Tickets for the ball in the Pushkin Museum. Reviews about: Family New Year and Christmas balls in an old Russian estate (State Museum of A.S. Pushkin). Tickets for the Christmas tree in the Pushkin Museum. How to buy tickets

From December 20 to 30, 2016 and from January 2 to 7, 2017, the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin invites you to Family New Year and Christmas balls in an old Russian estate.

This year we invite our young guests to plunge into the world of ancient English legends and fairy tales. During the New Year and Christmas our literary museum will open for its visitors a magical fairytale treasury full of wonders and secrets.

NEW YEAR'S BALLS IN THE STATE MUSEUM OF A.S. PUSHKIN.NEW YEAR'S BALLS IN THE STATE MUSEUM OF A.S. PUSHKINA. Everyone who comes to the museum will have to see for themselves that mysterious miracles in an enchanted forest from an ancient legend no less than on the island of Buyan. An insidious spell awaits the beautiful English princess, just like the young Princess from Pushkin’s fairy tale. And to save her, knight Roland will need courage and perseverance no less than the hero Ruslan.

NEW YEAR'S BALLS IN THE STATE MUSEUM OF A.S. PUSHKINA. Our young guests will have to fight the hero of many English legends - the dragon and his no less terrible Russian brother folk tales- Serpent Gorynych and save their captives - the Beautiful Lady and the Princess. NEW YEAR'S BALLS IN THE STATE MUSEUM OF A.S. PUSHKIN.Then our young guests will find themselves in an ancient library in noble estate and will restore a beautiful ornament in an ancient book, learn how one could become a real knight and how to wear knightly armor correctly, unravel the confused plots of Russian and foreign fairy tales and dance a cheerful court dance. Then the young guests will enjoy a fabulous performance based on ancient English legends about the young knight Roland, his beautiful sister Ellen and the treacherous elf king.

At this time, adult guests will have to leaf through the “encyclopedia of Russian life” - the novel “Eugene Onegin.” NEW YEAR’S BALLS IN THE STATE MUSEUM OF A.S. PUSHKIN. and find out what words “don’t exist in Russian” and why, look into the library of the poet Vasily Lvovich Pushkin’s uncle and get acquainted with the episodes literary life Pushkin's era, find yourself in the place of a medieval knight and his Beautiful Lady and comprehend all the subtleties of courtly behavior and the rules of writing ballads, become participants in the salon game "Living Pictures", bring to life on stage some plots from Shakespeare's plays and become guests of a cheerful court ball and dance.

Our holiday ends traditional ball around the Christmas tree.

We invite you to take part in a wonderful and exciting celebration!

At Family New Year and Christmas Balls we will be happy to welcome parents and children from 6 to 11 years old.

Duration of the program is 1 hour 45 minutes.

Please note that entry to the celebration is only half an hour before the start of the ball, strictly by tickets.

A ticket is required for both children and adults.

The ticket is valid for one person, regardless of age.

The ticket price includes the performance and a gift.

Festive clothing is encouraged.

Replacement shoes for children are required!

You can take photographs of children during the program, except for the performance, which is not allowed.

You can go to the site’s box office yourself or place an order on the website

New Year tree in the Pushkin Museum is an unforgettable theatrical holiday that will introduce children and adults to the culture of Pushkin’s time and become a journey into the world Pushkin's fairy tales, antique folk epics and Slavic mythology. Traditionally in the center large hall They will install a real fluffy Christmas tree, around which Santa Claus will conduct a ceremonial round dance.

Christmas tree in the Pushkin Museum- one of the most unusual New Year's performances. There you will be able to feel like a participant in a solemn social reception from the time of Alexander Sergeevich and for one evening plunge into the realities of the 19th century. Adult visitors New Year's holiday will be able to take part in ancient parlor games, taste real mead, maintain a high-society conversation and dance a minuet.

But, of course, the New Year tree will first of all become a unique holiday for young visitors to the Pushkin Museum. A unique recipe has been prepared for them. interactive program, dedicated to the characters of the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and including training in ancient

Dances of the Pushkin era. The continuation of the festive evening will be a musical performance based on the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by Pyotr Ershov.

And finally tickets for the Christmas tree at the Pushkin Museum will allow you to attend a real ball, which will take place in the large hall of a wonderful mansion on Prechistenka. This old Russian manor in early XIX century belonged to the Khrushchev-Seleznevs, who gathered all the Moscow nobility for magnificent balls and receptions. And although there is no exact information about Pushkin’s visit to this house, it can be assumed that the poet visited the hospitable house on Prechistenka.

The final chord of the New Year's evening will be a fancy dress competition and the presentation of long-awaited gifts by Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Tickets for the New Year Tree at the Pushkin Museum will make a wonderful gift for children aged 5 to 10 years. The performance at the Pushkin Museum is designed specifically for spectators of this age. You can purchase tickets for this unique festive evening right now on the website of the TicketService company.

We invite you to take part in a wonderful and exciting performance!

In the coming season 2019 - 2020, during the New Year holidays, the State Pushkin Museum invites children and their parents on a bright theatrical journey through the fairy-tale space of medieval knights. Just like 200 years ago among the noble society, Greeks will again be in great fashion in the halls of the museum, and classical antiquity will become a role model.

Many centuries ago, tales of the exploits of the knight Beva from Anton or Bovo d'Anton traveled throughout Europe. In Russia, this knight was called Bova the Prince; the legend about him was read and retold for several centuries, starting from the 16th century. Popular folk tales about the “precious hero” were published in hundreds of editions until the beginning of the twentieth century. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin also listened to the fairy tale about Bova the Prince as a child. Many years later, the poet, writing “The Tale of Tsar Saltan,” borrows a lot from the ancient legend and even makes sketches for the poem “Bova.” In the 2018-2019 season, we invite museum guests to become wandering storytellers - troubadours, trouvères, buffoons - to try to retell the legend of the knight Beauvais again. On children's interactive platforms, young museum guests will get acquainted with the legendary heroes from Russian epics, warrior-heroes from Russian stories and chronicles, learn about the heroes' magical assistants - the hero's horse, the enchanted sword and words of wisdom, explore the family tree of A.S. Pushkin, prepare a gift for Santa Claus and dance a heroic dance near a real live spruce tree at the New Year's ball. During the fabulous performance, young guests will not only learn the plot of the legend about Bova, but will also become his faithful assistants in his exploits.
We invite adult guests to walk through the halls of the museum exposition and exhibition halls, and also meet New Year with gypsies, take part in a comic “fist fight”, boast like a hero at a festive feast, and also learn a lot of interesting things about the culture and life of Russia in Pushkin’s time.

New program of New Year's balls 2019 - 2020 at the A.S. Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka.

All guests will be taken on a journey to the country that Alexander Sergeevich himself dreamed of as a child: “under the sky of Africa,” in the country of “poor Yorick” and “where it smells of laurel and lemon”; everyone who comes to the holiday will discover the philosophical secrets of the Celestial Empire and find the seven gems of Eastern poetry.

Children will enjoy a fabulous performance based on the myths and tales of Ancient China.

Will end the New Year holiday program a meeting with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, cheerful dancing around a nine-meter living spruce tree and, of course, gifts for all guests prepared by the museum especially for this performance.

new ones first

Family New Year's ball in an old Russian estate in State Museum A.S. Pushkin - Kira and I have chosen this New Year’s event for the 3rd time. The New Year's ball includes a program for both children and adults. The last two times we were delighted with this Christmas tree.

This year, to be honest, my impressions are mixed. I will say right away that this time I liked the children's part (at least the one that I saw) much less than the program for adults, which was at the time when the children watched the play.

So, the theme of the ball was China and Chinese culture.

First, all the ball participants gather near the fountain. Here children are divided into groups. It doesn’t matter what group the child is in; he will still go through all the stages, and then end up at the performance and in a round dance around the Christmas tree.

The ball begins with the children's part; At this time, parents keep their children company.

This time there were only three sites, 10 minutes each. At the first site we remembered the animals that Chinese culture symbolized something. One child’s task was to show this animal without words, and the rest of the participants had to guess it.

At the second site we talked about what people took with them on trips during the time of A.S. Pushkin. This platform is connected with China by the fact that the great poet dreamed of traveling around the world, but, as far as I remember, he never visited anywhere.

On the third playground, the children learned a dance to a song about a Chinese hard-working bird.

Actually, 30 minutes flew by too quickly and it seemed to me that the children did not have enough. The children were taken to the performance and the program began in person for adult visitors.

Some of the sites for adults are repeated from year to year, but this still does not make it any less interesting.
A short excursion into the history of the house, a story about the exhibition in several rooms of the museum.
Eeeeeee! Everybody dance! This time we learned the cotillion in the Chinese style. As always, fun and perky :).

Theater stages. This time, as always, it was a story about love that needs to overcome all obstacles; about the treachery and betrayal of royal persons. The parents happily plunged into the theatrical performance and, as always, it was very cool :).

Game of Stoss. On a real card table. The loser had the opportunity to win back if he answered the question correctly. The questions were not easy at all.

This is the end of the adult program. And at this time the guys were already dancing around the Christmas tree. Our group arrived last and it was impossible to see anything in the third row on the balcony :(.

Well now:

There are three playgrounds in total; last year there were four sites and they were much more interesting and varied. It is even possible that each site was longer than 10 minutes. The organizers explain the reduction in playgrounds by the fact that after four playgrounds, children get tired. In my opinion, this is doubtful, especially if the age limit is met.

In past times, some children's playgrounds were located in the halls of the museum, where museum exhibitions. This time only one of the three sites was like this. Perhaps this is reasonable; after all, children’s activity and museum exhibitions are not compatible.

I don’t know what the procedure should be when children outside the age limit are brought to an event. We had a child in our group, I don’t know, 2-3 years old; The child, it seemed to me, didn’t even speak properly yet. Mom kept trying to persuade her daughter to come forward so she could see everything.

As planned by the organizers, the New Year's ball ends with a round dance around the Christmas tree. Our group arrived last and it was impossible to try to see our child :(. This time, somehow, several parents broke through and they definitely weren’t the parents of very young children. When other parents wanted to go to the tree, naturally the security did not let them in.
I approached the administrator to find out why there were parents near the Christmas tree and the security did not ask them to vacate the premises, but the rest were not allowed in. Last time there were no parents at the tree. The administrator pretended to listen to me carefully, but did not do anything and, at the first opportunity, was distracted by her own affairs.

Everything is very well organized: there are no queues in the wardrobe; They give you a bag for shoes: extra chairs are provided. At the exit, it is strictly checked that each child leaves with an adult. Another important thing: juices and water are taken away at the entrance.

Gifts for children and adults. Children's gifts are mostly not sweet, but useful and educational.

I really like that there is a program for adults, because during the New Year’s children’s marathon of Christmas trees there is no time to think about your vacation. New Year's event within the walls of a museum is always atmospheric and unusual.

Reflecting on the impressions of last year and this year, I will think for a long time whether we will go to the New Year's ball next year or make a choice in favor of another New Year's event.

Family New Year and Christmas Balls in the old Russian estate-museum named after Pushkin - New Year's party, educational quizzes, exciting attractions, Christmas story, games, New Year's ball, card tournaments for adults - and all this in the spirit of the Pushkin era!

  • Venue of the Christmas tree: Pushkin Museum, Prechistenka 12, Moscow
  • Date: please call for details
  • Gift included in price child ticket. There are no sweets in the gift! Book, games and other souvenirs.
  • The cost of a ticket with a gift is 4000 (child) and 6000 (parent + child set).
  • The ticket is valid for one person, regardless of age.
  • Duration of the program is 1 hour 45 minutes.
  • The museum asks you to wear fancy dress and replacement shoes. Recommended age for children is 3-11 years.

New Year tree in the Pushkin Museum. Tickets for the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree at the Pushkin Museum 2018-2019

For many years now, the New Year tree in the Pushkin Museum has been one of the most popular and prestigious holidays, which is interesting to people of the most different ages- both for schoolchildren and adults.

New Year's party at the Pushkin Museum. What is this?

The organizers of the Christmas tree begin careful preparations for this event long before the start of the performances, and this makes the program especially coherent and interesting. The New Year holiday is divided into several plot parts.

At the beginning guests are given a tour of the Pushkin estate museum, and a very dynamic thematic quiz is held, from which all guests are completely delighted. Both adults and children enjoy guessing the riddles of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. During this part, all guests receive a mass positive emotions and get to know the masses interesting facts from history, in particular the history of the estate. The quiz ends with the presentation of memorable prizes, which will remind you of a great evening at the Christmas tree in the Pushkin Museum for a very long time.

Second phase dedicated to the New Year's performance. Traditionally, this is a fairy tale story that teaches children kindness and spiritual beauty. The plot of the Christmas tree is not complicated, but it is easy to understand and perceive for both children and adults. And the immersion in the world of a fairy tale is so deep that it is difficult to distinguish what is real and what is fantasy. The New Year's performance at the Pushkin Museum is so fantastically colorful and interesting that time will fly by unnoticed, leaving only delight and grains of goodness that will forever settle in the hearts of the audience.

After watching the fairy tale Various competitions and attractions have been prepared for children and adults, which will be held fairy tale characters. They will teach ballroom dancing to everyone - etiquette will be explained, dances will be demonstrated, and as a result, an enchantingly beautiful demonstration performance will be held. It was with its amazing ball that the Christmas tree in the Pushkin Museum won the hearts of millions of children and adults who take part in it with great pleasure from year to year.

Adults will also receive personal attention from the hosts of the holiday: they will also be able to take part in the performance ballroom dancing, but there will also be an opportunity to take part in card games. Parents will have the opportunity to take part in a small performance that will be held during the celebration. No one will be bored! Everyone who visited the colorful christmas tree at the Pushkin Museum, you will find an exciting activity to suit your interests. There will be no dissatisfied or “loitering” spectators. The organizers of this New Year's holiday are true masters who, with great love and skill, will create the atmosphere of Pushkin's time: magnificent costumes, expensive decoration of the hall, entertainment and games - all of them came from the era greatest poet silver age and are relevant even after centuries.

Tickets for the Christmas tree at the Pushkin Museum. How to buy tickets?

In order for you and your children to be able to take part in this exciting holiday, you need to book a ticket to the Christmas tree at the Pushkin Museum in advance. Buy a ticket to New Year's performance not only children need it, but also their parents. Our company offers you such an excellent opportunity. Avoiding additional hassle and unnecessary spending of money, you can order through our website any number of tickets for the Santa Claus holiday at the museum. Tickets to the Pushkin Museum for the Christmas tree can be purchased with delivery both in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Tickets for the Christmas tree can be purchased in the following ways: order on the website, as well as using the order form, or call the call center operator.