What is the meaning of the contrast between Danko and Larra in M. Gorky’s story “The Old Woman Izergil”? Early romantic stories of Gorky Homework for the lesson

Omukchanova Raisa Petrovna
Job title: Deputy Director for Death
Educational institution: MBOU KHSOSH
Locality: Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Krest-Khaldzhay village
Name of material: report
Subject: Danko and Moses, Larra and Cain (biblical origins of A.M. Gorky’s story “The Old Woman Izergil”
Publication date: 16.03.2018
Chapter: complete education

Danko and Moses, Larra and Cain

(biblical origins of the story by A.M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"

Introduction ___________________________________________________________________

Chapter 1. Gorky and religion _____________________________________________________

Chapter 2. About Gorky’s story “Old Woman Izergil”_________________________________

Chapter 3. Danko and Moses_______________________________________________________________

Chapter 4. Larra and Cain_________________________________________________________

Conclusion ______________________________________________________________________

Used literature _____________________________________________________

Application _________________________________________________________________


This work is devoted to the study of the moral origins of creating images

Danko and Larra, heroes of the story by A.M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"

Relevance research topic is that creativity is currently being revalued






“the petrel of the revolution” and all his works were viewed from this angle. WITH





Attempts were made to “throw Gorky off the ship of modernity,” but to do so

It turned out to be impossible, especially since, parallel to the noticeable drop in interest in

to this writer in Russia, attention to him in the West only increased. How to explain

Gorky's "unsinkability"? Time has shown that his works are always modern and

always arouse keen interest among readers. This can be proven with the example of a story

"Old Woman Izergil"

Heroes early works Gorky people become proud, strong, brave,

who alone enter into the fight against dark forces. One of these works is

story "Old Woman Izergil". The plot is based on the memories of the old woman Izergil about her

life and the legends she told about Larra and Danko. The legend tells of a brave

to the young man Danko, who loves people more than himself - selflessly, with all his heart. Danko -

a real hero, courageous and fearless, in the name of a noble goal - help

to his people - he is capable of a feat.





chosen ones

He looks at the people around him as miserable slaves, and kills one girl.

Arrogant, selfish Larra and brave, sacrificing himself in the name of life




literary critics explain this by the revolutionary mood of the writer, but, having studied

The life and work of the writer came to a completely different solution to this problem.

Object of study: Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil"

Subject of research: creating the images of Danko and Larra

Purpose of the study:

prove that the reason for creating the legend of Larra and Danko

Bible stories served as inspiration.

Research hypothesis: the images of Larra and Danko are created on the basis of Christian morality.

The purpose and hypothesis of the study determined the following tasks:

1. Study the facts of A.M.’s life. Gorky related to Christianity;

2. Study in detail the pages from the Bible dedicated to Moses and Cain;

3. Make comparative analysis legends about Danko and the biblical story of Moses;

4. Compare the images of Larra and the biblical sinner Cain;

5. Summarize what has been studied and researched, draw a conclusion.

Chapter 1. Gorky and religion.

“Maxim Gorky” is the pseudonym that Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov took for himself,

Says a lot about the writer. The name “Maxim”, taken by the writer in memory of his father, at the same time

time expresses his declared maximalism. “Gorky” - because he tells

the bitter truth about a bitter life. Does this mean that the writer sees his task in

to tell the reader the bitter truth with uncompromising maximalism? Opinions

on this score may be different. The truth is always bitter for Gorky. Usually this look



Indeed, since childhood, life had not spoiled him. But

Gorky’s “bitterness” is explained not only external circumstances life, but also

natural character, perhaps even heredity.

Contemporaries were amazed by the life experience acquired by Gorky already in his early

years of his life. In the early 1900s - a time of mass worship

before him, even the book “Maxim Gorky in Caricatures and Anecdotes” was published.

The material presented in it, although it presents the writer in a caricatured form,

sharpens features that caused bewilderment to some and delight to others. Opens the book

A brief “track record” of a popular writer:

1878. As a boy I entered a shoe store.

1879 – Was an apprentice draftsman.

1880 - Served as a cook on a steamship.

1883 – Worked in a pretzel establishment.

1884 - Was a wood sawyer.

1884 - Switched to work as a loader.

1885 - Worked as a baker in a bakery.

1886 - Was a chorister in a small opera troupe.

1887 - Traded apples.

1888 - Attempted suicide.

1889 – Took the position of railway watchman.

1890 – Acted as manager of brooms and tarpaulins of the railway

1890 – Became a clerk to a sworn attorney.

1891 - Began to wander around Russia and worked in the salt mines.

1892 – Served as a worker in railway workshops.

1892 - Wrote the first story.

1903 - Worldwide famous writer, whose name and works became

popular among intelligent readers of all countries.

“In general, the fate of this man is fabulous,” Bunin wrote many years later.- Rumor

repeats: “Tramp, rose from the bottom of the people’s sea...”

And in the Brockhaus dictionary it’s different:

Gorky - Peshkov, Alexey Maksimovich. Born in sixty-nine on Wednesday

quite bourgeois: the father is the manager of a large shipping company, the mother is the daughter

a rich merchant-dyer..." All this is true - and not true.








Astrakhan, lived away from his family and died of cholera in 1871. Gorky didn’t know his father, but that’s all

everything connected with him was surrounded by a special halo for him, in honor of him he and his son

called Maxim. Maybe on the paternal side - from the grandfather - a certain










The talent of this cheerful and witty young man was of a satirical nature, but,

by definition

acquaintances, he painted “in the style of Bosch” - and this is not just satire, it

a kind of pathology. Unlike his father, Maxim grew up in an atmosphere of love and understanding, -

but a certain heredity of “bitterness” also manifested itself in him.

Gorky's mother, Varvara Vasilievna, remarried shortly after her husband's death.

In 1897 she died of transient consumption. Thus, at the age of 11, the future writer

remained an orphan. He inherited weak lungs from his mother. Co

Over time, he developed tuberculosis, from which he was never completely cured.

This disease also leaves its mark on a person’s character: difficulty breathing,

fever and weakness - all this contributes to a gloomy, pessimistic

outlook on life.

Gorky considered himself an atheist. But this means that he grew up outside of religious





universities" is replete with details of church piety, and at the same time it

A guide for educators: how not to teach faith.




dyeing establishment. My grandfather had a difficult character, like many people in his environment, he

was religiously pious, read the Psalter and Book of Hours every day before going to bed, but

his piety was formal, external.

“Grandfather’s house was filled with a hot fog of mutual enmity,” Gorky recalled in

the story “Childhood,” it poisoned adults and even children took part in it.” God,

whom the grandfather bowed to, seemed cruel and punishing to his grandson.


he mastered the Church Slavonic literacy before the Russian one, knew the Holy Scriptures well and,

already being a conscious atheist, he often flaunted quotes from the Bible and his ability





quiet, timid aunt Natalya.

Well, please say: “Our Father like you...”

And if I asked: “What is it?” she, looking around fearfully, advised:

Don't ask, it's worse! Just say after me: “Our Father...” Well?

I was worried: why is asking worse? The word "like" took on a hidden meaning

and I deliberately distorted it: “Yakov is in the same,” “I am in the skin.” Unlearned prayers were followed by

grandfather’s indispensable order: “whip.” Naturally, this technique contributed

rooting in Orthodoxy.

However, Gorky never denied the moral preaching of Christ, but His

perceived himself more according to Renan than according to the Gospel - as a historical figure,

whose true story subsequently became overgrown with legends and fictions. He believed that

God - God is a man-made embodiment of all the best that is in man.

“There is no God, Leonidushka,” he wrote in a letter to Leonid Andreev. - There is a dream about him...

God is a convenient explanation for everything that happens around us and that’s all.” But to my son

gave New Testament with the inscription: “I give you, my dear, one of the best books in the world,”

And in one of his letters he wrote: “Read the Gospel, good book, and it is needed

know". In a letter to Ekaterina Pavlovna in December 1910. remarks: “Good book,

agree, you need to know her”; and Maxim: “Read the Gospel, a good book, and

need to know." Gorky also knew well prayers, the lives of saints, church services,

but he did not recognize the holiness of the Church - in this, obviously, a significant role was played by the fact that he

I had to see too early without embellishment “salt that has ceased to be salty”, and

there was no positive antithesis - or Gorky did not know how to see it. Concepts of kindness,

He learned mercy and compassion from his grandmother, Akulina Ivanovna. Grandma is like that





the righteous







Novgorod, - Here it is, father, Nizhny is that! This is what God is like!” "Long prayers

days always end with grief, quarrels and fights; listening to them is very interesting; grandmother

tells God in detail about everything that happened in the house.

You, my dear, know everything, everything is known to You, Father.

I really liked my grandmother’s god, so close to her, and I often asked her: Tell me

About God!

The Lord sits on a hill, in the middle of a paradise meadow, on the throne of a blue yacht, under

silver linden trees, and those linden trees bloom all year round, there is neither winter nor autumn in paradise, and

the flowers never fade, they bloom tirelessly, to the joy of the saints of God...”

“I realized very early that my grandfather had one god, and my grandmother had another,” he recalled

writer. But cruelty and indifference lived

and in grandma's paradise:

"Here is your angel

He brings it to the Lord: “Lexeus stuck out his tongue to his grandfather.” And the Lord will order: “Well,

let the old man flog him!” And so everything is about everyone, and he rewards everyone according to the deeds to whom we grieve,

to whom joy." The boy did not accept such a paradise and such a judgment.

Watching his grandmother, Alyosha Peshkov came to the conclusion that religiosity in Russian

people has grown together with prejudices, passivity, inertia, their active nature is such

the worldview was alien.

In 1877, Alexey Peshkov entered the school, studied very well, after two years



education ended: by this time the Kashirins had gone bankrupt and soon the future

the writer found himself “among the people.” “Well, Lexey, you are not a medal, there’s no place for you on my neck,

“Go and join the people,” the “pious” grandfather told him, and the short grandmother said nothing


Indeed, as was mentioned in Gorky's humorous track record,

he happened to be both a “boy” at a fashion shoe store and a student (and







"Perm". Some




I was not inspired by the icon-painting skill: “I didn’t like the ugly painted icons;




Mother of God




they depicted her as old, strict, with a long, crooked nose and wooden handles<…>

No one is interested in icon painting: some evil sage divided the work into a long series

actions devoid of beauty, unable to arouse love for the work, interest in it.

The cross-eyed carpenter Panfil, evil and malicious, brings the things he has planed and glued together.

cypress and linden boards of different sizes; the consumptive fellow Davidov primes them;



the original, they paint the landscape and the robe of the icon, then she, without a face and arms, stands against the wall,

waiting for personal work. It is very unpleasant to see large icons for iconostases and

altar doors, when they stand against the wall without a face, arms, legs - only vestments or armor

and short shirts of archangels. These colorfully painted boards smell of death,

that which should revive it is not there, but it seems that it already existed and miraculously disappeared,

leaving only their heavy vestments..."

Facts from the life of A.M. Gorky





replete with details of church piety.


Church Slavonic

before Russian, knew the Holy Scriptures well;

3. While working on the ship, I read the lives of saints with the cook Smury;

4. He learned the concepts of kindness, mercy, and compassion from his grandmother Akulina Ivanovna:

“I really liked my grandmother’s god, so close to her, and I often asked her: “Tell me about

5. For some time he was a student in an icon-painting workshop.

6. Gorky knew prayers, lives of saints, and church services well.

7. He gave his son a New Testament with the inscription: I give you, my dear, one of

the best books in the world!"

Conclusion: Gorky considered himself an atheist, but the moral preaching of Christ was never

denied, he believed that God is a man-made embodiment of all the best that

is in a person.

Chapter 2. About the story of A.M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"

The heroes of Gorky's early works are people who are proud, strong, brave,

who alone enter into the fight against dark forces. One of these works is

story "Old Woman Izergil".

The plot is based on the memories of the old woman Izergil about her life and the stories she told

legends about Larra and Danko. The legend tells about the brave and handsome young man Danko,

who loves people more than himself - selflessly and with all his heart. Danko is real

hero - courageous and fearless, in the name of a noble goal - helping his people

- he is capable of feat. When overcome with fear, exhausted by a long journey through

In the impenetrable forest, the tribe already wanted to go to the enemy and bring him their freedom as a gift,

Danko appeared. Energy and living fire shone in his eyes, the people believed in him and

went after him. But tired of the difficult path, people again lost heart and stopped believing

Danko, and at this turning point, when the embittered crowd began to surround him more densely,

to kill, Danko tore the heart out of his chest, illuminating the path to salvation.

The image of Danko embodies a high ideal - a humanist, a great spiritual personality

beauty, capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of saving other people. This hero

despite his painful death, does not evoke a feeling of pity in the reader, because

that his feat is higher than this kind of feelings. Respect, delight, admiration - that's what






holding a heart sparkling with love in his hand.




“negative” image of Larra - a proud and egoist Larra considers himself the chosen one and

He looks at the people around him as miserable slaves. When asked why he killed

girl, Larra replies: “Do you only use yours? I see that everyone

man has only speech, arms and legs, but he owns animals, women, land... and

many more."

His logic is simple and terrible; if everyone followed it, then the world would soon

time, there would only be a pitiful handful of people left, fighting for survival and hunting each other

on a friend. Understanding the depth of Larra’s wrongness, he is unable to forgive and forget





society gives rise to a feeling of inexpressible melancholy in Larra. “In his eyes, - Izergil, -

there was so much melancholy that one could send it to all the people of the world.”


most wonderful


free, the weak - strong, the insignificance turns into a person. Pride does not tolerate

nothing philistine or “generally accepted”. But hypertrophied pride gives rise to




principles, which ultimately leads to dire consequences.

It is this idea of ​​Gorky that is key in the old woman Isegril’s story about Larra,

who, being just such an absolutely free individual, dies spiritually

for everyone (and above all for himself), remaining to live forever in his physical

shell. The hero has gained immortality and is free from it. Larra was doomed to

loneliness and considered death to be true happiness for himself. True happiness, after all,

Gorky's opinion is to give yourself to people, as Danko did.

Distinctive feature this story- sharp contrast, contrast of good

and bad, good and evil, light and dark.

The ideological meaning of the story is complemented by the depiction of the image of the narrator - an old woman

Izergil. Her memories of her life path- also a kind of legend about


proudly declares that she has never been a slave. Izergil with


talks about

love for feats: “When a person loves feats, he always knows how to do them and will find where

this is possible."


"Old woman




exalts proud and strong-willed people for whom freedom is above all. For

him Izergil, Danko and Larra, despite the extreme, contradictory nature of the first,

the apparent uselessness of the second’s feat; the endless distance from all living things


true heroes, people who bring to the world the idea of ​​freedom in its different


However, in order to truly live life, it is not enough to “burn”,

It is not enough to be free and proud, feeling and restless. Must have

the main thing is the goal. A goal that would justify human existence, because “the price

a person’s business is his.” There is always a place for heroic deeds in life.” "Forward! - higher! everyone - forward!

and - above - this is the credo of the present.

Chapter 3. Danko and Moses

1. Life of the Prophet Moses

The book of Exodus tells us that Moses' parents belonged to


Joseph." Hard labor did not reduce the number of Jews, and Pharaoh ordered to drown in

Nile of all newborn babies are male Israelites. At that time in the family

Amram's son Moses was born. Moses' mother Johobed managed to hide the baby in her home

at home for three months. No longer able to hide the child, she left

him in a basket in a reed thicket on the banks of the Nile, where he was found by the daughter of Pharaoh. she,



Israeli nurse.

Jochebed, and Moses was given to his mother, who nursed him. "And the child grew up, and

She brought him to Pharaoh's daughter, and she had him instead of a son."

Having matured,

got interested


fellow tribesmen and “went out to his brothers.” Having once seen how one of the overseers

beats a Jew at construction work, Moses killed the Egyptian offender and hid him

body in the sand. After this, Moses witnessed a quarrel between two Jews,

leading to a fight. One of them said: “Do you want to kill me like Moses?”

Moses was frightened; he realized that his case was already known. Fleeing from the wrath of Pharaoh,

Moses fled to the land of the Midialists, where he married the daughter of a local priest, who

She bore him sons Gershon and Enitzer. For many years Moses tended the sheep.

And one day God calls out to Moses from the burning bush - who was burning, but

unburnt bush - and reveals to him his Yakve. the Lord told him to bring him out

his people from cruel oppression. He went to save the children of Israel with his brother

Aaron. Then the people believed him. He led them across the sea, gave them food and did for them

whatever they wish.

At this stage of the wandering, the first military clash with

the Amaleneites - the people who blocked the Israelites' road to Mount Sinai. In battle

The Israelites are victorious thanks to Moses.

Having overcome all obstacles, the people approach Mount Sinai. Moses in

publicly announces the Ten Commandments, in which God declares himself to be the only God

Israel. The Sinai revelation, the giving of the Law and the making of the Covenant - the climax

The exodus and apogee of the stormy and rapid activity of Moses. spends forty days


material god. Aaron makes a golden calf, which the people brought out

him from Egypt. Moses, outraged by the gross violation of the second of the Ten Commandments,


handed over



recorded. The Lord wanted to destroy this people who had retreated from him. Moses rejects

this proposal, intercedes for the Israelites, and God reverses his decision.

Alienation begins between Moses and the people he liberated from

slavery. "Moses pitched himself a tent... far from the camp and called it the tabernacle of meeting."

Moses again climbs the mountain, where, at the command of God, he writes down the words of the Covenant on new

tablets. After talking with God, Moses' face lights up with light. Since then, appearing

Before the people, after each conversation with God, Moses covers his face with a veil.

The crisis caused by the worship of the golden calf was a shock to

Moses. He leads the people in a roundabout way. But even more bitter disappointment befalls

Moses, when the spies sent to Canaan return. angry god again

decides to destroy the people of Israel, but this time Moses manages to get God to


forty years old



Canaan. Moses, despite his age (one hundred and twenty years), is still full of strength.

Moses dies in the land of Moab after God himself reveals

to him from Mount Nebo the whole land of Israel, "no one knows the place of his burial even to this day

days... And the children of Israel mourned for him... thirty days."

2. Comparison table lines taken from the legend of Danko and from the book of Exodus in


1. And then one day a difficult time came:

other tribes appeared from somewhere and drove away

the former ones deep into the forest. there were swamps, from

there was such a stench that people died alone

after another.

Pharaoh set the people of Israel over




E g i p t i n a m i

o o o o o o y





unbearably cruel.

2. But then Danko appeared and saved them all alone.



deliverer in the person of Moses.

3. His heart burned brighter to save


thorn bush.

4. Danko led them. Everyone went together

him - believed in him.


The people believed the Lord and Moses.

those who were weary of him lost heart. In anger and anger



walked ahead of them. And they began to reproach him for

inability to manage them.

When they came to the desert, they all became

grumble against Moses and Aaron.

6. And then suddenly he tore his chest and

ripped his heart out of her.

went down


The 10 commandments are written.

made way

stayed behind. All the people immediately plunged into

a sea of ​​sunshine and clean air.

Moses came up from the plains and showed him

The Lord said to the whole earth: This is the earth, oh




then he fell and died.

God said: "I let you see through her eyes

yours, but you will not enter it." And he died

There Moses was buried in the valley.

3. What do the stories about Danko and Moses have in common?

1. Reason: the people, ardently loved by these heroes, found themselves in a difficult situation, because

For the love of their people, Danko and Moses dared to save them.

2. The trials that befell them: Danko and Moses led their people through thorns,

their path was hard. Unable to withstand the difficulties, the people complained about them. But our heroes don't

got angry, they were able to forgive them.

3. The ability to self-sacrifice: in order to be able to further lead the people,

Danko and Moses decided to take an action that inspired people and gave them hope.

4. Final: Danko and Moses saved their people, but they themselves died, having entered the

the promised land.

Chapter 4. Larra and Cain

The Story of Cain

Cain and Abel are the children of Adam and Eve. One of them, Abel, was tending sheep, and his brother, Cain,

was a farmer. One day Cain brought a gift to the Lord from the fruits of the earth. And Abel

He also brought some of the firstlings of his sheep and some of their fat. And the Lord looked upon Abel

and his gift, but Cain and his gift he did not respect. Cain was very upset and he bowed down

his face. Then the Lord said to Cain: “Why were you upset and why did your face droop?

yours? If you do good, don't you raise your face? And if you don't do good,

sin lies at the door; he attracts you to himself, you dominate him.”

However, Cain did not overcome his sin and continued to envy his brother. One day,

when both brothers were in the field, Cain attacked Abel and killed him. Blood of the First

the man who died on earth was stained by the earth.

The Lord punished Cain for his sin and made him an exile and wanderer on

earth. What terrible sin can envy lurking in the heart lead to!

Therefore, to avoid sin, you need to watch, pray and overcome sin

by the power of the Lord.

(Children's Bible, Genesis 4:2-12)

Larra and Cain

1. A powerful tribe lived there, they grazed flocks

and spent their strength on hunting animals

courage, feasted after the hunt, sang

songs and played with the girls.

1. Abel was tending sheep, and Cain was


2. Everyone looked at the eagle’s son in surprise

and they saw that they were no better than them, only

his eyes were cold and proud, like a king

2. And the Lord looked upon Abel and his gift,

but he did not look upon Cain and his gift. Cain

He became very upset and his face fell.

3. When the elders arrived, he

talked to them as if they were equals.

This offended them and they told him that they

they are respected and obeyed by thousands like him,

and thousands twice his age.

3. Then the Lord said to Cain: “How much are you

were you upset and why did your face droop?

If you do good, don't you raise

faces? And if you don’t do good, from

sin lies at the door; he attracts you to himself, he

you rule over him.”

4. The girl pushed him away and went away

4. However, Cain did not overcome sin and

away, and he hit her and when she fell,

stood on her chest, the girl sighed,

she writhed like a snake and died.

continued to envy his brother. One day,

when both brothers were in the field, Cain attacked

Abel and killed him.

5. And the wisest one said: “There is punishment.

This is a terrible punishment, you can't imagine it

like this in a thousand years. His punishment is in him

himself. Let him in, let him be

free! This is his punishment!

5. And the Lord said: “When you

cultivate the land, she will no longer

give my strength for you; you will

an exile and a wanderer on earth.

The punishment is more than one can bear."

6. He fell to the ground and banged his head for a long time

about her. But the earth moved away from him,

deepening from the gifts of his head. "He doesn't

may die,” people said with joy.

6. And the Lord said: “Therefore everyone who

he will kill Cain, he will take revenge on everyone.” And he did

The Lord is a sign that no one

having met him, he did not kill him.

7. He has no life, and death does not smile

to him. And there is no place for him among people. Here's how

the man was amazed for his pride!

7. And Cain went away from the presence of the Lord,

settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.

The main idea of ​​these works.

Larra and Cain committed terrible sin, they both violated one of God's commandments:

don't kill! What punishment awaits them? In the Bible, God decided to punish Cain

immortality, he banished him from native land, made him a wanderer and ordered not to hit

his. Gorky also decided to punish Larra with loneliness, gave him freedom, but this

there was freedom without people. It turns out that a person cannot live without communication. Larra

seeks death, but cannot find it. Gorky took such a terrible punishment from


In Gorky's biography we found facts confirming that the writer did not

denied Christian morality.

The story of Moses is similar to the legend of Danko both in plot and in the character of the heroes,

who are united by a fiery love for their people.

In the legend of Lara and in the biblical story of Cain, the red line runs

the idea that rejection from one’s people is the most terrible punishment.

What has been studied and followed leads to the conclusion that A.M. Gorky at creation

The story “Old Woman Izergil” used biblical stories.

Literature used

Gorky A.M. Favorites. M, "Children's literature", 1982.

Bible. Ed. "Light in the East", 2000.

Children's Bible. Ed. Russian Bible Society, M, 1994.

Zalomov P. My meetings with Maxim Gorky. “Literary newspaper, No. 51, 1937

Zhigalov M.P., Great writer of Russia. Ed. "Children's Literature"

In my opinion, of all the early works of Maxim Gorky, the story “Old Woman Izergil” is the most romantic and poetic. His heroes are brave, strong in spirit People. Using their example, the writer talks about good and evil, the meaning and wisdom of life. The construction of the story is also very interesting. The story of the life of the old woman Izergil is framed by two legends - about Larra and Danko. We have several human destinies- choose! Judge for yourself the meaning of life! What does it consist of? In Larra’s individualism or in the selfless service to people to which Danko devoted himself? Or maybe we should strive to live a free, adventurous life? The old woman Izergil experienced a lot of grief and joy, different people she met on her long journey of life. The images of those she loved remained forever in her memory. This is an arrogant nobleman, and a “worthy gentleman with a hacked-up face,” and a young man - “a pale and fragile flower of the east, poisoned by kisses.”

The years have robbed Izergil of her former beauty, extinguished the sparkle of her eyes, bent her slender figure, but gave her wisdom, knowledge of life and true spirituality.

It is no coincidence that Gorky puts the legends about Larra and Danko into the mouth of this particular woman. She has something in common with both heroes. Izergil had to sacrifice herself for the sake of her lovers, show selflessness, and at the same time she lived her life for herself, free from any responsibilities and obligations. The writer does not condemn her: ideal people really only found in fairy tales, but in the living, real people Both good and bad can come together.

However, it is unlikely that the legend of Danko could have come from the lips of a spiritually wretched, cowardly and vile person.

In the legend of Larra, Gorky debunks the individualism of those who reject people and do not want to reckon with universal human laws. Someone might argue that this is precisely what true freedom consists of - to do what you want, to go wherever you want, not to take anyone into account, that is, to “keep yourself whole.” However, whoever chooses this path will face a tragic and sad fate - loneliness. Indeed, “for everything a person takes, he pays with himself: with his mind and strength, sometimes with his life.” In other words, you cannot just consume without giving anything in return. Larra neglected this law, and a terrible punishment awaited him. It would seem that he lacked nothing: “he kidnapped cattle, girls - everything he wanted,” and at the same time he was free as a bird. Then why, in the end, did he begin to dream of death and “there was so much melancholy in his eyes that it would be possible to poison all the people of the world with it?” Apparently, it is difficult for someone who does not know how to give, to give warmth, who “sees nothing but himself,” to be happy and to walk the path of life with dignity.

The romantic antipode of Larra is Danko - a brave, handsome man whose heart burned with great love for people. In his image, Gorky embodied his idea of ​​true heroes, of those in whom he saw the ideal. It is no coincidence that even the landscape creates in the reader a feeling of something unusual and fantastic. He helps us move from real life(Izergil’s story about himself) in romantic world legends: “And in the steppe distance, now black and terrible, as if lurking, hiding something within itself, small blue lights flashed. Here and there they appeared for a moment and went out, as if several people, scattered across the steppe far from each other, were looking for something in it, lighting matches, which the wind immediately extinguished. These were very strange blue tongues of fire, hinting at something fabulous.” Just as blue sparks enliven the black steppe, as if hiding something evil within itself, so people like Danko are able to bring goodness and light into life.

Danko is beautiful both externally and internally: “They looked at him and saw that he was the best of all, because a lot of strength and living fire shone in his eyes.”

Danko's energy and strength are contrasted with the lack of will and cowardice of the crowd. Tired and angry people, irritated by their powerlessness, lose their human appearance: “Danko looked at those for whom he had labored, and saw that they were like animals. Many people stood around him, but there was no nobility on their faces, and he could not expect mercy from them.” But Danko managed to overcome the indignation that flared up in him, because pity and love for people turned out to be stronger in him. To save them he does spiritual feat. “What will I do for people?” - Danko shouted louder than thunder. And suddenly he tore his chest with his hands and tore his heart out of it and raised it high above his head. It burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this torch. great love to people-.” Danko's burning heart is a symbol of sacrificial service to people, and the hero himself is the embodiment of all the best in a person. And how pitiful and low against his background the “cautious man” seems, who, “fearing something, stepped on his proud heart with his foot...”

I think that the legend about Danko's burning heart expresses author's position on the question of the meaning of life. In other words, the whole meaning of life, according to Gorky, is in sacrificial, selfless service to people. True, at present such a position is unlikely to be popular. It seems to me that most of us are like the “cautious man” who steps on a burning heart. Is this why we have to experience a painful crisis, both moral and material.

Of course, you cannot force sacrifices from people, and not everyone can achieve great feats. But if we try to become kinder, more sympathetic, and help those who need it, then the world will certainly change for the better. And the life of a person who gives people warmth can be called beautiful and meaningful.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Continue your acquaintance with the early works of M. Gorky;
  2. Analyze the legends. Compare the main characters of the legends Larra and Danko;
  3. To trace how the writer’s intention is revealed in the composition of the story;
  4. Consider distinctive features romanticism in the work being studied.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment

In 1895, Samara Gazeta published M. Gorky’s story “The Old Woman Izergil.” Gorky was noticed, appreciated, and enthusiastic responses to the story appeared in the press.

II. Main part

1. M. Gorky's early stories are of a romantic nature.

Let's remember what romanticism is. Define romanticism and name its distinctive features.

Romanticism is a special type of creativity, the characteristic features of which are the display and reproduction of life outside the real concrete connections of a person with the surrounding reality, the depiction of an exceptional personality, often lonely and dissatisfied with the present, striving for a distant ideal and therefore in sharp conflict with society, with people.

2. The heroes appear in a romantic landscape. Give examples that prove this (working with text). Conversation on questions:

At what time of day do the events in the story take place? Why? (Old woman Izergil tells legends at night. Night is the most mysterious, romantic time of day);

What natural images could you highlight? (sea, sky, wind, clouds, moon);

What artistic means did the author use to depict nature? (epithets, personification, metaphor);

Why is the landscape shown in this way in the story? (Nature is shown as animated, it lives according to its own laws. Nature is beautiful, majestic. The sea, the sky are endless, wide spaces. All natural images are symbols of freedom. But nature is closely connected with man, it reflects his inner spiritual world. That is why nature symbolizes the boundlessness of the hero’s freedom, his inability and unwillingness to exchange this freedom for anything).

CONCLUSION: Only in such a landscape, seaside, nocturnal, mysterious, can the heroine who tells the legends of Larra and Danko realize herself.

3. Composition of the story “Old Woman Izergil”.

What's it like compositional solution story?

For what purpose do you think the writer used such a technique in the story? (In her legends, the heroine of the story expresses her idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpeople, what she considers valuable and important in her life. This creates a coordinate system by which one can judge the heroine of the story).

How many parts of the composition could you identify? (Three parts: 1 part - the legend of Larra; 2 part - the story of the life and love of Old Woman Izergil; 3 part - the legend of Danko).

4. Analysis of the legend of Larra.

Who are the main characters of the first legend?

Is the story of a young man’s birth important for understanding his character?

How does the hero relate to other people? (disdainfully, arrogantly. He considers himself the first on earth).

A romantic work is characterized by a conflict between the crowd and the hero. What lies at the heart of the conflict between Larra and people? (his pride, extreme individualism).

What is the difference between pride and arrogance. Distinguish between these words. (Card No. 1)

Card No. 1

Pride -

  1. Feeling self-esteem, self-esteem.
  2. High opinion, excessively high opinion of oneself.

Pride is exorbitant pride.

Prove that it is pride, and not pride, that characterizes Larra.

What does the hero's extreme individualism lead to? (to crime, to selfish tyranny. Larra kills the girl)

What punishment did Larra suffer for his pride? (loneliness and eternal existence, immortality).

Why do you think such punishment is worse than death?

What is the author’s attitude to the psychology of individualism? (He condemns the hero, who embodies an anti-human essence. For Gorky, Larra’s lifestyle, behavior, and character traits are unacceptable. Larra is an anti-ideal in which individualism is taken to the extreme)

5. Analysis of the legend of Danko.

a) The legend of Danko is based on the biblical story of Moses. Let's remember it and compare it with the legend of Danko. Individual student message. (Students listen to the biblical story and compare it with the legend of Danko).

God commanded Moses to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt. Jews have lived in Egypt for hundreds of years, and they are very sad to leave their homes. The convoys were formed, and the Jews set off.

Suddenly the Egyptian king regretted letting his slaves go. It so happened that the Jews approached the sea when they saw the chariots of the Egyptian troops behind them. The Jews looked and were horrified: in front of them was the sea, and behind them was an armed army. But the merciful Lord saved the Jews from death. He told Moses to strike the sea with a stick. And suddenly the waters parted and became walls, and in the middle it became dry. The Jews rushed along the dry bottom, and Moses again struck the water with a stick, and it closed again behind the backs of the Israelites.

Then the Jews walked through the desert, and the Lord constantly took care of them. The Lord told Moses to hit the rock with a stick, and water gushed out of it. cold water. The Lord showed many mercy to the Jews, but they were not grateful. For disobedience and ingratitude, God punished the Jews: for forty years they wandered in the desert, unable to come to the land promised by God. Finally, the Lord took pity on them and brought them closer to this land. But at this time their leader Moses died.

Comparison of Biblical history and the legend of Danko:

What are the similarities between the biblical story and the legend of Danko? (Moses and Danko lead people out of places dangerous for further residence. The path turns out to be difficult, and the relationship between Moses and Danko with the crowd becomes complicated, as people lose faith in salvation)

How does the plot of the legend about Danko differ from the biblical story? (Moses relies on the help of God, since he fulfills his will. Danko feels love for people, he himself volunteers to save them, no one helps him).

b) What are the main features of Danko? What is the basis of his actions? (love for people, desire to help them)

What act did the hero do for the sake of love for people? (Danko accomplishes a feat, saving people from enemies. He leads them from darkness and chaos to light and harmony)

How is the relationship between Danko and the crowd? Working with text. (At first, people “looked and saw that he was the best of them.” The crowd believed that Danko himself would overcome all difficulties. Then they “began to grumble about Danko,” since the path turned out to be difficult, many died along the way; now the crowd is disappointed in Danko. “People attacked Danko in anger” because they were tired, exhausted, but they were ashamed to admit it. People are compared to wolves, animals, because instead of gratitude they feel hatred for Danko, they are ready to tear him to pieces. Indignation boils in Danko’s heart. , “but out of pity for people it went out.” Danko pacified his pride, since his love for people is boundless.

CONCLUSION: We see that Larra is a romantic anti-ideal, so the conflict between the hero and the crowd is inevitable. Danko is a romantic ideal, but the relationship between the hero and the crowd is also based on conflict. This is one of the features of a romantic work.

Why do you think the story ends with the legend of Danko? (this is an expression of the author’s position. He glorifies the hero’s feat. He admires Danko’s strength, beauty, courage, bravery. This is the triumph of goodness, love, light over chaos, pride, selfishness).

6. After analyzing the legend of Larra and Danko, students will work independently. Students compare Danko and Larra and write down their conclusions in a notebook. Checking the table.


1. Attitude towards the crowd

2. The crowd is the hero

3. Distinctive character trait

4. Attitude to life

5. Legend and modernity

As a result of students working with the table, the following may appear:

Comparison of the images of Danko and Larra


1. Attitude towards the crowd

Love, pity, desire

Despises people, treats

help them

him arrogantly, does not count

2. The crowd is the hero



3. distinguishing feature character

Love, compassion, courage,

Pride, selfishness, extreme

mercy, courage, skill

individualism, cruelty

suppress pride

4. Attitude to life

Ready to sacrifice my

Takes everything from life and people, but

life to save people

gives nothing in return

5. Legend and modernity

Blue sparks (light, heat)

Turns into shadow (darkness,

6. Actions performed by heroes

A feat for the sake of love for people,

Evil, crime

good deeds

7. The writer’s attitude towards the characters

The ideal, glorifies its beauty,

Anti-ideal, condemns him

courage, feat for the sake of love

actions, anti-human


7. But the story is called “Old Woman Izergil”. Why do you think M. Gorky titled his story this way? (the main character of the story is, after all, the old woman Izergil, and the legend is needed in order to understand her character, to understand what is important, the main thing for her).

Legends frame the life and love story of the old woman Izergil.

Which of the heroes does the heroine consider herself to be? Mark with an arrow on card No. 2


Students mark independently and check. Justify your choice. (Old woman Izergil considers herself to be Danko, because she believes that the meaning of her life was love)

Card No. 2

Why do you think Gorky attributes the old woman Izergil to Larra? (her love is inherently selfish. Having stopped loving a person, she immediately forgot about him)

III. Conclusion from the lesson. Summing up the lesson.

IV. Homework:

  1. Reading the play “At the Bottom”;
  2. Review history creating a play, genre of work, conflict.


  1. Russian literature of the 20th century – Textbook for grade 11 / ed. V.V. Agenosova: M.: Publishing House “Drofa” 1997;
  2. N.V. Egorova: Lesson developments in Russian literature of the 20th century, grade 11. M.: Publishing house “VAKO”, 2007;
  3. B.I. Turyanskaya: Literature in 7th grade - lesson by lesson. M.: “ Russian word”, 1999

The best writers of all times and peoples asked themselves and their readers about the existence of man. To be or not to be is a philosophical question. The meaning of life is different for every person. Well-being and prosperity are enough for one, give peace and freedom to another, and the third carefully monitors his own health, believing that it is most important.

Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov wondered about the purpose of existence in almost all of his works. His characters follow their path in different ways, among them there are egoists who think only about their own good, and those who are ready to devote themselves to serving bright ideals. By contrasting the philosophy of sacrifice with the way of thinking of an opportunist, the writer indicates his own position. Renunciation of one's own material interests in the name of a bright future - this is the meaning of life according to Gorky.

The meaning of life of the old woman Izergil

The story “Old Woman Izergil” contains three storylines. The main character had to live a difficult life, in which there was a place for both happiness and grief. The men, by the will of fate in her destiny, are very different, but she recklessly and generously gave both the young man, like an oriental flower, and the arrogant Polish duelist, what she owned - her love, without sparing her. Has she ever thought about the question of what is the meaning of life? According to the old woman's bitter story about tragic fate Danko, we can conclude that thoughts about the purpose of human existence were not alien to her. At the same time, when talking about Larra, she, without any condemnation, sets out the concept of a carefree and comfortable life.

Petrel and already

A similar ideological confrontation is also manifested in the dialogue between the “wise” grass snake and the petrel. Freedom is the meaning of life according to Gorky. It can be defined as the will to do what one wants, the whole question is what the slave wants and what the true citizen wants. The average person, being captive of his own petty goals, is simply unable to understand high heroic aspirations; he does not like the feeling of free flight, especially if it ends in a clumsy fall from a height, albeit a small one. I really like a warm and damp coziness, familiar and comfortable. The high emotional intensity elevates this fable to the rank of a real parable with an almost biblical plot.

The meaning of a mother's life

The idea of ​​serving high ideals also dominates the novel “Mother”. In this work the interpretation human relations not as schematic as in “Song of the Storm Petrel”. The narrative is complicated by the understanding of simple human feelings experienced by an ordinary woman who raised a son obsessed with class struggle. Like any mother, she wants her child to be happy, and she is very afraid for Pavel, who is not afraid of anything. A revolutionary is ready to step over any obstacle, without thinking about the consequences, seeing only an unclear and distant goal. And the mother is always on the side of her son.

Was the Petrel of the Revolution happy?

So what is the meaning of life according to Gorky? Is it only in serving high ideals, or are more mundane, universal issues important to him? By declaring Maxim Gorky as the main proletarian writer, the Soviet leadership of the thirties hoped to tame the “petrel of the revolution” and reduce his complex, ambiguous work to a simplified scheme in which there was only room for heroes, enemies and ordinary people, a “wavering swamp” to be eradicated. But the world is much more complex and varied than the formula “who is not with us is against us”... But from school, children were instilled with the idea that the meaning of life, according to Gorky, lies in continuous struggle.

Happiness is here main goal every person, and everyone has their own. Gorky's characters almost never experience it; they suffer. Did you become great writer, despite all the honors that the authorities showered him with? Hardly.

Aquilam volare doces*

Larra had been walking for three days already. The scorching sun, hunger and thirst exhausted his body, his bare feet were worn into blood, his vision was double. The rustling of the grass was not heard, and she herself, like Larra, bent over the ground, as if it could save her from the heat. The heat was unbearable even at night. The young man walked, overcoming himself. He desperately searched for food, but nothing grew nearby and there was not a single tribe from whom he could steal anything. Larra could not ask. My legs were bleeding. It seemed to him that the grass should serve as a pillow for them, but its dried and hardened roots stuck out, tearing the skin like a knife. Now he was unlike the birds that proudly flew above him. When his father weakened, he threw himself onto the rocks: what should Larra do? He had no weapons, no wings, nothing. But he didn't need it before. He felt like his mind was going haywire. My legs gave way and everything went dark before my eyes.

Life-giving moisture was the first thing Larra felt after waking up. It clogged his throat, and he spat it out, afraid of choking. But someone very close said, “Hush, hush,” and the young man realized that this was not a dream. He greedily took a sip of the waterskin offered by the stranger, and sighed in disappointment when it was taken away. - It's hard, right? - said the invisible one. He couldn't discern the intonation with which the man said these words, but he didn't care. Larra is used to humiliation. What else should you expect from people? Perhaps he got the young man drunk precisely in order to continue his torment, in order to mock his unfortunate lot. And Larra was overcome by a feeling of hatred, he wanted to look this man in the eyes and then tear him apart. He opened his eyes with difficulty, and when his gaze cleared, he looked angrily at the speaker. Larra froze in amazement. Before him stood a young man his age, brown hair framed his handsome face, and his blue eyes shone...with kindness. Larra was embarrassed that he wanted to kill him. -Are you alone? - Larra wheezed out of habit. - No, my tribe is behind me. I was sent on reconnaissance as a young and sighted person. And I found you in the middle of the steppe. - the young man smiled at him, as if he had found a treasure. The thought flashed through his head whether he would have time to rob this young man and run away, but for the first time Larra could not bring himself to do this - his hand did not rise. - Do you want to eat? - As if he heard Larra’s thoughts, the young man asked. Larra nodded slightly. The young man opened his knapsack and took out food. After having a snack, Larra gained strength. -Can you get up? - the stranger asked again. Larra pushed himself off the ground with his hands and quickly jumped to his feet, but his legs responded with monstrous pain, and he collapsed back. It seemed that after the break they would not be able to go at all. “Lie here, I’ll be right back,” he heard the stranger’s retreating cry. Turning around, Larra saw that he was rushing in the direction from which his tribe was supposed to come.

People. There are a lot of people, and everyone is looking at him strangely. He didn't want to be among people he despised them. Larra’s legs were still aching, and so he was now riding in a carriage that was intended for the old and the poor. The cart was pulled by the stranger who found it in the steppe. Larra didn't even bother to ask his name. The people following the cart laughed at him, and the fire of indignation lit up in Larra’s soul. What funny did they see? And the answer was immediate: even the elders and women go, but he cannot. - Stop. - Larra said to the young man. He turned over his shoulder as if he wanted to say something, but still stopped. - I want to go. - said the eagle's son. - Have the wounds on your legs healed? - the young man asked. - No, but... - he was interrupted by the roar of the wheels spinning again. - But this is humiliating! - Larra said with feeling. “Help is not humiliating,” the young man answered, “but this is yes.” - And with these words he lifted up the handrails of the cart, which he was holding on to, so that Larra flew off it like a sack of potatoes. He felt unpleasant, and the stranger was already standing on him, and a question sparkled in his eyes: “ Do you understand the difference?" And Larra really understood, so he lowered his gaze, no longer able to look into the blue eyes of the young man, like the sky above them. He looked down and noticed his savior's legs. They were wounded just like his own, but he never complained about it. Larra would not have noticed if he had not seen it with his own eyes. “Your legs...” Larra said after they set off again. - Why didn’t you tell me, didn’t ask me for anything? - Help should be selfless. And if I asked you for something in return, what kind of help would it be? - answered the young man. Larra thought about what was said for a long time, but firmly decided that someday he himself would help this young man for dragging him, despite the pain, as if not noticing it. For the first time he wanted to help a person. He felt calm with this young man, there was a firm confidence that he would not do anything bad to him. They were completely different, and although Larra did not want to admit it, he was beginning to like this strange young man with eternally shining eyes.

The sun was rolling towards the horizon. Having walked around all the old and infirm, Danko stopped at the young man he found, clutching a blanket in his hands. He slept, occasionally shuddering in his sleep. His chest heaved evenly, his jet-black hair was blown by an almost weightless wind. Despite all their differences, Danko seemed to have something in common. He approached the young man and covered him with a blanket. He was glad that he found him then, in the steppe. No one deserves to die forgotten by everyone. He walked away and stopped, still looking at the young man. - When he gets better, he will have to leave. - the voice of one of the elders was heard nearby. - Let him survive on his own, we did everything we could for him. Coming hard times, and the extra mouth will be a problem for us. - Will extra hands really hinder us? He can help us. - Danko answered. - He's an outcast. How can he help those he despises? He only talks to you. - He is the same person as us. Why should we drive him away? - Outcasts are cursed by the Gods, and this is not something to joke about. It will affect the entire tribe if we shelter him. “The elder fell silent, and then, looking at Danko, muttered, “Don’t sacrifice yourself, he will destroy you.” Think about what your parents would say about this. - You know they would do the same. - the depressed Danko said dully, leaving. Approaching the young man sleeping in the cart, he sat down next to him, leaning his back against the wall of the cart. Danko was overcome by sadness that he would have to kick him out. It seemed unthinkable to him to save a person only to abandon him again. He could not even imagine how the young man would react to this news.

Noon is a time of strong sunshine. The tribe settled down near a high forest, in its shadow. Danko was returning from the council of elders. No matter how he tried to dissuade them, nothing worked. They decided to expel the young man and ordered Danko to inform him about this. One of the people slandered him, saying that he saw him stealing supplies at night. But Danko knew that at night he slept next to him. And he told the elders about this, but they did not want to believe him. They asked if he knew why the young man was expelled, and Danko had no answer to this question. Therefore, the elders decided to abandon the young man, saying that they were doing him a favor, because they were in deep forest There is something terrible waiting to be taken into account, and any tribe will be afraid to touch the outcast. Danko was offended by this attitude towards the young man he saved: it’s not his fault that the tribe expelled him, he doesn’t have to pay for it all his life, everyone has a second chance. But no one listened to him. The young man sat cross-legged, distant from all other people. Danko slowly approached, smiling forcedly. - Tell me, what were you doing alone in the steppe then? Why did your tribe abandon you? - he asked quietly. - What difference does it make to you? Human? - the young man said rudely, glaring at Danko with the gaze of an eagle driven into a corner. He seemed to sense danger. Danko was offended by rudeness, from the mouth of the young man the word Human it sounded so insignificant. - I see in front of me a person like me. Whatever you think you are, you don’t have wings behind your back, just like me. - he said. The young man stopped burning it and, looking down, stared at the grass. And Danko thought that maybe he called him a man simply because he didn’t know his name. - I'm Danko. - he suddenly blurted out. The young man raised his black eyes to him and, after thinking for a second, said: “They called me Larra.” And after these words, it became even more difficult for Danko to inform about the decision of the elders. He sat down next to Larra and, looking at him, said: “You have to leave, your legs are already fine, and you can’t stay here anymore.” - He wanted to say this, looking into his eyes, but when faced with Larra’s gaze, full of pain, he discarded this idea in powerlessness, feeling so insignificant and pathetic. How difficult it was for him to say these words and how he did not want to let him go. Danko managed to become attached to Larra. But now his greatest fear was that the young man would think that he, too, wanted him to leave. Danko expected anything - that Larra would refuse to leave, that he would carry out a massacre, that he would try to convince the elders to leave him. But none of this followed. “Okay, I’ll leave,” Larra said indifferently, “If You ask me this, I'll leave. Larra was hurt; people rejected him again. But it hurt that with this decision it was Danko who was sent to him, the man who cared about him, the man who did not abandon him. Larra easily rose to his feet and wandered away. - What about supplies? - Danko shouted after him. “I came here with nothing and I’m leaving with nothing.” I don't need anything from you. - said Larra. And Danko watched as the silhouette of the man he did not want to lose receded towards the horizon, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Dozens of people were killed in the forest for several days. They fell dead right before Danko’s eyes, and he could do nothing to help them. The young man concentrated on finding a way out of the forest. He woke up and went to bed with this thought. Danko knew that there had to be a way out, but he did not know how long it would take to get to it and how many people would have to be sacrificed. They stopped for the night. People huddled in fear of the shadows that danced from the fire. The foliage suddenly rustled next to Danko, and he decided to check what was there. Taking the torch, he walked past the spreading roots, which seemed alive and ready to be grabbed at any moment, and went around the trees, the trunk of which could not be grasped with his hands. And among the trees it seemed to him that he saw someone’s silhouette. Moving away from his tribe, he shouted: “Come out!” The leaves rustled again. Danko couldn't believe his luck. He just smiled madly when he saw the man who came out to meet him. - You said you would leave. - he said. - I couldn't. - Larra admitted, smiling, approaching Danko. The latter thought that this was the first time he saw him smile. - I came for you. - Follow me? - Danko asked. - I realized that my freedom is not nice to me. My freedom is now yours. And I would be the biggest fool in the world if I missed you. - Blue eyes opposite black ones. Illuminated only by a torch, Larra looked truly magical and enchanting. Pale skin contrasted with black eyes and hair. “I had a lot of girls, but they came and went as if they weren’t there at all.” No one lingered in my heart... Except you. And obeying an impulse, Larra kissed Danko’s parted lips, burying his hands in his brown hair. But he soon pulled away, whispering: “Come with me.” Don't sacrifice yourself for people, they don't deserve it. - They touched their foreheads. “I’ll go with you wherever you want, just let me save these people.” They will die without me, I am their only hope. - Noticing Larra’s incredulous look, Danko added, “and then you and I will go to the ends of the earth.” But Larra seemed to be looking at someone standing behind him, and, turning around, Danko saw the elder. He looked sideways at them with undisguised anger. Larra was nevertheless allowed to stay, which left the rest of the people unhappy. And that night the eagle's son slept, clinging to to the person I loved, listening to Danko's heartbeat and feeling its warmth.

They wandered through the forest, and it seemed to everyone except Danko that their days were numbered. Danko walked ahead of everyone, showing the way. Larra heard the discontent of the people following them. And then one day the elders blamed them for everything. - I was initially against you, Danko, bringing this outcast. He is cursed, and so are you. That's why the Gods punish us, that's why they kill us one by one. Therefore, we cannot leave this forest, because you are leading us. - said the elder who saw them in the forest. Angry people began to approach them and began to surround the young men. – You said: “Lead!” - and I drove! - Danko shouted. - I have the courage to lead, that’s why I led you! What about you? What did you do to help yourself? You just walked and didn’t know how to save your strength for a longer journey! You just walked and walked like a flock of sheep! The ranks of people around them began to close in. People were screaming that they were going to die. And it flashed through Larra’s head that if they even touched Danko, he would tear them to shreds. He looked at the young man and saw how he was tearing his chest and pulling out his burning heart. Something broke in Larra. Danko rushed forward, and the amazed crowd running after him pushed Larra back. He knew that these were his last moments in life, he understood that he was losing the most important thing. Because of the people, he practically did not see Danko, he saw only his heart, illuminating the path. He ran faster, pushing people aside, and did not immediately realize that the light was no longer coming from Danko’s heart, but from the sun shining over the steppe where they had gone. Danko stood in front, admiring the view. When Larra caught up with him, Danko turned to him and smiled warmly, and then his eyes glazed over and he fell dead. Larra knelt in front of the lifeless body. It became unbearable for him to hear the joyful exclamations of people. He held back his tears at all costs. They won't see his weakness. And then he noticed how the elder stepped on Danko’s heart, and it shattered into fragments. In desperation, Larra rushed to the fragments, collecting them with his hands, as if his heart could be assembled from them again, but a strong gust of wind blew them away from his palms, scattering them on the ground.

He walked towards the tribe. Seeing him, people became wary, preparing for battle. " My freedom is now his- he repeated to himself, - but now he is gone, which means there is no freedom. I must die to be free again and reunite with him.“People put spears in front of him, but he continued walking, wanting to run into them. But people understood his plan and removed the weapons. They stood and laughed, and Larra trembled with despair. He thought that he could tear his flesh like Danko, and began to tear the skin with his nails, but the skin was like stone and did not give in at all, no matter how hard he tried. Then Larra rushed at the people in the hope that they would accidentally kill him, but they dodged him. He saw someone drop a knife, grabbed it and hit himself in the chest, but the knife did him no harm. And then he understood. This is his curse. The gods laugh at him. As soon as he found happiness, they took it away, and he could not be returned. Now, when a lot of time has passed since then, and the sun has dried up his body, he no longer remembers anything except one name. He searches and searches all over the earth for the fragments of Danko's heart, hoping to put them back together, as if this could bring his love back to life. * - You teach an eagle to fly (lat.)