Hard facts about twins. The hard life of twins

By official statistics, every ninetieth pregnancy is twin. The birth of a child is always a joy for parents. Happiness becomes doubly greater when two children appear in a family at once. Most often, twins are born to blacks, and the least number of twins appears to representatives of the Asian race. Here are a few facts from the life of twins, which are confirmed by scientists and destroy existing myths.

Fact one.

As the mother ages, the likelihood of having twins, especially identical twins, increases. Maximum probable date this is 40 years old, it is at this age that a mother has the highest chance of getting twins. This fact is associated, first of all, with the fact that by this age the level of the hormone gonadotropin increases in the body. It is not for nothing that many women who were treated for infertility with gonadotropic hormones subsequently gave birth to twins. And the most common belief that twins are born every generation is a misconception. Of course, a genetic predisposition to having twins does exist, but it may not manifest itself in any way after a generation.

Fact two.

Many suggest that terrain influences the birth of twins. Almost no one states unequivocally that, according to official statistics, the incidence of twin births is decreasing in all industrialized countries. Still, it is worth assuming that this is speculation. But there is one very interesting fact.
More than seventy pairs of twins live in the Indian settlement of Kandalloor. Moreover, the number of births of twins increases every year. The village even began to be called “Village of Twins.” Tourists are very surprised when they come to this village, especially since twins are almost always dressed in the same clothes. Indians claim that these are the tricks of the god Rama, who had twin children. However, scientists cannot explain this phenomenon.

Fact three.

There is an artificially created "Twin City" in Ohio. This is the city of Twinsburg, which hosts an annual holiday that has attracted twin couples of all ages for twenty years in a row.

Fact four.

Twins can be monozygotic or dizygotic. If two eggs are fertilized, they are dizygotic. But if one is fertilized, but then splits into two, it is monozygotic. Monozygotic are always twins of the same sex, with an identical genetic makeup. Dizygotes can have different sexes and the genetic set is only 50% the same.

Fact five.

Conjoined twins are monozygotic twins. If the separation began at a later stage, then the twins are born conjoined. Sometimes the connection may be minor, such as a bone or skin fold.

Fact six.

The English scientist F. Galton published his scientific work"The History of Twins as a Test of the Relative Effects of Nature and Nurture." The main way to collect information about the role of heredity is the twin “method”.

To study monozygotic twins, it is worth separating them. At the same time, the genetic makeup of children will be the same, but the conditions of upbringing will be different. For example, a couple of girls Jessie and Besie from the USA in 1922 were given up to be raised in completely different families. Wealth, education, and lifestyle were completely different in each family. However, when the girls met, at eighteen, they had approximately the same level of intelligence, both were equally energetic, read a lot and loved similar books, and both had suffered from tuberculosis. After the meeting, they became close friends and claimed that they were almost no different from each other.

Many such studies have been carried out on twins all over the world. Many argue that the similarity is determined primarily by heredity (height, speed of reactions). However, the separated twins showed similarities related to the upbringing and education of children - understanding of text, counting speed, spatial orientation, etc.

Fact seven.

Pregnancy with twins is much more difficult for the mother; there are often cases when twins were born prematurely. Multiple pregnancy has its own characteristics, so the birth of twins may be accompanied by low weight, a tendency to infectious diseases, physical weakness and the need for more care. As a rule, by the age of three, twins catch up with their peers in physical development.

Fact eight.

Many people mistakenly believe that the older twin is the leader, and the younger one obeys him. However, this is a common misconception. Parents often provoke this behavior in their twins. The youngest is usually born with less weight, naturally, the parents begin to treat him as weaker, involuntarily starting to care more, wrap him up, and deprive him of outdoor games. Accordingly, the younger twin begins to behave differently, gradually getting used to the idea that he is weaker.

Fact nine.

It is those around them, including parents, who shape the twins’ attitude towards their similarity. Many parents form common tastes, habits, and interests in their children, often instilling in them: “You are one.” In addition, the fact that the twins large number spend time together. And their relatives dress them in the same clothes, lisp: “Oh, you can’t tell the difference,” they call consonant names(like Masha - Dasha or Pasha - Sasha).

It is very difficult for Geminis at first in such situations, but over time they get used to the fact that they are given one individuality for two. Psychological similarity develops with age, mainly due to the environment.

Fact ten.

According to statistics, adult dizygotic twins often move away from each other, choosing different professions, different social circles. But monozygotic twins are constantly moving closer together. Many of them are even afraid to start a family, fearing that their spouses will not find the same understanding as their twin partner. Many monozygotic twins are completely unhappy with their family life, moreover, they are jealous of their brother or sister. In addition, if family life goes well, they maintain very close relationships with each other.

So the similarity of twins in adulthood largely depends on whether the pair is monozygotic or dizygotic. The twin, under the influence of his mate, strives to break free and finally gain his own individuality.

Fact eleven.

Often found in the press interesting stories and stories about the unusual hypersensitivity of twins. For example, there are many stories on the topic: one of the twins crashed on a plane, and the other at that moment felt terrible pain; one of the twins broke his leg, and the other's leg hurt all day.

In reality, this is simple - simply exaggerated rumors. People around them perceive twins as completely identical people, feeling and thinking the same way, which is absolutely far from reality. The only thing that has been proven is the tendency of twins to hereditary diseases.

Fact twelve.

In Denmark, a study was conducted among 21,653 twins born in 1870-1930, clarified the dates and causes of their death in 1943-1993, and compared the number of suicides among twins with “general human” statistics. As a result of research, it was found that among twins of both sexes, suicide is 28% less common, and if it happens, it is mainly due to mental illness.

Scientists have suggested that this just confirms the theory that stronger family ties prevent depression and reduce the risk of suicidal behavior.

Gemini can be considered a phenomenon. Their birth rate is not amenable to statistics, but it is estimated that 2.5 times more twins are born now than forty years ago. Science is not yet able to explain much of what the twins can do.

There are now about 76 million pairs of twins in the world. Moreover, in Japan every 246th resident has a friend from birth, and in the USA - every 44th. The most twins were counted on one of the islands of Scotland in June 1985 - 36 twins aged from 2 to 82 years.

Compared to the statistics of the 60s, the percentage of twins in the world has increased almost 2.5 times. In addition, male twins have a very low chance of having twin children, while it is almost inevitable for female twins. It has been noticed that most often twins are born in areas of ore deposits and areas of increased biopathogenic activity. It is curious that most twins are “mirror images” of each other - if one of them has a mole on the left cheek, then the other has it on the right. And if scientists explain these funny coincidences from the point of view of biology and genetics, then what determines the fact that 22% of twins are left-handed is still unknown to science.

Beliefs and prejudices

Like any unusual and rare phenomenon, the birth of twins has always been shrouded in secrecy for others. One of the strangest beliefs was the idea American Indians that twins are one and the same person in different guises, and one of them is certainly an evil copy of the other. It was customary among some tribes to give twins the same name at birth. When the twins reached the age of 9, they drew lots, and the one who got the red seed continued to wear given name all his life, and the one who was less fortunate was simply called “Second” until the end of his days.

Among the tribes of New Guinea, the birth of twins was considered a sign of the gods’ favor, and representatives of the Japanese Ainu people considered this miracle of nature to be a contagious disease and drove the mother and newborn children away from the tribe. During the Middle Ages, women who gave birth to two or more children at the same time were attributed a connection with evil spirits and were awarded the mark of a witch. At the same time, the Egyptians and Romans revered twins as gods, hence the images of the twins Osiris and Isis, as well as Romulus and Remus, who founded the glorious city of Rome.

Game of Thrones

For the king, who had two heirs at once, this event could not be called happy. Who will now get the throne, because there is only one, and there are two princes, and the frequency of succession is impossible to establish? In 1213 the wife French king Louis VIII's Blanche of Castile gave birth to two twin sons. One of them, John, died at the age of 18, having taken part in the VI Crusade to Acre. And the king’s second son, Alphonse, left a bright mark on history.

Known as the Count of Toulouse, he turned a prosperous land of poetry and troubadours into a gloomy monastery, and Provence lost its former aura of creativity and beauty in favor of anger and revenge. The most famous secret of the twins of royal blood was the story of the “Iron Mask” about the two sons of the Queen of Austria, one of whom was declared heir to the throne, and the second first grew up at court, and was later sent to life imprisonment for 23 years. However, no one can confirm the legend for certain, but eighteen novels and six films confirm genuine interest in this story.

Can't tell the difference?

How many funny stories, starting from literary classics(“The Prince and the Pauper”) and ending with complaints school teachers, related to twins! They can confuse even parents if there are no visible differences on the body and face such as moles or birthmarks. Even DNA analysis can be wrong, because... The DNA structure of identical twins is almost identical.

Now attention! If you teach at a university where the Ivanov twins have been leading the entire teaching staff by the nose for years in a row, hire... a dog. Experiments have proven that dogs can distinguish twins based on the slightest aromatic nuances, thereby allowing them to solve “ideal crimes” involving “identical people.” The experiment was repeated 12 times, and the dogs never made a mistake. Obviously, for them, the smell of twins is as special as the smell of two completely different people. And you say “moles.”

Telepathic abilities

Doctors and parapsychologists have been struggling for years with the phenomenon of thought transmission over a distance, which is often attributed to identical and fraternal twins. General Extrasensory Perception, determination tests psychic abilities, confirmed that in the first group of identical twins these abilities are indeed higher, especially if we're talking about about interaction with each other.

Interest in this phenomenon is actively fueled by the media, because cases of coincidences with twins have great publicity and attract maximum quantity interested, rather than similar cases with ordinary people. According to experts, the special connection between twins is not something mystical and inexplicable; it only speaks of how well people who have lived together for many years know and understand each other. That is, such a connection and mutual understanding can arise with the same frequency and intensity between mother and child, loving spouses or brothers and sisters - not twins.

One destiny for two?

The reports of events happening to twins at the same moment are amazing - traumas, acquaintances, luck and hardships - they seem to share everything between two important events in life. An example of this is the story of Bob John and Betty Ellen, twins born on August 19, 1930 in North Carolina. At the age of 32, Bob died in a psychiatric clinic. The doctor on duty hurried to tell the tragic news to the deceased’s sister, but only got through to her neighbors, who responded by reporting Betty’s death.

As it turned out later, the death of the brother and sister occurred at approximately the same moment, from acute heart failure. Another interesting case California State Police released. On September 10, 1956, near San Francisco, an accident occurred - a head-on collision of two cars. Both drivers died instantly.

When drawing up the protocol and during the investigation, it turned out that both of them were born on September 5, 1933 in the same hospital in Los Angeles and were twins separated at birth. And the case of Sylvia and Marta Landa simply shocked the public. In 1976, Martha severely burned her hand on an iron, and at the same time a huge red blister appeared on the hand of her twin sister, who was 20 km away.

Similar talents, interests and passions.

Undoubtedly, it is not at all surprising for children growing up with each other to have similar interests, tastes and desires. History has recorded many cases where newborn twins were separated, but they managed to find each other. As a result of such meetings, curious circumstances were revealed, similar fates were traced, down to nuances inexplicable by genetic predispositions and lifestyle.

Psychologist Thomas J. Bochard Jr. dedicated most of life study of the twin effect. One of the most striking examples in his practice was the story of Bridget Harrison and Dorothy Lowe, born in 1945. Having met after 26 years of separation, the women discovered that they both had sons and daughters. One sister's son was named Andrew Richard and the other was Richard Andrew, and the daughters were named Catherine Louise and Karen Louise.

Gemini men and women of the second decade of the zodiac sign, born from June 12 to 21, are independent, progressive and restless people who love everything new and are always ready to experiment.

Usually these fidgets have their own own opinion, and don’t particularly like to follow someone’s advice, following through life, listening to their intuition.

That is why the second decade for Gemini will be very eventful and not always easy life aged 17 - 23 years. During this period, Geminis of the second decade may leave home to another city to get an education; can work tirelessly to ensure a fairly high standard of living.

They are very hardworking, sometimes they can rightfully be called workaholics. But at the same time, they are constantly in search of something better, so they rarely engage in the same activity for a long time.

Women and men of the Gemini horoscope of the second decade get bored with everything quite quickly, so it is very difficult for them to live by the rules that the majority of those around them adhere to. In this regard, at a young age, the life of representatives of Gemini in the second decade is very unique. site/node/3405

They often change jobs, confident that another occupation will certainly bring them more benefit and satisfaction. They are also very often in search of an ideal partner, neglecting long-term and lasting relationships with “less than ideal” representatives of the opposite sex.

Gemini 2nd decade - (June 1 - 11) features of the Zodiac sign

Gemini horoscope in the second decade - life up to 25 years

In childhood, Geminis of the second decade usually have a difficult time, because they are very proud and touchy. Geminis are very sociable, but they are more likely to have many acquaintances than real friends. They have difficulty adapting to children's team, but as you get older.

Geminis of the second decade make compromises much easier, so it becomes much easier for them to adapt to any community. Geminis of the second decade very rarely start a family early, because they are often too selfish to listen to the desires and intentions of others.

They, in principle, do not strive for wealth and high material well-being. But they try not to depend on anyone, so in their youth they begin to look for an occupation that will allow them to live comfortably.

True, the search for Gemini in the second decade is rarely crowned with success. And the reason lies in the representatives of this sign themselves.

Gemini horoscope in the second decade - life from 25 to 40 years

If Geminis were born between June 1 and June 11, then it is quite possible that at the age of 26-30 they will intend to start a family. Even if they previously made attempts to start a family and these attempts were unsuccessful, then during this period it will seem to them that they are already mature enough for the role of husband or wife. But the fate of Gemini in the second decade is often very difficult so that they can easily fulfill their plans.

When Geminis of the second decade feel the need to start a family, they have to struggle with many difficulties. Some people have to overcome their own enough serious illness, which arises completely unexpectedly. site/node/3405

For impressionable Geminis, physical illness turns out to be a difficult test, which plunges them into the abyss of depression.

But by the age of 30, Geminis become stronger, so that they manage to make an incredible effort on themselves and defeat the disease. Therefore, in the period after 30 years, the health of Geminis in the second decade becomes much better than it was in their youth.

Some Geminis of the second decade have to deal with the serious illness of someone close to them. In the process of facing such difficulties, the character of the representatives of this sign of the second decade becomes much stronger.

Geminis of the second decade usually manage to cope with all difficulties, including those associated with the illness of someone close to them. But, nevertheless, Geminis themselves tend to consider their lives surprisingly unhappy, while deliberately neglecting positive events.

At a young age, Geminis of the second decade can become involved in mysticism, join a sect or go to psychics. This is due to internal uncertainty, which is a dominant feature in the character of Gemini in the second decade. But then, as they grow up and form their own character, they leave mystical teachings and never return to them.

Around the age of 33, a relatively calm period begins in the life of Geminis of the second decade. By this age, they choose for themselves a very specific area of ​​activity that completely occupies their thoughts.

Geminis of the second decade do not pay much attention to their family, because it is difficult for them to do the same things every day.

In their youth, Geminis of the second decade sought to find an ideal partner, so they easily broke off all relationships that did not meet their needs. But at a more mature age for Gemini family relationships already have a certain value.

Therefore they family ties They are quite strong; minor quarrels and troubles have practically no effect on the relationship between the spouses. With all this, the family life of Geminis in the second decade can be very difficult.

They find it difficult to cope with the demands of everyday life. Geminis born during this period prefer to spend free time outside the home, causing displeasure to your spouse. They are very irritable, so in their youth and adulthood they family life Conflicts often arise.

Gemini horoscope in the second decade - life from 40 to 60 years

By the age of 40, Geminis of the second decade achieve significant financial well-being. At the same time, it is surprising that they practically do not make any effort to achieve this.

Wealth seems to float into their hands. Some of the Geminis by this time had already achieved fame and glory. Geminis of the second decade strive throughout their lives to change places and travel. But circumstances develop in such a way that they are not always able to realize their desires.

Therefore, starting from the age of 40, they try to compensate for all the trips they did not take before. Moreover, now they have the financial resources for long-term voyages. Geminis of the second decade value the attention of representatives of the opposite sex, therefore, they never refuse flirting and the next romance, which allows them to experience the fullness of life.

At the same time, having affairs on the side, which Geminis of the second decade often decide to do, does not affect their family relationships at all. In adulthood, Geminis of the second decade pay a lot of attention to their spouse.

Gemini horoscope in the second decade - life from 60 years and older

Geminis of the second decade often suffer from illnesses in the period of 55-60 years. At this time, they may almost completely lose interest in life. It is especially difficult during this period for those who have difficult relationships with their own children or have no children at all.

In such a case, Gemini begins to think about their life and may come to the conclusion that life has been lived in vain. However, if Gemini manages to cope with their mood, then they regain their natural cheerfulness, which helps them find pleasure in the simplest things.

In old age, Geminis pay especially much attention to communicating with others. At a young and mature age, they have nothing against loneliness; on the contrary, they consciously strive for it. site/node/3405

In old age, loneliness weighs heavily on representatives of this sign and makes them truly unhappy. That is why at this age they prefer to communicate with a variety of people.

Important years in the life of Gemini in the second decade

For Geminis of the second decade, the period from 26 to 32 years is very difficult.

At this age, they suddenly realize that life is passing, and they have not yet managed to do anything significant.

Gemini is a double sign, and in each representative of this sign two personalities slumber, completely independent of each other, and appear one by one, without asking anyone or paying attention to anyone. The consequence of this duality is the unbridled curiosity characteristic of this sign, which is almost impossible to satisfy. Gemini constantly strives to search for new impressions and experiences, especially intellectual ones.

Sex plays a lesser role in his life; he chooses the object of feelings, guided mainly by external data. Geminis are attracted to a partner with whom they can talk a lot - that's what they like most! That is why they attach importance to light flirting - non-binding courtship fully satisfies their needs. They are endowed with a rather mediocre temperament and are unable to understand why some people attach such importance to sex. They perceive sex as an extension of friendly relations between the sexes, although the imagination gives rise to many myths regarding their physical experiences.

Gemini constantly needs to be conquered, always intrigued with something. His love is like the wind and depends solely on momentary influence. For Gemini, the desire for hobbies and non-binding connections always dominates over the desire for serious relationship. Acquaintances and friends play an extremely important role in their lives - they cannot do without them.

Geminis don't get attached to anyone. They are characterized by a love of freedom, which manifests itself in their lifestyle and style of behavior. They feel good only when their views and actions are not limited by anything. Mediocrity and dullness irritate them. They are ardent fans of everything original and unusual. They love surprises and constantly, throughout their lives, seek variety - it relieves them of daily boredom and routine. They want at least a small adventure to happen every day, they strive for something new in all areas of life without exception.

For a woman to marry a man born under the sign of Gemini, it is either very simple or even impossible - it all depends on his age. In his youth, he is so immature that he can decide to get married without thinking about the consequences at all. A passing infatuation and an offer on the part of the partner to legitimize the relationship are enough - and he will immediately agree without a shadow of a doubt. In adulthood, although Gemini remains mentally immature, he behaves much more cautiously. He had already seen enough of various married couples among his friends and acquaintances and saw so many shortcomings that he came to the conclusion: such a life was not for him. He doesn’t want to spoil his nerves and waste his fortune on divorce lawyers! On top of everything else, he has seen the struggle for children more than once, and now he hates in advance what sooner or later comes after the wedding! Therefore, he does not want to officially take on any obligations.

But if Gemini nevertheless decides to legitimize his relationship with you, will life with him suit you? If you do not want a boring love union, if you are looking for new adventures every day, then your choice is right. But remember that Gemini needs an independent woman who perfectly knows how to manage her own life and does not need the support of a man to protect her from daily blows. It is difficult to find support in Gemini. After all, he, like a child, himself needs the feelings of loved ones, although at the same time he strives to avoid these feelings, fearing that they may turn into shackles that limit his freedom. Do not try to see in him a strong man who is so attractive to gentle, impressionable women. Don't expect him to give you protection and a sense of security in gratitude for your warmth and tenderness.

And don’t expect that you will be able to arouse jealousy in him by flirting with other men. Feelings such as suspicion and jealousy are absolutely alien to him. If he feels or notices that another man has appeared in your life, he will prefer to give in, wishing you, by the way, quite sincerely, happiness in your new marriage.

Parting with a woman is not a big experience for Gemini. If you notice that he increasingly disappears without warning, does only what he wants at the moment, does not try to explain his behavior - in a word, does not pay attention to you at all, this means that he is starting to think about divorce.

If you were tied up short novel, if it was just an adventure that did not affect him emotionally in any way, he will behave differently. Having decided to put an end to your meetings, he will not stop dating and will prefer to remain friends with you. He will visit you from time to time to talk and reminisce about the past.

When dealing with a Gemini man, you need to remember: his decision is greatly influenced by the atmosphere around him. If you, despite all your dissatisfaction with his behavior, want to get him back, talk to him as much as possible - no more the right way make peace with Gemini. Conversation can smooth out strained relationships. A Gemini man will only stay with you if you give him complete freedom. And don’t let him start looking for a more interesting interlocutor.

Remember that this type of man does not have a strong desire for emotional intimacy, so there is no point in appealing to his sensuality or analyzing his emotions. In this case, he will certainly try to prove that he is a completely insensitive person and, most importantly, atypical! Therefore, you need to rely mainly on intellectual community, which can bring you closer together much faster than anything else. Regardless of this, you must always remember: Gemini lives in a state of eternal chaos, his nerves are constantly tense, so the lack of interest in you can be explained by reasons that have nothing to do with you.

But if you are attracted to another man, do not make it a secret or a big tragedy. If Gemini feels that something is being hidden from him, it will only arouse his curiosity! He will become suspicious, start rummaging through your things, and keep an eye on you. He will even come up with the idea of ​​hiring a private detective. This is not jealousy, but a kind of insurance, typical for Gemini. He is not possessive or jealous, he just wants to know the truth, and not delude himself about your fidelity and then not feel remorse during his many adventures. But this does not mean that he is a cold, insensitive type who does not care whether his partner cuckolds him or not. The fact is that physical betrayal is not a tragedy for him, since above all he values ​​intellectual understanding. He is more likely to become jealous if he finds out that you prefer to talk with someone else or consider the other person a more interesting person.