Vladislav Kurasov personal biography. Valery Kuras biography personal life family. Valery Kuras - biography, photographs. new songs, new victories. Valery Leontiev Valery Leontiev

Valery Kuras is a Russian chansonnier who is the author of the hit “Droplets”. This person could have chosen a different path and never appeared on stage. He is a successful ophthalmologist who has helped patients and free time He went diving and collected rare cars. He became successful in business and made a stable profit.


Valery Kuras does not like publicity; he is taciturn and gives only a minimum of information about himself. This person rarely gives interviews to journalists, and one of the most asked questions concerns the nationality of the performer. Kuras is not a Russian surname. The middle name Demizovich is even more confusing. It is known that the singer was born in 1958 in Moscow.

This happened in maternity hospital No. 6. Valery was brought up in a close-knit family, his father was a geologist by profession. At the Ministry of Geology he was the head of the design bureau. Mom realized herself as a translator from English and German. The parents' busy lives did not give them the opportunity to devote much time to their son, so his grandparents were involved in his upbringing.

In addition, he learned about the life of a chansonnier in the yard and at school. The artist said that his father was born in Ukraine. Secret unusual name dad in the beliefs of his grandfather, who was a communist. He decided to encrypt the first decree of the Soviet power - on peace and land - in the name he named his son.

As a child, the future performer attended a school for young technicians, where he chose the ship modeling section and learned to create ship models. At the country's first ship modeling exhibition, his nuclear-powered ship was awarded first place. In middle school, the young man was fascinated by wood inlay, and then he gave his mother pieces of kitchen furniture.


The songs of Valery Kuras were included in several albums, the first of which was published in 2005 and was called “Droplets”. He also owns the following works: “The Most Favorite”, Grand collection, “There is Still Gunpowder”, The Very Best.

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Artists with their own unique image, unique vocal abilities and charisma certainly attract attention. With a reasonable approach to their work and hard work, they have a great chance of achieving success. This can be said with confidence about Vladislav Kurasov, who in a short time won the hearts of many listeners in Ukraine.


Born on March 13, 1995 in the city of Brest (Belarus). In 2006, the Kurasov family moved to the city of Krasnodar (Russia).
Graduated from the Interschool Aesthetic Center (IEC) in pop vocals and piano, as well as Creative association"Premiere" (Theater) with honors.

Participant of the show "Minute of Glory" on the Russian Channel One, the International Festival of Humor and Pop Art "Moscow - Yalta - Transit". He is a laureate of many all-Russian and international competitions, including “Blue-eyed Anapa”, “Starry Youth of the Planet”, “Little Stars”, “The Eagle Lights the Star” and others. Winner of the “I am Talent” competition. Finalist of "X Factor 2" and winner of the "Star Ring" show.
In a fairly short period of time on the Ukrainian stage, the artist gave more than 20 solo concerts and recorded 6 original songs.

In January 2014, the video for his song “Let me drink” became the winner of the competition program of one of the US music companies, Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes. In 2014, he was awarded a Gold Medal from the “Favorites of Success 2013” ​​trademark competition for winning the competition in the “Young Talent” category.
He is interested in sports and learning foreign languages.

At the moment, Vladislav Kurasov does not cooperate with production centers, as he has decided to independently develop his creativity.

- Vladislav, who instilled in you an interest in music and the stage? What were your first steps?

For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to sing, it was always in me! My mother once sang, although not professionally. Elder sister I also studied music. Perhaps it's hereditary. My first appearance on stage was at the age of seven, and I felt very funny.

- Did you feel support from your loved ones and friends?

Yes, my family has always supported my desire for music, my desire to be on stage. Unless my older brother doubted me. He always believed that this was not a man's activity, and I should follow in his footsteps and choose sports, but I was a stubborn child.

- When did you realize that you were ready to become a professional artist?

I always understood this the same way. I knew that music would become my life. I was born with this and have been preparing for the difficulties of the music profession since childhood.

- Doesn’t an artist’s career interfere with education? Who are you studying to be?

I'm not studying at the moment. Perhaps in the future such a desire will come to me, but now it does not exist. I do not believe that in order to achieve your goals and any heights, you need a higher education. Of course, I'm talking specifically about music. You know, in a higher institution they won’t teach you to be a real artist, they won’t “stuff” you with raisins. And in order to control your voice, it is enough to develop yourself and, if necessary, take vocal lessons, with a good teacher, of course.

- Tell me, why did you decide to pursue your own career independently without the help of producers?

Initially I did not have such a solution. In principle, I went with the flow and made my steps absolutely intuitively, but after I gained experience in working with a production center, I came to the conclusion that it was closer to me to control my work myself. But I am certainly grateful to PC STB for everything they did for me!

- What are you working on now?

Now I’m working on a new author’s single “My Love”. You will be able to hear it very soon! The song is about my experiences and thoughts that I encounter in my personal life. I think that the theme that is sung in the songs is close to many people. I'm sure many will see their story in it.

-Who writes your songs?

I write my own songs, but my repertoire includes songs by other composers.

- Who is your role model in music and show business?

There are a lot of examples like this, but a big example for me is Britney Spears. She is a real hard worker who, with the help of her talent and crazy hard work, has been able to stay afloat for 16 years and become a world icon. There is a lot to learn from her!

- Do you have many friends from the world of show business?

Hmm, I think not. I know many people, but our communication takes place in the “Hello - bye” category. I have never sought to make friends in this area. And, you know, it’s very difficult to be friends with artists.

- What goals do you set for yourself for 2015?

Oh God, this is actually a very difficult question for me right now. This year promises to be a turning point for me... And where it will lead me, I don’t know yet. I can assume a lot, but I know for sure that this year is not going to be easy.

- What else would you like to learn in the near future?

I would really like to learn English, because nowadays it’s a shame not to know it, especially for an artist. I’m just now studying and I understand that as a child my head worked much better.

- How do you spend your leisure time? Where do you get your strength from?

Probably, many people expect me to answer this question in a special way, but no - I’m the same person as everyone else and I love all the same things as everyone else. I like to go to the movies, have fun with friends, and get out of town. I like having fun.

Oh yeah! I think I'm somewhat addicted to social media. I'm constantly reading something and sometimes it even gets in the way! It can be difficult to tear yourself away from the Internet when you need to get things done.

- Do you live in Kyiv or Krasnodar? Which audience are you most interested in - Ukraine, Russia, the West?

I live in Kyiv, immediately after the project I moved here, that is, I have been living here for the 4th year! Big numbers, I can’t even believe it! I don’t divide the audience, I will be glad to everyone who will listen to my music and draw energy from it for themselves, be it Ukrainian or French.

-Are you easy to make laugh? When you're in last time Laughed very hard - what was the reason?

Oh, easy. I always try to approach everything with a bit of humor; there are few days when I don’t laugh or even smile, because laughter prolongs life!

Victor DEMYANENKO asked questions

, July 11, 2014 at 00:45

Vladislav Kurasov: “Now I am in a relationship with a girl who is older than me”

Forgive me for the indiscreet question, is it possible for a situation in which you would date two girls at the same time?

You know, if you had asked about this, for example, a year ago, I probably would have said yes. Now, with a profound change in my aesthetic perception of the world around me, I will say that no, I could not.

Tell me, what character traits should dominate in your chosen one?

Of course, there is no specific template - every girl is beautiful in her own way, but some character traits that appeal to me and without which I think communication would not be so harmonious, of course, must be present. A sense of humor, for example, is a must. But the sense of humor is identical to mine. We must understand each other's humor, otherwise insults and misunderstandings cannot be avoided. There are times, from my point of view, when innocent jokes can accidentally offend people, when I begin to openly humor without adapting to the company. Another trait is deep devotion to each other. This is exactly what this world is missing, not only in the relationship between a guy and a girl, but also in relationships between people in general.

Yes, you're right, it's essentially a character trait that has become rare in our daily lives. Just some kind of Phoenix bird.

Yes, that's right. On the way to you, by the way, I was thinking about this. Why doesn’t everything always work out for me in my personal life? Why, in my opinion, in relationships with some people, some treacherous actions occur on their part. Although I try to turn to them with all my soul, I am completely open to them, I get used to the person in every possible way, I try to understand him. Probably, you just shouldn’t demand something supernatural from people, you shouldn’t demand the same thing that you give them. You just need to love! Harmony in life and love are inseparable concepts

Have you ever communicated with your former flames?

I just don’t have many exes yet! (Smiles). So far, I have not had the opportunity to communicate with those with whom I broke up.

Why, in general, completely cut off ties?

Everything just happens naturally. For example, there is a girl with whom we had a very close relationship. But at some point we became good friends. To this day, we can sometimes have great pleasure in a friendly conversation. But this is isolated. In other cases, I did not have a calm parting, so to speak kindly, as happens with well-mannered adults. This was always accompanied by some negative manifestations. I just cut off a person from myself and that’s it. But over time, I think I might be able to do things differently.

There is a belief that very often girls choose a life partner in the image of their father, and boys - in the image of their mother. What do you think about this?

I think not. I don’t know, of course, with whom I will connect my life, maybe in 5 years I will think differently, but at the moment my mother is a mother, and girls are girls and there is nothing in common between them.

Does your mother influence your girlfriend's choices?

No, my mother cannot influence anything. We have a lot of disagreements on various issues - I have always been too independent, just such an individual. I have never allowed anyone from my family to decide anything for me or to influence me. I want - I will! This is probably my mother's oversight. Although... Life will definitely put everything in its place.

If it suddenly happens that mom puts the question bluntly, either she or the girl. What will you do?

Of course, I will try to smooth out this situation. Firstly, I don’t know what my reaction will be, since nothing like this has ever happened to me. Secondly, I think that my mother is not the kind of woman who will pose the question point blank. For all her dreaminess, tenderness and apparent simplicity, my mother is a very wise woman and would never allow herself anything like that. She would accept my chosen one. For her, as probably for every mother, the main thing is that the children have a good time. The main thing is that I am healthy, don’t smoke (smiles) and that everything goes well for me.

What would you do if you saw that your significant other’s parents or friends didn’t like you at all?

It's difficult to analyze. You are now asking questions that are in many ways related to what has happened and is happening in my life.

I don’t really fit into the company of my significant other, feeling quite uncomfortable in it. Of course, my other half is taking some steps, trying to make sure that I don’t feel inconvenienced. But, unfortunately, I still feel that this is not a team where I can allow myself to relax and therefore I feel out of place all the time.

How quickly do you introduce your girlfriend to your relatives?

Since my family lives in another country, far from Kyiv, it is impossible to quickly introduce each other, even if desired, due to the geographical remoteness. My mother often asks me who I am with. It happens that he reads from an interview somewhere and starts asking questions. Of course, I don’t tell much, I don’t like these questions. But I definitely introduce them to my friends. Of course, with those who have been tested by time, with those who have remained faithful to friendship in a variety of situations. And if a girl can freely join this company of my friends and girlfriends, with all their troubles, this for me naturally is a high indicator of the sociability of my chosen one.

You mentioned that you have a friend - a girl...

I have my best friend, many people know her. We lived together and “ate” so much, went through many trials. I immediately developed a very friendly and warm relationship with her. It is possible that if everything had turned out a little differently, under different circumstances, maybe then we would have become a couple. We are very suitable for each other.

Judging by the fact that your best friend is a girl, do you believe that there is still a sincere friendship between a man and a woman?

Of course, I can’t read minds, get into the souls of all my friends (perhaps some of them are secretly in love with me), I feed some feelings, they feed others. But based on how I see it and feel it from my own experience, I can safely say that such friendship exists. Returning to my friend, I can no longer call her just a friend, I love her as a Person. This is a different love, not like the one where I can imagine her as the mother of my children. I understand that I really don't want to lose this person. I understand that this is the person to whom I can come to cry, find understanding in everything, and feel the warmth of the relationship. This is inherently a very deep relationship between a man and a woman, a relationship symbolizing complete harmony soul in the absence of harmony of the body. This, it seems to me, is real, sincere friendship between a man and a woman.

Can you hide your feelings?

Haven't had to yet.

What should a man be guided by when creating a relationship with a girl?

There are templates: flowers, gifts, bears, balloons, compliments.

I can't tell you for everyone. After all, everyone is very different. For example, I am not a romantic. I can give a gift, I can drink a glass of champagne, look at the stars, talk about something. I recently learned to say the word “love”. Apparently I had some kind of childhood complex, I was tense. I didn’t allow myself to show tenderness, I restrained myself. Not long ago I started saying these words to my mother.

Some people believe that actions are better than words.

Yes. I think so too. But still, the ideal option is when the word is confirmed by action.

“You cannot step into the same river twice,” the philosopher Heraclitus from Ephesus once said. Could you start a relationship with a person again, maybe after some time?

This is probably the most pressing question in my life. Because I had my very first serious relationship - we began to live together for real. Unfortunately, this relationship was fleeting and ended very quickly. For some time I was in a lot of pain, and as a result of my experiences, the song “Let me drink” was born. Then I got over it, everything was forgotten. But now, when I have something to compare with, I begin to remember and yearn not for her, but for what, perhaps, I accidentally missed. Now I’m thinking about what would be interesting... I understand that I’m mentally prepared - if suddenly she came now and took this first step... I won’t take it (smiles).

Why don't you do it?

Somehow it comes out on its own. Maybe nothing would come of it again, but I would try.

When was the first time you felt the pain they talk about, the pain of parting, when it’s not just offensive, sad, but when everything is tearing up inside you. I believed that I was such a careerist that music would always occupy the most dominant place and nothing could outweigh this in me. Well, everything else is just an application in my life. I have one goal and I’m moving towards it, so I won’t waste my time. I thought so, I was stupid and small. When this happened to me, it was a blow, as if they threw me like a kitten and said yes, everything is fine, everyone feels it, it happens to everyone. I remember how I didn’t know what to do, I really felt bad. Neither alcohol, nor partying, nor friends, nor work, which was more than enough at that moment, helped. Although work always helps me, to take my mind off any problems. I Googled: “How to get rid of pain?”, “How to forget a person faster?” (Smiles.) Of course, it was strange for me. I started reading some articles on this topic, but, naturally, nothing useful was written anywhere. I came to the conclusion that wedges are knocked out with wedges.

Mostly men do this.

That's exactly what I did. It helped me. Frankly speaking, I suffered for a month, although I didn’t show it. I didn’t even tell my friend, with whom I share everything. I was wondering if she would understand? And she didn’t understand either. I didn't show my feelings in any way. He translated everything into some kind of jokes, and then went on a two-week “break” in every sense of the word. I had two weeks of complete revelry, which I certainly won’t forget. During these 2-3 weeks, I met a girl in whom I saw something new and unique. Maybe this didn’t completely drown out the pain, time will tell.

Is it important for you that your partner plays sports?

The shell is important to me. You want to see next to you a beautiful girl who attracts you. I periodically communicate with adult couples and understand that those women who have been married for 5-10 years always take care of themselves, keep themselves in good shape and this is cool. You know how it happens: married couples get together and that’s it. One takes a glass of beer - his belly grows, the other takes a bun. They have each other and that's a given. Then they break up, either scandals or something else. I would like to see just such a girl next to me who would not take me for granted. I can allow the rolls to relax, but then I will be cut off at some point and that’s it.

Imagine the situation: you’re dating, she’s confident in you, you’re not going anywhere, although it’s hard to imagine with your fans, but still. She began to gain pounds. Would you reprimand her?

Of course I would. I can be direct. My friend and I lived together and as much as we communicate, we often talk about what is good for each other, because we see each other’s everyday life and Julia says to me: “Listen, I live with you, I understand what mistakes I won’t make.” allow with my husband and how I would like to build my relationship further.” This is some example. I understand that I can be rude, again the example of a friend, I can tell her: “You’re fat!” or “Stop eating!” I am such a person. I am straight and there are the same people next to me.

How do you feel about cheating in a relationship?

Very bad. I hate deception. I can't stomach lies.

If a person lied to you once, will you forgive?

Yes, I'll forgive you. First of all, I don't hold grudges for long. I can be offended, and then after a while it goes away. I have already forgiven betrayal. Once. Why I did this, maybe I need to specifically analyze the situation, but in fact I forgave it. Essentially, I forgave the lie, but it still leaves a mark on the soul. It’s always different with specific people. You can forgive someone something, but not someone. So I understand that I can’t do it with the one I’m with now. I don’t know, maybe I love you less, or maybe on the contrary more. I can forgive, but everything will be cut off from me.

Would you do anything to harm her?

Yes. Unfortunately, yes.

Are you vindictive?

In this regard, yes. I wouldn't just go to a meeting. I would live the way I wanted. I was walking and having fun. If you want to be with me, prove to me that you won’t do that again, and I will walk in every sense.

What if she suddenly comes and repents of what she has done?

I love justice so much, you have no idea! Equilibrium. If she did it, I will do it. And we will be even with her. I can forgive this, but the situation itself will provoke me. Maybe it's masculine, maybe it's human.

Should a couple go on vacation together or separately?

Well, I don’t know how a couple with 10 years behind them can stand apart. If you completely trust a person, you let him go, not because he will wander left or right, but just to relax, unwind, and sometimes you just want to flirt with someone. I think this is normal. When a relationship is just beginning, it is advisable to go together.

By the way, you were recently on vacation. Who did you go on holiday with?

My other half was not with me. She just couldn't, she had work. I was with my godfather, my friend was alone, I didn’t know the rest of the people. I went on vacation for myself.

Did they recognize you there?

There was one moment. We specifically chose a hotel where there are fewer Russians and Ukrainians, well, firstly, so as not to hear “Tagil”, which is shouting nearby. There were only Poles in the hotel, but there was a Ukrainian couple. Nobody recognized me before until the moment came when we were sitting on the bar. Naturally, everyone was drinking and the karaoke competition began. Everyone already found out in the conversation that I sing, so they suggested, like, go ahead. He came out and sang. About 15 minutes pass, I’m already sitting there like this, a man comes up to me and starts saying: “You took pictures with my wife when you performed there, do you remember?” (Smiles.) Of course, I don’t remember. There was such a moment.

You're jealous?

Yes. I talked about flirting, I understand that it is necessary, but only if it happens not in front of my eyes, because I am very jealous!

How do you feel about sex on the first date?

Fine. But when sex happens on the first date, the relationship develops a little faster and you lose interest, because when it doesn’t happen, you communicate, get used to it, go on dates, it’s all so interesting. Then you remember these moments, text messages.

Have you been in a relationship with someone older than you?

Yes. Now I am in a relationship with a girl who is older than me. Much older. I like older girls. No offense to my fans (Smiles.) Relationships with peers don’t go any further.

Blondes, brunettes or redheads?

Not so important, but blondes!

Is creativity an alternative to love?

I often think about this when I have life torment or situations. Sometimes I think, now I would like to have a whole career, let me develop to the fullest and that’s it, I won’t pay attention to it, let it come to me on its own. I understand that career and creativity are important to me, but I remember Marilyn Monroe’s phrase that “A career is wonderful, but on a cold night it will not warm you.” It's true. People are created for love and this is the most strong feeling on Earth, no matter what anyone says. There are geniuses who live in music, in mathematics, it doesn’t matter when love covers you - it covers everything. This is the most powerful feeling. When you don’t understand well that emotions result in creativity, when creativity doesn’t suit you well, although I recently started writing a song, I most likely won’t finish it. Inspiration came the moment I came home, I had such a good day both personally and at work, I called home. Everything somehow calmed down for a minute and I felt so good, I sat down at the instrument and began to write a song from my state, from the fact that I felt good. This was the first time, I usually write when I feel bad. Creativity is a strong emotion.

How do you feel about advice? Are you listening?

I listen to the advice of those closest to me, whom I trust. There are literally one or two people whose advice I can listen to, who advise not only from their own bell tower, but knowing me. But I always make decisions myself. When this is done by a person who is trying to teach me something, even an adult, who advises me how to live, how to work, what I’m doing wrong, I think I understand that you are smart, that you have experience, but this is your life, you lived it this way and you see it this way. I understand that I don’t have much experience, but I live my life, if I make mistakes, then they are my mistakes. I'm not a stupid guy, but I want to live the way I want. There is no need to teach me what to do, this is my life and a person advises me only from his point of view, he cannot penetrate my head or my soul.

Press service "I am a Star"

Beloved by thousands of music lovers in the post-Soviet space, Russian chansonnier Valery Kuras, who gave the world the hit “Droplets,” could have chosen a different path and not gone on stage.

A successful ophthalmologist helped patients look at the world with wide open eyes, and in his free time he collected rare cars and went diving. He took place in a business that brought stable profits.

However, history does not tolerate subjunctive mood: Today Kuras has a huge army of admirers thanks to his vocal talent and soulful songs.

Childhood and youth

Valery Kuras is in the spotlight every day, but at the same time he is laconic and does not like publicity: he gives the minimum necessary information about himself.

On the official website, pages on Instagram and Facebook, Valery Demizovich repeats biographical facts that are known to his fans. Journalists rarely manage to get an interview from a star, so they ask what Kuras was previously silent about. For example, about nationality. The surname Kuras is not Russian. And the middle name Demizovich is confusing.

The chansonnier revealed some of the secrets to journalist Tatyana Feoktistova, who asked if there were any Ukrainians, Jews or gypsies in the Kurasov family. The chanson performer was born in Moscow in the spring of 1958. The first to hear the voice of the future star were the obstetricians of the capital's maternity hospital No. 6.

Valery was brought up in a friendly, intelligent family, where his father, a geologist by profession, headed a design bureau at the Ministry of Geology, and his mother made a living by translating from German and English.

The parents' busy lives did not allow them to control their son's every step, so the boy was looked after and raised by his grandparents, as well as the yard and school. Everything was like most children of that time.

When asked by a journalist about the origin of the surname, Valery Demizovich answered evasively, without shedding any light on the roots. He said that his father was from Ukraine. As for the amazing name of the pope, which became the patronymic of the chansonnier, the secret lies in the beliefs of the communist grandfather. It was his idea to encrypt the first of the decrees in his son’s name Soviet power- about peace and earth.

Valery Kuras, already in childhood, showed versatile talents and the ability to achieve success in everything he did. While attending classes in the ship modeling section at the school for young technicians, I learned how to design ship models. So much so that at the first ship modeling exhibition in the Soviet Union, the nuclear-powered ship, to which a Muscovite gave the name of the leader of the proletariat, received first place.

In middle school, the guy was fascinated by wood inlay, and soon he gave his mother pieces of kitchen furniture that remained his pride for decades.

To please his mother, who loved music and singing, her son learned to play the piano and joined the choir. When he grew up and matured, he gave up choral singing, which, in Valery’s opinion, did not correspond to the image of “real guys.” But the guy considered the guitar a “male” instrument, so he completed a course in playing classical string guitar and delighted the children at the school disco with the performance of Beatles hits.

Having received a diploma from the capital's special school, where students studied English in depth, Valery Kuras went to enroll in a medical university. The first attempt was a failure, but the guy did not give up and became a student at a medical school. After graduating with honors, he entered the capital's Medical Institute. N. Pirogova. Valery managed to study and work part-time at night in an ambulance.

After graduating from medical school and residency, in the mid-1980s, the young ophthalmologist ended up at the Svyatoslav Fedorov Institute of Eye Microsurgery, famous throughout the country. After 5 years, Kuras became a leading surgeon. According to Valery Kuras, he performed 1,700 operations a year. And when he reached the “ceiling” in his profession, he switched to the pharmaceutical business and left the institute.

In the difficult 1990s, Valery Kuras managed to achieve success in entrepreneurship: he headed a foreign representative office in Moscow. But when Kuras reached the “ceiling” in this field, his soul asked for something new.


The first recorded song by Valery Kuras was the composition Cosa nostra. The singer gave it to his close people, who became the first grateful listeners and fans. According to the chansonnier, the first impression of hearing your voice on a magnetic tape is surprise.

The first large audience to which Valery Kuras spoke was the audience of the theater “At the Nikitsky Gate”. The warm reception of 250 listeners inspired the artist and pushed him to move in the chosen direction.

A wide audience learned about Kuras after the release of the first video for the song “Droplets”. It starred actors whose names are known throughout the country: Alexander Semchev and Andrei Ilyin, the charming Olga Budina and the master of Russian pop Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. appeared. It was he, the most authoritative “Petrovich” in the world of music and show business, who brought Valery Kuras onto the stage.

Song by Valery Kuras “Droplets”

Presnyakov Sr. introduced the aspiring musician to producer and songwriter Andrei Pryazhnikov, who, assessing the artist’s vocal abilities, wrote him two-thirds of the compositions of the first album, released in 2005.

The songs and manner of performance of Valery Kuras are called “smart” chanson. There is no vulgarity or the notorious “thieves” in them, this is a sincere conversation and everyday humor.

Fans of the chansonnier compare their favorite to Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, whose songs immerse listeners in the atmosphere of “kitchen blues.” Listening to Kuras, I remember gatherings around the fire or in the kitchen, where old friends gathered for an intimate conversation in clouds of tobacco smoke. Good humor and sincerity run like a red thread through every composition by Kuras; there is no pathos in them.

In 2009, the performer gave the world his second album, giving it the name “Most Favorite.” During this period, he fruitfully collaborated with composer-songwriter and People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine Alexander Morozov.

Song by Valery Kuras “Girl with eyes the color of the sky”

In the 2000s, the vocalist’s best songs were heard on Radio Chanson. Kuras has been repeatedly awarded the main prize “Chanson of the Year”; he is a frequent guest of the festival “Ehh, Razgulay!”. He calls the genre in which Valery Kuras performs European chanson, paying tribute to the work of Yves Montand and Charles Aznavour.

In the spring of 2013, the singer went on tour in a duet with colleague Katerina Golitsyna. In memory of the deceased Mikhail Krug, Kuras included the composition “Bathhouse on Sovetskaya” in his repertoire.

The singer has been participating in chanson festivals since the early 2000s and is well known to fans musical direction along with the stars of Russian chanson Irina Krug, Fedya Karmanov, Anatoly Polotno and Willy Tokarev.

In 2016, Kuras’s collection of songs The Very Best was released, which included 34 compositions - both new and remixes of old, fan-favorite mischievous hits “Airplane”, “Pampushechka”, “At the Man’s” and “Girl with Eyes the Color of the Sky”.

Personal life

Valery Kuras is reluctant to open the pages of his personal life. When asked about the ideal woman, she says that she values ​​femininity and spiritual beauty. Love for a chansonnier is the best source of inspiration.

Such a source in the singer’s work was his beloved wife, who bore him a son. While protecting his family, Valery does not disclose details of his private life and gives a minimum of information about his relatives. It is known that the son received economic Education at a British university.

Valery Kuras now

The chansonnier calls the government “Chaika”, which drove Soviet Minister Andrei Gromyko, the pearl of the collection of rare cars in his fleet. Volga-21 and Pobeda take pride of place.

Valery Kuras now

The master of chanson continues to delight fans with new compositions. In 2017, the artist presented music lovers with the song “Heel”, and in 2018 he pleased them with a new hit called “Sombrero”.


  • 2005 – “Droplets”
  • 2009 – “Most Favorite”
  • 2011 – “Grand collection”
  • 2015 – “There is still gunpowder!”
  • 2016 – “The Very Best”
Vladislav Kurasov is a talented singer, author and composer, finalist of the television show “X-Factor 2”, winner of the television vocal show “Star Ring”, TV presenter, actor, music video director.

Born on March 13, 1995 in the city of Brest, since 2006 he has lived in Krasnodar. WITH early childhood, showing interest in music and creativity, Vlad entered the Krasnodar Interschool Aesthetic Center (IEC) for pop vocal and piano classes, as well as the Premiere Theater Creative Association. Both graduated with honors.

In 2011, Vladislav Kurasov took part in a Ukrainian television project "X Factor 2", captivating the audience with his sincerity, sincerity, and ability, in the words of Sergei Parkhomenko, to “penetrate the soul of the song.” The young artist was remembered by many for using falsetto in his performances. Vlad considers his personal achievement on the project to be the fact that, having taken third place, he actually did not miss a single live broadcast, gaining maximum experience and practice, and in the final he sang in a duet with British star Craig David. By the way, in many ways Vladislav Kurasov can be considered a pioneer, as he became the first foreigner to take part in the Ukrainian project “X-Factor”.

After the end of the X-Factor project, Vladislav Kurasov, at the age of 16, remained to live and work in Kyiv. In the spring of 2012, the artist took part in a television vocal show "Star Ring" and won it. Meeting the wishes of numerous fans who dreamed of hearing Kurasov live, the artist (the first of all X-Factor graduates) organized 10 solo concerts in the cities of Ukraine and Russia. On June 22, Vladislav’s first original song was released "Goodbye my city". And although according to Vlad himself "this song is not just about the city, it contains much more, it contains a farewell to the past", the song unexpectedly became the anthem of all those who are forced to leave their homes. At the end of the year, having become the winner of the “I am Talent” project with this song, Vladislav was invited to perform it at the Golden Gramophone award ceremony in St. Petersburg. In October of the same year, Vladislav presented to the attention of listeners his second original song - a dance track "Zero love squared", and in December, speaking as an invited guest on the stage of the X Factor show, he presented a lyrical composition "Whisper of Rain"(D. Danov, G. Kraskovsky).

Cooperation with production center of the Ukrainian TV channel "STB" from December 2012 to 2013 was marked for Vladislav Kurasov with numerous rotations on radio and television, interviews in television programs, online and press conferences, photo shoots, performances at the “New Maslyana” festival, “X-Factor” pre-castings in Ukrainian cities, solo concert in Lugansk, performance at Youth Day in Zaporozhye. On single "You'll forget", recorded in February, the artist’s first video was shot already in March. On September 12, 2013, Vladislav will present a new original song "Let me drink" and almost immediately begins filming his second video for this composition. Full swing Preparations were underway for Vladislav’s large-scale October solo tour of Ukraine, however, due to a serious injury he received during the filming of the program “Extreme with a Star,” almost a week before the first concert, tour was cancelled.

Since 2014, Vladislav Kurasov begins independent creative career development, gathering a team of like-minded people, returning to active creative and media activities. On April 7, 2014, the premiere of Vladislav’s new original song took place on VKontakte "I'm sick with you" Vlad himself prefaced its premiere this way: “This song is about the most terrible period in my life, which completely turned me upside down. I have never talked about him and never will. Let the music speak for me. For the first time, I truly revealed myself as an author.” Therefore, it is not surprising that the song received warm recognition from listeners and to this day is one of his most quoted works, and the video, on the set of which Vladislav Kurasov acted as a co-director for the first time, turned out to be the most watchable of all his videos on the ELLO music channel.
On May 19, Vladislav Kurasov presented the audience with a dance track "18"(author A. Malakhov). Vladislav's songs, including recently released premieres, are actively rotated on radio stations in Ukraine, Russia, Germany, and the USA.
Vladislav speaks a lot at various events and is active concert activities– 10 solo albums in 2014-2015, and three of them were acoustic, which requires special preparation. But the return from the audience at performances with “live” music is much greater - an acoustic concert with Evgeniy Khmara (piano, saxophone and percussion) in November 2014 and a Charity acoustic concert with a band (2 guitars, saxophone, percussion) in November 2015 were held with sold out.

Vladislav Kurasov has special sympathy for children and elderly people in need of help. That is why three of his solo concerts were charitable. In addition, the artist took part in other charitable events: “Warm heart to the children of Ukraine”, “Give a smile to children”, “Marathon of good deeds”, “Remember me!”, “Creative heritage”, etc.

It seemed that just recently Vladislav Kurasov himself was a young participant in a talent show, and now he himself is invited to the jury of such children's vocal competitions as the projects “Evening Party-1” and “Evening Party-2” from the Human Rights Center “24 carats of art”, XXIV competition of young pop singers "ORPHEUS-2015" (Belaya Tserkov), SIMPLE THE BEST Award-2015 (Odessa).

The growing popularity and interest of the public encourages the artist to give interviews on radio and television, in the press and online publications, to participate in press conferences, and television programs on various channels. In particular, Vladislav Kurasov repeatedly took part in TV programs of the STB channel such as “Kokhana, we kill children”, “Everything will be good”, “For life!”, He performed his song “Across the Puddles” in Igor Kondratyuk’s program “Karaoke on the Maidan” "

From April to July 2015, Vladislav Kurasov gained with interest the experience of hosting the timeLINE music TV section on the PravdaTUT channel. Vlad managed to try his acting skills by starring in a cameo role in a television series (scheduled for release in the spring of 2016).

In 2015, the singer expanded his repertoire by recording three more songs: "My love», "Through the Puddles"(author Elina Raskhodova), "In the depths of my soul" Lyrical and expressive, Vladislav Kurasov shares the most intimate with his listener, because all his songs, lived, passed through his own heart, are about the most important feeling - about love. “Love... it gives us wings, but it can also take them away. For me, it’s more like vomiting. Perhaps I'm too emotional... Recently my wings disappeared, and this melody began to sound in me again. I wanted to put into it the new experience that I gained over these couple of years - happy and painful. I think this is my most powerful work, it can’t help but touch you - it’s sincere. I really hope that, just like me, it will help everyone who hears it to mend their spiritual wounds. “In the depths of the soul” is a kind of secret confession.”

Director Taras Golubkov from ICONA AGENCY embodied the concept of Vladislav Kurasov in video for the song “At the Depth of the Soul”. On January 22, 2016, this work was presented on the ELLO music channel.

Vladislav Kurasov with his original song “I"m Insane” became a semi-finalist of the Ukrainian National selection for the Eurovision 2016 music competition.
Vladislav Kurasov's songs, videos and vocals repeatedly receive high marks at various international competitions. The composition “Zero Love Squared” made it to the semi-finals of the American international competition International Songwriting competitions-2012(Dance Music and Teen categories). “Halellujah” (Leonard Cohen cover) performed by Vlad reached the semi-finals of the international music competition Unsigned Only-2013(Teen category). His video for the song “Let me drink” became the winner of the competition program of one of the US music companies Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes(January 2014), and the song itself won the international art song competition International Songwriting Competition-2013(according to People's Choice Winner), held annually in the USA. In September 2014, with the song “Hallelujah” (Leonard Cohen cover), Vlad became the winner in a prestigious American international competition UNSIGNED ONLY MUSIC COMPETITION 2014(FANDEMONIUM category in the Vocal Performance nomination) The video for the song “I'm sick of you” wins BEAT100 World Music Video Chart international music and video social network BEAT100 (February 2015).

In September 2014, Vladislav Kurasov became an artist of MOON Records, and since May 2015 he has been collaborating with the Music Publishing House UMIG MUSIC. Songs are recorded at the TATAMUSIC studio.

In 2012-2015 Vladislav gave 21 solo concert in Ukraine, Moscow, St. Petersburg. Vladislav Kurasov’s repertoire includes seven original songs: “Farewell, my city”, “Zero love squared”, “Let me drink”, “I’m sick of you”, “My love”, “At the depths of my soul”, “I"m Insane "(lyrics by Natalia Rostova). And four songs by other authors: “Whisper of Rains” (music - Dmitry Danov, lyrics - Gleb Kraskovsky), “You’ll Forget” (Vladimir Kurto), “18” (Alexey Malakhov), “Across the Puddles” ( Elina Raskhodova).

For the songs “You’ll Forget” (director - Max Litvinov), “Let me drink” (director - Igor Savenko), “I’m sick of you” (directors: V. Kurasov, M. Khadzhinova), “At the depths of the soul” (director Taras Golubkov ) video clips were shot.

Ambitious, hardworking, plays sports, studies English, loves to travel (visited Goa, Cyprus, USA, Bulgaria, Turkey, Israel, Mexico), experiments with appearance, style, lucky number is 22, idol is Britney Spears. The main message in creativity is “Feel!”


Vladislav Kurasov is a talented singer, singwriter and composer, finalist of the TV show “X-Factor-2”, the winner of the television show “Star Ring”, vocal TV presenter, actor, music video director.

He was born on March 13, 1995 in Brest, Belarus. Since 2006 Vlad lived in Krasnodar, Russia. From early childhood Vladislav show an interest to music, creativity. Vladislav enrolled in the Krasnodar Interschool Aesthetic Center (IAC) to study pop vocal singing and piano and also in Creative Union “Première” (Theatre), and graduated his studies at these institutions with honors.

In 2011 Vladislav Kurasov took part in the Ukrainian TV project "X Factor 2" He won the audience with his sincerity, his voice, according to Sergei Parhomenko, his ability “to get into soul of a song”. The young artist used in his performances a falsetto, which made him stand out from other participants.

By finishing third in the final, Vlad was happy about the fact, that he actually never missed a single live broadcast, getting the most experience and practice as possible. In the final he sang a duet with British star Craig David. By the way, in many respects Vladislav Kurasov can be considered a pioneer, because he became the first foreigner who took part in the Ukrainian project “X-Factor-2”. After ending of the “X-Factor-2” project, Vladislav Kurasov, in its 16 years decided to stay in Kiev to live and work. In Spring 2012 Vladislav took part in other TV vocal show "Star Ring" and become a Winner. In order to meet the wishes of many fans who wanted to hear Kurasov “Live”, the artist (the first of all the graduates of the “X-Factor-2”) had organized 10 solo concerts in different cities of Ukraine and Russia.

On June, 22nd Vladislav "s first author"s song "Proshchay, My City"(Farewell, My Town) was released. According to Vlad, “this song is not just about town, it incorporated a lot more, it saying a good-bye to the past”. The song suddenly became the anthem of all those who were forced to leave their homes. At the end of the year, as a winner of the project “I Talent” with this song, Vladislav was invited to perform it at the “Golden Gramophone” award ceremony in St. Petersburg. Later in October 2012, Vladislav released his second author's song- a dance track “Nol Lyubvi v Kvadrate” (Zero Love Squared), and in December 2012, Vladislav was an invitational guest on stage of the Live show “X-Factor-2” » with a lyrical composition “Shopot Dozhdey” (Whisper of Rains) (Authors D. Danov, G. Kraskovskij).

From December 2012 to 2013 Vladislav was working under management of Producer Center of Ukrainian TV Channel STB. During this period of time his songs had multiple rotations on radio and television, he had many TV and online interviews as well as invitations to press conferences, photo sessions. Vladislav performed at the Festival “New Masliana”, was an invitational guest at presentations during X-Factor casting in the different cities of Ukraine, had a solo concert in Lugansk, performed at the Youth Day in Zaporozhye.

A new single "Zabudesh"(You’ll Forget), was recorded in February, and already in March the video for this was released. On September 12, 2013 Vladislav presented a new song, “Dai Mne Ispit” (Let Me Indulge) and almost immediately begin shooting a video for this song. In full swing preparing for the widespread October solo tour in Ukraine, Vladislav, however, had to cancel it due to severe injuries he received while filming the program “Extreme with a Star”, almost a week before the tour was scheduled.

Since 2014 Vladislav Kurasov began to build his artistic career by himself. Gathering a team of like-minded personalities, he returned to active creative and media activities. On April 7, 2014, was released one more song of Vladislav - "Ya Bolen Toboy"(I"m Sick of You) in Russian Social Pages VKontakte. Vlad so described its premiere “This song is about the hardest period of mine and completely changed me. I never talked about it and never tell. Let the music speak for me. This was the first time I really opened up as a songwriter.” It is not surprising, that this song received hot recognition by the audience, and to this day is one of the most special of his works. Vladislav was also a co-Director and Co-Producer of the video for this song, which also had the most amount of views at the YouTube Music Channel ELLO.

On May 19, 2014 Vladislav Kurasov presented to the audience a dance single "18"(by A. Malakhov). Vladislav songs, including the recently released premiere, were actively played in Radio Stations in Ukraine, Russia, Germany, and USA.

Vladislav performed at many different events, and maintained an active concert schedule - 10 new solo concerts in 2014-2015, and three of them were acoustic.

A very important for Vladislav Kurasov is to support children and the elderly. That is why three of his solo concerts were charitable. In addition, the artist participated in other charity events “Warm Heart to Children of Ukraine”, “Give a Smile to Children”, “Marathon of Good Deeds”, “Remember Me!”, “Creative Heritage” etc.

It seemed quite recently, Vladislav Kurasov himself was the youngest participant in the talent show, and now he himself was invited to be the Judge of such children"s vocal contests as "Vechernik-1" and "Vechernik-2" of the Producer center " 24 Carats of Gold", XXIV Contest of Young Performers of Pop Song "ORPHEUS-2015" (Bila Tserkva), "SIMPLE THE BEST-2015" (Odessa).

The growing popularity and interest of the public encourages the artist to be interviewed on radio and television, in the press and online media, to participate in press conferences, TV programs on different channels. In particular, Vladislav Kurasov had participated in television broadcasts channel STB such as “Kohana, MI Vbivayemo Child”, “Everything will be Good”, “For Long Live!” He performed his song “Po Luzham” (In the Puddles) in the Igor Kondratyuk TV Show “Karaoke on the Maidani”.
From April to July 2015 Vladislav Kurasov was a host of a musical TV Program timeLINE in the Show “Pravda Tut”. The same time Vladislav was trying his acting ability. He was played a supporting role in one television series (it is planned to release in the spring of 2016).

In 2015 the singer added to his repertoire, writing three songs "My Love", "Po Luzham"(author Elina Raskhodova), and "Na Deep Dushi"(In the Depth of the Soul). For him being as the lyrical and expressive, Vladislav Kurasov shares with his audience all his secrets, because all his songs were lived, passed through his own heart. They are about the most important feeling - love. “Love... it gives us wings, but can take them back. For me - rather, to pull out. Perhaps I"m too emotional ... Recently my wing was gone, and in me this melody has begun to sound once again. I wanted to put it into new experiences that I got during these two years - a happy and painful. I think this is my strongest work, it's impossible not to be touched by it - it is very sincere. I very much hope, that it will help everyone to patch up wounds as it did for me. “Na Deep Souls” is a kind of. secret of confession".

Director Taras Golubkov from ICONA AGENCY embodied the idea of ​​Vladislav Kurasov in the music video for the song “Na Glubine Dushi”, on January 22, 2016 this work was presented on the music channel ELLO.

Vladislav Kurasov with author's song "I'm Insane" became the semifinalist of the Ukrainian national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest-2016.

Songs, videos and vocals of Vladislav Kurasov repeatedly receive high marks in various international competitions. His song “Nol Liubvi v Kvadrate” - “Zero Love Squared” became a semifinalist of The International Songwriting Competition-2012 in Nashville, TN in Teen and Dance categories. Vladislav Kurasov became a semifinalist of the another international music competition Unsigned Only-2013(Nashville, USA) in TEEN category with song Hallellujah (Leonard Cohen cover). Vladislav Kurasov"s single "Day Mne Ispit" became "The People"s Voice" Winner at the 2013 International Songwriting Competitions, and the Honorable mention in the category Teen. In January 2014 Video "Day Mne Ispit" won 1st place at the Coas2Coast music video contast and received high reviews from judges. Another success in International music competition in USA. Vladislav Kurasov had won “Fandemonium” with the song “Hallelujah” in the “Vocal Performance” category in the 2014 Unsigned Only Music Competition. He won't 2015 Beat100 #1 Charting Video Award for “Ya Bolen Toboy” Original Video for week February 16, 2015.

In September 2014 year Vladislav Kurasov became an artist of MOON Records, and since May 2015 he cooperates with the music publishing house UMIG MUSIC. Recording songs takes place at TATAMUSIC Studios.

In 2012-1015 Vladislav performed at 21 Solo Concerts. He has in his repertoire 7 his own songs: “Proshchay Moy Gorord”, “Nol Lyubvi v Kvadrate”, “Day Mne Ispit”, “Ya Bolen Toboy”, “My Love”, “Na Glubine Dushi” and “I"m Insane"; And the four songs of other authors: “Shopot Dozhdey” (music by Dmitry Danov, lyrics by Gleb Kraskovsky), “Zabudesh” (Vladimir Kurto), “18” (Alexey Malakhov), “Po Luzham” (Elina Raskhodova).

Vladislav has released music videos for songs: “Zabudesh” (Director Maks Litvinov), “Day Mne Ispit” (Director Igor Savenko), “Ya Bolen Toboy” (Directors Vladislav Kurasov and Marina Khadzhinova), “Na Glubine Dushi” (Director Taras Golubkov).

Ambitious, hardworking, likes sport, Study English, Loves to travel (visited Goa, Cyprus, United States, Bulgaria, Turkey, Israel, Mexico), Experimenting with his style, Lucky number - 22, Idol - Britney Speas. Main message in creativity - “Feel!”