Funny competitions for prom. Cool games and competitions for graduation

Dear friends! Today I invite graduates of grades 4 A and 4 B to visit an unusual store where they can purchase many useful and interesting things related to elementary school.
You need to take turns choosing one of the items on this table. To redeem what you liked most, you need to complete a certain task.
So, let's go shopping!

Music is playing.
A representative from one class selects an item. Once an item is chosen, classes compete to see who gets it.
The next item selects a different class to purchase, and so on.

You need to draw a portrait of your first teacher. To do this, 10 people are selected from each class for a team. The first player is blindfolded and given a felt-tip pen. He goes to the poster, which is attached to the wall, and draws one detail of the portrait (for example, the head, eyes, or something else), returns to the team, passes the blindfold and felt-tip pen to the next player. He draws the next detail on the poster, and so on, until everyone in the team puts their hand to the portrait. Whose portrait will be closer to the original?

Noodles instant cooking

Try to pull the wool over your classmate's ears.
One player is seated opposite his team. Each participant holds a string symbolizing noodles. At the presenter’s signal, the first player runs up to the person sitting on the chair and hangs “noodles” on his ears. Then the second one comes into play, etc. Whose team will complete the task faster?


Upon completion primary school I need to write a letter to my first teacher. It should consist of 10 sentences. You have 3 minutes to complete the task. Whose letter will be more interesting?


Using your personal calculator that is in your head, please calculate the following data and quickly give the answer:
“To today's date of the month (26), add the number of classes you have completed to date (26 + 4 = 30); divide this amount by the number that corresponds to the highest grade in school (30:5 = 6). From this number you need to subtract the number of the floor on which your class is located (6 - 3 = 3). To the difference add the number of years since
usually take children to school (3+7= 10). What number did you get? (Answer: 10)


There is a bell on the chairs located in front of the teams. The two players are blindfolded and placed near their chair. At the leader’s signal, they need to go around the opposite chair, go back and ring their bell. Who will complete the task faster?

Try to read the ABC book again, but only at a faster pace.
In front of each team is a primer, open on the same page. Three representatives from each class begin to blow so that the pages turn by themselves. Who will be able to “read” as many sheets as possible in 2 minutes?
Sheet of paper

One participant from each class is called. He needs to tear his sheet into many small pieces in 5 seconds. After the task is completed, the presenter announces that the winner will be the one who glues his sheet back together faster.

One hoop is issued per class. You need to put it there in any way possible more people. Time to complete the task is 5 minutes.

One person per class participates in the competition. You need to roll up the longest pointer from a paper napkin.

Each class is given the same ruler. With its help you need to measure the width of the hall. Who will give the answer faster and more correctly?

You need to copy the necessary material to a floppy disk.
6 people per class are invited to participate in the competition. They are given markers and blank sheets of paper. All participants, except the first players, turn away. The presenter shows the object, the first players try to depict what they saw in 5 seconds, then within 3 seconds they show their drawing to the second players, they draw the object and similarly demonstrate it to other players. All “artists”, starting with the last one, must say what they depicted.

Leading. All items from our store are sold out. There is one counter left. And this means that the last competition is coming. Each class chooses its representative for an arm wrestling match. This competition will show the strongest among the two classes and, perhaps, will decide the fate of each team.

Music is playing. A strongman competition is held and the winners are determined. Rewarding. The presenter invites the guys to a children's disco.
1. Portrait, blindfolds, sheets of whatman paper, markers
2. Instant noodles, strings.
3. Envelope, sheets of paper, pens.
4. Calculator.
5. Bells.
6. Primers.
7. Landscape sheets of paper, tape.
8. Hoops.
9. Pointer, paper napkins.
10. Rulers.
11. Floppy disk.

Fanfare sounds.


It's a school night for you,

The most memorable evening.

We invite you to the ball,

For the last meeting.

This day has come -

Last day, farewell.

He is the most memorable

And a little sad.



School bells rang

11 years of lessons passed

And today you are graduates!

Skvortsova Zinaida Sergeevna

/ ./




/ Music Pause./

HOST. Dear friends!


11th grade


"The Artist" - Katya Medvedeva

"Botanist" - Chigarev Alexey

"Chief" - Dubinin Petr

11 "B" class

“Nurse” - Julia Dergacheva

"Schumacher" - Sechin Sergei

resourceful, cheerful ones of you!

So go for it!/



introduce the school.


HOST. Dear graduates!








dance floor.


Competition program:

    Competition "School Bell" -

3 pairs per class.

The faster one wins.

    COMPETITION “Statue of Love”

4. Competition "Get into the ring"


HOST. DEAR GRADUATES! Tonight is the night after all


friendly applause.

HOST. DEAR FRIENDS ! Today graduates as a sign

(they shout: We love you!)

parents ./ raise their hands/


    What were you singing when

    Question for a male parent:

LEADING. Amazing!

1 . Homeroom teacher

2. Graduate

3. Graduate - “Oh, girls, I’m in love”

4. Graduate

5. Dad

6. Mom - "Where are you? I'm running after you!

7. Graduate

8. Graduate

9. Lech graduate

10. All graduates - dancing, dancing, dancing...

Dance program


your release,

Game program:


helium balloons:

3. I’m returning to my yard

There is grass in the yard

There is firewood on the grass

didn't catch

great hour!

3. .

couples cards) – rock and roll

Game program:

    Choosing a King (5

2. choose the Queen


THIRD Feast.


tables. /sweet table/


- What are your impressions of the school?

- What are you dreaming about now?

- What’s the director’s name?




blitz survey.


Presenter .




1.Egyptian pyramids

2. Hanging Gardens in Babylon

3.Temple of Artemis in Ephesus






Ready for a surprise again

As a sign of achievements and good luck!


(relay of wishes)


distributes Bengali




- Oksana Baranova

- Ershova Tatyana

- Mamatova Ekaterin

Dyukarev Anatoly

- Dobrev Nikolay

- Ovsyannikov Andrey

- Titkova Maria

- Tyupina Katya

- Stepanov Amir

- Storozhev Maxim

- Kireeva Svetlana

Gribov Andrey

Chuev Alexey

- Katya Medvedeva

- Malakhov Nikolay

- Dakhin Gennady

- Torgashova Katya

- Chigarev Alexey

- Loskutov Alexey"

- Dubinin Peter

- Naberezhnykh Vadim

- Kharlanov Ivan

11 "B" class

- Tanya Medyntseva

- Yukhanov Yaroslav

- Kisel Alexandra

" - Kucheryavenko Tatyana

Migunova Tatyana

- Julia Dergacheva

Agafonova Victoria

" - Chernikov Alexander

- Korneva Alina

- Belogurova Karina

« -Otrishko Alexander

- Zhidovkina Maria

" Temnikov Nikolay

- Kozlova Alina

- Sechin Sergei

- Goncharuk Dmitry"

- Gvozdetsky Mikhail"

- Nikita Kaskov


Don't forget these candles with you.

They will stay with you for a long time!




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"Educational program for toastmaster" prom script


Fanfare sounds. The phonogram of the “school waltz” sounds. In the hall, parents line up in a living corridor on both sides. The class teachers lead their classes into the hall to the friendly applause of their parents.

Presenter. The school waltz is spinning,

Spin the earth! The universe is spinning!

You came to the ball from the ship "teaching"

And from the ball to the ship called “life”!

Good evening, dear friends! We greet the best graduates with applause best school № `3!

It's a school night for you,

The most memorable evening.

We invite you to the ball,

For the last meeting.

This day has come -

Last day, farewell.

He is the most memorable

And a little sad.

HOST. Dear graduates, teachers and parents, I ask you all to come to the tables./music plays while everyone is seated/

HOST. Dear friends! Every year summer night, at the end of June a holiday of youth, youth, beauty, health and happiness comes to school! This is our graduates spending their last evening at school.

School bells rang

11 years of lessons passed

Since you became students,

And today you are graduates!

Today is the graduation party! After this night, everyone will go their separate ways. Everyone will have their own path in life, but warm moments school life, interesting lessons kind and noble teachers - you will never be able to forget all this. There is a person at school whom everyone respects. This is the director. Today he congratulated you on graduating from school, presented your matriculation certificates and to your directorSkvortsova Zinaida Sergeevna The floor is given for a table congratulations to the graduates of 2010.

/ wishes of the director of music. Pause ./

Presenter . Dear friends! How many times do I catch myself thinking that school

teachers, let's shout to the best school in the world: Hurray!(shouting)

HOST. Dear friends! I wish you bon appetit and I want

inform you that a disco will be open for you today. Her

DJ - Sasha is the most popular DJ in the city!

Dear graduates! Today is your last night at school. And you must spend it in such a way that you remember it for the rest of your life. You must light up the party to the fullest! Agreed?

Also at our evening you can make a musical congratulation to your friends, classmates, and favorite teachers. And one more little information: There are personalized balloons attached to each of the chairs you sit on. Please save them until the end of the evening. You will need them for a symbolic action called “Farewell to Childhood.” At dawn, you will all go to the fountain and, having made your most cherished wish, release your balls into the sky. Your wish will definitely come true if you really want it and believe in it.

And I will be with you this night - the presenter’s name is Natalya Nikolaevna. We wish you a pleasant holiday!

/ Music Pause./

HOST. Dear friends! It's sad to part with mine

pupils. Agree that current graduates -

the most, the most... / graduates confirm /

Presenter. Now I am announcing a competition of nominations for “The Most, the Most of

you". Over the 11 years of study, you have learned a lot about each other.

I will name the nomination, and you should

guess who received this nomination. So let's get started!

11th grade

Nomination - “Class Stylist” - Oksana Baranova

“Soul of the Company” - Ershova Tatyana

“Theater Star” - Ekaterin Mamatova

“All so brutal” Anatoly Dyukarev

"Computer genius" - Nikolay Dobrev

“Sex symbol of class, handsome” - Ovsyannikov


“The cutest” - Maria Titkova

“Miss Modesty” - Katya Tyupina

"Real Colonel" - Stepanov Amir

"The smartest" - Maxim Storozhev

"Hostess" - Kireeva Svetlana

"Disco Dancer" - Andrey Gribov

"Internet Lover" - Alexey Chuev

"The Artist" - Katya Medvedeva

"Mr. Orator" - Nikolay Malakhov

"Future politician" - Dakhin Gennady

"Nightclub Lover" - Katya Torgashova

"Botanist" - Chigarev Alexey

"Showman" - Alexey Loskutov

"Chief" - Dubinin Petr

"Musician" - Vadim Naberezhnykh

"The Great Mathematician" - Ivan Kharlanov

11 "B" class

“Brunette in Chocolate” - Tanya Medyntseva

“Favorite of Girls” - Yukhanov Yaroslav

“The Brain of the Class” - Kisel Alexandra

“Informal” - Kucheryavenko Tatyana

“Smile of the class” - Migunova Tatyana

“Nurse” - Julia Dergacheva

“Glamour of class” Agafonova Victoria

“Open Heart” - Chernikov Alexander

“The Mystery Girl” - Alina Korneva

“The most fun” - Belogurova Karina

"Olympic Hope" -Otrishko Alexander

“Kindness Itself” - Zhidovkina Maria

"Musician 2" - Temnikov Nikolay

"Miss Positive" - ​​Alina Kozlova

"Schumacher" - Sechin Sergei

"The most businesslike" - Dmitry Goncharuk

"Football star" - Mikhail Gvozdetsky

"The best friend" - Nikita Kaskov

HOST. Dear graduates! And all together you are awarded the most

highest nomination - true friends! Applause! Hooray!

I congratulate you on your first awards and want to inform you that

graduation party It's just begun and you still have a long way to go. IN

The program has many competitions, prizes and surprises. Today on

Prom Queen will be chosen at graduation and, of course,

King. These titles will be awarded to the most active

resourceful, cheerful ones of you!

So go for it!/

HOST. Dear friends! We continue our program. Eleven

years you were in magical land- the country of childhood, the door to

that your school has revealed to you. I would like you to

once greeted with applause those who helped you

become adults. Applause to your strict, wise and fair teachers. All these years they put a piece of their soul into you, gave you human warmth, their love.

.(one word of congratulations and wishes)

HOST. Dear graduates! It is impossible without your teachers

introduce the school.

Auction “Without which it is impossible to imagine School No. 13”


(whoever calls last wins the prize).

HOST. Dear graduates!

There are women at school who look like flames,

On a barely noticeable candle tongue

They've been walking next to you for two years

Who are these women? Come on, let's shout!

Graduates shout: class teachers!

HOST. Right! This is the class teacher of class 11A -Sderzhikova Vera Ivanovna and class teacher 11B - Chernykh Capitalina Mikhailovna

HOST. But we will now find out what they were like for each of you. I will ask graduates to name as many definitions as possible.

(an auction of kind and respectful words addressed to the class teachers. And then the graduates must leave their autographs on the word Kapitalina Mikhailovna and the word Vera Ivanovna. The table of graduates is divided into two halves. Whose team is faster?)

The wishes of the class teachers

HOST. Dear friends! Once again I want on behalf of all students

express gratitude to all teachers,

present in this hall. We tell you again

thanks a lot. !And may good luck accompany you all your life

your noble cause. But with particular pleasure I

I would like to remind all graduates about your first

teachers. Welcome with applause:

_________________ Lyudmila Ivanovna Zhiltsova and Elena Kucheryavykh


__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

HOST. Dear graduates! I am now addressing the young men. You are yours

the first teachers taught to be real gentlemen.

Now we'll see what came of it. I invite

to the site of the first teachers, boys, prepare for them


Competition “Kiss the hand of your favorite teacher”

Graduates - boys are divided into teams, depending on how many teachers there will be. Each team is opposite its teacher. On command, everyone runs up, kisses her hand, returns, and the next one runs. Whose team is faster will win.

HOST . Dear friends! Well, now we invite you to

dance floor.


HOST. Dear graduates! I remind you that today, at the evening, we must choose the King and Queen of the ball. To get these titles you need to be very active, cheerful, resourceful, participate in our competitions, be real ladies and gentlemen! It's all ahead! Well, now - dancing!

Dance program - 3-4 dances.

Competition program:

    Competition "School Bell" - The graduating class is divided into two teams. Opposite each team is a cube with a school bell on it. The first participants run up, take the bells, run back and ring the bell, pass the bell to the next team member. Whoever rings louder and runs faster is the winner!

2.Competition “Bankers Competition” - 3 pairs per class.

Female depositors must invest 10 in their male banks

dollar bills in different places, without repeating. Whose couple

The faster one wins.

    COMPETITION “Statue of Love” / 4 pairs student-teacher, student-parent, student-student, parent-teacher / The best pair is determined by the applause of the audience.

4. Competition "Get into the ring"



HOST. DEAR GRADUATES! Tonight is the night after all

the most unusual, she is the only one. Smile at each other and talk good words, make wishes - they will definitely come true. On this magical night you can take a glimpse into the future. Do you want it?

In my magic bag there are predictions for you for the near future. Who knows - maybe this is the most accurate prediction in your life.

(graduates draw out tickets to see who will be who)

HOST . Dear graduates! Today the closest and dearest people -

your parents. Today they are present in this hall and want

share your holiday with you. Your certificates are theirs too

certificates too. Together with you they did not sleep at night and

were preparing for exams. Let's say hello to the parents

friendly applause.

HOST. DEAR FRIENDS ! Today graduates as a sign

they want to confess their love to their parents

(they shout: We love you!)

And now I ask you to raise your hands, who has the best

parents ./ raise their hands/

Everyone, I have no doubt. But this one was the first to raise his hand

The graduate and this graduate. Please distribute to your

Parents have these balls - three balls for moms and three for dads.

HOST . Dear parents! And now we will find out which of you is the most fun! I’ll give you a card and a pen. (Calls 6 people and asks them to write one phrase from their favorite song on their card)

    The presenter asks a question to the male parent:What were you singing when

did your wife give birth to you a son (daughter)?

    What did you sing when your son (daughter) learned to walk?

    Question for a male parent:What did you sing when your son (daughter) and your wife did homework in the first grade in the evenings?

    What did you sing when your son (daughter) brought the first deuce in his diary?

    What did you sing when your son (daughter) told you that he kissed a young girl for the first time?

    What will you sing tomorrow morning after graduation?

(all parents are awarded prizes)

LEADING. Amazing! While the parents were having fun, our graduates

depressed, thinking about something. And now I'll try to guess

your thoughts, and moreover, voice them so that everyone

those present heard. Do you want it?

A competition “Thoughts” (hat) is being held

1 . Homeroom teacher “It’s great that we are all here today.”

2. Graduate - “a soldier is walking through the city, along an unfamiliar street”

3. Graduate - “Oh, girls, I’m in love”

4. Graduate - “My baby, I miss you”

5. Dad - “and there are still three days and three nights ahead, but the kebab with cognac is very tasty”

6. Mom - "Where are you? I'm running after you!

7. Graduate - “Katya, take the phone, it’s him, it’s him.”

8. Graduate “Oh, Lekha, Lekha, I feel so bad without you.”

9. Lech graduate – On the French side, on an alien planet

I have to study at the university

10. All graduates - dancing, dancing, dancing...

Dance program (if they don’t dance - a competition about the school canteen - an auction of school dishes. For each answer - a dumpling. Which of the graduates received a dumpling goes to the site - thus - two teams of future hungry students. Whose team throws a dumpling faster - to pan, that team wins.

Dance program

Presenter. Dear graduates! And now comes your “Minute of Glory”

Now you must prove to everyone present in the hall why

your release, 2010 edition is the best and most special!

Game program:

1. So, a moment of glory for the guys. Tongue Teller Competition with

helium balloons: (the winner is determined by applause)

1. I was going to school one day, in my 11th grade.

2.And at the school doors, I lost my briefcase

3. I’m returning to my yard

There is grass in the yard

There is firewood on the grass

4. Above me the ships were tacking, tacking, yes

didn't catch

5. conclusion: I once walked in the yard all

great hour!

2.. Which girl is the fastest? (competition "Flowers" - run and bring mobile phone, a kiss from a classmate, a tie, a shoe)

3. . Competition “I want to dance with the general” become / prepare

couples cards) – rock and roll

Dance program - 15 min.

Game program:

    Choosing a King (5 chairs - James Bond competition: take off your shoes,

There are ties on the chairs, jackets on hangers inside out. Assignment: sit down to the music, put on your shoes, put on a tie, put on a jacket and say “I am the real James Bond!”

2. choose the Queen (walk to the music under the tape and sit on


THIRD Feast.

HOST. Dear friends, we again invite you all to come for

tables. /sweet table/

Presenter . So that you don’t accidentally forget your home school

Come on, everyone answer the questions without hesitation!

The blitz response time is 5 seconds:

- What are your impressions of the school?

- What are you dreaming about now?

- On what floor is the head teacher’s office?

- What’s the director’s name?

- In what year was your school building built?

- Who in your class encouraged the others to play truant?


- What was harder to carry: textbooks or a diary with


- What inscriptions did you make on your desk during training?

- Where did you hide your cheat sheets during exams?

- Who from your class will you continue your friendship with?

- What advice do you give to the director when you leave?

(ask if there will be questions from teachers)

Presenter . Bravo! Applause to the graduates! They endured with honor

blitz survey.

HOST. AND NOW - SING, FRIENDS!(whoever guesses the song sings it). A table of alumni, teachers and parents take part in the competition.

/A competition is being held - KARAOKE - make a selection of songs/

Presenter . (Holds the “Romantic Couples” competition))

HOST . /holds a competition among graduates “The Smartest”

/application / and a quiz for teachers “please tell me the seven wonders of the world.”


1.Egyptian pyramids

2. Hanging Gardens in Babylon

3.Temple of Artemis in Ephesus

4.Zeus statue in Olympia/Greece/

5. Galakarkos Mausoleum /Türkiye/

6.Colossus of Rhodes /Rhodes Island, Asia Minor/

7.Foros lighthouse /Foros island, Egypt/

Prizes are awarded for correct answers.

HOST holds a competition among female teachers “Princess on

pea.”/seven cones, handkerchiefs)



The school waltz sounds. There is a “star path” laid out in the hall. The class teachers stand near it, they have a large bowl in their hands, two candles are burning in it./Distribute sparklers to the children in advance /

HOST. Dear graduates! The moment has come when the faces of classmates become a little sad, when there is anxiety and excitement in the eyes of teachers and parents. This - last minutes prom. It's time to say goodbye to school, goodbye to childhood. Take your hands balloons and write your name on them. A balloon is a symbol of your childhood, which is leaving today. Whoever wrote, stand in a circle.

And in a moment of farewell, but happy

Ready for a surprise again

Keep your ball happy

As a sign of achievements and good luck!

Presenter . Hold them tight, make your most cherished wish. They say that everything in this world happens in heaven. So now we will convey the wish we made to the balloons, each to our own.

And, when you traditionally come to the fountain to greet the sunrise, you will all release them into the sky together, and all your wishes will certainly come true.

(relay of wishes)

Presenter. Dear graduates! But you will meet the dawn after

how will you walk along the star path (distributes Bengali


LEADING . I INVITE ALUMNI TO THE STAR TRAIL. As you pass under the dream constellation, stop at the bowl of knowledge. This cup is in the hands of the class teacher and light your flame of goodness, love and justice and carry it along the starry path that will lead you to the real road called “Life”


- Oksana Baranova

- Ershova Tatyana

- Mamatova Ekaterin

Dyukarev Anatoly

- Dobrev Nikolay

- Ovsyannikov Andrey

- Titkova Maria

- Tyupina Katya

- Stepanov Amir

- Storozhev Maxim

- Kireeva Svetlana

Gribov Andrey

Chuev Alexey

- Katya Medvedeva

- Malakhov Nikolay

- Dakhin Gennady

- Torgashova Katya

- Chigarev Alexey

- Loskutov Alexey"

- Dubinin Peter

- Naberezhnykh Vadim

- Kharlanov Ivan

11 "B" class

- Tanya Medyntseva

- Yukhanov Yaroslav

- Kisel Alexandra

" - Kucheryavenko Tatyana

Migunova Tatyana

- Julia Dergacheva

Agafonova Victoria

" - Chernikov Alexander

- Korneva Alina

- Belogurova Karina

« -Otrishko Alexander

- Zhidovkina Maria

" Temnikov Nikolay

- Kozlova Alina

- Sechin Sergei

- Goncharuk Dmitry"

- Gvozdetsky Mikhail"

- Nikita Kaskov

SOLEMN music sounds. Graduates walk along the star path and stand in a semicircle. Parents applaud.

HOST. To have enough strength on the road,

So that the path is brighter and easier

In the moment of farewell on the school threshold

Don't forget these candles with you.

May these candles burn out for good reason,

May you remember this hour

Let the warmth of partings and meetings

They will stay with you for a long time!

HOST. Dear graduates! We wish you happiness! Invite

each other for the last dance!

/ the music “we wish you happiness” sounds, everyone dances, /

HOST. Dear friends! Our graduation party is over! Let this evening and this night be remembered by you forever! Goodbye childhood! Hello youth! I wish you happiness, goodness, light and good luck! Good luck!

  • Back

Farewell evening educational institution must become a bright and memorable event. And fun games and graduation competitions will help you achieve your noble goal. These original ideas will involve all the participants in the celebration and give them a great mood!

Capitals of the world

This competition will test who knows the capitals of the world better, parents or their children. So, teams of parents and graduates are formed. The presenter names the capital, whoever raises his hand first answers and names the corresponding country. The team whose team has the most correct answers is the winner.

Puzzle the class teacher

For this competition, the presenter must communicate with the children and draw up brief description about each of them, for example: he is modest, good at mathematics, plays the guitar and loves sports, or she is beautiful, but does not really like to study, draws wonderfully and sings wonderfully. And the class teacher, based on such proposals, must guess which of her students is being discussed.

Best Waltz

In this competition, couples will dance the waltz. Who will have the most beautiful and best dance, that couple will receive the prize. But, there is one “but”, you need to dance the waltz with your backs to each other.

King and Queen

This competition consists of a secret ballot box located in the hall throughout the evening, next to which there are leaves and pens. Each of the guests of the evening, taking into account activity, energy, artistry, cheerful character, playfulness, enthusiasm, beauty, extravagance and other qualities, must decide for whom he will vote, who is worthy of the title of King and Queen of the ball. At the end of the celebration, the votes are counted and the King and Queen are announced, who can be awarded with homemade crowns (similar crowns can also be bought in the store).

The last bell rings

Boys and girls participate in pairs. If the age of the children does not allow the boys to take the girls on their shoulders, they join hands, and older children form a couple like this - the boy takes the girl on one shoulder or on the shoulders, whichever is more convenient. They are given a ringing bell. The task of each pair is to cover a certain distance the fastest, while ringing the last bell the loudest.

Parents vs Children

A team of parents and a team of children are formed. The presenter takes turns turning on music, for example, the dance of little ducklings, lambada, macarena, and so on. Whoever performs best in dance - children or parents - are the winners.

My favorite teacher

Everyone in turn is invited to the center of the hall and shows their favorite teacher with gestures and facial expressions. It will be very interesting for everyone how well the children know their teachers and their characteristic features. The rest of the children and guests must guess who the participant is showing. The most artistic person is awarded an Oscar.

Many people say that a birthday is both a happy and sad holiday. This is really so, because on this day a person understands that a year of life has flown by. But this only applies to adults, because children do not delve into such moments, so on their birthday they have fun with all their hearts. However, they have another holiday, which is both sad and happy. It's about about the last bell of school, which means that children will not be able to see their favorite classmates for the whole summer. But with the help of games and competitions Last call You can make this holiday so cheerful that schoolchildren will have no time to be sad.

Draw the school year

This competition is great for students of all grade levels. The teacher asks all the students to draw on a large canvas of paper the moment that they remember most in the past academic year. To do this, it is not necessary to have remarkable drawing abilities. This competition does not evaluate artistic talents, but is held only so that schoolchildren remember the cheerful, bright and interesting points that happened at school during the year.

Try to guess

To participate in this competition, the teacher calls willing students and blindfolds them with scarves. Any object is placed on the table in front of each student, and the participants must guess what exactly is standing or lying in front of them. But don’t think that this is easy to do, because participants are only allowed to touch the object with a pen or pencil in their hand. The winner is the one who can know the subject first.

Sweet predictions

This competition is only suitable for graduating classes. For this you need to order a large cake. It must be cut into many small pieces so that their number corresponds to the number of students in the class. To each piece you need to attach a piece of paper with a prediction about what the graduate will become after school, for example, an athlete, musician, actor, businessman or astronaut. You can attach a prediction to the cake in different ways, for example, using a toothpick.

Instead of a graduation cake, you can order Chinese fortune cookies. With this confectionery the competition will take place more fun. Especially if you approach the predictions themselves with humor.

Tower of Babel

This Last Bell competition is suitable not only for graduates, but also for students of all classes. The presenter announces that with the help of this competition he wants to check how the students have learned to interact with each other over the year. He invites them to divide into teams of 5 people, whose task is to build the highest possible tower from a construction set in one minute. The winner is the team that managed to build the tallest and most durable tower from the construction set.

School crocodile

The teacher divides the students into two teams. After that, each team chooses one representative. The selected participant must draw a word with chalk on the board that the opposing team wishes for him. The participant’s task is to depict the hidden word so that the team can guess it. No more than three minutes are given to guess the word. The team that manages to guess the answer wins greatest number drawings.

Fact or Fiction

Each student tells a story that happened to him at school during the school year. The story can be either fictional or real. The other participants' task is to determine whether the student was lying or telling the truth. The winner is the one who managed to identify the most invented stories.

Message to descendants

The teacher asks students to record a video with a message in which they need to wish something to people from the future. If the Last Bell takes place in the lower grades, then the wish can be written down for an adult. Well, graduates can record a message as first graders. The competition will look both touching and fun.


Schoolchildren are divided into pairs. The presenter calls the first team and gives one of the participants pre-prepared cards in which they write various words. The participant reads what is written on the card, but does not pronounce this word, but only describes it in his own words. For example, if the word "Ice Cream" is written on the card, the participant might say, "Cold and sweet." If he comes across a card with the word “Sea,” then he can describe this word as “Deep and salty.” The team that can guess the most words wins.

To conduct this competition, you need to prepare a large number of cards in advance, so that there is enough for everyone who wants to participate. With the help of this competition, you can find out how students have learned to express their thoughts over the school year.

Our school

The host of the Last Bell divides everyone present into two teams and announces a quiz about knowledge of the school. He asks the teams questions that are somehow related to the school. For example, he may ask, “How many teachers are there in the school?”, “When was the school founded?” or “How many classes are there in the school?” These questions may be too difficult for those present, so you can prepare answers for them. The team that knows the school better and was able to give more correct answers wins.


Students will definitely enjoy this Last Bell competition. To carry it out, you need to prepare several pairs of sushi chopsticks and several plates of food, for example, sliced ​​apples or chocolates. The challenge is to empty your plate as quickly as possible using chopsticks.


In the lower grades, all students know the alphabet because they are forced to learn it. But older schoolchildren forget the alphabet, because it is completely unnecessary for them to know it. To conduct this competition, you need to draw two identical squares on the board, which must be divided into 33 fragments. After this, you need to select two teams of six people. The participants' task is to fill in each of the 33 squares with one letter of the alphabet. Whoever copes with this faster wins.

In order to complicate the competition, you need to ask participants to write down the letters not in alphabetical order, but randomly. This will force the participants to really work as a team, because they will have to work together to keep track of which letters are written.

Guess the teacher

Each teacher at school has his own behavioral characteristics. Based on this, one can truly fun competition for the Last Bell, which will please not only students, but also teachers.

The presenter calls one person at a time and asks him to take out a piece of paper from the box on which the name of a particular teacher is written. The participant needs to show this teacher without words, focusing on the peculiarities of his behavior. There are teachers who are quite easy to show off, but there are also those who do not have pronounced characteristics. So this competition will not be equally simple for everyone. One student must point to the teacher, and the other participants must guess who exactly is being shown to them. The winner of the competition is determined by popular vote. Students and teachers must choose the person who best fits the role.

Former students, and now graduates of the school. A pretty first-grader floated proudly on the young man’s shoulder, shaking an old bell with a huge red bow with all her might. One of the most important phases has ended human life...Almost finished! After all, the prom is still ahead! How to build this evening in such a way that it becomes fun and fiery, original and memorable?

Like in a magazine

To conduct such a competition, you must first determine for each class a place where you will need to line up, then blindfold all graduates. It will be necessary to line up in the order in which the names were written down in the class register - probably all the guys remembered this order over the years of study! And, what is also important, you cannot talk or ask each other about anything.

After the signal, chaos begins, because it is quite difficult to recognize each other by touch, and there is a possibility of simply confusing the class! The team that completes the task the fastest and with the fewest errors wins.

Guess who's in the photo

Some graduation competitions will require preliminary preparation. For example, those for which you need to notify the children’s parents or teachers in advance so that they bring photographs of themselves in childhood or adolescence.

  1. If you collect old photographs a few days before the evening, sign them with a pencil at the back, where no one can see the names, then they will need to be hung on stands with blank slate for "guessing". You should sign not only the expected surname of the parents, but also the one who writes down the answer. When summing up the results, a winner is chosen who correctly guessed the people shown in the photo.
  2. You can follow the same scenario by collecting photographs of the graduates themselves, where they are captured in infancy.
  3. You can also scan photos in advance and then project the images on the screen. This is a very entertaining and fun activity!

Graduation competitions held in the form of a relay race are also interesting.

Relay race “Pack up a briefcase”

For this relay you will need chairs with school supplies and school bags. The number of accessories should be equal on each chair. Teams (for example, graduates of class “A” and “Beshki”) line up at some distance from the chairs. At the signal, team members standing first in formation, they must run to the chair and put one of the objects lying on it into the briefcase. Then he must return to the line, stand at the end, and the next team member will start. The participant who stood last in line, after putting the last of the objects lying on the chair into his school bag, takes out the assembled briefcase to the jury. I wonder whose team will be faster?

The humor in this competition may lie in what items the festival organizers will prepare as school supplies and how one can cram such things into a bag as skates or a toy dump truck, a bag of cakes and a long “sheet - crib sheet”, which must first be carefully folded, also causes deafening laughter from both participants and spectators.

We cannot ignore graduation competitions, which involve the choice of participants by the graduates themselves, and the determination by voting of Miss Graduation Night and Mister Celebrity of the School. Voting can be done anonymously; everyone must put a note with the name of the candidate for the title in a special box. Miss and Mister are selected by counting votes, they are invited to dance a farewell school waltz and are awarded prizes.

Also, the writer of this holiday should not forget to include games for the prom. It could be a humorous football game in which football players race balloon, basketball, where the role of the ball is played by a crumpled newspaper, and the basket is a real trash can attached to the wall. You never know how many other fun games you can think of! The main thing when drawing up a script is passion, love for graduates and a little creativity. Then even the most ordinary graduation competitions can be arranged and played out in such a way that the laughter and fun will not subside until the morning.