(!LANG: Arguments for an essay on the problem of the relationship between fathers and children. The problem of motherhood - ready-made arguments and theses The problem of all-consuming parental love arguments

  • Misunderstanding between generations arises due to the difference in worldviews
  • Parents' advice means a lot to children
  • A person's attitude towards his parents can be judged on his moral qualities.
  • Not taking care of your parents is betraying them
  • Parents are not always kind to their children.
  • Many are ready to sacrifice the most precious thing for the sake of their children being happy.
  • The right relationship between children and parents is built on love, care, support.
  • Sometimes a truly close person becomes not the one who gave birth, but the one who raised


I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". In this work, we see the real one. The generation of “fathers” includes Pavel Petrovich and Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. The generation of “children” is Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov. Young people hold the same views: they say that they are nihilists - people who deny conventional values. The older generation does not understand them. The conflict comes to fierce disputes and a duel between Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Gradually, Arkady Kirsanov realizes that his values ​​​​do not coincide with the teachings of Bazarov, and returns to the family.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". Ostap and Andriy, the father not only wants to give a decent education, but also to make them real warriors defending their homeland. Taras Bulba cannot forgive Andriy for his betrayal (he goes over to the side of the enemy because of his love for the Pole). Despite the seemingly paternal love, he kills his son. Taras Bulba is proud of Ostap, the eldest son, who fights the enemy selflessly, with all his might.

A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". The source of happiness for Famusov is money. He loves his daughter Sophia, wishes her all the best, so he accustoms the girl only to thoughts of financial well-being. Sofya Famusova is alien to such views, she diligently hides her feelings from her father, because she knows that she will not be supported. Things are completely different with Molchalin, whom his father taught to seek profit always and everywhere: he follows this principle in everything. Parents, wishing to ensure the happiness of their children, passed on their views on life to them. The problem is that these very views are wrong.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Father, sending Pyotr Grinev to the service, said a very important and correct thing: “Take care of your shirt again, and honor from a young age.” The father's words became the most important moral guide for the young man. In the most difficult conditions, threatening death, Pyotr Grinev retained his honor. It was really important for him not to betray his father and Motherland. This example is a clear confirmation that the instructions of parents help the child learn the most important moral values.

A.S. Pushkin "The Stationmaster". Dunya committed an immoral act: she ran away from her parents' house with Minsky, who stopped at their station. Her father, Samson Vyrin, could not live without his daughter: he decided to go to St. Petersburg on foot to find Dunya. Once he was lucky to see a girl, but Minsky drove the old man away. After a while, the narrator learned that the caretaker had died, and Dunya, who had betrayed him, came to the grave with three bars and lay there for a long time.

K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram". Katerina Petrovna loved her daughter Nastya very much, who lives in Leningrad with a very bright, eventful life. Only the girl completely forgot about her old mother, she did not even try to find time to visit her. Even Katerina Petrova's letter that she has become very ill, Nastya does not take it seriously and does not consider the possibility of immediately going to her. Only the news that her mother is dying makes the girl feel: Nastya understands that no one loved her as much as Katerina Petrovna. The girl goes to her mother, but no longer finds her alive, so she feels guilty before the person dearest to her.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Rodion Raskolnikov sincerely loves his mother and sister. Speaking about the motives for the murder of the old pawnbroker, he says that he really wanted to help his mother. The hero tried to get out of eternal poverty, trouble. Pawning the watch, he remembers with trepidation his father, who owned the thing.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". In the work, we see several families whose life is based on completely different moral principles. Prince Vasily Kuragin is an immoral man, ready to go to any meanness for the sake of money. His children are guided by exactly the same principles: Helen marries Pierre Bezukhov in order to receive part of a huge inheritance, Anatole tries to run away with Natasha Rostova. The Rostovs have a completely different atmosphere: they enjoy nature, hunting, and holidays. Both parents and children are kind, sympathetic people, incapable of meanness. Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky brings up his children in severity, but this severity is good for them. Andrei and Marya Bolkonsky are moral people, true patriots, like their father. We see that there is a close relationship between parents and children. The worldview of children depends on the worldview of parents.

A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". In the Kabanikh family, relationships are built on fear, cruelty, and hypocrisy. Her daughter Varvara has perfectly learned to lie, which she also wants to teach Katerina. Son Tikhon is forced to obey his mother unquestioningly in everything. All this leads to terrible consequences: Katerina decides to commit suicide, Varvara runs away from home, and Tikhon decides to “revolt” against Kabanikha.

A. Aleksin “Division of property”. Verochka was raised by her grandmother Anisya: she literally put the child, who had suffered a severe birth injury, on her feet. The girl calls her grandmother her mother, which causes dissatisfaction with the real mother. The conflict gradually escalates and ends with a court in which property is divided. Most of all, Verochka is struck by the fact that her parents turned out to be such callous, ungrateful people. The girl is going through a difficult situation, she writes a note to her parents, where she defines herself as property that should go to her grandmother.

Publication date: 25.12.2016

Ready-made arguments for composing the exam:

The problem of motherhood

The problem of blind motherly love

Motherhood as a feat

Possible theses:

Mother's love is the strongest feeling in the world

Being a good mother is a real feat

A mother is ready to do anything for her children

Sometimes a mother's love is blinding and a woman sees only the good in her child.

D. I. Fonvizin comedy "Undergrowth"

A vivid example of blind maternal love is Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth". Prostakova loved her son so much that she saw only good things in him. Mitrofan got away with everything, any of his whims were fulfilled, his mother always followed his lead. The result is obvious - the hero grew up as a spoiled and selfish young man who does not love anyone but himself, and is not even indifferent to his own mother.

L. Ulitskaya story "Daughter of Bukhara"

A real maternal feat is described in Ulitskaya's story "The Daughter of Bukhara". Alya, the main character of the work, was a very beautiful girl. Having become the wife of Dmitry, the oriental beauty gave birth to a girl, but it soon became clear that the child had Down syndrome. The father could not accept the handicapped child and left for another woman. And Bukhara, who loved her daughter with all her heart, did not give up and devoted her life to raising the girl, doing everything possible for her happiness, sacrificing her own.

A. N. Ostrovsky play "Thunderstorm"

Not always maternal love is expressed in affection. In the play by Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" Kabanikha, the mother-in-law of the main character, was very fond of "educating" her children, giving them punishments and reading morals. It is not surprising that son Tikhon showed himself as a weak-willed, dependent person and a mumbler who cannot even take a step without a “mother”. The constant interference of Kabanikh in the life of his son had a negative impact on his life.

F. M. Dostoevsky novel "Crime and Punishment"

In Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, endless maternal love is also traced. Pulcheria Alexandrovna was most worried about the happiness of her son Rodion and believed him no matter what. For him, the woman was ready to sacrifice her daughter. It seems that the son for Pulcheria was much more important than Dunya.

A. N. Tolstoy story "Russian character"

In Tolstoy's story "Russian Character" the power of maternal love is emphasized. When tanker Yegor Dremov received burns that disfigured his face beyond recognition, he was afraid that his family would turn their backs on him. The hero visited his relatives under the guise of his friend. But sometimes a mother's heart sees clearer than her eyes. The woman, despite the alien appearance, recognized her own son in the guest.

V. Zakrutkin story "The Mother of Man"

About how big the heart of a real mother can be is described in Zakrutkin's story "The Mother of Man". During the war, the main character, having lost her husband and son, was left alone with her unborn child on the land plundered by the Nazis. For his sake, Maria continued to live, and soon sheltered the little girl Sanya and fell in love with her like her own. After some time, the baby died of an illness, the heroine almost went crazy, but stubbornly continued her work - to revive the destroyed, for those who, perhaps, will return. For all the time, the pregnant woman managed to shelter seven more orphans on her farm. This act can be considered a real maternal feat.

Family problems. The role of childhood in human life. The role of parents in education. Problems of child poverty and suffering. The role of the family in the formation of personality. Family relationships. Blind parental love. Home as the basis of an emerging personality. The role of mother in education. Love for rollers. The relationship between fathers and children. The continuity of generations

I. A. Goncharov novel "Oblomov". Little Ilyusha in childhood was overprotected by his mother and nannies, fearing for the child. He was protected from possible and impossible dangers, was not allowed to independently learn life and gain his own experience. Growing up, Ilya Ilyich was afraid to live, postponing all things "for tomorrow."

The story of V.

A. Astafieva "Lyudochka". Lyudochka, after violence was committed against her in the city, came to her native village to her mother in order to restore peace of mind and receive maternal support. But her mother, although she guessed what happened to her daughter, did not help her survive this terrible period, cope with what had fallen on her, believing that Lyudochka should do it on her own, that she should get used to this. The little girl couldn't. But most likely, simple words of comfort and support from the mother could prevent such an outcome, save the daughter from sin.

Blind parental love. A. Aleksin story "Mad Evdokia". Olya, the only daughter of passionately loving parents, is convinced of her own exclusivity. The father and mother do not notice the daughter's neglect of her friend and consider the teacher Evdokia crazy in her desire to introduce the children to life in a team, the ability to appreciate each other. When Olya arbitrarily leaves the tour, the grief of her parents cannot be expressed in words. The irreparable happens because of the thoughtless act of a spoiled girl.

Blind parental love. A. S. Makarenko "Book for parents". Parents love their only son Victor immensely. However, he grows up as a cold, prudent young man who indifferently brushes aside his seriously ill father. Parents are horrified to realize their mistake in raising their son when Victor refuses to buy medicine for his father, as he is late for the theater.

Roman V. Hugo "Les Misérables". Cosette becomes the meaning of life for the protagonist Jean Valjean. In her he finds a woman-daughter, a woman-mother, a woman-sister - all that he never knew. When Cosette marries, the Hero dies of grief: he has nothing else to live for.

The story of F. M. Dostoevsky "The Boy at Christ on the Christmas Tree". A beggar child whose mother dies on Christmas Eve is forced to wander the streets. He looks into the windows of smart houses, everywhere there is a holiday, treats, fun, only he alone has nowhere to go and nothing to eat. The child is dying of cold, huddled in some dark and cold corner.

Sofia Famusova, who grew up in an atmosphere of lies and deceit, carefully hides her feelings from her father, realizing that he will not allow the development of relations with Molchalin. He does everything against his father. Molchalin, on the contrary, is true to his moral (or immoral) creed, builds his life, as his father bequeathed: to please all people without exception. Griboyedov gives the reader the opportunity to reflect on the future of both heroes.

2. A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

The upbringing of Petrusha Grinev remains outside the pages of the text, but the main thing that the young nobleman took out of communication with his father (a strict and demanding person) was the need to be true to his word, cherish honor, and observe the laws of morality. He does this in all life situations. Even when the father forbids marrying his beloved Masha Mironova, he accepts his will as a mandatory requirement.

3. N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

From childhood memories of Chichikov, the image of a gloomy, unkind, cruel father and his instructions on the need to save and save a penny, the only idol in the life of Pavel Ivanovich, emerges. Chichikov builds his life according to the precepts of his father and succeeds in many ways.

4. A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

The relationship between mother and children in the Kabanov family is based on fear and hypocrisy. Barbara is used to lying and is trying to teach this to Katerina. But the brother's wife had other relations in the family, she does not accept the hypocrisy of her mother-in-law and fights with her with her own means. The finale of such upbringing is predictable: Varvara runs away from home, Katerina passes away voluntarily, Tikhon rebels against his mother.

5. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

The "children" in the novel - Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov - at the beginning of the story act as a united front against the "fathers" represented by Uncle Arkady - Pavel Petrovich. Nikolai Petrovich does not resist the bold and daring statements of his son and his friend. And act wisely and far-sightedly. Gradually, many discrepancies in the behavior of his friend are revealed to Arkady, and he returns to the bosom of the family. And Bazarov, who so easily criticizes the "romanticism" of the Kirsanovs, is absolutely reverent about his father's similar behavior, because he loves his parents and takes care of them.

6. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Several families are represented in the novel, in each relationship they are built on certain principles. In the Kuragin family, this is the principle of profit and profit. Both the father and his children agree to any relationship, as long as they are profitable, this is how marriages are made. The Drubetsky family is guided by the same principle: humiliation, servility is their tool in achieving their goal. Rostovs live as they breathe: they enjoy friends, holidays, hunting - everything that adorns our life. Father and mother in everything try to be honest with children and each other. Benefits are not important to them. Practically ruining her family and herself, Natasha demands to give up the carts for the wounded, the only way a true patriot and a merciful person can do. And the mother agrees with her daughter. The relationship between father and daughter Bolkonsky is similar. And although it seems that the father is too strict and intolerant towards his daughter, in fact, he understands too well the difficulties of the future life of his daughter. Therefore, Princess Mary herself refuses Anatole Kuragin, realizing how right her father is.

7. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Rodion Raskolnikov, explaining the reason for the murder of the old pawnbroker, says that he wanted to help his mother. In fact, he is very kind to his mother, trying to break out of the vicious circle of poverty. With trembling and excitement, he recalls his father, from whom he was left with a watch (mortgaged to an old pawnbroker). The mother does not fully believe in the crime of her beloved Rodi.

8. A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard"

In the play, Anya's daughter, a seventeen-year-old girl, goes after her prodigal mother, who was lost somewhere in Paris, in order to return her to the bosom of the family, to solve problems with the estate. Ranevskaya behaves naively and stupidly. Common sense is endowed only with Varya, the adopted daughter of the same Ranevskaya. When Lyubov Andreevna gives gold to a passing beggar, Varya cannot stand it and says that there is nothing in the house, and the lady scatters such money. Having lost everything, Ranevskaya leaves for Paris and takes away her aunt's money, and leaves her daughters to the mercy of fate. The girl Anya is going to the capital, and it is not clear how her life will turn out, where she will take money for life. Varya goes into housekeeping. Fathers and children change places here.

9. M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don"

In the Melekhov family, everything rests on the power of the father. And when Panteley Prokofievich finds out about Grigory's connection with Aksinya, he decides to marry his son to Natalya. Gregory obeys the will of his father. But, realizing that he does not love his wife, he gives up everything and goes with Aksinya to work. He agrees to shame in the name of love. But time destroys everything in the world, and the house of the Melekhovs, the foundations of Cossack life, is crumbling. And soon no one obeys the laws of life, everyone lives as they want. Daria steps on her father-in-law with an obscene proposal, and Dunyashka puts her mother in a stalemate and literally forces her to bless her marriage to Mishka Koshev.

10. B. Vasiliev “Tomorrow there was a war”

The story focuses on two families of Iskra Polyakova and Vika Lyuberetskaya. Iskra's mother is a woman commissar, strong-willed, domineering, strict. But when the mother once again decides to flog her daughter with her soldier's belt, she answers in the spirit of her mother - just as strictly and irrevocably. And the mother understands that the girl has matured. Vika has a completely different relationship with her father - warm and trusting. When a girl faces a choice: to abandon her father or be expelled from the Komsomol, Vika decides to die. She cannot abandon her beloved father, no matter what suspicions lie on him.

On this page, we have listed the most common family-related problems. All of them have a place to be in the content. Under each heading, you will find two arguments for writing on the exam in the Russian language. You can also download the table with all these examples at the end of the article.

  1. In comedy D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth" this problem touched one of the main characters Mitrofanushka - the son of the landowners Prostakov. The young man is already 16 years old, but he still does not know what he wants from life. It cannot be said that the parents did not love the child, on the contrary, they literally choked him with their care and guardianship. Mitrofanushka's mother, Mrs. Prostakova, demonstrated a particularly similar zeal for "education". Maternal love completely blinded the domineering woman. She seemed to see nothing around, except for the exaggerated merits of the underage Mitrofan. She did everything to bind him to her forever. From here came the lack of independence of the young man, laziness and lack of education. The undergrowth had no need to bother himself, since all the problems were solved for him by an overly attentive mother. Thus, in the play D.I. Fonvizin's family played a huge role in the life of Mitrofanushka: blind parental love did not allow the hero to develop.
  2. In the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" The problem of the role of the family in the formation of personality is one of the most important. The family of the old Cossack Taras Bulba had two sons - Andriy and Ostap. The image of the father for the latter became sacred. From childhood, Ostap obediently did everything that his parent taught him. He inherited from him such character traits as perseverance and masculinity. Feelings of patriotism, duty to family and comrades were also instilled in the Cossack by his father. It is safe to say that thanks to family upbringing, respect for the traditions of his ancestors, Ostap stood up for his Motherland with dignity, withstood all the torments of execution. However, the excessive pressure and excess energy of Taras had a negative impact on the upbringing of Andriy, who fled from his home and violated all the unwritten rules of his kind. He rebelled against the pressure of the head of the family and wanted to build his life differently. Thus, the same upbringing had a different effect on the fate of Bulba's sons.

The problem of fathers and children

  1. Main character novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" Yevgeny Bazarov could not find a common language with his parents. Being an adherent of new inoculations and mores, a man of science, not faith, Evgeny Bazarov considers the behavior of parents inappropriate and outdated. He loves his old people, but doesn't want to live in the past. Also, the liberal views of the hero give rise to a conflict between him and his friend's uncle, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Yevgeny is horrified by the fact that Kirsanov is ready to spend money on white collars and an imported suit in the countryside, where no one sees his efforts anyway. According to the young physician, the art dearly loved by Pavel Petrovich could not be compared with science and the natural labor of a person. The elderly man also does not understand the guest, considering him an ill-mannered snob. Only in the final they come to terms with the existence of each other, recognizing the fact that the confrontation of generations is a normal phenomenon.
  2. The reason for the broken destinies of heroes plays by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" again there is a mutual misunderstanding that arose due to the difference in age, different views on the world of fathers and children. So, the main character of the work, Katerina, became an unloved daughter-in-law, because she does not correspond to the ideas of the merchant Kabanikh about a decent person: she does not obey her mother-in-law, allows herself to speak out about something, is deprived of meekness and respect for elders. The confrontation between generations leads to complete chaos in the Kabanovs' house, and ultimately to Katerina's suicide. Another representative of the "elite" of the city of Kalinov and co-ruler of Kabanikh in the "dark kingdom", the merchant Dikoy hates his nephews and the whole family as a whole. It is difficult for him to accept that the younger generation has the same rights as himself, that the same Boris deserves respect. And young men and women also rebel against outdated orders: Varvara deceives her mother, and in the final she runs away from home altogether, Tikhon blames Kabanova for the death of his wife, etc. Alas, all the characters lacked kindness and understanding, otherwise they could have avoided all these negative consequences.
  3. The problem of education

    1. Father of Peter Grinev - one of the main characters stories by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"- asked his son to learn a simple truth: "take care of honor from a young age." Thanks to the instructions of his father, exemplary education, Pyotr Grinev was able to emerge victorious from a difficult game called "Pugachevism". The honor and respect of not only friends, but also opponents, led Grinev, despite his misdeeds, to finding happiness and success in business. Of course, the contribution of Savelich's father and "nanny" is a very significant contribution to this victory. Peter did the right thing when he did not reject the advice of his elders, drawing conclusions from them, the hero tried to act according to his conscience in everything and with everyone.
    2. It is one thing when the advice of parents is good for us, and quite another when the harmless lesson of the father suddenly turns into the cause of the son's catastrophes. Yes, in poem by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls" tells about the fate of a once poor young man who became a prosperous and active person. As we know, Chichikov decided to organize an adventure and cash in on the mortgaged peasants, who in fact do not exist. For the sake of enrichment, he was ready for any deception, so he traveled around the estates and tried with all his might to persuade the owners to sell him dead souls. The reason for such a frantic craving for money was upbringing: even as a child, Pavel received an order from his father so that he would never forget the value of money, put material goods above all else. Such words served as a catalyst for moral decline, and later, oddly enough, the disastrous financial situation of the hero, because he left with nothing after Korobochka was exposed.
    3. Children's neglect of parents

      1. Of course, all children love their fathers and mothers, no matter what the circumstances, but the realization of this fact does not always come immediately, that is, at an early age, when we are still able to correct the situation while our parents are alive. In the story of K. G. Paustovsky "Telegram" the young heroine Nastya did not at all think about how dear her mother was to her. Nastya did not understand that the bright colors of big Leningrad would not replace her maternal love and affection. Unfortunately, the girl realized this too late - only when her mother was dying. The death of the closest person gave rise to a feeling of endless guilt in Nastya, because the old woman left this world alone, without saying goodbye to her daughter.
      2. As for the main the hero of the novel I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" Yevgeny Bazarov, he also admitted his mistakes late, already on his deathbed. He appreciated the care of his father and mother, but considered its manifestation optional for himself. By virtue of his character, an educated hero commits rash actions - repels parents who are not sufficiently consecrated for scholarly conversations with him. Although, as it turned out, the feelings are much closer to the young nihilist than he himself thought. But he, rejected by his beloved woman, recognizes this much later, in need of help and affection. He realizes how painful it is for his mother to see his indifference, how ashamed she is that she is not smart enough to please her son. Alas, this realization is too late, and the hero dies with a sense of guilt.