Army Theater. Army Theater Theater of the Soviet Army poster for August

The atmosphere of the Russian Army Theater is permeated with history, the greatness of time and modern culture. On February 6 the theater celebrates its birthday. It was on this date in 1930 that a performance was shown on the events on the border with China called “K.V.Zh.D.”

The next 10 years of the theater’s life were in constant travel, premiers were staged in military units in different places of the country - from Leningrad to the Far East. And only in 1940 the theater got its own new building in Moscow.

In the auditorium, the ceiling is decorated with luxurious frescoes, which were painted by the outstanding avant-garde artist Lev Bruni. The building itself was created in the Stalinist Empire style. It consists of ten aboveground and ten underground floors. The spacious interiors are decorated with natural stone and wood. The walls are decorated with picturesque panels and lampshades above the buffets. Guests are always greeted by a grand marble staircase.

TSATRA includes a Large Hall with 1,520 seats and a Small Hall with 400 seats. The theater has the largest stage in Europe, which makes it possible to stage battles with cavalry and tanks. The stage mechanics have been working perfectly since Soviet times. Rotating huge circles and lifting platforms allow you to turn a flat plane into a mountain landscape.

The modern repertoire of the theater includes classics and contemporaries, such as Shakespeare, Andersen, Sarman, Ostrovsky, A. Tolstoy and many others. Each performance is distinguished by original scenery, brilliant acting and brilliant directorial work.

Purchasing, booking and returning tickets to the Russian Army Theater

The Russian Army Theater is so famous that sometimes booking tickets for performances there becomes a problem. Audiences of various ages and social status tend to visit the theater during any premiere. You can buy and book tickets for premieres and other upcoming theater events quickly and conveniently on our website

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Moscow Army Theater located in a grandiose building, which is built in the shape of a pentagonal star. The unique structure was erected in 1934-1940 according to the design of architects Vasily Simbirtsev and Karo Alabyan and became not only one of the main masterpieces of the “Stalinist Empire”, but also the largest stage venue in Europe.

Big hall Army Theater designed for 2,500 spectators, and no other theater in the Old World can compare with it. Over the years, tanks rode across this stage and cavalry galloped, striking the imagination of spectators. Technical equipment allows you to create on stage Army Theater complex stage productions. Interestingly, all 13 lifting mechanisms created in 1935 by engineer Ivan Maltsin still work perfectly.

In all years Army Theater was famous for its troupe, rightfully considered one of the best in the capital. Today the actors beloved by the audience are taking the stage: Vladimir Zeldin, Lyudmila Kasatkina, Vladimir Soshalsky, Larisa Golubkina, Fyodor Chekhankov, Lyudmila Chursina.

The theater has its own audience, who highly appreciate the professionalism and talent of directors, artists and set designers, go to see their favorite actors and watch all the premieres. Despite the huge auditorium, tickets to Army Theater cannot always be found at the theater box office and this is undoubtedly the merit of the troupe and the main director of the theater Boris Morozov.

Today in the repertoire Army Theater classical and modern plays, among which it is necessary to note “The School of Love” by K. Higgins, “The Heart is Not a Stone” and “Late Love” by Alexander Ostrovsky, “The Accompanist” by A. Galin, “The Venetian Twins” by Carlo Goldoni, “The Queen’s Duel” by D. Murrell and “The Inventive Lover” by Lope de Vega.

The recent premiere is a success Army Theater- a performance for young spectators “The Abduction of the Fairy Princess”. And, of course, one cannot help but recall the legendary play “The Dance Teacher” by Lope de Vega, which has been on the theater stage since 1946 and has had about 2,000 performances.

The productions of the chief director are of great interest in the theatrical environment Army Theater Boris Morozov. This is the large-scale tragic musical “Sevastopol March”, staged based on “Sevastopol Stories” by Leo Tolstoy and the comedy “A Long Time Ago” by Alexander Gladkov, written to the music of Tikhon Khrennikov, which was shown in the theater back in the 40s and was restored with young theater actors .

For the 100th anniversary of Dmitry Shostakovich, the immortal “Hamlet” appeared in the theater’s repertoire, which continued the tradition of Shakespearean productions Army Theater. Experienced theatergoers well remember classic performances of the plays “The Taming of the Shrew,” “Macbeth,” “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” “Othello” and “Much Ado About Nothing.”

You can do it at any time order tickets to Army Theater on the TicketService website and see a performance of one of the most interesting Moscow theaters.

The huge five-pointed star - the building of the Red Army Theater - is a monument not only to theatrical architecture. This is a monument to an era of difficult trials and great enthusiasm. It was built from 1934 to 1940. The best muralists took part in the design of the theater: the frescoes of the acoustic ceiling were painted by Lev Bruni, the reinforced concrete curtain-portal was made according to the sketches of the remarkable graphic artist Vladimir Favorsky by his sons Nikita and Ivan. The lampshades above the buffets in the amphitheater were created by Alexander Deineka and Ilya Feinberg. Picturesque panels by Pavel Sokolov-Skal and Alexander Gerasimov decorated the grand marble staircases. Furniture, lampshades and chandeliers were made to special orders.

The stage mechanics, designed by engineer Ivan Maltsin, still operate today practically without repair - two huge circles rotate, and twelve lifting platforms can turn the stage plank from a stadium into a mountain landscape, helping theater artists implement all imaginable and inconceivable ideas for the scenographic design of performances.

On September 14, 1940, the new theater building opened with the play “Commander Suvorov” by I. Bakhterev and A. Razumovsky in the Great Hall. Two weeks later, on the Small Stage, the audience saw Maxim Gorky’s “The Bourgeois.” Since then, these stages have presented audiences with more than three hundred premieres and about forty-five thousand performances.

Directing the Army Theater from 1935 to 1958, Alexey Dmitrievich Popov built it as an artistic and original organism, defining a creative credo and program. His passion for harmony, for creating the artistic integrity of the performance, his ability to place in a space that amazed the imagination, folk scenes where human destinies flashed, his simplicity, intelligence, deep human decency, all this determined the level of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army for many years. The performances he staged - “Commander Suvorov”, “A Long Time Ago”, “Admiral’s Flag”, “Stalingraders”, “Front”, “Wide Steppe” - have become classics in the history of Russian theatrical art.

The artistic baton was taken over from his father by his son, People's Artist of the USSR Andrei Alekseevich Popov, a wonderful artist, director and teacher, who headed the theater from 1963 to 1973.

The main directors of the theater in different years were Yu. Zavadsky, A. Dunaev, R. Goryaev, Yu. Eremin, L. Kheifets, the main artists were N. Shifrin, P. Belov, I. Sumbatashvili.

Such wonderful performances as “The Dance Teacher”, “Ocean”, “The Holy of Holies” and “Drummer Girl”, “The Death of Ivan the Terrible” and “Paul I”, “The Mandate” and “Trees Die While Standing” were staged and were successful here. “Much Ado About Nothing” and “Sevastopol March”, many other plays - classical and modern. Chekhov, Dostoevsky and Ostrovsky, as well as Shakespeare, Lope de Vega, Moliere, Balzac, Brecht, Dreiser, Eduardo de Filippo did not leave the repertoire posters of the Big and Small stages.