(!LANG: Inna Malikova biography family personal life. Inna and Dmitry Malikov about family traditions: One for all, and all for one. What dishes does he please you with

Inna Malikova did not interrupt the family's creative dynasty. The woman connected her life with music and released two solo albums at the beginning of the 2000s. Then the artist became a member, producer and group leader. In addition, Inna collaborates with many famous brands. For example, in 2016 she became the face of the Crystal and Master Brilliant jewelry houses.

Inna Malikova is a representative of the country's well-known musical family of Malikovs. The girl's father, Yuri Malikov, is the creator and leader of the super-popular vocal and instrumental ensemble "Gems" in the 1970s. Brother is a famous pop singer, composer and pianist. Mom Lyudmila Vyunkova was a former soloist of the capital's music hall and a dancer, then became the concert director of her son Dmitry.

Probably, the girl could not do anything other than musical creativity, because the atmosphere of art always reigned in the family house, good music sounded. Therefore, she gladly went to the famous Merzlyakovskaya music school, formed at the conservatory. I chose the piano class.

When her daughter was in the 5th grade of an ordinary comprehensive school, her parents, seeing the girl’s musical successes, transferred Inna to the music and choreography school No. 1113, which is located on Tverskaya Street. She is known for her graduates, among whom are the vocalists of the group.

The future singer graduated from the Merzlyakovskaya school not only in the piano class - she also mastered the violin. After that, she went to a music school, choosing the conductor-choir department. At the same time, she worked on vocals, studying with the famous mentor Vladimir Khachaturov at the pop-jazz school.

After receiving her diploma, Malikova did not want to put an end to her education. Inna entered GITIS, choosing the pop department for herself.


The creative biography of Inna Malikova began in 1993. Brother Dmitry gave his sister the song "On the holiday of summer" for the 16th anniversary. The young singer successfully debuted with her on the popular TV projects Morning Star and Under the Sign of the Zodiac.

From that moment on, she began collaborating with other authors and composers. The vocalist has new compositions “I don’t want to be serious” and “Who was right”. Video clips are recorded on them. The last song not only becomes the title track in Inna Malikova's first album, but also gives it its name.

In 2002, a new stage in the singer's work starts. She gathers a team of like-minded people and collaborates with composers Yevgeny Kuritsin, Pavel Yesenen and Sergei Nizovtsev. Together with them, the vocalist starts recording new songs for the second album.

The highlight of the next two years in the life of Inna Malikova is the release of clips for the compositions “Everything That Was” and “Coffee and Chocolate”. The director Oleg Gusev worked on the first clip, Georgy Toidze worked on the second.

The following year, the theatergoers of the capital could ascertain the birth of a new actress: Inna Malikova played one of the main roles in the play "Moscow Divorce", which was staged by the theater agency "Lekur". Looking ahead, let's say that Malikova was able to enter the stage again as an actress in 2008. She played Adele in the production of The Bat.

The main success awaited the vocalist, after all, not on the theatrical, but on the pop stage. In 2006, the legendary VIA "Gems" celebrated its 35th anniversary. In honor of this event, father and daughter created a new project, which was called "New Gems".

The line-up included, although young, but already well-known vocalists: Alexander Postolenko, a participant in several popular musicals, Yana Daineko, the daughter of one of the soloists of the Belarusian Pesnyars, Mikhail Veselov, winner of the 5th Star Factory, and soloist of the jazz band Music Parking Band Andrey Dievsky. Inna Malikova became the head of the new team.

After 3 years, the group released their first album, called “Inna Malikova. Gems NEW".

In 2010, the singer and actress tries her hand as a TV presenter. Together with her, she hosts the Good Evening, Moscow! program.

The main thing in Inna's creative life is music. In 2014, the fourth album of the singer and the band was released with the nostalgic title "All Life Ahead". It consists of remixes of popular songs of the Gems from the 1970s and 80s. But the team is evolving. In the future, the group planned to release new songs that smoothly "flow" from the old "samotsveto".

In 2016, New Gems celebrated its 10th anniversary. Over the years, the quartet has traveled all over Russia with tours. At the same time, the composition of the team has never changed. In the press, the artists were even called the best cover band in the country.

With "New Gems" Inna performed her favorite old compositions in a new way: "Remember", "Glue", "The world is not simple", "The heart is not a stone" and others.

Personal life

The singer and actress has been married. The husband of the star was businessman Vladimir Antonichuk. The personal life of Inna Malikova at first seemed happy. The couple had a son, Dima. But when the boy was 12 years old, they broke up. The reason for the gap was a different outlook on life. Inna is a creative and sociable person. She has many friends and girlfriends. And my husband showed more domostroy, if I may say so, classical views on the family. He wanted his wife to stay at home and only take care of the family.

The breakup was painful. Throughout the year, the question was decided with whom the son would remain, but Dima was already quite an adult boy. At the same time, in spiritual terms, his mother is closer to him. Her son stayed with her. He also bears the famous surname Malikov. Besides Dmitry, Inna has no children.

It is noteworthy that the son, although he has a wonderful ear and plays the piano perfectly, chose the profession of a cook for himself. He is already an excellent cook, he completed an internship in Italy and entered the famous The Institute Paul Bocuse. This is a French Culinary Institute. Dmitry's desire to study here was such that he learned French in six months.

Although the young man is studying in another country, he tries to fly over the weekend and spends the holidays at home. Another mother and son write off and call each other during the day. In addition, Inna is close to her niece - the daughter of Dmitry Malikov.

The personal life of Inna Malikova is quite arranged. According to the artist, she has a loved one with whom she has complete understanding. But the singer does not name the chosen one.

Few people know, but the popular performer is very afraid of heights. As a child, she fell on the escalator and rolled down. Now this phobia haunts the star.

Inna Malikova is a fan of swimming. In 2017, a woman began to practice this sport professionally in order to develop her breathing apparatus.

Thousands of fans are watching the life and work of the beloved artist. Inna shares personal and work photos with subscribers in " Instagram". Still she leads

Singer Date of birth January 1 (Capricorn) 1977 (43) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @innamalikova

Inna Yuryevna Malikova is a child of a family well-known in the musical environment. Star relationship, of course, influenced her versatile hobbies and creative development. In a house where good music constantly sounds and an atmosphere of high art reigns, it is difficult to do something else. The girl was in awe of the professional activities of her parents. Even as a child, she firmly decided that she would certainly connect her life with the stage, music. Parents always helped and supported their beloved daughter.

Biography of Inna Malikova

Inna Malikova was born in January 1977. The birthplace of the future singer and TV presenter is Moscow. All members of Inna's family, one way or another, are connected with the world of art. Father - the famous Yuri - the founder and immediate leader of the most popular male ensemble of 1970 "Gems". Inna's brother is Dmitry, who in the future will become a famous pianist, pop singer and composer. Mother - Lyudmila Vyunkova - began her career as a dancer and soloist of the Moscow music hall. As soon as Dmitry Malikov gained popularity on the big stage, mother Lyudmila became his concert director.

Parents did not even have to persuade the girl to go to a music school. Inna preferred the piano class at the Merzlyakovskaya Music School. Parents were pleasantly surprised by the zeal and success of their daughter in the musical field, so they soon took her away from the secondary school and transferred her to a specialized musical and choreographic institution. In parallel, Malikova decided to learn to play the violin.

The next step in the education of Dmitry Malikov and his sister Inna is a music school. The future singer chose the conducting and choral faculty. At the same time, Inna actively attended vocal classes, honed her stage skills. Her mentor was the famous Vladimir Khachaturov.

Having received one diploma, Malikova was not going to stop there. Inna submitted her documents to GITIS and became a student of the pop department.

The singer's musical career started in 1993, when her brother Dmitry presented her with the hit "At the Summer Holiday" for her birthday. The song has sounded more than once in large-scale TV projects "Under the Sign of the Zodiac", "Morning Star". Success and popularity came to the young "star". Inna attracted the attention of other famous authors of music and lyrics. The compositions “Who was right”, “I don’t want to be serious” came out from under their pen. Later, video clips were shot on them.

In 2002, Inna came up with the idea to create a completely new project. A team of like-minded people and the best composers begin work on the creation and recording of the second album. The beginning of 2005 was a significant date in the singer's creative career. It was then that her second and most successful album, called "Coffee and Chocolate", was released. Video clips were shot for some songs from it.

Malikova also tried to play on the theater stage. The performances "The Bat" and "Divorce in Moscow" secured her the status of a multifaceted and talented personality.

The real success overtook the singer in 2006, when the legendary group "Gems" celebrated its 35th anniversary. The father and his adult daughter put together a project that received the triumphant name "New Gems". Inna took over the leadership of the team. The team included the best vocalists of the Star Factory. The group released their first album only 3 years later.

Stars mourn those who died in Nice

- Russian singer, producer, actress and TV presenter. Soloist and leader of the New Gems group. Honored Artist of Russia.

A family

Inna Malikova was born on January 1, 1977 in Moscow, in a musical family. Her father is Yuri Fedorovich Malikov, musician, composer, founder and head of the VIA "Gems". Mother - Vyunkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna, at that time a soloist of the Moscow Music Hall. Brother - Dmitry Malikov, singer, pianist and composer.


Music and the atmosphere of creativity accompanied Inna literally from the first days. Instead of lullabies, parents turned on recordings of the Gems or the Beatles, and often took them on tour with them. Inna Malikova received her secondary musical education at the music school at the Moscow Conservatory, the legendary Merzlyakovka, in piano. Then the girl entered the conductor-choir department of the music school and at the same time took vocal lessons from the outstanding teacher V.Kh. Khachaturov at the pop-jazz school. In addition, starting from the fifth grade, Inna studied at the famous school No. 1113 with an in-depth study of music and choreography, which is on Tverskaya Street. Other future "stars" of the national stage also studied here: Nikolai Baskov, members of the Lyceum group and many others.

Carier start

Inna recorded her first song in 1993. Dmitry Malikov presented the composition “At the Summer Festival” to his sister for her 16th birthday. With her, Inna first got on the air, taking part in the popular music programs Morning Star and Under the Sign of the Zodiac.

The debut solo album of the singer "Who was right" was released in 2000. The second, "Coffee and Chocolate", in another five years. Inna Malikova collaborated with such famous composers as Oleg Molchanov, Evgeny Kuritsin, Sergey Nizovtsev and others.

New Gems

In 2006, at a gala concert dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the legendary Gems, Inna Malikova and Alexander Postolenko performed one of the group's songs as a duet. Her father, Yuri Malikov, liked the idea so much that it was decided to create a group that would continue the business of VIA "Gems". Like-minded people were found quickly, within a month Inna recruited a team. Thus, the New Gems were born. According to Inna herself, she is a born organizer. It gives her real pleasure to watch how her group grows and gains popularity.

The team, in addition to Inna, included young, talented artists: participant in the musicals Notre Dame de Paris, Romeo and Juliet, The Count of Monte Cristo Alexander Postolenko, daughter of the soloist of Belarusian Pesnyary Yana Daineko, winner of the fifth Star Factory Mikhail Veselov. And Inna Malikova is not only the soloist of the group, but also its leader.

"New Gems" is rightfully considered one of the most successful cover projects in Russia. The artists are active in concert activities, they experiment a lot in the studio, their music is heard on the air of the country's largest radio stations. The first album "Inna Malikova & Gems NEW" was released in 2009, the second "All Life Ahead" - in 2014. In 2018, for the 12th anniversary of the New Gems group, they released their third album with the symbolic title "12".

Work in theater and television

In 2006, after graduating from the pop department of GITIS, Inna Malikova received an invitation from the Lekur theater agency to play one of the main roles in the private performance "Divorce in Moscow". And in 2008, the premiere of another performance took place - "The Bat". Here Inna played the role of Adele's maid. Both works of the young actress received favorable reviews from critics.

Inna Malikova graduated from the School of TV Presenters at Ostankino and from 2010 to 2011, together with Dmitry Kharatyan, hosted the Good Evening, Moscow! TV program.

Personal life

Married to businessman Vladimir Antonichuk (until 2011). Son Dmitry Vladimirovich Malikov, Jr. (born January 26, 1999). Dmitry is an excellent cook and conducts culinary master classes. He has his own YouTube channel. In the future, he plans to master the profession of a chef.


2000 - "Who was right"

2005 - "Coffee and Chocolate"

2009 - "Inna Malikova & Gems New"

2014 - "All life ahead"


1996 - "I don't want to be serious"

2000 - "Who was right"

2003 - "All that was"

2004 - "Coffee and Chocolate"

2012 - "Remember Modern Talking"

2012 - "Heart is not a stone"

2014 - "All life ahead"

2015 - "The world is not simple"

2016 - "Heart is not a stone"

2018 - "Glue"

Inna is the face of the Swiss watch company MILUS (since 2004).

Inna's favorite treat is coffee latte. She loves it even more than chocolate.

0 November 22, 2016, 13:06

In just a couple of months, Inna Malikova will turn 40 years old. But looking at the leader and producer of the New Gems group, few will guess her age, so she should learn how to take care of herself in order to look at least ten years younger. the site learned from Inna about her favorite cosmetic procedures, her love for tasty, but not very healthy food, and her attitude towards plastic surgery.

When you find out your age, the question arises: how do you do it? It is clear that the matter is in daily care, but how do you feel about injection methods, have you injected yourself with fillers?

Today, women have the opportunity to look good at any age, and 39 years old is not so much, especially if you take care of yourself and look at life the right way. In general, I believe that the main thing is the internal state. And these are not just words, but my deep conviction. I am sure that appearance depends on how a person looks at the world and how he feels himself in it, how he knows how to negotiate with himself. I love to take care of myself, I love to pamper myself. I try to take a day off once a week and dedicate the day to myself. Or at least a few hours. I go to a beautician, for a massage, to the pool.

As for injections, I am fine with this, if everything is done well and in moderation. After 35 years, I began to do biorevitalization once a year in the fall - I consider this procedure very useful. Although it does not give global visible changes, it really nourishes and rejuvenates the skin. From injections, this is the only thing I do. When they write that I have enlarged my lips, this is really funny, because I have never done anything with my lips.

In one of the interviews, you said that from the age of 17 you started visiting a beautician. Did your mother somehow influence you to start grooming yourself at such an early age?

I really started visiting a beautician at the age of 17, but it was not so much my mother who influenced this, but rather Dima's wife Lena. She has always been an example for me and I wanted to be as beautiful as her. I realized that you need to start taking care of yourself from an early age, so I began to go to a beautician.

Tell us about your favorite facial treatments. What effect do they give?

My favorite salon treatment is a facial massage. After it, the oval rises, as it were, and the skin looks very fresh.

Besides massage, anything else?

In addition to massage, I really love the procedure, which is called Intraceuticals. This is a technology that introduces low molecular weight hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin. It looks like biorevitalization, but without injections. In general, my skin is very dry and "hungry", so to speak. That is, my cream always absorbs very quickly, so I love deep moisturizing.

How often do you go to the beautician?

Recently, I try to visit a beautician once every two weeks.

Do you think that at home you can take care of yourself no less qualitatively than in a beautician's chair?

You probably won’t do massage on your own, although special devices for home use are now being sold. But in general, I am convinced that there is nothing better than real, good, professional hands. Therefore, home care is necessary and wonderful, but I think it is necessary for a woman to go to a beautician at least once a month. And better often.

What is your home daily care?

I start the morning by spraying my face with thermal water, then I wash my face with a special product, wipe my skin with tonic and apply cream on my face and under my eyes. Basically everything. In the evening - it doesn’t matter if I put on makeup or not - I definitely wash my face, and in several stages: I remove makeup, if it was, with makeup remover, then I wash my face with a cleansing gel, and then I wipe my face with tonic - sometimes I wipe it until the sponge becomes perfectly clean, not once. Then I spray my face with thermal water or special grape water. And after that I apply serum and cream (including under the eyes).

Are there only luxury brands in your cosmetic bag or are there more democratic brands?

Of course, I have funds from different brands. The main thing is that, relatively speaking, I like the color of the lipstick or the quality of the mascara, so I can easily buy cosmetics from democratic brands. But I still try to take creams and serums from expensive brands. But washing gels, body creams and tonics can be inexpensive - I buy myself Nivea too.

Are there any folk recipes that you use in skin care?

Now I use folk recipes less often than before. But there is one folk remedy that I adore and probably will always love - this is a bath. I have a chic bath attendant Tanechka, who prepares me a wonderful bathhouse and all sorts of natural brooms. We make a natural scrub with mustard, coffee or salt, and then a honey wrap is a must. She also cuts a lemon and rubs it on my skin - vitamin C is well absorbed in this case. And when I'm lying in the steam room, she puts this lemon on my heels. And here I am lying all covered in honey with these lemons on my heels ... This is such a charm, such health!

And how often do you go to the bath like this?

I would like more often, I love the bathhouse. Once a month or even once every one and a half to two months.

In your opinion, what can harm the skin the most? And what do you never allow yourself to do in matters of care?

I never neglect the cream, because after washing my skin becomes dry and tight - I just won't fall asleep in this state. Even after washing my hands, I simply cannot help but smear them with cream, it will be uncomfortable for me. Well, going to bed with makeup is generally a beauty crime. In the years of turbulent youth, I may have allowed myself this a couple of times, but in recent years - never. No matter how tired I am, I always take off my makeup. I can’t even be on the plane with makeup: if after the concert we go straight to the airport, I still wash my face. In general, I try to get rid of decorative cosmetics on my face as quickly as possible.

If you had to choose only one of all skin care products, what would it be?

Nutritious cream.

What cosmetics are usually always in your purse?

Hand cream, chapstick and a little perfume.

Do you plan to resort to aesthetic plastic surgery or do you think that aging should be natural?

Complex issue. I don’t know how to answer it yet, let’s see how life will develop. In the next few years, if there is no evidence, probably not. And in the future - depends on how I look. If I feel that I need it, then maybe I will. But to be honest, I don't really want to. I would like to age naturally, but how it will be, I do not know.

Nutrition affects not only the figure, but also the condition of the skin. Tell us about your dietary habits.

Yes, nutrition definitely affects the skin. But I probably won't be original if I say that I really like to eat, but I have never met people who don't. I like to eat everything harmful, more than anything in the world I love meat. I love dairy products and everything related to them. I love cottage cheese, coffee with milk, cheesecakes, yogurts. In general, all milk. Cheese, of course, is my passion. I love cheeses. All that I have named are not the most useful products. Unfortunately, I like vegetables, fruits and fish less.

Have you ever wanted to try giving up meat?

I don’t want this and I know that I can’t, I don’t have enough willpower. I can't live without meat. But I do not like meat so much as ham and all sorts of sausages. I know I'm saying terrible things. But this does not mean that I constantly eat them, it means that I love them since childhood, I am such a "sandwich person" - my grandmother always gave me sandwiches with her. Of course, I killed my stomach a little with them, but I still love them.

But you probably rarely eat them, but if you take your usual day when there is no tour, when can you rationally approach nutrition?

Breakfast is cottage cheese or porridge. If there is a workout, then this is porridge, if not, then cottage cheese or cheesecakes, a piece of cheese, coffee with milk. Then, if possible, a snack at the level of coffee latte and then at five or six o'clock, this is between lunch and dinner, some kind of good meal, where there may be meat or fish.

On Wednesday and Friday I try not to eat meat - these are fast days. In the evening, according to the situation: if I find myself at an event, then I have a snack with something light. If you can’t have a bite to eat, then the evening, of course, is difficult: I eat quite tightly, because I’m hungry, and then I scold myself for it, I don’t sleep well.

And the last question: which of the stars is your beauty idol?

Cool question. Ingeborga Dapkunaite - time. Oksana Fandera - two. And Katya Andreeva - three. They look great and I love them.

A photo Press office archive

Inna Malikova is a Russian singer, actress, founder and soloist of the New Gems group, a successor to her father's work, Yuri Malikov, leader of the Soviet VIA Gems.

Childhood and family

Inna Malikova was born on January 1, 1977 in Moscow, in the family of Yuri Malikov, People's Artist of Russia, founder of the VIA "Gems", and Lyudmila Vyunkova, former soloist of the Moscow Music Hall. The famous Russian singer Dmitry Malikov is Inna's older brother.

Inna grew up in a creative atmosphere, often visited concert halls, met famous musicians, so she decided on her future profession early.

“My parents didn’t even let me touch another profession,” she joked.

Inna spent most of her childhood years with her grandparents - her mother and father were constantly on tour. Malikova admits that in the early years they were not particularly friendly with Dmitry, but now they have an excellent relationship.

The girl received her primary musical education at the Merzlyakovskaya School at the Conservatory, where she mastered musical notation, piano and violin. In the 5th grade, Malikova moved to school with an in-depth study of music and choreography No. 1113, where Anastasia Stotskaya, Nikolai Baskov, members of the Vintage group, artists of the Bolshoi Theater and many other stars studied at one time.

When Malikova turned 16, her older brother wrote her the song “At the Summer Festival” as a birthday present, with which Inna subsequently performed on the TV shows “Morning Star” and “Under the Sign of the Zodiac”.

Debut of Inna Malikova with the song "On the holiday of summer" (archive recording 1993)

After school, Malikova entered the conductor-choir department of the music school, and also took private vocal lessons at the pop-jazz school. Some time later, the girl became a student of the pop department of GITIS.

Musical career

His first music album "Who was right?" Inna created during her studies - at the same time two video clips were released.

In 2002, the singer began to collaborate with famous domestic composers and work on her second album "Coffee and Chocolate", which was released 3 years later. Actor Dmitry Isaev starred in the video for the title track of the album.

In 2006, Malikova founded the New Gems group, coinciding this moment with the 35th anniversary of her father's musical group. The group included a participant in the show "Voice-4" Alexander Postolenko, the daughter of the soloist of "Belarusian Pesnyars" Yana Daineko, a participant in the "Star Factory-5" Mikhail Veselov and Inna herself as a soloist and leader. The musicians perform world and domestic hits of the 1970-1990s and their own songs.

Inna Malikova & "New Gems" - Remember Modern Talking

Three years after the founding, the group released their debut album "Inna Malikova & Gems NEW". The band's second album was released in 2014. Malikova's group, with which the singer traveled to many cities in Russia and abroad, has been called "the best cover band in the country" more than once. It is also surprising that for more than 10 years of the existence of the team, its composition remains the same.

Other projects

In 2004, Inna became the face of the Swiss watch brand Milus in Russia. Subsequently, Dmitry Malikov also became the face of this company.

In 2006, the theater agency "Lekur" announced the premiere of the play "Divorce in Moscow", in which Inna made her debut, and Stanislav Sadalsky, Alla Dovlatova, Zhanna Epple and Ruslana Pysanka also played.

2008 was marked by the premiere of the production of "The Bat", in which the actors of "Lekur" were involved - Inna Malikova (in the role of Adele's maid), as well as Andrey Noskov, Fedor Dobronravov, Anna Snatkina, etc.

In 2010, Malikova replaced Olga Budina as the host of the Good Evening, Moscow! TV program. on the channel "TVC". Dmitry Kharatyan became the co-host of the singer.

In 2016, Inna became a brand ambassador for the Kristall and Master Brilliant jewelry houses, as well as the Italian clothing and footwear brand Pinko in Russia.

Personal life of Inna Malikova

Inna's first husband was businessman Vladimir Antonichuk. When they met, Inna was very young - she is 21, Vladimir is 5 years older. The romantic man won the heart of the girl, the lovers got married, and already in January 1999, the son Dmitry was born in the family.

But family life did not work out. Soon Malikova began to notice the difference in characters. She was a creative person, light and sociable, and her husband, on the contrary, turned out to be gloomy, often silent, taking only one point of view - his own. In addition, Vladimir was a very jealous spouse and perceived Inna's creative activity with hostility.

When their son was 13 years old, Inna filed for divorce. After lengthy legal proceedings, Dmitry stayed with his mother. Although the guy also had musical abilities, and he even accompanied his uncle on the piano during a concert at Crocus, he took a different path. In 2016, Dmitry graduated from high school and entered the Paul Bocuse Institute at the Faculty of Culinary Arts and Restaurant Business Organization. He maintains warm relations with his cousin Stefania Malikova.

Whether Malikova's heart is free now is unknown. In some interviews, the singer hinted that she has a lover, but claims that she is well on her own.

Looking at Inna, it’s hard to believe that in 2017 she exchanged her fifth ten. As the singer admits, she began visiting a beautician from the age of 17, inspired by the example of Dmitry's wife Elena, whose appearance Inna always considered ideal. Now she regularly visits beauty salons and follows all the latest in the world of aesthetic medicine. Many fans believe that she looks the same age as her son.

Inna continues to tour a lot with her group, participate in concerts, record new compositions. So, in March 2018, "New Gems" performed in the show "Tonight" on Channel One. Malikova also masters Instagram - she regularly pleases hundreds of thousands of her subscribers with interesting shots from life, and also gives advice on proper nutrition and self-care.