(!LANG:Homemade moisturizing face mask. Masks for oily skin. Banana-kefir mask for oily skin

Many women confuse skin nutrition and skin hydration. If your cheeks or nose are peeling, the first thing that comes to mind is to lubricate this place with something fatty, olive oil, for example. But such products will not solve the problem if the skin lacks moisture. The Best Moisturizer - Drink More pure water. But a homemade moisturizing face mask can restore beauty to the skin.

What is a good moisturizing face mask at home?

The main advantage of the procedure at home is that you do not have to strive for aesthetics, and therefore you can even use products stored in the refrigerator. At home, no one will judge you for a layer of crushed tomatoes, or strawberries on your face. Meanwhile, it is fresh fruits, vegetables and berries that are the ideal means of moisturizing. You can always choose the right option based on the season.

Homemade moisturizing face masks - which one to choose?

The easiest recipe for a moisturizing face mask that is equally suitable for women different ages with different, it is grated fresh cucumber. Spread the gruel over the skin and leave for at least 15 minutes. Cucumber not only nourishes the dermis with moisture, but also refreshes the complexion. This is a universal remedy, moreover, it can be called budgetary - one large vegetable is enough for one procedure. But remember: only cucumber grown in the ground is suitable, which means that the time of this mask is from the end of May to September.

A moisturizing face mask with honey, on the contrary, is good in the winter season. Preparing it is quite simple:

  1. Grate half a peeled raw potato, add 3-4 drops of lemon juice.
  2. Mash a ripe avocado with a fork, add 1 teaspoon of honey.
  3. Mix avocado with potatoes, apply on face.
  4. The procedure time is 10-20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the mask layer.

A moisturizing sour cream face mask is suitable for mature women who are concerned about the first age-related changes. It contains low-fat sour cream, ground oatmeal and a banana in equal amounts. Moisturizing mask for oily skin differs only in the absence of sour cream. This dairy product can clog pores, so limit yourself to banana and oatmeal. The result will be just as good.

Moisturizing masks for dry skin of the face are very diverse. There are three areas of such funds:

  • pure hydration;
  • hydration + nutrition;
  • moisturizing + anti-aging element.

You can simply moisturize your skin with fresh berries and fruits with the addition of aloe juice. The time for such a mask should be no longer than 10 minutes.

You can moisturize the skin and at the same time enrich it with nutrients if you add a little natural to the fruit and vegetable gruel. vegetable oil, for example, olive or linen. Works just as well egg yolk.

It is impossible to maintain the skin of the face in good condition without sufficient moisture. Every cell of our body needs hydration, and the lack of moisture in skin cells leads to premature aging, wrinkles, dull complexion. Moisturizing face masks will help saturate the skin with moisture and tighten it. It must be remembered that there are many face masks, and each of them performs its function.

Moisturizing. They saturate each cell with moisture and oxygen, eliminate the feeling of tightness and smooth fine wrinkles. Recommended for all skin types.

Whitening. Align complexion, remove pigmentation, freckles. With regular use, they provide amazing results.

Tonic. They return a healthy glow to the skin, allow the skin to return a healthy look. Refresh the skin.

Constricting. These masks are most often used for oily and problematic facial skin, for inflammation, acne, ACNE, they help prevent inflammation, narrow pores, and regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Each type of mask is useful for the skin of the face, and at a certain age it is necessary, but moisturizing masks are necessary for everyone in order to prevent premature aging.

Moisturizing face masks are an integral part of facial skin care, a way to prevent skin aging, its peeling, and also one of the ways to cleanse the skin of toxins and toxins. Moisturizing can restore the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. To properly moisturize the skin of the face, you need:

  • Periodically change the moisturizer, as the skin quickly gets used to it and stops responding to it, a cream with silk or milk proteins allows you to effectively retain moisture in the cells of the epidermis.
  • It is useful to wash with thermal water before applying the cream to saturate the skin with moisture.
  • Moisturizing masks are applied every 3-4 days, especially when the heating is on and during the hot season.
  • The moisturizing cream is applied for 30-40 minutes, then the excess cream is removed with a napkin.
  • For sufficient skin hydration, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, and maintain the humidity in the room. If the air is dry enough, you need to put a cup of water near the radiator.
  • Getting rid of dead cells is done before applying a moisturizer using any facial scrub.

Recipes for moisturizing masks.

  1. Honey mask. To prepare the mask, you will need 2 tablespoons of liquid honey, raw egg yolk, a teaspoon of olive or almond oil. Mix everything, apply for 20 minutes on the skin of the face, then rinse with warm water.
  2. Oatmeal mask. To prepare, you will need 2 tablespoons of oatmeal flakes and 1/2 cup of hot milk. Mix, leave to swell for 15 minutes. Drain the remaining liquid, add a teaspoon of aloe or lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  3. Apple mask. You will need a tablespoon of finely grated apple, a teaspoon of butter, a beaten egg yolk. Mix all. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  4. Cucumber mask. Mix a tablespoon of freshly squeezed cucumber juice with a teaspoon of cream and 3 drops essential oil roses. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The mask has a wonderful refreshing and whitening effect.
  5. Tomato mask. You will need the pulp of a fresh tomato and a teaspoon of potato starch. Mix until smooth, apply on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Well narrows the pores and regulates the sebaceous glands.
  6. Cabbage mask. You will need 2 tablespoons of finely chopped fresh cabbage and 1/2 cup of hot milk. Mix together, then drain off excess liquid. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  7. Potato mask. You will need 1 potato boiled in their skins, a tablespoon of milk and an egg yolk. Mix all ingredients. Apply to face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  8. Creative mask. You will need 2 tablespoons of fat cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon of liquid honey. Mix, apply on the skin of the face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The mask is well toned and refreshed.
  9. Herbal mask. Brew chamomile, St. John's wort and hop cones in a tablespoon in a glass of water. When the broth has cooled, take 50 grams of strained broth, 2 yolks, a teaspoon of liquid honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Well relieves irritation and inflammation on the skin.
  10. Express mask. When you need to quickly put yourself in order, this mask is just what you need. Take 50 grams of sour cream, egg yolk, lemon zest, a teaspoon of olive oil. Mix everything until smooth. Apply to face for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Your skin will glow with health!

Being beautiful is a real art that a woman comprehends all her life. And it is not at all necessary to waste time in beauty salons and use tons of cosmetics to look attractive and attract the admiring glances of men. Beautiful woman the one with sparkling eyes and glowing face. And here the question arises: how to make the skin of the face always look healthy, well-groomed and radiant? To maintain ideal skin condition, a moisturizing face mask at home will help.

Since the human body is 80% water, it is its lack that leads to aging and wilting. The skin of the face especially suffers from dehydration, it becomes dull, wrinkled, tight, peeling, irritation appears, firmness and elasticity are lost. Women know many ways to moisturize their faces, but one of the most effective is the use of masks. In order not to waste time and money on beauty salons, face masks can be easily prepared at home.

The principle of operation of a moisturizing face mask

Sun, wind, dry air, unhealthy ecology big city negatively affect the condition of our skin, cells lose precious moisture, and it is known to be the basis of metabolic processes. With the help of a face mask for moisturizing, you can not only restore the water balance, but also maintain the required level of moisture for a certain time. It should be remembered that moisturizing is indicated for owners of any type of skin, and not just those who have dry skin. In addition, for women after 30 years, this procedure should become mandatory, because with age, the skin's own moisturizing processes decrease.

There are many recipes for preparing masks for moisturizing the skin, you just need to choose the right ingredients to maximize their benefits. Vitamins and minerals help retain moisture in the epidermis.

We remember the useful components of moisturizing masks and the products in which they are contained:

  • Retinol (vitamin A) - active assistant dry skin, it removes peeling and visible signs of irritation. There is a lot of it in seaweed and other algae, viburnum, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter.
  • Pantothenic acid (B vitamins) is an excellent moisturizer found in bran, rice, and almonds.
  • Hyaluronic acid contributes to the maintenance of water balance. There are enough in burdock oil and grape juice.
  • Potassium regulates the level of moisture in the skin. Contained in peas, potatoes, seaweed, mustard.

Using at home at home moisturizing face masks based on these products, you will very soon notice how fresh and healthy your face will become. The main thing to consider important points in the preparation and application of a moisturizer so as not to harm the skin.

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How to prepare the composition

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How to apply

If a face mask for moisturizing is prepared, you need to apply it correctly. Remember the rules:

The variety of recipes for moisturizing masks gives every woman the opportunity to arrange a beauty salon at home. To enhance the effect of this procedure, you can also use a leave-in moisturizing face mask of well-known brands in the complex. It is best to apply it at night. To prepare masks at home, we present a gallery healthy recipes Note to all beauties.

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Homemade moisturizing masks

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From fruits and vegetables

  • banana mask

It will help get rid of peeling and excessive dryness. Mash 0.5 banana with a fork, add a tablespoon of yogurt without additives, mix the gruel thoroughly and apply for 15 minutes. If you have oily or combination skin, this mask you can change: instead of a banana, take applesauce.

Suitable for any skin type. We rub half fresh cucumber on a fine grater, add 1 tsp. vitamin A (oil, you can buy at the pharmacy) and 1 tablespoon of natural sour cream. Apply for 10-15 minutes, rinse.

  • Tomato

This is the best moisturizing face mask for oily skin types. It will help not only moisturize, but also narrow the pores by adjusting the work of the sebaceous glands. medium tomato peel, douse it with boiling water, grate, add a teaspoon of potato starch, mix and apply for 20 minutes.

  • Carrot-apple mix
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Based on dairy products and oils

Recommended for those with dry skin. Take a tablespoon of fatty cottage cheese, mix with a teaspoon of milk and a teaspoon of honey. You can add carrot juice to this mass.

Mixing thoroughly, we get a super moisturizing face mask that can work wonders, moisturizing and refreshing the skin of the face. It is applied in an even layer for 15-20 minutes and then washed off with cool water.

  • Milk-cabbage mask

At first glance, the combination of these ingredients is rather strange, but it is very effective for maintaining the water balance in the skin of the face. We take two teaspoons of cabbage mass (grind with a blender), add a teaspoon of milk and the same amount of fatty homemade cottage cheese. After holding the mask on the face for 15-20 minutes, wash it off with a cotton pad previously dipped in milk.

  • Aloe oil mask

To prepare such masks, you will need unrefined olive oil, peach oil, sea buckthorn. Mix them in equal proportions and add 0.5 teaspoon of aloe juice. Apply the mixture at room temperature on the face at night. This leave-in moisturizing face mask is very effective in combating dry skin.

Remember that instant results when using moisturizing masks at home should not be expected. It is believed that beauty requires sacrifice, but in this case it also takes time.

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Video recipe for a mask for moisturizing the skin of the face and neck

Do not be lazy, systematically arrange a cosmetic spa for your skin, and then the result will not keep you waiting!

Dryness of the epidermis leads to the appearance of mimic, and then age-related wrinkles. The complexion becomes grayish, you look tired. That is why face masks are needed. Skin care should be constant at any time of the year. But it is worth highlighting the autumn and winter period s when the heating is turned on in the houses, and the air becomes especially dry. Women immediately notice the negative changes that occur with the skin. It is during this period that the skin is subject to a sharp loss of moisture, so it is necessary to conduct a course of home moisturizing face masks.

Choosing the right mask for your skin type

Before you start the procedure, you need to determine what type of skin you have and which components are most suitable for you. There are four common types: normal, oily, dry, combination. You can add problematic skin prone to inflammation as a separate item.

  • Normal. Any girl dreams of such a skin. It always looks clean, with an even, uniform color over the entire surface, without redness and oily sheen. The pores are not enlarged, the skin is elastic and smooth, has a pinkish tint.
  • Oily. Owners of this type suffer from oily sheen. The skin suffers from excess sebum, clogged pores and blackheads. But do not be very sad, this type has a plus - thanks to excess fat, a protective film is created that retains moisture, wrinkles appear much later and are not as deep as those of representatives of other types. Over the years, oily skin turns into a mixed state. It is important to thoroughly cleanse the top layer of the epidermis and make moisturizing masks.
  • Dry. This type is not prone to inflammation, has an even color. The inconvenience appears in the cold season. But with age, a woman will feel dryness, tightness, and wrinkles will become more noticeable. The main disadvantage of dry skin is lack of moisture. It is she who needs nourishing and moisturizing face masks. You need to reconsider your diet. Dryness can be caused by a lack of vitamins A, E, C.
  • Combined. Caring for this type of skin is not easy. After all, it combines fatty and normal (sometimes dry) types. The fat area is the T-zone (chin, nose and forehead). In this area, the skin is often glossy and shiny, while in the cheek area it can be normal, in some women even dry. These areas require completely different care. Cheeks need nutrients, and the T-zone needs to be cleaned and moisturized (nutrition provokes the release of fat). Therefore, in the arsenal of your cosmetics there should be two care options, masks should also be of two types: moisturizing for the T-zone and nourishing for the cheek zone (add olive oil to such a mask, it softens and smoothes skin prone to dryness).
  • Problematic. Although it is not distinguished as a separate type, it would be a mistake to remain silent about it. Many women consider their skin to be problematic. Someone is worried about freckles, someone is pigment spots. And yet the most the main problem are inflammations and rashes in the form of pimples. The reasons for their appearance are not only the period of growing up and changes in hormonal levels, but also stress, unbalanced nutrition, influence environment. It is best to carry out treatment with a competent specialist who will tell you which cleansing and moisturizing program to choose. If the problem is serious, do not self-medicate according to the reviews of girlfriends about any effective means- it can hurt you. If the situation is not serious, then you can cope on your own with the help of careful skin care, control of nutrition and emotional state.

Facial skin care is an easy and enjoyable experience. After all, it is also a relaxing procedure. Masks for moisturizing the face at home are best done in evening time, especially in winter. The skin after cleansing and applying the mask should rest and be saturated with moisture as much as possible. Do not expose it to frost, ultraviolet rays and exhaust gases.

Once you have been able to understand and determine which of the five groups you belong to, you need to start working on improving appearance. Oily skin - remove unpleasant shine, dry skin - moisturize and nourish the epidermis with moisture, combined skin requires deep care depending on the face area, and the problematic skin needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Each type needs hydration.


Before you get acquainted with the recipes and start putting them into practice, check if you have any contraindications to these procedures. Thus, you will decide on the best moisturizing mask for your face that is right for you.

  • Independent procedures for serious problems with the skin of the face. If you have impressive rashes, sores, vasodilation, a specialist consultation is required. The problem may lie inside, so complex treatment is necessary. And if sterility is not observed, the situation can be aggravated.
  • Allergic reactions. Even if you can confidently say that you are not allergic to herbs and citrus fruits, do a test before applying the mask. Apply the compound to the elbow. Observe the skin for about 30 minutes. If during this time you have not found redness or a rash, then everything is fine and you can safely apply the mask on your face.

Masks for normal skin

Cucumber with starch

The mask is an analogue of Botox, this effect is created due to the addition of starch. Wrinkles are smoothed, the complexion is leveled.

  1. Take half a cucumber, add the yolk of one egg and one tablespoon of starch.
  2. Mix thoroughly and apply on face for 20-25 minutes.

Fruity: from kiwi, apple and strawberry

Delicious and easy to prepare. You can mix all the fruits and berries in equal proportions or opt for one. The mask not only moisturizes, but also saturates the skin with vitamins.

  1. Finely chop and apply on face. So that the fruits do not drain, it is better to lie down.
  2. Hold for 20 minutes.

Curd honey

Moisturizes, improves the texture of the skin, which becomes smooth and velvety to the touch. It is better to take honey of medium density, about two teaspoons.

  1. Add one tablespoon of cottage cheese to honey.
  2. Apply the prepared mass on the face for 30 minutes.

For oily skin


Easiest to use and dries very well. For oily skin, choose kefir with a minimum percentage of fat content - one teaspoon.

  1. Mix kefir, honey (1 tsp) and egg white.
  2. Apply to a cotton pad, without rubbing, spread on face light movements.

Vitamin with lemon

Moisturizes, fortifies the skin of the face, whitens a little.

  1. Squeeze lemon juice - one teaspoon, add egg white.
  2. Apply to face and hold for about 20 minutes.

Chamomile soothing

Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory agent. Soothes, moisturizes, nourishes. Oily skin is prone to pimples, so chamomile is suitable for dealing with uninvited guests.

  1. Pour boiling water over chamomile (3 tablespoons), strain, add vegetable (1 tablespoon) or olive oil.
  2. Prepare gauze, fold in 3-4 layers, grease half with the composition, cover with the other half.
  3. Keep the compress on your face for 30-40 minutes.

For dry skin


Nice texture and easy to use. It will require one banana, egg yolk, one teaspoon of olive oil. Moisturizes, softens, gives the skin radiance.

  1. Mash the banana to a mushy state, mix with the egg and olive oil (you can beat in a blender).
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients and keep for 30 minutes.

Creamy with cucumber

An easy-to-make mask consists of half a cucumber and two tablespoons of cream. Moisturizes, nourishes, smoothes.

  1. Grate the cucumber on a coarse grater, add cream to it. You can drop some rose water.
  2. Apply the mixture for 20-30 minutes.


For instant results, make an oatmeal face mask. It instantly transforms and rejuvenates tired skin.

  1. Heat a glass of milk and pour 2 tablespoons of cereal over it (let it brew).
  2. Apply to face and keep for 30 minutes until dry.

For dry skin, the main thing is moisturizing and softening, if discomfort and tightness appear during the procedure, immediately wash off the mask.

For combination skin type

Curd-carrot composition

This mask should only be applied to the cheeks where the skin is normal or prone to dryness (other than the T-zone). Nourishes, moisturizes. It will take one teaspoon: cottage cheese, olive oil, carrots and milk.

  1. Grate carrots, rub them with cottage cheese, pour in milk and olive oil.
  2. Apply the mixture on your face and keep it on for 15 minutes.

Light berry blend

The mask of berries with milk fortifies, rejuvenates and gives a blush.

  1. Crush berries and fruits (1 tsp each) to a mushy consistency and add two tablespoons of warm milk.
  2. Apply directly to the face or soak a piece of cheesecloth with the mixture and place over the face and neck.
  3. The duration of the mask is 15-20 minutes.


Potato is rich in amino acids and has healing properties, it is used in the treatment of burns and boils.

Therefore, for combination skin, a potato mask is a real salvation, especially for the cheek area. Softens the face and does not provoke intensive production of sebum.

  1. Boil one medium sized potato.
  2. Mash potatoes, add milk (2 tablespoons).
  3. Apply the mixture on your face for 15 minutes.

For problem skin

berry fruit

Salvation for enlarged pores. The mask creates a tightening effect. You will need half a pear and lemon juice.

  1. Mash the pear and add one teaspoon of lemon juice.
  2. Apply to cleansed skin, keep for 5-10 minutes.

An effective anti-inflammatory dandelion mask

Dandelion, like chamomile, has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is ideal for problem skin prone to breakouts.

  1. Brew 100 g of dandelion leaves. Set aside and add one egg white to the mixture.
  2. Apply for 15 minutes, remove with a cotton pad.

Mint refreshing formula

The moisturizing face mask visibly evens out the complexion, gives smoothness to the skin and stimulates blood circulation in the epidermis.

  1. Take three tablespoons of fresh mint leaves and pour boiling water over them.
  2. After thirty minutes, add miraculous starch - one tablespoon.
  3. Apply a thick paste on your face and keep it on for 20 minutes.

The main rule when using moisturizing masks is to cleanse first, and then apply the composition. For mild skin problems, use these recipes no more than twice a week, in more complex cases, take a course of daily procedures for 1-2 weeks. Always apply the mask calmly smooth movements from the center of the face to the sides - to the temples, remove also carefully. Do not stretch or rub the skin. A moisturizing face mask at home should only be carried out under sterile conditions.

The advantage of such home procedures is economy and naturalness. Do not spare time for beauty, devote a few minutes to yourself and you will see a noticeable transformation. After all, the beauty of the face is not hidden imperfections with the help of cosmetics, but healthy, smooth and well-groomed skin with a natural glow.

The secret of youthful skin lies in its constant hydration. It is the lack of moisture that causes increased dryness and flaking of the skin, roughness and flabbiness, and an unhealthy complexion.

To provide the skin with the optimal amount of moisture, there is no need to run to the pharmacy for expensive creams.

Good, and most importantly, working face masks can be easily prepared at home in your kitchen. To do this, you only need food from the refrigerator and a little patience.

Mask for dry skin

Skin prone to dryness brings many problems to its mistress. She is constantly flaky, tight and irritated.

It is important to protect such a face from premature aging, it requires special care.

Homemade masks for dry skin are based on moisture rich fruits, as well as "milk" with a high percentage of fat.

  • Oatmeal mask for dry skin. To get started, you will need two scoops of hercules, place them in a glass of milk at room temperature. Wait a few minutes for the flakes to swell. The gruel should lie on the skin in a thick layer, remove it after 15-25 minutes.
  • Curd-carrot mask against dry skin. In a container, combine a handful of natural cottage cheese, carrot juice (to do this, rub and squeeze the carrots), cow's milk and olive oil. Mix thoroughly until smooth, then gently apply it on the T-zone for half an hour. Remove with a tissue, tone your face with an ice cube.
  • The components that make up homemade masks can be completely different. Cucumber-creamy, melon, potato-milk, orange-honey and watermelon masks work great.

Mask for oily skin

Oily skin is subject to constant inflammation and irritation. It is regularly treated, dried and cleansed without thinking about moisturizing.

But in vain. It needs moisture no less than other types.

It is allowed to use homemade masks for greasy skin, following certain rules:

  • be sure to use a scrub before applying;
  • keep the mask for no more than twenty minutes;
  • when the time is up, do not rush to wash yourself, it is better to use a napkin;
  • fix the result by applying a moisturizer;
  • apply a mask every 7 days.

Popular ways to moisturize oily skin yourself:

  • Tomato mask. Scald a large tomato with boiling water, remove the skin from it. Grind the tomato with a spoon or meat grinder. Pour a pinch of starch into the gruel.
  • Grapefruit mask. Peel the fruit, chop a couple of its slices, removing layers and seeds. From raw quail egg extract the protein. Combine grapefruit and protein in a bowl, beat with a blender. Apply the gruel on the face, smeared with grapefruit juice.
  • Apple mask. Take a sour apple, remove the skin and bones. Grind on a grater for baby puree. Combine an apple with a large pea of ​​natural sour cream. Work on your face.

Mask for problem skin

Even adult women have imperfect skin. It often happens that the lack of moisture and the presence of adverse factors make the skin unpresentable, exacerbating existing imperfections.

At home, you can quickly and easily make a mask that instantly eliminates oily sheen, makes enlarged pores invisible and gives the skin a vibrant, healthy look.

To do this, take some fresh yogurt, pour into a bowl a spoonful of yeast. Place the gruel with your hand or spatula on your cheeks, nose and chin and hold for about a quarter of an hour.

Mask with honey

Honey helps cleanse the skin of the face while saturating it with moisture.

mask using flower or linden honey quick and easy to prepare: take it from the honey shop natural honey, mix with the separated egg white, pre-whipped with a blender.

Drop lemon juice into the bowl. Distribute the finished substance over the skin of the face, avoiding the eyes. Remove after twenty minutes.

Another mask using honey that restores skin elasticity: take honey in a liquid consistency, mix with the same amount of natural fresh sour cream.

Lubricate the face with gruel, relax for 20 minutes.

Olive oil mask

Olive oil is useful not only inside, but also outside. It is desirable to take Italian oil, cold pressed.

It is this product that retains all the elements necessary for the body.

Mask with the addition of olive oil: combine a quarter of a briquette of cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat content with some olive oil.

Whisk into a single mass and put your hand on the skin, being careful not to touch the eye area.

Keep the mask for about 23 minutes, then remove with a cloth or cotton swab.

Aloe mask

Aloe perfectly moisturizes the skin, gives it softness and smoothness. It will not be difficult for anyone to get aloe - it grows in every second house. The mask with aloe is practical and versatile. it simplest way bring aging skin back to life, cleanse the problematic face of inflammation, even out the water-salt balance.

Depending on the type of skin, an ingredient is added to aloe to enhance the effect of the mask.

Normal skin will love this moisturizing creamy aloe mask: mix one teaspoon of finely chopped aloe leaves with a teaspoon of thick cream. Apply to skin and wait 15 minutes.

Skin prone to inflammatory processes will appreciate the following treatment mask: squeeze the juice from the ground aloe leaves.

Get about a glass. Soak a piece of cloth bandage in the liquid and apply it to your cheeks, forehead, and nose for 10 minutes.

Repeat the steps every day before going to bed. Aloe will draw out all the accumulated dirt, eliminate acne, pimples and comedones, fill the skin with water.

Sour cream mask

Sour cream has many benefits. This product is not only pleasant and delicate in taste, it is able to make the skin of the face velvety and clean.

Sour cream mask with the addition of carrot juice moisturizes the upper layers of the skin: mix a spoonful of sour cream with separated yolk, pour carrot juice over the eye (grated raw carrots are acceptable).

Put the resulting substance on the oval of the face for 12 minutes.

banana mask

The most popular recipe for an effective and simple banana moisturizing mask: you need one fruit, a few milligrams of jojoba oil (ask for it at the pharmacy), and wheat germ (this product is in the health food departments).

Grind all the ingredients and mix well. Leave on skin for 13 minutes. Remove the mask with cold running water.

Do banana mask once every five days. It fills the skin with life-giving moisture, making it shine from within.

Clay mask

Clay- a wonderful and affordable tool for various beauty procedures. It has a matting effect, tightens pores and deeply heals the epidermis. Moisturizing masks based on blue or white clay are easy to prepare and apply quickly.

Dilute a couple of tablespoons of blue clay with mineral water without gas to the consistency of a thick mass. Pour in natural yogurt.

Watch the expiration date. The mask in the end should not be too liquid, otherwise it will drain off the face before it dries. The mixture dries for about half an hour, after which it is carefully cleaned with warm running water.

Beat the egg white with a pinch of baking soda. Pour in a dessert spoon of blue clay. Add if necessary mineral water. Apply the resulting slurry on the face, wait 10 minutes and rinse. You cannot overdo this mask.

Night moisturizing mask

At night, the body regenerates, and the skin cells are maximally open for the process of regeneration and hydration.

Twice a week pamper yourself with a moisturizing night mask with zucchini.

Combine two dessert spoons of grated zucchini with a tablespoon of olive or any other oil.

On the face, place a gauze bandage in one layer, and pour the slurry evenly over it.

Keep the compress for half an hour, wash off the residue without stretching the skin.