Abraham Russo, who is his nationality. Singer Abraham Russo - biography, personal life story: His wife is more hot-tempered than me! Real name and stage name

Always raised a lot of questions. His exotic appearance, pleasant oriental accent, and beautiful songs attract the attention of numerous fans. This singer has a huge number of hits. And he continues to amaze the audience with his talent. We will talk about the biography and origin of this artist in our article.

Version No. 1

The nationality of Abraham Russo became a real stumbling block for Russian viewers and listeners. The fact is that our hero, like a whirlwind, burst into domestic show business. His first hit - “I Know” - blew up all the charts. He stayed at the highest level for three whole months. Of course, everyone was wondering who this amazing singer was and where he got such an interesting accent. Exciting information immediately appeared in the media. The artist called himself a native of Cyprus. His father is Greek, his mother is Turkish. For some time the family lived in Syria. Abraham got his beautiful biblical name because his parents were very religious. The celebrity himself even had the opportunity to study for two years within the walls of the monastery.

Version No. 2

So that the nationality of Abraham Rousseau was not subject to doubt, he was credited with extraordinary linguistic abilities. They say that the artist managed to learn Russian in just three months. The fact that the singer knows several languages ​​is by no means a myth. However, as it turned out, he could have learned Russian long before arriving in our country. According to the second version, the singer’s parents are Syrians. He was born in the city of Aleppo in 1969. His father, a French legionnaire, died when the boy was seven years old. The future artist, along with his mother, brother and sister, was forced to immigrate to France. There he spent several years until he became seriously interested in singing. Then he began traveling around the world in search of good money, until he ended up in Cyprus, where he met a famous Russian entrepreneur.

Version No. 3

Information about Abraham Russo's nationality became more transparent when the public learned his real name. His name is Abraham Zhanovich Ipdzhyan, according to some sources - Efrem Zhanovich Ipdzhyan. The singer was found here too. To all the journalists’ suspicions that his surname was very reminiscent of an Armenian one, he replied that his, although not euphonious, but ancient surname was connected with the craft of his distant ancestors. “Ip” from Turkish means thread. And the artist’s forefathers had a thread factory. And Jean is connected with the name of his father - Jean. This is how the surname Ipdzhan came about.

However, soon this legend began to come apart at the seams. In 2010-2012, Abraham got tired of fantasizing, and he honestly admitted to his fans that his parents were Armenians. It’s just that with such a pedigree it would be much more difficult for him to get promoted in Russia. Regarding the sonorous surname - Russo - the singer also has several versions. IN different years he attributed it either to his father or to his mother. Abraham is the most beautiful version of his name. No one doubts that the name Abraham Russo makes a much greater impression than Abraham Ipjian. But why it was necessary to disguise one’s origin in such a way is still not very clear to fans.

Intrigues and omissions

It seems that the artist himself is sick and tired of the question of Abraham Russo’s nationality. The singer sometimes simply refused to answer it. One day he flared up, declaring that he did not have to shout at every corner that he was an Armenian. They say that he is a representative of Russian show business, and this should be enough for the public. But on tour in Armenia, on the contrary, he became emotional and said that his parents were also of Armenian nationality. They left their homeland during the genocide, after the Great Patriotic War. However, in the artist’s biography there is not a word about his nationality. On his official website this issue is also carefully avoided. It turns out that the ethnicity of the “Eastern prince” remains a beautiful mystery.

Personal image

When wondering what nationality Abraham Russo is, one should remember that the general public is not supposed to know some details. After all, the artist’s appearance on the Russian stage was staged on a grand scale. Glitter, luxury, beauty, a duet with Kristina Orbakaite herself, the acquaintance and patronage of Alla Pugacheva...

In fact, the singer pulled out his lucky ticket when in Cyprus he made a personal acquaintance with businessman Telman Ismailov. He invited the talented singer to Moscow. After several performances in restaurants, Abraham met Joseph Prigogine. The producer took up the task of promoting the bright talent and on this path surpassed himself. In the 2000s, Russo strongly resembled another superstar, Tarkan. The Turkish performer was very good, captivating with both his voice and temperament. However, Abraham was in no way inferior to him. His strong and at the same time soft vocals immediately appealed to Russian listeners. For final success, the singer needed only a beautiful legend. And she appeared. It was partially negated by her fellow workers. There is a well-known joke by Maxim Galkin, who, when asked about the nationality of our hero, once answered live: “I’m a fellow Odessa resident, but, unlike Abraham Russo, I don’t pretend to be a Cypriot.”

Assassination attempt

In 2006, a tragedy occurred in the life of Abraham Russo. The biography and nationality of the singer lost all meaning in the eyes of fans when they learned that they could lose their favorite. The artist’s car was shot up literally two steps from the house. One bullet hit him in the shin. The singer ended up in intensive care, was treated for a long time, and fought to save his leg. He had to learn to walk again, but everything turned out well. In his later interviews, he hinted that showdowns with some powerful enemies could end very badly for him. One day he was severely beaten and his nose was severely damaged. The artist had to leave for the USA with his family. The wife was four months pregnant, and Rousseau was very afraid that she would lose the child from excitement. Now we know that everything turned out okay. Now the artist is raising two daughters - Emanuella and Ave Maria.


In 2009, Abraham Russo returned to Russia. The nationality and religion of the singer are still controversial. It is known that he did not forget about creativity, but became extremely religious. The artist became a reader in the Church of St. Nicholas in Italy. In addition, he obtained an audience with the Pope himself. After this meeting, no one had any doubts about what faith the artist adheres to. In general, he can be called a man of peace. He knows eight languages, quickly gets used to any country, and knows how to respect foreign culture. We wish him further creative success.

Abraham Russo is a famous pop singer with Syrian roots, winner of numerous music awards. Many fans are familiar not only with his work and continue to love his songs, but also follow his biography and are interested in his personal life and children.

The fate and creativity of the singer are of great interest to readers. At one time, Abraham Russo traveled all over the world, and he can freely communicate in 13 languages. This unique artist has always been loved by women; no one could resist his voice and charm.

Biography and personal life of Abraham Russo

The artist's life began in Syria, where he was born in 1969. He had a hard time as a child. His father passed away early when the boy was in first grade. Soon the family had to move to France for permanent residence. There is no official information about the ethnic roots and nationality of the singer. Many consider him a Jew, but the presence of Armenian blood on his mother’s side is also possible.

Abraham Russo in childhood

After several years, they were faced with moving again. They settled in Lebanon, where Abraham was sent to study at a closed boarding school. The series of moves did not end there, and soon the family returned to their homeland.

So that the boy would not get bored and at least do something, his mother took him to vocal lessons. It became clear that Abraham definitely has the ability to sing, and he has a comfortable and brilliant future.

His first performances took place in bars and cafes; the guy was then 16 years old. Abraham sang songs in different languages, and visitors really liked his charm and vocals. This way he earned money to provide for his family. After his first successes and earned money, Abraham realized that he wanted to connect his life with music and definitely become famous.

Famous singer with his mother

The artist’s youth was spent in constant travel. Thanks to his perseverance and desire to win, he achieved great success in the musical field. He worked in high-end restaurants in Europe, Eastern countries, North America. Once, in one of the clubs in Cyprus, Abraham Russo was noticed by a Russian businessman, who was the owner of the establishment, and offered to become its producer.

When the singer arrived in Russia, he immediately signed a cooperation agreement and began creating his first album. He boasts duets with Russian show business stars such as Kristina Orbakaite and Sogdiana.

Popular artist on stage

Abraham Russo records his first song with Orbakaite, which brings him wild popularity. The song instantly hits the top lines of the Russian charts and is broadcast on the main music channels.

The whole country will know about Abraham. He tours cities and performs at private parties. The collaboration with Orbakaite continued, and soon their second joint composition appeared, which had the same enormous success among the Russian public. The artist’s subsequent solo songs also find themselves at the top of all music ratings.

Abraham Russo on stage

Everything was going well in Abraham Russo’s life: both his personal life and his creativity. He was popular, rich, in love with a beautiful woman who gave him children. But fame and success suddenly turned into tragedy for him. In 2006, Russo was in mortal danger: his car was fired upon, and the artist himself almost died. On the pages of his biography, Abraham Russo hides the details of what happened and says that only thanks to prayers and faith in God, he managed to survive.

Family and children of Abraham Russo

Abraham Russo's parents met in the hospital. His mother was a nurse and cared for a French soldier, the future father of the singer. The Russo family had three children: Abraham, his older brother and sister. Their mother raised them alone since their father died at a young age. The singer really missed his attention and support. Abraham knew that when he grew up, he would be the best father for his children.

There was a period when Rousseau was accused of having affairs on the side and was condemned for dictatorial tendencies towards his family. The singer’s wife came to television channels and complained about how difficult it was to be around him. But after Abraham Russo almost died, he reconsidered his attitude towards life. Perhaps God was giving him a second chance to live his life with dignity, so he thought. Currently, there is idyll and harmony in the artist’s family.

Famous singer on stage

Russo's wife was in a position where the singer was attacked. He and his wife were waiting for the birth of a girl. Emanuella Russo was born in the USA in 2006.

The singer tried for quite a long time to recover from the assassination attempt. It was decided to shelter the beloved woman from possible attacks on her life, because by that time she was supposed to give birth to a healthy child. She couldn't afford to worry. Abraham moved his wife to another country, and soon arrived himself. At the moment, Emanuella is 12 years old. The girl is interested in singing, which is what she wants to do when she grows up. Her hobby is learning foreign languages.

Abraham Russo today

The second daughter of Abraham Russo was born in 2014. The wife decided to give her a religious name - Ave Maria, as the singer was once called by the divine name Abraham by his believing mother.

Currently, the artist has completely returned to God and prayers. Definitely, only a miracle saved him from death on that fateful day. The entire Russo family converted to faith: they visit churches and holy places. Both daughters are taught by their parents to love and believe in God. The youngest is already 4 years old, she is growing smart and very economical.

Abraham Russo, whose personal life and children are of interest to the public, is truly a famous singer with talent and a unique voice, and his biography is worthy of consideration.

The Heavens awarded Avraam an extraordinary and vivid fate. Avraam Russo was born in Syria in a family of Armenians. His father Jean Ipjian was a French legionnaire and a veteran of World War II. Avraam’s mother Maria was a nurse. The father died when the singer was just 7 years old. Jean survived the genocide of Armenians in Turkey in 1915. The life of Russo’s father was full of tragedy. During a forced flight from his hometown Jean and his sisters split up and ended up in different parts of Syria.

Avraam"s father received refugee status in Aleppo. To become a French legionnaire Jean has changed his date of birth in the documents by adding two years. Jean was able to find and meet with his sisters only in adulthood. Avraam's mother Maria worked as a nurse. Being a little girl she experienced the genocide of the Armenian people in 1915. Hiding from suppression Maria"s family stayed at their friends in Turkey. In the 1930s her father Artino was miraculously able to arrange his family's removal to Syria (the city of Jarablus), that saved them from certain death during the time of the Great Atrocity.

“My parents - Jean and Maria - met in the years of war. They were both widowed and had children from the first marriage. I was the youngest eleventh child in our family. I was the seventh among the boys. My father had four sons and three daughters from the first marriage.”

Mother Maria was the one who played a significant role in becoming of Avraam as a popular singer and a highly spiritual person. In his interviews, Russo is not tired of admiring his mother, who provided for the family, worked hard, but never forget her maternal duty and generously endowed Avraam with wise guidance and unconditional love.

After her husband’s death, Maria had to move to Paris and then to Lebanon. Avraam "s mother is a highly religious person and she always dreamed of dedicating one of her children to God. This is how Avraam got to a monastery in Lebanon. Russo recalls that period of study at the monastery with warmth in his soul. The singer learned the important life lessons there and realized that he wants to go through his life with God in his heart.

“Speaking of monastery life I usually remembers the words of one of the Reverend Fathers: “If people knew how difficult it is to be a monk, no one would go to a monastery, but if they knew what a blessing it is, there would be no one left in the world.”

Avraam’s mother dream of her son was ordained as a priest, but everything turned out differently. After he developed he decided to devote himself to his favorite thing and plunged into the world of professional music. At the age of 16 Avraam began performing in restaurants to help his mother provide for their family. As the singer says: “My childhood was inverted: while my peers were dressing in shorts and ran to play football, I was putting on a tie, a jacket and went to a restaurant to sing.” Oriental roots, bright charisma, excellent vocal abilities and extraordinary sincerity allowed Avraam to gain popularity and win the hearts of listeners quickly. Early in his career the singer was a part of a young band “Tiki-Boys”, which performed in small restaurants and clubs. The popularity of their band grew day after day.

Some time later he received an invitation from another famous band, and since that moment Avraam Russo's touring career began. It was a new period of his life. It opened up new horizons. Avraam studied new countries, their history and people with great interest. This life experience helped him to learn foreign languages. It"s not a secret that the singer speaks 7 languages ​​and sings in 14! In his interviews Russo admits that he needs six months to master a new dialect, but emphasizes the fact that without studying the culture and history of this language, nothing will work. Being a part of this band, the singer had the opportunity to fully provide for his family and take care of his mother, which finally allowed her to get away from hard work.

“I remember that day so well. I told her: “My dear, beloved mother. I know how hard it was to have a baby me and during the birth you were miraculously saved by the doctors. You gave me the best years of your life, worked hard, denied yourself everything. The most important thing for which I am grateful to you with all my heart is a strong faith in Christ, that you gave me as an example of your life. From today, I want you to rest and rejoice in life without a constant struggle for survival.”

The singer felt the taste of true popularity in Russia. At one of his performances in Cyprus the future artist met a Moscow businessman, who suggested Russo to move to live and work in Moscow. Avraam did not speak Russian at all and did not plan to move. However, the love of creativity prevailed again and the singer came to Russia. The first solo concert took place in a sport center "Olympic" in autumn 2002. The show was called “100 and one night”. Russo's debut single "Amor" was released in 2001. In 2002 the first album "Tonight" blew up the space of the former Soviet Union and Avraam became popular at once.

Then a series of hits followed, which made the singer well-known not only in Russia, but also abroad. The hit "Amor" was at the top of the European channel "VIVA" chart for 11 weeks and the hit "I know" ("Znayu") was record 50 weeks in the TOP Russian music charts. Phenomenal popularity, love of millions of fans and marriage to beauty Morela Ferdman. No one could think at that moment, that soon in the life of the most touring artist of Russia dark times will begin and only Faith in God and Abraham’s inner strength will help him in overcoming all those difficulties. In 2004 Moscow was shaken by the news of the first assassination attempt on Russo. In 2006 Avraam was on the verge of death.

“I knew that success brings a person not only joy, but also many sad problems. Public people evoke different feelings among others, including either envy, or acute hostility, or the desire to control and profit. So I was ready for various surprises."

August 19, 2006 is the second Russo’s birthday. 20 meters from the singer "s house, unknown men shot his car with a Kalashnikov rifle. Avraam was miraculously able to leave the scene of the attack. He says that in attempts to avoid shots he lay on the right side. “At this moment as if some unknown force had lifted me up and brought me back to the driver “s seat.” Then I heard the frightened voice of my guard, who shouted: “On the gas! On the gas! "With all my strength, I pressed the gas pedal and, hitting a car parked nearby, flew out towards the Garden Ring road, in a minute, losing consciousness from blood loss, fell on the steering wheel." The singer suffered dangerous injuries and lost 3.5 liters of blood. Doctors had disappointing predictions and few believed Avraam would survive and get back on his feet. The wound was so serious, that on the surgery there was a question of amputation of a leg to save his life. It was just a miracle that the surgeons could block a vein and save the leg. The attempt on Russo was widely covered in the press, his name did not leave the first columns of popular publications. Thousands of fans empathized, waited by the walls of the hospital and prayed for Avraam. It was the moment when the singer realized that even in the most difficult circumstances, the fast and gracious help of God saves our life, faith, hope and love.

Usually people who have lost the presence of the spirit, in other words, a connection with God, break down in everyday adversities. As the singer says: "Most of all in these difficult circumstances, the presence of the spirit inherent in believers helped me." The people who committed the assassination attempt remained unknown. Russo had to make a difficult decision to leave everything to the Court of God, to take care of himself, his family affairs and to move to the United States. There his wife Morela gave birth to their first child. The girl was named Emanuella, which means "God is with us." After the second assassination attempt Avraam began to think often about his mission on Earth, and why The Heavens gave him a second chance. The singer began to understand that his art was not in the name of God, so Russo made a conscious decision to start his new path as a Ghospel Music performer (Inspiring music, Christian chants in different styles - from rock to pop music). In 2009 Avraam released the album "Return" (“Vozvrashcheniye”) immediately followed by the album “Resurrection.” This was an absolutely new level in Russo's creative career. Creativity in the name of God, gratitude for the experience and the second chance, for joys and sorrows, for the granted power to survive all the difficulties on the path of life.

“When I fell asleep, I saw a dream, heard a soft and deep voice that called me to: “Avraam, Avraam, be ready to serve God and people.” I opened my eyes and realized that my lips were praying like I hadn’t "t stopped all night. I involuntarily repeated her words ... Everything in my soul turned upside down, I felt that the Love of God leads me to salvation ... "

In 2010 Avraam returned to Russia - a country that gave him the most important ups and downs. Russo doubted for a long time whether he should return to where the perpetrators of the attempted assassination are still at large. After all, on February 14, the artist announced the beginning of his concert tour - “Return” (“Vozvrashcheniye”). The date was not chosen by chance, on this day - Saint Valentine's Day – Avraam said that he returned with love to millions of his fans, to the country which he continues to love despite everything. During 4 years the singer had a lot of concerts, traveled and studied a new style of music for himself. In 2014 Avraam had a second daughter - Ave Maria. At that moment Russo realized that The Heavens had purified his soul from grief and re-granted the joy of life.

In gratitude, the singer decided to build an Orthodox church near his home (New Jersey). It is full of shrines, relics and ancient icons. On the day of the great consecration of the church, the youngest daughter Ave Maria was baptized. The bishop, in whose jurisdiction the church in New Jersey was transferred, blessed Russo to become a reader in it. The singer has an active social life in the capital. He performs, communicates with stars, gets to know interesting people. In 2016 Avraam Russo recorded a song with singer Sogdiana. In the same year the artist recorded new hits: “The Night Cried” (“Plakala noch”), “I Will Find You” (“Ya tebya naydu”) and “My feelings are lace” (“Moi chuvstva – kruzheva” ). Today Avraam continues to delight his fans with new singles. At the moment Russo performs concerts, leads a spiritual life and is happy to protect his mother, wife and two beautiful daughters.

“My self-development has moved to a new stage, I began to think more about what mark we leave with our art in the world of people. I didn't know how to convince people that abandoning the meaning and quality in the musical sphere, it is possible to become a popular performer on the basis of technology and earn a lot of money. But you can't save yourself as a person. »

“Today I continue to be actively engaged in creativity and record new songs. I began to collaborate with the production center "Gutsiriev Media". At the same time I make tours around the world and try to give people joy, faith, hope and love.”

Celebrity divorces rarely go quietly.

Usually they are generously stuffed with showdowns, reproaches and mutual revelations, which are watched by the whole country. Now such a series has begun in the life of Abraham Russo...

“I’ll tell you everything about him!” - threatens the singer’s wife Morela. The same one that just recently was ready to follow Abraham into both fire and water. But offended woman more terrible than any enemy. And Rousseau offended his wife greatly. There would be no way to quietly and peacefully resolve issues with her and go in different directions. But Abraham Russo decided to make a real show out of his divorce. However, like many other stars in a similar situation, which everyone has forgotten about.

Our problems have been going on for quite a long time, but we haven’t talked about it,” he explains, however, without naming the exact reason for the cooling. - I wanted to save the family, because we have two children, the youngest daughter is only three years old. I didn't want to taste this bitter taste of divorce. But I can no longer play the role of an exemplary family man, I don’t want to deceive everyone!

At the same time, as it turned out, the singer forgot to warn his wife not only that he was going to confess about the breakup, but also that he had initiated the process of dividing property. He nobly left her and her children a huge house in America. The one for which the mortgage has not yet been paid. And which hangs like a dead weight and drives owners into debt. Huge taxes are assessed on the house, which is why it is impossible to sell it - buyers do not want to get into such bondage.


Abraham Russo, a burning brunette with piercing blue eyes, was very handsome in his youth.

I was an eligible bachelor in this country for a long time, in the early 2000s millions of letters came from different girls - he still savors his long-time success.

And he proudly admits: yes, he was always amorous and passionate. He pursued many people and lived with several girls. They say that one of them, realtor Svetlana Khlymova, gave birth to his daughter Lisa. This was at the very beginning of the singer’s career - he had just moved from Syria to Moscow, still spoke Russian poorly and did not want to start a family. Svetlana raised the girl herself, without the participation of her father. Now Lisa is already a high school student...

Morela, whom Russo always pathetically called the only love of his life, he met when he gave concerts in America with Kristina Orbakaite. Those tours turned out to be fateful - it was then that Christina met her future husband Mikhail Zemtsov, and Abraham met Morela Ferdman. The daughter of Ukrainian emigrants, who had previously worked with Ricky Martin, approached him after the performance and offered her services as a tour manager.

The romance was fast paced. A few months later, the girl rushed to her beloved in Moscow. In 2005, they had a magnificent wedding in Russia, then got married in Israel.

A year later, when Morela was six months pregnant, there was an attempt on Abraham’s life. His car was fired at point blank range. For three days he balanced on the brink of life and death, losing almost four liters of blood.

Russo was in a coma for 72 hours. A monstrous test for Morela. All this time she did not leave the hospital,” recalls Viktor Drobysh.

Having barely recovered, Rousseau fled to America in a wheelchair with his terrified wife. And from there he began to blame his ex-producer Joseph Prigozhin - they say that he organized the assassination attempt on him.


He slandered many people, I will give a frank interview! - Morela now promises in the heat of the moment. Having given birth to Abraham two daughters, supporting her husband in difficult time, having done everything for him to recover, get back on his feet and return to the stage, today she is preparing for the fight.

Over the years of marriage, Rousseau changed beyond recognition. He became fanatically religious, spent all his time in church, sang in the choir, read prayers, and wore a pendant with particles of 15 saints. And he even built a chapel in the house, where he disappeared for hours.

Morela believes that after the birth of his second child, Abraham had a certain confessor who began to take him away from his family, says her lawyer. - Constant scandals, insults - she was cut off in communication with her friends, and ended up in forced seclusion. As Morela told me, it came down to assault.

Rousseau, of course, denies the fight: “When did this happen?” And he makes counter accusations: his wife is taking his children away from him!

What can I do? I love my children. I will love them all my life. I'm not the kind of father who abandons his child. But who will let them stay with me? This is America and its laws! - the singer is seething. - First, let me at least let me see them!

The war between Abraham Russo and his wife is just beginning. What trump cards they hold in reserve and what kind of weapons they are ready to use will become clear very soon. Morela is planning to fly from America to Moscow in the near future. To tell your truth on television...

The article talks about the popular singer Abraham Russo, his childhood, the beginning of his creative career, personal life and plans for the future. Readers will also find out who Abraham Russo is by nationality. Enjoy reading!

Abraham Russo: family, childhood

The future famous singer was born in Syria, where his father, a French military man, was treated in a hospital. Russo's mother worked there as a nurse. At the time of their acquaintance, both were family people, so they did not have any relationship. Soon their spouses died, and fate brought these two people together again. They were very religious, so they named the child after the father of all nations - Abraham.

Unfortunately, the future singer lost his father early. The boy was seven years old when he died. To feed the family, the mother of the future singer worked three jobs. Soon she and her children moved to Paris and then to Lebanon. The singer’s mother wanted her son to receive holy orders, and from childhood she instilled in him a love of religion. In Lebanon, a boy studies in a monastery with great pleasure.

Passion for vocals

According to the singer himself, he sang with early childhood, participated in many competitions, and was also a participant youth group. The public loved the young man; he easily won their attention. Therefore, it is not surprising that after completing his studies at the monastery, Rousseau decided to study vocals professionally.

First success

Thanks to his talent, Abraham Russo quickly gained fans in the Middle East and Europe. At one time he lived in Cyprus, where he worked in a very popular nightclub. During one of his performances, the young singer was noticed by the president of the AST company and invited him to move to Moscow. In Russia, the singer signed a contract with a well-known label.

Popularity in Russia

In 2001, Russo sang a duet with Kristina Orbakaite. Their joint song “Love That Is No More” quickly found fans. So Abraham became known throughout the country. In the same year, the song Amor became a hit. Against the backdrop of success, Orbakaite and Russo continued their collaboration. The song “Just Loving You” occupied the top of the charts for a long time. Russian listeners also fell in love with the singer’s solo works – “I Know”, “Betrothal”.

Within five years, Abraham's singing career was rapidly rising. By 2006 it had reached its peak. By that time, the singer had sold 10 million copies of his albums. During the year he gave about 220 concerts.

Nationality and age of the singer

Singer Abraham Russo, whose nationality is not completely clear, for some reason hides it from the public. According to the artist himself, he considers himself a man of peace. He has mixed blood. The singer was born in Syria, but does not consider himself Syrian. His parents are Armenians, however, we still wonder what Abraham Rousseau’s nationality is. In different interviews, the singer gave different answers. So, in 2004 and 2008, he refused to comment on his origin. While in Armenia in 2011, the singer stated that he was Armenian. However, in the official biography the nationality of Abraham Russo is not specified. At the same time, he has Armenian citizenship.

Thus, we can say that the nationality of Abraham Rousseau is a purely intimate thing for him. He can truly be considered a man of the world, because the singer speaks fluent thirteen languages!

How old is Abraham Russo at the moment? He was born on June 21, 1961, making him 53 years old.

Real name and stage name

There are several options for the singer's real name: Abraham Ipjean, Abraham Ipdzhyan and Apraham Ipdzhiyan. According to Russo, his surname is Turkish in origin. "Ip" means "thread", and his ancestors were the owners of a thread factory. Russo is the surname of the singer’s mother. He took it in 1994 as a stage name. From ancient Greek it is translated as “red”.

Abraham Russo: personal life

In 2004, during a tour in New York, the singer met his future wife Morella Ferdman. Soon they confessed their love to each other. A year later, the lovers got married. The wedding took place in Moscow, and in the winter they got married in Israel. In 2006, the couple had their eldest daughter, Emanuella, and six years later, in 2014, Ave Maria was born.

The first attempt on the singer's life

On August 19, 2006, at two o'clock in the morning, Russo and his bodyguard were driving home after speaking at the opening of a casino. There the singer was waiting for his wife, who was four months pregnant. In front of the house, Russo's car was shot by an unknown person with a machine gun. The bullets hit Abraham's leg and lower back. Being in a state of shock, the singer managed to press the gas and leave the scene of the tragedy. After traveling several kilometers, Russo lost consciousness.

The bodyguard immediately took the singer to the hospital, where he underwent complex operations. Rousseau lost 3.5 liters of blood. Doctors did not give any positive prognosis. The singer's leg was also severely mutilated. Doctors were even going to amputate it. Fortunately, this was avoided, but there was virtually no chance that Russo would walk again.

The assassination attempt was widely covered in the press; worried fans stood vigil at the hospital and prayed for the idol’s recovery.

The singer managed to return to life and began to recover and learn to walk again. Fearing not only for his life, but also for the life of his pregnant wife, Russo decided to move his family to the United States. There he underwent several operations, and the singer got back on his feet.

Possible reasons for the assassination attempt

We still don’t know who shot the famous singer. Various versions of the reasons for the assassination attempt have been put forward:

Return to Russia

Three years later, in 2009, Russo returned to our country on a tour in support of a new album with symbolic name Resurrection - “Resurrection”, in which he performs lounge-style songs. This is slow music that gives a person peace of mind. Russo's new album turned out to be successful, he returned to Russian scene and not empty-handed.

Second attempt

In May 2014, in Moscow, in a house on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, an explosion occurred that destroyed three floors. The owner of one of the apartments was Abraham Russo. However, it turned out that at that time the singer practically did not appear at home. He lived outside the city with his family. Whether this was an attempt on the singer’s life is unknown. Perhaps he was an accidental victim.

Singer business

Abraham Russo has his own restaurant in New York. According to the singer, he dreamed about this all his life. And he opened a restaurant not for business, but for the soul. Russo’s affairs in his new field are going well, which, of course, makes the singer very happy.

Abraham Russo today

Today, the singer and his family live in New York. Abraham Russo is engaged in the restaurant business, performs at concerts, and sometimes comes to Russia. He spends a lot of time with his family and plays with his daughters. Abraham Russo is not only a talented person, but also an exemplary husband and father. In 2015, he and his wife will celebrate ten years of marriage.

Of course, the peak of Russo's career is long past, but his songs still resonate in the hearts of a huge number of listeners around the world. The singer's discography includes four albums, which sold millions of copies.

Despite the tragedy that occurred in 2006, Abraham Russo turned out to be a strong man and found the courage to return to his favorite job. The religious singer is sure that his little daughter helped him cope with a difficult period in his life. It was not for nothing that the girl received the name Emanuella. Translated from Hebrew it means “God is with us.” Family is the most important thing for Abraham.

Discography of Abraham Russo

During the period singing career Abraham Russo has released four studio albums:

A few words in conclusion

We got acquainted with the biography of the famous Russian singer Abraham Russo, learned about his childhood, family, personal life, creative career. We also covered the attempt on the singer’s life, which turned his whole life upside down. Despite all the difficulties encountered along the way, Abraham Russo remained a believer. Troubles only brought his family together. He is a performer we remember with nostalgia.