Annual report of the music director educational and methodological material on music on the topic. Report on the work done by the music director of the kindergarten Annual report of the music director 17

Gmusic annual reportykalnyheadMosunovaE.A.

about the work done for 2012-2013 academic year By

educational field"Music"WithchildrenI'm preschool age. For the period from 19.11 . 2012 G.By31.05. 201 3 The following work was done:

Music classes were regularly held in the second junior and senior groups entrusted to me.

During the lessons, children studied in the following sections: - Musical - rhythmic movements.

Development of a sense of rhythm.

Hearing musical works.- Singing and song creativity.- Dancing, dance and play creativity.

Games and round dances. Classes were held twice a week in each age group, corresponded to the age of the children, and were timed.

Were suppliedadachi musical education:

Prepare children to perceive musical images and performances.

Lay the foundations of harmonic development (development of hearing, attention, movement, sense of rhythm and beauty of melodies, development of individual musical abilities).

Introduce children to Russian folk-traditional and world musical culture.

Prepare children to master techniques and skills in various types of musical activities that are adequate to children's capabilities.

Develop communication skills (children communicating with each other, creative use of musical impressions in Everyday life).

Introduce children to diversity musical forms and genres in an attractive and accessible way.

Set musical tasks, according to the program I developed musical development preschoolers, for each age group have been completed, although I would like to achieve greater success in terms of the creative development of children. A diagnosis was made of the general level of musical development of children, which showed that mostly children had an average level of development.

In group 8 (second junior group) high level of development is about 8%;



In group 9 (the second youngest group), the high level of development is about 7%;

average -75%;

low -18%.

In group 5 (senior group), the high level of development is about 14%;

average -72%;

low -14%.

In group 6 (senior group), the high level of development is 18%;

average -50%;

low -32%.

IN currentseThe following events were carried out during the year:- “Mother’s Day”——————————————————November;- “ New Year»——————————————————–December;- “Winter Fun”—————————————————January;

- “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland”————————————February;- “Maslenitsa”—————————————————————March;- “March 8 »—————————————————————March; - “Humorina” – ———————————————————April; - “Victory Day”————————————————————-May.

During the year, teaching aids, didactic games and attributes, and a music library were updated.

Also during the year I attended meetings of methodological associations on musical education, and a city seminar on theatrical activities.

Throughout the year, work was carried out to interact with all teachers and specialists kindergarten.

Work with parents was organized, planned according to an annual plan and everyday, in the form of small consultations.

For the next school year, I plan to organize work on theatrical activities in preparatory groups, replenish the musical development environment for the musical development of children, pay more attention to the development of musical creativity, and also improve diagnostic results.

Musical director Mosunova E.A.

Musical education of children is one of the most important tasks for the harmonious development of personality. The main thing at the first stage may not be music itself, but music as a wonderful educational tool: by comprehending the world of musical sounds, the child learns to hear and listen the world, learn to express musical sounds their impressions, develop their emotional responsiveness, get accustomed to purposeful work, and engage in elementary creative activities. The success of musical education depends, first of all, on how interesting the work on the musical development of children is structured.

Musical education of children during the 2012-2013 academic year was carried out according to the program of E.A. Dubrovskaya “Steps of musical development”(middle, senior groups).

Work with children of primary preschool age was carried out according to the method “Raising children from 2 to 3 and from 3 to 4 years old,” the authors of which are: L.N. Galiguzova, L.G. Golubeva, T.I. Grizik, T.N. Doronova et al., according to the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten”, ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, elements of V.A.’s program were also used. Petrova "Baby". The program for the development of musical and rhythmic abilities of T.N. was widely used. Saulko "Top-clap, kids."

In all age groups ah, for the development of basic dance elements and rhythms, I.E.’s methodological manual was used. Suvorova "The World of Dance for Children".

The main tasks of musical education of preschool children are:

  • To form the foundations of the child’s musical culture, and through it his artistic, aesthetic and general spiritual culture.
  • Develop a child's musicality.
  • To form and develop all components of the child’s musical and aesthetic consciousness (within the limits accessible to his age).
  • Create conditions for the child to demonstrate creative activity in various types of musical activities.
  • Teach your child the skills to communicate with music through his experience of communicating with musical works.

The solution to these problems is greatly facilitated by the forms of organization of musical activity.

Main goal of the workconsisted in the implementation of all the assigned tasks in the NOD NGO “Music”, which were carried out systematically 2 times a week, in each age group.

Forms of organizations:

  • Frontal
  • Group
  • Subgroup
  • Individual

Listening to music, i.e. perceptionclosely related to the process musical thinking, its main layers – conscious and unconscious. The most clearly unconscious components of musical thinking are manifested in the motor reaction to music(facial expressions, gestures) . This reaction to music is characteristic of early childhood when a child responds to music purely impulsively. A component of such reactions at the beginning of the school year in young children to music were emotions, i.e. instantaneous unconscious appreciation of music. However, at the end of the school year, unconscious images, coming into resonance with the music, intensified and thereby became accessible to the consciousness of the kids.

As is known, the development of children’s musical perception in the period from 4 to 7 years old occurs in the unity and interaction of two main lines: the actual intonational perception and awareness of music and its individual interpretation, mediated by the child’s life and musical experience. Work on this section caused certain difficulties at the beginning of the year. The children were not assiduous when listening to music. Especially the newly arrived children, their attention was scattered. But by the middle of the school year, the children became more diligent and attentive, and the culture of listening to music noticeably improved.

Singing is the most accessible type of children's musical performance, because Every person from birth has a ready-made “musical instrument”, namely a voice. Children master singing gradually, as a result of countless tests, during which, on the one hand, they develop the ability to control the vocal apparatus, and on the other, they develop musical and auditory concepts.

IN singing activitychildren, too, there have been noticeable changes in better side: range expanded child's voice; The children learned to listen to each other and start and finish a song together.

IN musical and rhythmic activitychildren learned to feel musical basics and convey them in movement: reflect moderate, fast and slow tempo, rhythmic pattern in movements; distinguish and note genre characteristics in movement(song, dance, march).

Next section:"Introduction to playing children's musical instruments."The children enjoyed learning to play musical instruments. We learned to play rhythmically in an orchestra, as well as individually.

During the year, work was carried out using special methods that are recommended for working with children with various speech disorders: “ Methodological developments» comp. T.V. Lobanov, for the formation of elements in children oral speech, contains fragments of logorhythmics and psycho-gymnastics.”

Throughout the year, various entertainment and celebrations were planned and carried out with the children:

  • “Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten!”
  • "Autumn Drops"
  • “Soon, soon New Year!”
  • "Box with Mothers' Wishes"
  • “Goodbye kindergarten, hello summer!”

At the beginning of the school year, on the basis of the Kolobok MDOU, a GMO was organized among teachers, where we presented a report on the topic: “The influence of integration on the artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children.”

In February, the preschool educational institution organized a talent competition among children, parents and employees of the preschool educational institution “Minute of Glory”; the winners had the opportunity to perform at the gala concert “Magic Glade of Childhood”, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the institution.

Also in February, the qualifying round of the annual festival was held at the Lastochka preschool educational institution. children's creativity“Ray in the Palms”, in which a student of the group “Sinichka” took part along with her mother, they performed the song “Winged Swing”, the number was selected for performance on stage.

Also held entertainment together with the engineer

For maintenance and safety:

  • "School of Traffic Light Sciences"
  • "Fire in the Forest"

There is a two-way connection between auditory and visual perception. Music can evoke vivid visual images in the listener, which allows children to create “musical pictures.” To implement such creative potential, were carried out throughout the yearcomprehensive classeswith the art teacher:

  • "Ball of Autumn Colors"
  • “Who lives in the house?”

Parents were involved in the entertainment by taking part in contests and competitions. Working with parents, she advised them and gave recommendations on the use of available techniques and methods on issues of musical education in the family. The groups contained sliding folders with consultations:

  • "Exercises to relax muscles"(Advice for parents)
  • "Santa Claus in the light of psychology"(Memo for parents)
  • "Games that develop your ear for music"(Let's find out together)

For preschool teachers, work was carried out in various forms:

  • Recommendations for ped. interaction:

"Teacher and music director"

  • Box of ideas::

"Music Library"

  • Round table:

"Education with music"

Together with doctors, the following were carried out: entertainment:

  • “How pancakes and pancakes woke up the sun”
  • "Russian tea"

In April, a GMO was held at the preschool educational institution, the theme of which was: “New technologies and methods of health-saving education, ensuring the formation of an interested attitude towards one’s own health, healthy image life of all participants in the educational process." At which we presented a story-based musical and rhythmic lesson for children of senior preschool age, “The Merry Little People Club”, using information technology.

In honor of the 65th anniversary of the victory celebration, a meeting with veterans was organized at the preschool educational institution, at which the children showed a small concert, and the parents also organized a festive table for tea.

At the beginning and end of the year, diagnostics of the musical abilities of children attending groups were carried out:

“Sparrow” II junior group

"Skvorushka" middle group

"Bullfinch" senior group

"Titmouse" mixed age group

The diagnostic results can be seen in the diagram:

According to diagnostic indicators, at the beginning of the year a low level prevailed, and there was very little high level; at the end of the school year, the low level of development of musical abilities in children decreased noticeably, and the high level reached 36%, At the same time, due to the decrease in the low level, the percentage of the average level has noticeably increased.

When planning further work, I believe that there is a continuation of the search for new forms of cooperation music director with parents and teaching staff DOW. This is the most important direction quality assurance music education preschoolers. It is necessary to focus on maintaining continuity between the family and the preschool educational institution, as well as with city cultural institutions in approaches to solving the problems of children's music education.

For the period from 01.08.2014 to 31.05. In 2015 the following work was done:

Music classes were regularly held in the 1st junior, 2nd “A” and 2nd “B” junior, middle, senior, preparatory, 2nd junior-middle, senior preparatory groups entrusted to me.

During the lessons, children studied in the following sections:
- Musically - rhythmic movements.

Development of a sense of rhythm.

Listening to music.
- Singing and song creativity.
- Dance, dance and play creativity.

Games and round dances.
ECD was carried out twice a week in each age group, corresponded to the age of the children, and was timed.

The following tasks were set for musical education:

Prepare children to perceive musical images and performances.

Lay the foundations of harmonic development (development of hearing, attention, movement, sense of rhythm and beauty of melodies, development of individual musical abilities).

Introduce children to Russian folk-traditional and world musical culture.

Prepare children to master techniques and skills in various types of musical activities that are adequate to children's capabilities.

Develop communication skills (children communicating with each other, creative use of musical impressions in everyday life).

Introduce children to a variety of musical forms and genres in an attractive and accessible way.

The set musical tasks, according to the developed program for the musical development of preschoolers “Ladushki” by I. Novoskoltseva and I. Kaplunova, were completed for each age group. Partially I used in my work the following programs: “Dance Rhythm” by T. Suvorova, “Dance, Baby” by T. Suvorova, “This Amazing Rhythm” by I. Kaplunova, “Holidays in Kindergarten” by G. Guseva, etc.
A diagnosis was made of the general level of musical development of children, which showed that mostly children had a high level of development.

IN During the year the following events were carried out:

Calendar themed holidays:

Anniversary birthday of kindergarten, Knowledge Day, New Year, Defenders of the Fatherland Day, “March 8”, Victory Day, Children’s Day, Preschool Spartakiad, Kindergarten Graduation Day.

General kindergarten entertainment:

"Holiday balloons", "Earth Day", "April Fool's Day", "Ring the Victory Song".

Entertainment by age group:

Junior preschool age.

October – “Autumn Fun”;

November – “We’re going to visit the toys”;

March – April - “Sunshine”;

May - “We are following the sun.”

Senior preschool age.

November - “let music always sound”;

March – “Balloon Festival”;

April – “Ring the Victory Song”;

May - “In the world of fairy tales.”
During the year, the musical development environment was replenished:

1. DMI - triangle, metallophone, maracas, drums, rhythmic sticks, children's tambourine;

2. Autumn foxes;

3. Bird masks;

4. Teaching aids: “Nursery”, “Holiday every day” (junior, middle, senior, preparatory groups); “Top, top, heels!” (dancing in kindergarten), “This amazing rhythm!” (development of a sense of rhythm);

5. Didactic games and attributes;

6. Audio library – CD supplements for each age group to the “Ladushki” program by I. Novoskoltseva and I. Kaplunova;

7. Banner “St. George Ribbon”;

8. Children's and adult stage costumes:

Winter costume – 1 pc.,

hats - “Colored pencils” - 5 pcs.,

bird costumes – 2 pcs.,

hedgehog costume - 1 piece,

sundresses “Zamlyanika” - 5 pcs.,

sundresses “River” - 5 pcs.,

Russian shirt – 1 pc.

I also visited the regional KPK Amur IRO on the topic “Updating the content and methods of preschool music education,” where I presented my work experience on the topic “Using an educational salon in methodological work of the preschool educational institution as a factor in increasing the pedagogical competence of a teacher.”

Took part in the regional competition pedagogical excellence“Teacher of the Year – 2015” and won in the category “Best Traditions in Education”.

Together with the teacher of the middle group, Sinikova E.A., I lead the folklore club “Sudarushka”, and with the children we are regular participants in MBU events Museum of Local Lore Bureya District, MBU District Library Bureya District (gatherings, mini-concerts).

A vocal group of pupils from the “Vesyolye Notki” kindergarten, under my leadership, took part in a regional competition - a festival of soldiers’ songs dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Second World War “Vivat, Victory!”

Throughout the year, work was carried out to interact with all teachers and specialists of the kindergarten.

Work with parents was organized, planned according to an annual plan and everyday, in the form of small consultations.

For the next academic year I set the following goals:

1. Organize the work of a vocal group of teachers and parents;

2. Continue the work of the vocal circle “Merry Notes”;

3. Replenish the musical development environment for the musical development of children;

4. Pay more attention to the development of musical creativity, as well as improve diagnostic results;

5. Meet new people pedagogical technologies through subject publications and the Internet;

6. Continue to improve your skills in courses for music directors;

7. Get acquainted with new forms, methods and techniques of teaching;

8. Improve knowledge of modern content preschool education students in the field of music education;

9. Take an active part in the work of the Ministry of Music Directors of the district;

10. Organize work with gifted children and take part in musical creative competitions;

11. Attend classes of colleagues and participate in the exchange of experience;

12. Conduct open classes for work colleagues;

13. Introduce ICT technologies into the educational process.

14. Continue working on health-saving technologies.

Musical director Aksyutova O.V.

Oksana Viktorovna Aksyutova

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 10


for the 2016 – 2017 academic year

music director





The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education is the orientation of the new document towards the socialization and individualization of the development of a child aged from 2 months to 8 years. Educational program preschool educational organization is formed as a program of psychological and pedagogical support positive socialization and individualization of personality development of preschool children. In this regard, everything educational content programs, including music, become a condition and means of this process. In other words, music and children's musical activity is a means and condition for a child to enter the world of social relations, to discover and present his “I” to society. This is the main guideline for specialists and educators in refraction musical content programs in accordance with the Standard.

Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development" assumes:

  • development of prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual, the natural world;
  • the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world;
  • formation of elementary ideas about types of art;
  • music perception, fiction, folklore;
  • stimulating empathy for characters in works of art;
  • implementation of independent creative activity children (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.).

In other educational areas outlined in the Standard, the tasks of musical education and child development are revealed.

So, for example, regarding the educational field "Social and communicative development" we're talking about about the formation of ideas about the sociocultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays.

The educational field "Cognitive Development" involves the development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest , causes and consequences, etc., about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

Educational activities for children were carried out according to a schedule of classes 2 times a week in each age group. The classes were age appropriate and timed.

During the lessons, the children practiced the following: sections:

Musically - rhythmic movements.

Development of a sense of rhythm.

Hearing musical works.

Singing and song creativity.

Dance, dance and play creativity.

Games and round dances.

Tasks were setmusical education:

Prepare children to perceive musical images and ideas.

Lay the foundations of harmonic development (development of hearing, attention, movement, sense of rhythm and beauty of melodies, development of individualmusical abilities).

Introduce children to Russian folk-traditional and worldmusical culture.

Prepare children to master techniques and skills in various sports musical activities adequate to children's capabilities.

Develop communication skills (children communicating with each other, creative use musical impressions in everyday life).

Introduce children to diversity musical forms and genres in an attractive and accessible way.

The integrity of the pedagogical process in our preschool educational institution is carried out by the implementation of the main general education program. The purpose of my work is to develop musicality children and the ability to perceive emotionally music.

Since 2006 I have been using a partial program in my work"Okay" (I.P. Kaplunova, I.A. Novoskoltseva), since it presents more diverse material on listening, singing andmusic games, which facilitates easy learning of the material and introduces the child to the world music with joy and a smile.

Used it in my additional programs for work: « Musical masterpieces» O. L. Radynova, “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture» O. L. Knyazevoy, "Rhythmic mosaic"A. I. Burenina, “Elementary music playing with preschoolers» T.E. Tyutyunnikova.

In middle groups No. 9, 10children master various types of walking, running, simple dance movements, hear and reproduce metrical accents and a uniform rhythm in playing percussion instruments. Define character music , actively speak out about their emotional mood, have a sufficient supply of sentiment words about their character music

The program has been completed in full.

In senior speech therapy group No. 1 there is a fairly high level ofmusical development. The program plan has been completed.

Job in the senior group was distinguished by a clear organization, which made it possible by the end of the year to note significant progress in development in the fieldmusical education. Children listen with concentration and interest music , are able to express themselves in detail about character music , the vocabulary has expanded with emotional and figurative statements about music, musical image.

In the "Singing" section great attention focused on the development of the vocal apparatus, vocal and choral skills, and speech. In this regard, vocal exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus, breathing, speech games, melodic recitation, and singing onomatopoeia were introduced into the classes. Job was carried out to expand the singing range, the formation of lightness, mobility, sonority, and flight of the child’s voice. Speech and finger games contributed to the development of speech.

It can be noted that the Job showed positive results in children's performing activities.

Also, the program tasks for musically -rhythmic movement. The basic set of movements has been mastered, musically -rhythmic skills and expressive movement skills are sufficiently developed.

In preparatory groups No. 1 and No. 7, as a result of systematic, purposeful and systematic work there have been qualitative changes in indicatorsmusical development in children.

By the end of the year the children preparatory group have achieved significant success inmusical development:

Emotionally perceived music , correctly determine her mood, hear the meansmusical expressiveness, development dynamicsmusical image, can talk about the possible content of the play;

They sing expressively, conveying the character of the song, its tempo and dynamic features, and intone clearly with musical with or without accompaniment;

Move rhythmically and expressively in accordance with character music , its genre, independently react to changes in parts and phrases, have good coordination, and orient themselves in space;

They expressively perform familiar free dance movements and come up with their own dance combinations(one at a time, in pairs).

All events were carried out taking into account modern innovative technologies and included various art therapy technology : play therapy, fairy tale therapy, isotherapy, music therapy . Were full of development exercises muscle tone, the ability to correlate speech with movement, the development of breathing, speech games, finger gymnastics, articulation exercises, relaxation minutes. Art therapy sessions were aimed at removing tensions, liberating children, active creative expression of themselves in all types of activities, and the outpouring of their emotions in the creation of creative works .

During the year the following were carried out Events :

“YOLOCHKA – 35” (Anniversary of our kindergarten)

“Gift of Autumn” (gr. No. 9, 10)

“Cabbage gatherings” gr. No. 1,2, 7

New Year, (in 5 groups)

Defenders of the Fatherland Day

"Let's be astronauts"

“We joyfully celebrate Easter”

Family day. "Blue Light"

"Victory Day" (senior and preparatory groups)

Celebrations of graduation from kindergarten. (gr. No. 2, 7)

During the year, teaching aids, didactic games and attributes were updated. Work was underway on the design music hall for the holidays, selection musical arrangement to them, working with characters.

Used a huge supply musical literature, acquisition minus phonograms, music for productions based on scripts, characters, and performed many presentations.

Open classes.

Open screening of the educational activity “The Journey of Tsvetik the Seven-Tsvetik” for the RMO problem group “Speech Development of Preschool Age” with Bryleva M.Yu. (gr. No. 7)

Open display of GCD in kindergarten with Bondarenko A.V. (gr. No. 12) “Young ecologists rush to the rescue”;

Open display of GCD with L.P. Chernikova – (gr. No. 10) – innovative activity “Spring-red”

I always prepare interactive decorations for holidays and entertainment for all age groups.

She was a member of the jury of a presentation competition dedicated to the Year of Ecology.

She took part in the work of the creative group in the regional project competition “Kindergarten – Leader of Education”.

I am the secretary of the pedagogical council of the MKDOU TsRR - kindergarten No. 10.

Member of the trade union committee of the kindergarten, together with E.E. Goloskokova, the ensemble “TENDERNESS” organizes holidays for adults. This year we resumed the traditional “Christmas tree” for the children of kindergarten employees.

Participated in Red Cross charity events


Took 1st place in All-Russian competition“Fundamentals of computer literacy of a teacher as a factor in increasing professional status. High level" (SMI EL No. FS 77-65290)

2nd place in the All-Russian competition for children “Find out! Children" in the category "Pedestrian. Road. Children" - work "The Road is Not a Path".

Together with teachers Bondarenko A.V., Aslanyan L.O. and children gr. No. 12 participated in the municipal review-competition of theatrical productions “Road Safety” and became winners in the “Musical Traffic Light” category.

Our video “Trash Fashion Show” became the winner in the category “ The amazing is nearby! in the regional competition “DOW! Camera! Motor!"

Took first place in the regional review-competition of multimedia presentations “ Best Presentation for the holiday in kindergarten"

2nd place in the regional competition “Musical Palette” for the dance “The Guilty Cloud” performed by students of groups No. 9, 10.

II place - ensemble of educators "TENDERNESS" in the regional trade union competition amateur performances teaching staff"Time has chosen us."

III place - Sofia Belogortseva (gr. No. 7) in the Diocesan competition of readers dedicated to the myrrh-bearing wives.

1st place – competition in kindergarten “Lifestyle through theatrical activities” with teachers Bryleva M.Yu., Sokolova N.I. and children gr. No. 7

1st place – competition in kindergarten “We will save the planet!”


Completed training program“Providing first aid to a victim in an educational organization: we implement the federal law"On education in Russian Federation No. 273-FZ" in OCHU “Educational Center named after S.N. Olehnika" (registration No. 707)

She took part in the author’s seminar “Spiritual and moral education of preschool children based on domestic traditions according to the program of A.V. Borodina “Culture and creativity in kindergarten” in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions”, in the video seminar “ Interesting game. Effective communication"

Listened to the webinars:

  • « Design of calendar and thematic planning of the educational process of preschool educational institutions, taking into account the principles of developmental education»
  • “Development of creative potential in preschool children in the process of musical activity.”
  • “Project activities of children in kindergarten in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”
  • “Ways to implement the principle of continuity of preschool and primary education: levels of speech development”
  • “Musical and creative activities of preschool children”
  • “Current problems of musical education of children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”
  • “We work according to the Federal State Educational Standard: working with parents”

In the 2016 – 2017 academic year. The topic of self-education was “Perception classical music through folk tales and poetry,” she worked actively on it, learned a lot of new things, and collected material for working with children.

The work of the vocal circle “Caramel” was carried out in accordance with the plan.

Attended all meetings of the RMO of music directors.


  • Certificate for professionalism, conscientious creative work and in connection with Preschool Worker Day. Etc. No. 243-gen. From 09/26/2016
  • Certificate Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Administration of the Rossoshansky Municipal District of the Voronezh Region for professionalism, many years of conscientious creative work and in connection with the 35th anniversary of the kindergarten. Etc. No. 314-gen. From 10/06/2016
  • Gratitude administration of the Rossoshansky municipal district for professionalism, many years of conscientious creative work and in connection with the 35th anniversary of the MKDOU CRR - kindergarten No. 10 in Rossoshi. Order No. 281-r dated October 12, 2016.
  • Certificate for conscientious work, a creative approach to work and active participation in the life of the kindergarten based on the results of the 2016 – 2017 academic year. of the year.

During the year it was carried out Job on interaction with all teachers and kindergarten specialists.

Was organizedworking with parents, scheduled for annual planned and everyday - in the form of small consultations.

For the next school year year I put these tasks :

1. Improve knowledge of the modern content of preschool education for pupils in the fieldmusical education;

2. Pay more attention folklore as a means of musical development and education of children.

3. Get acquainted with new pedagogical technologies through subject publications and the Internet;

4. Continue improve your skills through courses formusic directors;

5. Take an active part inwork of the Ministry of Music Directors of the district;