Voronezh Art University. Theater Faculty. Basic information about the educational organization

Theater Department The Voronezh State Institute of Arts began its work on October 18, 1971. The founders of the theater department of the Institute of Arts were Gittis professor Olga Ivanovna Starostina and associate professor of the theater school. B.V. Shchukina Boris Grigorievich Kulnev. They recruited and graduated from the first acting course.

The dean of the theater faculty for almost 30 years was the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor Evgeniy Fedorovich Slepykh, currently the dean of the faculty is Professor Sergei Aleksandrovich Nadtochiev.

Graduates of the theater department successfully work in Moscow theaters - Sovremennik, Satyricon, Lenkom, theatre. V. Mayakovsky, in the theaters of St. Petersburg - BDT im. G.A. Tovstonogov, theater of satire on Vasilyevsky Island, Youth Theater on the Fontanka, in theaters in Voronezh, Kursk, Belgorod, Samara, etc.

Some graduates were awarded the honorary titles “People’s Artist of Russia” and “Honored Artist of Russia.” Many act in films, on television, work on the stage, teach at theater universities, and work as directors in theaters and cinema.

Students' graduation performances are performed on the stage of the educational Youth Theater, theater young viewer and state academic theater dramas named after A. Koltsova.

Acting student work marked by the All-Russian theater award name people's artist USSR M.I. Tsareva.

Currently, the artistic directors of acting courses are:

· Honored Artist Chechen Republic and the Republic of Ingushetia, laureate of the People's Artist of the USSR M.I. Tsarev professor Dundukov Alexey Konstantinovich;

· director, head of the department of acting skills, professor Irina Borisovna Sisikina;

· director, set designer, dean of the theater department, professor Sergei Aleksandrovich Nadtochiev;

· artistic director Voronezh Chamber Theater, laureate of the Stanislavsky Prize, professor Bychkov Mikhail Vladimirovich;

· director, screenwriter, stage director of performances at Theatre.doc, the Praktika theater, the Polytheater, the Theater of Nations, laureate of the New Drama festival Ruslan Olegovich Malikov.

Information about the faculty for today:

Specialty 070300101.65 Acting (specialization item 1 “artist” drama theater and cinema")

List of teachers of the department:

· Dundukov AK. - Professor

· Bolotov E.N. - assistant professor

· Sisikina I.B. - Professor

· Topolaga V.V. - Professor

· Bychkov M.V. - Professor

· Ovchinnikov Yu.V. - teacher

· Malikov R.O. - teacher

· Nadtochiev S.A. - Professor

· Miroshnikov A.V. - teacher

· Krivosheev V.L. - Senior Lecturer

· Potashkina N.V. - Senior Lecturer

· Queen L.V. - assistant professor

· Blind E.F. - Professor

· Baparkina N.A. - Professor

· Tsyganova T.V. - teacher

· Shchukin. A.M. - Senior Lecturer

· Mitsuro A.V. - Senior Lecturer

· Samofalova N.I. - teacher

· Lebedeva N.B. - Senior Lecturer

· Zobova G.A. - Senior Lecturer

· Makeeva O.A. - Professor

· Petrina A.D. - Senior Lecturer

· Ladilova O.A. - assistant professor

Voronezh applicants are annually given a unique opportunity to try their hand at entering the Voronezh State Academy of Arts and become musicians, actors or artists in the future. It is interesting to study at this university, because here students not only receive theoretical knowledge, but also participate in interesting concerts, festivals, theatrical performances, held within the walls of the educational institution and at creative venues in the city. Where is the Academy of Arts located, how to enter here - questions that need to be sorted out.

Basic information about the educational organization

The history of the educational institution dates back to the last century. In 1971, the Institute of Arts began its work in Voronezh. It had 2 faculties - theater and music. The Faculty of Painting appeared much later, 23 years after the founding of the university. In 1998, the institute was transformed into an academy.

It continues to function today. It has a perpetual license giving the right to carry out educational activities in Voronezh, and a certificate of state accreditation. The last document will be valid until 2018. After the expiration of this period, Voronezh state academy Arts will have to undergo an accreditation procedure, in which students studying at the university will demonstrate their knowledge.

More information about the rectors of the educational institution

When the institute was created, V.N. Shaposhnikov became its first rector. He remained in office until 1980. He was replaced by V.V. Bugrov. He headed the university until 2003. Then V.N. Semenov received the post. He became the third rector of a state educational institution.

In 2013, Eduard Boyakov was elected to the position of rector of the university. He was remembered by the academy for the fact that, on his order, the sculpture that decorated the arch above the main entrance to the educational institution was dismantled. This creation existed for a quarter of a century. The author of the sculpture was Alexander Melnichenko. Artists and sculptors of the city expressed their sympathy to him. Some teachers resigned from the academy in protest. In 2015, Eduard Boyakov at will left the post of rector. Olga Skrynnikova took his place. She currently serves as the rector of the academy.

Faculties in an educational organization

IN this moment Voronezh State Academy of Arts has 3 structural divisions. The faculties represented at this university are music, theater and painting.

  1. At the Faculty of Music, students learn to play the piano, concert string and wind instruments, and vocal art.
  2. Future actresses and actors study at the theater department. Graduates successfully work in theaters of various Russian cities. Many act in films and work on television.
  3. The Faculty of Painting trains artists. Students successfully participate in city and Russian exhibitions. Their works are published in illustrated art publications.

The educational process at the faculties of the Academy of Arts is organized by the university staff represented by talented teachers. There is a lot to learn from them, because these people are honored artists and artists in Russian Federation, laureates of competitions held in the country and at the international level.

Areas of training and specialties at the Voronezh Academy of Arts

Applicants to the university are invited to study in undergraduate programs. Voronezh State Academy of Arts has the following areas of training with a training period of 4 years:

Also, the Voronezh State Academy of Arts invites applicants for a specialty course. Offered specialties:

  • painting;
  • musicology;
  • artistic management of the academic choir and opera and symphony orchestra;
  • acting skills;
  • art of concert performance (specialization - musical instruments, used among the people; drums and wind instruments; stringed instruments; piano).

Conditions for admission to an educational institution for higher education

Voronezh Institute Arts (currently the Academy) recruits under the following conditions:

  • separately for bachelor's and specialist's programs depending on the profile;
  • for full-time education;
  • separately under contracts for the provision of services in the field of paid education and within the control figures for budget places.

For those individuals who enter a university after finishing 11th grade, their Unified State Exam scores and (or) results are taken into account entrance examinations. The latter are held at the university after the completion of the acceptance of documents. Applicants with secondary professional or higher education those who do not have Unified State Examination results take entrance exams to the Voronezh Institute of Arts.

Entrance tests

The Voronezh State Academy of Arts has established certain exams in all areas of training. Admission conditions include taking the Russian language (orally with tickets and in writing, in the form of writing a dictation) and literature (with tickets and in the form of an interview with a teacher).

In addition to these subjects, additional creative and professional tests have been established. Their number ranges from 3 to 4. To the list entrance exams may include:

  • performance of a solo program;
  • colloquium;
  • speciality;
  • work with the choir;
  • musical literature;
  • program execution;
  • actor's skill;
  • musicality and plasticity;
  • music theory;
  • painting;
  • composition;
  • drawing.

Voronezh State Academy of Arts: tuition fees

You can study at the educational institution for free or for a fee. Every year the Academy sets the number of places paid for from the federal budget. For 2017/2018 academic year The following figures are planned:

  • in the arts in the instrumental and musical field - 10 budget places;
  • in vocal art - 3 places;
  • in musical applied arts and musicology - 5 places;
  • in acting - 18 places;
  • in the art of concert performance - 20 places;
  • on artistic management academic choir and opera and symphony orchestra - 8 places;
  • in musicology - 5 places;
  • in painting - 5 places.

The cost of training for paid places is also established annually. In 2016, undergraduate students paid just over 115 thousand rubles. In specialty areas, the cost is higher. Last year it amounted to 120 thousand rubles.

Prospects for graduates

The specialties offered by the Voronezh State Academy of Arts are quite specific. Faculties prepare personnel needed in the field of culture and art. Graduates, as a rule, do not have problems with employment. Some of them remain in Voronezh and find suitable job specialty, become teachers at their home university, others leave for big cities(St. Petersburg, Moscow). Find a job in big cities creative professions a little simpler.

Some graduates, for some reason, do not find a suitable job. It is worth noting that this phenomenon does not occur pronounced character, because the academy accepts a small number of applicants for training. The number of budget and paid places is limited.

For those who have decided to enroll in university...

People interested in the educational institution will be interested to know where the Academy of Arts is located. Here is the address educational organization: street 42. The university can be reached by shuttle buses 49m, 81, 13n, 125, 121, 75, 90, etc. Stop - "Institute of Arts".

In conclusion, it is worth noting that admission to a university such as the Voronezh State Academy of Arts is not easy. Applicants take many exams. To increase your chances, it is recommended to enroll in preparatory courses. Every year they begin their work in October.

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