Famous Russian conductor Spivakov. Vladimir Spivakov: biography and personal life. Awards and titles

An incident not related to the main text. Nevertheless

The mechanic told me: he was in the French Alps in winter, where a friend invited him to ride the ski lifts. He can only ski on flat slopes, because sixty years ago he tried to ski down the hills of Feofaniya, near Kiev, on flat wood, and he didn’t succeed. The semi-rigid fasteners with straps kept coming loose, so he put pliers in the breast pocket of his brushed jacket to tighten the mechanism. Seeing girls in ski suits on the slope that completely hid the natural curves of their bodies and therefore left room for wonderful speculation, he raised a bamboo stick, urging them to watch how he would dashingly jump from a (God willing, if it was a meter long) springboard, and off he went. They began to look.

He rolled onto a hillock, crouched down for range, and then the mount on one ski fell off. Unraveled like a jellyfish, he fell flat on his chest, from which the pliers broke out two of his ribs. Having found his breath, the Mechanic glanced at the girls. They walked away along the ski track, shuffling along with their sticks and sticking their butts out unsightly from their ineptitude.

Now, having famously descended in a suspended cabin from his village to Courchevel, the notoriety of which is comparable for us to the depraved car “Lauren Dietrich” (aka “Gnu Antelope”), described by Ilf and Petrov in “The Golden Calf”, the Mechanic went to the party, those. free for him, lunch at the trendy restaurant “Springboard”, located at the ski lift station.

Half a dozen escargots ( grape snails— for those who don’t dine in this glorious town every winter) cost 17 euros. Having closed his eyes and realizing that these could be the last escargots in his experience, he ordered a dozen and, experiencing unobvious pangs of conscience, chose the hot dish, looking exclusively at right side menu. The cheapest dish - sausages with tripe - cost 22 euros. Having ordered one, he turned to the waiter, whom he guessed was a resident of Transcaucasia.

- Does this look like Abkhazuri, Arthur?

“For kupaty,” said the Armenian waiter, who lived in France for fifteen years.

There were many compatriots around who had come to ski on the wonderful slopes. Some were moderate in food, and soon after having a snack, they headed off to the mountains. Only the girls of rich Russians with simple, but made up, as for La Scala, faces were in no hurry. They ate oysters with their hands, smearing lipstick around their pouty lips.

“What are they doing here if they’re not eating?”

“They buy it when they’re not on the mountain,” said the Mechanic. — I went and asked the price. It's not far there.

“Well,” I say in English to the lively boutique salesman, “how much are the sandals?

- Do you need this weather? - He nods, not without humor, at the dislodged snow behind the window glass. - Here. For only 1300 euros. They are without a platform. The lady will more fully feel with her thin soles how beautiful the snow is in Courchevel.

“It’s a shame to offer such cheap shoes to a client.”

— Take a crocodile handbag.

- How many?

“To your regret, they sold it for thirty thousand this morning.” Only twenty thousand euros left.

“Do I look like the kind of man who would buy his woman a bag for just twenty?”

- No! Maybe we can go outside and have a smoke? - said the kind seller. — Previously, the Russians bought for as much as we sold for. Now we sell them for as much as they buy for.”

Here's a picture. So how?

- Listen, Mechanic, to what I’m going to tell you.

Main part

Flight to the Caucasus Mountains without skis, but with Spivakov

Spivakov says:

— You haven’t been to Tbilisi for a long time. And we haven’t been there with “Moscow Virtuosi” for a very long time. Let's go with us! We are giving one concert. Once upon a time they were well received. Now I do not know. And one more thing: the Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia is soon eighty-five. Do you know that Ilia II writes music? We will come to him with an orchestra and play as a gift.

- I know. He writes poetry and icons. Of course, let's go.

The concert took place on Plekhanov in the hall named after Volodya's comrade Dzhansug Kakhidze. I knew him, and you remember him from Otar Ioseliani’s film “Once Upon a Song Thrush.” There he plays the conductor, that is, himself.

Wonderful faces of women and men who came to listen to music. The hall is full, but on the street there is still a crowd of mostly young people who did not get tickets.

“Vakho,” Spivakov said to the director of the hall, Vakhtang Kakhidze, conductor and son of the conductor. - Let's put chairs on the stage behind the orchestra and let everyone in.

- Won't they bother you?

And they let everyone in. I sat in these rows and photographed Vladimir Spivakov from a rare point when, during musical work his face was visible. It was a separate performance. I present to you a partial report on it.

After the Triumphal Concert and a visit to Ilia II, who was truly moved when he heard his Ave Maria performed by a world-famous orchestra, we went to Yerevan, where the story with chairs for ticketless youth repeated itself.

On the road from Tbilisi to Yerevan we had enough time and we could talk not about music at all, but about those quiet affairs, which give Vladimir Spivakov the happy feeling of participating in the correction of other people's destinies, sometimes not related to music at all.

This topic, despite our friendly relations, always hung in the air as soon as I delved into it. Volodya shrugged it off and said that he didn’t remember much, because he didn’t consider it obligatory for himself to remember. Nevertheless. He mentioned something in the conversation. I knew some things, and some stories were told by people who work and live next to him. The description, even if not complete and concise, of these affairs of his - hidden from the public - seems important to me.

Do you hear me, Mechanic? Now is the time when it is much easier to dig up incriminating evidence than to find out about good human deeds. Especially if a person does them not in the name of creating an image, but because he likes to be morally pure in front of himself. Well, yes, for myself. If you want to be good, be it.

From what I managed to collect, I will tell you several stories about the secret life of Vladimir Spivakov.

Porter and maestro

One day he was flying from America with a fellow traveler, Vyacheslav Fetisov. The famous hockey player, who undertook to help the musician carry the bag, managed to cope with the weight, but was puzzled:

- What do you have there, dumbbells?

- No, notes.

A porter took it upon himself to carry this bag at Sheremetyevo Airport. He picked her up and dragged her with difficulty towards the plane.

-Are you feeling unwell? - asked Spivakov.

- The joint needs to be changed. But the waiting list is three years, if there is a quota. But there is no money for a paid one. I live with my wife in a communal apartment, no parents.

- Let me carry it myself.

- No, this is my job.

At the plane, the musician said to the porter:

— Collect documents for the operation and wait for my call.

Returning to Moscow, I called:

- Go to Botkinskaya. I've decided everything.

Indeed, I decided. Two years later I had to decide on the second leg. This time the operation was performed in Hospital No. 31.

Now on holidays - Christmas, Easter, Annunciation, Alexey Vatolin (I write his last name for Spivakov, who does not know it) calls Vladimir Teodorovich and says:

- Thank you! I lit a candle for you!

Let it burn.

Royal Kisin

Evgeniy Kissin was fifteen and a half years old, and his parents asked the then director of Virtuosi, Robert Bushkov, to help replace Zhenya’s rental piano with a newer one, because he had knocked out half of the keys on the old one.

Spivakov thought that Kisin would soon be sixteen, and it would be a shame not to give this brilliantly gifted young man a worthy instrument for his birthday.

He learned that a man who was going abroad forever was selling a small cabinet-sized Steinway, although quite expensive.

Spivakov sold a painting by Korovin from his collection for 60 thousand rubles. It was a lot of money back then. I put them in an envelope, the envelope in my trouser pocket, and went to buy them.

— How much does your piano cost?

- Forty thousand.

Since he doesn’t know how to bargain, he counted out the money from the envelope and gave it back. And then I saw on the wall ancient icon.

“You don’t want to part with this board?”

- If you give me the “change” that’s left from the piano, take it.

The instrument was taken to Kissin. On the keyboard was a note from Spivakov: “Dear Zhenya, on this piano you will be able to achieve even greater success to please your audience.”

Kissin came home, looked at the instrument, closed the lid, and with his mother and teacher went to the House of Composers' Creativity, where, at Spivakov's request, Tikhon Khrennikov assigned him so that he could study there in peace.

Zhenya was silent all the way, but when we got to Ruza, he asked to stop the car, jumped out into the snow and began jumping and shouting: “I have a piano!”

- And the icon? - asks the Mechanic. — Stayed with Spivakov?

“Unpacked, it actually lay in Vladimir Teodorovich’s house for twenty-nine and a half years.

How an ancient icon found its place

Abbot Philip, the rector of the All Saints Church under construction, came from Strasbourg to the first (of almost thirty now) Spivakov festival in Colmar, France, and asked to join the board of trustees. Volodya refused. He didn't want to be a wedding general. But then the Patriarch sent a letter with the same request... Construction was slowed down due to lack of money. Spivakov turned to rich companies. They responded and helped me get rid of the debt, and I began to think about how I could help myself.

With Bishop Hilarion, with whom he is holding a festival of sacred music, they decided to organize a large charity concert.

And then, before the performance, he remembers the ancient icon he bought a long time ago and decides to donate it to the Strasbourg church.

At the concert (the gesture was beautiful, it is not at all alien to a truly beautiful gesture) Spivakov brings out an 18th-century icon of the Smolensk Mother of God (Hodegetria). It turns out that mother of God- patroness of Strasbourg, and Abbot Philip was ordained in Smolensk. Everything came together.

He also had other wonderful coincidences. He saw the director of Rachmaninov’s Ivanovka museum-estate on TV. And Alexander Ivanovich Ermakov impressed him so much with his passion and dedication to his work that, upon meeting, Spivakov gave him a 17th-century icon of the Archangel Michael as a gift to the museum.

“Archangel,” said the amazed Ermakov. — Do you know that Archangel Michael was the patron saint of the Rachmaninov family?

Vladimir Teodorovich did not know. I just gave it as a gift. And Alexander Ivanovich showed the transcription he found by the brilliant violinist Jascha Heifetz of Rachmaninoff’s romance for violin and piano. And you and I will bear this news more or less calmly, but Spivakov “almost fell off his chair.”

The story of Sasha Romanovsky

Sasha was eleven years old, he lived in Kharkov, he was an unusually talented young pianist, but he had trouble with his knees. He walked with difficulty and could not press the pedals. Spivakov sent him to CITO to his friend Mikhail Ivanovich Grishin. The professor removed the tumor, and Sasha Romanovsky came to Colmar for the Spivakov festival still on crutches, but Chopin played amazingly. People were crying.

At this time, the Union collapsed, and Volodya advised the boy to continue studying in Italy, in the city of Imola, where there was a good school.

Sasha’s mother got a job in a bar washing dishes, and Spivakov helped them with money, which he completely forgot about. Sasha reminded him when he recorded Rachmaninov’s concerts with Spivakov. By this time, the young virtuoso had won first prize at the Balzano competition and played with the brilliant conductor Carlo Maria Giulini, who considered him the most talented young pianist in Italy.

"Farewell Symphony" in San Lorenzo

Spivakov helped the sick a lot. He often gave and now gives concerts, the fees for which go either to children's hospices, or to the Raisa Gorbacheva Cancer Hospital, or to victims of natural disasters.

Spivakov created an orchestra that understands him and shares his willingness to help. All musicians play from time to time for a good cause, refusing fees.

They played to help Turkish orphans, poor children in Spain, the sick in Japan... Whenever Spivakov is in America, he helps children who need surgery for cleft lip and cleft palate... He bought medicines and syringes with his own money abroad.

He probably keeps in mind many examples that would enrich this text.

On December 9, 1988, Spivakov was walking across the bridge over the Arno River in Florence and saw two nuns from the Catholic charitable society Caritas at the Vatican with a poster: “We are collecting funds for the victims of the earthquake in Armenia.” Volodya invited the nuns to evening concert, and he himself went to dinner with representatives of the old Florentine family Domella and Stefanio Baldeschi. He said that the entire fee was for the concert will go victims in Spitak and Leninakan and asked Stefanio to address those who came to the concert in Church of San Lorenzo two thousand listeners requesting their participation.

The orchestra played by candlelight " farewell symphony» Haydn. That evening they raised sixty thousand dollars (translated from Italian lire).

After the concert, the nuns told the maestro:

- Our piggy bank contains a thousandth of your collection.

“No,” said Spivakov. — We collected this money together.

Arriving in Colmar for his festival, he bought thirty children's wheelchairs and sent them to Armenia.

Wedding background

A young violinist from Kazakhstan named Asel called. Almost like Grinov’s heroine, Spivakov remembered. “Vladimir Teodorovich, I have blood cancer. A bone marrow transplant is pending. It costs money beyond my reach. Maybe you can help with something?”

With his friend, he contacted the hospital named after Raisa Gorbacheva, with whom he was friends. And he helped me get to St. Petersburg.

Once Volodya was hospitalized abroad and was temporarily placed in a large ward, separated only by curtains, along with seriously ill cancer patients. Their moans and tense silence of waiting were a difficult test for him. He didn’t want the girl he didn’t know at all, but “tamed” by him, to live in an atmosphere of readiness for pain. She and her friend rented an apartment for her and her dad, which they paid for for more than a year. When “Virtuosi” toured in St. Petersburg, she came to the concert to listen to the music. No eyebrows, no eyelashes. With his head wrapped in a scarf.

“You’ll get better,” Spivakov told her.

She made it out. And she gets married.

Violin by Ioann Berdyugin

Has it already helped or will it still help? Vladimir Spivakov after the concert

In Yekaterinburg, after a concert, a woman came up and handed me a letter. It wasn't about money. She asked to know the name of the doctor to whom she could entrust her son for heart surgery.

Spivakov left her money for the trip to Moscow. I called the director of the Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. Bakulev to Professor Leo Bockeria and asked to help a small child.

The operation was successful, and a year later Spivakov again found himself giving concerts in Yekaterinburg. There was a woman standing in the hall with a thin boy.

“I brought you a gift,” said John Berdyugin and held out the Prayer Book.

- Do you read such books?

- My dad is a priest, and I want to be like you - a violinist.

In Paris, Spivakov bought a children's violin, and the boy began to be taught music. Then he switched to viola, and Spivakov brought him an viola.

He likes to repeat the words that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Now Berdyugin is a student at the Moscow Conservatory and a trainee at the National Philharmonic Orchestra.

Once in Yekaterinburg, when with the National Philharmonic Orchestra Sasha Romanovsky played, Ivan Berdyugin came backstage.

- Hug! - said Vladimir Teodorovich. -You are godbrothers.

At this time, the musicians were sorting out one hundred and twenty blessed Easter cakes, which John’s father had baked as a gift.


If you get Vladimir Teodorovich to talk, the list of quiet good deeds will be much wider. But this part of life is protected by him.

The stock of stories I've collected from different people, not exhausted. Yes, it was not my task to create a register of non-obligatory affairs of one of the world's largest contemporary musicians.

I just wanted to tell you, Mechanic, so that you tell the smart salesman:

— Some people do without a crocodile bag.


On December 18, on the stage of the Helikon-Opera theater, together with young musicians, maestro Vladimir Spivakov will give the concert “Bach’s Hour. “Man, love the world!” in support of opera artists.

Vladimir Teodorovich Spivakov is a famous musician, known both for his brilliant performing and virtuoso conducting art, winner of numerous prizes and awards, holder of various titles and titles, founder and artistic director orchestras, idol of violin lovers, public figure.

Was born on September 12, 1944 in the Stalinsky district of the administrative center of the Bashkir autonomous republic city ​​of Ufa.


He was born into a Jewish family from Odessa. Father, Theodor Vladimirovich, an engineer by profession, managed to fight, having been drafted into the Armed Forces from South Palmyra, was seriously wounded and after treatment was demobilized, got a job as a technologist at one of the Ufa factories.

Mother, Ekaterina Osipovna Weintraub, woman with difficult fate, originally from Chisinau, lived in Odessa, studied at the Leningrad Conservatory, where she survived the blockade, and after her husband returned from the front, she was evacuated with him deep into Russia.

Vladimir in childhood

After the Victory, the family returned to the city on the Neva, where the boy studied at general education and music schools. By the way, the mother taught her son to music in infancy. She sat the nine-month-old child in her arms and began to play music on the piano - Volodya happily jumped up to the beat of cheerful music or swayed left and right to a sad melody.

At the age of six, the boy goes to study at music school cello class, but he is growing weak and frail, so this instrument turned out to be too heavy for him, and his parents decide to transfer him to the violin, which they later never regretted. Often children going to or from classes were met in the gateway by a crowd of hooligans who beat them and broke their violins.

Therefore, Vova decides to go to the boxing section, and after two months he was able to stand up for himself and his comrades, after which no one bothered them anymore. A little later, he even received a second rank in this sport.

Twice this helped him in life when he gave a worthy rebuff - first to a drunken passenger on a plane in Rio de Janeiro, and then on the streets of Paris, when he and Rostropovich were approached by criminals armed with a knife.

Beginning of a musical career

From the age of 11, the boy studied at a special school at the Leningrad Conservatory, and two years later he became a laureate of the White Nights competition and received an invitation to the capital. In Moscow, in addition to the music school at the State Conservatory, Vladimir also studies painting, demonstrating talent in both directions. But still he had to make a choice - he settled on music.

From the very first years of his studies in Moscow, Spivakov began performing on the stages of international competitions, and everywhere jury members noted with admiration the young violinist’s performance. Paris and Genoa give him a standing ovation. Music critics They note the young man’s inspired nature, intelligence and emotionality, the richness of the instrument’s sound and artistry.

The famous professor Yankelevich personally gives the young talent a violin by Francesco Gobetti. By the way, Spivakov played on it until 1997, until fans of his talent, who considered it necessary to remain anonymous, hired him to work with the instrument famous Antonio Stradivari.

The apotheosis of recognition of the musician’s achievements was his invitation to perform at New York’s Lincoln Center, as well as on other stages in the United States. After this, his reputation as a star of the classical stage was forever attached to him. Although the Iron Curtain was strong in those years, the musician was still released abroad, where his tours brought him stunning success.

On solo career Spivakov does not stop; he participates in various chamber groups - string duets, trios or quartets, where world stars consider it an honor to perform with such a maestro.

Except concert activities Vladimir Teodorovich is engaged in teaching, having received the title of professor at the Gnessin Music Pedagogical Institute. In 1979, he took the conducting stand for the first time, which marked the beginning of a new milestone in his life.

Conducting activities

His debut in this field took place when he conducted the Chicago symphony orchestra. The enthusiastic press noted that Spivakov was as incomparable as a conductor as he was as a violinist. Inspired by his success, in the same year the maestro created his own team, which was called “Moscow Virtuosi”.

His first performance dates back to June 20, 1979 and takes place in the city of Gorky. The orchestra includes outstanding performers, laureates of international competitions, who together created a wonderful ensemble. It is worth noting that it consists only of representatives of the stronger sex.

Initially, Spivakov intended it this way, so that rehearsals and tours would never be interfered with by household chores, children, etc., that is, everything related to women’s problems.

The professionalism of the “Virtuosos” is rapidly increasing, and they are invited to give concerts on many stages around the world and success awaits them everywhere. Young talents combined with already famous performers created an unusually cohesive team with expressiveness unique to it.

All concerts of the orchestra turn into a theatrical performance that does not allow even the most notorious skeptics to get bored. In 1982, for all recognized merits, the ensemble received the official status of the State Chamber Orchestra.

Spivakov and his brainchild are constantly involved in charity work. On the third day after the Chernobyl disaster, the “Moscow Virtuosi” in full force give free concert for liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.

In 1988, after the terrible earthquake in Spitak, the orchestra took part in the days of remembrance of its victims. Performances were also organized, all proceeds from which are donated to hospitals for the treatment of children with cancer.

In 1990, when economic problems arose in his native country and the threat of the collapse of the ensemble became irreversible, Spivakov, with the support of the Spanish royal family, moved with the orchestra musicians and their families to Oviedo.

Prince Philip of Asturias undertakes all financing of the stay, the only condition of which is 10 concerts in Spain per year. In total, “Virtuosi” give up to 100 concerts in all corners of the Earth.

But Spivakov is drawn home, and soon the orchestra, although not in full strength, returns to Russia. New performers are being recruited, and “Moscow Virtuosi” continue to bring joy to true connoisseurs chamber music which they still do to this day.

Personal life

The maestro's first wife was Svetla Borisovna Bezrodnaya (Levina), the daughter of I.V. Stalin's personal physician, who was 10 years older than Vladimir. She is his “colleague,” a violinist and conductor, who helped her husband create an orchestra. Living together did not work out, and the alliance turned out to be fragile.

The second wife was Victoria Valentinovna Postnikova, a laureate of international pianist competitions. It seemed that the newlyweds were madly in love with each other, and soon their son Alexander was born. But, alas, the love dissipated, and the couple also had to break up.

Victoria married Gennady Rozhdestvensky for the second time, and he adopted a boy who took his last name. Alexander is a talented musician and violinist.

After the second divorce, Spivakov could not find his soul mate for a long time. One day after a concert, his Armenian friend Zare Sahakyants came to him backstage with his daughter Satenik. Despite the age difference of 17 years, the maestro really liked the girl, they wandered around the city for half the night, then, after parting, they talked on the phone for another half of the night, and very soon Vladimir Teodorovich proposed his hand and heart to his beloved.

With his wife Sati

Sati Spivakova acts in films, hosts TV shows, writes books, and always looks stylish and impressive. The musician calls his wife the greatest luck in his life. They have three natural daughters. The eldest, Ekaterina, is a poet, writes poetry and songs, plays the piano, although she is a director by profession. Tatyana, middle, flutist, actress, serves in the theater.

Spivakov's favorite Anya - also creative person, and on the Internet you can find her Big Scenes video, which she herself filmed under the pseudonym Anna Kova. In addition, the Spivakovs also raised stepdaughter Sasha, his child deceased sister. Now she lives abroad, works in the hotel business.

With wife and daughters

Vladimir Spivakov was born on September 12, 1944 in Ufa (Bashkiria). His father - Theodor Vladimirovich (1919-1977) - participant of the Great Patriotic War, had two specialties: he worked as an engineer at an aviation enterprise and as a nutritionist. Mother - Ekaterina Osipovna (Weintraub, 1913-2002) - graduate of the Leningrad Conservatory, pianist, taught at a music school. In 1945, the family moved to Leningrad (now St. Petersburg).

In 1951-1956. At the same time he studied at secondary and music schools in Leningrad. In 1956, he continued his studies at the Central Music School at the Leningrad State Conservatory. ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov (teachers Lyubov Sigal and Veniamin Sher), but did not finish it. In 1961 he was enrolled in the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory. From 1963 to 1967 he studied at the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky, class of Professor Yuri Yankelevich. At the same time, he attended the class of Professor David Oistrakh as a volunteer. In 1970 he graduated from graduate school at the conservatory. From the same year he became a soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic.

In 1957, at the age of thirteen, he received his first prize at the White Nights competition in Leningrad and made his debut as a solo violinist on stage Great Hall Leningrad Conservatory. Then, over the course of several years, he won a number of awards at prestigious international competitions: named after Margarita Long and Jacques Thibault in Paris (1965), named after Paganini in Genoa (1967), in Montreal, Canada (1969, first prize), at the Tchaikovsky competition in Moscow ( 1970, second prize).

In 1975, after solo performances in the USA, his international career began. Performed as a soloist with the best orchestras world, including the philharmonic orchestras of Moscow, Leningrad, Berlin, Vienna and others, the symphony orchestras of Paris, Chicago, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Cleveland. He was conducted by Evgeny Mravinsky, Evgeny Svetlanov, Yuri Temirkanov, Mstislav Rostropovich, Leonard Bernstein, Seiji Ozawa, Lorin Maazel and others.

In 1979, Spivakov made his debut as a conductor with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (USA). This was preceded by studying conducting with Professor Israel Guzman in Russia and conductors Lorin Maazel and Leonard Bernstein in the USA (in 1984 Bernstein gave him his baton, which the musician never parted with).

Also in 1979, with a group of like-minded people, Vladimir Spivakov created chamber orchestra"Moscow Virtuosi" (on June 15, 1982 it received official status - the State Chamber Orchestra of the USSR Ministry of Culture "Moscow Virtuosi") and became its artistic director, chief conductor and soloist. The team toured almost all major cities former USSR, Europe, USA and Japan, took part in international festivals. Considered one of the best chamber orchestras in the world.

Since 1989 he has lived in Moscow, Spain and France.

From 1999 to 2002, while working with the Moscow Virtuosi orchestra, Vladimir Spivakov was artistic director and chief conductor of the Russian National Orchestra (RNO). He left his post early, but until 2003 he continued to conduct tours and concerts with the RNO.

In January 2003, he became artistic director and chief conductor of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia.

Since 2003 - President of the Moscow International House of Music.

For about 20 years he taught at the Gnessin Musical Pedagogical Institute (now Russian Academy of music named after the Gnessins), has the title of professor. Conducted master classes in Zurich (since 1994).

Until 1997, Spivakov played the violin made by master Francesco Gobetti (Italy, 18th century), donated by his teacher Yuri Yankelevich. Since 1997, he has been performing with a violin made by Antonio Stradivari from 1712, which was given to him for lifelong use by patrons.

Vladimir Spivakov's discography as a soloist and conductor includes more than 40 CDs. Most of the recordings were made by BMG Classics, RCA Red Seal and Capriccio. Many of them were awarded prestigious awards, including Diapason D’Or (“Golden Tuning Fork”). The German newspaper Sddeutsche Zeitung has repeatedly called Vladimir Spivakov's albums "The best recordings of the year."

Creator and director of the International Music Festival in Colmar (1989, France). In 2001 he organized the Moscow International Festival “Vladimir Spivakov Invites...”.

He has been involved in humanitarian activities for many years. Thus, after the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, “Moscow Virtuosi” turned out to be the only composition that came to the “Kiev Spring” festival. Together with the orchestra, the maestro gave concerts in Armenia after the 1988 earthquake. In 1994, he founded the International Charitable Foundation, which provides services to children.

Member of the Presidential Council for Culture and Art. Member of the jury of famous international competitions (in Paris, Genoa, London, Montreal), chairman of the jury of the international competition "Masters of the Violin" in Monte Carlo and the Pablo Sarasate International Violin Competition in Spain. Headed the jury International competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky in Moscow (2002, 2007). He is the Ambassador of Culture of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

National artist USSR (1989). Laureate State Prize USSR (1989), State Prize of the Russian Federation (2011), Lenin Komsomol Prize (1982), Russian Government Prize in the field of culture (2010, for the activities of the International Charitable Foundation). Awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II and III degrees, as well as the highest state awards of a number of countries: the French Order of the Legion of Honor (since 2000 - Knight, since 2011 - Officer), Italian Order of the Star in the degree commander, the orders of "Danaker" (Kyrgyzstan), Saint Mesrop Mashtots (Armenia), Yaroslav the Wise 5th degree and "For Merit" 3rd degree (Ukraine), Francis Skorina (Belarus), etc. In 2006 he was recognized as an Artist of the World UNESCO, in 2009 awarded the UNESCO Mozart Gold Medal.

In his honor, one of the minor planets was named “Spivakov” (1994, No. 5410, discovered on February 16, 1967 by Soviet astronomer Tamara Smirnova).

From his first marriage to Victoria Postnikova (b. 1944, pianist, winner of several international competitions) he has a son, Alexander (Rozhdestvensky). Second wife Satenik (Sati) Sahakyants (born 1962) is a dramatic actress, author and presenter of television programs. Daughters: Ekaterina, Tatiana, Anna. His niece Alexandra, the daughter of Elizabeth’s deceased younger sister, lives in the Spivakov family.

Books have been written about the life and work of Vladimir Spivakov. In particular: Sati Spivakova “Not everything”; Valentina Kholopova "The Artist's Path. Vladimir Spivakov"; Gabriel Breuner "The Spivakov Years. Chronicle of the International Music Festival in Colmar 1989-2003 (G. Braeuner. Les annees Spivakov. Strasbourg, La Nuee Bleue, 2004), Solomon Volkov "Dialogues with Spivakov" and others. Several are dedicated to him musical works, including “Five Fragments to the Paintings of Hieronymus Bosch” by Alfred Schnittke, “Yellow Stars” by Isaac Schwartz, and the symphony “Quiet Breath” by Vyacheslav Artemov.

Spivakov Vladimir Teodorovich is a world-famous violinist and conductor. He is actively touring. Vladimir Teodorovich is the founder of his own charitable foundation.


Vladimir Spivakov graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in 1967. By this time he already had whole line awards received at international competitions.

In 1975, the maestro held several solo concerts in the USA, which were a great success. Subsequently, Vladimir Teodorovich performed many times with the best orchestras in the world. Leading world critics note that V. Spivakov's performing style is intelligent, artistic, bright, emotional, and the sound is rich and voluminous. The musician himself always says that he owes his mastery to teachers Yu. Yankelevich and D. Oistrakh. In 1979, Vladimir Teodorovich created a chamber string orchestra called “Moscow Virtuosi”, where he is a soloist, chief conductor and artistic director. Before organizing the team, V. Spivakov carried out lengthy preparatory work. He studied the art of conducting with L. Maazel, I. Guzman and even with L. Bernstein. The latter presented Vladimir Teodorovich with his own baton, which Spivakov has not parted with to this day.


The personal life of Vladimir Spivakov is not a secret. He has been married to Sati Sahakyants for almost 30 years. Maestro calls his wife rare woman, which combines intelligence and beauty.

Before her, Vladimir Spivakov was married twice. The conductor's family is not small. He and Sati have three daughters: Anna, Tatyana and Ekaterina. The maestro also has a son from his second marriage and a niece who was left an orphan.

Spivakov Vladimir Teodorovich, whose personal life is covered in this article, loves his family very much. All his children are people of art. Ekaterina writes poetry and songs for a jazz group. Tatyana is engaged in theater, flute and drawing. The son of Vladimir Teodorovich, Alexander Rozhdestvensky, is a violinist.


Vladimir Spivakov, for whom music has always been the most important thing in life, began his creative path at 7 years old. At first he learned to play the cello. But the future famous musician was very thin and small, so he asked to replace his instrument with something lighter. After which he was assigned to the violin. At first the boy studied at a regular music school, and in 1961 he transferred to a ten-year school at the conservatory. His teacher considered Vladimir talented and said that in his hands any saucepan would sound.

Until 1997, Vladimir Teodorovich played the violin created by the master Francesco Gobetti. It was given to him by his teacher, Professor Yankelevich. And in 1997, his dream came true - he got an Antonio Stradivarius violin, which he received as a gift from fans and patrons.

Conductor's career

Spivakov Vladimir Teodorovich organized the Moscow Virtuosi orchestra in 1979. He gathered into his team the most talented musicians and created for them an atmosphere of creative freedom. Before Vladimir Spivakov's orchestra received global recognition, the musicians had to rehearse at night and in places that were not at all suitable for this. V. Spivakov has his own principles in his work, which ensure his successful management of artists. He treats his musicians with respect and understanding. Vladimir Teodorovich believes that nothing good will come of it if the artists, each of whom has their own character, their own life circumstances and problems, are faced with a psychotic conductor.

Charitable Foundation

Vladimir Spivakov established his own charitable foundation in 1994. Its goal is to help young talents. The Vladimir Spivakov Foundation organizes concerts, the proceeds from which are spent on purchasing good musical instruments, as well as to pay for the education and accommodation in Moscow of gifted children from the provinces. Vladimir Spivakov helps not only musicians. The foundation organizes exhibitions for children with artistic talent. Many young talents who received help from the FVS have already grown up and become famous musicians, sculptors, painters. The foundation also helps sick children.

Foundation poster for the 2015-2016 season

The Vladimir Spivakov Charitable Foundation offers the following events:

  • Concert from the series “Children for Children. Hear the call of the future." "Christmas Miracles" Moscow.
  • Performance by Mark Razovsky “Mozart and Salieri”. The Moscow Theater “At the Nikitsky Gate” and the foundation’s scholarship holders are participating. Chelyabinsk.
  • Concert for the 70th anniversary of the professor of the Moscow Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky I. Gavrysh. Moscow.
  • Concert of the laureates of the 1st Moscow International Piano Competition Vladimir Krainev. Moscow.
  • Concert of the foundation's scholarship holders with the participation of the I. Lerman Chamber Orchestra. Naberezhnye Chelny.
  • "Peter de Groot Festival", Holland.
  • All-Russian festival-competition young performers"The Magic of Sound". Cities: Tolyatti, Oktyabrsk, Syzran, Zhigulevsk, Samara, Novokuybyshevsk, Chapaevsk, Otradnoe, Kinel-Cherkassy, ​​Podbelsk, Pokhvistnevo.
  • Second open competition"Melodies of Romance". Dzerzhinsk.
  • Subscription “Her Majesty Music”. Cities: Myshkin, Uglich, Rybinsk, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov.
  • Fifth International Festival "Peregrinos Musicales". Spain.
  • Concert from the series “Children for Children. Hear the call of the future." "Waiting for spring." Moscow.
  • Seventh International children's competition named after D. D. Shostakovich. Moscow.
  • Concert from the series “Children for Children. Hear the call of the future." "Musical Ball" Moscow.
  • International music festival "ARSLONGA". Moscow.
  • “Children for children. Hear the call of the future." "With friends". Moscow.
  • Season 2015/2016, subscription 165. Fellows and “Moscow Virtuosi” perform. Moscow.
  • "Children for children." "The Triumph of Harmony." Moscow.
  • First International Competition named after Yadviga Shchipanova.
  • Year of Literature. Speech by the foundation's fellows. Moscow.
  • Fifth Moscow Open Competition-Festival named after. Yu. N. Dolzhikova. Moscow.
  • International children's festival"Kinotavrik". Sochi.
  • “Children for children. "Friends meet again." Moscow.
  • "Caravan of Infinity..." Moscow.
  • "Night of the Arts". Moscow.

Vladimir Spivakov does not allow anyone to touch his violin, he believes that because of this its molecular composition will be disrupted. The conductor collects paintings. The maestro loves to read. His favorite writers: Borges, Merab Mamardashvili, Gogol, Nabokov, Proust, Kundera, Leskov, Hesse. Vladimir Teodorovich likes to relax alone; in his opinion, the artist needs it to reflect and make plans. He is grateful to his wife for giving him the opportunity to be alone. Maestro is unpretentious in food and can exist in not very comfortable conditions. V. Spivakov loves simple food - dumplings, black bread and stewed cabbage with sausages. The conductor considers himself a superstitious person. Famous violinist - a kind person. And extremely disorganized.

Awards and prizes

Vladimir Spivakov - as well as Ukraine, Bashkortostan and Ossetia. On his 50th birthday, the maestro received his own planet as a gift, which was named after him. The artist has a large number of orders, medals and highest state awards not only of Russia, but also of many other countries. In 2002, the maestro became an honorary doctor of Moscow State University. Vladimir Teodorovich holds the title “UNESCO Artist of the World”. For my creative life The maestro received a huge number of different awards.

Vladimir Teodorovich Spivakov. Born on September 12, 1944 in Ufa. Soviet and Russian conductor, violinist, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1990). Artistic director and chief conductor orchestra "Moscow Virtuosi".

Father - Theodor Vladimirovich Spivakov (1919-1977), process engineer, fought, was seriously wounded, after demobilization he worked as a senior control foreman of the thermal workshop at the Ufa Motor Plant.

Mother - Ekaterina Osipovna Weintraub (1913-2002), pianist, graduate of the Leningrad Conservatory, was born in Chisinau, grew up in Odessa, survived the siege of Leningrad, from where she was evacuated to Bashkiria. She worked as an accompanist for the Udarnik club at the Ufa Motor Plant.

Many maternal relatives, incl. grandparents, died in the ghetto during the Nazi occupation of Odessa.

In Ufa, the Spivakov family lived in the Stalinsky district of the city, later allocated to the separate city of Chernikovsk in the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now again within the city of Ufa). After the end of the war, the family returned to Leningrad, where the mother taught at a music school and the father worked as a nutritionist.

Since 1955, he studied at a special music school at the Leningrad Conservatory, where he studied with L. M. Seagal and V. I. Sher.

Already in 1957, the young musician received first prize at the Leningrad White Nights competition and made his debut on the stage of the Leningrad Conservatory.

He also practiced boxing as a child. As Spivakov explained, he signed up for the boxing section in order to be able to stand up for himself: “when we studied at the Leningrad ten-year school, we, Jewish boys, were constantly beaten by a group of hooligans.” As a result, he learned to fight back: “when we again came face to face with an enemy company, I carefully laid my violin on the ground and for the first time in my life, finally answered as it should.” According to Vladimir, boxing skills later helped him more than once in life.

But the main activity, of course, was music. In 1963 he graduated from the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory. In 1963-1968 he studied at the Moscow Conservatory in the class of Yuri Yankelevich. In 1970 he completed graduate school under his leadership. Vladimir Spivakov also calls David Oistrakh a teacher - while studying at the Conservatory, he was a volunteer in his class.

In 1965 he began giving concerts.

Since 1970 - soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic.

From 1975 to 1990 he taught at the Musical Pedagogical Institute named after. Gnessins, receiving the academic title of professor.

In 1975, after triumphant solo performances in the USA, his brilliant international career began. He has performed and continues to perform as a soloist with the best symphony orchestras and the most famous conductors in the world. Professional criticism leading musical powers of the world noted as characteristic features of Vladimir Spivakov's performing style a deep penetration into the author's intention, richness, beauty and volume of sound, subtle nuances, emotional impact on the audience, brilliant artistry, and intelligence.

Vladimir Spivakov himself believes that if someone finds the above-mentioned advantages in his playing, it is, first of all, thanks to the school of his famous teacher Professor Yuri Yankelevich and creative influence his second teacher David Oistrakh.

However, Yuri Yankelevich Spivakov can be grateful not only for his brilliant school: until 1997, Vladimir Spivakov played the violin made by the master Francesco Gobetti, given to him by Professor Yankelevich.

Since 1997, he has been playing a violin made by Antonio Stradivari, given to him for lifelong use by patrons of the arts - admirers of his great talent.

As a soloist, Vladimir Spivakov has performed with many symphony orchestras around the world, including the Philharmonic Orchestras of Moscow, Leningrad, London, Vienna, Berlin and New York, the Concertgebouw Orchestra, the symphony orchestras of Paris, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago and Cleveland under the baton of such conductors as E. Mravinsky, E. Svetlanov, K. Kondrashin, K. M. Giulini, Y. Temirkanov, M. Rostropovich, S. Ozawa, L. Maazel, R. Muti, L. Bernstein, C. Abbado.

In 1979 he founded the chamber orchestra "Moscow Virtuosi" which he still runs to this day. He made his debut as a symphony conductor in 1979 with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. This was preceded by a serious and long-term preparatory work and training in conducting with the renowned professor Israel Guzman in Russia and the famous conductors Lorin Maazel and Leonard Bernstein in the USA.

In 1983 the orchestra received official name“State Chamber Orchestra of the USSR Ministry of Culture “Moscow Virtuosi”.”

In 1984, he received a significant gift from Leonard Bernstein - his baton. Since then, the maestro has never parted with this conducting baton.

From 1994 to 2005 he taught master classes in Zurich.

In 1999-2003 he headed the Russian national orchestra. Currently he directs the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia.

Since 1989 - artistic director Music festival in Colmar. In 2001, Spivakov organized the Moscow International Festival “Vladimir Spivakov Invites...”, every two years.

Since 1989, Vladimir Spivakov has been a member of the jury of famous international competitions (in Paris, Genoa, London, Montreal) and President of the Sarasate Violin Competition in Spain. In 2002, he headed the jury of violinists at the XII International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow.

Since 1989 he has lived in Moscow, Spain and France.

In 1994, he established the Vladimir Spivakov International Charitable Foundation, whose scholarship recipients included many gifted people. young musicians. The concerts of the foundation's fellows attract no less attention than the performances of famous orchestras led by Vladimir Teodorovich. He believes that the national idea Russia has children who need to be loved, taught, raised.

Founder (2002) and president (2003) of the Moscow International House of Music.

Social and political position of Vladimir Spivakov

During the 2012 presidential elections, he made a video in support of the candidate and called for “not to rock the boat.”

In March 2014, Spivakov, along with other Russian cultural figures, signed a letter to Vladimir Putin in support of the president’s position on Ukraine and Crimea.

Vladimir Spivakov's height: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Vladimir Spivakov:

Was married three times.

The first wife is Svetlana Borisovna Bezrodnaya (née Levina), violinist and conductor. She helped him create an orchestra. However, the independence of Svetlana, who did not want to be in the shadow of Spivakov, led to their separation.

Svetlana later created her own women's orchestra. Bezrodnaya explained: “There was continuous creativity with him. But I didn’t live my life, but his. I carried out a thousand of his instructions. And although I was incredibly interested in him, I am grateful to fate that we broke up. I didn’t tell him this - he would be offended. But I would never have created an orchestra with him.”

Svetlanaya Bezrodnaya - the first wife of Vladimir Spivakov

The second wife is Victoria Valentinovna Postnikova, a pianist. The marriage produced a son, Alexander (later adopted by Gennady Rozhdestvensky). Busy touring and frequent separations destroyed family life.

Victoria Postnikova - second wife of Vladimir Spivakov

Third wife - (nee Sahakyants). She is 18 years younger than him. We met in Moscow after his concert. Before that, he performed in Yerevan and visited Sati’s parents, where he first saw a photograph from the film in which she starred.

The couple had two daughters: Tatyana and Anna. They also adopted Ekaterina, the daughter of Spivakov’s deceased sister Elizaveta.

The eldest daughter Ekaterina lives in New York and works as a music video director and music producer, like her husband.

Average - Tatyana Spivakova - graduated from the prestigious drama school in France Cours Florent, and then the Paris Conservatory of Dramatic Arts. Sati Spivakova said in an interview that Tanya got her acting genes. In June 2017, daughter Tatiana married Thomas Matala.

Youngest daughter Anna - famous in France jazz singer. She performs under stage name Anna Kova.

Filmography of Vladimir Spivakov:

1988 - Live, think, feel, love... (documentary)
2004 - Let your light shine before people (documentary)
2006 - Carnival night-2, or 50 years later - cameo
2008 - Evgeny Svetlanov. Memories... (documentary)
2009 - Vladimir Spivakov. Without a tailcoat (documentary)
2012 - I do not have an icy heart (documentary)
2016 - Dmitry Shostakovich. I leave my heart to you as a pledge (documentary)

Voiced by Vladimir Spivakov:

2010 - ugly duck(Ugly Duckling, The) (animated) - Rooster

Works of Vladimir Spivakov in cinema as a composer:

2003 - Since Otar Left / Mas shemdeg rac Otari tsavida...)

Discography of Vladimir Spivakov:

1974 - Mozart W. A. ​​Sonatas for two violins, cello and organ
1977 - P. Tchaikovsky: Concerto for violin and orchestra in D major, Op. 35
1979 - Vladimir Spivakov plays and conducts
1979 - Vladimir Spivakov Plays Schubert, Paganini And Brahms
1979 - Violin miniatures
1990 - W. A. ​​Mozart: Three divertimentos for string orchestra

Vladimir Spivakov Prizes:

1st prize at the White Nights festival competition in Leningrad (1957);
3rd prize at the Long and Thibaud International Violin Competition (Paris, 1965);
2nd prize at the Paganini International Violin Competition (Genoa, 1967);
1st Prize at the Montreal International Performing Competition (1969);
2nd prize at the International Tchaikovsky Competition (Moscow, 1970);
State Prize of the Russian Federation (2012) - “for outstanding achievements in area humanitarian activities"(for 2011);
USSR State Prize (1989) - for concert programs of 1986-1988;
Lenin Komsomol Prize (1982) - for high performing skills;
Prize of the All-European Munich Academy "For outstanding achievements in the field musical art"(1981);
Prize "Golden Ostap" (1993);
Award “Person of the Year” in the “Idol” category (2002);
National Award of Public Recognition “Russian of the Year” - “for outstanding achievements in shaping the image of a single Russian nation with common historical and cultural roots and rich spiritual traditions” (2005);
Ovation Award in the category " Classical music"(2008);
Prize Choc de la Musique "Range d'or" - award of the French press for the best recording;
Government Prize Russian Federation 2010 in the field of culture (December 17, 2010) - for the creation of the Vladimir Spivakov International Charitable Foundation;
Award in the field of culture and art “Stars of the Commonwealth” (Council for Humanitarian Cooperation and the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS Member States, 2011);
Georgy Tovstonogov Prize “For outstanding contribution in development theatrical arts"(2012);
Moscow City Prize 2013 in the field of literature and art (nomination “Educational activities”) (July 23, 2013) - for the creation and holding International festival"Moscow meets friends."