Dmitry Hvorostovsky biography personal life parents. Dmitry Hvorostovsky: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. New wife - new life

Dmitry Hvorostovsky died at the age of 55, leaving Florence Hvorostovsky as a widow - a 47-year-old woman, half Italian, half French by birth. They met in 1999, he was still married, but on the verge of divorce, she was free. A significant meeting took place on the stage of the theater, Dmitry performed the part of Don Juan, she played the role of one of his girlfriends. Florence Illy immediately set her eyes on the gray-haired Russian hero. Talented, handsome, well built.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky had a very difficult relationship with his first wife, as a result of which he even became addicted to non-mineral water, slowly destroyed himself, and did things that he recalled with shame much later. It is possible that the majority creative personalities prone to self-destruction. Some, like Dmitry Hvorostovsky, talk about it openly, while others hush up their problems. So I look at this man who should have lived and lived, but he died at the peak of his popularity, faded away in the prime of his strength. Stress probably contributes to illness, outwardly polished and successful, but inside he is broken and even though misfortunes befell him even before meeting Florence Illy, before the birth of children Max and Nina, but the self-destructive mechanism was launched a long time ago.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's first wife, Svetlana, died in 2015, at that time she already knew about her ex-husband's illness, the couple even managed to reconcile, although for many years managed to spoil a lot of blood for each other. Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Svetlana had twins in 1996 - daughter Alexandra and son Daniil. In addition, Svetlana has a daughter from her first marriage - Maria, she was like Dmitry’s own daughter.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky was a convinced atheist. And I admire this man if only for the fact that before his death he did not rush to be baptized, go to church, confess, take communion, get married, venerate icons and relics of miracle workers, and did not travel to holy places. This is courage - not to console yourself with thoughts that in the next world they are waiting for us, that there will be a second chance to fix something. Dmitry Hvorostovsky believed that there is nothing after death. He was honest not only with others, but also with himself. Prayers do not help against brain cancer, even if you pray with the whole world...

Flosha, as Dmitry Hvorostovsky called his second wife, was a ray of light in his life. It was this woman who saved him from the past, gave him a second chance to become happy, successful, in demand, became a muse, wife, lover, mother. For the sake of her beloved, she mastered English and Russian, learned to cook borscht and make dumplings, gave up the stage, and devoted herself entirely to her family. She had no choice, this was the only way she could give her beloved the feeling of a reliable rear. Florence herself could have achieved a lot, she had all the data for this, but love turned out to be more important for her. At 47 years old, she remained a widow, with two children in her arms: 14-year-old son Max and 10-year-old daughter Nina. Dmitry Hvorostovsky struggled with his illness for two years, but the illness won.

With son Max.

And in this photo are the parents of Dmitry Hvorostovsky: father Alexander (chemical engineer) and mother Lyudmila (women's doctor).

On the right in the photo are the parents of Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

With Luciano Pavarotti.

As a child, Dmitry Hvorostovsky was like this.

With son Max.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky is a classical opera singer with one of the best baritones of our time. Excellent external data, unique voice and artistry, made him one of the most popular artists not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The talented singer had engagements in the best opera houses in the world and invariably aroused the admiration of the audience. In this article, we will consider the details of the biography and personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, the family occupies a place in the singer’s life special place and is as important to him as his professional activities.

Childhood years

The famous opera singer was born in 1962 in the beautiful Russian city of Krasnoyarsk. His parents were not musicians, but his father’s excellent vocal abilities were inherited by his son. There was a piano in the Hvorostovskys’ house, and the head of the family knew how to play it perfectly. Dmitry's father was a chemical engineer by profession, but music was his main hobby. Unique and rare records with albums of famous singers and classical works constantly sounded in the house, so the talented boy fell in love with music since childhood.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky in childhood

At the age of four, Dmitry already took part in home concerts, surprising guests in a wonderful voice and talented performances of ancient Russian romances. Musical ability son was pushed by his parents to send him to music school, which he attended in parallel with general education. Dmitry gradually mastered playing the piano and gained knowledge at school, but the future idol of millions was not distinguished by exemplary behavior and good grades.

After school, Hvorostovsky continues his studies at the local music school. Future specialty The music teacher was not at all inspired by the talented guy, who often skipped classes and was fond of hard rock, but he graduated from college. After this, the young man seriously thinks about his future and decides to apply to the local art institute. Fans interested in the details of family and personal life, as well as the biography of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, know that this was a fateful decision.

Training and first steps to glory

The future singer enters a higher educational institution in the vocal department, leaving behind playing the piano. A talented guy ends up with a brilliant teacher, Ekaterina Iofel, who was considered the best teacher opera singing. The beginning of his studies was quite difficult; the teacher’s important task was to polish Dmitry’s unique talent and lay the foundations for solo singing. Over time, the hot-tempered and undisciplined student began to understand the teacher perfectly and was present at every lesson. In one of the interviews, the legendary baritone will talk about the instructions of his beloved teacher, which greatly helped him in his creative career.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky in his youth

After successfully graduating from the institute, Dmitry begins to hone his skills on the stage of the Krasnoyarsk Theater. He quickly becomes the first voice and participates in almost all productions. Over time, the fame of the brilliant young man goes beyond the city, and in 1987 Dmitry becomes a laureate All-Russian competition, this victory was followed by first place at the All-Union competition.

After this, the talented young man tours extensively throughout Russia and the Union republics, and also performs in Europe. The biography of Dmitry Hvorostovsky contains little information about this period; there is practically no mention of his personal life and family. In 1989, the Russian singer became the winner of an international competition, after which all of Europe learned about the talented young man.

Extraordinary talent and strong voice, combined with unusual appearance singer and conquered millions of hearts overnight. Over time gray hair, which are a genetic abnormality, have become business card performer and allowed us to create a unique image.

World fame

Victory on international competition, organized by the BBC, brought Russian singer unprecedented glory. Enthusiastic reviews from viewers about his unique talent spread with phenomenal speed. Since 1990, Hvorostovsky has been applauded by opera spectators in Berlin and guests of the London Royal Theater, he is eagerly awaited on the stage of the famous opera in Milan. The talented singer performs at the State Kremlin Palace in Russia and shines in the New York Opera.

Singer with famous tenor Luciano Pavarotti

Hvorostovsky often goes on tour, and each of his appearances concert hall, is accompanied by tremendous success. He is invited to take part in the production of “ Queen of Spades» Tchaikovsky in New York. Having heard a unique baritone, representatives of the recording company Philips Classics offer the performer to sign a contract. During his collaboration with the company, Hvorostovsky released more than twenty albums, which are very popular.

Singer on stage during a performance

In 1994, the famous singer decides to stay in London, soon he receives British citizenship and settles in a new place of residence. His tour schedule scheduled for several years in advance, but the world opera star does not forget about Russia. In 2004, the legendary baritone performs on Red Square, after which he goes on a grand tour of Russian cities. His performances attracted huge audiences and were broadcast in many countries around the world. On Dmitry's account large number prestigious awards and victories in numerous competitions.

Love and marriage

In the life of the famous baritone there were two main women, each of whom had a huge influence on his fate. Considering the biography of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, it is worth mentioning his first family. Personal life famous singer changed in 1989. At this time, he decided to legitimize the relationship with his chosen one. Svetlana was a ballerina at the Krasnoyarsk Theater and raised her daughter from her first marriage alone. Dmitry married a girl and adopted her child, and after some time the couple moved to London.

Hvorostovsky's first marriage was not successful. The wife did not take part in the singer’s life and did not provide him with the necessary support. Even the birth of twins in 1996 could not revive old feelings and the spouses grew increasingly distant from each other. There were rumors that Svetlana was cheating on her husband, which quickly became known to the press and led to difficult experiences for the artist. Difficulties in family life led to the singer's passion for alcohol, which greatly affected his health.

With his first wife Svetlana

In 2001, Hvorostovsky filed for divorce and left his wife a luxurious London mansion, and also paid a substantial amount of alimony every month. The artist’s children, daughter Alexandra and son Daniil, remain with their mother. After breaking up with his first wife, the singer was severely depressed for a long time. He developed an alcohol addiction, which led to a serious illness, a stomach ulcer. Helped the artist get out of a difficult situation and start a new life new love. The beautiful singer, Florence Illy, sincerely fell in love with Dmitry and helped him overcome his addiction and restore his health.

Soon after the divorce, the lovers got married, and the famous baritone finally found family happiness. His wife, half French and half Italian, became a faithful companion and reliable support. She went on numerous tours with her husband and took care of him. For the sake of her lover, Florence mastered the Russian language and learned to cook basic dishes of Russian cuisine. In 2003 in happy family a son, Maxim, was born, and in 2007, the wife gave the singer a daughter, Nina.

With his second wife Florence

After the divorce, Dmitry’s first wife remained to live in the capital of Great Britain. Hvorostovsky saved good relationship with children, helping them in everything. Alexandra's daughter became an artist, and her son chose a career as a musician. After the sudden death of Svetlana, Dmitry became a support for the children, despite the serious problems that 2015 brought him.

Terrible diagnosis

Two years ago legendary singer noticed serious changes in my health. Constant dizziness, poor coordination of movements, and decreased vision bothered the artist so much that he was forced to cancel some of his performances. The diagnosis confirmed the worst expectations, revealing a malignant tumor of the hypothalamus. Having refused the operation, Dmitry began to fight terrible illness, starting a course of chemotherapy.

Numerous fans interested in the biography, details of the personal and family life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky were amazed to learn about a serious illness. The singer did not hide the truth and confirmed all the rumors about his illness, and also spoke about the upcoming chemotherapy. The treatment took place in one of the London clinics, his wife and children were constantly next to the artist, and became his main support in the fight against a terrible disease.

Dmitry was diagnosed with a terrible brain tumor

After the first course of chemotherapy, the artist returned to work and resumed his performances. Fans and colleagues were very supportive of Dmitry, admiring his fortitude. The artist bravely endured chemotherapy courses, which greatly undermined his health, but stopped the progressive disease.

Currently, the health of the famous baritone has deteriorated. Hvorostovsky was forced to cancel his August performances in Vienna and at the New Wave 2017. The disease led to deterioration of vision, disorders of diction and coordination of movements. However, Dmitry is not going to give up; he is determined to defeat the disease and continue to engage in creative activities. The artist cannot imagine his life without music and his favorite profession.

Despite his illness, Dmitry Hvorostovsky continues to perform

On September 11, Dmitry Hvorostovsky was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree. According to the signed Russian President decree, the legendary singer is awarded for his contribution to the development of national culture and art. This honorary award was the result of many years of work by a talented performer who cannot imagine his life without music. The main reward creative activity Dmitry Hvorostovsky has numerous fans who sincerely support the singer and wish him recovery.

😉 Hello, dear readers! Dmitry Hvorostovsky received in this life everything that an opera singer could dream of. He had fame, wealth, four children, invitations to sing in the best opera houses globe. About this in the article “Dmitry Hvorostovsky: biography, interesting facts».

Hvorostovsky is one of the most famous opera singers on modern scene. A handsome man, a favorite of women, a friend of Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti, Anna Netrebko, Igor Krutoy.

Biography of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Dmitry Alexandrovich was born on October 16, 1962 in Krasnoyarsk. Profession: opera singer. Singing voice: dramatic baritone. Instruments: piano. Genres: opera, romance.

In honor of D.A. Hvorostovsky named the asteroid (7995) Khvorostovsky. It was discovered by astronomer Lyudmila Karachkina at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory on August 4, 1983.


Hvorostovsky's stage partners did not notice any changes in the singer's appearance or voice. Meanwhile, his health was getting worse and worse. Dmitry developed frequent dizziness and coordination of movements worsened. Problems with vision and hearing appeared.

As a result of the examination, a diagnosis was made: a hypothalamic tumor. Thank God we discovered this at an early stage of the disease!

“You know, before I got sick, I kind of felt like I was going to get sick. I developed apathy and a very dark perception of the world. Lack of perception of everything, no joy, no enjoyment of your work.

I was very tired, pessimistic and no longer liked living. As if I had already felt it. Therefore, naturally, when you start fighting an illness, you perceive life differently and want to survive.”

On June 24, an announcement appeared on the singer’s official website about the cancellation of performances until the end of the summer. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor!

The singer decided to undergo treatment at the Royal Marsden Cancer Clinic in London. The specialists here have extensive experience in treatment. In agreement with the doctors, conservative therapy was chosen.

Return to the stage

At the end of September 2015, the singer resumed his concert activities. He appeared on stage with Anna Netrebko at the New York Metropolitan Opera in Giuseppe Verdi's Il trovatore. Hvorostovsky again performed the main role of Count di Luna.

White roses at the feet of Dmitry Hvorostovsky from the musicians of the Metropolitan Opera. This is a sign of admiration for the singer, who emerged victorious from his battle with the disease. Hvorostovsky's first performance took place after treatment for brain cancer.

“I'm glad everything went like this. I was in in good condition, in normal form. And, of course, huge public support! The incredible support and love of the public gave me even more inspiration...”

In this video additional information on the topic “Dmitry Hvorostovsky: biography”

Why gray hair?

Dmitry Hvorostovsky: “My hair is naturally gray. Genes, you know. On my mother's side. Mom turned gray in her twenties. I started going gray almost from the age of seventeen.”

Fortune teller's prediction

A colleague recalls that in his youth, a gypsy woman predicted fame, success, two wives and many children for Dmitry. Then he will become seriously ill, but will be able to cope with the disease and live to a ripe old age. But even good fortune tellers make mistakes sometimes...

Sad news

On November 22, 2017, People's Artist of Russia, opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died. Long time he suffered from cancer. It's such a shame...
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Name: Dmitriy Hvorostovsky

Place of birth: Krasnoyarsk (Russia)

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Hvorostovsky was born on October 16, 1962 in Krasnoyarsk in the family of chemical engineer Alexander Stepanovich Hvorostovsky and gynecologist Lyudmila Petrovna Hvorostovskaya.

Despite his technical specialty, the father of the future opera singer played the piano and sang baritone roles. He instilled his love of music in his son - Dmitry Hvorostovsky began singing at the age of four old romances and folk songs.

When the boy went to school, his parents decided to simultaneously send him to a music institution to study piano.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky in childhood

Hvorostovsky's first teacher was Galina Astanina. The singer later recalled: “Every week there were three or four classes. I am so grateful to her!”


After graduating from school, Hvorostovsky entered the music department at the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical School. Gorky. Then he became interested in rock and joined the group “Rainbow” as a soloist and keyboard player.

Dmitry was not distinguished by exemplary behavior either at school or college, often took part in fights and almost dropped out of school several times.

However, Hvorostovsky still managed to graduate from college with a degree in music teaching, and in 1982 entered the vocal department of the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky with Galina Astanina

Hvorostovsky got into the group of Ekaterina Iofel - the best music teacher city, to be one of whose students was considered great luck.

This time, studying was also not easy for Dmitry, but he was able to cope with himself and with the program, and in 1988 he graduated from the institute with honors.

Beginning of a musical career

While still studying at the university, in 1985, Hvorostovsky was invited to serve at the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater, where he first performed minor roles, and later became the main opera tenor.

When Dmitry graduated from college, he gained experience and won several Russian music competitions, then decided to continue his career in Europe. In 1988 he made his stage debut opera house in Nice and won the international competition in Toulouse, and a year later he won over the jury of a vocal competition in Cardiff with his performance of parts from operas by Tchaikovsky and Verdi.

After that, people started talking about Hvorostovsky all over the world, and he began to receive invitations to best theaters Europe, including Covent Garden, Berlin state opera and La Scala, and in 1990 he ended up at the Nice Opera in New York, where he was involved in the production of The Queen of Spades.

Soon after this, the singer signed a contract with the Philips Classics record company. Later, the rights to publish Dmitry’s albums were received recording studio Delos Music.

Flourishing creativity and awards

In 1994, Hvorostovsky finally decided to move to Europe, bought himself a house in London and received British citizenship.

He lived in the UK, but still worked in theaters around the world and toured not only with their troupes, but also with his own solo programs.

Hvorostovsky did not forget about his homeland and often visited Russia for concerts. So, in 2004, he was accompanied by symphony orchestra performed on Red Square in Moscow.

The homeland also did not forget Hvorostovsky - he was first awarded the title People's Artist RSFSR, and later People's Artist of the Russian Federation, also received the Order of Alexander Nevsky for services in the development of national culture and art and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

In addition, he is an honorary citizen of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Kemerovo Region.

Career breaks and fighting illness

In the summer of 2015, at the height of his concert activities, Hvorostovsky announced a temporary cessation of performances for health reasons. Later, the media reported that doctors diagnosed the singer with a brain tumor.

At the end of the year, after a course of chemotherapy at an oncology clinic in London, the singer returned to the stage. The artist's management reported that the treatment gave positive result, and now Hvorostovsky will perform Verdi's opera Il Trovatore at the Metropolitan Opera in New York.

After this, Hvorostovsky also gave several concerts and performances in Russia, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Latvia, the USA and Canada.

However, already in September 2016, the singer canceled the premiere in Vienna Opera, where he was supposed to sing the part. Then he wrote on social networks: “Unfortunately, I have to refuse to participate in the performances of Simon Boccanegra.” According to the doctors’ recommendations, I need to undergo another course of chemotherapy.”

In October, the singer went on tour in Germany, and in December he gave concerts “Hvorostovsky and Friends” in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where Dinara Aliyeva, Marcelo Alvarez and Konstantin Orbelyan performed with him.

Hvorostovsky and friends

After these long-awaited performances for fans and the artist himself, Hvorostovsky admitted: “Friends are my favorite component of these concerts. I love all my friends who have taken part in my concerts over the years."

In February 2017, Hvorostovsky postponed concerts in Kaliningrad, Minsk and Vienna, planned for winter and spring, because “based on the results of the examination, doctors recommended undergoing new course treatment of cancer."

Hvorostovsky passed away

October 11, 2017 on the website " Komsomolskaya Pravda“news appeared that Hvorostovsky had died. Many media outlets republished this information, but later the artist’s representatives denied it.

On October 16, Hvorostovsky celebrated his 55th birthday. On October 23, he thanked everyone for their congratulations on social networks and wrote that he spent the holiday “surrounded by family and friends.”

On November 21, publications about Hvorostovsky’s death appeared again on the Internet. However, Hvorostovsky’s family later wrote on his Facebook page that “the beloved baritone died on the morning of November 22, surrounded by family in London.”

According to the singer's will, his ashes will be buried in Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Family and children

Hvorostovsky met his first wife, corps de ballet dancer Svetlana Ivanova (1959-2015), in 1986. They worked together at the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater. In 1991, Dmitry and Svetlana got married, and Hvorostovsky adopted Ivanova’s child from his first marriage. In 1996, the couple had twins Alexandra and Danila, but three years later the couple separated. According to some reports, because of Svetlana’s betrayal. The divorce was officially filed only in 2001.

With his second wife - Italian singer Florence Illy met Hvorostovsky in 1999 during a tour in Geneva. At that time, Dmitry was still married and could not connect his life with Florence, but after a divorce from his first wife, he entered into a new marriage. In 2003, the couple had a son, Maxim, and in 2007, their daughter Nina was born. Dmitry and Florence Hvorostovsky repeatedly performed together on the same stage; his wife supported Dmitry during his serious illness.

Hvorostovsky with his family

The future opera singer was born in Krasnoyarsk. His father was a chemical engineer, and his mother worked as a gynecologist at a local hospital. However, my dad's main hobby was music. It was to her that he gave his all free time. He played the piano wonderfully, had a deep, magical baritone and collected records with recordings that were rare for that time. The Hvorostovskys' music library included Ettore Bastianini, Tito Gobbi, Fyodor Chaliapin, Maria Callas. Among his father's favorites, Dima quickly found his idols.

Noticing that the child happily supported his father’s hobby, his parents, along with a regular high school, sent him to a music school. I must say that the latter was much easier for him. The teachers saw the boy as a future pianist, and he surprised them at all when, after graduating high school and having received a disgusting description, submitted documents not to music school, and in pedagogical.

Dmitry Alexandrovich graduated from the choir department with honors, becoming a music teacher. And only after that he decided to get music education, especially since the Krasnoyarsk School of Arts during this time acquired the status of an institute.

Teachers new to Hvorostovsky educational institution characterize him as temperamental and restless young man, who was difficult to retrain from choirmaster to soloist. “It turns out I can’t do anything?!” - the future singer seethed. Only in his third year did Dmitry begin to make the amazing progress that was expected from such a gifted musician from the very beginning.

Opera and ballet

In parallel with his studies at the institute, he began to earn a living in Krasnoyarsk State Theater opera and ballet. There to a young artist At first they gave only minor parts, but after considering the talent, they quickly promoted him to soloist. Within a year of work, he became the main voice of the theater. Everyone understood that an outstanding performer was bored in the provinces, so no one was surprised when Hvorostovsky began to win awards one after another, first at the All-Russian, then the All-Union competition, and after college he reached the international level, conquering France and Wales.

But the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater was not only a launching pad for professional activities future star. He also gave Hvorostovsky his true first love.

No one approved of this connection. His teacher, the talented Ekaterina Konstantinovna Iofel, more than once spoke about the corps de ballet dancer Svetlana Ivanova, using the most unflattering epithets. Beautiful, able to truly conquer talent, the girl instantly won over the still inexperienced Hvorostovsky, who was engaged in art and was not at all involved in his personal life.

He was warned: Svetlana’s first marriage did not work out because of her passions, which a woman does not know how to keep inside. Both men and women ended up in bed with Dmitry’s beloved, despite the fact that she still lived in the same apartment with her ex-husband and little daughter. But Hvorostovsky could not be stopped: his heart was burning, in the light, dark-eyed ballerina with a defenseless look, he saw a real muse.


Having learned that Dmitry Alexandrovich has information on this lady serious plans, his teacher Ekaterina Iofel even made an attempt to refuse him the house. The man was offended at first and left, proudly raising his chin, but soon returned, fell at the feet of his mentor and asked for permission to marry Svetlana, at least after studying. But who is Ekaterina Konstantinovna to interfere? “We’ll live until Monday,” answered the wise woman, believing that, having matured, Dima would cool down. But how wrong she was!

Two years later passionate relationship with a dissolute ballerina, Hvorostovsky moved her to his tiny room in a communal apartment, and also took her daughter from her first marriage, Masha.

A year later the couple got married. One day, wanting to please his beloved, Dmitry returned from tour a few days early. I bought a huge bouquet and decided that Sveta would be delighted to see it. But instead he found his wife in bed with his own friend. A cloud of darkness came over the enraged opera singer.

A fight broke out.

Everyone in their circle was whispering: this is the end. But that was not the case. The young people found the strength to forgive each other, and in the early 90s, Dmitry received an invitation to work in the UK, took his family and left for London.


Photo by Grigory Kalachyan /ITAR-TASS/

His plans included making his wife his director, but she resolutely refused to learn the language and help her husband. Didn’t support his desire to develop and only wanted to enjoy social life in the austere and solemn capital of Great Britain.

Dmitry initially accepted these rules of the game: let the wife keep the hearth and go out into the world, what’s wrong with that? In 1996, the Hvorostovsky family expanded: Svetlana gave birth to twins - a boy Danya and a girl Alexandra. The singer was happy and thought that it was not in vain that he did not listen to gossip and did it his way.

However, it soon became clear that Svetlana did not become calmer after the birth of her children. There were constant scandals in the family that exhausted the artist. Due to nervousness, he developed an ulcer. To jam physical pain and mental suffering, Dmitry became addicted to alcohol. He openly declares that he really abused him in that marriage, so much so that he could have lost his job at any moment.


But for now it concert activity didn't stop. Hvorostovsky flew to Geneva for one of his performances. There he had to perform the part of Don Giovanni with the charming 29-year-old Florence Illy. She discovered that the famous Russian baritone was also a real handsome man and went on the attack. They had a real kiss on stage. That's where she started. The sensuality of the singer of Italian-Swiss origin did not hide from Dmitry. "I am married!" - he immediately declared. "So what?" - Flo answered completely sincerely.

This woman seems to have returned her real self to Dmitry Alexandrovich. He again understood what tenderness and romance are, what love and care are, what quiet happiness and enjoyment of each other is - without quarrels and scandals.

Returning to London, the singer raised the question of divorce. Svetlana couldn’t believe it: her Dimochka, who forgave everything, put up with her for so long, gave her two beautiful kids, suddenly started talking about divorce?! She was offended and disappointed and never expected that this could happen. But it is difficult to be the wife of a genius - you need to correspond to him on the one hand and develop with him on the other. Sveta, it seems, did not cope with this task.

In a fit of rage, the woman sued him for everything he had at that time: real estate, cars, as well as huge alimony for children and her own maintenance (more than 8 million a year, if counted in rubles). But Hvorostovsky was no longer with her, and Florence was able to survive all this.


With the advent of Flosha, as Dmitry calls her, his life began to improve. He was able to give up alcohol and become even more famous and invited opera singer. New wife followed him everywhere, helping, inspiring, caring. In 2003, the couple had a son, Maxim, and four years later, daughter Nina.

Florence quickly became involved in the life of the Russian singer and became his indispensable companion. In the first year life together with Hvorostovsky, Flosha learned spoken Russian, now she travels with him around the world, and sometimes they perform together.

When Hvorostovsky’s life improved, Svetlana entered the arena again and through the court demanded that the amount of alimony be doubled. Until the end of her days, she lived off these alimony payments. In 2015, upon learning that ex-husband was diagnosed with cancer, Svetlana called him for the first time in 15 years. But this conversation turned out to be the last: a few months later, Svetlana Hvorostovskaya died from complications after meningitis.

It turned out that the genius’s first wife was a believer and helped a lot Orthodox church in London and her departure turned out to be sensitive for the parishioners of this temple. Dmitry did not abandon Svetlana’s children, and was involved in raising her eldest daughter Masha, as well as their common children - Sasha, who became an artist, and Dani, who plays music.