Timur Kizyakov stated that he left the first channel on his own initiative. Timur Kizyakov stated that he left the first channel on his own initiative Kizyakov left the first channel

The program “While Everyone is Home” will no longer air on Channel One. Timur Kizyakov, along with the film crew, resigned from the TV channel.

Channel One will no longer air the show “While Everyone is Home” with host Timur Kizyakov.

Channel One terminated the contract with the company that was producing the program. Since the program does not belong to “Pervy” and was created by the production company, it will no longer be broadcast on it.

TV presenter Timur Kizyakov explained the reasons for leaving Channel One: together with the project “While everyone is at home,” he quit for at will back in May, after the scandal with video passports of orphans.

Kizyakov insists that the transmission manufacturer Dom LLC in early June own initiative sent Channel One an official notice that he would no longer create a program for them: “We did this because of the unacceptable working methods of the channel’s management.” Kizyakov refused to disclose the essence of his claims. “We know nothing about the fact that the channel allegedly decided not to work with us anymore in April,” he told reporters.

However, according to Kizyakov, the severance of relations with “First” for the “Dom” company is not directly related to the scandal around video passports: “Although we were extremely unpleasant that the channel did not protect us in this situation.”

Earlier, the media reported that the decision to terminate the contract with the Dom company, which produced the While Everyone Is Home program, was made about a month ago. Allegedly, this happened as a result of an internal audit, which was organized by the TV channel after the publication in the media of information that presenters Timur and Elena Kizyakov received money from several sources at once for the production of so-called “video passports” of orphans (they were shown in the section “You have there will be a child"). They talked about children from orphanages who needed adoptive parents.

It turned out that the company received money for this section from the TV channel (for outsourcing the production of the program), from the state (for the production of “video passports”) and from sponsors (for example, from one of the well-known manufacturers of ceramic tiles).

According to the Unified State Register legal entities, 49.5 percent of Dom LLC belongs to Kizyakov and his long-time business partner Alexander Mitroshenkov, and another 1% belongs to the head of the company Nina Podkolzina.

The fact that companies that belong to the creators of the “While everyone is at home” program received funding from the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation and at the same time from regional authorities in the amount of about 110 million rubles for the creation of videos about orphans, Vedomosti reported at the end of last year.

According to procurement documents studied by the newspaper, the production of one such “video passport” costs 100 thousand rubles.

Channel One representative Larisa Krymova then noted that they were not aware that the company producing the program was filming “video passports” with money received from the state.

According to the publication, Channel One paid approximately one and a half million rubles for one episode of the program “While Everyone is Home.” The “You’re Having a Baby” section also had a separate sponsor - the same tile manufacturer, and the creators of the program also received part of this money.

Television workers associate the dismissal of Timur Kizyakov with the sensational story that unfolded around the presenter in December 2016. It is worth noting that the charitable part of Kizyakov’s program (the section “You will have a child”) was suspected of additional funding.

It became known that such video cards with orphans cost a lot of money. This was stated by the head of the department of state policy in the field of protection of children's rights of the Ministry of Education and Science, Evgeny Silyanov, during a final meeting with deputy governors for social issues, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science.

I have always considered video stories about orphans to be very useful, Tatyana Vinogradova noted on her Facebook page. But I thought it was a charity project of Channel One. How surprised I was to learn that, it turns out, Kizyakov makes video passports for orphans at the expense of the Ministry of Education and Science. One video passport 100 thousand rubles. Tender per year 10 million rubles. And at the same time, as a representative of the Ministry of Education said at the meeting, Kizyakov is suing others charitable organizations who are trying, at their own expense, with the help of volunteers, to make such video passports for other children from orphanages

The press service of Channel One at that time explained that the channel was not involved in the creation of the project:

“Channel One is buying the program “While everyone is at home” from the company “Dom” (formerly “TMK” and “While everyone is at home”). Since we are not involved in the creation of the project, we do not know the details of the authors’ relationships with government organizations, including financial ones. We have always considered charitable projects important matter, and, of course, the section about orphans was welcomed by the channel. The information you provide is news to us. We'll sort it out."

The Kizyakovs themselves (the presenter’s wife, Elena, also worked on the column) told reporters that they did not embezzle other people’s money and spent all the funds for their intended purpose.

It is worth noting that Kizyakov’s program actually helped many orphans. Over the 11-year history of the “You’re Having a Baby” column, we found a home large number orphans.

Timur Kizyakov’s program, among other things, helped the lead singer of the Mirage group, Margarita Sukhankina, become a mother.

In 2012, the artist adopted 2 children from Tyumen, 3-year-old Lera and 4-year-old Seryozha. The singer saw the children in the program “While Everyone is Home” and immediately decided to take them from the orphanage.

Timur Kizyakov did not refute his departure from the “first button”, but was laconic.

Timur Borisovich, we heard that you are leaving Channel One. “While Everyone is Home” has gained so many fans over the years. Of course, they are worried about the future of the program. We wanted to know if you will be doing your program on another TV channel? asked the presenter.

I won’t comment on this situation now, said the creator of “While Everyone is Home,” Timur Kizyakov.

Channel One, among others, did not comment on this situation.

It should be noted that the program “While Everyone is Home” began airing in 1992.

Over the years, the heroes of Timur Kizyakov have been the most popular people in the country: Stas Mikhailov, Kristina Orbakaite, Alexander Malinin, Valentin Yudashkin, Valeria, Ivan Okhlobystin, Alina Kabaeva, Vladimir Menshov, Andrei Arshavin, Yuri Kuklachev and others.

Timur Kizyakov

While everyone is discussing the fate of Andrei Malakhov, another presenter of Channel One turned out to be unemployed. According to a source from the film crew of the “While Everyone is Home” program, Channel One has suspended the purchase of new episodes of the program.

Television workers associate the dismissal of Timur Kizyakov with the sensational story that unfolded around the presenter in December 2016. It is worth noting that the charitable part of Kizyakov’s program (the section “You will have a child”) was suspected of additional funding.

It became known that such video cards with orphans cost a lot of money. This was stated by the head of the department of state policy in the field of protection of children's rights of the Ministry of Education and Science, Evgeny Silyanov, during a final meeting with deputy governors for social issues, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science.

I have always considered video stories about orphans to be very useful,” Tatyana Vinogradova noted on her Facebook page. - But I thought it was a charity project of Channel One. How surprised I was to learn that, it turns out, Kizyakov makes video passports for orphans at the expense of the Ministry of Education and Science. One video passport - 100 thousand rubles. Tender per year - 10 million rubles. And at the same time, as a representative of the Ministry of Education said at the meeting, Kizyakov is suing other charitable organizations that are trying, at their own expense, with the help of volunteers, to make such video passports for other children from orphanages...

The press service of Channel One at that time explained that the channel was not involved in the creation of the project:

“Channel One is buying the program “While everyone is at home” from the company “Dom” (formerly “TMK” and “While everyone is at home”). Since we are not involved in the creation of the project, we do not know the details of the authors’ relationships with government organizations, including financial ones. We have always considered charitable projects to be an important matter, and, of course, the column about orphans was welcomed by the channel. The information you provide is news to us. We'll sort it out."

The Kizyakovs themselves (the presenter’s wife, Elena, also worked on the column) told reporters that they did not embezzle other people’s money and spent all the funds for their intended purpose.

It is worth noting that Kizyakov’s program actually helped many orphans. Over the 11-year history of the “You’re Having a Child” column, a large number of orphans have found homes.

Timur Kizyakov’s program, among other things, helped the lead singer of the Mirage group, Margarita Sukhankina, become a mother.

In 2012, the artist adopted 2 children from Tyumen - 3-year-old Lera and 4-year-old Seryozha. The singer saw the children in the program “While Everyone is Home” and immediately decided to take them from the orphanage.

Timur Kizyakov did not refute his departure from the “first button”, but was laconic.

Timur Borisovich, we heard that you are leaving Channel One. “While Everyone is Home” has gained so many fans over the years. Of course, they are worried about the future of the program. We wanted to know if you will be doing your program on another TV channel? - they asked the presenter.

“I won’t comment on this situation now,” said the creator of “While Everyone is Home,” Timur Kizyakov.

Channel One, among others, did not comment on this situation.

It should be noted that the program “While Everyone is Home” began airing in 1992.

Over the years, the heroes of Timur Kizyakov have been the most popular people in the country: Stas Mikhailov, Kristina Orbakaite, Alexander Malinin, Valentin Yudashkin, Valeria, Ivan Okhlobystin, Alina Kabaeva, Vladimir Menshov, Andrei Arshavin, Yuri Kuklachev and others.