(!LANG: Jabba the Hutt: character description, interesting facts, photos. A slug-like mafia from a galaxy far, far away In Star Wars literature

”, Jabba makes a cameo appearance at the beginning of the Podrace.

Jabba's role in Star Wars is primarily antagonistic. He appears as an approximately 600-year-old Hutt, a crime boss and gangster who is surrounded by a retinue of criminals working for him, bounty hunters, smugglers, hitmen and bodyguards, with the help of which he manages his criminal empire. In his palace on the desert planet Tatooine, he has at his disposal many servants: slaves, droids and various alien creatures. Jabba has a dark sense of humor, an insatiable appetite, and a passion for gambling, slave girls, and torture.

The character was included in a Star Wars merchandising campaign that was combined with the premiere release of Return of the Jedi. Outside of the films, Jabba the Hutt has featured in literary works in the Star Wars universe, which occasionally referred to his full name, Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Since then, the image of Jabba the Hutt has played an important role in popular culture, especially in the United States. This name is used as a satirical literary device and political caricature to emphasize the negative qualities of the object of criticism, such as obesity and corruption.


Jabba the Hutt appears in three of the six Star Wars feature films and The Clone Wars. He is a frequent presence in the expanded universe literature and is the subject of a comic book anthology. ("Jabba the Hutt: The Art of Business") (1998), a collection of comics originally published in 1995 and 1996.

In movie

Jabba is first mentioned in A New Hope (1977), but his first screen appearance is in the 1983 third installment of the original Star Wars trilogy, Return of the Jedi, directed by Richard Markand and written by Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas. . The first part of Return of the Jedi features Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher), Wookiee Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), and Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) attempting to rescue their friend Han Solo (Harrison Ford), who was encased in carbonite as a result of the events of the previous movie, The Empire Strikes Back.

The captured Khan is delivered to Jabba by bounty hunter Boba Fett (Jeremy Bullock) and placed on display in the crime boss's throne room. Khan's friends, namely Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams), the droids C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) and R2-D2 (Kenny Baker), Leia and Chewbacca, infiltrate Jabba's palace as part of their plan to rescue Khan. Leia, however, is soon captured and enslaved by the Hutt herself. Luke visits Jabba to make a "deal for Solo's life". Luke, however, is thrown into a pit containing a monstrous rancor monster, which is located below Jabba's throne room. After Luke kills the monster, Jabba condemns Luke, Han, and Chewbacca to a slow death in the womb of the Sarlacc, a gigantic alien worm-like creature that lives in Tattoo's Dune Sea. The execution turns into a gunfight at the Great Pit of Karkon, where Luke escapes execution with R2-D2 and defeats Jabba's guards. In the ensuing confusion, Leia strangles Jabba to death with her slave chains. Luke, Leia, Han, Lando, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 escape Jabba's sail barge before the explosion, and everyone inside is killed.

Jabba the Hutt's second screen appearance was in a special edition of A New Hope, which was released in 1997 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the original Star Wars. Han Solo gets into a skirmish with the alien bounty hunter Greedo (Paul Blake and Maria de Aragon) in a Mos Eisley bar that ends in the latter's death. According to Greedo, Jabba "doesn't deal with smugglers who dump their cargo at the first approach of an Imperial cruiser." Khan was hired by Jabba to deliver a contraband shipment of the illegal drug Spice from the asteroid Kessel. Khan, however, was forced to drop his cargo when an Imperial patrol began pursuing the Millennium Falcon, Khan's ship. Greedo told Khan that "Jabba's bounty on your head is so great that every bounty hunter in the galaxy will be looking for you." In a scene that was cut from the original 1977 film, Jabba and the bounty hunters surrounding him are seen in the Millennium Falcon hangar trying to find the smuggler. Jabba confirms Greedo's last words and demands that Han pay him the cost of the cargo. Khan promises to make up for Jabba's loss once he receives payment for delivering the "goods" - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness), Luke Skywalker, R2-D2 and C-3PO - to Alderaan. Jabba warns Khan that if he doesn't return soon, he'll place a bounty "so high you can't fly near a civilized system" on him. However, Khan never fulfills his contract with the Hutt. All of this footage was taken from an unfinished scene in the original 1977 cut of the film, where Jabba was played by Irish actor Declan Mulholland, dressed in a shaggy suit. In 1997, in a special edition of the film, Jabba's CGI image replaced Mulholland, and his voice was re-dubbed in the fictional Hutt language.

Jabba the Hutt appears onscreen for the third time in 1999, in the prequel to the original trilogy (and the first film of the new trilogy), The Phantom Menace. The scene with this character is minor and has nothing to do with the plot of the movie. On the eve of the Mos Espa Pod Race on Tatooine, in which nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd) wins his freedom, Jabba the Hutt is shown on his podium, accompanied by Gardulla the Hutt (a female Hutt) and his Twi'lek majordomo Bib Fortuna (Matthew Wood) ). Although he is the steward of the race, Jabba has a completely uninterested air and even takes a nap, skipping the end of the race.

For the fourth and last time on the "big" screen, Jabba appears in The Clone Wars. In this 2008 cartoon, Rotta, the son of Jabba the Hutt, is captured by the Separatists in an attempt to break the Jedi and the Republic. Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano managed to rescue Rotta and bring him back to Jabba, thus gaining his permission for safe passage for Republic ships through his territory. In addition to the feature-length cartoon, Jabba appeared in three episodes of the third season of the Clone Wars animated series based on him. He appeared in the episode "Sphere of Influence" where his son Rotta also appears. Jabba runs into Chairman Papanoid, whose daughters have been kidnapped by one of his bounty hunters, Greedo. Jabba allows Greedo to take a blood sample, which is necessary in order to expose him as a kidnapper, but Greedo's cowardice speaks first. In the episode "Plans of Evil", Jabba hires bounty hunter Cad Bane to bring him plans for the Senate building. When Bane returns with a successful mission, Jabba not only pays him, but hires him for another task. He and the Hutt Council send Bane to free his uncle Ziro the Hutt from prison (rather surprising since Ziro helped kidnap his son). Jabba briefly makes his last appearance in "The Hunt for Ziro", in which he is shown laughing and having fun after hearing of Ziro's death at the hands of Sue Snotles and paying her to deliver Ziro's holographic diary.

In Star Wars literature

Jabba the Hutt's first appearances in Star Wars Expanded Universe literature are in the comic book adaptation of the film A New Hope published by Marvel Comics. In comics Six Against the Galaxy(1977) Roy Thomas What Ever Happened to Jabba the Hut?(1979) and In Mortal Combat(1980) Archie Goodwin's Jabba the Hutt (originally spelled Hut) appeared as a tall, walrus-faced, crested humanoid in a bright yellow uniform. Jabba's "official" appearance has yet to be confirmed, as he has yet to be seen on screen.

In anticipation of a sequel to Star Wars, Marvel has kept the monthly comics with their storylines, one of which focuses on Jabba tracking Han Solo and Chewbacca to their old hideout, which they use for smuggling. However, circumstances force Jabba to raise the bounty on Solo and Chewbacca, which forces them to return to Tatooine for an adventure with Luke Skywalker, who has returned to the planet in order to recruit more pilots for the Alliance. In the course of another adventure, Solo kills the space pirate Crimson Jack, interrupting his operation, which was financed by Jabba. Jabba thus raised the bounty on Solo's head again, and Solo later kills the bounty hunter, who tells him why he hunted him again. He and Chewbacca return to the rebels. (Solo mentions the "bounty hunter we encountered on Ord Mantell" incident in the opening scene of The Empire Strikes Back.)

Marvel artists created the character of Jabba based on the appearance of the character, later named Mosep Binned, an alien who can only be replaced briefly in Mos Eisley's bar scene in A New Hope. In 1977, a paperback novelization of the Star Wars script described Jabba as "a large movable cabinet of muscle and fat topped by a shaggy, scarred skull", but did not go into much detail about the character's physical characteristics and appearance.

Subsequent expanded universe novels and comics have used the portrayal of the character as portrayed in the film. They also touched on his life before the events of the Star Wars films. For example, in The Revenge of Zorba the Hutt (1992), a teen novel by Paula and Hollas Davidsov, Jabba's father was a big crime boss named Zorba the Hutt, and Jabba was born 596 years before the events of A New Hope, which means that he was about 600 years old at the time of his death in Return of the Jedi. Anna K. Crispin's novel The Hutt's Gambit (1997) explains how Jabba the Hutt and Han Solo became business partners and shows the events that lead to the generous bounty placed on Han's head. Other expanded universe stories, notably the Dark Horse Comics anthology by Jim Woodring titled Jabba the Hutt: The Art of the Deal("Jabba the Hutt: The Art of Business") (1998), also details Jabba the Hutt's rise as head of the Desilijic clan (in particular, he challenges and kills his father's brother, Jiliak the Hutt), his role in the underworld of the Star Wars universe , as well as establishing his crime syndicate on Tatooine, a planet in the Outer Rim of the Star Wars universe, at the ancient monastery of B'ommare.

Tales From Jabba's Palace(Tales from Jabba's Palace) (1996), a collection of short stories edited by science fiction author Kevin Anderson, brings together the life stories of Jabba the Hutt's various servants in his palace and their relationship to him in his final days. The stories show that some of the Hutt's servants were loyal to him, but most of them actually took part in the plot to kill him. When Jabba the Hutt was killed in Return of the Jedi, his surviving former courtiers joined forces with their rivals on Tatooine, and his family on the Hutt homeworld of Nal Hutt laid claim to his palace, wealth, and criminal empire. Timothy Zahn's novel The Heir to the Empire (1991) shows that a smuggler named Talon Karrde eventually replaces Jabba as the "big fish in the pond" and moves to the headquarters of the Hutt's criminal empire on Tatooine.

Appearance and personality

Jabba the Hutt is an example of lust, greed and gluttony. The character is known throughout the Star Wars universe as a "dastardly gangster" who amuses himself by torturing and humiliating his subordinates and enemies. He surrounds himself with scantily clad slave girls of all kinds, chaining many of them to his pedestal. The Star Wars Database, the official online database and information for Star Wars, notes that the inhabitants of his palace are not immune to his desires for domination and torture. Jabba sent even his most loyal servants and valuable associates to their deaths. For example, in Return of the Jedi, the Twi'lek slave dancer Ula throws herself at the rakor monster because she refuses to indulge his whims.

Jabba the Hutt's appearance is grotesque to his character and reinforces his personality as a deviant felon. As Han Solo noted in Return of the Jedi, Jabba is "a slippery piece of worm-like mud". Film critic Roger Ebert describes him as "a cross between a toad and a Cheshire cat", while astrophysicist and science fiction writer Jean Cavelos calls Jabba "the most disgusting alien ever". Science fiction writers Tom and Martha Veith wrote that Jabba's body is a "miasmatic mass" of flesh that shakes when he laughs. It exudes a characteristic odor: "The Hutt's greasy body seemed to periodically emit discharges of fat, sending new waves of rotten stench" into the air. Saliva drips from his swollen tongue as he feeds on creatures resembling frogs and worms. Jabba's appetite is insatiable, he is not restricted in any way by his diet. For example, his jester, the Kowakian lizard-monkey Solucius Crumb, must make crime boss Hutt laugh once a day every day or Jabba will eat him.

Jabba the Hutt, however, shows rare examples of compassion. For example, in one expanded universe story, he saves a chevin named Epant Mon from freezing to death on an icy planet by covering him with his swollen layers of fat; both of them are eventually saved and Epant Mon becomes completely loyal to his master's crimes, making him the only resident of Jabba's palace that the crime boss can trust. Also, in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Jabba appears to show genuine love for his son Rott and is disturbed and angered by his kidnapping and presumed death.

Concept and creation

Jabba the Hutt has undergone several changes during his on-screen appearances between different versions of the films. The changes in Jabba the Hutt's concept from a furry creature to a slug-like creature and from an animatronic doll to a CGI product represent two of the most obvious changes to the character during his creation and conception process.

Episode IV: A New Hope

The original script for A New Hope described Jabba as "a fat, slug-like creature with eyes, extended tentacles, and a huge, ugly mouth," but Lucas stated in an interview that he originally intended the character to be more hairy and resemble a Wookiee. When filming a dialogue scene between Han Solo and Jabba in 1976, Lucas invited Northern Irish actor Declan Mulholland to play as a "substitute" and read Jabba the Hutt's lines while dressed in a shaggy brown suit. Lucas planned to replace Mulholland in post-production with a puppet-animated creature. The scene was supposed to connect A New Hope to Return of the Jedi and explain why Han Solo was captured at the end of The Empire Strikes Back. However, Lucas decided to cut the scene from the final cut of the film due to budget and time constraints, and because he felt it did not improve the film's plot. The scene, however, remained in the novelization, comic book, and radio adaptation of the film.

Lucas returned to the stage in 1997 while working on a special edition of A New Hope, restoring the narration sequence and replacing Mulholland with a CGI version of Jabba the Hutt, along with replacing English dialogue with dialogue in Huttian, a fictional language created by sound engineer Ben Burt. . Joseph Letteri, senior visual effects supervisor for the special edition, explained that the end goal of redesigning the scene was to make it look like Jabba the Hutt was actually talking and interacting with Harrison Ford, and the crew was just filming him. Letteri stated that the new scene consisted of five shots that were worked on for a year before it was completed. The scene was further polished for the 2004 DVD release, with Jabba's appearance improved in line with advances in CGI technology, though in no release does it look exactly like the original Jabba the Hutt doll.

At one point in the original scene, Ford walks in after Mulholland. This became a problem when adding the CGI image of Jabba, as it has a tail that ended up in the actor's path. The problem was eventually solved in the following way: Khan stepped on the Hutt's tail, causing Jabba to yelp in pain.

Lucas admitted that some people were upset by the appearance of Jabba's CGI image, complaining that the character "looks fake". Lucas dismissed this, stating that once a character is portrayed as a puppet or as a CGI image, it will always always be "fake" as the character is not real. He said he didn't see the difference between a latex doll and a computer generated image. The CGI character would perform actions that the puppet could not, such as walking. In The Phantom Menace, Jabba appeared as a CGI character based on his appearance in A New Hope.

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Lucas designed the character's CGI look based on how he originally appeared in Return of the Jedi. In this film, Jabba the Hutt is a huge, sedentary, slug-like creature designed by Lucas' Industrial Light & Magic "creature workshop". Design consultant Ralph McQuarrie said: “In my sketches, Jabba was a huge, lithe, ape-like figure. But then the design went in a different direction, and Jabba became more of a worm-like creature." Based on a 1985 documentary From Star Wars to Jedi, Lucas rejected the character's original design. The first option made Jabba too humanoid, very similar to the literary hero Fu Manchu, and the second made his appearance too similar to a snail. Lucas finally settled on having the character's skin design be a hybrid of the two. Return of the Jedi costume designer Nilo Rodis-Jamero commented as follows:

“My vision for Jabba was that he should literally look like Orson Welles in his adult years. I saw him as a very thin person. Most of the villains we love are very smart people. But Phil Tippett kept presenting him as a kind of slug, almost like in Alice in Wonderland. At one time, he created a sculpture of a creature that looks like a slug that smokes. I kept thinking that I should just leave, but ultimately that was what led to his established appearance."

Creation and design

Created by visual effects artist Phil Tippett, Jabba the Hutt's appearance was inspired by the anatomy of several animal species. Its body structure and reproductive processes were derived from annelids, naked animals that lack a skeleton and are hermaphrodites. Jabba's head was then modeled as that of a snake, complete with bulging eyes with narrow pupils and a mouth that opens wide enough to swallow large prey. His skin was made moist like that of an amphibian. Jabba's design was subsequently used to portray almost all members of the Hutt species in subsequent Star Wars works.

In Return of the Jedi, the role of Jabba is "played" by a doll weighing 1 ton, it took three months and a half million dollars to create it. During the filming of the film, the doll had her own make-up artist. It took three puppeteers to operate the doll, making it one of the largest devices ever used in cinema. Stuart Freeborn designed the doll, while John Coppinger directly sculpted it from latex, clay and foam pieces. The puppeteers were David Alan Barclay, Toby Philpott, and Mike Edmonds, who were members of Jim Henson's The Muppets. Barclay controlled his right hand and mouth and read the character's lines in English, while Philpott controlled his left hand, head and tongue. Edmonds, the smallest of the three (he also played the Ewok Logray in subsequent scenes), was responsible for Jabba's tail movements. Tony Cox, who also played one of the Ewoks, also helped. Eyes and facial expressions were controlled from a distance as they were radio controlled.

Lucas expressed dissatisfaction with the doll's appearance and immobility, complaining that the doll could move around while filming various scenes. In the commentary on the Return of the Jedi special edition DVD, Lucas noted that if such technology had been available in 1983, Jabba the Hutt would have been a CGI character similar to the one that appears in the special edition scene of A New Hope.

Jabba the Hutt only speaks Huttian in the film, but his lines are translated into English with subtitles. His voice and dialogue in Huttish were performed by an uncredited voice actor, Larry Ward. The heavy, rumbling sound of Ward's voice was achieved by shifting the pitch range an octave lower than usual and processing it through a subharmonic oscillator. A soundtrack of wet, slimy sound effects was recorded to accompany the movement of the doll's limbs and mouth. The recorded sounds were created by a hand going through a bowl of cheese casserole and a dirty towel scraping the inside of a trash can.

Jabba the Hutt's theme song throughout the film, composed by John Williams, is played on tuba. One of the reviewers of the Return of the Jedi soundtrack commented: "Among the new thematic ideas [in the soundtracks] is a cute piece on Jabba the Hutt's tuba (playing before politically incorrect tunes on the tuba represents fatness)...". This theme is very similar to another that Williams wrote for the heaviest character in the film. Fitzwilly(1967), although the theme does not appear on the film's soundtrack album. Williams subsequently turned the theme into a symphonic piece performed by an orchestra. Boston Pops Orchestra featuring solo tuba by Chester Schmitz. The role of this piece of music in film and popular culture has been the focus of research by musicologists such as Gerald Sloane, who wrote that Williams' piece "combines the monstrous and the lyrical".

According to film historian Laurent Bozeru, Jabba the Hutt's death in Return of the Jedi was suggested by screenwriter Lawrence Kasden. Lucas decided that Leia should strangle him with her slave chains. He was inspired by a scene in The Godfather (1972) where a fat character named Luca Brasi (Lenny Montana) is killed with a garrote.


Jabba the Hutt was played by Declan Mulholland in scenes cut from the 1977 version of A New Hope. In the scenes where Mulholland plays Jabba, Jabba is represented as a plump man wearing a fur coat. George Lucas stated his intention to use the appearance of an alien creature for the image of Jabba, but the special effects technology of the time could not fulfill the task of replacing Mulholland. In the special edition 1997 re-release of the film, the original scene was restored and altered, including a computer-generated image of Jabba. In Return of the Jedi, he was played by puppeteers Mike Edmonds, Toby Philpott, David Alan Barclay, and voiced by Larry Ward. In The Phantom Menace, Jabba is voiced by an uncredited voice actor, and Jabba is shown playing himself in the end credits. Puppeteers who controlled Jabba's puppet appeared in documentaries From "Star Wars" to "Jedi": The Making of a Saga and Classic Creatures: Return of the Jedi.. David Alan Barkay, who was one of Jabba's puppeteers in the film, played Jabba in the computer and video game version Return of the Jedi for the Super Nintendo. In the radio adaptation of the original trilogy, Jabba was played by Edward Asner. In the film Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Jabba was voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson. In all other video game appearances of Jabba, he was voiced by Clint Bajakin. Jabba was supposed to appear in the computer game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, but was cut due to time constraints. A cutscene was produced featuring a conversation between Jabba and Juno Eclipse (voiced by Natalie Cox), which was revised in-game. But then he still appeared in the version of the game called the Ultimate Sith Edition.

Cultural influence

Since the premiere of Return of the Jedi in 1983 and the accompanying merchandising campaign, Jabba the Hutt has become a true icon of American pop culture. Based on the character, Kenner/Hasbro action figure sets were produced and marketed as a series from 1983 to 2004. In the 1990s, Jabba the Hutt became the main character in his own comic book series under the general title Jabba the Hutt: The Art of the Deal("Jabba the Hutt: The Art of Business").

Jabba's role in popular culture extends beyond the Star Wars universe and its fans. In Mel Brooks' Star Wars film parody Spaceballs (1987), Jabba the Hutt is parodied as the character Pizza Hutt, a pizza slice-shaped cheese blob whose name is a double pun on Jabba the Hutt and the Pizza Hut restaurant franchise. Like Jabba, Pizza the Hutt is a loan shark and thug. The character meets his death at the end of "Spaceballs" when he is "trapped in his car and [eats] himself to death". The National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. included an image of Jabba the Hutt in a temporary exhibition, Star Wars: The Magic of Myth, which closed in 1999. Jabba's stand was called "Return of the Hero", referring to Luke Skywalker's journey leading to his transformation into a Jedi.

Media attention

Since the release of Return of the Jedi, the name Jabba the Hutt has become synonymous in the American media with repulsive qualities such as obesity and corruption. This name is often used as a literary device or as a simile or metaphor to illustrate the shortcomings of a particular character or person. For example, in Under the Duvet(2001) Marian Keys references overeating issues when she writes "birthday cake wheel, I feel a Jabba the Hutt moment on the way". Moreover, in the novel Steps and Exes: A Novel of Family(2000) Laura Culpakin uses the name Jabba the Hutt to emphasize the weight of the hero's father: "The girls called their parents Janice Jabba the Hutt and the Wookiees. But Jabba (Janice's father) is dead, and it doesn't seem right to speak of the dead in such terms." In Dan Brown's first novel, Digital Fortress, the NSA technician is affectionately referred to as Jabba the Hutt.

In his book of humor and popular culture The Dharma of Star Wars(2005) writer Matthew Bortholin attempts to show similarities between Buddhist teachings and aspects of Star Wars fiction. Bartholin insists that if a person is making decisions about things that Jabba the Hutt would do, then the person is not practicing the proper spiritual concept of dharma. Bartholin's book reinforces the idea that Jabba's name is synonymous with negativity:

“One way to see if we are practicing the right way of life is to compare our trading to that of Jabba the Hutt. Jabba slipped his fat and stubby fingers into many of the trades that led to the Dark Side's victory. He was mainly involved in the illegal trade in "spice" - an illegal drug in the Star Wars galaxy. He also conducted business operations in the slave trade. He kept many slaves, and some he fed to the rancor, a creature he caged and tortured in his dungeon. Jabba used deceit and violence to keep his position."

Outside of literature, the character's name has become an offensive and derogatory pejorative. Saying someone "looks like Jabba the Hutt" is usually taken as an insult that calls into question the person's normal weight and/or physical appearance. The term is often used in the media as a journalistic attack on prominent figures. For example, actress and comedian Roseanne faced what W. S. Goodman called "poison attacks based on her weight" from The New York Observer journalist Michael Thomas, who often compared her to "a blob-shaped monster from Star Wars." Jabba the Hutt. In a 1999 episode of the animated TV series South Park entitled "Nightmare Marvin in Space", Christian Children's Fund spokeswoman Sally Strathers is portrayed as a hatta and accused of getting fat on food aid meant for starving Ethiopians. Another reference appears in the Family Guy episode "He's Too Sexy for His Fat" when Peter mentions his raucous ancestor Jabba Griffin. In the television series Lost, Sawyer uses Jabba's name as a derogatory nickname for Hugo due to the latter's "overweight and unattractiveness".

In another sense, the expression "Jabba the Hutt" has become a symbol of greed and anarchy, especially in the business world. For example, basketball player Michael Jordan biographer Mitchell Krugel uses the term to discredit Chicago Bulls general manager Jerry Krause after Krause made a comment about Jordan and other players with multi-million dollar contracts: "Krause added Jabba the Hutt to his look during a fundraiser. in the media that preceded the opening of the camp, when he answered a question about the prospects of the Bulls rebuilding without Phil and Michael in the near future, saying: “Organizations win championships. Players and coaches are part of the organization.” Jabba the Hutt was ranked fifth by Forbes magazine on its Forbes Fictional 15 list of the 15 richest fictional characters in 2008.

Jabba the Hutt is a popular cartoonist in American politics. For example, opponents of California Democratic legislator Jackie Goldberg routinely portray the politician as a given Star Wars character in their cartoons. The Los Angeles Daily News published cartoons of her as a grotesque, overweight figure reminiscent of Jabba the Hutt, and the New Times LA wrote of Goldberg as "the Jubbn the Hutt man who consumes the good while producing the bad". William J. Ouch uses the term to describe what he sees as the inefficient bureaucracy in the public school system: "With all these unnecessary layers of organizational fat, the school districts have come to resemble Jabba the Hutt, the smuggler leader in Star Wars." In Ireland Health Minister Mary Harney was called "Jabba the Hutt" on a satirical show gift group.


  • Wallace, Daniel. (2002). Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Characters. Del Rey. p. 88-90. ISBN 0-345-44900-2.


  1. Wallace D., Sutfin M. and Mangels A. Star Wars: The New Essential Guide to Characters. Paw Prints, 2008. ISBN 1439564973, 9781439564974
  2. TIME magazine review, May 23, 1983; last accessed November 26, 2008.
  3. Roger Ebert Return of the Jedi Chicago Sun Times, May 25, 1983, at RogerEbert.com
  4. Jabba the Hutt , starwars.com, paragraph 11, "By the age of 600, Jabba was the Hutt to be reckoned with…", Retrieved 11-23-2008
  5. Sansweet, Star Wars Encyclopedia, pp. 146-147.
  6. "Jabba Desilijic Tiure (Jabba the Hutt)", in Sansweet, Star Wars Encyclopedia, pp. 146-147.
  7. , dir. Richard Marquand (DVD, 20th Century Fox, 2005), disc 1.
  8. , Special Edition, dir. George Lucas (DVD, 20th Century Fox, 2005), disc 1.
  9. "Mos Espa Grand Arena" at the Star Wars Databank.
  10. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, dir. George Lucas (DVD, 20th Century Fox, 1999), disc 1.
  11. roy thomas, Marvel Star Wars #2: Six Against the Galaxy(Marvel, August 1977).
  12. Archie Goodwin, Marvel Star Wars #28: What Ever Happened to Jabba the Hut?(Marvel, October 1979).
  13. Archie Goodwin, Marvel Star Wars #37: In Mortal Combat(Marvel, July 1980).
  14. Jabba the Hutt, Behind the Scenes, Star Wars Databank ; last accessed July 3, 2006.
  15. George Lucas, Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker(paperback; New York: Del Rey, 1977), p. 107, ISBN 0-345-26079-1.
  16. paul davids and hollace davids, Zorba the Hutt's Revenge(New York: Bantam Spectra, 1992), ISBN 0-553-15889-9.
  17. A. C. Crispin, The Hutt Gambit(New York: Bantam Spectra, 1997), ISBN 0-553-57416-7.
  18. Jim Woodring, Jabba the Hutt: The Art of the Deal(Dark Horse Comics, 1998), ISBN 1-56971-310-3.
  19. Kevin J. Anderson, ed., Tales from Jabba's Palace(paperback; New York: Bantam Spectra, 1996), ISBN 0-553-56815-9.
  20. Timothy Zahn, Heir to the Empire(paperback; New York: Bantam Spectra, 1991), p. 27, ISBN 0-553-29612-4.
  21. Murray Pomerance, "Hitchcock and the Dramaturgy of Screen Violence", in Steven Jay Schneider, ed., New Hollywood Violence(Manchester, Eng.: Manchester University Press, 2004), p. 47, ISBN 0-7190-6723-5.
  22. From the title crawl of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi; also a description from the Return of the Jedi novelization at Del Rey; last accessed July 3, 2006.
  23. Jabba the Hutt, The Movies, Star Wars Databank; last accessed July 3, 2006.
  24. Kathy Tyers, "A Time to Mourn, A Time to Dance: Oola's Tale", in Anderson, ed., Tales from Jabba's Palace, p. 80.
  25. Jeanne Cavelos, "Just Because It Goes "Ho Ho Ho" Doesn't Mean It's Santa", The Science of Star Wars: An Astrophysicist's Independent Examination of Space Travel, Aliens, Planets, and Robots as Portrayed in the Star Wars Films and Books(New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999), p. 57, ISBN 0-312-20958-4.
  26. Tom Veitch and Martha Veitch, "A Hunter's Fate: Greedo's Tale", in Kevin J. Anderson, ed., Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina(paperback; New York: Bantam Spectra, 1995), pp. 49-53, ISBN 0-553-56468-4.
  27. Ryder Windham, This Crumb for Hire, in A Decade of Dark Horse#2 (Dark Horse Comics, 1996).
  28. Esther M. Friesner, "That's Entertainment: The Tale of Salacious Crumb", in Anderson, ed., Tales from Jabba's Palace, pp. 60-79.
  29. Ephant Mon, Expanded Universe Star Wars Databank ; last accessed July 3, 2006.
  30. George Lucas interview Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
  31. George Lucas commentary, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Special Edition, dir. George Lucas, (DVD, 20th Century Fox, 2004).
  32. joseph letters interview, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Special Edition (VHS, 20th Century Fox, 1997).
  33. « A New Hope: Special Edition - What has changed?: Jabba the Hutt", January 15, 1997, at StarWars.com ; last accessed July 3, 2006. Archived March 13, 2007 at the Wayback Machine
  34. "Star Wars: The Changes - Part One" at DVDActic.com; last accessed July 3, 2006.
  35. George Lucas commentary, Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Special Edition, dir. Richard Marquand (DVD, 20th Century Fox, 2004).
  36. Ralph McQuarrie, quoted in Laurent Bouzereau, Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays(New York: Del Rey, 1997), p. 239,

Jabba the Hutt is one of the fictional characters in the iconic Star Wars universe created by George Lucas. Outwardly, Jabba resembles a huge slug-like alien, in which there is something in common between a toad and a Cheshire cat.

Based on the saga, the character was first talked about in A New Hope (1977), and then in an episode called The Empire Strikes Back, which came out three years after its predecessor. His first appearance was in Return of the Jedi (1983), the very last fillet of the original trilogy.

general information

Jabba is the real antagonist. It is known that he is about 600 years old, he is engaged in criminal activities and is a real crime boss, whose name is known throughout the galaxy. He is constantly surrounded by a large retinue, which includes his personal bodyguards, various criminals, smugglers, bounty hunters, mercenaries and slavers. Jabba spends most of his time in his own palace, located on the desert Tatooine. There, in addition to his retinue, he is surrounded by an even larger and more diverse company, which consists of weak-willed slaves and servant droids. Jabba is known for his bizarre sense of humor, brutal appetite, and rather gambling nature. In addition to illegal entertainment and torture, he also likes to brighten up his leisure time with the help of slave girls. Below in the photo - Jabba the Hutt, surrounded by a personal retinue.

The image of the character is often used in satire and political grotesque, especially in the United States. Comparison with Jabba the Hutt arises if the object of criticism suffers from severe obesity or is a very corrupt person.

The character's first appearance in the film saga: Palace

As we said, for the first time information about Jabba was added in "A New Hope", in one of the story dialogues. His full-fledged appearance on the screen took place in the final part of the trilogy, namely in the third episode called "Return of the Jedi". According to the plot of the picture, the Hutt receives Han Solo frozen in carbonite, delivered to him by the famous bounty hunter Boba Fett. He puts his prey on public display in the throne room. Several of Han's friends, including Leia, Lando, Chewbacca, and the droids, manage to infiltrate the mafia's palace and worm their way among the crowd. However, soon Princess Leia herself is captured by local guards and becomes the personal slave of a crime lord (the scene depicting Leia and Jabba the Hutt is still considered one of the cult in cinema).

After some time, Luke Skywalker arrives at the palace, offering the Hutt a deal and asking him to let Khan go. In response, Jabba throws Luke into a pit with a terrible Rancor. As the young Jedi deals with the monster, the Hutt informs him that he, Solo, and Chewbacca are being sentenced to a slow and painful death.

Events at the Karkon Pit

A little later, all the characters move to the Tatooine Dunes Sea, where a giant alien creature known as the Sarlacc lives. Jabba intends to throw the condemned directly into the monster's mouth, but at the very last moment they manage to start a shootout. During the ensuing confusion, the princess and Jabba the Hutt find themselves without the care of the latter's loyal bodyguards. Without thinking twice, the girl throws her chain around the creature's neck and chokes him to death. After that, the character was considered dead.

Second appearance in the movie saga

The second time Jabba appeared was in a special edition of A New Hope, released in 1997, on the twentieth anniversary of the original trilogy. The hero can be seen in one of the deleted scenes that was originally intended to be shown. Jabba, along with other bounty hunters, visit the hangar containing the Millennium Falcon. He confirms the information about the placement of a bounty on Solo's head and insists on reimbursing the value of the lost cargo.

The scene was originally filmed with Irish actor Decland Mulholland, who portrayed Jabba the Hutt in a special furry suit. In the re-release of the film, the old image of the alien mafia was replaced with CGI.

Third appearance

The next, this time the third, appearance of Jabba the Hutt in "All the Wars" took place in "The Phantom Menace". A small episode with his participation is very insignificant and has nothing to do with the main storyline. The character sits on one of the stands during the races on the planet Tatooine, in which the young Anakin Skywalker takes part. Jabba is accompanied by several of his entourage, among whom a Hutt woman named Gardula stands out. In this scene, Jabba's character is acting as the race steward, however, judging by his appearance, he is clearly not interested in the event and even falls asleep at the very beginning.

Fourth and final appearance in the film saga

The last return of Jabba the Hutt to the "big" screens took place in the cartoon "The Clone Wars" (2008). In it, the audience also got acquainted with the son of a famous bandit who was captured by the separatists. To help Rotta (the name of the son of Jabba), Anakin Skywalker arrives with his Padawan Ahsoka Tano. The heroes manage to save the little Hutt and hand him over to his father, who, in gratitude, allows Republic ships to pass through his territories.

Soon after the full-length cartoon was followed by the series of the same name - you can also see Jabba in it. He only appears in three episodes and is involved in several new story arcs. In addition, one of the episodes shows us our old friend Rotta, and the other shows Jabba's uncle Ziro, who has never been seen before.

Comics before 1977

The character began his appearance in literature with a comic book based on A New Hope, which became part of the Star Wars expanded universe. At that time, the final version of Jabba's appearance had not yet been approved, so in the comic book he appeared as a tall humanoid, resembling a walrus and dressed in a bright yellow uniform.

One of the storylines of the following Star Wars comics was about Jabba and his hunt for Han and Chewbacca. The Hutt's appearance is believed to be based on one of the aliens in the tavern scene in A New Hope. In the novelization of the script in 1977, Jabba is described as a huge movable pedestal, consisting of muscles and fat. The overall picture is completed by a shaggy skull, on which numerous scars are visible.

Character in post-1977 literature

In subsequent Star Wars novels and comics, Jabba completely resembled his cinematic image. Some stories describe the life of a crime boss even before the events of the movie saga, some trace his path from a simple bandit to the leader of the Desilijics.

In "Tales from the Palace" tells about the life of various servants and slaves of Jabba the Hutt, as well as their relationship to their formidable master. From the stories it becomes clear that most of the servants were involved in a conspiracy against the Hutt, while some of them had a sense of loyalty to him. After Jabba's death, his surviving retinue struck a truce with the former opponents of the Mafiosi on Tatooine.

Thus, all the wealth of Hatt remained for a long time beyond the reach of his relatives. In Heir to the Empire (1991), readers learn that Jabba's criminal empire was eventually taken under the wing of smuggler Talon Karde.

The character of the Star Wars movie saga, created by the director and screenwriter. A gangster from the planet Nal Hutta, a huge non-humanoid alien from the Hutt race, less than four meters tall, similar to a slug or a toad with orange eyes. Hermaphrodite - has the sexual characteristics of a male and a female at the same time. Belongs to the Hutt clan.

History of creation

The concept of Jabba the Hutt changed from one film to another as the film industry grew and developed and new opportunities arose. Jabba was originally conceived by George Lucas as a furry, Wookie-like creature. Then came the concept of Jabba as a fat, slug-like creature with a huge, ugly mouth, eyes, and tentacles.

Invited to play Jabba, actor Declan Mulholland read out the character's lines during filming. The actor was dressed in a fluffy brown suit, and at the post-production stage they had to replace the person with a character created using puppet animation. The scene involving Jabba was supposed to be an important plot point, but George Lucas ended up cutting it out of the movie due to budgetary and time constraints.

In 1997, while working on the anniversary edition of A New Hope, George Lucas brought the scene back, and the broken narrative sequence was restored. Technology at that time made it possible to realize the image of Jabba at a higher level than in 1977. In 2004, during the next re-release, the scene was again finalized, and the appearance of the villain was further improved.

"Star Wars"

Jabba was first mentioned in Star Wars: A New Hope, episode IV, released in 1977. Jabba is an episodic character there - a crime boss and the leader of a gang of smugglers on the planet Tatooine. The smuggler pilot owed Jabba a tidy sum of money for failing to deliver the smuggled cargo.

Han Solo was supposed to bring a cargo of a banned drug to Jabba from an asteroid, but an Imperial patrol landed on the tail of Solo's ship. Solo chose to drop the dangerous cargo. Enraged, Jabba placed such a tempting bounty on Han Solo's head that every bounty hunter in the universe began chasing him.

In 1980, Jabba's name resurfaces in Episode V "The Empire Strikes Back". Han Solo never returned the favor, and Jabba sends a bounty hunter to search for the debtor, promising a decent jackpot for Solo's capture. Later, Han Solo is captured, and he sends the hero to Jabba, having previously frozen in carbonite so that Solo does not escape. Solo's friends at the end go to the rescue in order to snatch the hero from the clutches of Jabba.

The third film, Return of the Jedi, released in 1983, used a complex animatronic puppet to create Jabba's screen image. In the first film in 1977, Jabba the Hutt was played by Irish actor Declan Mulholland, dressed in a fluffy suit. But the scene where he appears was cut from the final version of the original film. In the 1997 re-release of A New Hope, the Jabba scene was returned, but the live actor was replaced with a CGI image and the voice was re-dubbed. The new Jabba spoke in a fictitious language of the Hutts.

In a cut scene, Jabba, accompanied by gangsters, arrives at the hangar where Han Solo is holding the ship. Jabba demands that the hero return the value of the lost cargo. Han Solo promises that he will return the money as soon as he receives payment for a new job. Han Solo was in the process of delivering , and their droid companions to Alderaan.

Jabba demands that Solo return with the money as soon as possible, and threatens to unleash all the criminals in the galaxy on Solo if he doesn't. Solo, however, would never fulfill his obligations to Jabba.

In the first part of Return of the Jedi, Jabba mocks numerous servants and assigns a generous reward to anyone who drags Han Solo's head to his feet. Bandit Boba Fett brings Han Solo to Jabba, and the crime boss exposes the frozen hero as part of an exhibit in his own throne room.

However, Han Solo's friends are on the alert and rush to help. They manage to infiltrate Jabba's palace, but luck turns away from the heroes. she herself is captured by Jabba, and the villain turns the girl into slavery. The gangster attempts to take down Luke Skywalker when he arrives to make a deal with Jabba to free Han Solo.

Under the throne room is a pit where a monstrous monster sits, and Luke is thrown into it. The hero destroys the monster, but Jabba doesn't stop there. A giant worm-like creature lives in the Dune Sea on Tatooine, and Jabba decides it would be a good idea to feed Luke and Han Solo to the monster.

However, the heroes manage to defeat Jabba's guards, and the villain himself is killed by Princess Leia during the confusion. Jabba is overtaken by a very symbolic death - Leia strangles him with slave chains. Jabba's sailing barge explodes and everyone on board is killed. However, Leia, Luke and the rest of the heroes manage to escape.

In the 1999 prequel The Phantom Menace, Jabba can be seen in a Podrace sequence. The villain sits on the podium, surrounded by henchmen, and is not at all interested in what is happening. Eventually Jabba takes a nap and misses the race finale.

Jabba the Hutt is depicted in the movie saga as a big crime boss, constantly surrounded by a retinue of bodyguards and smaller gangsters who work for him. Jabba is about six hundred years old. In submission to the villain are numerous assassins, smugglers and bounty hunters. The character stands at the center of the criminal empire he rules.

On the desert planet Tatooine, Jabba has his own palace, where numerous slaves, droids and all kinds of alien creatures serve the criminal. Jabba loves to torture those who turn up at hand, is not indifferent to young slaves and plentiful food, and is fond of gambling.


"If I told you half of what I heard about this Jabba the Hutt, you would most likely start to short-circuit!"
“By the time of our next meeting, he was already a much larger figure - in every sense. And besides, he managed to hate me.

Jabba the Hutt is a fictional alien from George Lucas's Star Wars film series and a number of spin-offs. It is a huge slug-like alien; the famous film critic Roger Ebert (Roger Ebert) has been described as a mixture of a toad and the Cheshire Cat.

Jabba the Hutt first appeared on the screen in 1983, in the third part of the "classic" Star Wars, the movie "Return of the Jedi" ("Return of the Jedi"). It should be noted that the Hutt was mentioned in the first films of the series, but he did not have to personally appear before the audience right away. Jabba was a powerful crime lord from the planet Tatooine, who controlled an entire criminal empire of various kinds of criminals, smugglers, assassins and mercenaries. On Tatooine, Jabba lived in his own palace, where he indulged in his favorite pastimes - gambling, torture, sumptuous meals and abuse of slaves. The main characters were brought to the Hutt's palace by a harsh necessity - they went to rescue their friend Han Solo, who was captured by Jabba's agent in the previous film. On behalf of the Hutt, mercenary Boba Fett managed to track down and neutralize Solo; encased in carbonite, the smuggler was paraded in the Mafiosi's throne room. The plan to save Khan did not go as easily as the heroes had hoped; Princess Leia Organa was captured and became one of Jabba's slaves, and Luke Skywalker was thrown into a pit by a monstrous rancor. The Jedi managed to defeat the monster, but the misadventures of the heroes did not end there - Jabba ordered the captives to be thrown to the giant desert monster sarlacc. The planned execution, however, Jabba failed - the battle that broke out ended in the flight of the main characters. Leia managed to strangle Jabba herself with her own shackles; later, after the heroes had fled, Jabba's barge exploded, presumably killing everyone on it.

With his death, the story of Jabba seemed to have ended, but in 1997 the space gangster returned to the screens in a modified version of the film "New Hope" ("New Hope"). Jabba's line in this film began with the conflict between Han Solo and the alien mercenary Greedo (Greedo) - costing the latter his life. During the conversation, Greedo mentioned that Jabba had little regard for the smugglers who dropped their assigned cargo at the first appearance of Imperial cruisers on the horizon. Apparently, Khan was previously hired by Jabba to smuggle an illegal drug spice from the asteroid Kessel; Khan, however, was unfortunate enough to stumble upon the Imperial spaceships - and just in case, he dropped a dangerous cargo into space. As Greedo himself had warned Solo, Jabba was quite capable of placing such a price on the head of a smuggler that mercenaries from all over the galaxy would open the hunt for him. Later in the film, a scene cut from the original version was shown - Jabba and a group of his mercenaries looking for Han Solo in a hangar near the Falcon. Meeting with Solo, Jabba confirmed everything Greedo had said earlier and demanded that Khan pay for the lost cargo. Solo does not argue with the gangster, promising to return the money after the delivery of a new cargo - which, by the way, are Leia, Luke and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Obi-Wan Kenobi). The gangster agrees to a delay, but in case of deceit, he really promises to set a huge price for Khan's head. Subsequently, Jabba Solo fails to pay off - which leads to subsequent events.

In 1999, the film "The Phantom Menace" ("Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace"); its plot unfolds even before the events of the original trilogy, but Jabba still has a place in it. This time the Hutt plays a relatively small role and acts more like a gift to the fans; he organizes the very race in which Anakin Skywalker wins his freedom and, despite the position of the organizer, shows practically no interest in what is happening, even openly falling asleep at the very end.

In the 2008 animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Anakin and his apprentice Ahsoka Tano have to deal with Jabba again. The Separatists, who want to quarrel with the Republic and the Jedi, kidnap Jabba's son, Rotta (Rotta). The heroes manage to save Rotta and bring him back home; in gratitude, Jabba guarantees Republic ships free passage through his territory. Jabba later returns in the Clone Wars television animated series. In one of the episodes, Jabba has to deal with an alien whose daughters are kidnapped by a mercenary Greedo; The Hutt willingly allows a blood sample to be taken from Greedo for comparison, but the cowardly behavior of the mercenary already betrays him as a kidnapper. In another episode, Jabba hires a certain Cad Bane to obtain plans for the Senate building; Bane copes with the task, after which the Hutt sends him to rescue his own uncle Ziro the Hutt from prison. The latter, most likely, is the decision not so much of Jabba himself, but of the Hutt Council as a whole - Jabba himself does not have particularly warm feelings for his uncle, remembering the role he played in the kidnapping of Rotta. Zero fails to run far; Jabba's uncle's death causes genuine joy, after which he pays separately for the delivery of his now deceased relative's holo-diary. In the future, the Hutts have to deal with the Collective of Shadows; Darth Maul, Savage Opress and Pre Vizsla are trying to enlist the support of gangsters. Unable to pay for the services of the Hutts, they try to threaten the Council - and in return receive a visit from a team of unfriendly mercenaries. Later, agents of the Collective of Shadows turn to Jabba again, already in his palace on Tatooine - and impressed by their tenacity, the slug-like gangster promises his support and agrees to form an alliance.

Jabba the Hutt Jabba Desilijic Tiure

One of the most notorious crime bosses in the galaxy, who ruled a vast criminal empire from his palace in the Tatooine desert. An ugly, slug-like creature with a vindictive and sadistic streak, Jabba pursued Han Solo for several years after a smuggler dropped a load of spice. With the help of Boba Fett, Jabba finally got Solo and then enslaved Princess Leia, who tried to save Han. However, the Hutt underestimated Leia, and she strangled him as the heroes escaped Jabba's sail barge.

Race: hutt.

Growth: 1.75 meters (3.9 meters long).

Planet: Nel Hatta.

Affiliation: no.

First appearance:"Return of the Jedi" ("A New Hope" special edition).

Full biography

The son of a major clan leader and a representative of an ancient family of criminal tycoons, Jabba sought to become equal to his father. By the year 600, Jabba (whose Huttian name is Jabba Desiliyik Tiure) was at the head of a large criminal empire. Together with his vast fortune, Jabba flew away from the estate of his father Zorba the Hutt (Zorba the Hutt) to Nel Hutt to Tatooine, where he settled in a palace built on the ruins of the ancient monastery of the monks of B "Ommar.

The sour atmosphere of Jabba's palace soon attracted many unscrupulous villains who flocked to the fortress to drink and eat, have fun and find work. Thieves, smugglers, assassins, spies, and all sorts of criminals have always been around Jabba. He soon became involved in all kinds of criminal activity in the Outer Worlds, including smuggling, the glitterstim spice trade, the slave trade, assassinations, debt collection, racketeering, and piracy.

Pursuing his illegal activities, Jabba once hired a smuggler named Han Solo to deliver glitterstim spice from Kessel, where it was mined in the mines under the Imperial Correction Facility. After Solo dropped a load of glitterstim to get through the Imperial cordons, Jabba sent several bounty hunters to look for the pilot. Solo killed Greedo, one of Jabba's close friends, but was unable to escape the Hutt. Jabba met with Solo on Tatooine, but allowed him and his co-pilot Chewbacca to fly passengers to Alderaan in exchange for the proceeds from the flight. Solo did not return. Enraged, Jabba posted a massive reward for the smuggler, dead or alive.

After some time, Boba Fett delivered Jabba Solo, frozen in carbonite, but alive. Soon after, Khan's friends infiltrated Jabba's palace to rescue the smuggler. Jabba captured Princess Leia and put her on a chain, and then tried to feed Luke Skywalker first to his pet rancor and then to the Sarlacc. Standing on the edge of the Great Sinkhole of Karkoon, Luke escaped death with the help of his Jedi skills, and a fight broke out between the rebels and Jabba's men. In the fight, Jabba found his death at the hands of Leia. Moments later, most of his henchmen were killed in a sailing barge explosion set off by Luke and Leia. The rest of Jabba's fortune passed to his father Zorba, who vowed revenge on Leia and her friends.

Behind the scenes

The filmmakers worked on Jabba's appearance for a very long time before he could appear in the original Return of the Jedi in his final form. In his first incarnation, appearing in the novelization of A New Hope, the crime lord is described as "a moving carcass of muscle and fat, surmounted by a rough, scarred skull...". A scene was also filmed for A New Hope as the Hutt talks to Han Solo as he leaves Mos Eisley. In this scene, Jabba was played by a large man (Declan Mulholland) in fur clothes. Lucas intended to cut the actor out and replace him with some kind of mechanical creation, but the necessary technology was not available. Therefore, the scene was cut completely.

Ralph McQuarrie, Nilo Rodis-Jamero, and Phil Tippet collaborated with Lucas on Jabba's appearance for Return of the Jedi. Before coming to a final decision, they made over 76 sketches. Macquarrie first envisioned Jabba as a monstrous and agile primate resembling a giant ape, while Rodis-Jamero saw him as a refined, sophisticated humanoid. Tippett suggested the idea of ​​a huge slug. He came up with eight looks for Jabba, with early versions having several pairs of arms.

It took Stuart Freeborn's English studio two tons of clay and 600 pounds (270 kilograms) of latex to make Jabba the Hutt. It was a giant puppet 18 feet (5.5 meters) long, controlled from the inside by three puppeteers. Two of them each moved one of Jabba's arms, and the third moved his tail. Two employees were responsible for the movements of Jabba's eyes (which were controlled by wires), and also inflated and deflated air bubbles under the skin of the Hutt, giving his face a variety of expressions. In addition, during the filming, Jabba constantly needed a make-up artist.

For the special edition of A New Hope, Lucas, armed with digital technology, returned to the scene of Jabba's first appearance in Mos Eisley. A fully computerized Jabba replaced Declan Mulholland in a "talk" with Harrison Ford.