(!LANG:Baiterek is the history of creation. Baiterek is a symbol of Astana. What do you think about this

Monument "Astana-Baiterek" (Astana, Kazakhstan) - description, history, location, reviews, photo and video.

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The beautiful and majestic monument "Astana-Baiterek", whose name is translated from Kazakh as "poplar", rises above Astana like an amazing futuristic tree. Made of metal, glass and concrete, with a long trunk topped with a dense spherical crown of glass, Baiterek shimmers in different colors in the sunlight.

Everything in it is beautiful and symbolic: both the height of 97 m (with the ball - 105 m), and the golden sun in the crown, and the internal content - the monument is divided into three zones, personifying the three foundations of the universe.

Nursultan Nazarbayev once said that a person who has climbed to the top of Baiterek gets an amazing opportunity to soak up the spirit of the Kazakh steppes.

The history of the creation of the monument

Like many other remarkable buildings of the country, Baiterek owes its idea to the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, who sketched his idea on a paper napkin, which is carefully kept in the collection of the Museum of the First President to this day.

"Astana-Baiterek" is a metal structure 105 m high and weighing over 1000 tons, which stands on 500 piles. The ball crowning the structure with a diameter of 22 m and a weight of 300 tons is made of chameleon glass, which changes color depending on the sunlight.

Astana-Baiterek owes its idea to the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, who sketched his idea on a paper napkin.

The author of the project is the famous English architect Norman Foster. The construction project was led by architects B. Islamov and A. Rustembekov. Together with a team of talented designers, engineers and designers from 1996 to 2002. in the center of Astana, they erected a huge and beautiful building, which became a symbol not only of the city, but of the whole of Kazakhstan.

In 2002, the Astana-Baiterek monument was awarded the Grand Prix according to the results of a competition held by the International Association of the Union of Architects (IASA) of the CIS countries.

Meaning "Astana-Baiterek"

In addition to its visual symbolism, Baiterek is conceived and implemented with a special meaning and philosophical significance. According to the legends of the ancient nomads, the Ishim River symbolizes the World River, and on its left bank stands the Tree of Life, the role of which is played by Baiterek.

In accordance with the idea of ​​the Tree of Life, personifying the Universe, Astana-Baiterek is divided inside into three zones. At the lower, underground level there is a cafe, aquariums and an exhibition-gallery, where paintings by the famous painter Yerbolat Tolepbay are presented.

The middle level, called the earthly one, is the tower itself, inside which high-speed elevators run, raising the guests of the monument to the heavenly level - inside the glass ball, where there is a bar and large panoramic halls, allowing you to see the capital at a glance, in the prime of its youth and beauty.

Astana-Baiterek is a completely unusual building that has no analogues in the world. In shape, it resembles a golden sun in the crown of a tree. In his compositional solution, the cosmogonic ideas of the ancient nomadic peoples about the structure of the world found their expression. According to their ideas, the World River flows along the junction of the worlds. On its shore grows the Tree of Life - Baiterek. Its roots hold the earth, and the crown props up the sky. Thus, it is divided into three zones: its roots go deep into the underworld, the trunk is in this world, and the crown belongs to heaven. Once a year, Samruk arrives - a sacred bird. She lays her egg, the Sun, in the crown of the Tree of Life. He, in turn, is devoured by the huge dragon Aidakhar, who lives at the foot of the Baiterek Tree. Symbolically, this means the change of seasons, as well as the eternal struggle between Good and Evil. The monument is also divided into three zones, representing the three foundations of the universe. And the shape of the tree is a symbol of a state that has managed to preserve its historical roots, standing on a solid foundation and looking to the future. The total height of the structure, together with the ball, reaches 105 meters, its weight exceeds a thousand tons. The diameter of the ball is 22 meters. It is made of chameleon glass, which changes color depending on the ambient light. The lower level of the building goes underground for almost five meters. There are cafes, a mini gallery and aquariums. From there, you can take a panoramic elevator to the very top, inside the ball, where there is a bar and an observation room. From here a wide panorama of the whole city opens up and everyone can be convinced of the large-scale transformations taking place in the young capital of sovereign Kazakhstan. The author of this masterpiece of modern architecture is Norman Foster, and the idea of ​​its creation belongs to the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The Baiterek monument in Astana is a unique building in the capital of Kazakhstan, created on the initiative of the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. This is a popular place among tourists, as it offers breathtaking panoramas of the city. The tower, made in a futuristic style, is located on the left bank of the Ishim River.

Construction under the project began in 1996 and ended in 2002. The full name of the monument is Astana-Baiterek. Construction materials - metal, concrete, glass, the structure rests on 500 piles.

Monument characteristics:

The height of the metal structure is 97 meters, the weight is more than 1000 tons.

The ball is 22 meters in diameter and weighs 300 tons.

The total height of the monument is 105 meters.

Surprisingly, the design expresses both devotion to historical roots and confident movement forward towards a new future. It turned out a harmonious combination of modern technologies and spiritual ideas that reflect the past, present and future of the country.

Symbol of Astana

The monument is recognized as a symbol of the city, as it was erected in honor of the landmark event of 1997: the proclamation of Astana as the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan (previously the capital was the city of Alma-Ata). "Baiterek" symbolizes more - the transition to a qualitatively new stage in the life of the country's citizens. Since the change of the main city of the state certainly entailed many innovations.

In general, the monument reflects the idea of ​​the World Tree. Accordingly, it is divided into three levels of the world:

  • Underground: the lower level of the monument is underground at a depth of 4.5 meters. There are cafes, aquariums and the Baiterek mini-gallery with works by Kazakh artist Yerbolat Tolepbay.
  • Terrestrial: The middle level of the tree is panoramic glass elevators leading up.
  • Heavenly: at the top of the monument there is a ball, in which there is a bright, spacious three-level panoramic hall and a bar. The ball is made of chameleon glass, which changes color under sunlight. Here, for the first time in the world, a ball of this size was installed at a height of 97 meters. Around the ball are metal rods that look like tree branches. By the way, there are exactly 101 of them - as well as the number of nationalities in Kazakhstan.

The word "Baiterek" from Kazakh is translated as poplar, support or protector.

It is not for nothing that such an architecture and structure of the building was chosen: here you can best feel the modern aspirations of the young capital and observe its changes with your own eyes. It is from the panoramic elevators and from the observation platform at the top that you can see all the beauty of the new look of the city.

An important part of the monument is the artistic composition "Ayaly-Alakan" ("Caring Hands") - this is an imprint of the right palm of the first president of the republic. It is set at a height of 97 meters to emphasize the connection with the year of the beginning of a new period in the country. The imprint expresses the desire for a peaceful life, friendship and harmony. A large number of people come to touch the palm of the president.

Nearby is another composition - "Bata", symbolizing the unity of religions. It is a wooden globe, on which representatives of 17 world religious denominations have left their signatures. Their meeting took place in 2003 in Astana.

Excursions around Baiterek are conducted in Kazakh, Russian and other foreign languages.

In the halls of the monument, many significant events are held - cultural and official state ones.

Panorama inside the monument:

Legend of Baiterek

According to the legends of the ancient nomads, the World Tree grows on the banks of the World River, which runs at the junction of the worlds. The tree supports the sky with its crown, and holds the earth with its roots. This is one of the ideas of ancient people about the structure of the universe. The world tree is also associated with human life: the roots are the connection with the ancestors, the trunk is real life, and the crown is what will remain to the descendants. The design of the tower corresponds to this ancient legend.

Entrance ticket price

The cost of the entrance ticket to the monument "Baiterek":

  • adult ticket - 700 tenge.
  • children's ticket (for children from 5 to 15 years old) - 300 tenge.

Is free Certain categories of citizens can visit the monument if they have supporting documents:

  • children under the age of 5;
  • participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
  • mothers of many children;
  • disabled people of I, II groups and children with disabilities;
  • children with disabilities;
  • orphans;

Group III disabled persons upon presentation of documents receive a 50% discount.

Working mode

You can visit the monument every day. Opening hours depend on the season:

  • from May 01 to August 31 - from 9:00 to 22:00.
  • from September 01 to April 30 - from 9:00 to 21:00.

Pay attention to the time of technical breaks: 13:00 - 13:30.

How to get to the monument "Astana-Baiterek"

"Baiterek" is located near the highway leading to the airport. The monument can be reached by public transport:

  • Bus: stop "Baiterek" (on Dinmukhamed Kunaev street), No. 10, 12, 18, 21, 28, 29, 35, 46, 50, 52, 70.
  • Bus: stop "Baiterek" (on Turkestan street), No. 50.
  • Bus: stop "Ministry of Defense" (on Dostyk St.), No. 12, 18, 28, 32, 40, 50, 51, 52, 56, 60, 104.
  • Bus: stop "House of Ministries" ( avenue Mangilik El), No. 12, 15, 18, 19, 21, 28, 35, 40, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 54, 56, 60, 61, 70, 100, 101, 102, 104. Walk from the stop along the alley of singing fountains.

You can get to the monument by taxi: popular services Uber, Yandex. Taxi, Maxim.

Panorama of the square near the monument:

The monument "Astana-Baiterek" is considered the symbol and the main attraction of Astana.

The monument is a tall metal structure with a huge ball on top. The height of the building is 97 meters and marks the transfer of the capital from Almaty to Astana in 1997.

Why only the last 2 digits of the year are taken and what to do if the capital would be moved, for example, in 2001, is not reported.

The idea of ​​construction belongs to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev. The tablet standing at the base of the monument conveys all the salt of the construction of the structure: “Baiterek, with its location and compositional structure, expresses the cosmogonic ideas of the ancient nomads, according to whose legends the World River flows at the junction of the worlds.”

It is very entertaining to watch the Kazakhs who arrived in the southern part of Kazakhstan and read this legend in Kazakh.

Full text of the legend

At night, the monument is spectacularly illuminated:

Photo from weber.narod.ru

In 2002, at the opening of the monument, the President of Kazakhstan said: "Anyone who rises here will absorb the steppe expanse of Kazakhstan and the vastness of our state."

I could not miss the chance to absorb the expanse of the steppe. I go up on a high-speed and silent elevator to a height of 86 meters, where the panoramic hall is located.

From here you have a beautiful view of the city under construction. Sorry for the quality of the photos. In a good way, it would be necessary to get out, wipe the glass, and then take pictures.

View of the exhibition complex, a complex of administrative buildings and unfinished business districts

View of the presidential residence, the Senate and the government

View of the Ministry of Defense

There is a payphone at the top (“Mom, hello! I’m calling you straight from Baiterek!”). There are even evacuation plans hanging on the walls. Why they are needed is not clear if something happens, you can really run only to the elevator.

In the center of the panoramic hall there is a wooden globe with 17 petals signed by 17 representatives of various world religions.

Next to the globe on a chic table is a “wish fulfillment machine”: inside the copper hemisphere is a cast of the palm of the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev.

It is believed that if you put your palm into the print, then the "music of the heavenly spheres" begins to play. At this point, you need to have time to make a wish.

Of course, I didn't stand on the sidelines. He did everything, but did not hear the music of the heavenly spheres. Probably the wish will not come true.

A good end to the inspection was the testing of the toilet, located at a height of 86 meters.

The high tower of Baiterek is one of the most popular tourist sites in the city. At the top of this monument there is a spacious observation platform in the form of a circular hall with a bar. Wonderful views of the city blocks of the new Kazakh capital and the picturesque Presidential Park open from here. Some travelers come to Baiterek specifically to admire the beautiful modern Astana from its upper part.

In the center of the observation hall is a wooden globe, which is surrounded by 17 "petals" signed by the heads of the world's religious denominations. It symbolizes the loyalty of the modern Kazakh society and its openness to different approaches in the name of solving the common problems of mankind. Nearby, an unusual monument "Careful Hands" is exhibited, where you can see the imprint of the right palm of President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

A model of the central part of the city is placed inside the tower, and guides in several languages ​​tell tourists about the history of Astana and plans for its development. There is also a shop where guests can buy original handicrafts and souvenirs with Baiterek symbols. In the large observation halls of the monument, official events and receptions are held. And on the square that surrounds the unusual monument, street exhibitions are regularly held.

Symbolism of Baiterek

In the traditional culture of the East, monuments and architectural structures are always symbolic. Baiterek was no exception. As conceived by its creators, this tall monument conveys the idea of ​​a three-level World Tree, which underlies the worldview of the ancient nomads. This system of views reveals the eternal struggle between good and evil and the antagonism of life and death. The model of the world in the form of a huge tree connecting the lower levels (the world of the dead), the middle world (all the living) and the heavens is typical not only for Kazakhstan. It is characteristic of the peoples of different countries and speaks of their common cultural and historical roots.

The monument is located near the Ishim River, which flows through the whole of Astana. In the context of Baiterek, Ishim symbolizes the World River, carrying its waters at the junction of life and death. The basis of the monument is the Tree of Life, which grows out of the Earth and supports the Sky with its branches. This huge Tree in the cosmogonic representations of the nomadic peoples who inhabited Kazakhstan since ancient times, embodies the idea of ​​Good.

A large, eagle-like bird Samruk flies to the spreading crown of the Tree, which should lay a golden egg there. This is how the ancient Kazakh epic describes the Sun, the eternal giver of life and hope. And below, at the foot of the Tree, the ever-hungry dragon Aidakhar sits, which is among the Kazakhs a symbol of the arrival of night and the change of seasons.

History of creation

The project of a unique structure was developed by the President of the Kazakh Union of Architects, Professor Akmurza Rustambekov. For the construction of Baiterek, an original foundation was prepared, consisting of 500 piles, and a huge amount of excavation work was carried out - 8.6 thousand cubic meters. m. Finishing, engineering and special works were carried out by 23 subcontractors.

Construction started in 1996, and in 2003 the monument was unveiled. The author of Baiterek managed to achieve his goal and embody the harmony between the ancient spiritual culture of the Kazakh people and modern technologies, symbolizing the country's striving for the future.

Design features

Baiterek is made of concrete, steel and glass and rises 105 meters above the streets of the city, which is comparable in height to a 34-story building. The total weight of the monument exceeds 1 thousand tons.

The monument is decorated with a huge glass ball mounted at a height of 97 m, having a diameter of 22 m and weighing 300 tons. The number 97 was not chosen by chance. It symbolizes 1997, which became a new starting point in the history of Kazakhstan. The ball is made of "chameleon" glass, which can change its color depending on the angle of incidence of sunlight. And the total glazing area exceeds 1.5 thousand square meters. m.

In the underground floors of Baiterek, deepened by 4.5 m, there are aquariums and an art gallery, where the works of the famous Kazakh artist Yerbolat Tolepbay are exhibited. Downstairs you can also have a great time in a cozy cafe. High-speed panoramic elevators are laid through the core of the structure - the "trunk" of the tower, with the help of which visitors rise up - to the observation hall.

The unusual monument is so popular that copies of it have already been installed in two other cities of Kazakhstan. A copy of Baiterek reduced by more than three times is located in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, in the east of the country. It weighs 22 tons and reaches 28.5 m into the sky. The second copy adorns the square of the 50th anniversary of the city of Ekibastuz, in the Pavlodar region.

The memorable silhouette of the monument is depicted on the commemorative coin of 50 tenge, which was issued in honor of the 10th anniversary of the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana. In addition, Baiterek can be seen on Kazakh paper banknotes of 10 thousand tenge.


The monument is open to visitors all year round. You can get inside it from 10.00 to 21.00 in the low season (from October 1 to April 30), and from 10.00 to 22.00 in the high season, when there are more tourists in Astana (from May 1 to September 30).

An adult ticket costs 500 tenge, a child ticket (from 5 to 15 years old) - 150 tenge. Children under 5 years old can visit Baiterek for free.

How to get there

Baiterek is located at the address: Astana, Levoberezhye, 1, not far from the highway leading to the airport. Several buses and fixed-route taxis go here (Baiterek stop).