Stencils for walls for painting in large sizes. Paintings made with holes. Stencil painting inside out Paintings using a stencil

Wall painting is a unique way to transform an existing interior or breathe a touch of originality into a thoughtful design and make it individual. Delicate sketches in pastel colors will make the room touching and cozy, and a catchy bright drawing will allow you to show your creativity and refined taste.

To decorate the walls, all you need are available materials and imagination.

The special beauty of this method of decoration is that you can decorate the wallpaper with designs at any time. you can plan such a highlight of the interior in advance or diversify an already finished room. Moreover, now this method of decorating walls is at the peak of popularity, and famous designers are happy to use it.

A pattern on wallpaper will instantly transform even the most boring interior, and you can do it yourself, even without artistic skills.

Vinyl decals are easy to apply and remove from walls.

In addition, drawing on wallpaper is an exciting leisure activity that can become a hobby.

But before you start enthusiastically choosing a drawing, it’s worth remembering a few simple rules.

  1. If the walls are plastered, you need to use matte acrylic paint.
  2. On painted walls, it is better to paint with the same paint that was used for the base.
  3. You can paint on the wallpaper with any colors. But to make the drawing look brighter, especially if the base is dark, you should first prepare the “canvas” by painting it white.

Stencil painting

The easiest way to draw is to use ready-made stencils. You can make them yourself or purchase them ready-made. In addition to the stencil that interests you, you will need:

Printing technique.

  1. Paints in matching colors.
  2. Mixing containers.
  3. Aerosol adhesive for stencils.
  4. Brushes in several sizes.

Do not neglect the third and fourth recommendations. Special glue for stencils will allow you to firmly fix the base of the design, and after finishing the work you can remove it without a trace. Brushes of different sizes are needed to make the drawing neat and beautiful. work through small parts It’s better to use a small brush, but to paint relatively large areas you need a large copy.

Cover the floor with plastic film or newspapers; this will protect the coating if development creativity on the wallpaper with your own hands it won’t be too neat. Place the stencil face down on the floor and spray with special glue. After this, without waiting for it to dry, glue the outline of the drawing to the wall.

Now you can start drawing. Don't put too much paint on your brush as it may bleed and ruin your design. It’s better to return to the container several times or pick up a glass of paint. First of all, cover large free areas with paint; it is better to use a large brush for this. Then draw small details, curves and individual elements, picking up a miniature brush. It is better to remove the stencil after the paint has completely dried.

If the pattern on the wallpaper should look like a repeating pattern, when you subsequently glue the stencil, make sure that the small details match perfectly. Even a small discrepancy will be noticeable from a distance, and your efforts will be in vain.

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Letting out the inner artist

If you feel that you can do without a stencil, then you can create your own unique design that no designer will repeat. But you shouldn’t blindly rely on your talent and imagination; it’s better to prepare in advance to create a masterpiece than to later regret the impulse.

Wallpaper coloring books can be colored with paints, pencils or felt-tip pens.

You will need:

  1. Paints.
  2. Brushes of different sizes and a sponge.
  3. Containers for mixing paints.
  4. A simple pencil.

After preparing the walls, you should definitely take care of creating a sketch. It is the pencil sketch that will allow you to subsequently create the perfect drawing.

It is better to apply the sketch pointwise or with light strokes. At the same time, do not be lazy and often move away to a sufficient distance and evaluate the sketches. In addition to your own imagination, you can use your favorite drawings and pictures and even own photo. Any image must be transferred to tracing paper, enlarging it if necessary. In addition to tracing paper, you can use a special projector to draw a sketch, but this method is more suitable for silhouette drawings.

Do not try to quickly draw a suitable outline; haste can do a disservice. Don’t be lazy to evaluate the sketch again and again and correct any shortcomings. Only after you have the perfect sketch can you move on to the next stage.

Painting a wall is labor-intensive and requires extreme concentration, as it is quite difficult to correct mistakes. Start working with a wide brush, paint over all large elements without touching the edges, not reaching them by 1-2 cm. Make sure that the brush is always clean, otherwise the transfer of paint will ruin everything. After the main part of the wallpaper design is ready, take a small brush and carefully draw the borders, small details and let the masterpiece dry.

Having decided on the style, you can begin to select materials for the future work:

  1. Paint and canvas.
  2. Cardboard, designer paper, magazine clippings, old photos.
  3. Textiles, leather, ribbons, braid.
  4. Glass or crystals.
  5. Buttons.
  6. Dried flowers, shells.

Advice! Don't throw away old children's drawings, scraps of fabric, magazines, decorations– all this can become part of the picture. Store them in a separate box, periodically reviewing and arranging them together.

Painting with paints

The easiest way to create for the interior original painting with your own hands - write it. The subject is limited only by the imagination of the creator. Even if you have no artistic skills, you can create a masterpiece: use abstract techniques, study master classes and photos of finished works.

Oil, watercolor, acrylic paints will become faithful assistants in creating paintings for the interior. As a base, you can use either professional canvas or regular thick paper or a primed board.

Advice! You can draw inspiration from nature if there are picturesque places near your home. If you are unlucky with either the location or the weather, feel free to draw your household, pets, fruit compositions - whatever. The accuracy of the reproduction of reality does not play any role, the main thing is to approach the process with soul.

Modular paintings are suitable for almost any room: from kitchens before living room, but it is important to select appropriate images. If you don’t have time at all to create a masterpiece with your own hands, then we have for you good news- today you can buy them in any specialized store!

Photo printing

The technical side of the issue is taken care of by a photo workshop, which can print a suitable image on almost any basis: canvas, paper, ceramics, etc. These can be ordinary posters with image interesting places, people, ornaments.

Advice! A poster is not just a picture, it must convey a certain idea, match the interior, the theme of the room and the character of the owners of the house. IN Lately Pin-up and retro style posters have gained particular popularity.

If the poster is large-format, you can divide the image into several segments and, when combined into a single canvas, play with the joints, making it look like a modular picture.

If there is a child in the house, then you can scan his drawings and select the ones that match the color, shape, etc. Such a poster can be complemented by a photo of the artist himself. All that remains is to print the poster and place it in a frame that matches the color and style.

Collage of old and new family photos You can hang it as a picture in the bedroom or living room, and posters depicting the corresponding paraphernalia and fruits are suitable for the kitchen. Finally, it is worth noting that it is recommended to choose posters and panels for the kitchen in rich and bright colors. color ranges however, no one forbids you to go against the rules and create stylish ones.


From all kinds of scraps, fabric with beautiful patterns, ribbons, braid or lace, you can create real masterpieces in patchwork style with your own hands. Fabric paintings are most often made using the appliqué technique. The basis is taken of dense textiles with discreet and inconspicuous patterns (stripes, polka dots, etc.), and the main elements are cut out from bright shreds.

Most often, kitchens and children's rooms are decorated with textile works, since these rooms are characterized by a certain simplicity present in the appliqué.

Advice! From felt, flannel and other fabrics that hold their shape well, you can cut out fruits, animals, cars, and houses. You can safely combine different textures and patterns on fabrics, use braid, decorative cord, and buttons for decoration. For the living room, you can make a textile picture from crinkled silk with abstract patterns.

From buttons

With their help, you can create original things by sewing or appliqué. This type of fittings is often used to depict leaves on trees. Buttons can be glued in an original way inside any contour, for example, a silhouette butterflies or cats. In sewing stores you can select parts of various shapes, colors and materials and lay them out, like a mosaic, according to a pre-prepared pattern. Such button creations will fit perfectly into the kitchen, however, they can also be used for the living room and bedroom.

Advice! Buttons can be glued around the perimeter of the picture frame, giving it individuality.

Wallpaper and panels

Often, after renovation, large pieces of beautiful wallpaper remain, which are useful for making unusual interior paintings.

  1. Wallpaper in a frame is the easiest option to create something like this panel. A piece of the desired shape is cut from the roll and placed in a frame. Moreover, the ornament may coincide with the pattern on the walls or differ from it. Such elements can come in a row of 2-3 pieces.
  2. Golden paint and a stencil or small ones will help to revive a boring canvas in a frame. black and white photos, stylized in antique style. Similar wallpaper pictures will fit perfectly into

Stencils for walls for painting are best opportunity decorate the interior with your own hands.

Wall decor using stencils

You need to choose a painter’s suit, a roller, a brush, several colors of different paints and buy your favorite stencil for wall decor at Olstik. Next, clean the wall of old paint, fill the cracks and cracks, and level the surface. After this, open with a layer of screed.

For finishing work, water-based paint is suitable. If you decide to leave the walls pure white, then you need to repeat the procedure of applying the water-based emulsion a second time. And if you plan to paint it a certain color, then you need to let the walls dry. You can also add color to water-based paint and make a coating of a certain color. Please note that the more color you add, the darker the color will be.

After the base has dried, beautiful stencils for wall decoration should be applied to the surface. Secure the stencil with small pieces of tape at the top and bottom so that the picture does not “move out”. Step back and analyze whether the drawing is placed evenly and whether the stencil is correctly fixed. Next, apply paint to the areas where the parts are cut out. If the drawing is large, then use a paint roller to apply the paint, and for small parts, a brush will do.

Selection of stencils for various rooms

The unique selection of designs presented by the Olstik company allows you to act in any direction and decorate the surface of walls in the following types of interiors:

  • Entertainment venues: centers children's creativity, youth clubs, exhibition pavilions, theater foyers, cinema halls, sports complexes, dance floors.
  • Business complexes: trading houses, bars, salons cellular communications, restaurants, spa centers, massage rooms, working offices.
  • Residential premises: living rooms, hallways, corridors, bedrooms, kitchens and dining areas, loggias and balconies, bathrooms and toilets.

Almost any room can be decorated in an original way using stencils of flowers, ornaments, patterns, etc., if you buy stencils for walls from the Olstik company. We work throughout Russia, including remote regions.

Advantages of buying stencils for decorating

The online store site offers to buy stencils for DIY wall decor. The products are made in accordance with five basic rules and requirements for compositions.

  1. Possibilities. With these convenient elements, the client will be able to decorate his home independently, workplace, business center.
  2. Uniqueness. Stencils for wall decor are made of original material, which allows you to draw a clear line between the pattern and the wall without blurring the image.
  3. Exclusivity. The design for many models was developed in our design bureau.
  4. Convenience. Stencils for walls for painting have a unique structure, making the products comfortable to use. Even a non-professional designer can handle it.
  5. Quality. The peculiarity of stencils for painting walls allows you to successfully combine several types of drawings, paintings, panels in one room.

Contact us, the quality of interior decor is guaranteed by the manufacturer “Olstik”!

When my son suddenly decided to buy a panel as a gift, I was downright indignant. Spending money on an interior item when there are a lot of tools and materials in the house so that you can do it yourself is the height of wastefulness! In response to my question: “Is it difficult to draw on your own?”, my son sadly stated that “if you don’t know how, it’s impossible.” To which I exhaled almost offendedly, “Well!..”, and went to draw a panel... not knowing how to draw.

Materials for drawing with stencils:

How to use stencils to decorate panels

1. On the MDF canvas I lay out paints (White, Blackberry, Magenta) and black primer.

Using a spatula, I stretch the paint across the canvas. Then I take a plastic card (you can use a rubber spatula) and distribute the paint more tightly.

After drying, I add more black primer and Magenta in the same way.

2. Using white paint, diluted with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream, I make a chaotic spray of blots, immediately sprinkle these blots with water and then, using a hair dryer, disperse the paint a little.

3. I got three fairly large blots, onto which, using a stencil and black paint I'll apply a bunch of circles (you can use any background geometric stencil). This will break up the blots even more.

4. I take the “Flowers” ​​stencil and using a stencil brush using the rubbing method (the brush is semi-dry, the design is translucent) I paint flowers with Yellow Ocher and Magenta paints, somewhere pure, somewhere mixing them together, somewhere adding a drop to Magenta Black, and a drop of White for Ocher. I don't forget about the sides.

5. I mix Sapphire and Mahogany relief pastes and a drop of acrylic primer (the primer here is taken as a substitute for Graphite relief paste; unfortunately, I ran out of it, and without black the color turned out not dark enough as I wanted).

I apply a floral design through a stencil.

6. After the relief flower has dried, I color it using a stencil brush through the stencil with “Decolor” Violet pearlescent paint.

I darken the centers of the ornament “Decolor” Black and lighten the edges of the ornament with paint “Chameleon” Golden.

7. I want to place a bird in another corner of the panel. To do this, I take Decolor Olympic silk and Royal Purple paints, Crystal paste and, to obtain sufficient density (too much paint as a color for crystal paste) a little Transparent modeling gel.

I mix these materials together and apply the resulting mixture through a stencil using a palette knife. This relief will at first look like porridge, but as it dries, the mixture of paints and modeling gel will settle slightly, releasing balls of crystal paste to the surface.

8. The panel in the style of stencil painting is ready! I'm almost an artist... despite the fact that I can't draw at all)))