(!LANG:Instagram Borodina Ksenia - borodylia on Instagram. Ksenia Borodina - Instagram Ksenia Borodina insta

Ksenia Borodina- Russian actress, non-replaceable host of the popular reality show Dom 2 on TNT.

Ksenia is a native Muscovite, she was born and raised in Moscow. Her parents divorced early, when the girl was only a year old. Then her upbringing fell entirely on the shoulders of her grandparents, but she spent every summer with her parents in Italy. They also took part in the upbringing of the girl, once, as a punishment for bad behavior, Ksyusha was sent to a private school in England for the whole summer.

After graduating from the private Moscow Lyceum, Ksyusha entered the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism with a degree in Tourism Manager. She already at that time firmly decided to become a leader and actively attended various auditions. One of these events was the casting for the role of the host of the Dom-2 television project, on the TNT channel. This show changed her whole life. At that time, no one could have imagined that Dom-2 would become the highest rated television project in Russia, and Ksyusha Borodina, along with and, the most popular presenters.

Ksyusha Borodina and Olya Buzova

Appearing on the screen, Ksenia quickly won the love of the audience, and this could not affect her career. She was actively invited to talk shows and offered movie roles. So, Borodina played several episodic roles. One of them, and probably the most significant, is the role of the girlfriend of the main character in the film “Men from March 8!”, which was released on the screen in 2014.

Ksenia has a daughter, Marusya Borodina, whom she gave birth to when she was married to businessman Yuri Budakov. But, unfortunately, their marriage did not work out, and three years after the wedding, they divorced. After Yuri, Ksyusha had a relationship with, a participant in the Dom-2 television project. Arriving at the show, he actively began to look after her. Handsome, smart, the guy quickly won Ksyusha's sympathy. But the relationship that arose on the project did not stand the test of real life. They quickly parted ways. Now, Ksenia is married to a businessman, in the summer of 2015 their wedding took place, and in December, the young couple had a daughter, Thea.

Ksyusha Borodina actively communicates with her fans on the Internet, she has her own website kborodina.com, Official page In contact with (id159194580), as well as a real profile in Instagram. On the social network Instagram, Ksenia Borodina maintains a page under the nickname. Nick "Beard" Ksyusha did not choose by chance, her name is Boroduli close friends and relatives, as well as those with whom she developed friendly relations.

Ksenia Borodina is one of the brightest Russian TV presenters, who is the permanent "hostess" of the longest-running reality show Dom-2 on Russian television.

Over the years of work on TV, Ksyusha has gained unprecedented popularity in society. The successes, achievements and personal life of the TV star today are widely discussed by her many fans who tirelessly follow all the news about Borodina.

Childhood and youth

Borodina Ksenia Kimovna was born in Moscow on International Women's Day on March 8, 1983 in a wealthy Armenian family. According to the zodiac sign Pisces. At birth, she received her father's surname, Amoeva, which she changed to her mother's maiden name upon reaching adulthood. This decision was the result of the fact that even in the first year of her life her parents broke up, and Ksyusha's father no longer took part in the upbringing of the girl, without even appearing at her 18th birthday.

After the divorce, Ksyusha's mother married an Italian architect and moved to his homeland, to the island of Capri. She entrusted the upbringing of her daughter to her grandfather and grandmother, so the childhood of the future TV star passed in the Moscow region of Kuntsevo, where she grew up with courtyard children in Soviet times.

Ksenia made frequent visits to sunny Italy, but her attachment to Russia again brought her back to Moscow. Until the 9th grade, Ksyusha attended Moscow school No. 749, and in the 9th grade she transferred to a private lyceum specializing in in-depth study of foreign languages, which she graduated with success.

At the age of 17, Borodina continued her education at the Multilingual English summer school, living in the family of a simple builder and a nurse. But at that time she already had her first love in Moscow - she was the boy Sasha from the next entrance. Therefore, the month spent abroad without Alexander seemed terrible to the future star, and the girl firmly decided to return to the Russian capital, despite the persuasion of her parents.

Upon arrival in the Russian capital, Ksenia Borodina immediately entered the Moscow Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism, where she was immediately taken as a second-year student. Soon she broke up with Alexander and made a firm decision to become a TV star.


The creative biography of Ksenia Borodina dates back to her university years. The future TV star seriously took up her career in order to break into the harsh world of show business. She regularly sent her photos and resumes to various castings, passed numerous auditions for new television projects. But the conquest of show business turned out to be a difficult and almost impossible task for Borodina.

Repeated failed attempts to become a TV star led Xenia to despair, and she, dropping her hands, was already about to fly to Italy to her parents. But during this period, she received an unexpected call and was informed of her approval on the TV show Dom-2.

"Dom-2" was the debut of an aspiring star, which became crucial in the future career of Ksenia Borodina. With the popularity of the show and the noise growing around it, the person leading the project became more and more visible to the public.

The co-host of Ksenia Borodina was a TV star, with whom it was quite difficult to compete on the screen. Nevertheless, Borodina managed to gain her authority among the participants of the television project and take the rightful place of the "foreman" of the love construction, which she has been holding for over 10 years.

Having reached the Olympus of teleglory, Ksenia Borodina began to appear in other large-scale projects on Russian television. In 2011, the girl took part in the 11th season of Dancing with the Stars and the TV project Cruel Intentions.

Twice Borodina became a participant in the intellectual and entertainment show "Where is the logic." The first time she came to the program with her husband, and the second time with a co-host.

Also in the period 2012-2013, Borodina hosted the Reboot show on the TNT channel. In 2016, after a break, Ksyusha returned to Reboot again and leads the program to this day. The show has high ratings.

The reality show "Dom-2" did not limit Ksenia Borodina. She uses her creativity outside of the project as well. In 2007, Ksyusha tried her hand as a writer - she released the book "Laws of Love". Ksenia promised that this would not be her only creation and spoke about her plans to work in the autobiographical genre. 4 years later, in 2011, a new book by a TV presenter called “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina” saw the light.

In 2008, Ksenia Borodina, together with a stylist, opened the Celebrity beauty salon. After a short time, the telediva developed her beauty business to a serious scale, opening a network of beauty studios already under her own name. Ksenia successfully combines work on a television project and doing business with performances at all kinds of events as a guest star.

In addition to the show "Dom-2" and business, the popular TV presenter also showed herself as an actress - she starred in the film "Zaza" as the girl of the main character. Later, Ksenia Borodina starred in the films "Lavrova's Method", "Deffchonki" and "Since March 8, men!".

Maria Berseneva and Ksenia Borodina in the film "Since March 8, men!"

In 2016, there were rumors that Ksenia Borodina was leaving Dom-2. Allegedly, she will be replaced by a former participant in the television project. But the information was not confirmed, and, as before, Ksenia remains the permanent host of Dom-2. True, since December 2008, Olga Buzova has become her co-host.

Many believe that there is an eternal confrontation between the leaders, although Ksenia says that this conflict is far-fetched.

Personal life

The personal life of Ksenia Borodina is full of joy and sadness, and her numerous novels are widely discussed by the public. At one time, Ksyusha met with the lead singer of the Dynamite group, Leonid Nerushenko, who later died in a terrible accident. For Ksyusha, the death of her lover was a serious blow, which she went through very hard. But time healed the spiritual wounds of Borodina, and she reopened her heart to love.

In 2006, the TV presenter tried to build love with Oscar Karimov, a participant in the Dom-2 project, with whom relations became “office romance No. 1” in the biography of Ksenia Borodina. This romance did not last long, and the couple broke up.

In 2008, Ksyusha married businessman Yuri Budagov. Their first meeting took place three years before the wedding on the set of the Comedy Club show, where the future husband and wife were present as guests. The wedding of Borodina and Budagov took place in an unconventional atmosphere for TV stars - the celebration was held according to a very modest scenario, according to which Ksyusha did not even put on the bride's white dress, but went to the registry office in a golden evening dress.

In the marriage of Borodina and Budagov, a daughter, Maria, was born, however, more often she calls her Marusya. In honor of the birth of her daughter, Ksenia immortalized her name with a tattoo on her arm. Unfortunately, Borodina, like her parents at one time, failed to save the marriage. In 2011, the family broke up with a big scandal. According to Ksyusha, the divorce from Yuri was the result of his wild life and a bad attitude towards her.

After a short time, Borodina again decided to arrange her personal life. She began an "office romance No. 2" with a former member of "House-2".

During their romance, Borodina was in a serious car accident. According to witnesses, Mikhail Terekhin was also in her white Range Rover along with Ksyusha. The media vied with each other to publish this news, claiming that the drunk Borodina was driving. But the TV presenter said that her driver was driving the car. She reported this in "Instagram", in the same place she wrote that no one was seriously injured in this incident.

The lovers had a rather hot relationship - they either scandalized half the country, then reconciled again. As a result, the couple broke up. Later, the TV presenter said that she could not bear the difficult nature of Mikhail. According to her, he was too demanding and often restricted her freedom.

On July 3, 2015, Borodina married a businessman, an ethnic Dagestan. The TV star took her husband's surname. This time the celebration was truly royal.

The wedding of Ksenia and Kurban can be safely called the event of the summer of 2015. The hall where the dinner was held resembled a winter landscape: a real forest of snow-covered trees, white flowers, frozen streams of crystal chandeliers. The surprise of the evening was a four-meter cake created by the best confectioner in Moscow. The wedding dessert was also made in the snow theme.

On December 22, Ksenia Borodina gave birth to her beloved daughter Theon in one of the elite metropolitan clinics.

In July 2016, the media was full of information in the family. The couple, who previously posted joint photos with declarations of love on social networks, deleted each other from friends and stopped answering questions from fans about their personal lives. The couple did not comment on this information for some time, later Borodina admitted to the press that the reason for the breakup was Omarov's betrayal.

The divorce of Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov was not discussed only by the lazy, but unexpectedly for everyone, the spouses reconciled after some time. On Instagram, Ksenia Borodina posted joint photos with her husband and said that their differences with her husband had been settled. She insistently asked fans not to spread rumors about her personal life, assuring that she loves her husband and is not going to divorce him.

In addition to the reality show "Dom-2" and her vibrant personal life, Ksenia Borodina is fond of football, she is a fan of FC Lokomotiv. Also among Borodina's hobbies there is a place for poetry. Borodin calls his favorite poets and, many of whose lyrical works he knows by heart.

Ksenia Borodina now

In 2018, the TV presenter celebrated her 35th birthday. Anniversary Ksenia with the guests celebrated in Milan.

Within a few days after the celebration, Borodina published photos on Instagram that gave rise to many rumors. Despite the fact that the girl was in a light tight dress, the fans noticed almost 7 months of pregnancy. But, probably, the attention from the press was so intrusive that she nevertheless decided to comment on the current situation:

“It turns out that in this dress they saw a pregnant belly in me. Have you already decided who I am? Fat belly or too skinny?

She also said that she was completely satisfied with her forms (with a height of 165 cm, her weight is 46 kg). So the rumors that the presenter is pregnant with her third child are nothing more than fan speculation.

Ksenia Borodina with daughters Marusya and Theon

By the way, Borodina approaches everything with great irony. In July 2018, she "trolled" her followers by posting a video where she first strokes her rounded belly, and then suddenly hits it with her hands. The caption under the post read:

“When you were congratulated on your pregnancy, and all you had was a bathing suit inflated.”

In July 2018, Ksenia shared the good news with her fans. She and her husband bought a country house. It has three bedrooms, a large living and dining room, and a spacious dressing room. The total area of ​​the two-story mansion is 216 sq. m.


  • 2004-present in. - "House 2"
  • 2009 - Cosmopolitan. Video version"

Ksenia Kimovna Borodina was born in Moscow in 1983. The girl's parents, both Armenians, divorced when she was only a year old. Mother immediately married an architect from Italy and moved to her homeland to her new husband. Ksenia herself remained in Moscow and lived with her grandfather and grandmother in the Moscow district of Kuntsev.
Until the ninth grade, Borodina studied at one of the capital's schools, after which she moved to a lyceum with in-depth study of foreign languages. After graduating at the age of 17, Ksenia continued her studies in England at the Multilingual School. Ksenia left this school because of her first love. Against the persuasion of her mother and stepfather, she returned to Moscow. Entered MIGMT.

TV career.

Since the time of her studies at the University of Borodina, she set out to make a career on television and become a real star. For many years, Ksenia sent out resumes wherever possible. I went to all the auditions and tried with all my might to get on the big screen. On television, she was almost a miracle. Already desperate, Ksenia packed her things and decided to go to her stepfather and mother in Italy. Already at the airport, a few minutes before departure, she received a call from the television company and was told that they had considered her candidacy. Ksenia passed the casting for Dom-2. Because of this show, she will subsequently quarrel strongly with her family, because her parents considered Xenia's work on the show to be such an unworthy reputation. Borodina's debut as a TV presenter took place in May 2004 and this was the very first release of the Dom-2 show. The co-host was still the same Ksenia SobchaK, to whom the show brought no less fame.

Personal life.

Borodina's first husband was businessman Yuri Budakov, whom she married in 2008. They met while filming the Comedy Club program. The future spouses met for three whole years, thereby testing their feelings. The wedding was very modest, it was held in the circle of closest friends and relatives.
Immediately after the end of the wedding, the couple thought about having children. The daughter of Ksenia and Yuri was born very soon - in June 2009. The girl was named Marusya, and the young mother herself even got a tattoo with her daughter's name on her left arm. Despite the fact that Borodina actively taught other people to build relationships, she herself did not save her marriage. According to her ex-husband, Yuri Budakov, the reason for the divorce was Xenia's excessive passion for her career and social life. In July 2015, Borodina married for the second time. The new chosen one was businessman Kurban Omarov, from whom Ksenia gave birth to a daughter in 2016.

The possible transformation of an Instagram account in the form of a growing number of followers is of interest to many, there are several types of implementation that stand out most prominently from the whole variety of offers, promotion and promotion on instagram. The first one is interesting photos, tags, activity inside Instagram, natural growth of the audience, it doesn’t work because no one understands. The second is mass following, a mass subscription to users who reciprocate, and then you unsubscribe from them, and they, by the way, remain your subscribers. The third is the cheating of followers on Instagram, through special sites, agencies for cheating in social networks. Each of the methods that can increase the growth of followers on Instagram has its own audience that is skeptical and negative about any method that is contrary to the methods they use.

The true model of promotion on Instagram, everyone has their own, for those who are just starting their journey to popularity and audience growth in their account, the only recommendation would be to develop and not get hung up on one thing. Rationality, experience, practice, analysis, trial and error methods, combined with real recommendations for maintaining an account - interesting photos and videos, hashtags, a competent nickname, description, posting and development in other social networks, this is the main recommendation. And you should understand that this is a recommendation, not an instruction!

Cheat followers on instagram

Not distinguished by individual nuances and found in real practice - cheating followers on Instagram or where you can cheat subscribers.

The easiest way to increase your number of followers on Instagram is to buy them, for this you only need to choose the method you use to do this. You can buy followers on Instagram in a variety of ways, and the most important thing is what kind of followers you need. So, for example, in the early stages of promoting your account, you can buy bots for a little activity, buy offers, and, of course, in the end, live followers on Instagram. But let's talk about everything in order, in this material we will talk about all the above-mentioned formulations, and you yourself decide which one is right for you.

Before you buy Instagram followers

You can start with any option, buying followers, but let's take a quick look at who can become your Instagram follower. For example, bots, you can buy them at the lowest prices, you are a little lower, see for yourself. Bots will create a numerical army in your account.

Offers are people who work on automated websites where anyone can register and create tasks, for a certain fee, and the other part of the audience completes them, thereby earning on their social media accounts.

Buy live followers on instagram

Live subscribers can also be bought on special websites, smm agencies, although in a sense, offers, too, live subscribers simply may not be active, because they are not interested in your account, but in the subscription fee in your Instagram profile. That, perhaps, is all, now we will talk about sites where you can buy Instagram followers, and in the end we will try to define what it is for.

Where to buy instagram followers

* Immediately, so that there is no misunderstanding, you can buy subscribers on the websites below, but the prices we indicate may differ from the actual ones - this happens because the pricing policy of companies may increase or decrease, depending on the statute of limitations, directly to this publication.

Hypelike - an online store with a relatively inexpensive price category. Cheat subscribers, likes, video views on Instagram. Offer subscribers will cost from 340 rubles per 1000, and for example Russian fast subscribers from 800 rubles per 1 thousand. There are also cheaper offers. Prices may change, from the statute of limitations, so check the relevance.

Lois box»
Subscribers, likes, views, statistics coverage boost. Lucky with coverage for business accounts. Subscribers 90 rubles for 100 subscribers, offer 50 rubles for 100 subscribers.

The website that opens our list table first can help you get subscribers. The site contains a video on how to work with the system and pay for a certain number of followers on Instagram.

You can buy bots or live subscribers, as well as additional opportunities to get likes for each new photo.

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We will be grateful and grateful if you tell us about it.


Photo Jasmine Tooks instagram

Photos from Jasmine Tookes Instagram account, selective, completely official account, of this American top model, you can see on the official website, Instagram ( @jastookes) or find her by the nickname indicated in the article.

The most important thing in our publication is the word form followers on Instagram, then there are the criteria on which we will focus. If you are looking for followers on instagram, or rather, cheating, buying and everything related to increasing followers in the application and social media platform instagram. Then with full confidence, we can say that in our article you will find the most complete and detailed description of these services. We will break the article into a free cheat on Instagram followers, a paid one, and how you can increase the number of followers on your own.

We wanted to write an article that would be able to navigate both a beginner and a user who knows what he is looking for and is interested in, only Instagram followers, information and services that this or that website represents. Therefore, each paragraph with the websites presented in the article, we will dilute with links to them. It will be convenient for both the first and second users, in simple words, if the tautology and repetition of the word followers on Instagram tires you, you can immediately go and buy or wind up followers in your account.

Buy followers on instagram

As promised, first, a list of websites, in the buy category, where you can buy instagram followers for your instagram account or business profile.

Undoubtedly, Instagram subscriptions are an opportunity to increase the popularity of your account and the interest of a new audience in your publications, but then the natural question arises how to make it so that there are many subscribers. Instagram followers are users who follow you naturally or you can use instagram follower boost, each of these areas has its own recommendations and instructions for implementation. So, in particular, the natural growth of followers on Instagram involves working with an account, from processing photos to posting to other social networks. Cheating subscriptions to your account has less of a recommendation, and to a greater extent, these are directions and methods for increasing followers on Instagram, with the help of websites that provide such services, we wrote about this in the article; .

- this is a material in which we will consider recommendations for the natural growth of subscriptions to your profile, as well as how to wind up followers on Instagram. For convenience and a quick transition to the paragraph you are interested in, anchor links have been added at the top.

Cheat subscriptions - subscribers on instagram

Let's start right away with where you can get subscribers, then we will gradually analyze other areas of cheating and complete the publication with recommendations.

morelikes.ru - online service for cheating instagram and other social networks. You can boost story views, video views, likes, likes with coverage, and more. Prices are per 1000 actions.

Hypelike - Instagram followers, likes, video views, at wholesale prices. Very low price category, probably due to volume. Although 1000 live subscribers will cost 800 rubles or a promotion for 690. This is not so cheap. Likes and views for a penny, 9 rubles per hundred views for a video on Instagram.

Matrixgram - an online platform that allows you to wind up instagram like online, without registration. So it is with the registration of a personal account. After registration, you have a personal account, there is a section of your orders and their statuses. Replenishment for any amount, likes with coverage, Russian likes, separately there is a cheat coverage and impressions. Video views, subscribers, likes.

Lois box - a platform on which you can cheat, any number of subscribers, and there are also similar offers and services for cheating likes on Instagram. On the site, there is an online consultant, payment instructions, a description of the service and the timing of the order.

Cheat subscribers, likes there is a section - likes for a penny, plus you can get acquainted with all the offers for cheating, for example, on VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook.

- on this resource, you will need to register, after which an account will become available to you, in which you can create a task to cheat subscribers on instagram.

The first method is a technical one, you have completed the promotion of Instagram followers, you can compare the prices and functionality of the sites, and then make a choice in favor of one or another site.

Cheat followers on Instagram

Cheating followers on Instagram can be done not only using the methods described above, although they are the safest, but also with the help of mass following. Mass following is a mass subscription to users of the application and the social network instagram, since a subscriber on instagram is a follower, then the word mass following is obtained. How it works, if you do it manually, search for the accounts you need, make a list or indiscriminately, subscribe to everyone in a row, the result is a mutual response. The user you subscribed to, according to the theory of probability, subscribes to you mutually, after a few weeks, you delete inactive subscriptions and unsubscribe from the users you subscribed to. Thus, without increasing the number of your subscriptions and increasing the number of subscriptions to your account. Manual mass following is a long process, so today there are a lot of programs that do it automatically.

Cons - a long study and testing of programs, the study of current limits and restrictions on instagram, frequent blocking of accounts for exceeding limits and the use of third-party software inside the instagram application.

Typical recommendations for maintaining an Instagram account are constantly ignored by users, although they have a direct impact on your profile, regardless of whether you wind up following on Instagram or not. Instagram and maintaining an account is an opportunity to surprise an audience of 400 million, come up with your own unique style, use filters, create collages, hashtags, and descriptions. There are a huge number of directions and styles that are created by instagram users. Every day, millions of users add photos, use tags, communicate through comments.

The first recommendation is to be active, comment on posts in popular accounts, follow interesting trends on Instagram, it can be fashion, style, food, selfies. There is a huge amount of video material on creating interesting pictures on Instagram, from using collages to taking selfies correctly. When the picture is processed and has its own style, the account takes on a completely different look, and the interest of system users grows towards it due to the uniqueness and interest expressed in anticipation of something new.

Cheat and subscriptions on Instagram using tags

Description and hashtags are an important part of managing your account, because of which tags you use and their number, the visibility of photos and videos depends on the application and the web version of Instagram. Make up your hashtag list, popular tags that you will use constantly, of course, depending on the style of your profile and the materials you publish.

You can also increase subscriptions to your account using hashtags, for example, #follow #followmerlease #followbacks, as well as in Russian #subscribers #subscribed #mutualsubscriptions. We published the full list of hashtags for subscriptions in the article, take it.

Subscriptions and user search on Instagram

The latest recommendations - find your friends through synchronization with other social networks, subscribe to them and they will definitely answer you with a mutual subscription. To do this, go to the settings tab and in the very first section, it is called that - for subscriptions, find your friends on Facebook, VKontakte, phone book.

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Ksenia Borodina owns one of the most popular social network accounts among Russian stars. The celebrity is always open with her fans and posts photos with her husband. What else attracts subscribers in the account of the famous TV presenter and her husband?

The official instagram borodylia (Borodin) and her life

K. Borodina is one of the most popular TV presenters, almost every Russian recognizes her on the screen. After gaining immense popularity as the host of the Dom-2 project, she participated in many shows and television projects, and also starred in several films and series.

Today, the host's Instagram account has nearly 12 million followers, making her one of the most popular Russian celebrities on the social network. The TV presenter is accustomed to openness in communication, she often shares personal publications and thoughts on her page. Her followers love it.

Another feature of the @borodylia (Borodulya) account is the frequent posting of photos with the family, as well as images of their children. Almost every publication is related to this topic. New photos are added every day, videos are also posted frequently.

The official instagram of Ksenia Borodina as her personal website

An Instagram account can be called a personal blog of a TV presenter, but in addition to a profile on a social network, the star also has a personal website. The resource is available at kborodina.com.

This site is mainly business-oriented, with its help Ksenia actively promotes her services and brands:

  • conducting weddings;
  • advertises its own brand of children's and women's clothing;
  • invites visitors to beauty salons opened under the Ksenia Borodina brand.

The web resource of the presenter publishes the most significant latest news. However, if you want to see Xenia's life, look at the world through the eyes of a star and better understand her, then it's better to subscribe to an Instagram account. It is updated much more often than the site. By subscribing to the page, you can watch regular live broadcasts for free.

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov on Instagram

In published stories, a celebrity often appears with her children and her husband. Her husband, Kurban Omarov, is a well-known businessman of Dagestan origin. He owns a popular Instagram account (@zimamoscow, Zimamoscow), which has 2 million subscribers.

Like the presenter, the main topics of publications are family and children. Kurban often publishes joint photos with his wife and children, and also writes posts with pictures from joint trips. According to @borodylia subscribers, it is the large number of family photos that makes these two accounts so popular. Subscribers are inspired by a young happy family.

Recall that Kurban and Ksenia got married in 2015, this year their first joint child was born - daughter Thea.


The TV presenter lives a very busy life, but the main place in it is occupied by the family. This is clearly seen in the publications on the Instagram account. A celebrity posts photos and videos quite often, sometimes several per day. Stories are posted regularly. No less interesting is her husband's social media account.