(!LANG: Greek mythology presentation. Greek myths about the gods. Apollo strikes the Cyclopes

Presentation on history on the topic “Culture of Ancient Greece” by 10th grade “A” students Daria Zenina and Antonina Zhuravleva Mythology of Ancient Greece The mythological culture of Ancient Greece is based on material-sensible or animate-intelligent cosmologism. Cosmos is understood here as an absolute, a deity and as a work of art. The idea of ​​the Greeks about the world is reduced to the idea of ​​it as a theatrical stage, where people are actors, and all together are a product of the Cosmos. Myths about the Greek gods The Greeks believed in many gods. According to myths, the gods behaved like people: they fought, quarreled, fell in love. They all lived on Olympus Zeus Zeus - the god of the sky, thunder and lightning, in charge of the whole world. The chief of the God-Olympians, the father of gods and people, the third son of the titan Kronos and Rhea Brother of Hades, Hestia, Demeter and Poseidon. Zeus' wife is the goddess Hera. The attributes of Zeus were: a shield and a double-sided ax, sometimes an eagle. Hades The kingdom of the dead was ruled by Hades, brother of Zeus. There are few myths about him. The kingdom of the dead was separated from the rest of the world by the deep river Styx, through which the souls of the dead were ferried by CHARON. Cerberus or Kerberos, in Greek myth-making, the guard dog of the kingdom of the dead, guarding the entrance to the world of Hades Poseidon Poseidon (among the Romans, Neptune) was the Greek god of the seas and oceans. He is depicted in the guise of a domineering bearded man, somewhat similar to Zeus, with a trident in his hand. Poseidon is the wildest of gods, the god of storms and earthquakes, the rushing and relentless tidal waves, the dangers that are exposed when the forces dormant beneath the surface of consciousness are unleashed. His animal symbols are the bull and the horse. Demeter Demeter was the great Olympian goddess of agriculture, grain, and the sustenance of mankind. She also presided over the foremost of the region's arcane cults, whose initiators were promised her patronage on their way to a happy afterlife. Demeter was depicted as a mature woman, often wearing a crown and holding a sheaf of wheat and a torch. Hestia is the goddess of the family hearth and sacrificial fire in ancient Greece. Eldest daughter of Kronos and Rhea. Sister of Zeus, Demeter, Hades and Poseidon a. Her image was in the Athenian Prytaneum. She was called “owning the Pythian laurel.” She was sacrificed before the start of any sacred ceremony, no matter whether the latter was of a private or public nature, thanks to which the saying “start with Hestia” was formed, which served as a synonym for a successful and correct approach to business. Hera Hera is the goddess, the patroness of marriage, protecting the mother during childbirth. One of the twelve Olympian deities, supreme goddess, wife of Zeus. Sculpture of Ancient Greece Ancient Greek sculpture is one of the highest achievements of the culture of antiquity, which left an indelible mark on world history. The origin of Greek sculpture can be attributed to the era of Homeric Greece (XII-VIII centuries BC). Already in the archaic era, in the 7th-6th centuries, wonderful statues and ensembles were created. The heyday and the highest rise of Greek sculpture fell on the period of early and high classics (5th century BC). And IV century BC. e., the period of the late classics. The sculpture of the archaic era is dominated by statues of slender naked youths and draped young girls - kouros and bark. Neither childhood nor old age then attracted the attention of artists, because only in mature youth are the vital forces in their prime and balance. Early Greek sculptors created images of Men and Women in their ideal form. Archaic sculptures were not as uniformly white as we imagine them now. Many have traces of paint. The artists were looking for mathematically adjusted "Disco Thrower" Myron "Goddess with the proportions of the human "body" from 460-450 BC. bodies with a pomegranate ”Keratei 580-570 years of architecture The main task of architecture among the Greeks was the construction of temples. It gave rise to and developed artistic forms. Throughout the historical life of Ancient Greece, its temples retained the same basic type, subsequently adopted by the Ancient Romans. The Greek temples were not like the temples of Ancient Egypt and the East: they were not colossal, religiously awe-inspiring mysterious temples of formidable, monstrous deities, but friendly abodes of human-like gods, arranged like the dwellings of mere mortals, but more elegant and rich. * Temple of Apollo The main task of architecture for the Temple of the Greeks was the construction of temples. Throughout the historical life of ancient Greece, its Artemis temples retained the same basic type. the column played an important role in Greek architecture: its forms, proportions and decorative finishes subordinated the forms, proportions and decoration of other parts of the structure; she was the module that defined his style. The columns of ancient Greece are divided into two styles: the Doric style is distinguished by its simplicity, power, even heaviness of its forms, their strict proportionality and full compliance with mechanical laws. Its column represents a circle in its section; o In the Ionic style, all forms are lighter, more delicate and graceful than in the Doric. The column stands on a quadrangular, rather wide foot * The ancient Greeks painted all kinds of pottery used for storage, eating, in rituals and holidays. Ceramics, decorated with particular care, were donated to temples or invested in burials. After a strong firing, environmentally resistant ceramic vessels and their fragments have survived in tens of thousands. From the second half of the 7th c. before the beginning of the 5th century BC, human figures began to appear on the images. The most popular motives for images on vases are feasts, battles, mythological scenes, Chenturipska telling about the life of Hercules and the Trojan War. vase painting At different periods of their lives, the Greeks used different types of black-figure vase painting: black-figure, red-figure, vase-painting on a red-figure white background, gnathia vases, Canosian, Centuripe. vase painting Vase-Gnathia vase painting Vase painting on a white background Ancient Greek writing The ancient Greeks developed their writing based on the Phoenician. The names of some Greek letters are Phoenician words. For example, the name of the letter "alpha" comes from the Phoenician "alef" (bull), "beta" - from "bet" (house). They also came up with some new letters. This is how the alphabet came about. The Greek alphabet already had 24 letters. The Greek alphabet formed the basis of the Latin, and the Latin became the basis of all Western European languages. The Slavic alphabet also originated from Greek. The invention of the alphabet is a huge step forward in the development of culture. Of the huge number of works of ancient Greek literature, only a very few have come down to us. The literature of ancient Greece is divided into two periods: Archaic period - the main phenomenon of Homeric poems, representing the completion of a long series of smaller experiments in legendary poetry, as well as religious and everyday songwriting. This also includes the Odyssey and the Iliad. Classical period - this period was dominated by comedy and tragedy, reflecting the real political life of the Greeks. Hellenistic period - in a number of scientific disciplines of that time, philology or literary criticism occupied the first place. The removal of poetry from politics, as it were, was compensated by idyllic pictures of the common people's life - Wikipedia and other Internet resources

Greek literature, like the literature of any nation, counts its appearance from oral folk art, which develops on the basis of primitive communal relations, at a time when the individual does not yet stand out from the collective, it becomes a reflection of the feelings, ideas and life experience of the collective. What is typical for all genres of Greek folklore: myth, fairy tale, fable, song folk art. A significant place in Greek folklore is occupied by mythology, which played a large role in the formation of Greek literature.

Mythology is a collection of folk tales about gods and heroes, myths (which differ from fairy tales, where fiction is significant), where stories about real events that once occurred prevail. Mythology is also called the science that studies myths. Both myth and ritual are essential aspects of religion. Mythology proved to be sacred history for the Greek people and for most writers and poets up until the Alexandrian era (i.e. the Hellenistic period). Unfortunately, the writings of the logographers, the authors of the first historical works, recording and expounding myths as true history, have not come down to us.

The literature of Greece is based on mythology, which reflects the already sufficiently developed stage of Greek religion, corresponding to the late period of tribal society, and representing anthropomorphic polytheism (i.e., the religion of many gods endowed with a human appearance and human character traits). The Greeks had a huge variety of gods, demigods, demons and all kinds of supernatural beings, cults of gods and heroes. The list of these gods was continuously updated, the already existing gods changed their appearance, their names, attributes and functions, depending on both the era and the locality. Moreover, in various parts of Greece, certain gods were revered to a greater or lesser extent.

The unifying principle in relation to local traditions and cults was the Homeric religion. The Greeks considered Homer a systematizer, the creator of their ideas about the gods. The aristocratic socio-political system created the Homeric divine state in its own image. It was headed by Zeus, whose cult was brought with them by the conquerors. In the Homeric epic, the views of the most diverse eras coexist, but the author's desire for selection, for the processing of tradition from a certain point of view, is also noted. Homeric Olympus is predominantly patriarchal: aristocratic religion gave a sharp preponderance to the patriarchal gods. Zeus and his family rule the world as an earthly king with nobility.

APOLLONAPOLOLO Phoebus-Apollo The son of Zeus and the goddess Latona, who is hiding from Hera on about. Delos gave birth to twins, Apollo and Artemis. Phoebus-Apollo personifies the sunlight, the rays of the sun are life-giving, but sometimes deadly, causing drought, hence the rays - the bow - one of the attributes of the image of Apollo; another attribute is the lyre. Apollo is a skilled musician and patron of music. He is accompanied by 9 muses. Apollo is crowned with a laurel wreath in memory of his beloved nymph Daphne.

ARESARES Ares The son of Zeus and Hera, personifies storms, bad weather, elements that are destructive to agriculture. Later, Ares (Arey) becomes the embodiment of war, the god of annihilating war, bloodthirsty and merciless, does not distinguish between right and wrong. The appearance of Ares always means the beginning of the massacre and bloodshed. The sons of Ares - Phobos - fear and Deimos - horror, always accompany their father.

ARTEMIS ARTEMIS Artemis Twin sister of Apollo, goddess of hunting, patroness of forests. Her attribute is a deer at her feet. Artemis hunted with her nymph companions, who took a vow of celibacy. The one who broke the vow was expelled from the retinue of the goddess.

ATHENAATHENA Athena The beloved daughter of Zeus, born from his head. Beloved of Zeus, the oceanid Metis (goddess of reason) was expecting a child who, according to the prediction, should surpass his father. Zeus tricked the oceanid into shrinking and swallowed it. The fetus did not die, but developed in Zeus's head. At the request of Zeus, Hephaestus cut his head with an ax and Athena jumped out of it in full military armor. Athena is considered the goddess of reason and intelligent war, to which she brings an element of humanity and brings reconciliation. Later, Athena is the patroness of women's craft.

APHRODITE APHRODITE Aphrodite Daughter of Uranus, born from sea foam. Later, she was considered the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Represents earthly love. Aphrodite is also called Cyprida, because. she went ashore on about. Cyprus. Aphrodite is the ideal of beauty, slightly covered nudity is depicted, which is the main attribute of her image.

HERMESHERMES Hermes The son of Zeus and the Pleiades Maya (the Pleiades are the daughters of Atlanta). Born in Arcadia, in a cave in Mount Kyllene. As an infant, he stole Apollo's cows. Hermes is considered the inventor of the lyre. It personifies the forces of nature, the god of cattle breeding, the patron of shepherds, and the abundance of livestock means wealth. He is the god of trade and the patron of merchants, he also acts as the patron of rogues and swindlers and is considered the initiator of eloquence.

Hephaestus Hephaestus Son of Zeus and Hera, god of fire, later blacksmith and pottery. A distinctive feature of Hephaestus is his lameness. There is a legend that during a quarrel, Hephaestus stood up for his mother, and Zeus threw him from heaven, he fell and broke his leg, according to another legend, Hera, having learned that her baby was born lame and weak, pushed the newborn from Olympus. The gait of the lame god resembled flashes of fire.

DIONISDIONIS God of plant forces of nature, patron of viticulture and winemaking. Popular with the common people as opposed to Apollo, the patron of aristocratic art. He is accompanied by satyrs and bacchantes, an attribute is thyrsus - a stick entwined with ivy, which is called. Dithyramb. Dionysus is the patron of the theatre.

Ancient Greek Religion Religion arose at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 1st millennium BC. in the bowels of the Cretan-Mycenaean civilization and lasted until the 4th century AD. The Greeks went through fetishism - this was expressed in the worship of statues. Anthropomorphism is a humanoid image of the gods, endowing them with feelings, good and evil, immortality.

Earth Uranus - Sky (spread over the whole earth) Uranus - Gaia \u003d 12 children (6 sons and 6 daughters) Son Ocean - gave the earth an ocean and rivers Son and daughter - Hyperion and Theia: - Helios - Sun, Selena - Moon - Eos - Dawn Son of Astraeus bestowed winds on the earth - northern Boreas, eastern - Eurus, southern - Not, western - Zephyr.

The fight between Kronos and Uranus. Uranus imprisoned his children underground and did not allow them to come out into the light. One of the sons of Kronos, took power from his father and overthrew him. Kronos also destroyed his children, but he did not have time to eat one son. His wife Rhea planted a stone for him instead of a child. This child will be the future god Zeus. All other gods will come from him, and he will take his place on Mount Olympus. From the mountain he sends people order and laws, happiness and unhappiness, life and death. If Zeus gets angry, he sends thunder and lightning.


Body of myths
The science,
(research of sources,
meaning, etc.)


MYTH universal
the form
world exploration
attitude to
the world, etc.).
natural and
social order:
origin of the world
universe, man,
plants and


Non-isolation of oneself from the surrounding natural (and
social) environment.
Weak development of abstract concepts,
the predominance of concrete-sensual
Does not distinguish subject from object, part from whole,
item on behalf of.
A tendency to binary oppositions ("life-death", "friend or foe", "bottom-top", etc.).


Initial sacred time,
opposed to time
*sacred = "sacred, divine"
Appears as an era
creation (the first fire, the first
tools and hunting techniques, the first
deeds, first rituals...)


Infinity in
time and
however filled
energy for
conversion to
side of culture.
organized image
= "order", "peace",
"outfit", "decoration,
the beauty"…

Friedrich Nietzsche in his book "The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music" (1870-71) singled out two main principles that form the Hellenic spirit - Apollonism and Dioni

Friedrich Nietzsche in The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music (1870-71)
identified two main principles that form the Hellenic spirit, Apollonism and Dionysianism.
dream element,
knowing of limits,
freedom from the wild
element of ecstasy
man's exit
measured and
legalized world.
monster horror/
intoxication rapture,
fusion of natural and
the subjective disappears.


= demigod, i.e.
son of god and
son of a goddess and
Cultural hero -
character (god, titan,
demigod ...), contributing to
people's lives are good
cultures: fire, tools
labor, laws, etc.

QUESTIONS on the topic: "The pre-Olympic period of the development of Greek mythology"

What is pre-Olympic mythology?
Why is it also called chthonic?
Who do we call in Greek myths
chthonic creatures and why?
What is fetishism and animism? What
difference between them?
What is mixanthropism? What kind
mixanthropic images of Greek
mythology you can name?

Pre-Olympic mythology

Disorder, chaos, disharmony..
Pre-Olympic mythology is also called chthonic, because. Earth (Gaia, Chthon) with
its constituent objects appears to the primitive consciousness as living, animated,
producing everything from itself and nourishing everything by itself, including the sky, which it also gives birth to from
themselves, gods, demons and humans.
Chthonic Creatures:
the Titans, the Cyclopes and the Hundred-armed, generated by the sky Uranus and the earth Gaia;
the offspring of the Earth and Tartarus, the hundred-headed Typhon,
among the creatures of the Earth there are Erinyes - terrible, gray-haired, bloody old women with dog
heads and with snakes in loose hair that pursue criminals,
from Echidna and Typhon the dog Orff is born,
fifty-headed bloodthirsty guard Aida Kerberus (Cerberus),
lernaean hydra,
Chimera with three heads: lionesses, goats and snakes, with flames from the mouth,
Sphinx, killing everyone who did not solve her riddles;
and from Echidna and Orff, the Nemean lion.
Mixanthropic demons are sirens (half-bird-half-woman), centaurs
(half horses, half people).
Pre-Olympic mythology is matriarchal. To late, heroized forms
matriarchal mythology include the Amazons.

Pre-Olympic period: fetishism, animism.

Man himself was conceived fetishistically; his spiritual life
identified either with its functions or with the human
organism: the head of Orpheus, torn to pieces by the Bacchantes, floats to
Lesbos, prophesies and works miracles; Pallas Athena's eyes
amaze with wild and magnetic expression; Medusa's eyes
The gorgons turn to stone everything she sees.
Fetishistic ideas were transferred to the tribal community.
People believed that their race was represented by some animal,
a plant or even an inanimate thing.
The transition to animism has taken place. Animism was originally associated
with the idea of ​​some power, evil or (rarely) beneficent,
determining the fate of man. Spirits appear later
individual things, events that have a different force of influence on
human life and nature.


Nymphs ("virgins"):
seas, rivers, springs,
streams (oceanids, nereids, naiads),
mountains (oreads),
valleys (napei),
lakes and swamps (limnades),
groves (alseids),
trees (dryads, hamadryads) and species
separate places and islands (Calypso,
The origin of the nymphs is various:
Meliades were born from drops of blood
lazy Uranus,
Oceanides were daughters of Oceanus and Tethys
Nereids - Nereus and Dorids,
many nymphs were considered the daughters of Zeus,
nymphs of hills and forests - daughters of Gaia.
Nymphs often visited Olympus, visited pi
rach and the councils of the gods, in the retinue of Zeus, Hera,
Aphrodite, Artemis and other gods.
Heroes were born from the marriages of nymphs with gods.
Nymphs were considered long-lived, but not
many of them could predict
future, heal wounds and inspire
Their sanctuaries were in groves and forests, gr
from the caves.
Nymphs were depicted as beautiful (semi-)o
naked girls.


e beings - i.e.
combining features
human and
animal (from mix -
mix and
anthropos - man).
centaurs who have
human nature and
Echidna - human
and snakes
Sphinx - head and
human chest,
gryphon Wings,
body of a lion.


In Greek mythology, a wingless Egyptian
the sphinx acquires the female gender and the wings of a griffin.
In Greek mythology, the "sphinga" is considered
offspring of the chthonic monsters Typhon and Echidna
(according to another version - Chimeras and Ortra). monster with
body of a lion (dog), wings of a bird, female
head and face. The winged maiden killed young men.
Was sent to Thebes by the goddess Hera for a crime
Theban king Laius in relation to Chrysippus. She is
lay in wait for travelers, asked them ingenious
riddles and killed anyone who could not solve them.
Riddle of the Sphinx: “Tell me who goes to the morning
four legs, during the day - on two, and in the evening - on
three? None of all the creatures that live on earth
changes the way he does. When he walks on four
legs, then he has less strength and slower
does he move than at other times? The answer is:
it's a person. In infancy, he crawls, in
in his prime he walks on two legs, and in
old age - leans on a cane.
After Oedipus solved the riddle of the Sphinx,
the monster rushed from the top of the mountain into the abyss. By
one version, the riddle was poetic, and the Sphinx
ate those who did not guess it. Her picture was
Athena's helmet. In Olympia are depicted "Theban
children abducted by sphinxes.


(ancient Greek Σάτυροι, singular Σάτυρος), noisy, lively, half-human, half-animal: goat legs with hooves,
goat's tail, hairy back, horns on forehead, bulging eyes, snub nose, thick lips. Jumping through the meadows
chasing nymphs. This is the retinue of Dionysus. Young satires. Elderly sileni - drunk, fat-bellied, horse
tail and hooves. Funny jokers.
Adolphe William Bouguereau. "Nymphs and Satyr" (1873).
Satyr. The image on the vase by the vase painter Epictetus


The old god Pan: he looks like
great satyr or strong,
basking in the afternoon
the sun helps the shepherds
shepherd the flocks, amuses herself over
hunters. Brings fear -
On the horns is a pine wreath. At
lips seven-barreled
reed pipe - memory
about sad love. He argued for
love of a nymph with a northern
wind, and he threw the nymph off
break for what she chose
Pan, and she became a pine tree. Pan
chased another nymph, she did not
loved and turned into
cane. He didn't know what
she became a reed, and
cut seven.
Pan teaches Daphnis. Roman sculpture, copy
Greek original.

QUESTIONS on the topic: "The Olympic period of the development of Greek mythology"

How is Olympic mythology different from
What is anthropomorphism?
How many Olympian gods did the Greeks have?
List and describe them. What are the myths
are you aware of their participation?
Name the heroes of ancient Greek mythology,
who defeated the chthonic beings.
What are the names of 9 muses. What patronized
each of them?


Olympus (Greek Όλυμπος) - the highest mountain range in
Greece (2917 m). The mountain is located in the northeast of Thessaly

Transition from Chthonic to Olympian Mythology

The community of gods is settled in heaven or (which is the same) on Mount Olympus (hence
the concepts of "Olympic gods", "Olympic mythology").
Zeus (male deity) is thought of as the supreme god, which marks a victory
patriarchy over matriarchy.
Chthonism and mixanthropism of pre-Olympic mythology are being replaced by
anthropomorphism (anthropos - man).
Heroes appear who deal with chthonic monsters, once
frightening the human imagination.
Zeus fights various monsters, defeats the titans, the Cyclopes, Typhon,
giants and imprisons them underground, in tartar.
Apollo kills the Pythian dragon and establishes his sanctuary on this place. He
but kills two giants - the sons of Poseidon Ota and Ephialtes, who grew up
so quickly that, having barely matured, they already dreamed of climbing Olympus, mastering
Hero and Artemis and possibly the kingdom of Zeus himself.
Cadmus kills the dragon and founds the city of Thebes on the site of the battle, Perseus kills
Medusa, Bellerophon - Chimera, Meleager - the Calydonian boar.
Hercules wins in the myths of chthonic creatures (the Nemean lion, the Lernaean hydra and
etc.), and this marks the victory of the Olympic mythology over the pre-Olympic, chthonic.
The serpent (snake) is the most typical chthonic creature.
The appearance in later myths of heroes slaying dragons is evidence
struggle of a new culture with chthonicism. Even bright and beautiful goddesses like Athena
Pallas, had their "serpentine" past:
in the temple of Athena Pallas (the Athenian Acropolis) the sacred snake was kept; in Argos
snakes were considered inviolable.

Twelve Olympian Gods

Olympians, Olympic gods (Olympioi theoi) - gods of the third generation (after
primordial gods and titans - gods of the first and second generations), supreme
deities that lived on Mount Olympus.
Traditionally, twelve gods were included in the number of Olympians. Lists of Olympians
always match. The Olympians included the children of Kronos and Rhea (called
Kronids - 1-5), as well as the descendants of Zeus (6-12):
Zeus is the supreme god of the ancient Greek pantheon, the god of the sky, thunder and lightning.
Hera is the wife of Zeus, the patroness of marriage, family love.
Poseidon is the god of the sea.
Demeter is the goddess of fertility and agriculture.
Hestia is the goddess of the hearth.
Athena is the goddess of wisdom, justice, sciences and crafts.
Ares is the god of war and bloodshed.
Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty.
Hephaestus is the god of fire and blacksmithing.
Hermes is the god of trade, cunning, speed and theft.
Apollo - the god of light, patron of the arts; god-healer and patron of oracles.
Artemis is the goddess of hunting, the patroness of all life on Earth.
Sometimes instead of Hephaestus they called Dionysus - the god of winemaking and fun.


Zeus belongs to the third generation of gods,
who overthrew the second generation - the titans. Father
Zeus Kronos was predicted that he
destined to be defeated by his own son
and in order not to be overthrown by his children, he
each time swallowed a newly born
Ray of the child.
Rhea finally decided to deceive her husband and
secretly gave birth to another child - Zeus.
To Kronos, instead of a newborn, she gave
swallow the swaddled stone. Cretan
version of the myth, Zeus was given up for education
to the Kurets and Corybantes who nursed him
milk of the goat Amalthea. Also in Crete
fed bee honey. According to another version,
fed by a goat in the town of Aegius in Achaia. By
According to legend, the cave was guarded by guards and
every time little Zeus started
cry, they pounded their shields with their spears, in order to
so that Kronos would not hear it.

When Zeus grew up, he made a potion that made
Kronos spit out the brothers of Zeus. Then along with Zeus
the gods began to fight with Kronos. The battle lasted 9 years, but not
revealed the winner. Then Zeus freed from Tartarus
the Cyclopes and the Hundred-armed, who swore allegiance to Zeus.
Finally, the titans were defeated and cast into the abyss.
Three brothers - Zeus, Poseidon and Hades - shared power
between themselves.
Zeus got the dominion in the sky,
Poseidon - the sea,
Hades is the realm of the dead.
In ancient times, Zeus ruled over the earth and in
dungeon, judged the dead.

Attributes of Zeus

Aegis (ancient Greek αἰγίς, "storm, whirlwind") -
the shield of Zeus, according to some legends,
made by Hephaestus from the skin of mythical
goats Amalthea; it was believed that this shield
Zeus raises terrible storms. In the center
shield was attached severed
head of the Gorgon Medusa. Egiokh (ancient Greek.
αἰγίοχος, lit. "bearing the aegis") -
Supporter, one of the epithets of Zeus.
Zeus' lightning is a material weapon,
a kind of two-ended, two- or
three-pronged pitchfork with serrations. AT
in baroque painting they were depicted as
a bunch of flames that can
hold an eagle in its claws.
Shield and double-sided axe.
Chariot drawn by eagles. In the form of a serpent, he seduced Demeter, and then
Persephone, in the form of a bull and a bird - Europe, in
in the form of a bull or a cloud - Io, in the form of an eagle -
Ganymede, in the guise of a swan - Nemesis (who became
goose) or Leda, in the guise of a quail - Summer, in
in the form of an ant - to Eurymedus, in the form of a dove -
Phthia, in a fiery guise - Aegina, in the form of a golden
rain - Danae, in the guise of a satyr - Antiope, in
in the guise of a shepherd - Mnemosyne, in the guise of a stallion -
Dia. Lovers usually keep it
human form, but he turns Callisto into
bear, Io - into a cow (whether Zeus himself turned it,
or Gera).

The Abduction of Europa

To kidnap
princess, Zeus
is turning
into a bull.
Young woman
its beauty and
sits on
him, and he
rushes into
sea ​​and takes away
her from her native

Zeus and Ganymede

To kidnap
young man and do
his own
turns into
huge eagle.

Leda and the Swan

To master
Zeus turned
in beautiful
whom she
get closer to
myself and became
him to play. She is
gave birth to him
Polidevka and

Danae and golden rain

To master
beauty locked away
sin in the underground
"bunker", Zeus
turns to gold
rain and so
seeps through
ceiling and penetrates into it
womb. In pictures
frequently featured
old maid. AT
in that case, golden
rain has two
interpretation: direct,
according to the myth
girls and allegory
money to soften
any duenna - for
old women.

Satyr and Antiope

To master the violent maenad, Zeus turns into a traditional
the companion of the maenads along the Dionysian processions is a satire.

Io and Zeus

To master
girl, Zeus
turns into


Heistia (ancient Greek Ἑστία) - the young goddess of the family hearth and
sacrificial fire. Eldest daughter of Kronos and Rhea, sister of Zeus,
Hera, Demeter, Hades and Poseidon. Is the first Olympic
Goddess, so sacrifices in the first place
were brought to her. Corresponds to the Roman Vesta.
Hestia does not like the affairs of Aphrodite. Poseidon and Apollo sought
her hands, but she took a vow of chastity and lived with her brother Zeus.
Named "owning Pythian laurel". She founded the city of Knossos.
A sacrifice was made to her before the beginning of any sacred ceremony,
it does not matter whether the latter was private or public
character, thanks to which the saying “start with
Hestia", which served as a synonym for successful and correct
getting down to business. Therefore, she was revered along with Hermes,
initiator of sacrifices.
As a reward for this, she was given high honors. In the cities to her
an altar was dedicated, on which fire was eternally maintained, and
the evicted colonists took fire with them from this altar
to a new home.
It is associated with the legend of Prometheus, the titan who created
people. Prometheus stole the fire from Hestia, or did she herself give it to him
gave and gave to people, thanks to which people became not only
physical, but also a spiritual copy of the Gods (since the fire was
only the gods)
The asteroid (46) Hestia, discovered in 1857, is named after her.


(other Greek Ἥρα;
protective mother
during childbirth.
goddess, sister and
wife of Zeus.
According to the myths
Hera is different
cruelty and
temper. Roman
analogue of Hera -
goddess Juno.

Hera and her son Hephaestus

When Hephaestus was born, he turned out to be sick and frail
child, besides lame in both legs. Hera, seeing her son,
refused him and threw him off the high Olympus. But the sea is not
swallowed up the young god, and accepted him into her bosom. foster mother
Hephaestus became the sea goddess Thetis. Learning that he is the son of Zeus and
Hera, and about the crime of his mother, Hephaestus decided to take revenge. He created
chair (golden throne), which had no equal in the world, and sent to
Olympus as a gift for Hera. Hera was delighted, never
she had not seen such a magnificent work, but as soon as she sat down in
armchair, previously invisible fetters wrapped around her, and she was chained
to the chair. None of the pantheon of gods could open the fetters of the chair,
so Zeus was forced to send Hermes, the messenger of the gods,
to order Hephaestus to release Hera. But Hephaestus refused. Then
the gods sent Dionysus, the god of winemaking, to Hephaestus. Dionysus succeeded
get Hephaestus drunk and take him to Olympus. Being intoxicated
state, Hephaestus freed his mother.
Another combination of motifs is present in the first song of the Iliad: Hephaestus
helped the bound Hera, for this he was thrown from the sky by Zeus and fell on Lemnos,
crippled his legs, which made him lame.

Hera's victims

The plots of many ancient Greek myths are built around the disasters that Hera sends to
mistresses of Zeus and their children.
She sent poisonous snakes to the island where Aegina lived and her son from Zeus, Aeacus.
Ruined Semele, the mother of Dionysus from Zeus - advised her to ask Zeus to appear in all his
divine splendor, and the girl died incinerated.
- Semele's sister - Ino, who took care of the baby, went mad.
She pursued Io, turned into a cow, put Argus as her watchman.
She cursed the nymph Echo, who began to repeat the words endlessly.
She did not allow the pregnant Leto to give birth on solid ground.
Queen Lamia was turned into a monster by her.
Callisto turned the nymph into a bear.
She fed Hermes with her milk, not knowing who it was, and then pushed it away, and the Milky One arose from the milk.
Path (according to another version, she fed the baby Hercules).
To make fun of the Hero, Zeus somehow arranged his fake wedding with an oak dressed up in
women's dress. Hera, having escaped from Cithaeron, defeated the wedding procession, but then it turned out that
that this is a joke. Therefore, in Plataea, where Hera met the procession, a "feast of dolls" was celebrated,
culminating in their nationwide burning.
Hatred of Zeus's natural son Hercules is an important plot-forming moment.
myths associated with this hero. Even his name is "Hercules" ("glorified by the goddess Hera").
At the request of Hera, Ilithyia hastened the birth of Eurystheus and delayed the birth of Hercules. sent to
him snakes that the baby strangled. She put Zeus to sleep and unleashed a storm on Hercules, who threw back
him to Kos, for which Zeus tied her to the sky and hung her in the sky on a golden rope, to her feet were
anvils tied (Homer). (The chain that Zeus put on Hera to subdue her was shown in
Three). Hera was wounded by Hercules near Pylos.
In the end, after the ascension and deification, Hercules reconciled with him and gave him her hand
his daughter Hebe.

ARTEMIS - goddess of the hunt

Artemiis (other Greek.
Ἄρτεμις) - in
ancient Greek
mythology Virgin,
always young goddess
hunt, goddess
fertility, goddess
female chastity,
patroness of everything
living on earth
giving happiness in marriage
and childbirth assistance
later goddess of the moon (her
brother Apollo was
The Romans identified
with Diana.
iconic animals
Artemis became doe and

The etymology of the name Artemis (ancient Greek Ἄρτεμις) is unclear, possible options: “bear
goddess", "mistress", "killer".
Daughter of Zeus and the goddess Leto, twin sister of Apollo (Hes. Theog. 918), granddaughter of the titans Kay and
Phoebe. She was born on the island of Delos.
Her servants were 60 Oceanids and 20 Amnesian nymphs. Received as a gift from Pan 12
dogs. According to Callimachus, when hunting hares, he rejoices at the sight of their blood.
Classical Artemis - the eternal maiden; the nymphs accompanying her also take a vow of celibacy,
those who do not comply with it are severely punished (as, for example, Callisto). Before the wedding
expiatory sacrifices were made to the goddess. In many myths, she appears to be vengeful.
and cruel: kills Actaeon, the children of Niobe, orders Agamemnon to sacrifice him to her
daughter of Iphigenia. The destructive functions of Artemis are associated with its archaic past -
mistress of animals in Crete. In her most ancient incarnation, not only a hunter, but also a bear.
At Brauron, off the east coast of Attica, was the now excavated temple of Artemis.
Brauronia. On the one hand, the clothes of women who died during childbirth were dedicated to this temple: this
associated with the function of Artemis as a birth attendant and does not contain any
surprises. But a strange custom was associated with the same temple: Athenian girls in
aged five to ten years settled for some time in this temple, were called ἄρκτοι,
"bears", and during the celebration of the Brauronius every four years
carried out, dressed in saffron-dyed clothes, some ceremonies in honor of
Artemis. This custom is compared with the Arcadian myth about the companion of Artemis Callisto,
turned by her into a bear, and they see here traces of an ancient theriomorphic, that is,
"animal" appearance of Artemis herself.

Victims of Artemis

The myth of Actaeon
Actaeon during the hunt
accidentally came to the place where
Artemis bathed with her
nymphs in the river. Instead of
so that in sacred fear
retire, he, enchanted,
started watching the game
intended for human
eye. Seeing the hunter
angry goddess
turned him into a deer
who tried to run away
but was overtaken and torn apart
50 hunting dogs
Actaeon himself. It was on
slope of Mount Cithaeron.
Chiron later carved a statue
Actaeon, and this consoled the dogs.
It has also been argued that dogs
Actaeon, who tore apart the owner,
were placed in heaven
constellation vault - or
Big or Little Dog.
The myth of Niobe
The wife of the Theban king Amphion, became proud
with their children - Niobids and decided
compare with Leto, who had only two
children: Apollo and Artemis. I started talking
that she is more prolific than the goddess Leto, and that
got angry. Or she began to say that her children
were the most beautiful of people. Information about
the number of children of Niobe diverge. Most
the version about 7 sons and 7
daughters. Irritated by Niobe's arrogance,
Leto turned to her children, who
arrows destroyed all the offender's children.
Artemis killed all the daughters of Niobe in her
own house, and sons who hunted
slopes of Cithaeron, killed Apollo.
For nine days they lay unburied;
finally on the tenth were interred
gods, for Zeus turned the hearts of people into
stone. Niobe, out of grief, turned to stone and
eternal longing shed tears for the deceased
The fate of Niobe and her children was one of
favorite themes of ancient art.


Apollo (ancient Greek Ἀπόλλων)
- golden-haired silver-bowed god
light (hence his nickname Phoebus
(ancient Greek Φοῖβος Feebos or
Phoeibos - "radiant,
One of the most revered
patron of the arts,
leader and patron of the muses
(for which he was called Musaget
predictor of the future
healer god,
cleansed the people who committed
Represents the Sun (and its
twin sister of Artemis - the Moon).

The birth and childhood of Apollo. Victory over Python

Son of Zeus and the Titanides Leto, twin brother of Artemis, maternal grandson of the Titans
Kay and Phoebe. Born on the island of Delos (Asteria) (other Greek δηλόω - I am),
where his mother Leto ended up by accident, driven by the jealous goddess Hera,
which forbade her to step on solid ground. When Apollo was born
the whole island of Delos was flooded with streams of sunlight.
Born on the seventh day of the month, seven months old. When he was born, the swans
Paktola made seven circles over Delos and sang it. Summer did not feed
his breast: Themis fed him nectar and ambrosia. Hephaestus brought him and
Arrows as a gift to Artemis.
At the age of 4, he began to build a temple on Delos from the horns of Kinthian fallow deer,
killed by Artemis.
Early matured and still quite young (on the fourth day after birth) killed
the serpent Python, or Delphinius, who devastated the environs of Delphi. AT
Delphi, on the site where once was the oracle of Gaia and Themis, Apollo founded
his oracle.

Python or Python (other Greek Πύθων from πύθω "to rot") - in
ancient Greek mythology, the dragon guarding the entrance to the Delphic
soothsayer before its occupation by Apollo and considered the son of Gaia
(option - Hera). Or Python himself gave divination before Apollo. According to him
named Pythia.
In killing him, Apollo fired either 100 arrows or 1000 arrows. After
Apollo cleansed himself in the waters of Peneus in the Tempe Valley (there on
holiday sent a sacred embassy to chop branches of laurel).
Apollo placed his bones in a tripod and erected in his honor
Pythian games.
When the dragon rotted (pifestai), the city was given the name Python. Differently
According to the story, it rotted in the region of Locri, which is why they are called odorous.
For the murder, Gaia wanted to throw Apollo into Tartarus. For
appeasing the wrath of the Earth for the murder of Python was exiled for nine years
in the Tempe Plain (Thessaly). There got a cleansing from the kill
Python and was glorified by the inhabitants of Delphi.
The descendants of Python were snakes that lived in the sacred grove of Apollo in
Delphi itself is named in Pytho's Iliad; on the contrary, Python is called
sometimes Delphinium (or Dolphin).

Learned the art of divination from Pan. Apollo the soothsayer
the founding of sanctuaries in Asia Minor and Italy is attributed. Apollo - prophet
and the oracle, is thought even by the "driver of fate" - Moiraget. He endowed
prophetic gift to Cassander, but after being rejected by her, he did so,
that her prophecies were not trusted by the people.
Apollo is a shepherd (Nomi) and guardian of the flocks.
Founder and builder of cities, founder and patron of tribes.
Apollo is a musician, he received a kithara from Hermes in exchange for a herd of cows.
Patron saint of singers and musicians,
Musaget is the driver of the muses, and severely punishes those who try to compete with
him in music. In a musical competition, he is defeated by the satyr Marsyas, for which
Apollo, enraged by the impudence of the satyr, rips off the skin of the winner. All singers
and lyre players come from Apollo and the Muses.
In spring and summer he lived in Delphi, in autumn he flew away on his chariot drawn by
snow-white swans, to Hyperborea, where the goddess Leto was born.
At the Olympic Games, Apollo defeated Hermes in running, and defeated Ares in

Apollo - leader of the Muses

Muses (ancient Greek μοῦσα, pl. μοῦσαι
"thinking") - in ancient Greek
mythology of the daughter of the god Zeus and
titanides Mnemosyne, or daughters
Harmonies living on Parnassus
patron goddesses
arts and sciences. From the Muses comes
the word "music" (gr.
adjective μουσική,
meaning τέχνη or ἐπιστήμη),
originally meaning not
only music in the present sense,
but any art or science,
associated with the activities of music.
Temples dedicated to the Muses
were called museyons (from this
words and there was a "museum").
One of the first references to the Muses in
great literature is in
Iliad and Odyssey.
1. Calliope Καλλιόπη
epic poetry
2. Euterpe Εὐτέρπη
lyric poetry and music
3. Melpomene Μελπομένη
4. Thalia Θάλεια, Θαλία comedy
5. Ἐρατώ love poetry
6. Polyhymnia Πολυύμνια,
Πολύμνια pantomime and hymns
7. Terpsichore Τερψιχόρη dances
8. Clio Κλειώ history
9. Urania Οὐρανία astronomy

Cult of Apollo. Delphic Temple.

Attributes of Apollo - a silver bow and golden arrows, a golden cithara (hence its
nickname - Kifared - "playing the kithara") or lyre, aegis.
Symbols - olive, iron, laurel, palm tree, dolphin, swan, wolf.
The cult of Apollo was widespread in Greece everywhere, temples with the oracles of Apollo
existed on Delos, Didyma, Claros, Abah, the Peloponnese and elsewhere.
The main places of worship are Delphi and the island of Asteria (Delos), the birthplace
Apollo and Artemis, on which every four years in the late summer there were delii
(holidays in honor of Apollo, during which wars and executions were forbidden).
The sanctuary at Delphi was known throughout the ancient world. Right there, at the place of victory
Apollo over the dragon Python chasing his mother, Apollo founded a sanctuary,
where the Pythian priestess (named after Python) predicted the will of Zeus.
The Temple of Apollo on Delos was the religious and political center of the Delian League
Greek policies, the treasury of the union was kept in it and meetings of its members took place.
Apollo acquired the significance of the organizer-organizer not only in the socio-political
life of Greece, but also in the field of morality, art and religion. During the Apollo Classic period
was understood primarily as the god of art and artistic inspiration.
From the Greek colonies in Italy, the cult of Apollo penetrated Rome, where this god occupied one of the
first places in religion and mythology. Emperor Augustus declared Apollo his patron
and established centuries-old games in honor of him, the temple of Apollo near the Palatine was one of the most
rich in Rome.


(other Greek Ἑρμῆς) -
god of trade, profit,
intelligence, dexterity and
eloquence, giving wealth
and trading income
god of athletes
patron of heralds, ambassadors,
shepherds, travelers;
patron of magic, alchemy and
messenger of the gods and guide
souls of the dead (hence the nickname
Psychopomp - conductor of souls) in
underworld Hades,
invented measures, numbers, alphabet and
trained people.

Tricks of HERMES.
No one could surpass Hermes in dexterity,
cunning, theft and craftiness.
The first theft committed while still in
diaper - leaving his cradle, he went
to Pieria and stole fifty cows, which
Apollo. So that they would not be found on the tracks, he
tied branches to their feet (option - adapted
sandals) and drove to Pylos, where he hid in a cave. BUT
meanwhile himself from the shell of a large tortoise and
made a lyre out of the small intestines of two dead cows
Mount Helidorea (Arcadia), the lyre had 7 strings.
Apollo came to Pylos in search of cows and,
after asking local residents, he learned that cows
the boy stole, but no one could find traces.
Guessing who did it, Apollo came to
Maye and accused Hermes of theft. mother showed
him a child lying in swaddling clothes. Then Apollo
took him to Zeus, and Hermes, after questioning his father
showed Apollo where the cows were, and he sat down
nearby and began to play the lyre. Apollo game on
the lyre liked it very much, and he offered to Hermes
exchange cows for lira. Hermes began to graze the cows,
playing the fiddle. Apollo wanted to have this one too.
instrument, and he offered his staff in exchange for
As a baby, Hermes jokingly stole the scepter from
Zeus, Poseidon's trident, Hephaestus' tongs,
Aphrodite's belt, golden arrows and bow
Apollo and Ares' sword.
Hermes, who received it
from Apollo, appeared
traditional winged
herald's rod - kerikion
or caduceus capable
reconcile enemies. Caduceus had
on itself two snakes (in the other
option - two tapes),
who wrapped the staff in that
moment when Hermes decided
test it by placing
between two fighting
snakes. Hermes used
your rod to put to sleep
or wake people up - for
in order to convey
a message from the gods to some mortal, and more often
all this is done in a dream.
Other attributes of Hermes
serve wide-brimmed hat
petas and winged sandals
talaria. Like a patron
the herd was depicted with a lamb
on the shoulders ("Cryofor").


(ancient Greek Ἀφροδίτη, in ancient times it was interpreted as
derived from ἀφρός - "foam") - goddess
beauty and love. Also goddess of fertility,
eternal spring and life. Goddess of marriages and even
childbirth, as well as a "baby feeder". love
the power of Aphrodite obeyed the gods and people.
Only Athena, Artemis and
Hestia. Wife of Hephaestus and later Ares.
Aphrodite's victims.
Helping those who love, Aphrodite persecuted those who
who neglected her cult and rejected love.
She was the cause of the death of Hippolyte and
Narcissa, inspired unnatural love
Pasiphae and Mirra and endowed with disgusting
the smell of women from Lemnos (see Hypsipyla).
Aphrodite severely punished Atalanta, who
wanted to remain a virgin, and Glaucus at will
Aphrodite was torn apart by his horses for being
he forbade them to cover their mares.
Aphrodite's revenge motive also developed in
love poetry, especially Hellenistic

Cyprida born from foam.

According to Hesiod's Theogony,
Aphrodite was born near the island
Cythera from seed and blood
castrated by Kronos Uranus,
which fell into the sea and formed
snow-white foam (hence the nickname
"foamy"). The wind brought her
to the island of Cyprus (or she herself
sailed there, because she did not
liked Kiefer), where is her,
emerging from the waves of the sea, and
met Ora.
Classical Aphrodite arose
Nude from aerial marine
shells near Cyprus - hence her
nickname "Cyprida" - and on
the shell reached the shore. Ora
in golden diadems crowned her
with a crown of gold, adorned with gold
necklace and earrings, and the gods
marveled at her charms and kindled
desire to marry her.
Aphrodite as goddess of love
were dedicated to myrtle, rose,
poppy and apple, as well as anemones,
violets, daffodils and lilies;
as the goddess of fertility -
sparrows and doves,
the retinues that made it up;
like a sea goddess - a dolphin.
Attributes of Aphrodite - belt
(see Belt of Aphrodite) and gold
a cup filled with wine
drinking from which, man
receives eternal youth.
Companions of Aphrodite - Eros,
Charites, Oras, Nymphs. Her often
could also accompany
wild animals - lions, wolves,
bears, pacified
infused in them by the goddess
love desire.

Aphrodite: betrayals and hobbies. Goddess dispute.

Hera arranged so that Aphrodite married Hephaestus - the most skilled craftsman among the gods
and the ugliest of them all. The limping Hephaestus worked in his forge, and Aphrodite, basking in
bedchamber, combed her curls with a golden comb and received guests - Hera and Athena. love
Aphrodite was molested by Poseidon, Ares, Hermes and other gods.
The death of her beloved Adonis, a passionate hunter, brought great grief to Aphrodite. He
dies from the fangs of a boar sent by a jealous Ares.
Aphrodite with pleasure inspired love feelings in gods and people and fell in love herself, cheating
lame husband. An indispensable attribute of the goddess's attire was her famous belt, in
which contained love, desire, words of seduction; he made anyone fall in love with him
hostess. Hera sometimes borrowed this belt from Aphrodite when she wanted to kindle passion in Zeus and thereby
most weaken the will of his powerful spouse (XIV song of the Iliad).
Narrative VIII of Canto of the Odyssey describes the reaction of Aphrodite's lawful husband, who learned from Hermes
about her relationship with Ares. Angry Hephaestus forged a thin, like a web, but surprisingly strong
a golden net, which he discreetly attached to the foot of the bed, lowering it from the ceiling, and then
announced to his wife that he was going to rest for a while on his beloved island of Lemnos. It only cost
husband out of sight, as Aphrodite sent for Ares, who did not take long to wait.
The next morning, the lovers found themselves lying entangled in a net - naked and helpless. Appeared
Hephaestus and the other gods invited by him and laugh at the rest of the gods (the goddesses stayed at home out of delicacy).
Ares got his freedom only thanks to Poseidon, who promised Hephaestus to arrange so that Ares
will pay

slide 2

The birth of the world from Chaos

  • The ancient Greeks represented chaos in the form of a kind of open mouth (“chaos” comes from the word “yawn”)
  • From it arise Gaia (earth), Tartarus (underground dungeon, but at the same time a monster), Eros (love), Erebus (darkness) and Nyukta (night)
  • The last two, in turn, give rise to Day and Ether
  • Gaia gave birth to Uranus (sky)
  • Together they populated the world with living beings

The birth of the world from Chaos watercolor, 1993

slide 3


First of all, Chaos was born in the universe, and then Broad-breasted Gaia, a safe universal shelter, Gloomy Tartarus, in the deep bowels of the earth, And, among all the eternal gods, the most beautiful - Eros. deprives. Black Night and gloomy Erebus were born from Chaos. Night Ether gave birth to the shining Day, or Gemera: She conceived them in the womb, uniting with Erebus in love.

slide 4

Zeus strikes a titan

The titans were the forerunners of the Olympian gods and in this they are similar to the etuns-hrimturs (Scandinavian mythology) and asuras (Indian mythology)

Zeus strikes the Titan watercolor, 1992

slide 5


Zeus did not begin to restrain the powerful spirit, but immediately his heart was filled with courage, he showed all his strength. And immediately from the sky, as well as from Olympus, Lightning pouring, the Thunderer-lord went. Peruns, Full of brilliance and thunder, flew from a powerful hand, Often one after another; and the sacred flame swirled.

slide 6

Triumph of Amphitrite

  • Slide 7

    • Watercolor shows the happy world of the sea kingdom
    • On the back of the dragon rides Amphitrite - the wife of Poseidon himself
    • Opposite her, their son Triton blows into the shell, combining in his appearance the features of a man, a horse and a fish.
    • By the way, it is comparable to such manifestations of the Cultural Hero type as Trita of Indian mythology, Traetaona of Persian mythology, Ivan the Third of Slavic folklore.
    • Around we see nymphs, nereids and other inhabitants of the sea
  • Slide 8


    From Amphitrite and the heavily thundering Ennosigeus, the powerful, great Triton was born that owns the Deep of the sea. Near his father, he is a lord and a dear mother. He lives in the house with gold, a most terrible god.

    Slide 9

    Pallas Athena and Hekate

    Athena (in the background) - the virgin goddess, personifying the power of the mind, the patroness of heroes and Hecate - the embodiment of dark irrational forces (she was called by sorceresses - for example Medea), are opposed to each other here

    Slide 10

    Athena and Hekate at the same time can be interpreted as two sides of the ancient image of the Great Goddess

    This analogy is supported by the pictorial tradition: Hecate was represented as consisting of three bodies, and Athena was crowned with a triple helmet.

    Empusa is depicted next to Hecate - a creature of the underworld in the form of a dog-headed dragon, turning into a woman and destroying heroes

    slide 11

    Apollo slays the Cyclopes

    The three great Cyclopes - Bront, Steropes, Arg ("thunder", "shine", "lightning") were generated by Gaia and Uranus at the dawn of the world, along with the hundred-armed giants-hekatoncheirs and titans

    slide 12


    Gaia also gave birth to Kiklopov with an arrogant soul, - By a count of three, and by name - Brontes, Steropes and Arga. Lightning was made to Zeus-Kronidas and they gave thunder. : That's why they were called "Round-eyed", "Kiklops", That they had a single round eye on their faces. And for work they had strength, and power, and dexterity.

    slide 13

    Apollo slays the Cyclopes

    • Cyclopes began to serve Zeus and forged lightning
    • But here Asclepius (the god of healing) began to return the dead to life, and Zeus, so as not to disturb the natural order of things, struck him
    • Asclepius' father was the mighty god Apollo
    • Not being able to take revenge on Zeus (besides his own father), Apollo shot the Cyclopes from the bow, who forged the fatal lightning
    • In Greek myths, the lower cyclops, evil cannibals also acted
    • One of these monsters (Polyphemus) was defeated by Odysseus
  • Slide 14

    Hermes and Argus

    Hermes is a Greek expression of the Culture Hero type (same as Heracles)

    But, unlike Hercules, he personifies the functions of the keeper of secret knowledge and mediator between the worlds.

    slide 15

    There are similar images of Hermes in the mythologies of other peoples: Etruscan Turms, Roman Mercury, Celtic Meadow, Scandinavian Odin (but the last two are also endowed with a “heroic” beginning)

    However, Hermes also owns a glorious feat - the liberation of Zeus's beloved Io (turned into a cow) from the hundred-eyed giant Argus assigned by the jealous wife of Zeus

    Hermes put the giant to sleep with the help of a caduceus rod and cut off his head

    Attributes of Hermes - winged helmet and sandals and the mentioned caduceus

    In the background is shown the father of god - Zeus

    slide 16

    In the land of the Hesperides

    According to Greek mythology, in the far west there was an island where the winged Hesperides, the daughters of the Night, lived.

    There were 4 of them and they guarded the apples of eternal youth

    The dragon Ladon, who, according to one legend, was killed by Hercules, helped the Hesperides in this.

    Another version of the myth tells, however, that the titan Atlant, who usually supported the vault of heaven, got the apples for Hercules.

    Slide 17


    Atlas is holding, forced to this by powerful inevitability, On the head and hands of the relentless wide sky Where the border of the earth is, where the Hesperides live singers. For such a fate was sent down to him by Zeus, the providence.

    Slide 18

    Magic apple motif

    The motif of magical apples is widespread in Indo-European mythologies: the apple tree Emain of the sea god Manannan (Irish mythology), the apples of eternal youth of the goddess Idunn (Scandinavian mythology), the rejuvenating apples of Russian fairy tales

    And the very name "Apollo" is sometimes interpreted as "apple man"

    Finally, we can recall the biblical motif: a snake wrapped around a tree with an apple

    Slide 19


    The main progenitor of chthonic monsters was the serpent maiden Echidna

    Slide 20

    Offspring of Echidna

    The painting by A. Fantalov depicts the offspring of Echidna: Cerberus, the Lernean Hydra, the Nemean Lion and the winged Chimera (above the head of Echidna)

    These monsters caused a lot of trouble for the Greek heroes

    Lion and Hydra were crushed by Hercules, Chimera was defeated by Bellerophon

    Cerberus (three-headed dog with a snake tail) remained to guard Hades

    Echidna herself died at the hands of the hundred-eyed giant Argus.

    The picture shows his all-seeing eyes

    slide 21


    Keto, in a large cave, resolved into a new monster, Not like people, not like ever-living gods, - Irresistible Echidna, divine, with a mighty spirit, Half - beautiful from the face, quick-eyed nymph, Half - a monstrous snake, large, bloodthirsty, In the depths of the sacred land lying, colorful and terrible. She has a cave there below, deep under a rock, And from the immortal gods, and from mortal people in the distance: In a glorious dwelling, the gods intended her to live there. So, not knowing either death or old age , the nymph Echidna, the bearer of death, spent her life underground in Arimah.

  • slide 22

    Jason and Medea

    • One of the most popular Greek myths is the story of the Golden Fleece.
    • It hung on a sacred oak in the country of the Colchians (Western Georgia) and Jason was entrusted to get it, who for this purpose organized the famous campaign of the Argonauts
    • But Hercules hit the giant with arrows, killing at the same time the two-headed dog Orff
    • Hercules is the brightest embodiment of the Cultural Hero in his incarnation as a fighter against monsters
    • The duel with the three-headed monster is the central plot of the Hero's mythology: Traetaona against Azhi Dahak (Persian mythology), Trita against Vishvarupa (Indian mythology), Ivan the Third and the serpent Gorynych (Slavic mythology)
    • Directly under the name Heracles (Hercules, Hercules), the hero was revered in Etruscan and Roman mythologies
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