(!LANG: Quotes from grief from the mind, characterizing Chatsky. Quotation characteristic of Chatsky Oster is smart and eloquent in friends

The full name of the hero is Alexander Andreevich Chatsky:

“…Alexander Andreevich Chatsky…”

Alexander Chatsky - nobleman, landowner with 300-400 serfs:

“- had about three hundred souls. - Four hundred, please understand…”

Chatsky is a single man. He is still young, but already “does not fall into childishness”:

“…Yes, not married…” “…Now I can’t fall into this childishness…”

Chatsky is a lonely person. His mother and father died when he was a child. Chatsky's father was a friend of Famusov:

“... Here, sir, Chatsky, my friend, / Andrei Ilyich’s late son ...”

“... Chatsky, my friend, / Andrei Ilyich ...”

After the death of his parents, Chatsky was brought up in Famusov's house. Growing up, he began to live separately:

“... Yes, with Chatsky, it’s true, we were brought up, we grew up; / The habit of being together every day is inseparable / Tied us with childhood friendship ... "

“... but then / He moved out, he seemed bored with us, / And rarely visited our house ...”

Chatsky has been friends with Sofia Famusova since childhood and has loved her for a long time:

“…I remember you often danced with him as a child…”

“... And yet I love you without memory ...”

At the beginning of the play, Chatsky returns to Moscow after 3 years of “traveling around the world”:

“... I haven’t written two words for three years! / And suddenly it struck like from the clouds ... "

“…Splashed the light…”

“…The desire to wander attacked him…”

Chatsky is a member of the English Club, which consists of rich, noble nobles:

“…Then, think about it, a member of the English Club…”

Alexander Chatsky is a smart, witty man:

“…Sharp, smart, eloquent…”

“... he is small with a head / And he writes and translates nicely. // It is impossible not to regret that with such a mind…”

Chatsky is an eloquent person:

“…smart, eloquent…”

“... What does he say! and speaks as he writes!..”

Alexander Chatsky loves to make jokes and “taunt” people, but he doesn’t do it with the intent to harm:

“... and cheerful, and sharp ...”

“...Listen, are my words all chopping? / And tend to harm someone?..”

“... Not a man, a snake! ..” (Sofia about Chatsky)

Chatsky is a mocking person, but his ridicule is always directed against stupid and narrow-minded people:

“... He is gloriously / Knows how to make everyone laugh; / Chatting, joking…”

“...Look at the laugh, Chatsky will lift you up ...”

“... It is noticeable that you are ready to pour out bile on everyone ...”

“... A hail of your barbs and jokes will break out. / Tell jokes! and a century to joke! how it will become of you!..”

“...Ah, Chatsky! You love to dress up everyone in jesters ... "

Chatsky often speaks with others in a harsh tone:

"…Yes! a formidable look, and a sharp tone, / And these features in you abyss ... "

According to Sophia, Chatsky is intemperate in language and too openly despises people:

“Why should I be, I’ll tell you bluntly,

So intemperate language?

In contempt for people so undisguised?”

Chatsky is a proud man, “proud”, according to Famusov:

“That’s it, you are all proud!..”

Alexander Chatsky is a free-thinking person, for which Famusov calls him a “carbonarius” and a “Jacobin”:

"…Oh! My God! he is carbonari*!..” (*i.e. revolutionary)

"…A dangerous person!.."

“…I think he’s just a Jacobin*…” (*that is, a freethinker)

Chatsky is an independent person. He does not want to depend on others, such as Molchalin:

Molchalin: You have to depend on others.

Chatsky: Why is it necessary? ..

Chatsky quit military service and also decided not to serve as an official. Among the nobles, it was customary to choose one of these two employment options, but Chatsky does not do either:

Princess. Retired?

Natalya Dmitrievna. Yes, traveled, recently returned.

According to Chatsky, the nobles should not limit themselves to official or military service. He believes that an intelligent person can also find himself in creativity or science:

“Among young people, there is an enemy of quest, / Without demanding either places or promotion, / In science, he will stick his mind, hungry for knowledge; // Or in his soul God himself will excite the heat // To creative, lofty and beautiful arts…”

Chatsky is a sincere person, not a pretender:

“…For once in my life I’ll pretend…”

Alexander Chatsky loves the truth:

“…Why should I deceive myself?..”

“…Why didn’t they directly tell me…”

Chatsky is a sensitive person:

“... Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp, / Like Alexander Andreyich Chatsky! ..”

Alexander Chatsky is a passionate, ardent person:

“…that passion? that feeling? ardor that? ..

“... But what is now boiling in me, worries, infuriates, / I would not wish my personal enemy ...”

Chatsky has his own opinion about everything:

“... Why are the opinions of others only holy? ..”

Alexander Chatsky is a patriot. He loves the Russian people and Russia:

“... So that our smart, cheerful people ...”

In high society, Chatsky is considered crazy because of his freethinking and liberal views:

“... Mad you glorified me with all the chorus ...”

Chatsky does not like the “crowd of people” and the Moscow Famus society. At the end of the play, he leaves Moscow:

“... And in the crowd I am lost, I am not myself. / Not! I am dissatisfied with Moscow…”

“...Get out of Moscow! I don't come here anymore. / I’m running, I won’t look back, I’ll go looking around the world ... ”

The living room, there is a large clock in it, on the right is the door to Sophia's bedroom, from where you can hear the piano and flute, which then fall silent. Lizanka sleeping in the middle of the room, hanging from the armchairs. (Morning, a little day breaks) Lizanka (suddenly wakes up, gets up from the chair, looks around) It's getting light!.. Ah! how soon the night passed! Yesterday I asked to sleep - refusal, "We are waiting for a friend." - We need an eye and an eye, Do not sleep until you roll off your chair. Now I've just taken a nap, It's already daytime! .. tell them ... (He knocks on Sofia.) Lord, Hey! Sofia Pavlovna, trouble. Your conversation went during the night; Are you deaf? - Alexei Stepanych! Madam! .. - And fear does not take them! (Moves away from the door.) Well, an uninvited guest, Perhaps the priest will come in! I ask you to serve the young lady in love! (Back to the door) Let go. Morning. - What? (Sofia's voice) What time is it now? Lizanka Everything in the house went up. Sofia (from my room) What time is it now? Lizanka Seventh, eighth, ninth. Sofia (from there) Not true. Lizanka (away from the door) Oh! cupid *damned! And they hear, do not want to understand, Well, what would they take away the shutters? I'll move the clock, even though I know: there will be a race, I'll make them play. (Climbs onto a chair, moves the hand, the clock strikes and plays.)


Lisa and Famusov. Lisa Oh! master! Famusov Barin, yes. (stops hour music) After all, what a minx you are, girl. I couldn't figure out what the problem was! Now a flute is heard, then like a pianoforte; Would it be too early for Sophia?? Lisa No, sir, I... just by chance... Famusov Here's something by chance, notice you; Yes, yes, on purpose. (Cuddles up to her and flirts) Ouch! potion, * darling. Lisa You are a prankster, these faces suit you! Famusov Modest, but nothing but Leprosy and the wind on my mind. Lisa Let it go, anemones yourself, Come to your senses, you old people ... Famusov Nearly. Lisa Well, who will come, where are we with you? Famusov Who should come here? Is Sophia asleep? Lisa Now asleep. Famusov Now! What about the night? Lisa I read all night. Famusov Vish, whims what have got! Lisa All in French, aloud, reading locked up. Famusov Tell me that it's not good for her eyes to be spoiled, And in reading it's not great: She can't sleep from French books, And it hurts me to sleep from Russians. Lisa What will rise, I will report, If you please go, wake me up, I'm afraid. Famusov Why wake up? You wind up the clock yourself, you thunder the symphony for the whole quarter. Lisa (as loud as possible) Yes, completeness! Famusov (covers her mouth) Have mercy on how you scream. Are you crazy? Lisa I'm afraid it won't come out... Famusov What? Lisa It's time, sir, for you to know you're not a child; In girls, the morning dream is so thin; You creak the door a little, you whisper a little: Everyone hears ... Famusov You are all lying. Sofia's voice Hey Lisa! Famusov (hurriedly) Shh! (Sneaks out of the room on tiptoe.) Lisa (one) Gone... Ah! away from the masters; They prepare troubles for themselves at every hour, Bypass us more than all sorrows And the lord's anger, and the lord's love.


Lisa, Sofia with a candle behind her Molchalin. Sofia What, Lisa, attacked you? Noise... Lisa Of course, it's hard for you to leave? Shutting yourself up to the light, and it seems that everything is not enough? Sofia Ah, it really is dawn! (Extinguishes the candle.) And light and sadness. How swift are the nights! Lisa Grieve, know that there is no urine from outside, Your father came here, I died; I twirled in front of him, I don’t remember that I was lying; Well, what have you become? bow, sir, weigh. Come on, the heart is not in the right place; Look at your watch, take a look out the window: People have been pouring down the streets for a long time; And in the house there is a knock, walking, sweeping and cleaning. Sofia Happy hours are not observed. Lisa Don't watch, your power; And that in return for you, of course, I get there. Sofia (Molchalin) Go; we'll be bored all day long. Lisa God is with you, sir; away take your hand. (Puts them apart, Molchalin runs into Famusov at the door.)


Sofia, Lisa, Molchalin, Famusov. Famusov What an opportunity! * Molchalin, you, brother? Molchalin I'm with. Famusov Why is it here? and at this hour? And Sophia! .. Hello, Sophia, that you got up so early! a? for what concern? And how did God bring you together at the wrong time? Sofia He has just now entered. Molchalin Now from a walk. Famusov Friend. Is it possible to choose a nook for walking Away? And you, madam, just jumped out of bed, With a man! with the young! - An occupation for the girl! All night reading fables, And here are the fruits of these books! And all the Kuznetsky Most, * and the eternal French, From there fashions come to us, and authors, and muses: Destroyers of pockets and hearts! When will the creator deliver us From their hats! bonnets! and studs! and pins! And bookstores and biscuit shops! .. Sofia Excuse me, father, my head is spinning; I can hardly take my breath from fright; You deigned to run in so quickly, I got confused ... Famusov Thank you humbly, I soon ran to them! I interfered! I scared! I, Sofya Pavlovna, am upset myself, the whole day there is no rest, I rush about as if mad. By position, by service, trouble, He sticks, the other, everyone cares about me! But did I expect new troubles? to be deceived... Sofia Whom, father? Famusov Here they will reproach me, That I always scold to no avail. Don't cry, I'm talking business: Haven't they cared about your upbringing! from the cradle! My mother is dead: I knew how to employ a second mother in Madame Rosier. He put the old woman-gold in supervision of you: She was smart, her temper was quiet, she had rare rules. One thing does not serve her to her credit: For an extra five hundred rubles a year She allowed herself to be seduced by others. Yes, there is no strength in Madame. There is no need for a different model, When the example of a father is in the eyes. Look at me: I do not brag about my constitution; However, he is cheerful and fresh, and lived to gray hair, Free, widows, I am my master ... Known for monastic behavior! .. Lisa I dare, sir... Famusov Be silent! Terrible age! Don't know what to start! All managed beyond their years. And more than daughters, but good-natured people themselves. We were given these languages! We take vagabonds, * both to the house and on tickets, * To teach our daughters everything, everything - And dancing! and foam! and tenderness! and sigh! As if we are preparing buffoons for their wives. * You, a visitor, what? you're here, sir, why? Rootless warmed and introduced into my family, Gave the rank of assessor * and took in the secretaries; Transferred to Moscow through my assistance; And if it wasn't for me, you would smoke in Tver. Sofia I will not explain your anger in any way. He lives in the house here, a great misfortune! Went to a room, got into another. Famusov Got it or wanted to get it? Why are you together? It can't be by accident. Sofia Here, however, is the whole case: How recently you and Liza were here, Your voice frightened me exceedingly, And I rushed here with all my might... Famusov It will probably put all the turmoil on me. At the wrong time, my voice made them anxious! Sofia In a vague dream, a trifle disturbs; To tell you a dream: you will understand then. Famusov What's the story? Sofia tell you? Famusov Well, yes. (Sits down.) Sofia Let me... see eh... first Flowery Meadow; and I was looking for Some Grass, I don’t remember in reality. Suddenly a dear man, one of those whom we will See - as if we have known each other for a century, Appeared here with me; and insinuating, and smart, But timid... You know who was born in poverty... Famusov Oh! mother, do not finish the blow! Who is poor, he is not a couple for you. Sofia Then everything was gone: meadows and skies. - We're in a dark room. To complete the miracle, The floor opened up - and you are from there, Pale as death, and a hair on end! Then with a thunder the doors were thrown open Some not people and not animals, We were apart - and tormented the one who was sitting with me. He seems to be dearer to me than all the treasures, I want to see him - you drag with you: We are escorted by a groan, a roar, laughter, a whistle of monsters! He screams after!.. - Woke up. - Someone says - Your voice was; what do you think, so early? I run here - and I find you both. Famusov Yes, a bad dream, as I see it. Everything is here, if there is no deceit: And devils and love, and fears and flowers. Well, my sir, and you? Molchalin I heard your voice. Famusov It's funny. My voice was given to them, and how well everyone hears it, and calls everyone before dawn! He was in a hurry to my voice, why? - speak. Molchalin With papers. Famusov Yes! they were missing. Forgive me, that this zeal has suddenly fallen on written matters! (Stands up.) Well, Sonyushka, I will give you peace: There are strange dreams, but in reality it is stranger; You were looking for grass for yourself, You came across a friend sooner; Get the nonsense out of your head; Where there are miracles, there is little stock. - Come on, lie down, fall asleep again. (Molchalin) We're going to sort out the papers. Molchalin I only carried them for the report, That they cannot be put into use without information, without others, There are contradictions, and much is not efficient. Famusov I'm afraid, sir, I'm mortally alone, Lest a multitude of them accumulate; Give free rein to you, it would have settled down; And with me, what matters, what does not matter, My custom is this: Signed, so off my shoulders. (Leaves with MOLCHALIN, at the door lets him go first.)


Sofia, Lisa. Lisa Well, the holiday is here! Well, here's some fun for you! But no, now it’s no laughing matter; It is dark in the eyes, and the soul froze; Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good. Sofia What is my rumor? Whoever wants to, judges, Yes, the father will force you to think: Obese, restless, quick, Always like that, but from now on ... You can judge ... Lisa I judge, sir, not from stories; He will ban you - good is still with me; And then, God have mercy, just me, Molchalin and everyone out of the yard. Sofia Think how capricious happiness is! It happens worse, get away with it; When sad nothing comes to mind, Forgotten by the music, and time passed so smoothly; Fate seemed to take care of us; No anxiety, no doubt... And grief awaits from around the corner. Lisa Here's something, sir, you're my stupid judgment Never complain: But here's the trouble. What is the best prophet for you? I repeated: in love there will be no use in this Forever and ever. Like all Moscow ones, your father is like this: He would like a son-in-law with stars, but with ranks, And with the stars, not everyone is rich, between us; Well, of course, to that And money to live, so that he could give balls; Here, for example, Colonel Skalozub: And a gold bag, and aims for generals. Sofia Where is cute! and fun to me fear To listen about the frunte * and ranks; He never uttered a clever word, - I don't care what's for him, what's in the water. Lisa Yes, sir, so to speak, eloquent, but painfully not cunning; But be a military man, be a civilian, * Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp, Like Alexander Andreyich Chatsky! Not to embarrass you; It's been a long time, don't turn back, But I remember ... Sofia What do you remember? He gloriously knows how to laugh at everyone; Chatting, joking, it's funny to me; You can share laughter with everyone. Lisa But only? as if? - I shed tears, I remember, poor he, how he parted with you. - Why, sir, are you crying? live laughing ... And he answered: "Not without reason, Liza, I cry: Who knows what I will find when I return? And how much, maybe, I will lose!" The poor thing seemed to know that in three years ... Sofia Listen, don't take too many liberties. I am very windy, perhaps, I acted, And I know, and I am guilty; but where did you change? To whom? so that they could reproach with infidelity. Yes, with Chatsky, it’s true, we were brought up, grew up: The habit of being together every day is inseparable Has tied us with childhood friendship; but then he moved out, he seemed bored with us, and rarely visited our house; Then again he pretended to be in love, demanding and distressed!!. He is sharp, smart, eloquent, Especially happy among friends, So he thought highly of himself ... The desire to wander attacked him, Ah! if someone loves whom, Why go crazy and search so far? Lisa Where is it worn? in what areas? He was treated, they say, on acidic waters, * Not from illness, tea, from boredom - more free. Sofia And, of course, happy where people are funnier. Whom I love is not like this: Molchalin, ready to forget himself for others, Enemy of insolence, - always shy, timidly Kiss the night with whom you can spend like that! We sit, and the yard has long turned white, What do you think? what are you busy with? Lisa God knows, madam, is it my business? Sofia He takes his hand, presses it to his heart, He sighs from the depths of his soul, Not a free word, and so the whole night passes, Hand with hand, and his eyes do not take his eyes off me. - Laughing! is it possible! what a reason I gave you to such laughter! Lisa Me-sir? .. your aunt now came to mind, How a young Frenchman ran away from her house. Dove! I wanted to bury Her annoyance, but failed: I forgot to blacken my hair And after three days I turned gray. (Continues to laugh.) Sofia (with chagrin) That's how they talk about me later. Lisa Excuse me, really, how holy God is, I wanted this foolish laugh to cheer you up a little.


Sofia, Lisa, servant, behind him Chatsky. Servant To you Alexander Andreevich Chatsky. (Exits.)


Sofia, Lisa, Chatsky. Chatsky A little light on my feet! and I am at your feet. (He kisses his hand passionately.) Well, kiss the same, did not wait? speak! Well, for? * Not? Look at my face. Surprised? but only? here's the welcome! As if a week had not passed; As if yesterday together We have no urine tired of each other; Not on the hair of love! how good! And meanwhile, I don’t remember, without a soul, I’ve been forty-five hours, without screwing up my eyes in an instant, More than seven hundred versts swept past, - the wind, the storm; And he was all confused, and how many times he fell - And here is a reward for feats! Sofia Oh! Chatsky, I am very glad to see you. Chatsky Are you for? at a good hour. However, sincerely who rejoices in such a way? It seems to me that in the end I chilled people and horses, I only amuse myself. Lisa Here, sir, if you were at the door, By God, there are no five minutes, How we remembered you here. Madam, tell yourself. Sofia Always, not just now. - You can't blame me. Who will flash, open the door, On the way, by chance, from a stranger, from afar - With a question I, at least be a sailor: Didn't I meet you somewhere in the mail coach? Chatsky Let's assume it is. Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world! - Ah! My God! I'm here again, In Moscow! you! how can you know! Where is the time? where is that innocent age, When it used to be a long evening We will appear with you, disappear here and there, We play and make noise on chairs and tables. And here is your father with madam, behind the picket; * We are in a dark corner, and it seems that in this! Do you remember? shudder that the table creaks, the door ... Sofia Childhood! Chatsky Yes, sir, and now, At seventeen you bloomed charmingly, Inimitable, and you know it, And therefore modest, do not look at the world. Are you in love? I ask you to give me an answer, Without thought, fullness to be embarrassed. Sofia Yes, at least someone will be confused Questions are quick and a curious look ... Chatsky Pardon, not you, why be surprised? What new will Moscow show me? Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two. He got married - he managed, but he gave a miss. All the same sense, * and the same verses in the albums. Sofia Persecution of Moscow. What does it mean to see the light! Where is better? Chatsky Where we are not. Well, what about your father? all of the English club An old, faithful member to the grave? Did your uncle jump back his eyelid? And this one, like him, is he a Turk or a Greek? That dark-haired one, on the legs of cranes, I don’t know what his name is, Wherever you go: right there, In dining rooms and living rooms. And three of the boulevard faces * Who have been young for half a century? They have a million relatives, and with the help of their sisters, they will intermarry with all of Europe. What about our sun? our treasure? On the forehead is written: Theater and Masquerade; * The house is painted with greenery in the form of a grove, He is fat, his artists are skinny. At the ball, remember, we opened it together Behind the screens, in one of the more secret rooms, A man was hidden and clicked the nightingale, Singer in summer weather in winter. And that consumptive, kindred to you, the enemy of books, In the scientific committee* that settled And shouting demanded oaths, So that no one knew and did not learn to read and write? I am destined to see them again! You will get tired of living with them, and in whom can you not find spots? When you wander, you return home, And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us! Sofia Here I would bring you to my aunt, To count all my acquaintances. Chatsky And auntie? all girl, Minerva? * All the maid of honor * Catherine the First? Is the house full of pupils and moseks? Oh! Let's move on to education. What now, just as of old, Are they bothering to recruit regiments of teachers, More in number, at a cheaper price? Not that they are far in science; In Russia, under a heavy fine, We are ordered to recognize everyone as a Historian and a geographer! Our mentor, * remember his cap, robe, Finger * forefinger, all the signs of learning How our timid minds disturbed, How we used to believe from an early time, That there is no salvation for us without the Germans! And Guillaume, the Frenchman, knocked out by the breeze? Is he not married yet? Sofia On whom? Chatsky At least on some princess Pulcheria Andreevna, for example? Sofia Dancemaster! is it possible! Chatsky Well, he is a cavalier. They will require us to be with a property and in rank, And Guillaume! .. - What is the tone here today At congresses, at large ones, on parish holidays? A mixture of languages ​​still predominates: French with Nizhny Novgorod? Sofia Mix of languages? Chatsky Yes, two, without this it is impossible. Sofia But it is tricky to tailor one of them, like yours. Chatsky At least not inflated. Here's the news! - I take advantage of the moment, Meeting with you is lively, And talkative; but aren't there times that I'm dumber than Molchalin? Where is he, by the way? Have you yet broken the silence of the press? There were songs where brand new notebooks He sees, sticks: please write off. And yet, he will reach the known levels, After all, now they love wordless. Sofia Not a man, a snake! (Loudly and forcefully.) I want to ask you: Have you ever laughed? or in sadness? Mistake? did you say good things about someone? Though not now, but in childhood, maybe. Chatsky When everything is soft like that? both tender and immature? Why so long ago? Here's a good deed for you: Just rattling the bells And day and night through the snowy desert, I hasten to you, breaking my head. And how do I find you? in some strict order! I endure coldness for half an hour! The face of the most holy pilgrimage! .. - And yet I love you without memory. (Momentary silence.) Listen, are my words all the pegs? And tend to someone's harm? But if so: mind and heart are not in harmony. I'm eccentric to another miracle Once I laugh, then I'll forget: Tell me to go into the fire: I'll go as if for dinner. Sofia Yes, well - burn, if not?


Sofia, Lisa, Chatsky, Famusov. Famusov Here's another one! Sofia Ah, father, sleep in hand. (Exits.) Famusov (after her in an undertone) Damn dream.


Famusov, Chatsky(looks at the door Sofia went through) Famusov Well, you threw out a thing! Three years did not write two words! And suddenly it burst like from the clouds. (They embrace.) Great, friend, great, brother, great. Tell me, is your tea ready? A meeting of important news? Sit down, tell me quickly. (They sit down.) Chatsky (absently) How beautiful Sofya Pavlovna has become! Famusov You, young people, have no other business, How to notice girlish beauty: She said something in passing, and you, I tea, were filled with hopes, bewitched. Chatsky Oh! No; I'm a little spoiled for hope. Famusov"Dream in hand" - she deigned to whisper to me, So you're thinking ... Chatsky I? - Not at all. Famusov What did she dream about? what? Chatsky I am not a dream reader. Famusov Don't trust her, everything is empty. Chatsky I believe my own eyes; I haven’t seen a century, a subscription of ladies, So that it would be at least a little like her! Famusov He's all his own. Yes, tell me in detail, Where were you? Roamed for so many years! From where now? Chatsky Now I'm up to it! I wanted to travel around the whole world, And did not travel a hundredth. (Gets up hastily.) Sorry; I was in a hurry to see you soon, I did not stop by home. Farewell! In an hour I'll appear, I won't forget the slightest detail; You first, then you tell everywhere. (In the door.) How good! (Exits.)


Famusov (one) Which of the two? "Ah! father, sleep in your hand!" And he says it out loud to me! Well, guilty! What a hook I gave! Molchalin daviche put me in doubt. Now ... yes, half a fire from the fire: That beggar, this dandy friend; Notorious * wasted, tomboy, What a commission, * Creator, To be an adult daughter's father! (Exits.)

Sofia, Lisa.


Well, the holiday is here! Well, here's some fun for you!
But no, now it’s no laughing matter;
It is dark in the eyes, and the soul froze;
Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.


What is a rumor to me? Who wants to judge
Yes, the father will force you to think:
Obese, restless, quick,
It's always been like this, but ever since...
You can judge...


I judge, sir, not from stories;
He will ban you; - good is still with me;
And then, God have mercy, as time
Me, Molchalin and everyone out of the yard.


Think how capricious happiness is!
It happens worse, get away with it;
When sad nothing comes to mind,
Forgotten by the music, and time passed so smoothly;
Fate seemed to take care of us;
No worry, no doubt...
And grief awaits around the corner.


That's it, sir, you are my stupid judgment
Never complain:
But here's the trouble.
What is the best prophet for you?
I repeated: in love there will be no use in this
Not forever.
Like all Moscow ones, your father is like this:
He would like a son-in-law with stars, but with ranks,
And under the stars, not everyone is rich, between us;
Well, of course, besides
And money to live, so that he could give balls;
Here, for example, Colonel Skalozub:
And the golden bag, and marks the generals.


Where is cute! and fun me fear
Hear about the front and rows;
He didn’t utter a smart word,
I don't care what's for him, what's in the water.


Yes, sir, so to speak, eloquent, but painfully not cunning;
But be a military man, be a civilian,
Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp,
Like Alexander Andreevich Chatsky!
Not to embarrass you;
It's been a long time, don't turn back
And remember...


What do you remember? He's nice
He knows how to laugh at everyone;
Chatting, joking, it's funny to me;
You can share laughter with everyone.


But only? as if? - Shedding tears
I remember, poor he, how he parted with you. -
Why, sir, are you crying? live laughing...
And he answered: “No wonder, Liza, I’m crying,
Who knows what I will find when I return?
And how much, perhaps, I will lose! -
The poor thing seemed to know that in three years ...


Listen, don't take too many liberties.
I'm very windy, maybe I did,
And I know, and I'm sorry; but where did you change?
To whom? so that they could reproach with infidelity.
Yes, with Chatsky, it’s true, we were brought up, we grew up;
The habit of being together every day is inseparable
She connected us with childhood friendship; but then
He moved out, he seemed bored with us,
And rarely visited our house;
Then he pretended to be in love again,
Demanding and distressed!!..
Sharp, smart, eloquent,
Especially happy with friends.
Here he thought highly of himself -
The desire to wander attacked him.
Oh! if someone loves someone
Why look for the mind and drive so far?


Where is it worn? in what areas?
He was treated, they say, on acidic waters,
Not from illness, tea, from boredom - more freely.


And, of course, happy where people are funnier.
Who I love is not like this:
Molchalin is ready to forget himself for others,
The enemy of insolence - always shyly, timidly
A whole night with whom you can spend like this!
We sit, and the yard has long turned white,
What do you think? what are you busy with?


God knows
Ma'am, is it my business?


He takes his hand, shakes his heart,
Breathe from the depths of your soul
Not a free word, and so the whole night passes,
Hand in hand, and the eye does not take my eyes off me. -
Laugh! is it possible! gave a reason
To you I to such laughter!


Me, sir? .. your aunt has now come to mind,
How a young Frenchman ran away from her house.
Dove! wanted to bury
I failed my annoyance:
Forgot to dye my hair
And three days later she turned gray.

(Continues to laugh.)

Sofia (angrily)

That's how they talk about me later.


Excuse me, right, how holy is God,
I wanted this stupid laugh
Helped to cheer you up a bit.

Phenomenon 6

Sofia, Lisa, Servant, behind him Chatsky.


To you Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.


Phenomenon 7

Sofia, Lisa, Chatsky.


A little light - already on your feet! and I am at your feet.

(He kisses his hand passionately.)

Well, kiss the same, did not wait? speak!
Well, for? Not? Look at my face.
Surprised? but only? here's the welcome!
As if a week had not passed;
Like yesterday together
We are tired of each other;
Not a hair of love! how good!
And meanwhile, I don’t remember, without a soul,
I'm forty-five hours, my eyes do not screw up in a moment,
More than seven hundred miles swept - wind, storm;
And he was confused all over, and how many times he fell -
And here is the reward for the feats!


Oh! Chatsky, I am very glad to see you.


Are you for? at a good hour.
However, sincerely who rejoices in such a way?
It seems to me that in the end
Chilling people and horses,
I only amuse myself.


Here, sir, if you were at the door,
By God, there are no five minutes,
How we remember you here.
Madam, tell yourself.


Always, not just now. -
You cannot reproach me.
Who will flash, open the door,
Passage, by chance, from a stranger, from afar -
With a question I, at least be a sailor:
Didn't I meet you somewhere in the mail coach?


Let's assume it is.
Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world! -
Oh! My God! Am I here again
In Moscow! you! how can you know!
Where is the time? where is that innocent age,
When it used to be a long evening
You and I will appear, disappear here and there,
We play and make noise on chairs and tables.
And here is your father with madam, behind the picket;
We are in a dark corner, and it seems that in this!
Do you remember? shudder that the table creaks,




Yes, and now
At seventeen you blossomed beautifully,
Incredible and you know it
And therefore modest, do not look at the light.
Are you in love? please give me an answer
Without thought, fullness to be embarrassed.


Yes, at least someone is embarrassed
Quick questions and a curious look…


Pardon, not you, why be surprised?
What new will Moscow show me?
Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two.
He got married - he managed, but he gave a miss.
All the same sense, and the same verses in the albums.


Persecution of Moscow. What does it mean to see the light!
Where is better?


Where we are not.
Well, what about your father? all English club
Old, faithful member to the grave?
Did your uncle jump back his eyelid?
And this one, like him, is he a Turk or a Greek?
That black man, on the legs of cranes,
I don't know what his name is
Wherever you go: here, as here,
In dining rooms and living rooms.
And three of the tabloid faces,
Who have been young for half a century?
They have a million relatives, and with the help of sisters
They will intermarry with all of Europe.
What about our sun? our treasure?
On the forehead is written: Theater and Masquerade;
The house is painted with greenery in the form of a grove,
He himself is fat, his artists are skinny.
At the ball, remember, we opened together
Behind the screens, in one of the more secret rooms,
A man was hidden and the nightingale clicked,
Singer winter summer weather.
And that consumptive, relative to you, enemy of books,
In the scientific committee that settled
And with a cry demanded an oath,
So that no one knew and did not study literacy?
I am destined to see them again!
You will get tired of living with them, and in whom can you not find spots?
When you wander, you return home,
And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!


Here I would bring you to my aunt,
To count all the acquaintances.


And auntie? all a girl, Minerva?
All the maid of honor of Catherine the First?
Is the house full of pupils and moseks?
Oh! Let's move on to education.
What is now, just as of old,
Trouble recruiting teachers regiments,
More in number, cheaper price?
Not that they are far in science;
In Russia, under a great fine,
We are told to recognize each
Historian and geographer!
Our mentor, remember his cap, bathrobe,
Index finger, all signs of learning
How our timid minds disturbed,
As we used to believe from an early age,
That there is no salvation for us without the Germans! -
And Guillaume, the Frenchman, knocked out by the breeze?
Is he not married yet?

Chatsky is a young free man; one might say, a traveler, a seeker of the new. He’s not rich, he doesn’t have any rank, and he doesn’t need him for anything: “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve,” he says to Famusov when he calls to serve Chatsky if he wants to marry Sophia. Chatsky is smart, witty, says only what is in his heart - and this is his hallmark. I even dare to compare him with Khlestakov: "What's on the mind, then on the tongue."

Chatsky is a man of new times, advanced views, a man of a different kind:

“Your age I scolded mercilessly!” -

He exposes the current age, the time in which he lives and, most importantly, is not afraid to do so. In this regard, the question arises: "Who else, if not him?". “There is no warrior alone in the field,” says folk wisdom. But in this case, a warrior is a warrior if he is Chatsky!

And there is; he is a doctor, a doctor of freedom. He is trying to make sure that he is understood - he does not accept the current system, as I said. But the fact is that no one understands him, and cannot understand him, and they take him for a madman. Chatsky himself says to Famusov and Skalozub:

“Houses are new, but prejudices are old;
Rejoice, they will not exterminate
Neither their years, nor fashion, nor fires "-

Here it is, the problem! But does Chatsky himself understand that all his appeals, all exhortations, all his strength, all that caustic mind that he put into his words - does he understand that all this ... as if in vain? He knows that it is not in vain, because it is not the present age, not these people who will understand him, but others will surely understand him.

In the comedy, Chatsky is the most significant character in terms of his function, because without him nothing would have happened: the Famus society would have remained Famus society, or changed slightly due to new trends, as is usually the case.

Throughout the comedy, Chatsky earned many characterizations about himself. Here is some of them.

I. Lisa about Chatsky:

1) “Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp,
Like Alexander Andreevich Chatsky!

II. Sofia Pavlovna about Chatsky:

1) (D. I, I. 5)

“... He is nice
He knows how to laugh at everyone;
Chatting, joking, it's funny to me;
Laughter can share with anyone.

2) (Also D., also me.)

“Sharp, smart, eloquent.
I'm especially happy with friends."

3) (Also D., I 6) Sophia, angry with Chatsky's words about Molchalin:

"Not a man, a snake!"

4) (D. II, I. 8)

“Deadly by their coldness!
To look at you, I have no strength to listen to you.

5) (Also D., also I.)

“What are you to me?
Yes, it’s true, not your troubles - fun for you,
Kill your own father - it doesn't matter.

6) (Also D., I. 9)

“Ah, Alexander Andreevich, here,
You appear quite generous:
To the misfortune of your neighbor, you are so not indifferent.

7) (Also D., I. 11)

“... I’m afraid that I won’t be able to withstand the pretense.
Why did God bring Chatsky here!

8) A fundamental characterization from Sophia Chatsky receives in III D., 1 phenomenon:

"Your gaiety is not modest,
Your sharpness is ready at once,
And you yourself…”

“... a menacing look and a sharp tone,
And these features in you abyss,
And above a thunderstorm is far from useless "-

With this, Sophia reproaches Chatsky for being too frank. She, perhaps, believes that Chatsky himself does not see these “features of the abyss” - these, according to Sophia, are the strongest shortcomings. She encourages Chatsky to fight them. But are these disadvantages? Only in the opinion of the Famus society, but not in the opinion of Chatsky.

“It is noticeable that you are ready to pour out bile on everyone;
And I, so as not to interfere, will evade from here.

“Why should I be, I’ll tell you bluntly,
So I will not restrain my tongue,
In contempt for people so openly,
That there is no mercy even for the humblest! .. What?
Happen to someone to call him:
A hail of your barbs and jokes will break out.
Tell jokes! and a century to joke! how you will become!”

Alluding to Chatsky:

“Of course, he doesn’t have this mind
What a genius for others, and for others a plague,
Which is quick, brilliant and soon opposes,
Which light scolds on the spot,
So that the world at least says something about him,
Will such a mind make a family happy?

9) (D. III, I. 14)

"Oh, this man is always
Cause me a terrible disorder!
I'm glad to humiliate, prick; envious, proud and angry!

"He is not quite all there"

“Not really…”

"BUT! Chatsky, you love to dress up everyone in jesters,
Would you like to try it on yourself?"

III. Chatsky about himself:

1) (D. I, I. 7)

“Listen, are my words all the pegs?
And tend to someone's harm?
But if so, the mind and heart are not in harmony.
I'm in weirdo to another miracle
Once I laugh, then I forget ... "

2) (Also D., I. 9)

"Oh! no, I'm a little spoiled by hopes"

"I'm not a dream teller"

"I believe my own eyes"

3) (D. II, I. 7)

“It is not my desire to prolong disputes ...”

4) (D. III, I. 1)

“I myself? isn't it funny?"

“I am strange, but who is not strange?
The one who looks like all the fools ... "

“But is there in him * (in Molchalin) * that passion,
That feeling, that fervor,
So that besides you he has a whole world
Was it dust and vanity?
So that every beat of the heart
Has love accelerated towards you?
So that thoughts were everything and all his deeds
Soul - you, pleasing to you? .. "

"Oh! My God! Am I one of those
To whom the purpose of all life is laughter?
I'm happy when I meet funny people
And most of the time I miss them."

5) (D. IV, I. ​​10)

"Am I really crazy?"

6) (Also D., I. 14)

"Blind man! In whom I sought the reward of all labors!

IV. Famusov about Chatsky

1) (D. I, I. 10)

“... this dandy friend;
Notorious wasted, tomboy;
What's the commission, creator
To be a father to an adult daughter!

2) (D. II, I. 2)

“That’s it, you are all proud!
Would you ask how the fathers did?
We would learn by looking at the elders ... "

"Oh! My God! he's carbonari!"

"A dangerous person!"

“What does he say! and speaks as he writes!

“He wants to preach liberty!”

“Yes, he does not recognize the authorities!”

“And I don’t want to know you, I don’t tolerate debauchery.”

“Here they roam the world, they beat the buckets,
They come back, expect order from them.

3) (D. II, I. 3)

"You'll be kicked
Under court, they will give you how to drink.

4) (D. II, I. 4)

“... Andrey Ilyich, the late son:
Does not serve, that is, he does not find any benefit in that,
It's a pity, it's a pity, he's small with a head,
And he writes and translates well.”

5) (D. III, I. 21)

“For a long time I wonder how no one will tie him up!
Try about the authorities, and no one will say anything!
Bow a little low, bend over with a ring,
Even before the monastic face,
So he will call a scoundrel! .. "

“I went after my mother, after Anna Aleksevna:
The dead woman went crazy eight times.”

6) (D. IV, I. ​​15)

"Insane! what the hell is he talking about here!
Worshiper! father-in-law! and about Moscow is so menacing!”

V. Other persons about Chatsky:

1) (D. III, I. 10), Khlestova:

“... What is he happy about? What's the laugh?
Laughing at old age is a sin ... "
“I was tearing at his ears, only a little.”

2) (D. III, I. 15 and 16), G. N. and G. D.:


3) (D. III, I. 16), Zagoretsky:

“... He was hidden in the insane by his rogue uncle ...
They seized me, into a yellow house, and put me on a chain.
So, they let them off the chain, ”

"He's crazy"

Countess granddaughter:

“Imagine, I noticed myself;
And at least bet, you are with me in one word.

(I. 19) Zagoretsky:

"In the mountains he was wounded in the forehead, went crazy from the wound."

(I. 20) Countess grandmother:

“Yes! .. he is in pusurmans!
Oh! cursed Voltairian!"

(I. 21) Khlestova:

"He pulled champagne glasses."


"Learning is the plague, learning is the cause..."

4) (D. IV, I. ​​7), Princess:

“... it’s dangerous to talk to them,
It's time to ban...

I think he's just a Jacobin..."

According to Famusov, and, I think, according to the entire Famus society, Chatsky is a perverted person; and his perversion is expressed in this: in speech, in actions - in everything, and he is perverted by that, that he sees all the injustice, unrighteousness, precisely the very perversion of Famus society. What dares, moreover, to express his opinion. "He's carbonari!" Famusov exclaims. “He is a Jacobin,” says the princess. And no matter how they call Chatsky, but everyone comes to the conclusion ... more precisely, Sophia came to the conclusion, and then as a joke, in revenge, and the rest of society agreed with this conclusion - in general, Chatsky went crazy. But this is not so - and we know it very well. He was simply smarter than his time, he was ahead of him and fought with the old orders, exposing them in a sophisticated and cunning way ... He opposed himself to the whole society; he fought with him...in the end, he comes to the conclusion that only time will change these people. Then he leaves to wander - again:

“Get out of Moscow! I don't come here anymore.
I'm running, I won't look back, I'll go looking around the world,
Where there is a corner for the offended feeling!
Carriage for me, carriage!”

But what did Chatsky leave behind, what did he change? After all, Famus society has remained Famus society! Or has he planted a seed, a seed of freedom that will soon bear fruit?
Chatsky, being a sensitive and, moreover, a witty person, uttered all sorts of “barbs”, accused the Famus society for not being able to understand him, for not wanting to change, and that it mocked him. He tried on a special role - the role of a judge, an exposer of vices, of all this injustice that is piling up and surrounding this whole society. So has anything changed? It is impossible to answer this question, just as it is impossible to answer the question: “Will this person be a talented poet? - and the person has not yet been born; has not yet grown - it is still only in its infancy ...