Law on education January 1. Law of the Russian Federation on education in the Russian Federation: description of changes

The new law “On Education” caused an unprecedented stir both among officials and among ordinary employees in the education sector. And now, the bill, on which the authors have been working for more than 4 years, has finally come into force. What new will it bring into the lives of students and teachers?

Highlights of the 2016 Education Law

The task of the Federal Law “On Education” is to regulate legal relations during the educational process. This document declares an individual approach to organizing the educational process of each student and contains many new products:
  • preschool institutions included in common system education. The training phase does not involve testing or examinations at the end. Preschool education is provided free of charge, although parents will pay for babysitting services as before;
  • municipalities are obliged to ensure accessibility primary education. Thus, for each first-grader, a place is assigned to a school that is located in the area where the child lives. If there are not enough places, the school administration will inform parents about available places in other schools in the neighborhood;
  • if necessary, the student can study according to an individual schedule;
  • Unified State Examination results are valid for 4 years;
  • mandatory testing for ninth graders. From 2016, they will take tests on forms similar to the Unified State Exam forms;
  • It is now possible to enter a university only on the basis of the results of state exams. The minimum number of Unified State Exam points for admission by applicants is established by educational organization. This indicator should not be less than that provided by the federal authority;
  • system higher education now includes bachelor's, specialist and master's degrees.

Federal Law “On Education” 2016: teachers and students

Legislators also paid attention to teachers. Now they have status teaching worker. This gives them the opportunity not only to improve their professional level at least once every 3 years, but also to take advantage of the right to extended vacation. But experienced teachers are entitled to long leave for up to a year. They are granted this right once every ten years. In addition, teachers can count on early retirement pension, and persons living and teaching in rural areas are provided with compensation for housing and communal services expenses. Also in the content of the law one can find norms that establish the priority of inclusive education. That is, now children with disabilities will be able to acquire knowledge in regular educational institutions. The authors provided of this document and features of the educational process for gifted children.

The currently valid Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation» No. 273-FZ was adopted on December 29, 2012. However, since then, various amendments have been adopted, changes have been made, or by-laws have been adopted to clarify or supplement certain provisions of the legal document. This article will highlight the main provisions of this law.

Structure of the education system

The educational system in Russia consists of several interrelated elements:

Determining the content - FGT, Federal State Educational Standards, programs and standards in individual subjects and in general for the formation of a graduate;

Those controlling the implementation are municipal authorities and higher;

Forming a portrait of a graduate - potential employers, organizations, institutions, public associations etc.;

Those participating in the implementation of the social order are teachers, schoolchildren and their parents, as well as educational institutions of all levels of education.

Education levels

System general education presented in several categories:

Professional education:
professional education;
additional education.

There are four levels of general education:


An innovation was the recognition of preschool education as one of the levels educational system, which increases the importance of visiting kindergartens. The once common name for the upper stage school stage education was replaced by the term “secondary general education,” and the “levels” themselves were removed from official documents. From now on these are “levels of education”.

Professional education does not lag behind general education, whose multi-level structure is also represented by four levels:

higher education with bachelor's degrees;
higher education with training of specialists and masters;
higher education with training of highly qualified personnel.

Structure vocational education With the entry into force of the new law, it underwent many significant changes. Among them:

Introduction of a pre-existing initial vocational training into the structure of secondary vocational education under the brand “training of qualified specialists”;

Traditional vocational education has been renamed into training for mid-level specialists;

A third level of training of highly qualified personnel has appeared in the higher education system - residency, postgraduate studies, etc.;

Doctoral studies have been moved beyond the scope of education and included in the scientific sphere.

Is preschool education considered compulsory?

According to the provisions preschool education is the right of a citizen of the Russian Federation and is supported by a state guarantee of its receipt. This is precisely a right, and not an obligation, therefore the decision whether to use it or not is made by the legal representatives of a minor child independently. This will not affect enrollment in the 1st grade of an educational institution.

Is postgraduate study still available as postgraduate education?

The previously existing professional postgraduate education has been transformed into highest level vocational education for the training of qualified personnel under special programs. The list of these programs includes:

Scientific and pedagogical postgraduate studies (postgraduate studies);
internship assistant.

How can you get an education?

The legislative framework in the field of education presupposes a choice not only of forms of education. So, legal representatives Russian minors have the right to send their child for education to an institution specially created for this purpose - school, technical school, college, gymnasium, lyceum, institute, etc. Or they may limit themselves to home schooling or family education.

As a rule, the majority receives education according to the first option. But it’s possible here too several scenarios that are usually in demand when receiving higher professional education:

Full-time education;
completely correspondence.

Family education or homeschooling is less common. This option is mainly used by people with disabilities.

In July 2015, the President of Russia signed Federal Law on Education 273 as amended. The previous version was adopted on December 21, 2012.

This bill provides every citizen of Russia with the constitutionally guaranteed right to receive education in our country. Let's look at what changes were made to it.


  • The deadline for completing documentation for school institutions and universities until 2017. In particular, these structures have another year left to properly obtain their license and undergo accreditation.
  • Also, the winners of the Olympiads can use their achievements for another 4 years when entering higher educational institutions in Russia.
  • The educational system has also undergone changes. Thus, preschool institutions are now classified as level 1 of vocational training.

Types of education in the Russian Federation according to the new law

According to the new law (Article 10, 273 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation as amended in 2016), types of education in our country are divided into four levels of education:

  • 1. Preschool
  • 2. General initial
  • 3. Basic general
  • 4. Overall average.

The stages of professional knowledge acquisition are as follows:

  • 1. Secondary vocational
  • 2. Higher education – bachelor’s degree
  • 3. Higher education – specialty, master’s degree
  • 4. Training of the highest personnel qualifications.

Teacher's methodological day according to the new law 273

According to Article 46 Federal Law V new edition, pedagogical activity persons who have undergone appropriate special training in educational institutions of the highest and professional order. The teaching staff must regularly improve their qualifications.

A separate paragraph of Article 49 states that certification of education workers must be carried out no less than once every five years. In addition, there is a so-called intermediate certification, which is carried out almost every year.

The teacher is responsible for drawing up his own work plan for students. For this purpose, he is given a special methodological day, on which the teacher draws up educational plans classes and adjusts his affairs.

Article 273 of the Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation

Law 273 is important document regulating public relations in the field of educational process. This current regulatory legal act is freely available on the official website of the Ministry of Education, the text is provided with all the latest additions. Also read it summary, features and basic provisions are available for free at online mode on the Wikipedia resource. Websites on the Internet provide an explanation of the concept of the Federal State Educational Standard - what it is, with answers and pictures. In particular, it says that the Federal State Educational Standard (or educational standard) is a set of requirements for training and the level of training of teaching staff. This document has been approved by the federal government of our state.

Academic calendar 2016

The 2016 academic calendar is developed by the teaching staff based on Article 32 of the Law on Education in the Russian Federation. He identifies two parts of the educational system, which briefly outlines the plan for the upcoming academic year. The act must also indicate the date on which it was adopted.

Requirements for the work program

Federal Law 273 On Education in the Russian Federation defines the requirements for the work program, the charter educational institutions, responsibilities of teachers, parents and students.

According to the law, all children have the right to knowledge, the implementation of which is primarily entrusted to schools. The guarantor of this right is the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In the program to educational process amendments relating to persons with disabilities are also included.

The student must attend school and must not miss classes without a good reason. The student is also obliged to monitor his/her health, personal hygiene, compliance with discipline and rules of behavior in society.

Responsibilities of parents under the law