What is better to read for vocabulary development. Reading aloud for speech development

Eleonora Brik

Brain training is necessary for every person. Without load, problem solving, and information processing, the skill of thinking, analyzing, and reasoning is lost. To increase your intelligence you need to work every day. It is impossible by drinking vitamins or reading one book in a year. New information makes the brain think and increases IQ level. What to read for intellectual development, outlook and erudition?

Ways to develop intelligence

The IQ level depends on a person’s literacy, education, and innovative thinking. For intellectual development, train your brain daily. One of the ways to develop intelligence is by reading books. Select your bibliography carefully: best books For general development intelligence, vocabulary and speech in adults can really improve the quality of life. But modern detectives romance novels will not be satiated with information - such reading relaxes, but does not teach.

Before moving directly to the solution to the current topical issue"which useful books must be read for the development of the brain, consciousness, memory, logical thinking, competent speech?”, you should realize that the development of intelligence is impossible without acquiring the following skills:

Memory upgrades. Necessary for remembering information. Data is recorded and retrieved when necessary.
Increasing vocabulary. A conversation takes on an intellectual tone if the interlocutor knows how to speak beautifully. An extensive vocabulary helps to come across as an intelligent person.
Ability to think figuratively. Mentally stimulating audiobooks and intellectual reading that develop speech contribute as a person lives through the story described. Experience is formed, images are remembered, and in a similar case, information emerges and is used.

The skill of speed reading helps to absorb information and process tons of literature. Interesting intellectual literature for reading and developing the mind of an adult, books on self-organization and efficiency motivate, force you to follow your goals.

What books should you read to improve your intelligence?

Most intellectual sites offer a list of books for developing the mind, improving speech and increasing vocabulary in communication - such a list includes literature that touches on various areas of life. The development of memory, improvement of vocabulary and the ability to think is the basis that is used to process information: in order to become a well-rounded person, it is necessary to expand knowledge in the main areas.

Scientific works. It's about not about reference books and encyclopedias consisting of continuous incomprehensible terms. Read books that tell the story of the creation of the world, about natural phenomena, development of culture and art. Remember Darwin's theory, read Hawking's works on the history of time.
Philosophical literature. Science books built on theories, evidence and teach to understand the world. Philosophy is a branch that initiates into the secrets of human actions and actions, studies the thinking of people. Add to list philosophical literature Bible publications of various religions. Today, many are interested in Eastern authors and share their wisdom on social networks. Bright representative Eastern philosophy - Omar Khayyam and his Rubaiyat. Interesting to read, easy to learn by heart. Supplement your study of philosophy with books by the Strugatskys, Nietzsche, and Kant.
Works of art. Knowledge of the classics is like an exam in intellectual society. The smartest books for adults that develop the intellect, brain and personality will be useless without the foundation received in due time - the foundations are laid from school, a love of poetry and prose is instilled. If you missed this period without wanting to, then it’s time to catch up. Works of fiction help to replenish vocabulary and improve literacy. Start with the following books: “The Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov, “Forget-Me-Nots” by Prishvin, “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky, “Red and Black” by Stendhal, “War and Peace” by Tolstoy. The modern intellectual writer Dyusimbiev Gazinur and his stories will perfectly complement the list of classic works.
Historical books. Man is accustomed to comparing today's events with past ones. An intellectual is able to draw parallels to high level, because he knows the history of the development of his country and other states. Reading history books gives knowledge about significant events in the world and reveals the features of life famous people. History helps us understand life. Find works by popular authors: Lawrence, Bushkov, Yuri Mukhin.
Reading poetry. Poems are one of the oldest ways of transmitting information to descendants. The genre is light due to rhyme, euphony and beauty of speech. Constantly reading poetry helps improve memory and expand vocabulary. The works of Akhmatova, Shakespeare, Brodsky are suitable for the development of intelligence.

There is no specific list of literature for the development of intelligence. There are reading recommendations for schoolchildren, students, and applicants preparing to enter universities. The main thing is to develop reading skills. Use free time for information. Modern gadgets and audiobooks will come to help. Over time, you will notice that reading will become a habit. There will be a need to immerse yourself in fascinating world, filled with knowledge and discoveries.

List of books for the development of intelligence

The foundations are laid in school years. Therefore, many books have been published with a growing audience in mind. But it’s never too late to learn, gain knowledge, and train your memory. Intellectual development has no age restrictions. The main thing is the desire to become smarter and regularity of actions.

List of books for the development of intelligence:

“Intelligence training”, Rodionova A. After reading the works of this business coach, a person receives the following results: thinking processes are launched, vocabulary is replenished. The book is built on the principle of educational literature: read and implement. The author makes it clear that human capabilities are unlimited, it is never too late to achieve perfection. The reader is offered options for developing mental abilities.

"Develop your intellect..." Carter Philip's works include tests to help develop intelligence. Suitable for those who are ready to solve a variety of charades and puzzles. Practical exercises will help in the development of thinking, improve memory, and make a person more intelligent. The book is very addictive, the answers to the problems are given.
“Brain 100%.” The author will tell you how. U ordinary person he is in a dormant state. Watching TV series and doing monotonous work causes the brain to go into hibernation, and the skills acquired at school are lost. Olga Kinyakina suggests making the brain work. The book contains all the necessary exercises, tasks and problems to improve memory and develop intelligence. The intensive program promotes the development of thinking,...
"Basics of rote memorization." Zach Belmore's book is suitable for all ages. Moreover, for better assimilation of information and to achieve results, the author divided the book into chapters. Each section is intended for a specific age group. By performing exercises, a person learns to memorize large amounts of information and text. The memorization process is simplified and becomes arbitrary.

Recommended intellectual reading for the mind, good classic literature for speech development are a set of exercises for brain training. Just as a person needs water to live, the brain needs information for thought. Eat food for your mind every day by reading at least 1 hour a day.

What do smart people read for spiritual development and intelligence?

Literature that can trigger thinking processes and help activate memory is suitable. Wanting to increase their IQ level, many people rely on the number of books they read. If the plot is not captivating, the exercises described seem ridiculous and useless, then it is better to put the book down and move on to the next one. Just reading won't make you smarter, since the material will not be used in life.

Works of Edward de Bon. If you want to learn how to think differently, and are ready to break away from the standards, then start with the book “Six Thinking Hats.” While studying the material, you will have the opportunity to play. To get results, act and complete the author’s instructions. The book is interesting due to the inclusion of various life situations, to which the reader is invited to pick up his thinking hats. Practical exercises help make thinking original and non-standard. Another entertaining book by the author is “Teach Yourself to Think.” The plot is based on Edward's technique, which helps instill in the reader the skill of wanting to learn and develop. The proposed methodology is aimed at improving the thinking mechanism. The book can be called a self-instruction manual, as it includes 5 stages. Gradual implementation of steps leads to the desired result.
Books by Ron Hubbard. Good feedback received the book “Teaching Technology”. It is a textbook whose main task is to teach the reader to learn. People who followed the author's tips increased their intellectual level by 15%. Ron Hubbard is convinced that a person's IQ is formed from several components. And the main one is the ability to learn, or in other words, systematic acquisition new information throughout a person's life. In the book “Self-Analysis” the author focuses on human memory. If you don’t remember in time interesting fact or historical information, then there is no point in talking about intellectual development. The books you read will be forgotten after a few days if your memory is not fully activated. The book contains practical recommendations that help a person improve himself. Special attention The author pays attention to visual memory, believing that there is a possibility of its development.

"Memory development for dummies". The title of the book makes clear its main purpose. Before you start studying, take as a basis what universal and simple ways There is no such thing as memory improvement. To achieve results, techniques are combined. The more ways you use, the better the effect. Interestingly, the combination of methods brings results regardless of age. John Bogosian Arden, the author of the book, is confident that the properties of memory are the same in a student and a pensioner, and therefore can be developed in the same way.

Before you start reading books, check your level of intellectual development. There are tests on the Internet and suggested times for completing tasks. On your first playthrough, don’t rush to invest within the deadline. By answering test questions, you are already developing as you solve problems and puzzles. The data obtained will help you decide in which direction to move, what you lack: vocabulary, creative thinking, information memorization skills. Then start correcting the situation by studying and practicing the suggested books.


Given what people say, think and read in different languages, lists of intellectual literature from different compilers can vary greatly: It is impossible to create a universal list– it will be too voluminous. Therefore, always read, try to continuously and consistently improve your intellect - let this become good habit, prolonging life and improving communication with others. Read with benefit and pleasure!

17 March 2014, 15:32

Many people have at least once in their lives encountered an awkward situation when they were unable to express their own thoughts. Some attribute this to insufficient vocabulary. However, usually the problem lies much deeper. Books that develop speech are what you need educated person who wants to make the right impression on the audience.

Of course, to be a well-developed interlocutor you need to be well-read and literate. But it is also worth paying attention to the fact that people try to replace words with gestures and interjections. All this happens due to lack of communication. Society has forgotten how to express thoughts and feelings.

It's time to fight this. After all, starting hard work today, the first results will appear tomorrow. And to achieve this, everyone should know what books to read in order to develop speech. With this literature, everyone's life can change beyond recognition. Because people who know how to communicate correctly always attract others. Books that develop speech - an accessible source to get necessary knowledge. also help develop entrepreneurial skills.

“I want to speak beautifully! Speech techniques" from Natalia Rom

Excellent literature for those who are wondering what book to read to develop their speech. The basic principles of construction are described in detail here correct pronunciation. Books that develop speech are not boring volumes of endless rules. After all, authors approach their creations with reverence. It is important for them to convey the necessary information to the reader. Thus, Natalya Rom not only helps you speak well, but also teaches you how to hold the attention of your interlocutor.

The manual can be a good help to people in various fields activities. Because today many specialties involve live communication. Could there be anything better than an experienced employee who knows how to make contacts? Learn to speak clearly, and books that develop speech and vocabulary will help you do this efficiently and quickly.

“The Kama Sutra for the Orator”, Gandapas R.

The author was able to convey the meaning of his creation already in the title. He reassures readers that anything good is enjoyable, and speech should be no exception. The speaker is obliged to find a special, intimate connection with his interlocutors. The literature contains questions that concern many people, with detailed answers.

Books that develop speech and vocabulary are a real find for people who conduct various trainings or conferences. Public interest is half the success of any business.

If you are thinking about starting your own business, it will not be amiss.

“Tutorial on speech development. 1000 Russian tongue twisters for speech development”, Lapteva E.

Books that develop speech and vocabulary are presented in a wide range. This literature belongs to one of them. Here are some tongue twisters that will help you improve your pronunciation.

A modest Dictionary provides explanations of unfamiliar terms that everyone should know. This is an excellent guide for people of any age.

"How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere" by Larry King

Everyone, probably at least once, has thought about how wonderful it is to be able to find mutual language with strangers. But not everyone manages to do this in life. Constraint, awkwardness, make a person constrained.

However, Larry, the host of a famous American show, decided to help solve this problem. In his creation, the man shared professional tips on how to get rid of inhibitions, overcome stage fright, and make a stranger talk. The knowledge gained will definitely be useful in life.

“Secrets of good speech”, I. B. Golub, D. E. Rosenthal

These speech development books have become a real lifeline for many famous journalists and editors. The authors created such a brainchild that several generations have already learned.

Here are the main subtleties on how to properly stage a conversation. The book is written accessible language. The book is easy to understand for citizens of any age and social status. Now all the secrets of oratory will be revealed. After reading this book, you can...

Books that develop speech for children and smart parents

Books that develop speech should be offered from an early age. Moms and dads are obliged to find time for their children and develop communication skills, expanding their vocabulary from an early age. Only then can we count on the fact that in the future the child will be an excellent speaker and manager.

“Album on speech development” from Victoria Volodina

The correct manner of communication must be developed from childhood. And thanks to this guide, this will not be difficult to do. The manual is designed for children from 3 to 6 years old. At this age, children are drawn to knowledge and easily grasp information. Therefore, parents must seriously prepare them and lay a strong foundation.

It is worth noting that everything is thought out for children's education– this is not boring literature with continuous text. The pages contain colorful illustrations, which means young geniuses They will do it with great pleasure.

“Development of a child’s vocabulary: a textbook”, Svetlana Plotnikova

The manual contains the main problems associated with incorrect pronunciation of words in children. Every parent should know what features the vocabulary has at different ages. This is described in detail here. Therefore, mom and dad will be able to control the process.

Literature is an excellent pedagogical challenge for students, and will also be a good helper for many parents.

“Expanding the vocabulary of children 2-4 years old”, Kulikovskaya T.

Excellent literature for families with children, written by a speech therapist taking into account basic requirements. Here are the basics correct speech. Starting from the very basics to more complex tasks.

Such training should take place in every family, because it does not take about 15 minutes, but has a serious impact. With her, children learn basic phrases. Such reading material can be placed in libraries; institutions of this level are now in price. Parents will be interested in reading smart literature while the kids are frolicking.

“The baby starts talking. Development of a child’s speech from birth to four years”, L. Smirnova, S. Ovchinnikov, I. Pisareva

A book that should be in every home with little ones. Thanks to her, mothers and fathers will be able to give their baby the necessary knowledge. And thanks game form, learning will be a complete pleasure. Good for home reading, as well as for teachers and speech therapists.

Interestingly, everyone admits that their mothers and fathers have spent a lot of time educating them in the past. Therefore, there is nothing funny in the fact that it is necessary to motivate and develop a child’s speech from an early age.

“There is no beep”, Gromova O.

Special literature for teaching the youngest children. With its help, the baby will learn to pronounce basic words, make sounds, and learn the names of objects. Beautiful and bright illustrations will definitely attract the attention of children. There is also a recommendation for parents, which details how best to conduct training.

The richest and most beautiful Russian language allows people who speak it to express themselves in a variety of ways. Accuracy of formulation and beautiful speech depend on the vocabulary a person owns. The more words he uses, the more intellectually developed he is considered. Therefore, it becomes important to increase the number of words used.

Scientific vocabulary is called a lexicon, meaning words familiar to an individual, a group, or included in a language. It is conventionally divided into;

  • Active. The first group includes words used every day. They are included in both written and oral speech. A sign of an active vocabulary is free use that does not require additional effort.
  • Passive. Passive words include understandable words found in various sources, but not used in speech, or used, but extremely rarely. They are used when necessary, but it takes effort to remember.
  • External. The external lexicon denotes unknown words related to specific areas of knowledge. These are professional terms, neologisms, etc. It is hardly possible to make clear boundaries between these groups. They are rather shaky and fluctuate in one direction or the other. With growing up and mental development, the vocabulary grows.

So, if a child going to first grade speaks two thousand words, then in the last grade this number already grows to five thousand. For those who study and develop further, the vocabulary reaches 10,000 words or more. Then most of them belong to passive stock.

Erudite people sometimes speak even 50,000 words. But only a small part is used daily when communicating. The rest of the vocabulary is used only with intellectuals like him.

Exercises to expand your vocabulary

The following exercises are performed in written or orally.

  • Nouns. They tell a short story using only nouns. "Day. Work. End. Exit. Door. Key. Entrance. Car. Key. Ignition" and so on.
  • Verbs. The same thing that was told using nouns is repeated, only with verbs.
  • Adjectives and adverbs. Then comes the turn of other parts of speech.
  • Alphabet. Come up with related words, which sequentially begin with letters of the alphabet in order. “Alena talks in the evening, walking to the treasured spruce tree, gesticulating and eloquently cherishing the cute tender dandelions. Pasha follows nearby, dragging a convenient chrome flashlight, often catching the nimble chirping with an extravagant humorous language.”
  • Monophone. They come up with their own speech, the words of which begin with the same letter. Each of them is connected to each other, even if the meaning suffers.

It is not easy to do each of the exercises. But words gradually move from a passive vocabulary to an active one and it is replenished.

Techniques for expanding your vocabulary without extra time

Developing vocabulary is essentially necessary for voicing your thoughts, intentions, analysis and conclusions. This skill is strengthened by practice and weakened by its absence. Therefore, in order to develop your speech, you should constantly communicate. The growth of vocabulary is ensured: by learning new words that we hear from our interlocutors; precise definitions when words are translated from a passive vocabulary to an active one.

  • Therefore, it is advisable to communicate with unlike people. These are friends, neighbors, fellow students, comrades in gym. People meeting on the Internet on forums and pages social networks, travel companions and vendors also serve as opportunities for communication and as a way to expand your speech.
  • Another effective way replenish your vocabulary, which does not require special time - listening to audio books. This is relevant when you have to spend a lot of time on the road, driving your car, ideal for auditory learners (for people who better perceive information by ear). A variety of books are sold in this format: novels, aphorisms, and philosophical teachings. By recording it on a flash drive, you can now not get bored in a traffic jam, but listen to a fascinating story. It is convenient to listen to audio books before bed.

Replenishing vocabulary with time allocation

The following activities will help increase your vocabulary.

  • Reading. Reading is a rich source of information. Books, newspapers, online publications, magazines - everywhere there are inexhaustible reserves of replenishing the vocabulary. It is advisable to allocate an hour a day for this exciting activity. Sometimes it's good to say the words out loud.
  • Studying foreign language. Do not limit your vocabulary to knowledge of one Russian language. Others are also useful to study. How more people enriches his speech, the better connections are provided, and it is easier to recall words from memory.
  • Games. There are interesting and exciting linguistic games: charades, puzzles and the like. When they guess them, they inevitably become interested in the words and meaning.
  • Diary. Another useful activity- keeping a diary. When it is impossible to take foreign language courses, they write for themselves. This good way improve your vocabulary, because when taking notes, you formulate thoughts that are in the emotional and motivating spheres.
  • Memorization. Memorization makes it possible to introduce new words into the active stock. This is done by retelling what is heard, memorizing verses and definitions. It is one of the most effective methods of acquiring new knowledge.

For this it is important:

  • include new words in speech every day;
  • use a notebook, entering intricate statements, words, phrases with clever expressions;
  • study the essence of new words by adding visualization techniques;
  • memorize poems, quotes, sayings, etc.

Improving your vocabulary requires conscious action. For achievement beautiful speech constant training is required. Ignoring new words will not give them a chance to enter the active or passive vocabulary. It turns out that those who want to expand their vocabulary and enrich their language should make regular volitional efforts for this.

Many people read books to pass the time, many to get some information or to “plunge” into another world, and there are those who read books to increase their vocabulary and improve their skills. It is this kind of literature that we will talk about.

To develop your mind, flexibility of thinking, and increase your vocabulary, you should not waste time reading mediocre novels, stupid fantasy books, etc., it is better to choose complex but useful literature. So, let's look at several categories of books that help expand your vocabulary and develop your intellect.

Scientific literature

Don't be intimidated by this title; these books don't have to be an encyclopedia filled with obscure terms. Focus on literature about art and culture, about society and man, about nature; books that explain unusual phenomena occurring around us will be very interesting and useful. By reading such literature, you will gain new knowledge that will certainly be useful to you in life. Here is a small list of books to start with:

  • A. Migdal “From guess to truth”;
  • E. Kandel “In Search of Memory”;
  • F. Stephen "The Book of General Errors."

Serious art literature

Good works of fiction are based on philosophy, history, psychology, so when reading such literature a person not only plunges into new world, but also develops speech, improves thinking and memory. Besides art books vaccinate good taste, here are some of them:

  • L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”;
  • M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”;
  • I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”;
  • E. Hemingway “The Old Man and the Sea.”

Philosophical literature

Philosophy is one of the main sciences about human existence, although in modern times this genre is not that popular. In fact, such books will be very useful to read, because philosophical works They teach us to understand people’s desires, life, and help us understand ourselves. Also, these books are great for improving vocabulary and developing thinking. By the way, in addition to the usual for us classical philosophy, do not forget about religious teachings. The Bible, Koran, Mahabharata, etc. will not only be useful, but also very interesting to read. Start getting acquainted with philosophy with the following books:

  • O. Khayyam “Rubai”;
  • I. Kant “Criticism” pure reason»;
  • F. La Rochefoucauld "Memoirs".


Most people do not take this genre seriously, believing that poems are only needed to conquer the weaker sex. However, this is not so, because poetry teaches eloquence, teaches imaginative thinking etc. We recommend reading:

  • W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet";
  • I. Brodsky “Collected Works”;
  • A. Akhmatova “I learned to live simply and wisely”;
  • N. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'”;
  • M. Lermontov “Demon”.

Historical literature

Reading historical literature, there is an opportunity not only to have a good time an interesting book, but also learn a lot of new things, discover for yourself facts from the past that will help you better understand the present. Some people consider history a very boring genre, but there are many books that describe historical facts in the form of exciting stories. In addition to new knowledge, historical knowledge is perfect for developing vocabulary and correct speech. Here's a short list.

The most effective way to improve and enrich your speech is to read books. This helps better than various videos and courses, because developing vocabulary is the basic stage for improving your speech. This is a necessary step; With a large vocabulary, you will be able to support almost any conversation, become more confident in yourself, and learn to express yourself more correctly.

Not all books are equally useful. Of course, it is possible to get something new from each, but in this article you will look at books differently - from the point of view of improving vocabulary and speech development.

Most serious works of art was studied at school. This was not done in vain: while reading the classics, a person becomes acquainted with the basic concepts of morality, with the basic life principles, history, culture, expands his horizons with various terms.

Majority modern literature has become stereotyped and primitive - in classical fiction you will find much more useful thoughts and expressions to enrich your language. Your speech will sound more refined and correct. It is not for nothing that it is believed that the best books that develop speech are classic books.

Pay attention to the following books that develop vocabulary:

  • F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, “Idiot”;
  • M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, “ dog's heart", "Notes of a young doctor";
  • I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, “Notes of a Hunter”, “Noble Nest”;
  • L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”, “Sevastopol Stories”;
  • E. M. Remarque “Three Comrades”;
  • D. London "Martin Eden".

The last book, by the way, is partly autobiographical. It is useful to read such books - you will be able to feel the author’s era from the inside, appreciate the historical and cultural situation of that time and better understand other works of this writer.

Scientific literature

Scientific literature is not at all boring books about new research by scientists. Often, such materials, which simultaneously develop speech and vocabulary, help to better understand what is happening around.

You will definitely come across new terms, thanks to which you will learn to explain what is happening more competently and concisely. From the outside you will look like a person savvy in scientific field, which will undoubtedly add points to you as an interlocutor.

  1. about evolutionary biology - R. Dawkins “The Selfish Gene”, “The Greatest Show on Earth”, “The Blind Watchmaker”;
  2. about psychology - E. Muir “Self-confidence”, D. Ariely “The whole truth about lies”, R. Cialdini “Psychology of influence”;
  3. about physics and mathematics - D. Derbyshire “Simple Obsession”, M. Kaku “Physics of the Impossible”, S. Hawking “Three Books about Space and Time”;
  4. about political science - E. Fromm “Flight from Freedom”, N. Machiavelli “The Prince”.

Get a subscription to scientific journals, newspapers. Scientific discoveries- a very interesting and surprising topic. Speech improves through variety: you need to read books different styles so that the vocabulary is more extensive.

In addition, this way you will allow your brain to rest - it needs to be constantly “switched” between types of learning activities so that the effectiveness of your aspirations does not decrease.

To begin, choose the direction that interests you most. And then read the book in a direction you never understood - you will discover a lot of new things if you don't close the volume in the first pages and have patience.


Many people don't take poetry seriously. But this genre works wonders in terms of developing beautiful speech and thinking. It is not for nothing that during the ancient competitions oratory recited poems by famous poets of that time.

Poems develop memory, teach you to express yourself easily and clearly. In an unfamiliar situation, you will quickly remember the right words, and in an argument you will not remain silent on the sidelines. Poetry sharpens diction. It’s not for nothing that people who have problems with pronunciation and are looking for an answer to the question: memorize poetry - it’s like a type of tongue twister, only more meaningful.

Be sure to read:

  • Shakespeare's sonnets;
  • poems by A. S. Pushkin;
  • A. A. Akhmatova - collections of poems “Evening”, “The Running of Time”, “White Flock”;
  • M. Yu. Lermontov “Demon”;
  • I. A. Brodsky “Collected Works.”

An undoubted advantage of poetry is the variety of topics. There are poems about love, about nature, space, science, people's lives, society - this will undoubtedly quickly improve your horizons.


This genre is no longer as popular as it used to be. But we must not forget about him; philosophy is a whole storehouse of knowledge about how a person works, how he interacts with the world. You will learn more about yourself, your thinking, and learn to perceive society correctly. Often, after reading philosophy, a person completely changed his worldview - he became completely different.

Check out these books:

  • I. Kant “Critique of Pure Reason”, “Critique of Practical Reason”, “Fundamentals of the Metaphysics of Morals”, “Critique of the Faculty of Judgment”;
  • F. Nietzsche “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”, “Beyond Good and Evil”, “Antichrist”;
  • Aristotle "Metaphysics";
  • A. Schopenhauer “The World as Will and Representation.”

Philosophy is not given to everyone. It is quite possible that you like books of a different genre. It doesn’t matter: you can develop speech using almost any source. However, philosophical materials can be an excellent start for those who have consciously decided to change their lives for the better.

Special literature

In addition to reading fiction, scientific literature, poetry, philosophy, there are special books that develop speech. You can read such guides gradually, applying the advice in practice, or you can simply take notes on the chapters.

Don't neglect practical exercises. If they are present in the book, it is advisable to fulfill them. Such advice helps overcome isolation and stage fright; they increase self-esteem many times over. All of this affects how you express your thoughts.

Natalya Rom “I want to speak beautifully! Speech techniques"

The author gradually examines all the components of beautiful speech. Breathing, voice, diction, orthoepy - this is discussed in the first chapter of the book. These concepts are interrelated and form the basis. The first exercises begin immediately - on voice training, correct breathing, to warm up the ligaments.

Elena Lapteva “Tutorial on speech development. 1000 Russian tongue twisters for speech development"

Goats climb into the vine during a thunderstorm - goats gnaw the vine during a thunderstorm.

Who can pronounce this tongue twister without stuttering? If not for you, then open this collection. Step by step you will learn to control your diction; even the most difficult tongue twisters will seem easy to you. The book contains bright illustrations: it is suitable not only for children, but also for adults. There will be enough tongue twisters for a long time.

Larry King "How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere"

If you have completed the previous books, then it is time to move on to this one. Larry King has created a fascinating guide to overcoming awkwardness and gaining self-confidence. The exercises are presented unobtrusively - through the prism life stories, situations familiar to everyone.


Dictionaries should not be underestimated - they also significantly increase your vocabulary, like special books for speech development. Just open them from time to time, remember the expressions using associations. This way they will be remembered better.

Pay attention to the following dictionaries:

  • Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A. “Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms”;
  • Dahl dictionaries.

Books can significantly improve your vocabulary and develop your speech. Which one is better to choose is up to you, but it is advisable to read something that relates to classical fiction or modern scientific literature. Don’t forget about philosophy, poetry, and special literature for speech development.