Onegin achieved harmony between feeling and reason. Reason and feeling in the work Eugene Onegin, how to write an essay? The theme of reason and feelings in A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Station Agent”

Mind and feelings.

The problem of the relationship between reason and feeling is relevant at all times, because every person in his life is in a situation difficult choice. These two feelings often come into conflict with each other, and this is reflected in a person’s actions and sometimes leads to tragedy.Why is it difficult to choose between the heart and the mind?In this regard, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” is indicative, where main character Evgeny Bazarov, who finds it difficult to choose between his mind and his heart. He is a man of new views, a “nihilist”; throughout almost his entire life he denies such spiritual values ​​as love, art, beauty and the aesthetics of nature. He only believes in what he can see, touch and taste. Love calls nonsense and unforgivable foolishness. But soon Anna Odintsova appeared in his life, beautiful and smart woman. Evgeny Bazarov became very interested in her, moreover, he fell in love with this extraordinary woman ardently, passionately! He can no longer contain his feelings and confesses his love to Anna Odintsova. But she does not accept his feelings, because she does not love and lives by reason. And Evgeny Bazarov leaves the estate and completely devotes himself to work, so that there is no time to miss the woman he loves. And only before the death of Yevgeny Bazarov, Anna came to him to say goodbye. Unrequited love to Odintsova led the hero of the novel to the collapse of his own theory, disappointment and moral devastation. It was very difficult for him to choose between his cold mind and his heart.In the novel “Eugene Onegin” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, a sensible and intelligent young man also initially lives by reason, and not by feelings. It will be very difficult for him to choose between his heart and his mind. Tatyana Larina fell in love with Evgeniy from the very first meeting. Everything about him was attractive: youth, metropolitan elegance, intelligence, ease of communication... And when she confesses her love to him, the hero rejects her because he considers himself “disabled in love.” Much later, Eugene Onegin realizes that Tatiana is beautiful and worthy of love. Alas! She's already married. A beautiful, highly moral woman respects her husband very much and will never betray him. We see that she still loves Onegin, but this woman is not capable of betraying family ties. Reason tells her that this would be a reckless life mistake. Let us remember that A.S. Pushkin himself considered Tatyana an ideal and appreciated her moral choice.And it’s not at all difficult for her to make her choice.
In my opinion, the complexity of the choice depends only on the person himself and his moral values. You must always remember that this decision can significantly affect your happiness in the future.

By nature, man is endowed with a great gift - reason. And at the same time, nature has given man a huge range of different feelings. A person must learn to live, aware of all his actions and deeds, and at the same time remain sensitive, not succumb to anger, hostility, envy. Reason and feeling are often opposed to each other. Will a person be able to bring them into harmony, make sure that reason is supported by feeling and vice versa? Each person answers this question himself. He must make a choice on which his future life may depend.

Reflections on this topic allow us to recall the heroine of the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” to Tatyana Larina. Strong and deep feelings the girl experiences when she sees Evgeniy Onegin in her house for the first time. Pure and frank, modest and inconspicuous, she becomes bold and decides to write a letter to Onegin, in which she confesses her love to him. At that time, declaring a girl first in love was a rash and immoral step. Onegin’s refusal, his rebuke (“inexperience leads to disaster”) did not extinguish Tatiana’s deep and sincere feelings. Yes, she hid, learned to restrain her feelings, but nothing stopped her from still loving Onegin. And only she alone knew what was happening in her soul, what a struggle between reason and feeling was raging in her. It was reason that allowed Tatyana to become a self-possessed, sedate lady, the wife of an honest and decent general. It is not destiny for Tatyana to be with Onegin. They met after a long separation, and Onegin fell in love with her. Now he has fiery feelings for Tatyana. But it's too late. Yes, love still lives in Tatiana’s heart: (“I love you, why lie?”). Tatyana learned Onegin’s lesson, she learned to “control herself,” learned to restrain impulses of feelings. But in her soul she is still the same Tanya, who has retained the same high feeling- Love.

How difficult relationships between people can sometimes be, especially if it concerns such a strong feeling as love. What should you give preference to: the power of feelings or the voice of reason? The heroine of the novel M.A. Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita” hardly discussed this. All her life before meeting the master, Margarita was not happy. In the novel, the author exclaims: “Oh gods! What did this woman need? Yes, Margarita had everything: a loving and wealthy husband, a beautiful rich house. She did not have the main thing - love, warmth - something for which it was worth living. And so she exchanges her measured, calm life for life with the master, a life full of anxiety and excitement. Feelings helped her find happiness. Her life gains meaning. All the energy of her soul is directed towards the master and his work. Margarita, who once did not know everyday problems, becomes caring and economical. When the master disappears, Margarita, for the sake of at least some information about him, agrees to give her soul to the devil. Reason sleeps in her heart, and feelings triumph and inspire her. Margarita does not think about any consequences, she thinks only about her lover. For his sake, she is ready to sacrifice herself and go through any ordeal. Margarita achieved her goal: having lost external well-being, she gained eternal love and a feeling of calm.

Thus, let us conclude: it is very difficult for a person to make a choice about how to live. Submit to feelings or listen to the voice of reason? The heroines of the reviewed works did not abandon their feelings, behaving differently in different situations, because the world of feelings is beautiful, bright, diverse, it gives a lot to a person for understanding the world, for realizing himself.

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Man and society (how does society influence a person?) How does fashion influence a person? How do social factors influence the formation of personality?

Onegin's personality was formed in the St. Petersburg secular environment. In the prehistory, Pushkin noted the social factors that influenced the character of Eugene: belonging to the highest stratum of the nobility, the usual upbringing and training for this circle, the first steps in the world, the experience of a “monotonous and motley” life, the life of a “free nobleman” not burdened with service - vain, carefree, full of entertainment and romance novels.

Conflict between man and society. How does society influence a person?

Onegin's character and life are shown in motion. Already in the first chapter you can see how a bright, extraordinary personality suddenly emerged from a faceless crowd that demanded unconditional obedience.
Onegin's seclusion - his undeclared conflict with the world and with the society of noble landowners - only at first glance seems to be a quirk caused by “boredom”, disappointment in the “science of tender passion”. Pushkin emphasizes that Onegin’s “inimitable strangeness” is a kind of protest against social and spiritual dogmas that suppress a person’s personality, depriving him of the right to be himself.
The emptiness of the hero’s soul was a consequence of emptiness and emptiness social life. looking for new spiritual values, new way: in St. Petersburg and in the village he diligently reads books, communicates with a few like-minded people (the author and Lensky). In the village, he even tries to change the order, replacing corvee with light rent.

Dependence on public opinion. Is it possible to become free from public opinion?

Often a person finds himself deeply dependent on public opinion. Sometimes you have to go a long way to free yourself from the shackles of society.
Onegin's search for new life truths lasted for many years and remained unfinished. frees himself from old ideas about life, but the past does not let him go. It seems that you are the master of your life, but this is only an illusion. All his life he is haunted by mental laziness and cold skepticism, as well as dependence on public opinion. However, it is difficult to call Onegin a victim of society. By changing his lifestyle, he accepted responsibility for his destiny. His further failures in life can no longer be justified by dependence on society.

In his relationship with Tatyana he showed himself to be reasonable, rational person. I listened to the voice of my reason. The author, in the first chapter, noted in Evgeniy a “sharp mind” and an inability to strong feelings. It was this trait of his that became the reason for the failed love. does not believe in love, and therefore is not able to love. The meaning of love for him is exhausted by the “science of tender passion” or the “home circle” that limits human freedom.
In Chapter 8, Pushkin showed new stage V spiritual development Onegin. Having met Tatyana in St. Petersburg, I was completely transformed. There was nothing left in him of the former cold and rational person; he turned into an ardent lover, not noticing anything except the object of his love (he began to resemble Lensky more). for the first time he experienced a real feeling, but it turned into a new love drama: now Tatyana was unable to respond to his belated love. As before, in the foreground in the characterization of the hero is the relationship between reason and feeling. Now the mind is defeated -

Love in the understanding of Onegin and Tatiana.

(according to A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”)

In my essay I want to understand and understand what love means for Onegin and Tatyana. I would like to understand why Evgeniy and Tatyana did not stay together, and, in general, whether this is possible.

Evgeny Onegin is an extraordinary figure. He is successful in society, popular with ladies, but, nevertheless, he felt bored and left for the village. In this complex spiritual phenomenon called Eugene Onegin, there are two main centers. One of them is indifference, coolness, the other center is described in the first chapter, “but what was his true genius” - and this is followed by a description of Eugene as a “genius of love.” At the beginning, it can be mistaken for irony, a grin, or the hero’s philandering. We see a free, fashionable, ardent rake, a renegade of fashionable pleasures, an enemy and a waste of order.

He sees no meaning in anything, is indifferent to everything except feelings self-esteem and independence. The feeling of love is alien to him, only the “science of tender passion” is familiar. It is difficult to imagine that in a few years this callous character will comprehend a selfless, spontaneous, poetic feeling. Well, for now he sees in the girls only potential brides planning how to spend his fortune after the wedding. He perceived Olga and Tatyana in exactly the same way. He was surprised to learn that his friend (Lensky) was in love with Olga:

If only I were like you, poet

Olga has no life in her features

Exactly like Vandyk's Madonna

She's round and red-faced,

Like this stupid moon

On this stupid sky.

He admitted that if he were a poet, he would choose Tatyana. He is not a poet, but he notices the individuality and unusualness of the heroine. She attracted his interest with her mystery, elusiveness, spirituality, and depth. But he only singled her out from the two sisters, nothing more. The girl did not arouse any other interest in him. But his soul, incapable of deep feelings, was touched by Tatyana’s letter:

But, having received Tanya’s message,

Onegin was deeply touched:

The language of girlish dreams

He was disturbed by a swarm of thoughts.

After reading the letter, Onegin felt an excitement in his soul; he had long, and perhaps never known, a real deep feeling that worried him so much. “Perhaps the old ardor of feelings took possession of him for a minute,” but Eugene returned from the clouds to the ground, overcoming his feelings, decided that they were not suitable for each other, and did not dare to tempt fate. The hero is endowed with intelligence, therefore he acts intelligently, consciously, but love and intelligence are two different things. There are times when you need to “throw aside” your calculations, your head, and live with your heart. Eugene’s heart is “shackled in chains” and it is very difficult to break them.

After Lensky's death, we do not see the hero, he leaves, and returns completely different, the opposite. We don’t know what happened to the hero during his journey, what he thought about, what he understood, why he “removed the shackles from his heart,” but we see another person capable of feeling and loving, worrying and suffering. Perhaps he realized that he did the wrong thing by rejecting Tatyana, that in vain he decided not to try to live the fabulous, ethereal life that Lensky admired so much, but nothing can be returned, and the image of Tanya “melts” in Onegin’s memory.

His meeting with Tatyana in St. Petersburg was a surprise for him:

“Can it really be,” Eugene thinks, “is she really?..” both heroes have changed over these 2 years. Tatyana follows Evgeniy’s advice:

“Learn to control yourself,

not everyone will understand you like I do,

inexperience leads to disaster.”

Evgeny becomes sensual and vulnerable. He falls in love: he counts the hours until he meets Tanya; when he sees her, he is speechless. The hero is overwhelmed with feelings, he is gloomy, awkward, but this does not touch Tatyana’s soul:

He's barely awkward

The head answers her

He is full of gloomy thoughts.

He looks gloomily. She

sits, calm and free.

Inexperience is visible in all of Evgeniy’s actions; he never loved as much as he did now. He lived his youth, the time of love, as an adult, strict, indifferent man. Now that this time has passed, and the time has come for the real adult life, love makes him a boy, inexperienced and crazy.

In the anguish of loving thoughts

He spends both day and night.

He's happy if he throws it at her

Fluffy boa on the shoulder,

Or touches hotly

Her hands, or spread

Before her is a motley regiment of liveries,

Or he will lift the scarf for her.

Onegin rejoices at every minute of his life spent next to Tatyana. Does not pay attention to his appearance, painful state:

Onegin begins to turn pale:

She either can’t see it or isn’t sorry,

Onegin dries and barely

He's no longer suffering from consumption.

With every action, Evgeniy wants to earn Tatyana’s attention and tender gaze, but she is insensitive and cold. She hid all her feelings far, far away, she “chained her heart with chains,” as Onegin once did. Tanya's current life is a masquerade. There is a mask on her face that looks quite natural, but not for Evgeniy. He saw her in a way that no one else around her now did. He knows tender and romantic, naive and in love, sensitive and vulnerable Tanya. The hero hopes that all this could not disappear without a trace, that under this mask hides the real face of the village girl Tatyana, who grew up in French novels and dreaming about big and pure love. For Evgeny, all this was very important, but gradually hope faded, and the hero decided to leave. On last explanation with Tatyana he “looks like a dead man.” His passion is similar to Tanya’s suffering in chapter 4. When the young man came to her house, he saw the real Tanya without a mask and pretense:

...A simple maiden

with dreams, the heart of former days,

now she has risen again in her.

We all see that village Tanya is alive, and her behavior is just an image, a cruel role. Now let's move to the village and try to understand what love means to Tanya at the beginning and at the end of the novel.

Tatyana, like Onegin, was a stranger in the family. She did not like noisy games, feasts, and was never affectionate towards her parents. Tanya lived in another parallel world, the world of books and dreams.

She liked novels early on;

They replaced everything for her:

She fell in love with deceptions

And Richardson and Russo.

from those around her, deep concentration on the internal movements of the soul makes love more powerful for Tatyana. In Onegin she saw everything best sides literary heroes, she fell in love with the image created by writers, society and Tatyana herself. She lives the dream, believes in a happy ending to the romance called life. But the dreams dissipate when Evgeniy answers her letter, flirts with Olga, and kills his friend. Then Tatyana understands that dreams and reality are two different things. The hero of her dreams is far from humanity. The world of books and the world of people cannot exist together, they need to be separated. After all these events, Tatyana does not suffer, she does not try to forget her lover, she wants to understand him. To do this, the girl visits Eugene’s house, in which she learns other, secret sides of Onegin. Only now Tanya begins to understand and comprehend the actions of the hero. But she understood him too late, he left, and it is unknown whether they will see each other again. Perhaps the girl would have lived with dreams of meeting, studying his soul, spending time in his house. But an event happened that changed Tanya’s life. She was taken to St. Petersburg, married, separated from native nature, books, the village world with the stories and fairy tales of the nanny, with her warmth, naivety, cordiality. Everything that she was separated from constituted the heroine’s favorite circle of life. In St. Petersburg, no one needs her; her provincial views seem strange and naively funny there. Therefore, Tanya decides that the best in in this case will hide under a mask. She hides her affections, becomes a model of “impeccable taste,” a true snapshot of nobility and sophistication. But I am sure that Tanya constantly remembers that serene life, full of hopes and dreams. She remembers her beloved quiet nature, she remembers Evgeniy. She does not try to “bury” the village Tanya, but simply does not show her to others. We see that internally Tanya has not changed at all, but now she has a husband, and she cannot recklessly surrender to love.

Reflecting on what love means for Tatyana at the end of the novel (since we already understood that at the beginning love played big role in the life of the heroine) I came to this conclusion. Tanya has remained the same, so sometimes she allows herself to think, dream about a different life, full of love and tenderness. But she, who grew up in the spirit of the patriarchal nobility, cannot break the bonds of marriage, cannot build her happiness on the misfortune of her husband. Therefore, she surrenders to the will of fate, rejects love and lives in a world full of lies and pretense.

At the beginning of the novel, when the happiness of the heroes seems so close, Onegin rejects Tatyana. Why? Simply because he is not only cruel, but also noble. He understands that happiness will be short-lived and decides to reject Tanya immediately rather than gradually torment her. He sees the hopelessness of their relationship, so he decides to break up without starting. At the end of the novel, the situation changes, the hero lives with his love, it means a lot to him. But now the heroine has the final say. But she also refuses the relationship. Again, why? The girl was raised according to ancient customs. It is impossible for her to cheat on her husband or leave him. For this act, everyone would condemn her: family, society, and, first of all, herself. We see different characters heroes, upbringing, worldview, different attitudes to love. To connect them, you need to change all these qualities

The heroine Tatyana Larina has strong, deep feelings for Eugene Onegin. She fell in love with him as soon as she saw him on her estate. However, Eugene realized how beautiful Tatyana was, that she was worthy of love, and he fell in love with her - much later. A lot had happened over the years, and most importantly, Tatyana was already married.

The meeting after a long separation at the ball showed how strong Tatyana’s feelings are. However, this is a highly moral woman. She respects her husband and understands that she must be faithful to him.

In the struggle between feelings and reason, defeat reason. The heroine did not tarnish her honor, did not inflict mental wounds on her husband, although she deeply loved Onegin. She renounced love, realizing that having tied the knot of marriage with a man, she simply had to be faithful to him.

On the pages of the world fiction The problem of the influence of a person’s feelings and mind comes up very often. So, for example, in Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace” two types of heroes appear: on the one hand, the impetuous Natasha Rostova, the sensitive Pierre Bezukhov, the fearless Nikolai Rostov, on the other, the arrogant and calculating Helen Kuragina and her brother, callous Anatole. Many conflicts in the novel arise precisely from the excess of feelings of the characters, the ups and downs of which are very interesting to watch. A striking example of how a rush of feelings, thoughtlessness, ardor of character, and impatient youth influenced the fate of the heroes is the case of Natasha’s betrayal, because for her, funny and young, it was an incredibly long time to wait for her wedding with Andrei Bolkonsky, could she subdue her unexpectedly flared up feelings? feelings for Anatole the voice of reason? Here a real drama of the mind and feelings in the soul of the heroine unfolds before us; she faces a difficult choice: leave her fiancé and leave with Anatole or not give in to a momentary impulse and wait for Andrei. It was in favor of feelings that this difficult choice was made; only an accident prevented Natasha. We cannot blame the girl, knowing her impatient nature and thirst for love. It was Natasha’s impulse that was dictated by her feelings, after which she regretted her action when she analyzed it.

It is the feeling of limitless all-consuming love helped Margarita reunite with her lover in Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita.” The heroine, without hesitation for a second, gives her soul to the devil and goes with him to the ball, where murderers and hanged men kiss her knee. Having abandoned the wealthy, measured life in a luxurious mansion with loving husband, she rushes into an adventurous adventure with evil spirits. Here is a vivid example of how a person, by choosing a feeling, created his own happiness.

Let's remember the novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. In this work, the author depicts the collision of two opposites, symbolizing different types personalities – romantics and realists (“wave and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire”) – Vladimir Lensky and Evgeny Onegin. Unlike Onegin, a rational man with a damaged and muffled heart, Lensky retained his cordiality and gullibility; sometimes he is naive in his simplicity, sometimes immoderately hot-tempered and hot-tempered. It is these qualities that lead Lensky to tragic death in a duel at the hands of Onegin. Did Eugene Onegin understand that a tragedy could happen? Yes. But being a rationally thinking, pragmatic person, for the sake of public opinion he accepts a challenge from a friend and kills him. Thus, Onegin's reason took precedence over his feelings and led to tragedy.

You can give another example from the same work. Having received a letter from Tatyana Larina with a declaration of love, Onegin humanly appreciated her heartfelt impulse. This letter touched his soul and excited him, but he did not see his happiness; a pragmatic approach to everything, even to love, did not allow Onegin, subject to the laws of reason, to gain family happiness. However, when Evgeny meets Tatyana a few years later, he falls in love with her like a boy, blindly and recklessly, allowing his feelings to take over his mind. This passion burned his soul, but did not bring him happiness, since Tatyana was already married and they could not be together.