(!LANG:Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov short biography. Short biography of Vampilov. Care and journalism

Alexander Vampilov has the fate of an ordinary Soviet person, and his thoughts, actions and creativity seem to be from another era. Friends called him the "rope walker". All his life he balanced on the verge of the ordinary and the risky, looking for his own special way and never pretended. Today he is called the last Russian playwright of the world level. We know this writer as the author of well-known plays and stories, although he did not have time to write his main work. An unforeseen tragedy did not allow this talented person to know well-deserved success and recognition during his lifetime.


The future writer Alexander Vampilov was born on August 19, 1937 in the Irkutsk region. His family consisted of representatives of different nations: his mother was Russian, his father was a Buryat, a very intelligent and educated person, graduated with honors from the university, knew several languages, and later was appointed director of a school in the village of Kutulik, where his wife also worked as a teacher . Little Sasha became their fourth child.

However, harsh reality soon intervened, a few months after the birth of his son, the elder Vampilov was accused of almost treason. The verdict in such cases is one - execution. And now a large family had to live only on a small salary of the mother.

The father was rehabilitated 19 years later, but for a long time the children had to live under the sidelong glances of others, because they were relatives of the enemy of the people. Perhaps it was these difficult childhood events that hardened the young man, helped him to clearly see the goal in life.

After leaving school, Alexander Vampilov is trying to enter the Irkutsk University at the Faculty of History and Philology. He only gets it in his second year. It was here that he began his journey as a playwright and writer.

The beginning of literary activity

The atmosphere of the university was conducive to creativity, here Valentin Rasputin studied a year older. Vampilov did not become an excellent student, and, in general, he never distinguished himself by diligence in his studies, preferring to do only what he was interested in, that is, to write.

Very soon, natural charm and a lively mind helped to rally around them the same young and hot guys who wanted to compose. Sometimes their imagination knew no bounds, so on one of their trips to the collective farm they came up with the idea of ​​depicting actions from famous paintings and filming it on camera, these photographs are still available.

Friends noted his excellent ear for music, but already in his third year Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich understands his true passion - writing. At first, the desire to write was irresistible, he did not stop working even at lectures and at night.

In 1958, the young author decides to publish his first satirical story "Coincidence of Circumstances" (three years later, his only lifetime book will also be called) in the student magazine "Irkutsk University", "Soviet Youth" and "Lenin's Testaments". Vampilov did not sign his real name, but came up with a pseudonym - A. Sanin.

Journal work

While still in his fifth year, he became an employee of the popular Irkutsk newspaper "Soviet Youth". It was very difficult to get there, and even a student, but the management of the publication was already familiar with the work of the young writer, and therefore took him as a correspondent.

While working in the newspaper, Alexander Vampilov was able to learn a lot, get to know people, travel around the region, experiment with some journalistic genres. He was assigned to cover important regional events, such as the construction of cities or the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station. From the very beginning, his articles were strikingly different from other publications. He mainly chose the genre of feuilleton or essay, which allowed Vampilov to avoid hackneyed phrases and established constructions. Each of his reports was already a full-fledged story, only with real, not fictional characters.

Readers of "Soviet Youth" quickly notice this and distinguish a talented young man from other correspondents. The editors also understand the value of an employee, therefore, after receiving a diploma from Irkutsk University in 1960, Alexander Valentinovich remains to work in the newspaper.

"Creative Association of the Young"

A special creative atmosphere is established in the publishing house team, the creator of which, not least Vampilov, can be considered. Beginning authors often gathered, discussed books, shared their impressions, under the auspices of the Writers' Union they create TOM (creative association of young people). They arranged meetings with readers and students, for Alexander Valentinovich, work in the "Soviet Youth" became an excellent school of life.

Due to the special atmosphere of friendliness, youthful enthusiasm and talent, the regional newspaper was very popular among the population of the Irkutsk region.

He showed himself excellently as a leader and mentor, despite frequent business trips, he always found time to help his comrades. After two years of work, Alexander Vampilov was sent to the Higher Advanced Courses for Journalists in Moscow, where he studied for several months. It was at this time that he tried his hand at writing plays.

Care and journalism

Alexander Vampilov - the playwright did not appear immediately. Until 1964, in addition to working in the newspaper, he was mostly occupied with stories and satirical essays. Later, critics will see in his fate a repetition of the path of the great A.P. Chekhov, who once also began with prose.

His colleagues already understood that sooner or later Vampilov would leave journalism, he was already cramped in Irkutsk. Much changed in the early 60s, when the writer began to actively participate in the seminars of one-act authors. His first works in this genre were Crow Grove and One Hundred Rubles in New Money.

Alexander Vampilov, whose plays are still staged in many Russian theaters, did not immediately decide on a final break with journalism. In his own words, sometimes talent is not the main thing, it is important to make a decision to change life, and have the courage to fulfill it to the end.

This succeeds in 1964, at the same time his play "The House with Windows in the Field" was first published in the magazine. But the way to the theaters was still closed, because without special connections it is almost impossible to stage your work in Moscow.

The first productions in the theater, a well-deserved success

Everything changed in 1965, when Alexander Valentinovich was admitted to the Writers' Union at the All-Union Writers' Seminar in Chita, he was chosen from thirteen candidates.

Membership in the most influential cultural organization in Soviet Russia allowed Vampilov to make new useful contacts, especially since he was now recognized as one of the best authors in the country.

In the same year, he became close friends with Alexei Arbuzov, an influential playwright in Moscow. It is with his help that Vampilov manages to show his work on stage for the first time. True, it was not possible to make a production in the capital, the premiere of the play "Farewell in June" was held with great success in Lithuania, the drama theater of the city of Klaipeda.

His other famous plays, such as "Elder Son" and "Duck Hunt", were also well received. The viewer immediately fell in love with simple, some kind of folk heroes. However, all this success accompanied the playwright only in the provinces, Moscow directors still did not want to stage his plays, because of which Vampilov was very worried, because he knew the value of his talent.

Only in 1970, the premiere of "The Elder Son" took place in Leningrad, but he never saw the performances of the rest of the works on the stages of famous Soviet theaters. About Alexander Vampilov they spoke in full voice only after his death - a familiar story for Russian talents.

Features of creativity

The first years of his literary activity, the future playwright wrote prose. For him, it was a stage of maturation as a talented playwright, a kind of test of the pen. In total, he wrote about sixty stories, humoresques, feuilletons, essays, most of them during his work in the Irkutsk University newspaper.

Alexander Vampilov, whose stories did not receive the same popularity as plays, at the initial stage learned to understand reality, to transform it into words and ideas. In these stories, one can still see the naivety of views, the rash choice of topics, etc. But already here his special style is formed, an unusual satire, smart, with overtones. Some well-known characters appear, such as Yakov Andreyevich Chernykh, the hero of the play "Last Summer in Chulimsk". Alexander Vampilov will write it already in 1972.

While working as a correspondent, the author develops his special manner of conveying the idea of ​​the work. In essays and feuilletons, he writes about ordinary people, ordinary situations, but when reading, along with everyday problems, the eternal questions of humanity imperceptibly arise. This will be especially noticeable in another work written by Alexander Vampilov. "The Elder Son", in addition to the external story of young rogues who deceived the simple-hearted old musician, contains the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe problems of the relationship between fathers and children.

Features of dramaturgy

Critics who study Vampilov's work note that his plays gravitate more towards the genre of comedy, even somewhat vaudeville. It is surprising that both the funny and the sad are presented by the author unobtrusively, with ease, and the endings of the productions never preach any kind of morality. Vampilov has always tried to avoid this, preferring to leave it up to the viewer to decide who is good or bad.

Of his five well-known plays, many still go on in theaters today, some have been filmed. Already at the time of creative maturity, he wrote "Duck Hunt". Alexander Vampilov already feels like a full-fledged artist here, it reflects all his achievements as a master of the word and as a person who has realized a lot in this world. The action, the plot and even the story that formed the basis of the play - everything is connected with the native Irkutsk region. But at the same time, the author was able to show the known realities of life.

"Last summer in Chulimsk" Alexander Vampilov wrote in the period from 1970 to 1971. In fact, it became his last major creation. It was a difficult period, he is already a well-known playwright, who is under pressure from external circumstances, these are negotiations with theaters, disputes with directors. Vampilov was burdened by the internal struggle that arose after the "Duck Hunt", the playwright considered it too incomprehensible, and even called it his creative defeat.

Therefore, he tried to make the new play ordinary and intelligible, much in the ideas of “Last Summer in Chulimsk” opposes the previous work. If in the first there was some kind of mystery of characters, the viewer himself thought out the image, then in the last the problem of the protagonist is explained by social conflicts.

Extraordinary personality

A year later, a two-part film "The Elder Son" based on the play of the same name by Vampilov appears on the screens. The cinema became unusually popular in the country and quickly sold out into quotes.

The last work on television based on his work "Duck Hunt" was Alexander Proshkin's drama "Paradise". The director was able to convey all the pain and nerve of Vampilov's ideas in modern reality.


After his death, the writer received well-deserved fame and recognition. In the theaters of his native Irkutsk, which had never staged a single of his plays during the life of the playwright, now there were premieres after premieres. Since 1987, festivals dedicated to the writer have been held annually. And the Irkutsk Youth Theater was named after him.

On the shore of Lake Baikal, not far from the place of death, a monument to Alexander Vampilov was erected, and a steamboat with the name of the famous playwright cruised along the lake. In 2012, in the same Irkutsk, the administration opened the Cultural Center, where anyone can get acquainted with the books and personal belongings of the writer.

His contribution to Russian literature is invaluable. All researchers unanimously agree that over time, an excellent novel could come out from under his pen. But like many Russian geniuses, Alexander Vampilov died very early, leaving only five plays to his descendants.

Soviet literature

Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov


VAMPILOV, ALEXANDER VALENTINOVICH (1937−1972), Russian playwright, prose writer, publicist. Born August 19, 1937 in the village. Kutulik, Irkutsk region in a family of teachers. In 1937, Vampilov's father was shot by the NKVD. After leaving school, Vampilov entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk University, graduating in 1960. During his studies, he published essays and feuilletons in the university and regional newspapers under the pseudonym A. Sanin. Under the same pseudonym, his first book of humorous stories, Coincidence of Circumstances (1961), was published. In the early 1960s, he wrote his first dramatic works - one-act joke plays Angel (other name Twenty Minutes with an Angel, 1962), Crow Grove (1963), House with Windows in the Field (1964) and others.

Vampilov's early works were based on strange, sometimes funny incidents and anecdotes. The heroes of stories and skits, getting into these strange situations, came to a reassessment of their views. So, in the play Twenty Minutes with an Angel, the action of which takes place in a provincial hotel, a kind of test of the characters for their ability to selflessness takes place, as a result of which it turns out that only death is selfless in this world. In 1970, Vampilov wrote the play The Story of the Pager, a parable of fear based on the story of the meeting of the hotel administrator Kaloshin with his own death. The story with the meter page, together with the play Twenty Minutes with an Angel, made up a tragicomic performance in 2 parts Provincial Anecdotes. In 1964-1965 Vampilov published his stories in the collective collections Wind of Wanderings and Princes Leave Fairy Tales. In 1965 he graduated from the Higher Literary Courses at the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky in Moscow. While studying, he wrote the comedy Fair (other name Farewell in June, 1964), which was highly appreciated by playwrights A. Arbuzov and V. Rozov. Her hero, a cynical student Kolesov, came to the conclusion that money is not omnipotent, and tore up the diploma he had received dishonestly. In the play, the image of an angel appeared again through Vampilov's dramaturgy, the meeting with which transformed the hero. The presence of a higher power in the world was a constant theme of Vampilov's work. There is evidence that he suffered greatly from his inability to believe in God. Together with the Provincial Anecdotes, the play Farewell in June constituted a satirical cycle. Vampilov intended to write another play, Belorechensky Anecdotes, but his early death prevented the implementation of this plan. Returning to Irkutsk, Vampilov continued to work as a playwright. His plays were published in the magazines "Theatre", "Modern Dramaturgy", "Theatrical Life", were included in the repertoire of the best theaters in the country. Critics spoke of the "Vampilov's theatre" and saw in the characters of his plays, outstanding people capable of high spiritual ascent and at the same time weak in nature, the heirs of the classic heroes of Russian literature - Onegin, Pechorin, Protasov, Laevsky. Modern “little people” (Ugarov, Khomutov, Sarafanov, etc.) and female types were represented in them. In 1967, Vampilov wrote the plays The Elder Son and Duck Hunt, which fully embodied the tragic component of his dramaturgy. In the comedy The Elder Son, within the framework of a masterfully written intrigue (a deception by two friends, Busygin and Silva, of the Sarafanov family), it was about the eternal values ​​​​of being - the continuity of generations, the breaking of spiritual ties, love and forgiveness by close people to each other. In this play, the "theme-metaphor" of Vampilov's plays begins to sound: the theme of the house as a symbol of the universe. The playwright himself, who lost his father in early childhood, perceived the relationship between father and son especially painfully and sharply. The hero of the play Duck Hunt Zilov became the victim of a gloomy friendly prank: his friends sent him a cemetery wreath and telegrams of condolences. This forced Zilov to remember his life in order to prove to himself that he had not died. His own life appeared before the hero as a senseless pursuit of easily accessible pleasures, which was in fact an escape from himself. Zilov understood that the only need in his life was duck hunting. Having lost interest in her, he lost interest in life and was about to commit suicide. Vampilov left his hero alive, but the existence to which Zilov was doomed caused both condemnation and sympathy from readers and viewers. Duck Hunt became a play-symbol of the drama of the late 1960s. In the drama Last Summer in Chulimsk (1972), Vampilov created his best female image - a young provincial tea worker Valentina. This woman strove to preserve the “living soul” in herself with the same persistence with which throughout the play she tried to preserve the front garden, which was trampled down by indifferent people every now and then. Vampilov's work was interrupted by a tragic accident. Vampilov drowned in Lake Baikal on August 17, 1972.

Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich - Russian playwright, publicist. Born on August 19, 1937 in the village of Kutulik, Irkutsk Region. Vampilov's parents worked as teachers. The father was shot by the NKVD on March 9, 1938, when the son was still very young. The mother was left alone with four children, but continued to work at the school in order to feed her family. She had a huge impact on the development of Vampilov A.V. as individuals.

In 1955 he graduated from high school and entered the Irkutsk University at the Faculty of History and Philology. During his studies, Vampilov is engaged in literary activities. He published his essays and stories in the university and regional newspapers. He signed the works as A. Sanin. One of his first stories is "The Persian Lilac".

After graduating from university in 1960, he stayed to work in the regional newspaper "Soviet Youth". Vampilov got a job as a writer in this newspaper when he was a 5th year student. He continues to write. Most of his works are based on funny stories and anecdotes. But this did not deprive them of deep meaning.

In 1964 Vampilov left the editorial office of the Soviet Youth newspaper. During this period, he writes his famous plays: "Farewell in June", "The Story of the Metropolitan Page", "Duck Hunt". Thanks to the play "Farewell in July" they learned about Vampilov as a playwright.

His plays were published in the magazines "Theater", "Modern Dramaturgy", "Theatrical Life". Performances are staged in many Soviet theaters. It was only after Vampilov's death that his plays began to be staged at the Yermolova and Stanislavsky theaters in Moscow and the Bolshoi Drama Theater in Leningrad.

Vampilov wrote about 70 essays, sketches, stories for his creative activity. The life of Alexander Valentinovich was interrupted suddenly. On August 17, 1972, he rested in the village of Listvyanka. The village is located on the shores of Lake Baikal. That day he sailed on a motorboat, for unknown reasons the boat capsized and Vampilov drowned. An unfinished work, The Incomparable Tips, was found on his desktop. In this village, on the shore where the tragedy occurred, a memorial sign was erected.

A brilliant playwright who tragically ended his earthly journey, Alexander Vampilov was not published during his lifetime. The writer's works were published and received recognition only posthumously. During his short life, Vampilov produced from the pen plays, large and consisting of one act, as well as short prose works. The themes raised by Alexander Valentinovich inspired theater and film directors to put them on stage. Even an opera based on a play written by Alexander Vampilov was released. Reviews of the writer's work are realized through numerous monuments and museums in his honor.


The writer-playwright was born in the small town of Kutulik. The family, in which four children grew up, was the most ordinary. His father is the director of a local school, and his mother, a mathematics teacher, worked there as a head teacher. Everything changed for the family when, on a denunciation, in 1937, their father was arrested. As was the custom at that time, one of the "virtuous" teachers wrote a denunciation of his leader, accusing him of anti-Soviet views. Under such circumstances, Alexander Vampilov begins his life. The photo is shown below.

Thus, the mother was left alone with four children. Relatives turned their backs on the woman who tried her best to keep her children from starving to death. Thus began his life journey Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich, whose biography received the stigma of "enemy of the people."

While studying at school, the future writer was known as an ordinary child, nothing outstanding. Talent began to appear much later. Most likely, this is due to the fact that childhood years were too difficult. Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich, whose family sometimes lived on bread and water, simply could not think about art.


A writing career begins when Vampilov enters the Faculty of History and Philology at Irkutsk University. Gradually, Alexander Vampilov begins to try his hand at writing short stories. The first of them are published in the student newspaper. A little later, he was noticed by the leadership of the newspaper "Soviet Youth" - the young man has been working there since 1961.

As the most talented author, the newspaper's management sends Vampilov to Moscow to improve his skills in literary courses. This helped Alexander Valentinovich move up the career ladder: now he is an executive secretary. However, after a few years, Vampilov ends his career, completely devoting himself to writing.

Unfortunately, attempts to attach at least some work for staging on stage have so far been unsuccessful. Much later, the BDT of St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) and other major theaters would become interested in Alexander Valentinovich's plays.

Career, and family life began to gradually improve. And suddenly ... a tragic death.

Tragic death

Only a few days did not live up to the 35th anniversary of Alexander Vampilov. His short biography ended terribly ridiculous. Having decided to rest on Baikal, they and a friend went to the lake with a boat.

It so happened that the ship, catching on trees piled up under water, turned over. A friend of the writer, Gleb Pakulov, began to call for help and was rescued. Vampilov decided to get to the shore in the icy water himself. And as soon as he stepped ashore, his heart could not stand it.

The writer was buried by friends, acquaintances and complete strangers. Two truly supernatural stories are associated with the funeral. Eyewitnesses attributed this to the fact that Alexander Vampilov did not want to leave so early. His biography is not finished to the end. Funeral organizers forgot to bring the ropes with which to lower the coffin into the grave. In the hustle and bustle of what is happening, friends had to look for, and then wait for the cemetery watchman. While they were searching, the coffin with the body of the writer stood on the edge of the grave. This is not the end of the story. As soon as the body of the writer began to be lowered, it turned out that the pit was too shallow. Again I had to wait until it was dug up properly.

It is also paradoxical that immediately after death, directors and publishers begin to take a keen interest in the legacy that Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich managed to leave.

creative path

Vampilov begins to write as a first-year student at the Faculty of History and Philology. The first short essays are printed by local university publications. The only collection of short stories published during his lifetime is being released just at this time. These are short humorous stories written under the pseudonym A. Sanin.

Upon arrival from Moscow (where Alexander Valentinovich improved his skills as a writer), after working for some time in the prestigious position of executive secretary of the Soviet Youth, he wrote two small comedy plays: One Hundred Rubles with New Money, Crow Grove.

Gradually, Vampilov comes to the realization that he must deal exclusively with creativity. Therefore, he says goodbye to work in the newspaper and begins active writing. Soon the play "Farewell in June" appears, which the author proposes to stage in Moscow theaters. Unfortunately, these attempts were not successful.

Vampilov is helped by the case when, quite by chance, on the telegraph, he meets the then famous playwright Arbuzov, who agrees to take and read Alexander's play "Farewell in June". Vampilov receives positive reviews from the famous playwright, but the work did not see the Moscow stage at that time.

In the period 1969-1971, the most famous plays appear. They are taken to be staged in provincial theaters, but Moscow and Leningrad are closed to Vavilov. Sadly, they began to be interested in the work of the playwright shortly before his death, in 1972. It is difficult to say why the capital's theaters paid attention to him, but the plays are taken to be staged by the BDT, the Stanislavsky Theater. Even Lenfilm concludes an agreement with Vavilov to write the original script. Unfortunately, Alexander Vampilov did not see the brilliant productions of his plays in Moscow: his life was cut short.

"Farewell in June": a summary

Written in 1965, the comedy "Farewell in June" is typical for the literature of that time. Vampilov shows the hero, a student in whose worldview significant metamorphoses have taken place, not for the better.

Initially, Kolesov is shown as the soul of the company, he is appreciated by teachers and classmates. He is principled, but he is distinguished by a certain eccentricity, like all students.

Everything changes when the hero falls in love with the rector's daughter Tatyana.
For obvious reasons, the head of the faculty is against these relations, he threatens to expel Kolesov from the university. The student is at a loss, because he sincerely loves the girl, but he understands that he cannot lose his diploma either, because there are only a few months left before graduation. After long languishing, Kolesov agrees to a deal and leaves Tanya.

Analysis "Farewell in June"

Vampilov did not make a negative character out of the main character, he gives him a chance to change and hints at this to the reader, because Kolesov does not go further, he repents, in a fit of feelings he tears up his diploma and tries to return the girl. The writer's ending, as it were, reveals the future to the reader, gives hope that he will improve.

It cannot be said that this play is unambiguously about love relationships and betrayal. Its plane is much higher: it is a deal with one's own conscience, principles. And who will win it, Vampilov keeps silent. This is the whole unique handwriting of Alexander Viktorovich.

"Elder Son": a summary

Vampilov has been working on The Elder Son for a long time. First, rough sketches appear, notes in notebooks, then some chapters were published. The final version saw the light in 1970, published by the Art publishing house.

Busygin, who enters the family by deceit, is the one who saves all of them from mistakes. So, to Nina, the daughter of Sarafanov, he reveals the essence of the groom, petty Kudimov. Vasenka thinks about not going to the taiga. Saves Busygin and Sarafanov Sr., giving him another son in his person. He is like a breath of fresh air for this family. It is symbolic that in the end the heroes are left at home without Silva, Busygin's friend, and without the principled Kudimov. They, according to Vampilov, are two extreme points that have no place in life.

The play has a circular composition: at the end, Busygin also misses his evening train.

Analysis of the work "Elder Son"

It would seem, what a simple plot: Busygin's roguery in the hope of getting warm. But he is fraught with deep questions that Alexander Vampilov poses to the reader. His works are distinguished by these meanings, which are revealed to the reader, like the invisible part of an iceberg. In the play there is an eternal problem of fathers and children. The words of Sarafanov's son Vasenka sound tragic about the fact that adult children do not need parents. Vampilov has a very philosophical approach to the theme of the meaning of life. Who is Sarafanov? Loser, fired from his job, abandoned by his wife and soon children. However, he does not lose heart, but believes that fate will surely bring something good to a good person. And he turns out to be right.

and analysis

The life of the people of the era of "stagnation" is tragic. Completely devoid of a moral base, an ideological foundation, they go with the flow, destroying their own lives. Such is the main character of the play "Duck Hunt" Zilov. He is in a deep mental crisis.

The play begins with the fact that near his door the hero finds a funeral wreath with words of sorrow addressed to him. This is very symbolic, because mentally Zilov has been dead for a long time. Further in the play, Vampilov presents irrefutable evidence for this.

The hero is shown through a series of fun, parties, lovers and lies.

His wife Galina is perceived by him no more than a piece of furniture, he does not put Vera, his mistress, in anything. Even his own father, asking for a meeting, is relegated to the background by Zilov (the old man dies without meeting his son). The hero, on the other hand, prefers to dream of a duck hunt, which he is unlikely to ever gather for. This image is very vivid in the play, it symbolizes the failure of the protagonist.

It is amazing how accurately Vampilov's female images are drawn: miniature, tender Galina, Zilov's wife, sincere, sometimes rude Vera, aristocratic Valeria and a young student Irina, who sincerely fell in love with the main character.

As always, the author leaves the question of the revival of the protagonist open, secretly hoping that it will happen.

"Last summer in Chulimsk": a summary

The play tells about the life of the regional center in the outback. The main character, Valentina, is in love with the investigator Shamanov, who does not immediately, but reciprocates her feelings.

The girl also liked the girl and Pavel, who came to his parents on vacation. The young man is very spoiled, he is used to getting everything he wants. He needs Valentina as a wife solely as a beautiful addition to a city apartment, as one that will run the household without any problems.

Not persuading the girl to marry in a good way, he uses violence against her. Scolded, she rejects the offer of Shamanov's hand and inclines towards the decision to marry Pashka, as her father wants. However, she ultimately rejects both men.

Analysis "Last summer in Chulimsk"

Vampilov poses very serious questions in the play: the life of young people in the outback, the morals of the inhabitants. Indeed, how can you keep young people if you have to walk several kilometers to the nearest House of Culture, and in the cinema they show tapes that have been watched by everyone for a long time. That's why young people run away or become an inveterate drunkard.

The front garden that Valentin equips is very symbolic: everyone except Shamanov walks right on it and breaks it, and the girl resignedly restores it. Vampilov wants to say by this that the morals of people cannot be changed: some will destroy, while others will restore. There is another subtext: the desecrated, trampled honor of Valentina. It is very symbolic that the front garden helps to restore Shamans. Maybe, after all, he is the person who will ultimately save the girl? As in the rest of Vampilov's plays, one can only guess about this.

One-act plays

The most famous short plays by Vampilov are "The Story with the Met Entrepreneur" and "Twenty Minutes with an Angel". They were written at the very beginning of his writing career. Much later, the plays were combined into one edition of "Provincial Anecdote".

This is indeed a very apt title, because, continuing the traditions of Pushkin, Vampilov writes short stories about an extraordinary event that really happened. However, the author also brings something new to the meaning of this literary term: a sparkling, unusual ending.

It is no coincidence that the word "provincial" is also in the title. Thus, Vampilov drew the reader's attention to the problems of settlements far from the life of the capital, where there are special ways, views and the course of life.

These one-act plays are a kind of springboard for the author's most serious works, which raise the most important philosophical questions of morality: "Duck Hunt" and "Last Summer in Chulimsk".

Prose works

Researchers of Vampilov's work unanimously say that if his life had not ended so early, Alexander Valentinovich would have definitely released a novel, and maybe even several. The beginnings of this were clearly visible.

Basically, prose was written by a young writer - a university student and a newspaper worker. Then all kinds of essays, notes, feuilletons come out from under his pen. However, two works already belong to the mature period of Vampilov's work: in 1965, the feuilleton "Something for fame" was written, and in 1966 - "The Vitim episode". In addition, at the same time, Alksander Valentinovich wrote essays about Kutulik.

All Vampilov are united by their plots, problems that will be developed in dramatic works. Here the images of Shamanov, Yakov Pashka, the events that took place in "Duck Hunt" and "Farewell in June" appear.

Prose is distinguished by the sharpness of satire, well-aimed characteristics of the characters. It can be compared with the works of Zoshchenko and Olesha.

Alexander Vampilov did not immediately receive recognition from the public and readers. The rating of books and performances developed gradually. However, the fact that all of his major plays were eventually staged on the stages of leading theaters, and many were also performed in cinema, speaks of truly popular love and the actual theme of the works.

Playwright and prose writer Alexander Vampilov was born in the small village of Kutulik, located near Irkutsk, in 1937. Vampilov lost his father early, because he was shot as a result of repression. The boy's mother, working as a teacher, raised four children alone, and it was she who had a significant influence on the formation of the writer's personality.

On the second attempt in 1955, Vampilov managed to enter the Faculty of Philology at Irkutsk State University. While studying at this institution, under the pseudonym A. Sanin, the writer published his first story "Coincidence" (1958). Three years later, Vampilov's collection of the same name came out in Irkutsk.

After graduation, the young man continues to actively publish his works, working first as a stenographer in a local newspaper, and then as a correspondent. After he goes to Moscow - to study at a two-year literary course.

After graduating from them, Vampilov returns to his homeland. There, literally in ten years, all the most famous plays of the playwright were published in the almanacs "Siberia" and "Angara": "Twenty Minutes with an Angel" (1962), "Farewell in June" (1964); then "The Elder Son" (1965), "Duck Hunt" (1968) and others.

Vampilov was married twice. His first wife was Lyudmila Dobracheva, whose marriage lasted only three years (1960-1963). The second time the writer married already in 1966 to Olga Ivanovskaya, from whom he had a daughter, Elena.

Vampilov died on August 17, 1972, without waiting for his 35th birthday. The writer died tragically when his motorboat capsized on Lake Baikal.

Fate has prepared a short but bright life for Alexander Vampilov. According to contemporaries, this talented person delicately balanced on the verge between risky ideas and the life of an ordinary Soviet person. The creative innovations that he applied in his works are inherent in the new generation of writers and poets. The followers of the literary genre call Alexander the great Russian playwright of world significance, who tirelessly searched for his true destiny.

Vampilov is a native of the city of Cheremkhovo in the Irkutsk region, where he was born on August 19, 1937. His family at that time lived in the village of Kutulik, Cheremkhovo district, and consisted of representatives of different nationalities. Mom is Russian, dad is Buryat, both are very intelligent and educated people, they worked at a local school. Sasha's father, who knew several foreign languages ​​to perfection, after graduating with honors from Irkutsk University, was appointed director of the same school. Little Sasha was the fourth child in their friendly family.

After an unjustified denunciation, the elder Vampilov was arrested and, by a court decision, shot. After two decades, he was rehabilitated, but the family all this time had to live with the stigma of relatives of the "enemy of the people." It was these difficult years, which deprived Alexander of his childhood, that tempered the young man and prepared him for new difficulties in life.

After leaving school, the future writer makes an attempt to become a student of the Faculty of History and Philology at Irkutsk University. He was able to enter a higher educational institution only on the second attempt, the very next year.

The atmosphere prevailing at the university contributed to the flourishing of the creative ideas of amateur student communities. One of the leaders of such a literary association was the student Vampilov, who is not diligent in his studies and prefers to do only things that are interesting for him, namely writing.

Creative activity

Throughout his studies at the university, Alexander had various creative ideas. Having an excellent ear for music, he was the soul of the student company in various literary competitions and music festivals. From the third year, Vampilov understands that the true muse of his whole life is the composition of dramatic works. In 1958, the young author published the first story "Coincidence of Circumstances". This work was published in several magazines and literary almanacs.

From the fifth year, a gifted student begins to work as a correspondent in the regional newspaper "Soviet Youth". Alexander was able to master the journalistic genre, and his essays and feuilletons were especially popular at that time. Beginning authors, gathering in the editorial office of a popular newspaper to discuss new and popular works, created a Creative Youth Association. In the future, many of its participants received vouchers to the Writers' Union of the USSR. After Vampilov mastered the genre of dramaturgy and successfully staged his plays, in 1965 he was accepted as a member of this honorary literary association of the Soviet Union.

Until his tragic death on Lake Baikal in 1974, where the master of pen and prose was preparing regular essays for publication, he was at the forefront of all literary research by the authors of the Siberian region. Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov created not so many dramatic images, but the colorful originality of his creations left a bright and unique mark.

Very briefly

Alexander Vampilov is a wonderful prose writer and publicist who wrote many wonderful works, articles, artistic notes, and dramatic works. A very talented person who proved to everyone that he can do what he likes and get a decent income for his favorite business, which motivated many people who followed his activities for personal accomplishments.

Alexander Vampilov - this literary figure was born in the village of Kutulik, in 1937, in a rather simple family, far from remarkable, there were no creative people or famous people in it. It was a simple family that tried to survive as best they could. However, from childhood, the boy began to be haunted by misfortunes. When he was little, his father was shot by the new government, as he was not satisfied with the current government, and Vampilov's mother raised a large family, which also played an important role in the development of the boy's personality.

Despite many hardships, the boy surprisingly grew up as a completely balanced young man, who entered the faculty of philology at one of the Irkutsk universities in 1955. Although not the first time, Vampilov still managed to get into the faculty of the science he wanted to do and develop himself in this direction. Also, while studying at the university, Vampilov publishes one story, and writes many short stories, and at the end of his studies at the university, he publishes his own collection of stories.

Also, at the end of his studies at the university, he begins to actively engage in literary activities, works as a correspondent in a newspaper, and after some time working in a newspaper, he goes to a two-year literature course. After these courses, he, having received a sufficient amount of knowledge, returns to his homeland, since the courses were held in Moscow, and there he writes many excellent works over the course of several years.

Little can be said about Vampilov's personal life. He was married twice, and the second was his last. Unfortunately, the author of such wonderful works died in 1972, after the boat in which he sailed on Lake Baikal capsized.

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