and water poured from the toilet and she ran away from there. Then I look out the window, sit at a chair nearby and see my cat with long skinny legs (I was a little scared then) and a normal body, he walks along the windowsill and slipped. Fell to the floor already normal condition and I was surprised that he became normal. And then I look out the window and see a goat sitting on the street, white, big. She starts walking towards me. I'm not afraid. Her head at that moment was more like the head of a wolf or a tiger. But when she came close to the window, I saw that it was still a goat. She rolled over the window and half of her body lay on the windowsill, and she laid her head on my knees. At that moment, her head looked like a cow's head, but I was sure that it was a goat. I look at her, I even stroke her head, and I understand that she is dying. I say to call the vet, dig through the papers in an attempt to find the number and wake up on this. All this time she was on my lap. I used to have this dream recently, but it didn’t come to a cat or a goat.


In my dream, I was at the university, but in some random way I didn’t leave the university, but already from the hospital. Further, I met a classmate with a friend, on a bicycle, he said that going to consultations before the exam is nonsense. then I went and here, towards, a herd of goats. and they tried to gore me. I tried to hide behind my grandmother, and then I ran, they fell behind me, but one little goat ran after me for a long time, but soon also fell behind. and that's it, then I woke up


a pretty little white goat was born, I hugged him then went to the barn and there lies a dirty goat's head in a pit


I had a dream that a big white Kokha with horns came up to me and we started dancing, in a dream I had a lot of fun, the goat was beautiful white, and joyful!


why dream of a blue goat that asks to be transferred from one place to another


There was a global flood, I survived, then with two goats that drove the raft, I swam to land


In a dream, they bought a goat, it was harnessed to a cart. The goat was big white and with one big horn....like mountain goats, kind, they hugged her. It was a gift for my daughter


I saw a little goat that I accidentally hit with a car; it was white but almost covered in blood. Then she stood next to me and I looked at her and cried, I felt very sorry for her.


I had a dream where the goats were entering, (the water was not so cloudy, and not so clean, I remember something like this was green, water, if)
And then, I see how the goats tried to swim, but they started to go to the bottom, and suddenly one friend pulled out one goat, and he says: everything is dead ....
And I tell him that no, you need to try, and do a heart massage, and he decided to try, and suddenly the white goat gradually began to cough up water ... and it seemed to me that it seemed to start to revive ... (The dream then gradually became cloudy .... and then ended)


the goat was white with a black, wet nose like a dog's. it belonged to my daughter's godfather and he asked to look after her, she was presented to him.
we took the goat everywhere with us, even came to visit someone with her


I remember exactly, there were many different goats. There were competitions. Maybe even a competition. Each of them threw some kind of circle over the pit (someone had bjels under it, some had flies). Everyone passed, everyone was happy. But then, I realized that we did not have time and began to overpay for these circles myself. As a result, the bjels scared me very much. I didn't expect to see them there.

Dream Interpretation Goat, goat Goats roaming around your house dream of seasonal weather and a wonderful grain harvest. Such a dream may mean that if you are careful, you will experience an improvement in well-being. A goat in a dream indicates that you are not too scrupulous in matters of morality. You risk causing grief to people who love you. If a goat butts you in a dream - beware of your opponents who seek to penetrate your plans. If a woman dreams that she is riding a goat, her misbehavior can greatly harm her reputation. If a woman drinks goat's milk in a dream, she will marry a wealthy and pleasant person. Modern dream book

Interpretation of sleep Goat, goat The goat has the same interpretation as the ram, and the goat has the same interpretation as the sheep. Some added that if you see a goat in a dream, then you will have to communicate with a fool and an ignoramus of unpleasant appearance. A fat and well-fed goat is a symbol of wealth, and vice versa. A talking goat in a dream is a symbol of good luck and kindness. Islamic dream book

Goat sleep meaning Seeing grazing goats in a dream means that in reality you will have a serious fight with your opponents, which can be decisive in your fight against them. Goats that have climbed into the garden are a sign that they will try to intimidate you, you should be more careful in your affairs in order not to make a mistake. Seeing a goat means that luck will more than cover the lack of intelligence or knowledge, and even more beauty - it’s not for nothing that they say: don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy. A butting goat, however, portends the intrigues of opponents who want to upset your plans. Playing goats are a harbinger of joyful events that bring happiness to you and your family. Riding a goat in a dream means that overly frivolous antics can seriously damage your reputation. To slaughter a goat in a dream means in reality to neglect the generally accepted norms of morality and thus gain notoriety for yourself. Milking goats in a dream portends a happy marriage. Drinking goat's milk is a disappointment in love. Goat cheese - you will have to go on a strict savings regime in order to somehow make ends meet. Seeing wild goats in a dream - in real life, extraordinary happiness will come. If they are not afraid of you, you will find yourself in a pleasant society, where you will hear many flattering words addressed to you. If wild goats run away from you, you will have to do a boring and unattractive business. There is wild goat meat - you will receive important guests with whom you will make close acquaintance and friendship. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Goat GOAT - health, gift, gain // you will hear slander, trouble, callousness, quarrel, fight; black - trouble; white - benefit; otara - wealth; wild - trouble; milking a goat is money; goats are not good. Small Velesov dream book

Dream interpretation Goat, goat Goat, goat. To dream of goats roaming around your farmstead means seasonal weather and a wonderful grain harvest. Such a dream may also mean your prudent behavior in the future, which will lead to an increase in wealth. If a goat butts you, beware of your opponents who are eager to penetrate your plans. For women, riding a goat means that misbehavior can greatly harm her reputation. If a woman drinks goat's milk in a dream, she will marry a rich man and will not be disappointed. If you dreamed of a goat, then this promises you a neglect of scrupulousness in matters of morality, but this dream warns: you can become a source of grief for hearts that love you. Big dream book

What is the dream of Goat, goat A dream in which goats roam around your house means an increase in wealth. If a goat butted you in a dream - beware of your opponents who are eager to know your plans. If a woman dreams that she is sitting on a goat, in real life she should behave more dignified, otherwise her reputation will suffer. A woman who drank goat's milk in a dream will marry a rich man and will not be disappointed. A kid may be seen as a warning: be more scrupulous, otherwise you can become a source of worry for your loved ones. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation of Goats You will have enemies who will bring you many trials by deceit and cunning, but your spirit will boldly soar above all this. Trials will not bend you, but will serve you well. You would rather be happy in adverse circumstances than miserable in luxury and splendor. Old English dream book

Dream Interpretation Goat Goat: health, gift, win / slander you will hear, trouble, callousness, quarrel, black fight: white trouble: flock benefits: wild wealth: trouble milking a goat: kids money: not good.

The article on the topic: "a dream book why many goats dream" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Most interpretations of what a goat dreams of are associated with stubbornness, inconstancy and eccentricity. Both the dreamer himself and the people around him can demonstrate such qualities. At the same time, the dream book promises that worries about daily bread will fade into the background: they will either decide on their own, or they won’t particularly worry. What you see in a dream also portends a small confrontation, which will seem like another entertainment.

Sleep can be perceived as preparation for a new life lesson which will help you become stronger and more experienced. Upcoming events will serve as an occasion to restore order in own system values, sort out the most significant priorities.

Anyone who happened to see a goat in a dream can see with his own eyes a living example of incredible luck. And not only to see, but also to experience for yourself. The dreamer himself will be in the role of the lucky one. Circumstances will help to defeat obviously much stronger and smarter opponents.

If in a dream you happened to milk a goat, the dream book promises that in the near future you should be very lucky. Just don't forget to rip big score- this is only half the battle, you still have to keep in your hands a gift of fate, which, by the way, will strive to slip away.

Interpreting what a dream is about, how a goat butts, the dream book advises to beware of unpleasant, stupid, and besides, aggressive people. No, they will not cause serious damage to you with their negative actions, but the sediment will remain.

According to another interpretation, since you were lucky enough to see a goat in a dream that is going to butt you, you can start getting ready for a romantic trip. A completely cloudless and tireless trip is ahead, which can only be overshadowed by the excessive frivolity of the dreamer.

What a herd of goats is dreaming of, the dream book offers to understand almost literally: there is a high probability of being in the company of real ... unprincipled and narrow-minded comrades, born brawlers to boot. Try to keep your composure and not get into fights with them.

According to Miller's dream book, the goat that you dreamed about is a harbinger of stability. Everything will turn out as it should: things will go according to plan, the weather will correspond to the weather forecasts, and rational actions will lead to the goal.

If in a dream you had to feed a goat, the dream means that in the near future you will find yourself in an attractive, at first glance, company. Nevertheless, there is a high probability that the evening will not work out, new acquaintances will manage to disappoint you with something, the dream book warns.

Explaining what it means if a goat is dreaming, the dream book recommends mentally preparing for the upcoming test. Most likely, you will be able to overcome it. Moreover, you will feel joy and pride after experiencing this small incident.

If you dreamed of a goat with kids, the dream in most cases reflects your state of mind. At the moment, you are led by positivity, cheerfulness and some playfulness. You perceive even unexpected obstacles on the way to the goal as another entertainment and accept the challenge with readiness and passion.

Why does a dead goat dream, the dream book advises to regard as a call for prudence. Right now, you can step on a slippery path and unwittingly commit an offense that will negatively affect your reputation and self-esteem.

Why is a goat dreaming, its color will tell

As you know, goats come in different stripes, and the dream book suggests focusing on this nuance in order to get the most detailed interpretation of sleep. A goat whose coat has a certain color symbolizes the corresponding character traits.

Everything that a black goat dreams about, the dream book connects with the stubbornness and intransigence of high-ranking officials with whom you have to deal. It is pointless to count on understanding, it seems that we will have to look for other levers of influence. Do not miss your chance to render a stubborn service, for which he will certainly try to thank you.

The dream book believes that a white goat with horns is one of the most auspicious symbols. The dream promises rather large and long-term financial receipts. Your financial situation will improve significantly.

Interpreting what the gray goat is dreaming of, the dream book advises not to trust too much its discreet coloring. What you see in a dream may turn out to be a harbinger of a noisy scandal, the consequences of which will remind you of this trouble for a long time.

Super interpretation, well done

I passed through a herd of goats and climbed a stone mountain, at the very end there was a narrow opening, I widened it and climbed up.

It looks like I'll have to go through the scandal, it's good that I'll stay rich.

I saw in a dream a herd of white goats in my yard, and I squeezed a small fluffy goat.

I saw a goat in a dream woman's face, fed her bread, she was very hungry.

I saw in a dream two beautiful goats with long hair, one with small horns, on a peg in the yard. I went to them for water, brought it, and one butted me a little, and the other ate a pear.

I milked a full bucket of milk))

I saw a dying white goat in a dream, lay barely breathing.

I sewed a headdress with all the accuracy and taking into account the horns of a goat, what is it and how to perceive it?

In a dream, I was in a yurt. Near me stood a white goat without a horn.

I dreamed of a goat with a goat, I stroked the goat, I liked it, I wanted to buy it. For what?

I dreamed that the men took turns bringing white goats to my house to graze on the balcony, I went out onto the balcony and stepped into the shit with my left foot.

It was a dream that the parents brought a goat into the yard and persuaded them to keep it. And I strongly resist and yell at them that I do not need it.

I saw in a dream 5 young goats, which my grandmother (already deceased) instructed to take somewhere, and I collected them, I was afraid that they would scatter.

I saw how a goat made a huge puddle right in the middle of the room, what would it be for?

I dreamed how a white goat made a huge puddle right in the middle of the room, why would it?

I accompanied a black tall stately goat to the stage in the circus, which then turned into a pretty presenter who held my little finger on right hand Without letting go, she whispered in my ear: I miss you! So nice to see such a dream!

I saw in a dream two goat heads, one black, the other gray, what is it for?

And I dreamed that the goat vomited up its intestines in front of my eyes after giving it water to drink.

I dreamed of two goats drowning in the sea, why would it?

I went into a flock and a lot of goats began to butt me, multi-colored, pink, green, blue with huge horns twisted like those of unicorns, I fought with them for a long time. What is this for?

I dreamed that a white goat was thrown off the threshold, and she lay with a bloodied head.

I dreamed of a white goat, and as if in a wedding dress, she hugged me, kissed and bit me a little, but lovingly. I really liked her, even in a dream as a girl I don’t know what it is for, but I think it’s good. Write who knows what this dream is for.

Why do goats dream

Goats are very familiar pets. They very often appear in fairy tales and folk epics in the form of positive images. But in dreams, goats are far from an unambiguous symbol. This is a multifaceted sign, which in different versions of dreams can indicate the dreamer's frivolity and capriciousness, as well as indicate deceit, slander or anger. Therefore, you need to know what goats dream of in order to be able to correctly and adequately respond to the current situation in the real world.

Goats in a dream

See the goats from the side

When you watch an animal from the side in night dreams, you definitely need to remember its appearance. But, first of all, any goat seen in a dream symbolizes the inconstancy of the dreamer's character. This animal also indicates that a person is subject to frequent mood swings.

If a lot of goats dreamed in a dream, then this focuses on the variability of fate. That is, in the near future the dreamer will have many changes, and they can be not only positive. Such a dream suggests that in the coming life period there will be no stability, but at the same time you will not be bored.

When a lot of goats were seen in a dream, this dream can be taken almost literally. He indicates that soon in reality you will have to find yourself in a society of unprincipled and narrow-minded people. In addition, they will still turn out to be brawlers, so it will be very important not to lose self-control and not respond to provocations.

Goat color - interpretation of sleep

When interpreting night dreams, other nuances should be taken into account, namely:

  • A white goat in a dream is a symbol of good luck. But at the same time, the dream suggests that you need to learn how to easily perceive the events taking place in the world around you.
  • A white goat with horns is considered a harbinger of large financial gains.
  • A black goat in a dream warns that the dreamer will soon have many worries and troubles.
  • The gray goat portends in reality a big scandal, which is unlikely to be avoided.
  • A vigorous and aggressive goat symbolizes your conflict nature. You need to try to work on yourself with spruce to become calmer and more peaceful, otherwise you will always have conflicts with people around you. And this means that you are unlikely to be able to become a successful person.
  • If a goat was seen in night dreams, then such a dream calls for accuracy and attentiveness in reality.

Why is the black goat dreaming?

A very common question is what the black goat is dreaming of. If you see him from the side, then this portends the intrigues of your enemies in reality. Perhaps one of the enemies seeks to get closer to you in order to find out about your plans.

Goat with kids

Indicates a good state of mind, a goat with kids seen in a dream. Such a dream symbolizes your love of life. In addition, such a dream indicates that the time has come to make a leap forward.

The goat followed you in your sleep

If, according to the plot of the dream, the goat constantly followed you, then in reality beware of quarrels. Try not to stir up conflicts on your own. But if at the same time the goat butted you, then in real life you should be wary of the intrigues of envious people.

The meaning of sleep on actions with a goat

Other actions in the dream in which the goats appeared must be interpreted, given the following:

  • To ride a goat means to receive a warning from above that you need to behave more worthily in reality, you need to protect your reputation.
  • If you have to beat or mock an animal, then this emphasizes the fact that you are unhappy with your fate. But at the same time, the dream focuses on the fact that in real life you are doing rash and meaningless actions.
  • When you see in night dreams as a shepherd, this is a sign that promises wealth and prosperity in real life.
  • To milk a goat means to expect great and unexpected luck in life.
  • Feeding a goat means, at first glance, being in an attractive-looking company, which, however, will definitely disappoint you with something.

Dying goat - dream book

An unfavorable sign is a goat dying in a dream. This is a warning that any rash act at the present time can greatly harm you and lead to depression. When you have to milk a goat in a dream, this indicates that at the moment in real life everything depends only on you. And if you dreamed that you tried goat's milk, then this means that at present your mind controls your feelings.

Why does a woman dream of a beautiful goat?

A beautiful and well-groomed goat in a woman's dream portends an acquaintance, and maybe a tempting offer that will be very difficult to refuse. But if a wild goat with horns is seen, then a woman should be wary of deception. This means that in this period of time you need to constantly be on the alert and strictly control all your affairs. A very good sign is this animal seen in a dream by a pregnant woman. This portends a successful birth and the birth of a healthy child.

dream interpretation

Dream interpretation Many goats dreamed of why in a dream there are a lot of goats? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of goats in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Goat

Dream Interpretation - Goats

Dream Interpretation - Goat

Dream Interpretation - Goat

Dream Interpretation - Goat

Dream Interpretation - Goat, goat

Dream Interpretation - Goat

the goat butts you - beware of your opponents who are eager to penetrate your plans;

for women - to sit astride a goat - misbehavior can greatly harm your reputation;

for a woman - to drink goat's milk - you will marry a rich man and will not be disappointed;

to see a goat is a neglect of scrupulousness in matters of morality, you can become a source of grief for hearts that love you.

Why is the goat dreaming? How do various dream books interpret a dream?

A dream about a goat will not be unexpected for a villager. But why does a city dweller have such a dream and what does it promise? Why does this stubborn two-horned creature suddenly come into dreams? You must definitely look into the dream books to find out why goats dream. One way or another, the interpretation of dreams will be associated with the characteristic features of the animal as a whole. The animal, as a rule, symbolizes the dreamer himself or his environment. The interpretation also depends on the color: a white, black, gray goat will predict completely different things.
  • Such a dream characterizes the dreamer as a fickle person. You often change your view of people and events, as a result, you scatter and do not understand what you really want. This can be a serious obstacle to success in life.
  • If a there were a lot of goats, get ready for unexpected changes, fate can take a sharp turn.
  • Goat showing aggression, according to the dream book, gives out the obstinate and scandalous disposition of the dreamer. The dream encourages him to become kinder with others, otherwise he will not be able to achieve what he wants.
  • An animal that lazily nibbles on grass, speaks of the passivity of the one who had a dream. Be more active, the dream book says, changes cannot happen without your participation.
  • A dream is interpreted positively, in which white goats walk around your house. A dream judges a prosperous and comfortable life if you do not go off course.

What do goats seen in a dream warn about?

Dreamed of a goat?

Why do goats dream? Such a dream is a hint that a woman is behaving like a child. It is worth becoming an adult and acting more carefully, this will improve her life.

dreaming white goat with kids? Good dream. All is well in your life. You have done a lot for this and value what you have.

Watch the little goats from the sidelines- to bad luck. The dream book interprets a dream about a kid as a warning. Watch your behavior so that your loved ones do not have to worry about you.

Playful kids promise positive emotions in reality. You will rejoice and jump for joy, perhaps literally.

A small galloping goat, dreamed of by a woman who is in love, warns her against rash steps that negatively affect her reputation.

If you interacted with a goat

Dream Interpretation (goat) says the following about this:

What does the color of a goat mean in a dream?

If a white animal is dreaming, this is a favorable sign. A dream about a white goat in a dream book symbolizes the end of a period of financial difficulties. If the dreamer milked a white goat, the recent undertaking will be successful.

According to Miller's dream book, seeing a white dairy goat means luck in a dead end situation.

If a lonely lady saw a dream with a white horned artiodactyl, in reality she will soon meet a wealthy man who will show interest in her.

A large number of white goats with kids, according to the dream book, promises many successful acquisitions.

To see a black goat in a dream, says the dream book, means a confrontation with a person of high status. So that the matter does not end badly, he will have to give in or offer his services in something - the dream book advises.

If a gray animal is dreaming, a dream from a dream book predicts a woman a scandal, a major quarrel. Beware.

Why is the goat dreaming?

What is the dream of a goat according to Miller's dream book

Goats walking near your house - predicts that this season the weather will be favorable, the year will be fruitful.

Butting goat - beware of your enemies, they want to interfere with your plans.

The woman dreamed she sat on a goat - it symbolizes that indecent acts will spoil her image.

Drinking milk from a goat for a woman - to marriage. She will marry a wealthy and good man.

To see a kid - upset loved ones.

What is the dream of a goat or a goat according to Vanga's dream book

To see this animal in dreams - to worries, useless work.

What does it mean dreamed of a goat according to Freud's dream book

Goat - means that in real life success awaits you due to your inherent discretion. The abundance of goats - to the well-being and order in the house.

However, riding a goat is a symbol of the need to moderate one's craving for extraordinary deeds. This gives gossip an extra reason to talk about you.

For a woman to drink goat's milk in a dream - to a successful marriage.

What is the dream of a goat according to the Gypsy dream book

For gypsies, this dream is for the prosperity of your activities.

Milking a goat - the consequences will be favorable, even if not everything goes as it should.

The animal butts - means loss.

Why does a goat dream in a dream according to an old French dream book

This frolic prophesies a soft, warm feeling, but it will be fleeting.

Many goats - portends success, profit, a good inheritance.

Goat - meet the long-awaited mutual love.

Goat horns - to unhappy love.

Goat or goat according to Solomon's dream book

Goat - win the lottery, get a gift. And sometimes to anxiety, to non-profit work.

Milk it - to increase income.

The goat dreams to chagrin.

What is the dream of a goat according to the Slavic dream book

Among the Slavs, this frolic meant an imminent discord with loved ones.

Seeing a goat is a sign of serious quarrels.

What is the dream of a goat in a dream book for the whole family

Goat - to intrigues, be careful and careful.

The goat butts - go on a cruise with your lover.

To see a goat in a dream during the week is for fun or for a pleasant acquaintance.

On the weekends, you are conscious and prudent. The dreamer usually does not commit rash acts after such a dream.

What is the dream of a goat in the dream book of Maly Velesov

To see this frisky animal - to good health, receive a gift, portends a win. It also has the opposite meaning: to chagrin, coldness, disagreement, disassembly, gossip. All this depends on the color of the goat's coat and its command.

A dark goat is a misfortune.

Light goat - to wealth.

A herd of goats - well-being.

To see a wild goat - to trouble.

A goat was milked - to receive money.

Watching little goats is a trouble.

What is the dream of a goat in the dream book Summer

Watching a picture of a goat being milked or participating in it is to wealth.

What does a goat mean in a dream according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Expect a surprise when you see this frisky animal in a dream.

What is the dream of a goat in the 21st century dream book

An animal of light color - success will be short-lived.

Black goat - to care.

The goat is milked - to unexpected success.

The goat butts - to discord in the family, to gossip.

Goat or goat according to the Spring dream book

A harbinger of replenishment in the family. By the way, the new member of the family will be born healthy.

What is the dream of a goat in the Wanderer's dream book

To see her for a man means a capricious, windy state of her beloved in the near future.

What does it mean if a goat is sewn according to the dream book of Prince Zhou-Gong

Sitting astride a goat - to well-being, wealth.

Watching a goat with a kid - you will live a long happy life.

What is the dream of a goat in the Autumn dream book

An animal nibbling bushes - to communicate with the enemy.

Goat according to the Islamic dream book

A thin animal - to poverty.

Fattened - to well-being.

Goat - you have to communicate with a stupid and untidy person.

Why else is a goat dreaming

What is the dream of a white, black, gray goat

Light goat - to changes in life, including with money.

White goat with horns - to material well-being.

Black suit goat - to trouble. Meet a stubborn person with whom you will have to deal, so that he will listen to you, give him some help.

A gray goat is a strife that will be remembered for a long time.

Why is the goat dreaming? This dream can be both negative and favorable. Its correct interpretation largely depends on the details. Various sources This dream is interpreted in different ways.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

As a rule, a goat dreams of various worries, troubles and useless unprofitable labor.

English dream book: what is the dream of a goat

This dream portends the appearance of enemies, whose deceit and cunning will create many problems for the sleeper. However, thanks to his spirit, he will overcome difficulties, and in the end everything will turn out for the benefit of the dreamer. This dream can also indicate that a person prefers to be free and happy even in difficult situations. life situations than the miserable in prosperity and luxury.

Dream interpreter from A to Z: why the goat is dreaming

Grazing animals portend a dreaming serious fight with enemies. Moreover, it can become decisive for victory in the long-term struggle with them. If in a dream the goats climbed into the garden, then in reality someone will try to intimidate the sleeping person. In order to avoid mistakes, a person needs to be very careful in business. A goat in a dream portends luck, which will more than cover the lack of knowledge, beauty and / or ingenuity of the sleeping person. If the animal butts, the enemies will try to frustrate the plans of the person with their intrigues.

Playing kids in a dream promise joyful events that will bring great happiness to the dreamer and his loved ones. If a person rides a goat, in reality his eccentric antics can greatly tarnish his reputation. Slaughter an animal in a dream - neglect accepted in society moral standards and thereby earn yourself a bad name in reality. Milking goats is a happy marriage. Drinking milk is a disappointment in a love relationship. symbolizes a difficult period of life, when a person will have to tighten his belt more tightly.

Wild goats, as a rule, dream of very great happiness. When animals are not afraid of the sleeping person, then in reality he will fall into a good and pleasant society, where he will hear many flattering epithets addressed to his person. If they run away from a person, then in reality he will have to do some unattractive and boring business. Eating their meat is for important guests with whom the sleeper will make a lasting friendship.

Ukrainian dream book

Why is the white goat dreaming? This dream portends a benefit to the sleeper. If you dream of black, then trouble awaits the person. Milking an animal - to receive money.

Slavic dream book: why a goat dreams

This dream portends a quarrel. The goat comes in a dream to fight.

Gypsy dream book

The goat is a symbol of prosperity. If she butts the dreamer, losses await him in reality. Milking an animal is a sign of minor difficulties and failures, followed by great success.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Why is the black goat dreaming? This dream portends worries. If the animal is white, the sleeper will have good luck, which will be short-lived. In general, goats dream of frivolity, inconstancy, moodiness and vagaries of fate. If a person sees a lot of animals in a dream - an unfavorable sign. A vigorous goat portends quarrels in the family. Milking animals - to some kind of surprise or short-term success.