Espresso, cappuccino, Americano, latte and others. Their similarities and differences. Learning to drink coffee in Italy How to drink cappuccino with foam correctly

1) those types of coffee that sound especially Italian to the ear of a foreigner, such as: cappuccino(cappuccino), caffe latte(cafe latte), latte macchiato(lattemacchiato) - in Italy they order only and exclusively in the morning, and never during the day or, God forbid, in the evening. If you still want to drink a cup at an inopportune hour cappuccino, it wouldn’t hurt to apologize to the bartender or waiter.

2) you should not take liberties with coffee, ordering, for example, frappuccino(frappuccino) with menthol. In Italy, this is a sign of bad taste. There are two notable exceptions. In Naples you can ask caffe alla nocciola(cafe alla nochiola) - this is espresso with whipped walnut cream. And in Milan you can impress the locals by ordering marocchino(marocchino). It's kind of like a reverse cappuccino: they pour cocoa into the bottom of a small glass, then cover it with a cloud of frothed milk, and finally add espresso.

3) the Italian word espresso is a taboo in Italy. This is a kind of technical term; when you order a cup of espresso, it's just caffe.

4) you can order caffe doppio, that is, double espresso, but it will not be Italian. Residents of Italy drink a lot of coffee during the day, even a lot in the eyes of a foreigner, but in small doses.

5) coffee is ordered at the counter, and you should say the order loudly, even if the barrista’s back is to you. After drinking your cup, pay.

6) only at the airport, train station or in a particularly tourist establishment should you be prepared to be asked to pay for the drink in advance.

7) Italian drinks coffee while standing, and there are reasons for this. Coffee is a very pleasant drug, but still a drug. And it is better absorbed while standing, Italian residents believe.

8) Italians serve coffee at such a temperature that it does not burn the lips and larynx. If you prefer a fiery drink, order caffe bollente.

9) here is a list of types of coffee that Italians themselves drink. This is cappuccino or caffé latte: caffè macchiato or latte macchiato, i.e. espresso with a drop of milk or, on the contrary, milk with a drop of coffee.

Сaffè corretto(cafe corretto) is the favorite drink of the Italian construction worker. This is espresso, “corrected” with a dose of grappa or brandy.

Сaffè freddo(cafe freddo) or cappuccino freddo(Freddo cappuccino) is an ice-cold espresso or cappuccino. You can ask coffee lungo(cafe lungo) or caffè ristretto(cafe ristretto) if you want the espresso to be slightly diluted.

10) according to Italians, failure to comply with any of the above rules is terrible!

And now a little coffee ABC.

Espresso- This is a very strong coffee, it is served without milk in small cups. Espresso means “compressed” or “fast” in Italian. This is the king among coffee. The basis of its taste is a pleasant balance of sourness and bitterness and a feeling of freshness and completeness of taste. A standard serving of espresso coffee is 30-35 ml. An ideal espresso has a homogeneous, smooth, dense golden-nut crema. The thickness of the cream should be at least 2 mm. Serve espresso within the first minute and a half after preparation, drink quickly, in several sips.

Espresso con panna- espresso with a fluffy top of whipped cream, sprinkled with ground cinnamon. "Con Panna" means "with cream" in Italian. Serve espresso con panna in a cappuccino cup.

Espresso macchiato- standard strong espresso, on which a drop of very delicate milk foam (about 15 ml) is placed on top with a bar spoon. This is a real Italian version, translated as "spotted".

Espresso Romano- espresso with lemon. Translated from Italian it means “Roman”. Espresso Romano is often garnished with a lemon wedge.

Corretto- espresso, with the addition of a small amount of strong alcoholic beverage. For example, grappa.

Doppio– double espresso.

Lungo- coffee, less strong than espresso due to the larger amount of water in the cup (50-60 ml) with the same amount of ground coffee (7 grams), but stronger than Americano.

Ristretto- espresso brewed in a smaller volume of water (7 grams of coffee per 20-25 ml of water). The most concentrated and invigorating. Drink without sugar. It is considered true Italian coffee and is translated as “strong”. Serve the ristretto in an espresso cup with a glass of cold water. Before the first sip of coffee, take a few sips of water. This prevents dehydration and cleanses the taste buds.

Torre- a large portion of espresso, covered with a cap of milk foam on top, which does not mix with the coffee and rises above the edge of the cup by about 1.5 - 2 cm. Milk foam has a drier and denser structure, unlike cappuccino, and holds its shape well. Served in a cappuccino cup.

Cappuccino- a foamy mixture of espresso and boiled, steamed milk in equal proportions. Served in a larger cup than espresso, but smaller than a latte macchiato.

Macchiato- made from espresso by adding a drop of frothed milk. Like espresso, it is strong coffee and is served in the same small cup.

Latte macchiato— cream (40%), then milk (60%), and another cup of espresso are poured into a large glass. Typically, it has a layer of milk foam on top, just like a cappuccino. In some cases, only milk is used. Served in a tall glass.

Mocha, mocaccino, morocchino- coffee with added chocolate.

Glyase– cool coffee with a scoop of ice cream. Served in an Irish glass with a straw.

Cafe Americano— American-style coffee, prepared in a drip coffee maker that works on the “gravity” principle: hot water drips onto a funnel with a filter in which ground coffee lies.

Espresso is a very strong coffee and is served without milk in small cups. Espresso means “compressed” or “fast” in Italian. This is the king of coffee. The basis of its taste is a pleasant balance of sourness and bitterness and a feeling of freshness and completeness of taste. A standard serving of espresso coffee is 30-35 ml. An ideal espresso has a homogeneous, smooth, dense golden-nut crema. The thickness of the cream should be at least 2 mm. Serve espresso within the first minute and a half after preparation, drink quickly, in several sips.

Espresso con panna - espresso with a fluffy top of whipped cream, sprinkled with ground cinnamon. "Con Panna" means "with cream" in Italian. Serve espresso con panna in a cappuccino cup.

Espresso macchiato is a standard strong espresso, on which a drop of very delicate milk foam (about 15 ml) is placed on top with a bar spoon. This is a real Italian version, translated as "spotted".

Espresso Romano - espresso with lemon. Translated from Italian it means “Roman”. Espresso Romano is often garnished with a slice of lemon.

Corretto is espresso with the addition of a small amount of strong alcoholic beverage. For example, grappa.

Doppio is a double shot of espresso.

Lungo is coffee that is less strong than espresso due to the larger amount of water in the cup (50-60 ml) with the same amount of ground coffee (7 grams), but stronger than Americano.

Ristretto is espresso brewed in a smaller volume of water (7 grams of coffee per 20-25 ml of water). The most concentrated and invigorating. Drink without sugar. It is considered true Italian coffee and is translated as “strong”. Serve the ristretto in an espresso cup with a glass of cold water. Before the first sip of coffee, take a few sips of water. This prevents dehydration and cleanses the taste buds.

Torre is a large portion of espresso, covered with a cap of milk foam on top, which does not mix with the coffee and rises above the edge of the cup by about 1.5 - 2 cm. Milk foam has a drier and denser structure, unlike cappuccino, and holds its shape well . Served in a cappuccino cup.

Cappuccino is a foamy mixture of espresso and boiled, steamed milk in equal proportions. Served in a larger cup than espresso, but smaller than a latte macchiato.

Macchiato is made from espresso by adding a drop of frothed milk. Like espresso, it is strong coffee and is served in the same small cup.

Latte macchiato - cream (40%), then milk (60%), and another cup of espresso are poured into a large glass. Typically, it has a layer of milk foam on top, just like a cappuccino. In some cases, only milk is used. Served in a tall glass.

Mocha, mocaccino, morocchino - coffee with the addition of chocolate.

Glace – cool coffee with a scoop of ice cream. Served in an Irish glass with a straw.

Cafe Americano - American style coffee, prepared in a drip coffee maker that works on the “gravity” principle: hot water drips onto a funnel with a filter in which ground coffee lies.

If you are a coffee lover, then you have probably tried cappuccino coffee, or maybe this is your favorite type of coffee from all the variety presented on the menu of bars and restaurants. The birthplace of cappuccino coffee is sunny Italy.

Cappuccino is a type of espresso served with very thick milk foam, thanks to which the coffee does not cool down for a long time and retains its noble aroma for a long time.

There are two versions of the appearance of the world-famous cappuccino coffee. According to the first, the color of this drink resembles the clothing of the Capuchin monks, hence the name. Translated from Italian, “cappuccio” means “hood”, and “cappuccino” means “capuchin”.

According to the second version, more widespread, cappuccino was invented by the Capuchin monks of one of the monasteries of northern Rome. For a long time, the Catholic Church prohibited the consumption of coffee; it was even considered a “devilish” drink due to the fact that it invigorated and could be addictive. Capuchin monks came up with the idea of ​​adding a small amount of goat's milk to black coffee, due to which it became softer and its “sinfulness” decreased. The life of the monks was characterized by asceticism, so coffee with milk became for them practically the only permitted consolation for the soul and body. It was the capuchins who noticed that when milk is poured into coffee, foam forms, which tastes very pleasant. In order to create more foam, the drink was first whipped, but in this case the foam turned out to be unstable and quickly settled. The monks came up with a way to make the foam strong - they began to whip heated cream using steam. It should be noted that whipped cream was added to coffee before, but a cold product was used for this, which made the drink warm, not hot. By the way, it was the Capuchin monks who invented the first mechanical milk beaters.

Soon, a self-taught mechanic, Giuseppe, who lived next to the monastery, came up with a way to improve the technology of frothing milk for cappuccino coffee. He invented the world's first apparatus, which consisted of two parts: water was poured into one, which turned into steam when heated, which, through a thin tube, fell into the second compartment, where the milk was whipped into thick foam. By the way, all modern coffee machines with the ability to make cappuccino coffee work according to the principle proposed by a medieval mechanic.

Unfortunately, in the twenty-first century, cappuccino began to be called almost any type of coffee with milk foam, including instant coffee, although this is not correct. After all, real cappuccino coffee consists of one third freshly brewed espresso with the addition of hot milk and perfectly whipped thick foam. Many people believe that cappuccino cannot be prepared at home and that only a professional unit located in coffee shops and bars can cope with such an impossible task. We hasten to please lovers of good coffee - modern home coffee machines, equipped with a special device for frothing milk, are capable of preparing high-quality cappuccino coffee, in no way inferior to what they can offer you in a nearby cafe.

So, how to make cappuccino coffee at home? It is advisable to take whole milk, with a fat content of two to three and a half percent; this is what can be whipped into a thick foam that does not settle. Milk is poured into a special container called a “pinscher” and brought to a device for churning foam. By heating the milk with the help of microscopic air bubbles, it doubles in size. After this, hot milk is added to the espresso and foam is placed on top. It is very important not to bring the milk to a boil! Another way is to mix hot milk with foam and pour coffee on top. Both methods are considered correct. As you can see, it's not difficult at all. This process takes only a few minutes. And you can already enjoy freshly brewed cappuccino coffee, surprise guests or please your loved one by serving her coffee in bed.

Another question: how to drink cappuccino coffee correctly?

It is necessary to note a very important thing - in Italy it is customary to drink cappuccino coffee exclusively in the first half of the day, during the first breakfast at 7-8 in the morning or lunch; in any case, the latest date until which you can order this drink is 12 noon. If you have an unbearable desire to drink a cup of cappuccino at an inopportune time, then, according to etiquette, you should apologize to the waiter. By the way, Italians always accurately identify foreigners in local establishments precisely because of this fact. The reason for this attitude towards cappuccino is that coffee with milk is a fairly rich and nutritious product that complicates the digestion process. In general, it’s better to order cappuccino for breakfast, then you definitely won’t go wrong. Italians almost never drink “morning coffee” at home, despite the presence of a coffee machine in almost every home.

You can serve honey, chocolate or syrup with your cappuccino. Many people like to add various spices to their cappuccino coffee, such as cardamom, vanilla, cinnamon or nutmeg. Cappuccino coffee is good both as an independent dish and as an addition to pastries and desserts. The ideal breakfast is a crispy croissant and a cup of aromatic cappuccino coffee. Well, if you have a sweet tooth, then cappuccino will perfectly complement the taste of tiramisu or other sweet cake.

Some people prefer to skim off the foam with a spoon, waiting for the coffee to cool down a little, while others prefer to drink the drink with it. Well, and most importantly, you should drink cappuccino coffee with pleasure, enjoying every sip of the fragrant drink!

The most popular products in the category - Coffee beans

1167 rub.

676 rub.

700 rub.

1926 rub.

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The most popular products in the category - Ground coffee

319 rub.

Apr 21, 2015

Espresso, cappuccino, Americano, latte and others. Their similarities and differences.

Not everyone is a fan coffee knows what the differences are between espresso And Americano, espresso And cappuccino, espresso And latte, espresso And ristretto.

Espresso Romano- standard espresso served with a slice of lemon.

Espresso macchiato- espresso, to which a drop (about 15 ml) of whipped cream is added. The cream spreads over its surface and creates a light marbled pattern. “Machiato” is also translated from Italian as “marble.”

Espresso con panna- Viennese coffee, a standard shot of espresso served with a large dollop of whipped cream.

Flat white coffee- a drink based on one part of double espresso, diluted with two parts of boiled, but not foamed milk. This coffee, the highlight of which is a rich coffee taste with a noticeable milky note, is gaining more and more popularity among coffee lovers. A wonderful cocktail with vodka is made using cooled flat white coffee.

Torre- a layered drink, in many ways reminiscent of a latte and cappuccino at the same time. This is espresso topped with fluffy milk foam, drier and denser than cappuccino.

Gyshr(geshir, qishr) is a Yemeni traditional drink made from coffee husks. The drink made from the husks of coffee beans has not lost its popularity to this day in Arab countries, from where coffee beans have spread throughout the world.
This unique progenitor of modern coffee is called gyshr. And although Yemen and other countries in the region are leading exporters of coffee, the indigenous people of these countries prefer a decoction of their husks to a drink made from coffee beans.

Why is this happening? There are several reasons for this. Gyshr is more of a tea drink than a coffee drink. The process of preparing it is practically no different from brewing regular tea. True, various spices are almost always added to gyshr to improve its taste, such as cinnamon, fresh ginger, and honey. The taste and smell of the drink made from coffee husks is more reminiscent of compote; there are shades of taste of dried apple, rose hips, cherries and only to a small extent the aroma and taste of coffee. In general, this drink does not have a coffee at all, but a rich fruity-herbal taste and aroma.

To better understand what gyshr is, you need to try drinking it without adding spices. It is quite possible that the first time will be disappointing, but many people who have become fans of this drink note that this has happened to them too. This is a drink for everyone; after tasting the gyshr, they could no longer deny themselves the pleasure of drinking an extra cup once again.

In addition to exclusively gastronomic qualities, gyshr also has purely practical ones. So, for example, it is absorbed by the stomach much better than a drink made from coffee beans, but its tonic effect is no less. Additionally, unlike coffee, which can cause problems for people with heart disease, gyshr has a much less noticeable effect on cardiac and vascular function. For this reason, this unusual drink made from coffee husks can be drunk by people who have problems with the heart or hypertensive patients, for whom drinking regular coffee, even decaffeinated, is strictly prohibited.

Gyshr also sits much easier on the stomach, so it can be drunk by people suffering from gastritis or peptic ulcers, from whose diet regular coffee is also excluded. In general, gyshr can be consumed by absolutely all people, but, of course, in moderation.

Instant coffee

Instant coffee was invented and patented (Patent No. 3518) David Strang from New Zealand, and has recently gained wide popularity. One can have different attitudes towards drinks based on it, however, there is no doubt that it has its own adherents and its own, very stable niche. When making instant coffee, the quality of the varieties used is crucial. Mostly bouquets from Brazilian, Central American and African varieties are used. First of all, the grains are thoroughly roasted. When the required degree of roasting is achieved, the beans are immediately cooled and ground. The soluble components are then extracted from the coffee powder. To do this, they take as a basis a process similar to the process of making coffee at home, i.e. coffee is poured with hot water. The last step in making instant coffee is extracting the coffee concentrate. There are two methods for this: the evaporation method and the cryogenic method.

With this method, coffee extract is extracted in a multi-section steel tower under a stream of hot air. At the same time, the water evaporates, and the liquid coffee turns into powder and cools. The finished instant coffee remains in the lower section of the tower.

FREEZING COFFEE EXTRACT (cryogenic method)
Liquid coffee extract is quickly frozen at a temperature of about -40C. When applied to the surface of a metal bowl or metal drum, the extract turns into an ice layer, separates and crumbles. Then the ice is poured into the bowls and placed in the drying chamber. Here the ice crystals disappear: the ice evaporates without changing into a liquid state. This procedure takes place in a vacuum and in compliance with a special heating procedure, the modes of which are maintained automatically and with the highest precision. In this case, distinct, brown granules appear.

coffee, latte, cappuccino, espresso, americano

Decaffeinated coffee

Decaffeination coffee beans were invented in 1903 by a German Ludwig Rosemus. An accident helped him make this discovery. The ship, carrying a cargo of coffee, was caught in a severe storm, and the holds were filled with sea water to such an extent that the ship had difficulty staying afloat. The owner of the cargo thought that everything was lost, but just in case, he decided to take the coffee beans for examination. Expert Ludwig Rosemus determined that the coffee was fine, but had lost almost all of its caffeine. Subsequently, the successful German patented his discovery in the USA. Decaffeinated coffee became widely known in 1930.

In the early eighties, a new device appeared in Italy - coffee odorant, spreading the smell of strong coffee into the room. But, as it turned out, you can’t get enough of the smell of coffee alone, and therefore the question of producing decaffeinated coffee became acute. Typically, when preparing coffee beans for sale, the caffeine is not extracted from them; This happens in the case of the production of special medicinal products, while decaffeinated coffee has even better taste.

Cappuccino is a coffee drink made from espresso, milk foam and milk. The drink was invented in sunny Italy.

To prepare a truly delicious cappuccino, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • The type and grind of coffee, the correct preparation. To do this you need to know how long to brew Turkish coffee at home. To prepare the drink, you need to use only high-quality grains. The best option for cappuccino would be espresso made from a finely ground mixture of Robusta and Arabica beans;
  • Natural espresso can be replaced with instant espresso, but you don’t need to expect a rich aroma and taste from it;
  • Fat content and quality of milk. Before preparing cappuccino, be sure to check the freshness of the milk. Otherwise, it will turn sour and completely ruin the drink. It is much easier to make foam from full-fat milk. Skim milk will produce a rapidly settling, weak, white-blue foam.

Additives for cappuccino

The milk foam of the drink can be sprinkled with the following ingredients:

  • Cinnamon;
  • Chocolate;
  • Crushed nuts;
  • Cocoa powder;
  • Powdered sugar or sugar;
  • Vanilla;
  • Confectionery topping;
  • Ground coffee;
  • Spices.

Making cappuccino


  • Espresso – 1 serving
  • Full fat milk
  • Additives to the drink


  1. Pour the cooled milk into the pitcher and beat until its volume doubles. If you don’t have a coffee machine, you can use a blender, whisk or mixer, but before whipping you need to heat the milk to 70 degrees;
  2. Pour the milk into a cup, then spoon the foam on top. The latter must be placed in the center of the cup so that it lies flat;
  3. Sprinkle the foam with the selected additives.

How to drink cappuccino correctly?

Traditionally, the drink is drunk in the morning from beautiful heated porcelain cups. Along with the cappuccino, a teaspoon is served, which is used to eat the foam while the drink cools. Coffee is also served with a straw. In cafes and restaurants, sugar is sometimes served with cappuccino so that the guest can add it to taste.

Recently, in Italy it has become common to drink cold cappuccino. Irish people add cream liqueur to the drink. Despite all this, the classic version of cappuccino remains the most delicate and delicious.

Many people are interested in Is it possible to drink coffee before donating blood?. In fact, you can't, because it can distort the test results. So it’s better to enjoy a fragrant cappuccino after donating blood.

The aroma of coffee has become a familiar morning attribute in almost every home. The drink known as coffee is truly versatile: it can be drunk without sugar, with added sweetness or with.

General information

Cappuccino is a popular drink in Europe and North America. consisting of several ingredients:

  • Milk foam
  • Milk


  • Homeland is Italy
  • The name comes from the word cappuccino - capuchin
  • Calorie content: 100 ml of drink contains 426 kcal. When using additional sweet additives, calorie content increases

The first machine for making cappuccino was created by an amateur mechanic, Giuseppe, who lived near the Capuchin monastery.

It is believed that cappuccino was invented by Capuchin monk Marco d'Aviano, who suggested adding a little milk to the bitter strong one to soften its taste. The resulting drink was so reminiscent of the brown robes of the Capuchins that it was decided to name it in their honor.


In addition to the classic one, there are two more types of drink:

  • Dry Cappuccino (dry cappuccino) - cappuccino without adding milk, with a little foam and whipped cream
  • White cappuccino. In this option, frothed milk is poured into the cup first, and only then coffee.

Factors affecting taste

The taste and aroma of real cappuccino are significantly affected by:

  • The type of coffee, its grinding and proper brewing. Since espresso is used to prepare cappuccino, you need to be able to prepare it correctly and from good beans. A finely ground mixture of Arabica and Robusta beans is best suited for brewing espresso. The volume of water for a shot of espresso should not exceed 50 ml, and the amount of coffee powder should be at least 7 grams
  • You can also use instant espresso, but this product does not have such a rich taste and aroma as natural, freshly ground coffee.
  • Quality and fat content of milk. Milk for cappuccino must be fresh, otherwise when heated it will turn sour and spoil the drink. In addition, it is better to take full-fat milk: it is better for creating foam. A low-fat product will produce a weak, quickly settling foam with large bubbles of a white-blue hue.


To give cappuccino new shades of taste, milk foam is sprinkled with:

  • Chocolate
  • Cinnamon
  • Sugar or powdered sugar
  • Cocoa powder
  • Confectionery sprinkles
  • Nut crumbs
  • Ground coffee
  • Spices

How to cook. How to drink

You can prepare cappuccino quickly and correctly using a cappuccino machine: this is a special device that allows you to whip milk into a thick, stable foam.

In restaurants, the drink is brewed using a professional espresso coffee machine, which has a special steam outlet tube.

How to make cappuccino in a coffee machine:

  • First of all, espresso is brewed according to the recipe.

In Italy, cold cappuccino is popular; in Ireland, it is customary to drink this drink with cream liqueur, but the classic version of cappuccino remains the most delicious and delicate.

  • The resulting drink is poured into 120 ml cups. The dishes are preheated
  • Milk cooled to 4-5 ° C is poured into the pitcher (a special mug for frothing milk). It should fill the milk jug no more than halfway, as it doubles in volume when foaming.
  • Before starting the frothing process, the steam tap of the coffee machine is opened to release the accumulated moisture.
  • Next, the steam pipe of the coffee machine is immersed in the milk by 1-1.5 cm and turned on
  • The tube is turned slightly at an angle: this creates a “whirlpool” in the milk jug
  • After the formation of stable foam at a temperature not exceeding 75 ° C, close the tap and remove the tube from the milk jug
  • Foamed milk is poured into the espresso by shaking the pitcher: this helps to evenly distribute the foam over the surface of the coffee.

How to drink correctly

According to tradition, cappuccino is drunk during breakfast, served in heated porcelain cups: they retain heat for a long time. The drink is served:

  • Along with a small spoon. This allows you to enjoy the foam while the coffee cools to the desired temperature.
  • With a straw that is used to stir and drink cappuccino

Cappuccino recipe at home:

  • First you need to brew espresso: 60 ml of water will require 2 tsp. coffee powder, ground slightly coarser than for brewing in a mug
  • The drink should be boiled in a Turkish pot, bringing to a boil several times: this action promotes the formation of foam.
  • When the espresso is ready, it's time to start frothing
  • Milk with a fat content of at least 2.5% must be heated to 70° C, then whipped into a homogeneous mass that does not contain large bubbles. To whip the milk, you can use a whisk, mixer or blender.
  • Pour the finished foam exactly into the center of the espresso cup: this way it will form a homogeneous, even layer.
  • You can first pour the milk and then spoon out the foam: for those who are making cappuccino for the first time, this method will be easier
  • Now all you have to do is add sugar and cinnamon to the cappuccino.

Video of making cappuccino in a coffee machine: