Dieter is ill biography personal life. Where does Dieter Bohlen live? Personal life of Dieter Bohlen

So, the story of the founder of Modern Talking began back in 1954, more precisely on February 7 in the West German city of Oldenburg (about 40 km west of Bremen) in the family of hydraulic engineer Hans, who had his own company and his wife Edith. By the way, Dieter was the eldest child, and his father dreamed of passing the company on to him as an inheritance.

However hometown Dieter did not like straight streets with high walls, so typical of ancient German cities. No variety, nothing interesting for the growing genius.

Television was not available at that time and, as a result, young people knew nothing about outside world. The greatest events in the city included: summer city festivals, October junk sales, Christmas bustle... Nothing more interesting happened in the city. And those; anyone who wanted to achieve anything simply left the city. Oldenburg was a real city of museums and signs. But even this did not attract young people... they did not like living like in a museum, and even the fact that old people lived in the city.

The young people felt that they were being limited in everything and they became more and more enraged by this. They wanted to take charge of their own lives and get back on their feet. It was precisely this group of young people that Dieter belonged to. Even in childhood, Dieter showed the character traits of all Aquarians: the struggle for freedom and passion for everything unknown. When Dieter decided to do something, he always “threw away” all the worst things and believed only in the good.

He wanted to be independent.

Many times those around him did not understand him and called him crazy, but he always insisted on his own... Dieter developed an unusual strength in himself, did the impossible (when he wanted something) and this became a rule for him - “do the impossible” (remember - “Anything”) is possible" "Try the impossible"...)

When Dieter decided to take up music, this did not mean at all that he decided to devote himself to music until the end of his days - after all, with Dieter you never know in advance, with him you can’t be sure of anything... It may be that one day, in one fine day he will start something different, new, despite the fact that he has studios, success and music... His desires, dreams and thoughts come straight from the heart, so no factors can influence his decisions. Dieter realized this when he went to school. The first two years at school were just wonderful, but the third... the third began with problems with the teachers. Teachers saw in Dieter a spoiled child who did not want to change at all and always put his ideas above everything else. Dieter’s behavior at school got worse and worse, and in the end he left this school - before leaving, Dieter knew “no mercy” and told his teachers everything he thought about them... the teachers who were involved in re-education were especially “lucky” students writing with their left hand (let's not forget that Dieter is left-handed...). Now Dieter writes right hand, but still plays tennis with his left hand.

Slowly but surely, the parents began to think that Dieter was simply hopeless, and if Uncle Heinz Giszas had not helped him, the guy would definitely have “died.” Hains, at that time the harbor master of Hamburg, was the man whom Dieter really respected. Dieter adored his uncle more than anyone, Heinz always took care of him and raised Dieter's aspirations and dreams... Dieter again became an excellent student. A miracle even happened: Dee moved from primary school to grammar! After such “promotion”, the parents regained hope... but it was an “empty” hope. The old problems returned again: he again disagreed with the teachers. In addition, during these years he began to “indulge” in “soft” drugs, falling under the bad influence of high school students. Wherever they were, Didi was there. He again had to leave school and move to another. But, again, the same “story” - problems... Dieter’s father got tired of this and he sent his son to a boarding school in Versen. At this school, Dieter had absolutely no free time, the students were not allowed anything. Dieter felt like he was in prison; he could not stand such supervision and severity. He talked to his father and promised to behave “normally” at a “normal” school. Dieter learned a lot at boarding school; he realized that the time for games had long passed. And in the tenth grade, and then in the 11th, he was one of the best students. At the age of 17, Dieter passed all exams and entered the University with honor.

1964 was a year of change for Dieter, this year was the height of the BEATLES. When Didi was 10 years old, he was already composing his own songs. His first creation was called “VIELE BOMBEN FALLEN” (“Many bombs fell”), but his compositions were not successful. Along with playing the guitar, Dieter could play the keyboard. Already at this age he decided to become a musician.

Dieter fulfilled his parents' dream and entered the University of Göttingen. He entered the economics department. The university allowed Dee to finally manage her life, without her parents. In small clubs, Dieter played his tunes with the jazz-rock group “Aorta”. At this moment, Dieter became very interested in music. The third band Didi played in was Mayfair. In this group, Dieter played aggressive music, and it was then that he decided to let his hair grow long. During the Mayfair period, our “hero” wrote more than 200 songs of different styles. He was completely sure of one thing, that he would create a real group. Dieter did not want to stay in Göttingen and especially did not want to return to Oldenburg. He needed contacts with people, with record companies. He didn’t care who he would be hired as - as a musician or singer, as a composer or producer.

Time passed... Dieter composed and sent his songs to all sorts of addresses, but he received the same answers... he was not needed. It was amazing that even during such stress and disappointment, Dieter continued to study well at the University, and he was never late for lectures. And in his free time, he arranged his personal life. Dieter was a concentration of strength and energy! Driven by his goals and ideas, he never gave up or lost heart. Not everyone can believe in the future while receiving only refusals, but Dee could. He didn’t even have the thought that his dream would not come true, he couldn’t allow it! He realized that one should never give up, and despite all the failures, one must only move forward! Bad experience can give good results, he believed. Dieter realized that the people around him were doing everything wrong and simply did not see their luck, and having received what they wanted, they did not know what to do next.

One of Dieter's favorite places in Göttingen was the Afro-Asiaten Heim disco pub. And it was there that he met his future wife, Erica. She was born in BAD WILDUNGEN on September 29, 1954. Erica was a stylist. Before getting married, Erika and Dieter lived together for 10 years and got married (in jeans) at 11:11 on November 11, 1983, in Hamburg.

Both then and now, Dieter perfectly finds a common language with people. With his character, he keenly feels what his interlocutor needs. Dieter cares about people’s reactions and their assessment of a certain style of his music, rhythm, and effects. Despite the fact that Dieter is a “terrible” talker, he is also capable of simply listening and giving advice. And therefore it is not surprising that Dieter soon became the center of everyone's attention. Wherever he went, he always attracted attention - his height (183cm) and blonde hair already done half the job.

In 1977 Dieter visited the studio for the first time. With his friend Golger, he created the duet "Monza". The first songs recorded were: “HEIBE NACHT IN DER CITY” (translated as (probably): “Hot night in the city”) “HALLO TAXI NUMMER 10” (something like: “Hello taxi number 10”). Unfortunately, these compositions did not reach the charts. Dieter decided that it was time to leave music for a while and prepare for his final exams at the University.

On November 8, 1978, Dieter received a diploma in economics. As soon as he graduated from university, he immediately signed a contract in Emden to work as an investment consultant, and the music was over. But he still had some contacts with the Hamburg company Intersong. He often sent his work there, but the responses were not encouraging. Dieter no longer hoped to ever make music. But one day he received a letter that was different from the others. It said that Dieter would not like to cooperate, of course he did!!! The contract had many requirements that were impossible to fulfill: Didi had to write 36 songs a month, but he signed the contract anyway. On January 1, 1979, Dee became the producer and composer of Intersong, and moved with Erica to Hamburg. Dieter worked hard and a lot, and for this “Intersong” gave him the chance to perform his own song, this composition was called “Don’t through my love away” (He throw away my love). To realize this song, Dieter used a pseudonym - Steve Benson, but the public was not interested in this song. Despite this, many record companies and famous performers became interested in Dieter. Stars such as Katia Ebstein, Roland Kaiser, Bernd Chiver were ready to take Dieter as their producer and asked him to write songs for them.

1982 was the year of “breakthrough” for Dieter. This year, he produced the gold album for Ricky King, Happy Guitar Dancing. Popularity overtook Dieter when he wrote a new single (in 1982). At this time, he used a new pseudonym - Sunday (translated as “Resurrection”). Didi wrote a lot for others, but he really wanted to perform his songs himself...

In 1982 Dieter wrote a song to audition for the Eurovision Song Contest; during the audition, the song took 3rd place. 1989 was more successful in this regard, the next song written for Eurovision and sung by a certain Nino De Angelo (Nino Be Angelo), took 1st place in the preliminary audition and 14th in the competition itself. And Dieter’s next song took 5th place in the competition! Dieter was asked which of his songs he loved most, and he replied: “Well, you won’t ask which of my children I love more, so...”

In February 1983, Frenchman FR David presented his second single, “Pick up the phone.” When Dieter heard the first sounds of “Pick up the phone”, he already knew that he would make a German version of this hit. But he couldn't find a performer. He decided to call the song “Was macht das shon?” One day, Dee received a letter from the recording company Hansa, which said that the company had in mind one young performer whose songs were not very successful - Thomas Anders. Upon arrival in Hamburg, Thomas was delighted with Dieter's version of "Pick up the phone".

Thomas (who doesn't know - real name Bernd Weidung) was born on March 1, 1963 in Münstermayfield, near Koblenz. At the age of 15, Thomas already had success, having appeared on the television show of Michael Schanze - “Hatteh Sie heut’ Zeit fur uns?”, He got the opportunity to record his first single “Judi” (“Judy”). In September, he became friends with Thomas Ohner and two other soloists of the group, which, together with him (Thomas Anders), toured all over Germany with concerts. But the success ended as quickly as it began. And Thomas’s father decided that it was better for his son to finish school. Thomas passed all the exams in 1982, in the spring. Tommy then studied for five semesters at the University, studying Germanic studies and music.

In 1981, Thomas recorded 3 more singles: “Du weinst um ihn” (“You cry because of him”), “Ich will nicht dein leben”, (“I will not live this life without you”) “Es war die nacht der ersten Llebe" ("It was the night of first love"), Dieter and Thomas immediately liked each other. They made a great team in the studio. They often visited Dieter's house in Hamburg. Dieter recorded with Thomas the song “Wovon traumst du denn” (“Who do you dream of?”) and it was with this song that Thomas “broke” into the charts (December 1, 1983). About 30,000 copies of this song were sold. In March 1984 “Endstation Sehnsucht” and “HeiBkalter Angel” were recorded (cover version of Real life - “Send me an ange1” (“Send me an angel”)).

After this great job, Dieter decided to take a “break” and relax (for the first time in 5 years) on the island of Mallorca. But even on vacation, new ideas arose in Dieter’s thoughts. One of these ideas became the European “shock” of 1985 - this is “You’re my heart, You’re my soul”. This song remained under the spell of Germany for a whole half a year.

And another idea came into Thomas’s pretty head - to create a duet!

When Dieter was vacationing in Mallorca, Thomas, along with his girlfriend Nora, was vacationing in the Canaries, where they got engaged (August 6, 1984)

When they (Dieter and Thomas) both returned to Germany, they immediately began work on “You’re...” and on the future duet, “Modern Talking”. In October '84 the single was already ready, but... in November '84. Thomas (in his Golf GTI) was involved in a terrible accident. The car was literally flattened, but neither Thomas nor Nora were injured. And it was from this misfortune that the “happiness” of “Modern Talking” began. On January 17 '85, a video for “You’re my heart...” was shot and a few days later Dieter and Thomas already took part in music programs transmissions This was a real “breakthrough” for M. T". Finally, Dieter was at the desired peak!…

In March '85, the second single “You can win...” was released. All of Dieter's songs never lost their quality, neither then nor now. This applies to “Cheri... ‘’, “Brother Louie”, “Atlantis is calling”. In the first album there is a song “There's too much blue in missin' you” (“How much sadness in my soul when I miss you”) - it is the only song performed by Dieter (in “Modem Talking”), Thomas on backing vocals . Worldwide success came to “Modern Talking”. But soon the public began to notice that something was happening, Dieter began to complain that Thomas was practically not working (Dee worked for 5 months on the 2nd album, and Thomas came only twice to record songs...). One of Dieter's most important assistants was and is Luis Rodriguez, who led all technical work and was also a sound engineer. But, for Dieter, Louis was not just a technical worker, but also a person who could always give advice on this or that song, this or that sound. Dieter always consulted Louis. “Brother Louie” is dedicated specifically to Rodriguez.

While Dieter was working with Modern Talking, he was also working with other groups. In 1985 He and Mary Rus recorded “Keine Trane tut mir leid” (“I’m sorry for my tears”). Together with S.S. Catch, Dieter achieved the same success as with “Modern Talking”. Caroline Müller lived in the Bund but was born in the Netherlands. Dieter discovered her as a singer at the “Looking for Talents” competition in Hamburg. That same evening, Dieter offered her a contract and became her producer. He also came up with a pseudonym for her - “S. S. Catch." In 1985 (summer), the single “I Can Lose My Heart” was released - her first hit. Together with dancers Dag, Dirk., and Pierre, CC Catch became the “queen” of disco. Dieter and Caroline worked together until 1989... 12 singles and 4 albums were released. Dieter also wrote "Midnight Lady" for Chris Norman. This song became the theme song for the television series "Tatort". "Midnight Lady" brought Norman back to the stage. With all these projects, Dieter wanted to prove that “Modern Talking” was not famous for the voice and personality of the handsome Thomas Anders, because in “Modern Talking” everyone saw only Thomas, and did not notice that Dieter did everything. Nobody believed in the deep lyricism of Dieter's songs, no one could even imagine what Dieter really put into deep meaning and life's problems into his works, and this was exactly the case.

So, “With a Little Love” is dedicated to Dieter’s son Mark (born July 9 ‘85, he was named after the singer Marc Bolan), the same goes for “Give me peace on Earth”. But, because a lot of attention to Thomas and Hope, these songs were not noticed. From the Blue System repertoire, the song “Crossing the river” is also dedicated to his son Mark.

While Dieter and Louis were becoming a good "team", the relationship with Thomas gradually deteriorated. Their quarrels even occurred at concerts held throughout Europe. It soon became clear that Thomas could not stand stress. In mid-'85, Thomas had a nervous breakdown. When Thomas got better, he married Hope on July 27 '85, in Koblenz. Their wedding was a real show, with 3,000 fans screaming and crying in a packed church. Dieter was also invited, but he refused because he went to the hospital to see his father, who had a heart attack. But those who knew Dieter well understood that he was against all this hype around the wedding (Rolls-Royce near the church, a trip to Cannes, a tea party with Princess Stephanie). Thomas was able to extend the contract for another 2 years (until the end of 1987). What Thomas did in his personal life did not interest Dieter, he was only interested in their common work. One day, Thomas did not show up for the Formula One television show (they were presenting a prize for the song “Brother Louie”). And on the show “P. I. T. Thomas was also not present, but the day before the show he warned Dieter that he was ill with jaundice. On May 27 '85 their tour of Germany was supposed to begin, but this time Dieter was not there, who was injured while playing tennis, the doctor advised him to rest for 2 weeks.

Thomas decided to start the tour on his own and the organizers were not against it. Dieter had no choice but to admit that he had been forgotten and only Thomas and Nora existed. But Dieter was still famous and still tried to preserve “Modern Talking.” He had to admit that all his efforts had failed. Newspaper critics became even more critical and cynical. Besides, they wrote stories about Thomas, each more terrible than the other. Thomas was on edge and took decisive action against the journalists. But, everything was in vain. All of Thomas' excuses in response to journalists made him even more interesting and the newspapers were full of headlines about his actions against the media. Instead of maintaining a proud silence, Thomas, on the contrary, staged a real war with the press. By this, Thomas wanted to prove that he would not allow himself to be made a “fool”, and defended not only himself, but also Dieter. But the effect was the opposite; all his words were “distorted” in numerous articles. Dieter and Thomas spent less and less time together. Even when they received awards, only one of them was always present. Last time they appeared together at the end of 1986. at Formula 1. It was the beginning of a huge tour, but between them all the time there were “little warriors”. One of these scenes took place at a concert in Munich, while the fans were screaming and waiting for them, a terrible quarrel began, but Dieter and Thomas still went on stage. Nora and her friend Jutta Temes were also on stage. Then no one knew that Dieter took two girls as “back-up singers”: Sylvia Zaniga and Biji Nandke, but the girls were kept by guards (on Nora’s orders). In fact, when Nora saw Dieter's girls in the wardrobe, she was furious... and ordered the girls not to be allowed on stage.

Dieter was fed up with “this” Nora!!! When Dieter understood everything, he saw that Nora and Jutta had defiantly left, followed by Thomas... So the concert ended and everyone already understood what was happening... Backstage, Nora “poured” all the dirt on Dieter, she screamed so loudly that Even the fans in the audience heard it. To this, Dieter only succinctly replied: “Of course, the girls I chose are not as beautiful as Nora, but they are part of Modern Talking, and she is “nobody” ... “. Nora irritated not only Dieter, but also all the media, even fans of “Modern Talking”, who, in turn, threw eggs and tomatoes at her at one of the concerts... Dieter realized that “Modern Talking” had already ceased to exist. Thomas didn’t want to work together anymore, and Nora didn’t want to change her behavior, Dieter had to make an important decision... He knew for sure that Nora wanted to make a trio out of Modern Talking, and he really didn’t want that. Music and the future were very important to Dieter. Everything he achieved was at stake. Everyone understood that “M. T" had already broken up, but there was also a contract... The group was supposed to exist for another year... Dieter began to plan his future without Thomas. His studio already had songs ready that he wanted to present after “Modern Talking,” Dee was looking for new musicians to work on a new project. At that time, M. T" had 5 singles. 6th single - “Geronimo’s Cadillac”, the song was not that bad, but the press did its job. Negative statements about the duo appeared, especially because of Nora. She was not a member of M. T,” but was desperately trying to seize leadership of the group. Nobody loved her, but she was everywhere and always with Thomas, deciding when to photograph Thomas and Dieter. When she was with Thomas, she decided who he would give an interview to...

With each new article, hatred towards Hope grew, and therefore towards Thomas and Dieter too. For Dieter “M. T" no longer existed. Dieter was famous in America and England, and many wanted him to become their producer. "Modern Talking" disappeared in 1987... Two years later, on one show, Dieter said that it was Nora's fault. Nora tried to take part in the same show, but they only laughed at her. Because of this incident "M. T lost $200,000. 1987 - end of “Modern Talking”. The last two albums were released: “Romantic Warriors” (June), “In The Garden Of Venus” (November).

While Thomas performed Dieter's songs in the USSR, Dieter himself founded a new group - "Blue System". “System” was presented on October 1, 1987, and became known after the first song - “Sorry Little Sagarh” (“Sorry Little Sarah”). With this song, Dieter showed that he had found a new sound. The single was not a hit, but was still quite popular. Dee hoped that MT fans would become Blue System fans. In November, the first Blue System album, “Walking on Rainbow,” was released. About the song “Sorry Little Sarah” Dieter said: “After Modern Talking, I thought for a long time about what I would do next. This song is Germany's first samba hit, but it was a big challenge for me to write it (the song)." Somewhere around Christmas, Dieter received a call from Sylvester Stallone's wife, Bridget Nelson. Stallone offered Dieter $600,000 to listen to his wife. Dieter flew to the studio in Los Angeles and, after recording several songs, flew back to Germany to process them. But this project failed, because Bridget’s lawyers decided that Dieter simply could not write more than three songs, and he ceased to interest them. At the beginning of 88 Dieter moved to Oldstadt, near Hamburg. Dieter's studio occupied about 40 square meters. m. By this, Dieter proved that he likes to work alone and show the results of his work only after completion. The studio in his home allowed Dieter to be close to his family. In 88 2nd single “Blue System” was released - “My bed is too big” (“My bed is too big”). The video for this song was filmed in Dead Valley (in California). At the same time, a video was filmed in Las Vegas for S.S. Catch - “House of mystic lights”. This track was included on the album "Diamonds". The most interesting thing about the album was that three tracks had already been released: “House of mystic lights”, “Don’t shoot my sheriff tonight” and “Do you love as you look?”. In the same year, Dieter wrote S.S. Catch’s 5th album - “Big fun”. In 89 The album “Lyrics” was released. But suddenly the news came that CC Catch was breaking his contract with Dieter. No one even expected that such a good “team” would break off all relations because of some kind of quarrel! The quarrel occurred over Carolyn's pseudonym. Dieter insisted that he had invented it and demanded that he be replaced when she left. So what is it real reason? Carolyn wanted to change the style and music. She turned to English composer and left all work with Dieter. The fact that he was simply “traded” hurt Dieter very much... But not only Caroline, but also Chris Norman left him, although Dieter returned Norman to the stage and brought him fame. But, this sadness was replaced by joy - Dieter had a second son - Marvin Benjamin (December 21, 88) Well, let's return to the Blue System...

By Christmas, the 2nd album “Blue System” - “Body heat” - was released. The album contained songs such as “Under my skin”, “Love suite” and “Silent water” (this song was written for the TV series “Tatort”, where Dieter was given the opportunity to play a killer). On March 26, Blue System took the stage for the first time. This happened in gym in Alstendorfer, Hamburg. This was organized by the radio station “Radio Schleswig Hobstein”, because they wanted to give Dieter and his new group a chance. It was noticeable that Dieter was very excited when receiving an award from this radio. Dieter thanked the radio and the public with the words: “Thanks to all my fans who are so loyal to me...”. Then 2 songs were played: “Sorry little Sarah” and “My bed is too big.” In October, the 3rd video for “Under my skin” appeared, the idea for the song was born to Dieter because of the record company that was “harassing” him; The song can be translated into Russian as “under my skin,” but it would be more accurate as “in the liver.” The newspapers were full of headlines: “Dieter’s terrible video” or “Dieter Bohlen’s video experiment.” The German channel ZDF found the clip too lascivious and they aired the clip on Ronnie's Pop Show. The team of this show spent a long time “cleaning up” this video, and the clip was aired differently, not the same as it was shown on the ARD channel.

The video for “When Sara Smiles” incorporates excerpts from two other videos. This video was filmed on the island of Ibiza. In 89 (in the fall) the 3rd album “Twilight” was released with a wonderful hit No. 1 - “Magic Symphony”. After 3 weeks, this song was at the top of its fame! The second track on the album - “Love on the rock” was very dynamic. The video for this song was filmed in Moscow, 10/28/89. Dieter was given the title best composer and producer from Germany. At the end of 89 Dieter produced Elgelbert Gamberding and the result was the album “Ich denk an dich” (“I think of you”). The songs in this album were very different from what Dieter wrote for M. T", "Blue System", and other performers. These songs were intended for the older generation, but they were so beautiful that anyone could listen to them. At the same time, Dieter wrote a song for Laurie Bonnie Bianco: “A cry in the night.” Dieter brought the group “Smokie” back to life by writing the song “Young Hearts” for them. In February 90 Dieter became a father again. This time it was a girl - Marilyn (d/b: February 23, 1990). In August 90 came out new album"Blue System" - "Obsession". Soon a video for the song “Love is such a lonely sword” appeared. Nadya Farrag also starred in this video (Dieter met her at a disco in Hamburg). In this video, Dieter plays the piano; $10,000 was spent on the video. In April 90 Dieter flew to Kenya to film the video for “48 Hours.” In this video, Dieter drives a jeep around Travo Wild Park, where he meets the beautiful Nadya in the village. Later, Dieter and Nadya settled in a huge, white house in Quickborn (10 km from Hamburg), so Dieter could easily visit the children who lived with Erica in Hamburg. In 1990 The video album “All around the World” was released, which included all the hits from 1987 to 1990. In 1991 (summer) the album “Seeds of Heaven” was released. Aug 21 91 Dieter recorded the song for Dionne Warwick in a Los Angeles studio. Dieter even thought of inviting her to work with him in a duet. When he returned to Germany, he wrote the song "It's all over", which he then sang as a duet with her. By the way, the song and video were made in one day.

In subsequent years, Dieter did not stop releasing new hits and albums, both from Sistema and from his protégés. You can get acquainted with these in the corresponding section of the site... He also wrote the soundtracks “Die Stadtindianar” and “Rivalen der Rennbahn”

German musician, singer, songwriter, successful producer. Ranks second in number of discs sold (800 million) after The Beatles. For many years he was the director of the television competition “Germany is looking for a superstar.”

Dieter Bohlen: biography

Full name musician Dieter Gunter Bohlen. Date of birth: February 7, 1954. Dieter was born in the city of Bern. The boy's father and mother, Hans and Edith Bohlen, were engaged in business.

At the age of 9 the child became a fan The group The Beatles, which inspired him to study music literacy. Bohlen chose the guitar as his instrument. The main thing remained - to buy it, for this purpose the boy got a job with a neighboring farmer as a potato picker. The money earned was enough to make my dream come true.

First popularity

In a short time, Dieter became a star at his school: he performed at holidays, performing songs that he himself wrote, as well as hits of famous musicians.

The Bolen family often moved from city to city, Dieter managed to study in three schools. At the age of fifteen, the future idol of millions created his first group Mayfair, and then Aorta. For them, the young musician created about two hundred songs.

During his first time studying music, Dieter devoted insufficient time to his studies, however, he graduated from school with honors.


The young man chose a profession that was far from creative. He entered the university to study economics, but in his free time he did what he loved. Dieter performed in nightclubs, thereby earning his living. He did this well, and soon the musician saved enough money to buy a piano and his own car.

Working in nightclubs was no longer enough for Dieter Bohlen. He wanted to get on the big stage. The young man recorded his songs on his own and sent them to various production centers, but to no avail.

In 1978, Dieter received a diploma in economics and got a job that was completely unrelated to his acquired specialty. In the biography of Dieter Bohlen, music occupied the main place. He received a position at Peter Schmidt's company Intersong. The young man studied musical novelties and compiled reports and lists. Along with his work, Dieter acquired the chance to write songs and offer them to various performers.

First success

In 1978, Dieter Bohlen's creative biography continued with participation in the groups Monza and Sunday as a vocalist. The young man continued to develop as a songwriter. The first musical composition that brought Bohlen great success and money was Hale, Hey Louise. He wrote it for Ricky King. The song earned the publisher a five hundredfold profit. The author of the work was Steve Benson. This was the pseudonym of Dieter Bohlen.

World fame

In 1983, Dieter met Thomas Anders, and the following year he was born group Modern Talking.

Musicians are becoming mega-popular all over the world. This is Bohlen's most successful product of his entire career. Proof of this is the fact that in one evening Dieter was presented with seventy-five gold and platinum discs in the Westphalian Hall of Dortmund, which were delivered to the stage using a truck. In total, 185 million copies of the albums of this successful band were sold.

At the same time, Dieter Bohlen works on many projects as a producer, writes songs for stars, and composes music for television and cinema. Throughout his creative biography this talented person worked with more than seventy singers. Once Dieter appeared on screens as an actor, playing a minor role in the film.

Bohlen was greatly helped in his work by Luis Rodriguez. He made wonderful arrangements for the musician. In gratitude for their joint work, Dieter dedicated a song to this man, which he called Brother Louie.

The star duo Modern Talking lasted three years. Then Dieter breaks off his working relationship and creates a new project - Blue System. In 1991, the group entered the American chart. During the 11 years of their presence on stage, the band released 13 albums.

In 1998, the musician restored Modern Talking, which he worked on over the next five years.

Period after 2000s

In 2002, the author's biography of Dieter Bohlen was published, which he wrote together with journalist Katya Kesler. The book quickly gained popularity and became a bestseller. At the same time, the producer creates a television competition project “Germany is looking for a superstar.” The final track of the first season of the popular show soars to the top of the charts.

Dieter Bohlen continues to work with the finalists of the competition as a producer and records albums with them. In 2008, their joint composition You Can Get It went platinum.

In 2003, Dieter Bohlen concluded a huge number of contracts with well-known brands. In the same year, the second biographical book “Behind the Scenes” was published, and then legal battles with Thomas Anders began. As a result, the author paid a fine for insulting his former partner, and he was forced to remove some passages from the text.

In 2004, a scandal erupted around the name of Dieter Bohlen. He was accused of the fact that in some songs of the groups Modern Talking and Blue System the voices of studio vocalists, rather than the soloists of the group, are heard. But, as it turned out, this is unlikely.

In 2010, the producer took under his leadership the singer Andreu Berg, who is called the queen of the German hit. As a result creative process The disc Schwerelos is released, which immediately becomes a hit and takes first place in music ratings.

In May 2017, Dieter Bohlen released collections of new remixes, Modern Talking. Fans of the group expressed the opinion that the result was not of high enough quality; they suggested that the work was done on a quick fix.

Personal life of Dieter Bohlen, photo

Dieter is still successfully engaged in creativity today. The talented musician has many fans who follow not only professional biography Dieter Bohlen, but also behind the events taking place in his personal life.

The singer is distinguished by his loving nature. He was married more than once. Personal life is always present in the biography of Dieter Bohlen. The musician is father of many children.

Dieter Bohlen: personal life, wives and children

The musician's first wife was Eric's girlfriend. She worked as a stylist and met Dieter at a disco. In 1983, the wedding of young people took place. Everything was modest, without pomp and ceremony. The couple came to the wedding ceremony in denim suits. In this marriage, Dieter Bohlen became a father three times: sons Mark and Marvin, daughter Marilyn. Each of the children is a musician different time dedicated several songs to his activities.

Eleven years later the family broke up. Erica could no longer tolerate the women who were constantly present in her husband's life. The former spouses kept great relationship. Dieter always took part in raising children and supported them financially.

After separating from his wife, the famous musician was in a relationship with model Nadia Abdel Farrah for a long time. In this case, the separation was not due to Dieter’s fault. The man loved his chosen one, but the girl suffered from an addiction to alcohol and was not faithful to her lover. The couple broke up.

Later, Dieter made a new attempt to build a family and married again in 1996. The musician's second wife was Verona Feldbush. The marriage didn't work out. The chosen one was only interested in the size of her husband’s fortune. Their relationship ended in a scandal: Verona accused Dieter of raising his hand against her.

In the early 2000s, Dieter met a girl named Estefania Küster, who gave birth to the musician’s son Morias. This time, the breakup occurred due to the singer’s infidelities.

Then, in 2006, a new family appeared in the biography of Dieter Bohlen, see photo below.

The musician met a young girl named Karina Walz in Mallorca. In 2011, baby Amelie appeared in the family. Dieter became a father for the fifth time at the age of 57. In the biography of Dieter Bohlen, the family took the main place. In the fall of 2013, baby Maximilian was born.

If in show business a man is perceived as a tough tyrant, then at home Dieter is a very sweet and caring father and husband. He walks along the beach with his family and is no longer interested in fast cars or noisy parties. Now in the personal life of Dieter Bohlen there is love and happiness.

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Place of Birth: Bern, Germany

Activity: singer, composer

Weight: 82 kg

Height: 180 cm

Dieter Bohlen is a famous German musician who gained the greatest fame after participating in the famous project Modern Talking. Together with this group, our today's hero reached simply unimaginable heights, becoming a true idol of his generation.

However, even after the disappearance of the legendary German team Dieter Bohlen has not left the world of art. Today his career continues. Therefore, our article will certainly find its reader.

Early years, childhood and family of Dieter Bohlen

Dieter Bohlen was born on February 7, 1954 in the city of Bern, but subsequently moved frequently. So, as you know, he received his education in three schools at once. various schools who were in different cities- Göttingen, Oldenburg and Hamburg. IN school years he was a member of the SPD party and also took an active part in the cultural life of each of his schools.

It is worth noting that our today’s hero began to study music as a child. While still at school, he participated in the Mayfair and Aorta youth groups, for which he wrote about two hundred musical compositions. Starting at the age of sixteen, Dieter Bohlen began actively sending his best compositions to various recording companies in Germany, trying to get work there. However, for a long time the young guy received only refusals.

The situation changed only in 1978. During this period, the Intersong company showed interest in his services and offered the musician to fill one of the vacancies. So, our today's hero began working as a composer and producer. In this capacity, Dieter achieved good success.

He wrote many successful compositions for various German performers. One of the most famous was the song “Hale, Hey Louise”, performed by Ricky King and instantly becoming a national hit in Germany. For this song, Dieter Bohlen received his first “golden disc”, and with it also a considerable profit. It is very noteworthy that during this period our today's hero worked under the pseudonym Steve Benson.

Under this name, the musician also worked in the groups Monza and Sunday, which were quite famous in some regions of Germany at the turn of the seventies and eighties. In parallel with this, Dieter Bohlen (or rather Steve Benson) recorded several solo singles, and also wrote a whole lot of songs for others famous performers those years.

Modern Talking, Blue System and the unprecedented rise in popularity of Dieter Bohlen

In 1983, Dieter Bohlen began to fruitfully collaborate with the young singer Thomas Anders. So already in the early eighties there was a duo called Modern Talking, which became the most successful project in the career of our today's hero.

This group existed from 1983 to 1987, and then from 1998 to 2003. During this time, the group managed to record twelve studio records and sell more than 165 million copies of their albums. The “Back For Good” disc alone sold 26 million copies.

The clearest example of the band's popularity is the ceremony in the Westphalian Hall of Dortmund, during which a small car loaded with 75 gold and platinum discs drove onto the stage. It was simply impossible to present so many awards in the usual way.

At their peak, Modern Talking was one of the most successful bands on the planet. Dieter Bohlen and Thomas Anders toured all over Europe with concerts, as well as South Africa, USA, Australia and many other countries.

After the first collapse of the Modern Talking group, our today's hero created new team- Blue System group. As the leader of this group, Dieter Bohlen traveled all over Europe and also gave many concerts in the USSR. According to some reports, during his tour alone, more than 400 thousand people visited his performances. largest cities Soviet Union. It is quite remarkable that in 1989 Dieter Bohlen was recognized as the most famous foreign performer in USSR.

Over the eleven years of its existence, the group has released 13 albums, as well as about thirty successful singles.

After the collapse of the Blue System group, Dieter Bohlen again resumed collaboration with Thomas Anders, thus reviving the previous project. After this, for five years talented musician worked as part of the group Modern Talking, with which he recorded several new hits.

In the 2000s, after the popularity of his former projects began to slowly decline, Dieter Bohlen began working again as a composer. During this period, he often wrote compositions for various German television shows, series and films. In addition, in 2002, in collaboration with the German publicist Katja Kesler, the musician also released his official biography- “Nothing but the truth.” Subsequently, the musician worked several more times as a writer, presenting four more of his books to the public. Each of them was dedicated to different aspects of the music industry.

Dieter Bohlen currently

Since the mid-2000s, Dieter Bohlen began to fruitfully collaborate with young German performers. The most famous were his songs written for Natalie Tineo, Yvonne Caterfield, as well as singer Alexander and Mark Medlock. Two latest artists are graduates of the project “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” (analogous to American Idol). It is worth noting that with the named show Dieter Bohlen Lately works very tightly.

In 2006, Dieter Bohlen released his last album, presented as the soundtrack to the cartoon “Dieter - Der Film”, which told the story of his life famous musician. Nothing is known yet about the singer’s new musical projects. The musician pays most of his attention to collaborations with other German celebrities. So, in particular, in last years Dieter works closely with singer Andreya Berg, as well as the group Moving Heroes.

Personal life of Dieter Bohlen

Dieter Bohlen lived most of his life with a woman named Erika Sauerland, who bore him three children - sons Mark and Marvin, and daughter Marilyn.

The musician's second marriage was not so successful. In 1996, he married a girl named Verona Feldbush. Their marital union lasted less than a year. And it subsequently ended in scandal.

Although legendary group Modern Talking has not existed for a long time; the name of Dieter Bohlen still excites his fans who fell in love with the musician’s work. Having achieved wild popularity, the artist worked fruitfully for a long time, creating new musical projects, as well as producing young performers. Today Bohlen continues to pursue his career, however, he surprises the public not only with his creative ideas, but also with his personal life. The singer was married more than once, and was also distinguished by his loving disposition and passionate character, thanks to which he became the father of many children.

Dieter was born in 1954 in Bern, Lower Saxony, Germany. He also has Russian roots, as his maternal grandmother was Russian and lived in Konigsberg, now Kaliningrad. His father was an engineer, and his mother was raising three children. In his childhood, the future singer was very nimble and active child, bringing parents constant problems. During his school years, the boy became interested in music, already trying to compose songs. After graduating from school, the young man received an economics education, however, he did not work in his specialty, taking up a musical career. Bohlen produced German stars and wrote songs for them.

In 1983, together with the singer, he created the duet Modern Talking, thanks to which the group’s songs topped the European charts for several years. However, in 1987 the duo ceased to exist, and the musician took up his career. He created the Blue System group, with which he worked actively. From 1998 to 2003, Modern Talking reasserted itself, after which the participants parted ways with a huge scandal.

In the photo Dieter Bohlen with his first wife Erica

Dieter's personal life interested journalists and fans no less than his stellar songs. His first wife was the stylist Erika, whom he met at a disco in Göttingen. The lovers celebrated their wedding at the end of 1983, celebrating it rather modestly, and even the newlyweds came to the marriage registration in denim suits. Three children were born to this union: sons Mark and Marvin, and daughter Marilyn. Eleven years later, the couple divorced, as the wife was tired of the singer’s fans and his many mistresses. After the divorce, Bolen did not forget the children, paying necessary expenses former family. He also maintained good friendly relations with Erica.

The musician had long love relationship with a model of Arab origin, Nadia Abdel Farrah. Dieter had strong feelings for the girl, however, she had a harmful addiction to alcohol and often cheated on her star lover, which caused him mental trauma. In 1996, the singer married for the second time, and Verona Feldbush became his chosen one. However, this marriage quickly faded away, since the girl was more interested in Bohlen’s income than in himself. The divorce is over loud scandal, since the ex-wife accused the artist of assault.

Pictured is Dieter Bohlen and his wife Estefania Küster

In the early 2000s, Dieter started a new romance. His passion was a young girl named Estefania Küster. In March 2011, the lovers had a daughter, Amelie, and in the fall of 2013, a son, Maximilian. The couple lives together to this day, raising children. Off the stage, the artist is an ordinary husband and father who fulfills the whims and desires of his children and the woman he loves.

see also

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Published 08/20/2016