Belly meaning of the word obsolete. Meaning of obsolete Russian words and expressions

Explanatory dictionary of ancient Russian words A Alatyr - Center of Space. Center of Microcosmos (Human). That around which the cycle of Life takes place. Translation options: ala - motley (snow-covered), tyr<тур>- peak, staff or pillar with a pommel, sacred tree, mountain, “towering” Variations: Latyr, Altyr, Zlatyr, Zlatar Constant epithet - “bel combustible (hot, sparkling)” - (bel - “brilliant”). In Russian texts, golden, zlat, smooth, and iron stones are found. Latyr-stone is the center of coordinates of the world and man in Slavic mythology. Alpha and Omega. That from which everything begins and where it returns (locus). More precisely, the meaning and significance of the words are conveyed in epics... Alkonost - from the ancient Russian saying “alkyon is (bird)”, from the Greek alkyon - kingfisher (Greek myth about Alkyon, transformed by the gods into a kingfisher). She is depicted in popular prints as a half-woman, half-bird with large multi-colored feathers and a girl’s head, overshadowed by a crown and a halo. In his hands he holds paradise flowers and an unfolded scroll with a saying about reward in paradise for a righteous life on earth. Unlike the bird Sirin, she was always depicted with hands. Alkonost, like the Sirin bird, captivates people with its singing. The legends speak about the days of alkonost - seven days when Alkonost lays eggs in the depths of the sea and hatches them, sitting on the surface of the water and pacifying storms. Alkonost is perceived as a “manifestation of divine providence” and serves as a designation of the divine word. B Basa - beauty, decoration, panache. Batog is a stick. To babble, to babble - to speak, to say. Pregnancy is a burden, an armful, as much as you can wrap your arms around. Boyars are rich and noble people, close associates of the king. Scolding is a battle; A battlefield is a battlefield. We are brothers and sisters. Armor - clothing made of metal plates or rings; protected the warrior from the blows of a sword and spear. Britous - the Old Believers called it that way for those who were shaven and without a beard. Damask steel was a specially made steel. Weapons made from this steel were also called damask steel. To get rich - to get rich, to increase wealth. The story is a true story. Bylina is a Russian folk epic (full of greatness and heroism) song - a legend about heroes. V To get acquainted - to get to know each other, to communicate, to be friends, to make acquaintances. To know - to know. Vereya is a pillar on which the gate was hung. Nativity scene - cave, dungeon. To make a noise is to make a noise. To make noise (to make noise) "Don't goldie!" = don't make noise! Golk = noise, hum,< гулкий >echo. Frantic - having lost all sense of proportion. Knight - a brave warrior, a hero. Lightweight - easy, free, without much difficulty, safe. To endure - to withstand, endure, endure. G Garnets - an ancient measure of bulk solids, bread (~ 3 liters) Goy thou art (from the word goit - to heal, to live; goy - peace< , в его развитии, в движении и обновлении >, abundance) - magnification, a wish for health, corresponding in meaning to today: “Be healthy! Hello!” You are good = you are healthy<есть>"Goy" is a Russian wish for health, good luck and prosperity, a kind word. Options: “Goy este” - be healthy, in the meaning of greeting, wishing the interlocutor health and goodness. “Oh, you” is a greeting with many meanings, depending on the intonation of the speaker. Gorazd - knows how, skillful Gornitsa - that’s how, in the old fashioned way, they called the upper room with large windows. A threshing floor, gumentse is a place where they thresh, and also a shed for storing sheaves. D Just now (before the moment of conversation) A shower warmer is a warm short jacket or quilted jacket without sleeves, with ruching at the back. Dereza is a thorny shrub, a "scraper". In an ancient way - in the old way, Dense - " dense forest" - dark, thick, impenetrable; illiterate person E Yelan, elanka - a grassy clearing in the forest Endova - a wide vessel with a spout. Foods - dishes, food. Zhaleika - a pipe made of willow bark. Jug - a jug with a lid. Belly - life. Belly - estate, wealth, livestock Z Zavse<гда>- constantly. To begin to fast - to begin to fast, to fast. The outpost is a fence made of logs, a control point at the entrance, and an eminent one is a rich, noble monk - in the church. “he was tonsured a monk, then ordained a deacon...” A hut is a house, a warm room. The name “izba” comes from the word “to heat” (the original version is “istoka” /from a birch bark letter, XIV century - Novgorod, Dmitrievskaya street, excavations/). House = "smoke" from a chimney. K Kalinovy ​​(about fire) - bright, hot. Hag - crow. A tub is a cylindrical container (barrel), assembled from wooden rivets (planks) held together with metal hoops. Killer whale / killer whale - affectionate address. The original meaning is “having beautiful braids.” Kichka, kika is an ancient women's headdress that decorates the appearance and gives one a look. Klet - closet, separate room The cell in the ancient Russian house was called a cold room, and the hut was a warm one. Podklet - the lower cold floor of Klyuk's house - a stick with a curved upper end. Knysh is bread baked from wheat flour and eaten hot. Kokora, kokorina - snag, stump. Kolymaga is an ancient decorated carriage in which noble people rode. Kolyada is a Christmas song in honor of the owners of the house; for carols they gave a gift. Carol is a Christmas song sung on Christmas Eve and the first day of Christmastide by rural youth. Ancient carols are characterized by elements - openings and conclusions from the kondachka - without preparation. Origin (variant): the original word is Kondakia (kondakia, kontakia) - a stick (diminutive of “spear”) on which a scroll of parchment was wound. A parchment sheet or scroll itself, written on both sides, was also called kandak. Subsequently, the word K. began to denote a special group church hymns, in the middle of the first millennium - long (hymns, poems), modern - small (one or two stanzas, as part of a canon) Korob, boxes - a large bast box or box in which various goods were stored. Kochet, Kochet - rooster. To bow - to be baptized, to make the sign of the cross. "Wake up!" - come to your senses! A mound is a high earthen mound that the ancient Slavs built over a grave. Kut, kutnichek - a corner in a hut, a counter, a stall in which chickens were kept in winter. Kutya - a steep, sweet barley, wheat or rice porridge with raisins. The circle-amulet - developed from a circular walk around the area where they were going to spend the night or settle for a long time; such a walk was necessary to ensure that there were no dens of predators or snakes. The idea of ​​a circle served as an image<своего>peace. L Lada! - expression of consent, approval. Fine! other Russian Okay - the word has many meanings depending on intonation. Plate is iron or steel armor worn by warriors. M Poppy - top of the head. Matitsa - middle ceiling beam. The world is a peasant community. N Nadezha-warrior is an experienced, reliable, strong, skillful fighter. Nadys - recently, the other day. Invoice - interest. “It won’t be expensive” - inexpensive, profitable Instead - instead. I called myself - I called myself; name - give a name, name. A week is a day when “they don’t do it” – a day of rest. In the pre-Christian period in Rus', Saturday and Sunday were called pre-weekend and week (or week), respectively. Arrears - taxes not paid on time or quitrent Nikola - never. O Frill - a tie at the bast shoe. Abundance - a lot of something. This is how the bread Obrok was called in Novgorod - a tribute to get well - to come to consciousness, to recover. Besides, besides - except. Yell - plow. Ostatniy - the last Osmushka - eighth (eighth) part = 1/8 - “octam of tea” (~ 40 or 50 grams) Oprich - except (“besides”) P Club - a club with a bound knob. Parun - a hot day after rain. Sailboat - sailor's clothing. Brocade is silk fabric woven with gold or silver. More - "more", "all the more so... = all the more so..." Veil - something that covers on all sides (fabric, fog, etc.) Blame - reproach, reproach. Finger - finger. Polati is a plank platform for sleeping, located under the ceiling. Spelled is a special variety of wheat. To please is to be overzealous; eat a lot. Posad is a village where traders and artisans lived. Throne - a throne, a special chair on a dais on which the king sat on special occasions. Ever-old, high style a word meaning - always, forever and ever Printed gingerbread - a gingerbread with an imprinted (printed) design or letters. Pudovka is a pood measure of weight. Pushcha is a protected, impenetrable forest. You need to think about it - think, figure out, think about this matter, discuss something with someone; to understand - to understand, to think, to reason about something. Sexual (color) - light yellow Midday - southern R. Military - military. Rat is an army. Thrifty - diligent, diligent Rushnik - embroidered towel. To agree - to come to an agreement, to come to an agreement. Unbelt - walk without a belt, lose all shame Rivers (verb) - say Repishche - vegetable garden Rubishche - torn, worn-out clothes S Svetlitsa (Push.) - bright, clean room. Scythian = monastery (initial) - from the words “to wander”, “wandering”, therefore, “Scythians-monasteries” - “wanderers” (“nomads”?). New meaning - monastic hermitage "Good Riddance" - original meaning... Yablochny Spas Sloboda is a village near the city, a suburb. Nightingales are yellowish-white horses. Sorokovka is a barrel for forty buckets. Sorochin, Sarachin - Saracen, Arabian rider. The clothes are decent - that is, not bad. An oxbow is an old (or dried up) river bed. A pillar noblewoman is a noblewoman of an old and noble family. Adversary - adversary, enemy. with a flourish - at times, inadequately. Antimony - painted black. Leaf - covered with a thin film of gold, silver, copper or tin. Gilded Sousek, bin<а>- a place where flour and grain are stored. To be full - food, food. Week - week T Terem - tall houses with a turret at the top. Tims - shoes made of goatskin. They were highly valued and sold in yuftas, that is, in pairs. Later they began to be called “morocco” (Persian word) Either here<тута>, and there... - words from a modern song about the difficulty of learning the Russian language. Gait of three crosses - super-fast execution of any order: one cross on packages with reports - the usual speed of horse delivery is 8-10 km/h, two - up to 12 km/h, three - the maximum possible. Oatmeal is crushed (unground) oatmeal. To skinny - to spend U Udel - possession, principality, fate Uval... - Ural (?) - Khural (belt, Turkic) ... Russia, belted by the Urals, stands by Siberia... F Enamel - enamel in painting metal products and the products themselves Fita - a letter of the old Russian alphabet (in the words “Fedot”, “incense”) Foot - an ancient measure of length equal to 30.48 cm X Chiton - underwear made of linen or woolen fabric in the form of a shirt, usually without sleeves. It is fastened on the shoulders with special fasteners or ties, and tied with a belt at the waist. Chiton was worn by both men and women. Khmara - cloud Pyarun - thunder T Tsatra (chatra, chator) - fabric made of goat down (undercoat) or wool. Tselkovy is the colloquial name for the metal ruble. Ch Chelo - forehead, in modern terms. In the old days, the forehead is the top of the head. Child is a son or daughter under 12 years old. To expect - to expect, to hope. Chapyzhnik - thickets<колючего>bush. Chebotar - shoemaker, shoemaker. Chobots - high closed shoes, men's and women's, boots or shoes with sharp, turned-up toes; roan horse - motley, with white splashes on gray (and other, main) wool or a different color mane and tail. Servants - servants in the house. Scarlet - red Brow - a person's forehead, a vaulted hole in a Russian stove, the entrance hole of a den. Chetami - in pairs, in pairs. Cheta - a pair, two objects or persons Quarter - a fourth part of something Black (clothing) - rough, everyday, working. Chick - hit Cast iron - railway. Sh Shelom - a helmet, a pointed iron cap for protection from sword strikes. Shlyk - jester's hat, cap, bonnet. Shtof - glass bottle 1.23 liters (1/10 of a bucket) Shtof generosity - generosity. A man with a big heart, showing a noble breadth of soul E Yu Yushka - fish soup or thin soup. St. George's Day (November 26) is a period determined by law when in Muscovite Rus' a peasant who settled on the master's land and entered into a "decent agreement" with the owner had the right to leave the owner, having first fulfilled all his obligations towards him. It was the only time of the year after autumn work(the week before and after November 26), when dependent peasants could pass from one owner to another. I am the Paradise Egg - the lucky egg, the magic egg. Dishes - food, food, food. Yarilo - ancient name The sun's stump is clear - meaning: "Naturally! Well, of course!" In this form, the expression appeared relatively recently, Yakhont - Old Russian. name certain precious stones, most often ruby ​​(dark red corundum), less often sapphire (blue), etc. Old Slavic names of peoples Svei - Swedes Poles - Poles Ugric group - Ostyaks, Voguls, Volga-Bulgarian Magyars - Cheremis, Permian Mordovians - Permyaks, Zyryans, Votyaks midday - southern Fryazh - Italian. "Fryazhsky" writing is a type of painting, as a result of the transition from icon painting to natural painting, in late XVII V. Germans are those who speak incomprehensibly (mute). Dutch - from the territory where the Kingdom of the Netherlands is now located. sorochinin - Arabic languages ​​- peoples (common name) Man Brow - forehead Right hand - on the right hand or side Oshuyu - on the left hand or side. Shuiy is the left one. Shuitsa - left hand. Hand and Shuitsa - right and left hand, right and left-hand side(“standing at the right and left at the entrance...”) Colors “red sun”, “red maiden” - beautiful, bright “red corner” - the main red color - a talisman Connection of weaving with cosmological motifs Weaving and weaving in weaving appears as a form world modeling. If the thread is fate, life path; that canvas, constantly produced and reproduced, is the whole World. Ritual towels (towels, the length of which is 10-15 times greater than the width) and square scarves with an ornament in the form of a model (mandala) of the Universe. Old Slavic writing (“Russian writing”, before the beginning of the second millennium AD) - Slavic Runes and "Knot letter" B folk tales Often there is a knotted ball of guide, indicating the Path. Unwinding and reading it, the person learned the clues - where to go and what to do, read words, images and numbers. Nodular (nodular-linear) Elm was wound for storage in ball books (or on a special wooden stick- Ust; hence the teachings from the elders - “Wrap it around your mustache”) and put it away in a box-box (where the concept of “Talking like three boxes” came from). Attaching the thread to the mouth (the center of the ball) was considered the beginning of recording. Many letters-symbols of the ancient Glagolitic alphabet are a stylized display of a two-dimensional projection onto Knotty Elm paper. Initial letters (capital letters of ancient texts in Cyrillic) - usually depicted in the form of a Knitting pattern. Looping techniques were also used to transmit and store information and to create protective amulets and amulets (including braiding hair). Examples of words and phrases that mention sciences: “to tie a knot as a keepsake”, “ties of friendship/marriage”, “the intricacy of the plot”, “to tie” (stop), union (from souz<ы>), "runs like a red thread (Alya) through the entire narrative." "Characters and Cuts" - "birch bark writing" (a simplified version of Slavic runes), widely used for everyday records and short messages between people. Slavic Runes are sacred symbols, each of which conveys a phonetic meaning (the sound of a sign of the runic alphabet), a meaning-image (for example, the letter “D” meant “good”, “well-being”< дары Богов, "хлеб насущный" >, Tree< в узелковом письме может соответствовать перевёрнутой петле "коровья" (схватывающий узел) / Дерево >and belt buckle) and numerical correspondence. To encrypt or shorten the recording, knitted runes were used (combined, intertwined, built into a pictorial ornament). Monogram, letter monogram - a combination of the initial letters of a name and/or surname into one image, usually intertwined and forming a patterned script. Dwelling The main pillar in the house is the central one, supporting the hut. Community Ordinary objects are common (that is, no one's; belonging to everyone and no one in particular) things that are important to everyone to the same extent, with common rituals. Belief in the purity (whole, healthy) and holiness of common ritual meals, brotherhoods, joint prayers, and donations. An ordinary object is clean, new, it has the enormous power of a whole, untouched thing. The main elements of Slavic mythology are Latyr-stone, Alatyr is the center of coordinates of the world and man in Slavic mythology. Alpha and Omega (the original singular Point of growth and the final volumetric World< всё наше Мироздание, есть и другие, но очень далеко, со всех сторон >in the form of an almost endless ball). That from which everything begins and where it returns (point, locus). Miraculous stone (in Russian folk beliefs). in epics... Alatyr - Centers of the Cosmos (Universe) and Microcosmos (Human). Fractal Growth Point, three-dimensional< / многомерная >line of singularity ("Staircase" connecting the worlds), a fabulous "magic wand" / wand / staff with a pommel or a stationary Magic Altar. That from which Existence begins and returns, around which the cycle of Life occurs (the axis point). Russian letter A, Greek - “Alpha”. The symbol of the Ladder is prayer beads (“ladder” = ladder connecting the top and bottom of the Universe) / “ladder”). In the temple there is a lectern (a high table, in the center, for icons and liturgical books). Translation options: ala - motley, tyr<тур>- a peak, a pillar or a staff with a triple pommel, a fabulous “magic wand”, a scepter, a sacred tree or mountain, the trunk of the World Tree, “towering” Options - Latyr, Altyr, Zlatyr, Zlatar, Alva Constant epithet - “white flammable (burning = glowing, hot, sparkling)" - (white - dazzlingly brilliant). In Russian texts there is gold, zlat (amber?), smooth (polished by the hands of those praying), iron (if a meteorite or fossil magnetic ore) stone. Merkaba is a star tetrahedron, a closed volume of an energy-informational crystal-chariot for the ascension of the Spirit, Soul and body of Man. "First Stone"< Краеугольный, Замковый >- the initial, axial point of any creation. “The navel of the Earth” is the energy center of the planet, in which, according to legend, there is always a crystal (“unearthly Jewel”), the magical Alatyr< подземный Китеж-Град, Ковчег, неземной Храм >. Folk tales place it in various points on Earth, usually in real energy centers / nodes (places of Power), such as in the vicinity of the village of Okunevo, on the Tara River, in Western Siberia. The stories about these lands, at first glance, are unrealistically fabulous, but modern scientists still cannot really explain all the anomalies and miracles that occur in such areas, on the lakes there. There is information in the open press that Helen and Nicholas Roerich, in the twenties of the last century, traveling through Russia, took with them an ancient box with an unusual stone inside (? -<Ш>Chintamani, Lapis Exilis, "wandering in the world", part of the Holy Grail/Wisdom Stone, in the ark-casket), sent to him by the Mahatma. It is no coincidence that this box is shown in the famous painting “Portrait of N.K. Roerich”, painted by his son, Svyatoslav Roerich. main part of this Stone (called the “Treasure of the World” - Norbu Rimpoche, a cosmic magnet from the center of our Universe, with the energetic rhythm of its Life) - is located in the legendary Shambhala (Tibet, in the Himalaya mountains). The story is amazing, almost incredible. More information is available on other Internet sites. Holy Grail (Buddha Bowl) - symbol of the source< волшебного >elixir. Where it is now is not known for certain, except for the almost fabulous, fantastic UFO legends from the middle of the last century, now published by modern researchers on the Internet and in books, about the German base (numbered 211) in Antarctica (located somewhere- then near the present South Geographic Pole, on the coast of Queen Maud Land, from the side Atlantic Ocean, in warm karst caves with underground rivers and lakes, where for a long time, after the Second World War, hundreds, and maybe thousands of German military personnel, specialists and civilians who sailed there on submarines lived and hid). With a high probability, in those grottoes and catacombs-laboratories (artificially created with the help of mining equipment delivered there on ships several years earlier) - the Nazis hid some especially valuable artifacts and sources of Ancient Knowledge, obtained by them all over the world and found, discovered on the spot. And almost certainly, all this is securely and carefully hidden there, with numerous traps, which people will disarm and pass, perhaps in the not very distant future.< или, опередившие их - пришельцы, инопланетяне >can with the help of robots. Philosopher's Stone of Wisdom< эликсир жизни >- to obtain gold (enlightenment of a person, immortality (eternal youth) of him<тела>-souls-<духа>in their synthesis). The spine (spinal cord) is “Mount Meru”, with its apex in the head (epiphysis (m) and pituitary gland (g) - on the physical plane, halos and radiances - on the next, higher planes). Ancient name Baltic Sea- “Alatyr” Rus - a native inhabitant of the Russian land Alatyr-stone is found in fairy tales and epics in the form of the phrase: “On the sea on the ocean, on an island on Buyan lies the Alatyr-stone.” Spaces of microcosm in Slavic mythology The first, outer circle of the concentrically arranged “world” (history, events) most often turns out to be a sea or a river. The pure field is a transitional area between worlds. The second area, following the sea, is an island (or immediately a stone) or a mountain (or mountains). The central locus of the mythological world is represented by many different objects, of which stones or trees may have proper names. All of them are usually located on an island or mountain, i.e. one way or another included in the previous locus as a central and maximally sacred point. The sea (sometimes a river) in Slavic mythology represents that body of water (in the southern regions, there are also vast sandy and rocky deserts, for example the Mongolian Gobi), which, according to traditional ideas, lies on the way to kingdom of the dead and to another world. Old Slavonic “ocean”, as well as - Okiyan, Okian, Ocean, Okeyan. Kiyan-Sea Sea-Okiyan - the absolute periphery of the world (antilocus); It's impossible to get around it. Blue Sea - locus Black Sea - antilocus Khvalynsk Sea - Caspian or Black Sea. Antilocus Khorezm - Aral Sea. Antilocus Currant River is the mythical prototype of all rivers. Acts as the water boundary of the “other world”. There is a viburnum bridge on it. Buyan Island - In folklore, Buyan is associated with the other world, the path to which, as you know, lies through the water. The island can serve as an arena for fabulous action.

It doesn’t matter what faith you are, what social status you have,
sexual orientation and food preferences,
You will definitely need a dictionary of outdated words.

Abiye - immediately, since, when.

Aki - as, since, like, as if, as if.

Even - if, although, when.

Barber - barber, hairdresser.

To be vigilant is to take care; be on guard, vigilant.

Fluency is speed.

Take care - caution.

Incessantly - unconditionally, undoubtedly, incessantly.

Shameless - shameless.

Blagoy - kind, good.

Bo - for, because.

Blockhead - statue, idol, block of wood.

Will - if, if, when, if.

Shafts are waves.

Suddenly - again, again.

Guilt is a reason, a reason.

Vlasno - exactly, actually.

Wave is wool.

In vain - in vain.

In vain - in vain, in vain.

I will take it out - always, at all times, incessantly.

Greater - greater, higher.

Gehenna is hell.

Grief is upward.

Actors are actors.

Dennitsa - morning dawn.

Gum, right hand - right, right hand.

Ten - ten times.

Divyy - wild.

Today - now, now, today.

To suffice is to be sufficient.

Dominates - follows, should, must, decently.

Dondezhe - until then.

When - when.

Hedgehog - which.

Eliko - how much.

Epancha - cloak, blanket.

Eating is food.

Nature is nature.

Lives - it happens.

Belly - life, property.

They live - they happen.

Jealous - envious.

The gap is a shame.

Legal - illegal.

Here - here.

Zelo - very.

Green - huge, strong, great.

Zenitsa - eye, pupil.

Evil deeds are atrocities.

Hydra - hydra.

Also - what, who, which.

Inde - somewhere, somewhere else, ever.

Art is experience.

Executor - preacher.

Execution is punishment, retribution.

The Cartagineans are the inhabitants of Carthage.

Which one, which one, which one - which one, which one, which one.

Koliko - how much, how.

Kolo - wheel, circle.

Concha - true, certainly, of course, very much.

Inert - slow, unhurried, motionless.

Krasik is handsome.

Red - beautiful, wonderful, decorated.

Cres<т>tsy - crossroads.

Kruzhalo is a tavern, a drinking house.

A lazy person is a lazy person, a couch potato.

Deprivation - excess.

Lovitva - hunting.

Loskiy - smooth, shiny.

Lzya - it’s possible.

To flatter - to deceive, to seduce.

Metaphrase is an arrangement, an allegory.

Multi-species - diverse.

Wet - It's possible.

Mraz - frost.

Me - me.

Nan - at him.

The boss is the founder, the initiator.

No - no.

Below - and not, not at all, also not.

To coerce - to force.

Obesity - gluttony, gluttony.

Abundance - wealth, treasures.

The image is resentment, insult, dissatisfaction.

Ov, ova, ovo - this, this, this; that, that, that.

Right hand - right.

One-person - the same, unchangeable, the same.

This one is the one.

Cool - trouble, resentment, insult, shame, annoyance.

From here - from here.

From now on.

To get rid of - to suffer, to lose, to lose.

Weaning - removal.

Oshuyu is on the left.

Sinus - bay.

Packy - again, again.

More than that.

Percy - chest.

Fingers - fingers.

Finger - ashes, dust.

Flesh is the body.

Habit is a habit.

A disgrace is a spectacle, a performance.

Full is enough.

Polk - stage.

More gently - because.

Breed - origin (noble).

After - after.

Pottage - flattery, servility.

Right - fair, true.

Charm is deception, temptation, deceit.

To abhor - to prohibit.

The butt is an example.

Attribute - dedicate.

Providence - destiny, care, thought.

Contrary - opposite, on the contrary.

Coolness - pleasure, pleasure.

Five - five times.

To please is to care.

To blush is to blush, to be ashamed.

Decide - say, utter.

A freedman is a freedman.

In other words, that is.

Dignified - worthy, decent, appropriate.

The caretakers are spectators.

One hundred times.

Path is a road, a way.

Bitch is dead.

Stoolchak - stoolchak, toilet seat.

Obstinate - obstinate.

Stud is a shame.

Also - then, later.

Ti - for you.

Current - flow.

To hurry is to be timid, fearful.

Three times, three times - three times.

Thorough - generous, diligent, caring.

Ubo - because, since, therefore.

Oud - sexual organ (male)

Convenient - capable.

Charter - order, custom.

Phrasis is a phrase, expression.

Praiseworthy - worthy of praise.

Frail - weak, frail.

Chernets is a monk.

Chin - order.

Loins - hips, lower back, waist.

Reader - reader.

Honorable - respected, revered.

Alienated - alienated.

Shipok, spike - rose, pink.

Edition - publication.

Ephesians are the inhabitants of Ephesus.

South - what, which.

Even - what, which.

Language - people, tribe.

Obsolete words are a special group of words that, for one reason or another, are not used in modern speech. They are divided into two categories - historicisms and archaisms. Both of these groups are similar to each other, but still have several significant differences.


These include words denoting special things, positions, phenomena that have ceased to exist in modern world, but took place earlier. An example of such words is boyar, voivode, petitioner, estate. They do not have synonyms in modern language, and you can only find out their meaning from an explanatory dictionary. Basically, such outdated words refer to the description of life, culture, economy, hierarchy, military and political relations of ancient times.

So, for example, petitioning is: 1) bowing with the forehead touching the ground; or 2) written request. Stolnik is a courtier, one degree lower than a boyar, who usually served at the boyar or royal table.

Most outdated words-historicisms found among names associated with military theme, as well as those related to household items and clothing: chain mail, visor, redoubt, arquebus, valley, prosak, armyak, seeder, camisole.

Here are some example sentences containing obsolete words. “Petitioners came to the tsar and complained about the governors, and said that they were taking away their estates and then giving them away; the nobles, stewards and boyars’ children also complained that the governors were taking away their palace villages. Cossacks and archers also came to the tsar, bringing petitions , asked for grain and cash wages."

Currently, one of the many groups of historicisms are those that arose during the formation of the USSR: food detachment, Budyonnovets, educational program, committee of the poor, NEP, lichenets, NEPman, Makhnovist, food surplus.


Obsolete languages ​​are classified into another broad group - archaisms. They, in fact, are a subgroup of historicisms - they also include words that have fallen out of use. But their main difference is that they can be replaced by synonyms, which are common words used today. Here are the cheeks, right hand, loins, verses, tightness, ramen. Accordingly, their modern analogues- cheeks, right hand, lower back, poetry, sadness, shoulders.

There are several basic differences between archaism and its synonym. They may differ:

A) lexical meaning(belly - life, guest - merchant);

b) grammatical design (at the ball - at the ball, perform - perform);

c) (fisherman - fisherman, friendship - friendship);

In order to correctly use archaism in a sentence and avoid confusion, use an explanatory dictionary or a dictionary of outdated words.

And here are examples of sentences containing archaisms: “In Moscow lived okolnichi, boyars, clerks, whom Bolotnikov threatened to turn into commoners or kill, and put nameless people in their place; industrialists and wealthy merchants also lived there, courtyards, money, whose shops “Everything was given to the poor.”

In this passage, the following words are archaisms: commoner, yard (in the sense of household), shop (trading enterprise), nameless. It is easy to notice that there are also historicisms here: okolnichy, boyar.

Outdated words perfectly convey the characteristic historicity and make the literary text colorful and bright. But for correct and appropriate use, you must always consult an explanatory dictionary so that flowery phrases do not ultimately turn into nonsense.

    We often find outdated words in classical literature. Footnotes and explanations are often provided for them, since these words are not used in modern language, and many may not know their meanings.

    Examples of obsolete words:

    inda - even

    lanita - cheeks

    saryn - rabble, crowd

    week - week

    lazy - lazy

    Obsolete words include archaisms and historicisms. These are words that are rarely used in living modern speech or are even found only in the literary works of writers of past centuries. We will classify outdated words as passive vocabulary of the modern Russian language.

    Archaisms are characterized by the fact that, as a rule, they have synonyms in modern speech.

    Examples of archaisms:

    hand - palm,

    neck - neck;

    belts - shoulders,

    sail - sail,

    piit - poet,

    fisherman - fisherman,

    lips - lips.

    Historicisms, as you can guess from the name of these words, are associated with a certain era in the history of the country and are the names of those objects that have already disappeared, and the word, as a reminder to descendants, remained in the literature, archival documents or periodicals of those years.

    I will give these examples of outdated words - historicisms:

    kulak - a wealthy peasant in the 20-30s of the last century;

    workers' faculty - workers' faculty;

    worker's faculty, workers' faculty - workers' faculty students.

    Among the historicisms there are many ancient names monetary units, measures of length and weight, names of objects and clothing, etc., for example:

    club, pood, verst, arshin, ten-kopeck piece, student, barge hauler, policeman, coachman, tavern, etc.

    Obsolete words mean those words that, due to the time period, have fallen out of previously habitual active use, but in passive dictionary they have been preserved and, to a greater extent, remain understandable to native speakers.

    Among obsolete words, there are two types: archaisms and historicisms.

    For example, lanits - cheeks in Old Russian. Hand - palm. Down - down, below. Eyes - eyes. Chelo - forehead. Or an archaic appeal - dear sir :-). Virgo is a girl. There is such a word - tuck in - tuck in / shirt /. Get excited - hang out with someone. This is folk speech, I heard the last two words from my grandmother / Smolensk region /.

    To what has already been written by other authors, I can add that words currently used can be considered obsolete if in former times they were used in different meanings than in the present. Such words are called semantic archaisms.


    Otrok is a teenage boy.

    Otrokovitsa is a teenage girl.

    Astrologer - astrologer.

    Actor - actor.

    A creature is a living being.

    The shame is a spectacle.

    Vulgar - ordinary.

    Domovina is a coffin.

    Zolotar is a jeweler.

    To hope - to hope.

    Dark - blind.

    Crown - wreath.

    Supper - dinner.

    Vitia is a speaker.

    This one is this one.

    Rest - fall asleep.

    City - city.

    Arab is a black man.

    Guilty - innocent.

    Lamb - lamb.

    The husband is a mature man.

    Scoundrel - not fit for military service.

    Whorehouse is a brothel.

    Abode - monastery.


    Likbez, Berkovets, carriage, rattler, stagecoach, serf, oktyabrnok, pioneer, bast shoe, inquisition, posadnik, Komsomol, torch, archer.

    The works of the classics of the 18th and 19th centuries are full of outdated words. The meaning is not always clear.

    The poet Pushkin has blueberries. An obsolete word. That means a nun.

    Pay at his place. The word appears in the conversation of old people rural residents. A bed for sleeping on the stove.

    The obsolete word used today is now.

    OBSOLETE words, or ARCHAISMS, denote objects, phenomena and concepts that have not disappeared from our modern life, but continue to exist in it, but under a different name. That is, they are denoted by modern words.

    There are a lot of archaisms known. And they are listed in dictionaries.

    Here in front of me is Ozhegov’s dictionary. I open the page at random and immediately come across outdated words: lanita- cheek; bastweed- peasant; word dealer used in the meaning reseller And horse trader.

    I close the dictionary. What can I remember myself?

    This is not difficult to do if you recall some expressions and phrases of our famous classical writers. For example, A, P, Chekhov has the following appeal: WISE secretary! That is wise.

    From a poem by A.S. Everyone knows the lines of Pushkin’s Prophet:

    I think that it is not worth translating the highlighted outdated words into a modern language, because we all know them from the school curriculum.

    Here are a few more outdated words: full - captivity; shelom - helmet; pawn - infantryman; tuga - melancholy, sadness; right hand - right hand; guard - watchman; finger - finger; existing - existing; thief - thief, robber, etc.

    I repeat that there are a lot of archaisms, both native Russian, Old Church Slavonic, and borrowed.

    It is simply impossible to list them within the framework of this project.

    There are a lot of obsolete words (this is the name for words that were previously used quite actively, but now are rarely or not used at all in the meanings in which they used to be) in the Russian language. Because the process of obsolescence is constant. Such words are sometimes even divided into obsolete and obsolete.

    Here are some of them:

    Screen. Archaism. Many people are now thinking about screenshots, which are called screenshots for short. But it turns out that this was what small chests and stacks used to be called. For example, if Dostoevsky lived not in the 190th century, but earlier, he would have called the old woman’s casket (packing), from which Raskolnikov pulled out money and jewelry, a screen. Hide from the word.

    Chernitsa. Archaism. And that was the name of the nuns. By the color of their clothes.

    Belenkaya. Historicism. This substantivized adjective once meant a banknote with a face value of 25 rubles.

    Zlachny. Archaic meaning. This word had the now outdated meaning of rich, fertile. From the word cereal.

    Aspid is a poisonous snake, yell is to plow, namale is soap, in advance - in advance, nabolshiy is the eldest, spring is a well, finger is a finger, get out - dress up, hustochka is a handkerchief, nikoli - never, odnova - once.

    Obsolete words are divided into historicisms and archaisms; we will give examples of both.


    district, boyar, volost, king, clerk, altyn.


    belly is life,

    mirror - mirror,

    hand - palm.

    eye - eye,

    cold - cold.

    Read about the differences between these two groups of obsolete words here.

Nurullaev Rubin and Duysenova Dinara.

Every person has their own small homeland- the place where we were born, where our ancestors lived, where our roots are. For some it is Big city, others have a small village, others have a small village. Unfortunately, now these roots are completely forgotten, but this is a whole cultural “layer” of past generations. “Without knowledge of the past, there is no present.” IN Lately However, interest in the past began to awaken. But history is inexorable. Small ones are disappearing these days. settlements, sometimes existing for 300 - 400 years. Documents, home archives, and outdated words that have acquired new meaning over time are perishing. For example: belly is a farm animal, belly is part of the body. Lesson - damage, evil eye, lesson at school. And the new generation knows them under a new meaning. Some words have multiple meanings. For example: Pechera is a cave, Pechera is a river. Ore is blood, ore is a mineral. This could have happened due to the large number of nationalities and their subsequent displacement. And along with all this, the gap between the past and the future is deepening. It is extremely difficult to trace this gap. The current generation of schoolchildren and their grandparents use different colloquial speech.



Regional scientific and practical conference “Step into the future”

Research work on Russian language

on this topic

"Using Outdated Words in Everyday Life"

The work was completed by 10th grade students

MKOU "Osypnobugorskaya Secondary School"

Privolzhsky district, village. Osypnoy Hill

Nurullaev Rubin and

Duisenova Dinara.

Scientific supervisor: Kirichenko

Svetlana Georgievna,

teacher of Russian language and literature



Subject scientific work– “Using obsolete words in everyday life”

School: MKOU "Osypnobugorsk Secondary School"

Information about scientific supervisors – Svetlana Georgievna Kirichenko

Information about the submitted work:

Type of work – abstract and research

Presence in the introduction of an object, subject, goals, objectives of the study - +

Availability of a work plan - +

Number of sources in the bibliographic list –

Preliminary testing of work - school conference

Study period: October-January

Scientific supervisor: Kirichenko S.G.

Head of the institution: G. A. Khalmetova

Plan research work

Item No.


Type of work


Working on choosing a topic


Gathering information on the selected topic


Processing of collected information



Working on an experiment.


Writing a paper, creating a presentation, participating in a school conference.


Summing up the work.

  1. Research plan. page 3
  2. Introduction. page 5
  3. Purpose of work p.5
  4. Hypothesis.p. 5
  5. Relevance and significance of the work.p. 5
  6. Tasks p.5
  7. Introduction. page 6.
  8. Chapter I " Historical reference Privolzhsky district". page 6.

Chapter II “Why are there so many different languages?” page 7.

  1. Chapter II “Outdated words.” page 8.
  2. Sociological survey. page 11
  3. Knowledge of outdated words. Page 12
  4. Usage of words taking into account different age categories. p. 13
  5. Dependence of the use of words taking into account age characteristics.p. 15
  6. Lists of people by recognition category.p. 16
  7. .List of words with other meanings.p. 17
  8. Competition “The best expert on obsolete words.” p. 19
  9. Conclusion. page 20
  10. Bibliography. page 21
  11. 22


Each person has his own small homeland - the place where we were born, where our ancestors lived, where our roots are. For some it is a big city, for others it is a small village, for others it is a small village. Unfortunately, now these roots are completely forgotten, but this is a whole cultural “layer” of past generations. “Without knowledge of the past, there is no present.” Recently, however, interest in the past has begun to awaken. But history is inexorable. Nowadays, small settlements that sometimes existed for 300 - 400 years are disappearing. Documents, home archives, and outdated words that have acquired new meaning over time are perishing. For example: belly is a farm animal, belly is part of the body. Lesson - damage, evil eye, lesson at school. And the new generation knows them under a new meaning. Some words have multiple meanings. For example: Pechera is a cave, Pechera is a river. Ore is blood, ore is a mineral. This could have happened due to the large number of nationalities and their subsequent displacement. And along with all this, the gap between the past and the future is deepening. It is extremely difficult to trace this gap. The current generation of schoolchildren and their grandparents use different colloquial speech.

Goal of the work: Find out how outdated words are used in everyday life.

Hypothesis: We assumed that the words are used, but less every year.

Relevance and significance of the work:Without knowledge of the past, there is no present.

Novelty of the work: preserving obsolete words as history, memory of one’s small homeland.

Tasks: 1) Study the literature on this topic.

2) Conduct a sociological survey.

3) Find out the degree of use of words in the form of graphs and


Introduction. Historical information of the Volga region

Privolzhsky district - municipality in the southeastern partAstrakhan regionRussia.

Privolzhsky district is located in the southeastern partAstrakhan regionin the delta of the Volga River and borders on the north withNarimanovsky And Krasnoyarsk districts, in the east with Volodarsky districtand the city areaAstrakhan. The area of ​​the district is 840.9 km².

Based on the Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council RSFSR "On the formation of the Volga region in the Astrakhan region" fromThe 20th of October1980- Privolzhsky district was formed in the Astrakhan region, with the center in the villageNachalovo, due to part of the territoryNarimanovsky districtAstrakhan region. 39 rural settlements.

The population is 40.1 thousand people.

Why are there so many different languages?

The development of language as a means of communication is regulated by two opposing trends: divergence (divergence)

convergence (convergence). These trends are closely related to each other and to each individual segment historical development languages ​​give way to each other in communication conditions. This is manifested in the fact that the collapse of a once unified linguistic community causes linguistic divergence: new linguistic features that appear in the speech of one of the separated tribes do not spread to the language of the remaining separated groups, and this leads to the accumulation of linguistic differences between them. This is how dialects are formed, varieties of a once common language.

A dialect is the smallest unit of dialect division of a language. In all dialects, the linguistic landscape is considered. Dialects are combined into adverbs, larger territorial units.

Unfamiliar words, but each locality has its own, special words. These are regional or dialect words. They are not part of the national language, but are used only in dialects, and not everywhere, but only in a certain territory. That's why everyone modern languages in different territories of their distribution they are represented by local dialects (in our time - only in rural areas), reflecting the ancient fragmentation of the population of different regions.

Over a long period of isolated development, so many differences can accumulate that different dialects can develop into different languages. On the contrary, in the case of a unification of tribes, the integration of dialects inevitably begins, which is expressed in the smoothing out of linguistic differences, the spread of new linguistic features to the speech of all population groups included in such a union. Due to the large number of nationalities, words have acquired different meanings.

For example: trouble - very, trouble - hard, difficult.

Bereznik - birch forest, bereznik - boletus mushroom.

A lyapa is a slow person, a lyapa is to leave quickly, a lyapa is a small fish.

Outdated words

The words in our vocabulary can be very different in terms of the time of their appearance in the language. The vast majority of old words are included in the active lexicon, are used by us often and, due to their constant functioning in speech, are not recognized by the old (cf. the words of proto-Slavic origin: father, white, carry, when, himself, house, sky, etc.). Moreover, they form the basis of modern modern vocabulary, although it is replenished with new words very intensively. At the same time, among words that are old in terms of their appearance (even relatively recent), there is also a generally very significant group of words that are used rarely, under certain conditions, in other words, are outdated.

Outdated wordscan be divided into two groups: 1) historicisms; 2) archaisms.

Historicisms (from the Greek historia - a story about past events) - these are words denoting the names of such objects and phenomena that ceased to exist as a result of the development of society. For example:

"Now they were petitioners..."

The highlighted word is historicism. It has no synonyms in modern Russian. The meaning can only be explained by resorting to an encyclopedic description. This is exactly how they are presented in explanatory dictionaries:

  1. Petition, -I, cf. 1. B ancient Rus': bow to the ground with the forehead touching the ground. 2. In ancient Rus': a written request.
  2. Petitioner, -a, m. In ancient Rus': the one who filed a petition. Petition, oh, and. In ancient Rus': petition (in 2nd meaning), Stolnik, -a, m. In ancient Rus': a courtier, a degree lower than a boyar, originally a courtier who served at the princely or royal table).

The reason for the appearance of historicisms in the language is the change in life, customs, and the development of technology, science, and culture. One things and relationships are replaced by others. For example, with the disappearance of such types of clothing as the armyak, camisole, caftan, the names of these types of clothing disappeared from the Russian language; they can now only be found in historical descriptions. Gone forever are the words: serf, quitrent, corvee and others associated with serfdom in Russia, along with the corresponding concepts.

Archaisms (from the Greek archaios - ancient) - these are words that have fallen out of use due to their replacement by new ones, for example: cheeks - cheeks, loins - lower back, right hand - right hand, tight - sadness, verses - poems, ramen - shoulders. All of them have synonyms in modern Russian.

Archaisms may differ from the modern synonymous word in various ways: a different lexical meaning(guest - merchant, belly - life), different grammatical design(perform - perform, at the ball - at the ball), with a different morphemic composition(friendship - friendship, fisherman - fisherman), other phonetic features(Gishpanish - Spanish, mirror - mirror). Some words are completely outdated, but have modern synonyms: so that - so that, destruction - destruction, harm, hope - hope and firmly believe. To clarify the meaning of such words when working with text work of art must be used explanatory dictionary or a dictionary of obsolete words. This will help avoid mistakes in interpreting the text.

The reason for the appearance of archaisms is in the development of the language, in the updating of its vocabulary: one words are replaced by others.

Words forced out of use do not disappear without a trace: they are necessary in historical novels and essays - to recreate the life and linguistic flavor of the era.

Sometimes outdated words begin to be used in a new meaning. Thus, the word has returned to the modern Russian language dynasty . Previously, it could only be combined with such definitions as royal, monarchical. Now they talk and write about working dynasties, miner dynasties, meaning families with an “inherited” profession.

We became interested in the population living on the territory of the Osypnobugorsk village council, since during the study of the material it turned out that outdated words are made up of dialects different nations, their customs, way of life, with the development of technology. And this is due to the appearance of historicisms and archaisms in the language.

Having studied the nationalities of the population of our village, we displayed our research in a diagram:





From this diagram it is clear that people live on the territory of the Osypnobugorsk village council different nationalities, which is 3140 people. The Tatars occupy the largest number. From this it can be assumed that the obsolete words that were and are used in this territory were formed due to the merging and smoothing of linguistic differences, and the spread of new linguistic features that formed new words.

Sociological survey

The next stage of the research work was a sociological survey among residents of the village of Osypnoy Bugor, belonging to different age groups.

3 groups were identified. A total of 100 people were interviewed.

We included people under 11 years of age (4th grade) in the first group. A total of 53 people.It was interesting to find out whether the proposed words are used by this age category, because Basically, everything modern is valuable to them.

The second age category included people from 12 to 15 (grades 6 – 9) years. Total 33 people. A feature of this age is the transition of children's views to a more serious understanding of life.

The third age category included people 16-17 years old (grades 10-11). There are 17 people in total.At this age, people increasingly begin to appreciate the customs and traditions of their ancestors. More and more often they remember their past, assessing their actions with a new look.

Questionnaire questions were asked.


1) Do they know the words presented?

2) What words are used?

3) How did you find out about them?

We gave each group different words.

See Appendix 1

Knowledge of obsolete words


They know

They don't know

up to 11 years old

Chest of drawers, azure, bylitsa, passed from mouth to mouth, cowering, near the seaside, buried.

Kaba, bright purple, printed gingerbread, biryuk, tenetnik

12 – 15 years

Altyn, bayat, zenitsa, dol, shooter, neck, right hand, otkul, arshin.

Golik, Kamenka, Alkota, Bazhit, Vechor, Autumn, Saden Tyn, Shaber.

16 – 17 years old

Knickers, bayat, golik, heater, run away, lesson, seine, incense.

Table 1

Usage of words taking into account different age categories.



Not used

up to 11 years old

Chest of drawers, azure, bylitsa,

at Lukomorye.

If only, in bright purple, printed gingerbread, Biryuk, tenetnik, cowers, buries itself, passes from mouth to mouth.

12 – 15 years

Altyn, bayat, apple, shooter, neck, right hand, arshin.

Dol, otkul, vyya, Golik, Kamenka, alkota, bazhit, vechor, esen, saden tyn, scraper.

30-50 years

Knickers, swear, lesson, run away, seine, incense.

Bazhit, vengat, gasnik, is, kachyuli, nozem, uglan, faishonka.

table 2

Using the table, you can distribute the use of words in this way. 65% know words under 11 years of age

They know these words because...

1) We heard them from our parents.

2) Remember them.

55% of words are not used.

12 - 15 years old, 75% actually do not use because... the words are old, but now it’s fashionable to use Western words: cool, awesome, super, O.K. etc., and old words are forgotten.

50% of 16-17 year olds know, heard from relatives and began to use these words. But they have a peculiar pronunciation. Rarely used.

Dependence of the use of words on age characteristics

The graph shows that the percentage of words used is decreasing and it can be assumed that the next generation will completely stop using these words, because they are not studied and are spoken quite rarely. Thus, a large layer of the cultural life of the village may disappear.

Lists of people by recognition category

Conclusion: The table shows that most people know the words from relatives. There are people who know words from books. A small percentage of people learned the words from village residents.

List of words with other meanings

During the study, we examined additional information on this list of words. It turned out that these words have different meanings. It depends on the territory and the cultural characteristics of the population and the area.

Bajit 1. Predict.


2. Drive in the game.


Say 1.Transfer. Interpret, narrate, tell something. Plishkari El.


Berezovka Us.

Z. Scold.

N. Zalesnaya Os.

Wheatear 1. Blackberry.


2.Weed plant with regular yellow small flowers and bitter-sour juice, used as remedy; celandine.


Orel Us R. Romanovo Us.

Z.About a retarded young man.


Lesson 1. Work assigned for a certain period. Gubdor Krasnov.



Lensk Kungur..

In our village, many words have the same meaning and pronunciation. This suggests that the traditions and customs of the population of this territory are very closely intertwined. This also applies to language features.

Each village of the Volga region has its own highlight. IN in this case These are words that were used only in our village.

Competition “The best expert on obsolete words”

To preserve outdated words, we held a competition for the title of “The best expert on outdated words” that were used on the territory of the Osypnobugorsk village council.

Conclusion: not all students were interested in the competition. And since the younger generation is not interested in the past, the problem of connecting generations arises.


The following conclusions can be drawn from the research work:

1) The formation of the linguistic characteristics of village residents has gone through a long historical path.

2) The formation of traditions, customs and rituals occurred thanks to the development of several archaeological cultures in this territory.

H) Education modern peoples- is the result of the political and economic unification of tribes or population groups.

4) Due to the large number of nationalities, words have acquired different meanings.

5) The pronunciation and meaning of words are passed down from generation to generation from parents to children. Less commonly learned from books.

6) Depending on age, the use of these words decreases.

We believe that it is necessary to know the outdated words of our area, because this is our culture, our history.

The result of the work was the book “Outdated Words in Pictures”

Suggested methods for saving words:

1) Opening of a linguistic club at the school.

2) Holding school holidays using outdated words.

3) Holding events in the museum using antiques.


1.G.N.Chagin “Peoples and cultures of Astrakhan in the 19th - 20th centuries. "Astrakhan, 1986"

2. I.S. Kaptsugovich “Book for reading on the history of Astrakhan” Astrakhan book publishing house, 1992

3. Textbook “Modern Russian Language” Publishing House “Prosveshchenie” 2005

4. Internet resources.

5. Dictionary of dialects p. Scree Hill.


Appendix 1. Sociological survey.

Vocabulary for 4th grade

Chest of drawers - a low cabinet with drawers for linen or small items,

Azure – light – Blue colour, blue,

To convey from mouth to mouth - to communicate something to another person,

Bylitsa - a blade of grass, a stalk of grass,

Buried - hid,

If - if,

At the Lukomorye - at the sea bay,

Bright purple - red,

He's shivering - someone is shivering from the cold,

Printed gingerbread - gingerbread with printed drawings, letters,

Biryuk is a beast, a bear,

Tenetnik - cobweb, spider.

Dictionary for grades 6-9

Bayat - talk, talk,

Golik - broom,

Kamenka - a stove in a bathhouse,

Zenitsa - eye, pupil,

Alcohol - hunger

The shooter is a fidget, naughty,

Dol is the same as valley,

Bajit - to predict,

Altyn - a three-kopeck coin,

Arshin – a measure of length (0.71 m)

Evening - evening,

Vya - neck,

Right hand - right hand,

Yesen - autumn

Otkul - from where,

Saden is pain,

Tyn - hedge,

Shaber is a neighbor.

Dictionary for grades 10-11

Knickers - trousers,

Bajit - to predict.

To talk - to talk, to talk.

Venge - cry.

Veres - juniper.

Gasnik - lace.

Golik is a broom.

Yes - yes.

Kamenka is a stove in a bathhouse.

Swing - swing.

Nozem - manure.

Window - window.

Uglan is a boy

Run away - run away

Lesson - damage, evil eye.

Faishonka - headscarf,

Seine is a large fishing net,

Incense is a pleasant, aromatic smell.