What brings profit all year round. Profitable business on regular coffee. Lotteries and bookmakers

Many articles, biographies, trainings and brochures are devoted to the topic of business in the 21st century. Almost every source of information discusses current business problems: lack of awareness of entrepreneurs and inability to see opportunities. However, self-discipline and detailed knowledge in a specific area are not a 100% guarantee of success. Still, every time has its own relevant business ideas.

Let's assume that you have a desire to learn and see opportunities. All that remains is to choose a field of activity that is not only capable of bringing good income, but also has prospects for development in the future, and will also allow you to survive in the market for a long time.


The current areas of business today, as always, are trade, production, services, Agriculture. Each of them has its own characteristics, pros and cons, based on which you can make the right choice for yourself.

Benefits of Trade

In trade, it is important to be able to find suppliers with the most low prices. The only disadvantage in this type of activity is the need to make constant purchases; accordingly, you need to have a cash reserve. Although suppliers today are ready to make concessions and defer payment until you sell part of the goods. With a skillful approach to trading, you can earn 100-200% profit. As an example, let’s look at specific and relevant business ideas.

We focus on the needs of modern people

Increasingly, people began to yearn for comfort, and the standard of living in Russia has increased. Therefore, corresponding products, such as bed linen, will become in demand. It can be purchased in bulk from manufacturers and sold in your city at the market price, which is usually twice as high. The same can be said about furniture. Factories for its production will be only too happy to open new point and delegate to you all sales powers, especially if the goods of this factory are not yet presented in your city.

Goods that satisfy basic human needs: food and clothing will always sell well.

Can be considered as a product and medications. Brought up on advertising, active and always capable, modern man needs them no less than food and clothing.

Current ideas in production

You will be surprised, but many things can be called production. The main thing is to follow this principle: you take raw materials and create a product from it. Even if you take it ready tomato paste and add a little salt to it, a couple of spices, call it ketchup with the original name and pack it in your container - this activity will be considered production. By moving this way, you can make a profit of up to 400%. The most relevant business in this area is an atelier or bakery.

Winning service ideas

Providing services as economic activity has one big advantage: you will need to invest either only once, or constantly at a minimum. All the value is in your knowledge, professionalism, service.

Old as the hills, but as necessary as air

In the world of brands, highly qualified services and customer service, agriculture does not lose its relevance. Let Newest technologies They will be in your service, and then things will go well. For example, a greenhouse business (growing cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, herbs) allows you to sell goods in large quantities to markets and stores. Became original and very profitable today quail business: The birds do not require special care and are guaranteed to lay eggs, which are sold at high prices. In certain regions of the country, beekeeping or bumblebee breeding will be relevant.

Electronic business

All methods of making money through
Internet. We think there is no need to say how widespread computer technology is today, and what role the World Wide Web plays in the life of every person. Today's current business awaits you online: unique articles and online consultations from certified and practicing specialists will always be in demand. All more people make purchases through online stores and order services or food delivery through website services.

What does the state prefer?

It is obvious that the state is interested in the development of entrepreneurship in the country. Hence all kinds of subprograms within which subsidies are awarded. And everyone can get them if they choose " priority" Current business in Russia, according to the state, may be as follows.

  1. In manufacturing: manufacturing services (e.g. wood products) and folk art(a handmade product, such as beaded jewelry).
  2. In the service sector: medical practice, education and social help, as well as tourism organization.
  3. agriculture, fishing.

Current small businesses can be built in other areas, but they will not receive financial support from the state. In addition to the listed areas, priority today is also innovation activity- This is a different approach to providing already known goods or services. And since such activity is encouraged and promises untold income, it is worth considering this issue in more detail.

Well forgotten old

Business today is based on preferences modern man and the state’s ideas about them. Therefore, following a path unknown to anyone is a huge risk, but at the same time the only path to development. Original ideas can be drawn from well-forgotten old projects: recycling waste paper, glass containers - and in modern design this will be a large-scale recycling facility. Another option: making barrels, etc. Or take something really new, like the manufacturers of edible glasses did, or the Japanese company that created a bus with individual cabins.

So that the idea lives

Of course, finding a business idea is the main step forward; everything else is a matter of technique. And for this idea to survive in the market space, it needs to be carefully thought out.

Firstly, work on the quality of goods or services, bring it to perfection (delivery service, high-level service, pleasant atmosphere, etc.). Then we can talk about a new trademark. And that means about a new level of business (promising small or already medium business with several retail outlets or representative offices in different cities, and maybe even countries). Isn't this the ideal outcome of the plan?

Secondly, the idea must contain a twist - something that will distinguish you from your competitors (and they exist in any type of business). Unique offers for clients, own corporate culture, which each employee adheres to, etc. You can choose one highly specialized area or, conversely, provide a wide range of services (or a diverse range of goods).

Using these methods, you can create relevant ones even in a niche market.

Let's give an example. Food products will always be in demand. We take one product - everyone’s favorite pizza (we buy it inexpensively from manufacturers). We are adding a courier delivery service and hiring a dispatcher. And we get 150% profit. IN big cities you will have to compete with competitors due to unique offers and product quality. In small ones, it will be necessary to spend time to accustom the population to a new type of service. In any case, the idea is “worth the candle.”

Thus, focusing on the needs of a modern person, creating a relevant business today is not a problem. You can come up with a lot of ideas in each direction. It will be much more difficult to bring them to life. But, as they say, if there is a desire...

Currently, such sectors of the economy as large and small businesses are developing rapidly. It is difficult to imagine the life of Russians without cafes, restaurants, shops and cinemas. Most of these establishments belong to individual entrepreneurs and bring them a lot of income. Small business is very popular today. It includes many different areas and industries in which you can invest. The most common and profitable are the following: trade, service and entertainment, farming, Internet business and so on.

You can open a successful business without investing big money. currently in Russia, namely in Moscow? It is impossible to give a definite answer. Let's take a closer look at the most profitable business in Moscow. Moscow is the largest metropolis, where all areas of entrepreneurship are developed and there is very strong competition. Due to all this, the question arises of which ones are the most promising and are in great demand here.

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Main directions, documents for starting a business

Business in Moscow is not an easy matter.

The main ideas of entrepreneurship are as follows: a good idea might be to open your own store in Moscow, a cafe, or a restaurant.

A very profitable business in trading movable and immovable property. Having your own small beauty salon, including a hairdresser, will also be beneficial. Since Moscow is a very large city, the capital of our country, due to this it can become very relevant. IN big city There is always a shortage of natural and healthy products, and agriculture can solve all these problems.

Whatever business is organized, first of all, a new entrepreneur needs to register with the local tax service as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first option is the most optimal, since in this case you can save some money, and the number of papers to fill out will be less. It is necessary to keep in mind the fact that when registering as an individual entrepreneur, it will be possible to provide services only individuals. To open your own business, you need to collect Required documents, namely the conclusion of the fire and sanitary-epidemiological services, local territorial property management.

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Opening your own store

You can start a business by creating your own store. This could be a grocery store, a clothing store, a jewelry store, a department store, or a large shopping mall. The most profitable and profitable option is a grocery store. These establishments are in constant demand, so they bring regular profits to their owners. This is very profitable business. Most important point it involves creating your own business plan, which will clearly describe all further work. It should include: choosing a location, purchasing equipment, collecting necessary documentation, determining pricing policy, organizing operating hours, and so on.

The first step is to register with the Federal Tax Service. Then rent a room. Building a store from scratch is not recommended because it will require a lot of money. Great importance has received permission from the sanitary-epidemiological service. Grocery stores are public catering establishments, and they are closely monitored by the sanitary service. This is carried out in the form of preventive and ongoing sanitary supervision. During this process, compliance is determined technological process and construction of regulatory documentation. Planned events are held every 3 years.

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Purchase of equipment

What store can operate without equipment? Of course, there is no way without this. You will need: refrigeration equipment, display cases, shelving, food storage containers, cash registers, microwave ovens and similar equipment. But before this, you need to install all the necessary means of communication, namely electricity, heating, water supply, sewerage and waste disposal systems, air conditioning. Storage conditions for products, especially perishable ones, are of great importance.

To create a profitable business, you need to hire service personnel. The staff of the store should include a manager, a personnel manager, cashiers, a cleaner, a security guard, and a loader. All personnel must wear special clothing. Since food industry workers belong to a decreed group, they are required to check the availability of personal medical records, the frequency of medical examinations and tests. In order to do so, you need to decide on its location. The most profitable option is to locate it in central areas with heavy traffic.

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Opening a farm

What business, besides shops, cafes and restaurants, is most profitable in Moscow? Your own farm outside the city can bring profit. There are very, very many options here. You can breed large and small cattle, poultry, rabbits, and pigs. In addition, growing agricultural crops (cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries) is popular. Beekeeping and reproduction with subsequent sale of flowers can bring great profits. The first thing you need to do is decide on the direction. Among other things, you can breed animals for several purposes: for selling young animals, for meat and other raw materials.

First you need to determine the scale of the farm and the number of livestock if you plan to breed it. All further work, expenses and profits will depend on this. If you breed a large cattle, then you don’t need to build a farm from scratch, just find an abandoned farm and rent the land. To buy livestock you will need a lot of money. One cow costs from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. Large sum money will be spent on food and equipment. It will be necessary to purchase equipment for feeding feed, dispensers, and devices for removing and removing manure. In addition, you will need your own transport to sell products. You can sell meat, milk and other products both at the market and donate them to nearby outlets and restaurants. But you need to know that purchase prices are often low. A large farm will require several workers: milkmaids, livestock specialist, manager, butcher, cleaner and, of course, a veterinarian. Animals require certain living conditions.

Over time, the main types of profitable business in Russia were determined. These areas of activity should be considered first by budding entrepreneurs, especially if there is high level knowledge in a specific area.

The areas of small business presented below allow you to receive maximum income with a limited staff. For most entrepreneurs, this approach is the most preferable.

Individual auditors

The services of such specialists will be in demand at any time, so even a financial crisis does not greatly affect their income. In addition, many clients try to cooperate with the same person or company.

To run a successful business you will need:

  • good economic knowledge;
  • ability to competently prepare financial documents;
  • skills in working with popular computer programs;
  • English language proficiency.

Attention: offered . The institution has developed quite profitable programs and services for doing business.

Accounting services

Accountants are no less in demand. Almost all services of these specialists are highly valued. However, it is worth noting that competition in this area is very high. For a successful business to thrive, customers are necessary, so advertising plays an important role.

The following services can be provided:

  • calculating wages for workers;
  • consulting on various issues;
  • maintaining accounting policies;
  • preparation of primary documents and reports.

A competent person will give you the opportunity to compete in this field of activity. You can cooperate not only with small companies, but also with large organizations. Everything will depend on the quality of the services offered and the level of promotion of your own activities.

Advertising business

With the development of business activity in general, the number of competitors increases. Advertising starts playing everything big role. Any type of profitable business in Russia today is impossible without it. Even to promote a small business, a basic advertising campaign is needed.

Often one specialization is chosen:

  • promotion of goods and services directly on the Internet;
  • creation and placement of printed products;
  • holding special promotions at various events.

Attention: are especially popular, because organizing such activities in many cases does not require large initial investments.


Agriculture can be considered a fairly attractive direction. In Russia, a wide variety of food products are grown for sale, as well as raw materials intended for production workshops. Huge prospects are opening up in the field of crop production and livestock farming.

You can study not only traditional areas. A non-standard solution, for example, is . For this purpose, special pools are purchased and fry are purchased. If necessary, you can make containers yourself.

Another good option is. Can be cultivated different kinds, but it’s better to start with unpretentious varieties - honey mushrooms or champignons. For their cultivation some special conditions are not required, so problems rarely arise.

Sales of essential goods

Inexpensive products that fall into the category of essentials are sold fairly quickly. The main focus is on small shops in residential areas of cities. You don’t need to invest a lot of money to open them. Such outlets pay for themselves very quickly and fare well in the competition.

Toys, stationery and clothing sell well. There is always a need for personal hygiene products. Various food products and household items are also selling well.

Rental Property

One of the types of profitable business in Russia is the rental of residential and non-residential premises. Renting out apartments, garages and plots of land is quite profitable. No negative changes are expected in this area in the near future.

Money can be invested in hostels, small hotels or hostels. They are in demand among tourists, students and people on business trips. Expensive hotels are gradually fading into the background in terms of profitability and payback.

Specialized clinics

Clinics that specialize in minor surgeries, examinations and cosmetic procedures are becoming widespread. It is quite expensive to maintain such establishments, but the prices for the services offered fully cover all costs incurred.

The location of the institution plays an important role. The ideal option involves opening a clinic in a busy location at the same distance from residential areas. The premises are selected taking into account the number of services provided. You will have to spend quite a lot on equipment, but with the right approach it will quickly pay for itself.

Small lending

Many citizens turn to microfinance organizations to receive a sum of money for a certain period. The activities of such companies are considered the most profitable, in contrast to banking institutions. This is one of the profitable types of small business.

Profit will depend directly on the volume of loans and Money attracted to issue loans. To create your own microfinance organization, you need to clearly understand the legislative framework. The main advantage over banks is a simplified loan issuance scheme.

Investment consulting

Often a business is built on investment consulting. Specialists conduct an analysis of financial assets, on the basis of which certain characteristics are determined and specific recommendations are given. They develop a management strategy.

Consultants must do the following:

  • assess the market situation;
  • calculate the economic effect;
  • prepare accompanying documents;
  • carry out comparative analysis.

On a note: worth paying attention to. Some of them involve obtaining a fairly high income for beginning entrepreneurs.

Law office

Another type of profitable business in Russia involves maintaining your own law office. Theoretically, even a person who is far from jurisprudence can open it. However, it is best to engage in this type of activity if you have a professional education.

A small business in the form of a law office is profitable. Many citizens need legal assistance. On initial stage You can rent a room and purchase only the necessary equipment for the office. Advertising plays an important role, so you will have to spend money on posting information about the company.

Public catering place

Snack bars, cafes, coffee shops and hot food outlets bring good profits. When organizing such establishments, you can do without large investments. Such catering establishments pay for themselves very quickly. The main difficulty lies in choosing a place to open.

For food outlets, you should purchase only high-quality products. Then there will be no problems with clients. It is necessary to understand that the conditions in which food preparation will take place must comply with the standards. Otherwise, difficulties may arise with the SES.

Property valuation

To determine the price real estate, many people turn to a specialized organization. After examining the property, specialists give a professional assessment, taking into account all the main factors. The methods largely depend on the type of property.

You can specialize in only one area:

  • land;
  • Residential Properties;
  • commercial properties;
  • Construction in progress.

For your information: can become a source of stable income. More and more people are starting to trade. There are many advantages to this type of income.

Construction and repair

You can make a good profit when carrying out construction and repair work. To provide services at the individual level, there is no need to obtain a license or join self-regulatory organizations. You just need to decide on your field of activity.

There are many things you can do:

  • finishing of buildings;
  • installation of roofing coverings;
  • pouring foundations;
  • renovation of residential premises;
  • assembly of frame houses;
  • installation of fences and barriers;
  • construction of baths.

Insurance agency

The insurance business is quite a profitable undertaking, despite the high level of competition. You can offer clients a large number of services. People can insure not only property, but also life, bank deposits, and liability in case of an accident.

For an insurance agency, it matters how potential clients are attracted. Advertising campaigns should contain not only information about the organization, but also information about the services offered.

Vending business

Recently, the vending machine business has been actively developing. They are installed in various places with high traffic. With their help, completely different products are sold, and there is no need to hire a salesperson, since all the work is done by the machine.

The success of a business will depend on the correct implementation marketing research. You need to understand that the products that are supposed to be sold must be in demand in the place where the device is installed.

Let's sum it up

The types of profitable business in Russia listed above will help determine the direction of development of entrepreneurial activity. To increase the likelihood of success, it is necessary to choose profitable areas. In this case, the initial costs will pay off very quickly.

In small businesses, the main focus should be on the quality of the goods and services provided to end consumers. The competitive environment is of particular importance, so detailed marketing research should be conducted before starting.

Many people who decide to open their own business cannot immediately count on a large sum to create investments. Don’t despair - a business with minimal costs will come to the rescue. Using inexpensive but profitable ideas for business, at minimal cost, you can build a truly profitable business of your own.

Profitable ideas for business with minimal expenses - up to RUB 50,000.

Open a tea business

Tea products are in great demand and guaranteed sales. Profitability will be up to 600% (due to the lack of competition for real tea). You will need to open an individual entrepreneur, rent premises in a well-known supermarket and purchase popular varieties Chinese tea at cost.

Let's calculate the expected profit:

  • 20 tablets of pu-erh at a cost of 1 tablet - 40 rubles. = 4200 per day.
  • Tea tie guan yin at a cost of 200 rubles. for 100 gr. - approximately 3150 per day.
  • Da hong pao at a cost of 300 rubles. for 100 gr. When selling 700 grams per day at a price of 550 rubles. = 1750.
  • Oolong and others can bring about 1500 per day.

Thus, the total daily income will be 7,600 rubles, and the monthly income will be 228,000 (minus taxes and rent - about 200,000 rubles).

Daily subletting of apartments

Choose a 1-room apartment with a convenient location for those who rent housing for a short period of time (business travelers, tourists), i.e. near the railway station, exhibition center or airport. Next, resolve the issue with its owner and separately with each of the potential tenants, drawing up an appropriate agreement.

Even in the worst case, the profit will be 10,000 (i.e., a profitability of 100% per month). 10% will be spent on advertising (posting advertisements, printing in popular publications).

Cleaning the premises after changing clients also requires costs (20% is discarded for detergents, various updates and utility bills).

Total – 70% of monthly income (maximum – 120%).

City quest

The project consists of organizing a team adventure game that sets participants a certain goal towards which they move, receiving tips and completing tasks step by step. The winner is the team that completes the task first.

The average cost of city games is about 1,500 per team or 300 rubles. per person. Teams mainly consist of five people.

Even with a pessimistic forecast (based on a single game per day with the participation of 2 teams), you can get - 1500 x 2 x 7 = 21,000 per week, which means 84,000 per month.

Minus 6% tax on income 6% (5,040 rubles) and staff salaries (20,000 + 5% of profit - 24,200), we get 54,760 rubles. net profit for the month.

Making stamps

New companies or their branches are formed every day, and everyone needs their own seal. The goal of the business is to attract customers with offers for the production of high-quality stamps. To avoid problems with the law, the client must bring permitting documents along with the print layout.

In order to open this profitable business, you need the following equipment:

  • computer – 30,000;
  • printer – 5,000;
  • program for creating stamp designs - 2000;
  • exposure camera – 15,000;
  • car wash – 4,000.

Thus, to start you need 56,000 rubles. If the cost of a print copy is about 10 rubles, and the market value is approximately 250 rubles, the net profit will be 240 from one print.

Profit will depend on the number of clients (from 15,000 rubles to 2-3 thousand rubles monthly)

Installation and sale of GSM alarms

You can open another quick and profitable business with minimal costs. Advantages of the idea:

  • Not everyone has the opportunity to have their property protected by non-departmental services.
  • cellular networks are very developed and are becoming available even in remote suburbs.
  • GSM alarms have a budget price and are inexpensive to operate, which makes them attractive to consumers.
  • the ability to purchase wireless alarms on Chinese websites at a very low price (from $60).

They are sold on Russian websites at a cost of no less than $200 (only for the kit itself).

Ideas for investment amounts from 50 to 100 thousand

Restoration of baths

Installing a new bathtub is a costly process (dismantling, removal, repairs and subsequent installation). It is much more profitable to restore the old one. This can be done different ways, on which costs will depend.

Thus, materials for installing an acrylic liner will cost 4,500 rubles, and the profit from one such liner will be from 1,000 to 1,200 rubles. When installing 30 acrylic liners per month, the revenue will be 30,000 - 36,000 rubles.

The cost of liquid acrylic will cost about 2,600 rubles, and the profit from one bathtub repaired with this method is approximately 800 - 1,300. When repairing 20 baths using liquid acrylic, the revenue will be 16,000 - 26,000 rubles, i.e. when restoring 50 baths monthly, the profit received is from 46,000 to 62,000.

Development of applications for the social network "Vkontakte"

The Flash API platform is supported for programming VKontakte applications. In this format, you can build your own profitable business at minimal cost directly on the platform of this social network.

It may be different useful programs or games. Earnings are related to the number of votes (1 vote - 7 rubles). Creating a mega-popular application is difficult, but getting several thousand visitors in the first week is possible.

Not everyone can create an application, but anyone can submit original ideas professional programmers. So, by spending about 50,000 rubles, you can receive tens of thousands in revenue every month.

Windshield repair

The principle of operation is to fill cracks with a special polymer followed by ultraviolet treatment. As a result, the cracks in the car glass stick together and become almost invisible. When repairs are carried out correctly, the improvement in the appearance of damaged glass is usually 85%.

Repairing a crack often takes no more than 40 minutes, and the car owner pays 1/4 of the cost of new glass. The surest profit can come from unique glass: glass from large trucks and rare cars, as well as panoramic glass from buses.

Sale of oxygen cocktails.

The advantages of this idea:

  • free market for services - the niche is practically unoccupied and there is an opportunity to open your own profitable business and advance quickly;
  • perspective – starting small, you can come to a large-scale project;
  • popularity - oxygen cocktails are a popular product because their benefits are obvious (all systems in the body function much better after taking them).

Oxygen is not only drunk as a cocktail, but also inhaled, so it is better to offer these services in combination (headset and liquid cocktails).

The preferred form of sale is to open a mini-bar (a small bar counter with high chairs). The starting amount for launching is from 70 to 100 thousand rubles.

The cost of a serving is approximately 8 rubles. with a selling price of 50-60 rubles. per serving. The minimum sales volume for the project to generate income is 20-25 cocktails per day.

Production of keys

The scope of activity seems small, but the demand is stable and has the expected income.

To open your own business, you will need to rent a small room and certain equipment (2 machines - for making keys and programming them for intercoms). The cost of the machines is about 60,000 rubles. and higher.

Templates for keys will cost 3-18 rubles. Production of one key - 100-200. If you choose the location well, you can serve 10 clients per day (half of them need 2 keys). With an average price of 150 rubles. you can earn up to 2250 rubles.

Options with costs from 100 to 200,000

Coffee machines

The purchase of equipment is the main expense item in this vending business. The difference in the cost of new equipment and used equipment is almost two times. At the same time, the reliability characteristics are almost the same. Thanks to this great idea, you can not only open your own business, but also double your business efficiency, which will allow you to pay for each of the machines in six months.

For comparison, a new device will pay for itself only after a year, and a used device will not only pay for itself in a year, but will also bring 120,000 in profit.

Honey packaging business

To start, you need 120,000 rubles. – a machine for packaging honey will cost approximately this amount. Rent of premises - about 20,000 per month. One such honey packaging section requires 4 people to work (salary - 70,000)

During the season, even with 50% load, it will be possible to package approximately 45 tons of honey. When purchasing for 100 rubles. and a market price of 130 rubles, the profitability will reach 1.350 million.

The cost of plastic packaging for the entire volume will be 720,000 rubles. Even with 50% equipment utilization, this type of business is able to achieve full payback in the first working season, and bring the owner 270,000 (exceeding start-up capital more than 2 times).

Repair workshops for cell phones, smartphones and communicators

The start will cost up to 200,000 rubles, monthly expenses - up to 100,000 taking into account wages and procurement of components and spare parts.

Workshop earnings consist of markups on spare parts (usually above 100%). Money for work, as a rule, goes to the master’s salary. A good volume of orders (10 applications daily) will provide revenue of up to 300,000 rubles. per month.

In addition to the premises, like any service organization, the workshop should indicate its working hours, draw up a price list, and create a “consumer corner”.

After registering an individual entrepreneur, do not forget to take care of the fire safety instructions and job descriptions.

Production of plastic cards

Opening a profitable business with minimal costs is acceptable. There are plastic cards: credit cards, discount cards for stores, identity cards, cards for various clubs, etc. That is, your potential clients are stores, clubs, credit and banking institutions.

  • computer – approximately 30,000;
  • printer – 5000;
  • press oven for lamination and sintering – from 60,000;
  • card cutter - from 5000 (manual) to 60,000 (automatic).

The cost of the card is about 5 rubles. Selling price – about 30 rubles. Typically, the average order consists of 1000 cards. So, from one order your earnings will be 30,000 – 5,000 = 25,000 rubles. net profit

There are a lot of profitability indicators (more than twenty), so it is important to decide what profitability should be discussed when assessing the efficiency of a small business. Most often, in the case of small businesses, they talk about the profitability of production. This is the ratio of profit to the sum of the cost of fixed assets and working capital. It is this kind of profitability (unless the use of another concept is specifically indicated) that we will talk about in this article.

We know from classical literature and crime chronicles that the most profitable type of modern business is a simple robbery on the street. Even an income of ten rubles completely pays for zero costs. Profitability is infinite! But seriously, it is impossible to answer exactly the question of what type of business is now the most profitable. This follows from the very nature of entrepreneurship - a novice businessman strives to engage in the most profitable type of small business, and this increases competition and, as a result, reduces profitability.

Top advice on which one to choose promising business can be formulated this way: come up with a new human need and satisfy it.

The greatest profitability comes only from a completely new type of business. However, few can make such a discovery. If you are not a genius, then you still don’t need to despair. Can be analyzed current situation on the market, local conditions, their capabilities and conduct successful business activities. It is precisely the question of what types of business with minimal investment give the best return today and this article is dedicated to. Now everything is in order.

Forms and types of business

From school curriculum it is known what types of business and its forms exist. A lot of them. However, as for small businesses, production activities, services and trade should be distinguished. These are the types of activities that 90% engage in individual entrepreneurs. As for the forms of running a small business, these are individual entrepreneurship or a limited liability company. The advantages and disadvantages of these forms of entrepreneurship in relation to small businesses are described in special articles, so we will not dwell on this. Let us only note that if you want to work with industry, then it is better to be a VAT payer.