Feng Shui at home - how to protect yourself from the negative influence of external flows of Sha Chi. A fan in Feng Shui is a symbol of protection and a Qi activator

To create good Feng Shui at home or office, you must first of all apply feng shui symbols for protection from various adverse influences, including negative influence flying stars.

Unfavorable feng shui stars

Each star has its own positive or negative energy. Here we will talk about unfavorable stars, their difficult “characters” and Feng Shui remedies.

Unfavorable stars are: 5; 2; 3; 7 .

Star "5", or, as it is also called, the yellow five, the most dangerous of all negative stars. When this star “meets” the monthly star “2”, a particularly unfavorable combination is obtained.

Its negative influence brings the most unexpected twists of fate, such as divorces, accidents, money problems, serious illnesses. In 2014, she will be in the Northwestern (male) sector of the house, so all men should pay special attention to their health in 2014.

Star "2"" is the star of diseases. In 2014, she flies to the East (family relations sector).

Star of quarrels and discord “3” will be located in 2014 in the Southeast, in the wealth zone. Its negative impact manifests itself in conflicts with authorities, extremely increased aggressiveness, which can even lead to lawsuits.

Star "7"“disturbs harmony in the family, causes conflicts with children, and there is also a danger of being robbed. In 2014, this star is in the Northeast.

Fortunately, correctly selected feng shui symbols for protection can weaken and even completely neutralize the dangerous influence of these stars.

Feng Shui symbols

One of the most effective “healing” remedies in Feng Shui is.

It consists of several hollow metal tubes that, when they touch each other, emit a pleasant ringing sound.

It's destroying negative energy flying stars that fly into one sector or another, bringing chaos with them and bringing misfortune to the inhabitants of the house.

And, if they fly into the entrance sector, then the family will suffer from troubles in the field of health and finances, and if your bed is in the area of ​​their presence, then this will negatively affect your sleep, which can also lead to serious illnesses. In this case, the wind chime plays the role of a watchman, driving away the “uninvited guest.”

This feng shui symbol is best hung where it can be swayed by a light breeze, such as next to a window, but should not be hung above a door or sat directly under it.

Wind chime with six tubes is especially suitable for protection against the “yellow five”, as well as for correcting sharp corners, ceiling beams, doors that are located opposite the stairs, toilets, and balconies.

Bells and a singing bowl are used to cleanse the space energetically.

Singing bowl

If unpleasant people have visited your home, or there has been a quarrel or an unpleasant conversation in the family, then clots of negative energy remain in the air, which can be dispelled with the help of a bell - to do this, you need to walk around the room or apartment counterclockwise and “ring” the bell.

An even better way to do this is with a singing bowl, which transforms negative energy into positive energy. While walking around the apartment, you can say several times: “Dear bowl, please cleanse the space, take away all the negativity!..”

The singing bowl is also used in many health practices - for this, several bowls of different sizes and different composition(bowls are cast from several types of metal)

Dogs "Fu"

To protect your home, Feng Shui masters advise purchasing “Fu dogs” - they are found in almost every Chinese house. They need to be bought in pairs and placed on some kind of stand, but not on the floor. It is believed that their size should correspond to the size of the house they protect. You can place them directly in front of the front door, and this is also an excellent protection against the “yellow five”.

Universal feng shui symbol for protection from unfavorable stars is Stupa.

The stupa has a compartment for earth and if you pour earth into the stupa and place it in the center of the house, you will receive a powerful tool for transforming any negative into positive. In addition, the Stupa is used in rituals to attract wealth and prosperity.

You can hang your apartment or car keys on the Stupa in the form of a keychain, or use it as a pendant on your bag - keep it with you as a powerful talisman of protection.

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Effective protection from the star “3”, which brings legal problems, is the “Red Dragon” pendant - and if the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” is engraved on it, then its protective effect is enhanced many times over.

Ideal Feng Shui at home is only possible when there is complete freedom to choose where to live. In real conditions, the external environment is often far from ideal. And then, willy-nilly, you have to live next to objects of unfavorable Sha energy.

However, some remedies can be used to mitigate the situation, at least partially.

Creating favorable Feng Shui for the bedroom, kitchen and other rooms inside the house is, of course, very important. We should not forget about the means of correction against negative Flying Stars and beams with sharp corners.

But this concerns internal feng shui. And the external environment has a much stronger influence on the overall feng shui of any home. Therefore, it is very, very desirable to correct it!

Protection from sharp roof angles and inhospitable buildings

A special Feng Shui Bagua mirror or a simple concave mirror with a diameter of about 20 cm will help with this. It must be placed in the direction where the threatening Sha object is located. If this is a building where there are people, then the mirror should be directed in such a way that the unfavorable Sha energy is reflected upward and does not harm them. A Feng Shui mirror must be protected from moisture and dust. Wipe it periodically - if the mirror is dirty, it will not be able to fulfill its purpose.

Items that block the view of a negative object also protect the feng shui of the home from harmful effects. This includes fences, fences, plants with a lush crown.

Means of protection against Sha of a straight single pillar

IN recent years in our country everything more people recognizes the influence of Feng Shui on life in general, and its individual aspects in particular. As is widely known to everyone who is even the slightest interested eastern culture, Feng Shui originated in ancient times as the art of properly arranging and decorating graves. The ancients perfectly understood how important the energy of a place and environment was in order to achieve certain goals. As a result of the development of the art of Feng Shui, it has gone beyond the afterlife and today, one can say without exaggeration, has reached the apogee of its development.

One of the most important aspects The protective magic of Feng Shui is the use of various figurines of mythical and semi-mythical creatures in decorating rooms. Properly positioned, these figures accumulate magical energy and direct it in a certain direction. Each of the Feng Shui figurines has eigenvalue and performs strictly defined functions. In order to protect home and family, the following Feng Shui figures are usually used:

Makara- a creature from ancient Asian mythology, which is a terrifying cross between a crocodile, dolphin and other sea animals. However, despite its terrifying appearance, Makara is necessary not to scare away thieves and other scammers from your home, but to protect you and your family from a more terrible and evil enemy - from quarrels and disagreements. The figurine must be placed in a prominent place in the room where the family most often gathers together, for example in the kitchen or living room.

Fish wearing fur- another product of inventive fantasy eastern peoples. This Feng Shui figurine has very specific functions. She must protect the financial situation of the family. A fish wearing fur gives all family members the calmness and prudence necessary to increase and maintain financial well-being.

Eight-legged lion- This is the best guard for your home. Located near the entrance to the home, a figurine of an eight-legged lion will prevent illegal entry into it and will not allow anything valuable to be taken out of the house without the consent of the owners. A powerful and furious beast is obliged to instill fear and uncertainty in its actions in attackers, and when used correctly, the power of this figure is truly amazing! According to ancient Eastern myths, the eight-legged lion was the head of the guard of the supreme kami gods.

Unfortunately, we do not always feel comfortable in our home. This happens when the positive energy flows in the room cannot actively work. For this reason, we sometimes cannot relax while lying in our bed. Or we suddenly start to get sick. The worst thing is when this happens in the house all the time. Positive energy is at rest. It needs to be activated for it to work for the benefit of your health and mental well-being. In order to improve the atmosphere in your home, you just need to use the golden rules of Feng Shui.

Rule one. Rid your apartment of old junk. Everything that has long lost its former appearance must be taken out of the house. You also need to get rid of those things that are broken and no longer function. Get rid of things you haven't used for a long time. This way you can make room for new energy that will bring you prosperity.

Second rule. In order to protect yourself from the negative energy of people who come to your home, you need to hang a mirror above the front door, preferably a round or octagonal one. The mirror will reflect the negative energy of the person who enters, thereby returning it to the owner. This is also an excellent way to protect against damage and curses.

Third rule. Feng Shui of an apartment says that financial success will be brought by the front door, which will be located in the southeast. This part of the house symbolizes wealth and prosperity. The door must be wooden. If it is metal, then it should be covered with decorative wood or glass panels.

Fourth rule. The front door must be well lit. And not only inside the house, but also outside. It will attract positive energy, and will also help neutralize negativity.

Fifth rule. The living room and hallway must be light and free. There should be nothing superfluous in these feng shui zones. Clothes and shoes for which the season has long passed must be put away in closets and only what you are wearing at that time should be kept in the hallway. Special attention You need to pay attention to the cleanliness and order of the hallway and living room.

Sixth rule. There must be a wall or partition behind the head of any furniture (bed, sofa, armchairs), especially the one on which you sleep. There should be no empty space. This can rob you of your support and confidence in difficult situations.

Seventh rule. If the door in the room is opposite the window, then energy flies out of your home. Living in such premises is extremely difficult. But this situation can be corrected with the help of plants. According to Feng Shui at home, it is necessary to place tall plants on the windowsill, mainly with thick and round leaves, for example, ficus or crassula. They will retain positive energy at home and prevent it from flying out the window.

Eighth rule. For financial well-being, hang large mirror opposite your dining table. The mirror tends to double the energy. All food that lies on the table will be reflected, thereby doubling it. This will attract money to the house.

Ninth Rule. Corners and clear sharp lines should be avoided in the interior. Angles and sharp lines - . Under no circumstances should they be directed at your resting place, for example, on a sofa or bed, otherwise you will not be able to regain your strength and relax properly.

Tenth Rule. The largest room should house the oldest residents of the house or those who are the main breadwinner in the family. This gives a balance of energy between those living in the house.

If you follow all these simple rules, then the atmosphere in your home will soon improve. When you come home, you will feel a surge of strength and vitality. Your home will become a place where you can relax and unwind. If you want to know more about Feng Shui, then write to us in the comments. And don't forget to click and

22.08.2013 15:20

The door is an important part of your home. Through it, energy, both positive and negative, enters the house. ...

Every person who shows a sincere interest in Feng Shui has probably noticed how strong, and sometimes even unexpected, influence various symbols and talismans can have on our condition, needs and home atmosphere as a whole. Some serve as devoted protectors from negative energy, others balance colliding currents in space, and still others contribute to the fulfillment of cherished desires, depending on their purpose.

In this article we will talk about one of the most underrated amulets of our space, which plays the role of not only an original element of decor, but also a powerful activator of positive things - a fan from the point of view of Feng Shui.

According to ancient Chinese myths, the first mention of the amulet was associated with the arrival on earth of the goddess of the winds, Nemiza. Observing the deplorable state of her people, whose faces expressed melancholy and disappointment, the goddess presented them with a magical talisman, granting its owners invariable success in business, good news and financial well-being. This was the very moment when the amulet began to acquire its key purpose. Time passed, and already in the Middle Ages the fan was actively used as an integral element female image society ladies: it saved its owners from the sultry heat and was actively used to convey secret messages, the exquisite movements of which reflected all the desires and intentions of flirtatious ladies.

Today, the unusual talisman does not lose its relevance - Feng Shui masters never cease to talk about its ability to remove negative energy, move flows in the right direction, and also increase our performance due to the positive effects of Qi.

Considering that for this talisman from the position ancient teaching There is no specific location; the sector for the fan should be determined based on your current needs.

For example, to promote career ladder and recognition of your authority in your work, a fan with the image of two dragons or a large eagle in the southern part is perfect, activating. To increase your income and attract a series of successes in the monetary sphere, use the design of a fan with goldfish, placing it in the eastern sector of the house: in Feng Shui, these sea creatures have always been famous for their ability to bring wealth and financial prosperity to their owners.

While in this zone, you can also speed up the recovery of your household and strengthen the immune system by enlisting the support of a fan with images of tall cedar, pine trees or bamboo pods. But solve the problem on the personal front or save it already existing relationships A fan with flowering trees, peonies or lotus flowers will definitely help lovers - make a place for it in the South-West sector.

There is also a special, golden fan - in China it is a symbol of immortality and eternal wisdom. If, in your opinion, the energy in the relaxation room is stagnant or you are unable to completely relax in this area without feeling discomfort, use a golden fan. Here, be careful with its location: the fan, due to its color, has powerful energy sun, which is why highlighting the area directly above the bed will only increase your tense state, and in the worst case, bring sleepless nights.

Think about your “work” mood: how often do you manage to quickly complete current tasks, while returning home cheerful and in high spirits? It is believed that a fan placed behind employees at an angle of 45 degrees provides the necessary burst of energy and increases activity during the working day, thanks to which your responsibility and diligence will bring pleasant results in the form of cash bonuses and bonuses. Just make sure that the fan's fan is directed upward.

And most importantly, do not forget that you must follow the principle of matching the size of the talisman with the dimensions of your zone: a fan that is too small will simply be an unremarkable trinket for the moving flows of Qi, and one that is too large will lead to an imbalance of energy, disrupting the energy structure of the entire space. You can choose your own image, guided by your own principles, or create the “ideal” fan with your own hands - you will need your rich imagination and your own sketches of characters who embody your goals. In any case, yours own choice done consciously and with all your heart will certainly attract only positive and bright Feng Shui energy into your home.

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