Consonant names for boys. What name to choose for a boy. How to choose a beautiful name for a boy

As soon as a child is born, new parents become interested in his height and weight. The second most popular question: “What was the name?” Why is it so important for people to know a name? Because it defines a person who he is from a psychological point of view.

Choosing a name by month of birth

To give the world's best name for a boy, some parents associate it with the month of birth. Some of the rare and famous male names are May and Augustine (as in the song by Valery Leontyev). Sonorous and original, they at the same time speak of softness and nobility. If you don’t want the name to directly indicate when your son was born, then there is a special directory of names by month and birthday.

It may happen that the name you like turns out to be very far from the date of birth of the heir. This should not be an obstacle to making a choice.

If you look back into the past, then in those days the best Russian names for boys were very melodic in sound and intricate in pronunciation. For example, Eremey, Leonty, Micah, Julian, Rostislav, Sevastian, Maximilian, Gury. Believing parents most often check the date of birth with the calendar, and also pay attention to which saint is the patron saint on this day. It is popularly believed that he can become an intercessor for a newborn boy throughout his life.

Consonance with surname and patronymic

An important fact that deserves special attention: how the first and middle names will sound, and even more important - with the last name together. Since great hopes are placed on the boy, he is seen as an heir, a future support - everything together should sound respectable and businesslike. After all, many parents see their growing son as a big boss and owner of his own life, a successor.

For this reason the most best name for a boy, the meaning and sound should immediately tell those around him whose son he is. In our modern life you can find various variations and even summary tables, which suggest choosing a suitable pair: first name and patronymic. The main thing in this matter is that the combination is not funny and absurd, but harmonious. You should also definitely not look for a name that ends with the same letter as your middle name. It would be best if the first name and patronymic do not begin with the same consonant or vowel. An example would be: Alexander Mikhailovich, Pavel Anatolyevich, Roman Pavlovich.

Name by zodiac sign

Knowing the month of birth, parents can determine the choice of the best name for a boy according to the meaning of the zodiac sign. Based on the characteristics and descriptions of personal qualities, suitable options are selected using a horoscope. It is believed that the weaknesses of the zodiac patron can be balanced with the help of the meaning of the name, since a person gains more confidence in his strengths and significance when he hears it when contacted.

Astrologers can also advise paying attention to a combination with several suitable signs zodiac, if none of those considered suited a particular child. In any case, the determining factor will be personal sympathy for a particular name.

Choice by character

Every parent wants to see their child as the embodiment of strength of spirit and character. Therefore, for a boy, he is selected based on the characteristics that he would like to see in him. Some of the most popular requirements for the character of an heir are the presence of masculinity, fortitude, dexterity and luck. Modern moms and the popes attach special importance to the consonance of the name, the presence of hard consonants in it, which (by their definition) should also speak of strength inner personality growing heir.

Another point that determines that the chosen name is the best for a boy is that it must be positive. So, according to some, we can say that the son will have developed not only strong point, but also soft, prone to sympathy, love and empathy. To determine how well the chosen name fits these parameters, it is enough to simply pronounce it in a diminutive form: Andrey-Andryushenka, Dmitry-Dimulya, Lev-Levushka.

The rarest name

IN lately parents try to distinguish their child from his peers, believing that the best name in the world for boys should be rare, unusual and sonorous. In pursuit of originality, many forget about how they will have to go through life in further child with a rare name. Moreover, it is worth thinking about what middle name his child will receive in the future. In modern Russian multinational society, children with disabilities are usually treated rare names. It seems that nothing can surprise anyone anymore. For example, Gleb, Plato, Miron, Tikhon, Innocent, Veniamin, Zakhar, Luke.

Parents often borrow foreign names for their children, which are rare among us. It is rare to have a name for a child borrowed from representatives of another nationality.

Choosing a name based on your religion

People coexist peacefully in a multinational Russian country different religions and religions. This also leaves its mark on the choice of name. It is considered rare in such families to name a child with a simple Russian name. If you need to choose the best name for a Muslim boy, then parents often pay attention to its meaning. For example, a very soft but strong meaning means “chosen,” Selim means “healthy,” Shakur means “grateful.” According to the saying of Muhammad, the name must be good, since after death the soul is determined by what the person was named at birth.

It is considered a good sign to name your son after angels or prophets, for example, Ibrahim, Yasin, Ahmad and others. They are called upon to protect the child and patronize him in all endeavors and affairs. However, you should not blindly believe that a name can predetermine fate and influence a person. The meaning of even the best Muslim name for a boy may not coincide with his actions in the future. This is already influenced by upbringing, environment and the presence of certain lifestyle principles that come with time. Therefore, it will be possible to determine how good a name will be for its owner only after a while.

Name after someone

It happens that the best name for a boy is borrowed from his grandfather or father. Alexander Alexandrovich, Nikolai Nikolaevich, Mikhail Mikhailovich often meet. In this way, some perpetuated the memory of a deceased person. On the one hand, this is very touching, on the other hand, it is necessary to think about the fact that there is a theory about the transition of a departed soul to a newborn child through a name. And there is confirmation of this, noting the actions and words of the child as he grows up, parents can notice the habits of a relative who once passed away.

The main thing in this case is that this person leads positive image life, was different noble deeds And good deeds. However, no one can predict in advance how the name of a relative will affect the boy in his future life. Time will tell.

Most popular name (regardless of year)

Trying to choose the best name for a boy, parents are ready to study a lot of literature, ask for advice from all their friends and relatives, or, on the contrary, decide without consulting anyone. Anyway to this important event prepare thoroughly, for example, study the statistics of the most popular ones and choose one. From year to year, the most used are: Maxim, Alexander, Nikita, Daniil, Kirill, Artem, Egor, Andrey, Roman, Sergey, Alexey, Denis, Ilya, Ivan.

Among the rare names you can find a lot of good and very sonorous ones. At the same time, they will not hurt your ears or serve as a subject of ridicule from your peers. These include the following names: Leo, Georg, Damian, Evsey, Julian, Daniel, Oscar, Ruslan, Adam.

If there are two sons

When choosing the best name for boys (for example, if twins or twins were born), the mother can not be tormented between two different ones. This is undoubtedly a plus, but you should not make them very similar to each other or double in meaning. It is advisable to choose those that have similar endings, letters or complement each other. For example, these could be such combinations as Mikhail and Daniil, Nikolai and Alexey, Vyacheslav and Yaroslav, Roman and Ivan.

There is one option when parents ask their children who are still in the womb about their preferred choice in terms of the best name for boys. When communicating with them, you can try asking which name they like best. Some pregnant women note that their children communicated their preference to them through abdominal kicks. It is worth noting that many future parents use this method, and it finds a positive response in a certain environment.

Double name

Borrowed from foreigners double names began to meet in Russia. We are not talking about families of other nationalities. In this way, parents with Russian roots want to highlight their child. More and more it began to look like a tribute to fashion, especially among those who strive to be like show business stars. As for the child himself, in particular a growing boy, it can be noted that such children grow up to be somewhat self-centered. I'm with early years instill special significance (usually for merits that the child has yet to acquire).

Few people know why foreigners name their children this way. One of the versions is as follows: when the child grows up, he will choose the name he likes. In Russian society, female paired names are more common. It is difficult to imagine a boy who will then give his name to a child in the form of a double patronymic. And the process of pronouncing such a name is quite complicated, so it is extremely rarely used in Russia.

Most Popular

To be on trend, parents can give their son one of the popular names of the year. You can even ask the employees of the local registry office for such a list. It is also proposed to use this method of analysis when searching for an answer to the question of what is the best name for a boy that can be chosen so that it does not appear too often. From year to year, one can trace a certain consistency in terms of the popularity of the following male names: Andrei, Artem, Denis, Evgeniy, Maxim, Mikhail, Pavel, Nikolai, Kirill.

Borrowed from abroad

In large cities and million-plus cities you can find large number not only visiting foreigners, but also local residents who give their newborn boys foreign names. Most often, this occurs in couples where one of the parents is of a different nationality, religion or language. These include any name that sounds unusual to Russian ears: Arnold, David, Mark, Rudolf, Caesar, Edmond, Michael, Damian and others. They are rare and speak about the foreign roots of the parents. The most extreme case that justifies parents who decide to give such a name is the desire to highlight the child and make him more noticeable.

By time of year

There is another way to choose a name while the parents have not decided and are searching - according to the season when he is due to be born. There are four of them in total, and they are usually distinguished by personality characteristics. Starting from the very first, winter, you can give brief description the future personality of the boy: he is strong-willed and purposeful, has good health and hard work. Therefore, the name must be appropriate: Valery, Egor, Yuri, Dmitry, Victor, Damir, Vadim, Sergey, Oleg, Platon.

Next comes spring. And this is a warmer character, sociable, reasonable. Boys born at this time of year should have a meaning in their name that defines them as cautious and non-conflicting. Suitable ones would be Nikita, Ivan, Philip, Alexey, Boris, German, Danil, Kuzma, Rostislav, Ilya.

The summer season is associated with names that speak of generosity, friendliness, and openness. Therefore, the best options may be such as Vasily, Kirill, Makar, Nikolai, Miron, Arseny, Roman, Anton, Yulian. And ends the year autumn season, which indicates the presence of such traits as family, honesty, caring, logic, intelligence. Suitable names for boys: Evgeny, Peter, Artem, Ruslan, Matvey, Bogdan, Fedor, Rinat.

    Sooner or later, every parent faces the question: what to name their child. Some people think about the name of their unborn child even before pregnancy, others - before childbirth or immediately after the birth of a child. Be that as it may, when choosing a name, we advise you to adhere to the following recommendations.
    1. The name should be easy to pronounce, have many variations that are pleasant to the ear (Natasha, Nata, Tata, Tasha, Natalie, Natulya).
    2. The name should evoke pleasant emotions, both in its owner and in those around him.
    3. It is not advisable to name a child after the father or mother. Having the same name, mother or daughter, father and son often cannot find common language and live in a state of constant confrontation. In addition, such children often demonstrate capriciousness, irritability, and intransigence.
    4. It is also not recommended to give a name in honor of deceased or deceased relatives, since it is believed that in this case the fate of his namesake may pass to the child.
    5. A rare, exotic name imposes certain obligations on a person. A child who does not quite live up to his name will become embarrassed by it and may grow up withdrawn.
    6. A child will grow up to be more sociable and pleasant in communication if diminutive forms are easily formed on his behalf (Valya, Valechka, Valyusha, Valentinka).
    7. The chosen name must correspond to the patronymic. For a soft middle name (Andreevna, Alekseevna, Dmitrievich), it is recommended to select a hard name (Olga, Inna, Svetlana, Victor). And vice versa, if the middle name is hard (Petrovich, Pavlovich), then the child’s name should be soft (Andrey, Alexey, Sergey).
    8. Nowadays, many parents name their children after the saint on whose day the child was born. This is very the right decision, since a child named in this way acquires a heavenly patron for his entire life. Since the name days of several saints are celebrated on each day of the year, it is recommended that you read the description of the lives of these saints before choosing a name.

    Choosing a name for a boy.

    When giving a name to a child, it is necessary to take into account that all of the specified characteristics are nothing more than prerequisites that can be easily corrected by proper upbringing.

    Alexander(Greek) - guardian, protector. A strong, confident, assertive person, a born leader.

    Alexey(Greek) – protecting, preserving, guarding. A person is strong, self-confident, calm, independent and balanced, thoughtful, diligent and patient. Adapts well to any living conditions. Absolutely does not accept violence in any of its manifestations (both in relation to oneself and in relation to another person).

    Anatoly(Greek) – resident of Anatolia, eastern person. A calm, balanced, loyal, assiduous person, prone to loneliness, often very stubborn and strong-willed. Can be secretive.

    Andrey(Greek) – courageous, courageous. The person is patient, calm, prudent, hardworking. Can be touchy and vindictive.

    Anton(Greek) – fighter, fighter, opponent. A determined person, but cautious and prudent. For many Antonovs, life consists of alternating periods of incredible efficiency and extraordinary laziness.

    Arkady(Greek) – a person from Arcadia. The person is active, inquisitive, cheerful, not burdened with complexes, and sufficiently self-confident.

    Artem(Greek) – healthy. A person who is self-confident, strong, prone to leadership, firm, courageous, respected by many, has his own opinion about everything. Possesses analytical skills and logical thinking.

    Arthur(Celtic) – bear. A man of action, has remarkable mind, quickly forgets insults, has a rich imagination, a dreamer.

    Arkhip(Greek) – rider, horse breeder. A person is proud, reasonable, firm, persistent, patient, persistent and hardworking, economical and devoted to his family, kind, but sometimes selfish.

    Bogdan(Slavic) – given by God. A balanced, stubborn, persistent person, with incredible self-control, has an agile mind, and is artistic.

    Boris(Slavic) – a fighter, glorious in the fight. A person is solid, stubborn, purposeful, tough (sometimes cruel), hardworking, witty, strong-willed. Cannot accept defeats. Not self-critical enough.

    Vadim(Slavic) – attractive, beloved. A balanced, calm person, prone to episodes of thoughtfulness, reflection, introspection, unforgiving, says what he thinks, does not like hypocrisy, easily adapts to new conditions of existence.

    Valentine(Latin) – strong, strong. The person is hardy, calm, friendly, thorough, courageous, patient, sincere, sincere, pleasant to talk to.

    Valery(Latin) – strong, vigorous. A person who is purposeful, self-confident, cheerful, proud, optimistic, prone to leadership, and energetic.

    Vasily(Greek) – king. The person is sympathetic, sincere, cheerful, thorough, strong, committed, and sometimes simple-minded.

    Victor(Latin) – winner. A person with a heroic character, energetic, impulsive, but self-critical and capable of sober thinking. Witty, cheerful, ambitious. If Victor's abilities remain unfulfilled, problems with alcohol may arise.

    Vitaly(Latin) – cheerful, vital. A person prone to self-examination, dreamy, proud, prefers loneliness to noisy company, economical, neat, friendly and unforgiving. Sometimes absent-minded.

    Vladimir(Slavic) – master of the world. A noble, generous, balanced, respectful, self-confident, sociable person, prone to leadership, very efficient.

    Vladislav(Slavic) – glorious, possessing glory. A strong-willed person, persistent, ironic, hidden, diplomatic, sometimes two-faced, leading a double life, a great debater, always confident in his rightness, has a very painful pride, artistic abilities, and jealous.

    Vsevolod(Slavic) – owner of everything. A person is optimistic, balanced, kind, able to persuade and convince other people of what he believes in, prone to self-criticism and introspection, diligent, well trained, authoritative. Does not like risk, uncertainty about the future.

    Vyacheslav(Slavic) – the most important. A sporty, strong-willed person striving for leadership; passionate, patient, hardworking, fair, cheerful, leading healthy image life, has organizational skills, and is very proactive.

    Gennady(Greek) – aristocrat, a person of good pedigree. A solid, calm, unhurried, neat, ambitious, hardworking, balanced person, with high level intelligence.

    Georgiy(Greek) – landowner. The man is proud, ambitious, loves to study, is loved by women, has a rich imagination, does not tolerate ridicule.

    Gleb(German) – under the protection of God. A thrifty person, friendly, thorough, simple and pleasant to talk to, serious, diligent, often the owner of “golden hands.” Can be very stubborn and headstrong.

    Gregory(Greek) – cheerful, awake. A man of action, decisive, purposeful, very proud, energetic, restless, self-confident, a lone hero.

    David(Hebrew) - beloved. The person is decisive, proud, a good conversationalist, strong-willed, good-natured, balanced, loves to read and travel, has innate intelligence, a tenacious memory and an analytical mind.

    Daniel(Hebrew) – God is my judge. A non-conflict person, unhurried, focused, prone to soul-searching, very concerned about the peace and well-being of the family, judges people not by their appearance, but by their inner content, and is good-natured.

    Denis(Greek) – dedicated to Dionysus (the god of winemaking and fertility in Ancient Greece). The person is cheerful, active, energetic, life-loving, quick-witted, erudite, has organizational skills, can become a leader, resourceful, and often deceitful. Under unfortunate circumstances, he is prone to alcohol abuse.

    Dmitry(Greek) – belonging to Demeter, under the protection of Demeter (the goddess of fertility in Ancient Greece). The person is calm, but this calmness can hide an explosive and impulsive temperament. Independent, friendly, a supporter of justice in everything, to some extent a maximalist, resilient and hardworking.

    Evgeniy(Greek) – noble. The person is balanced, unhurried, good-natured, has a sense of humor, can be ironic, under the influence of the moment is capable of impulsive, unusual actions, intelligent, works well in a team of like-minded people.

    Egor– Russian version of the name Georgiy. The characteristics of these names are basically similar.

    Efim(Greek) – complacent. A dreamy person, proud, sensitive, connoisseur of beauty, owner creative thinking may become very irritable.

    Zakhar(Hebrew) – memory of the Lord. A positive person, firm and persistent, kind, hardworking, patient, analytical.

    Ivan(Hebrew) - God's mercy. A kind man, simple-minded, possessing inner strength, strives to assert himself, finds a way out of any situation, is self-sufficient and independent.

    Ignat(Latin) – fiery. The character is solid, decisive, strong-willed; self-confident, taciturn, courageous, strives for leadership, proud, passionate, ambitious.

    Igor(Scandinavian) – warlike. A person who is active, agile, diligent in his studies, proud, self-sufficient, optimistic, prone to leadership, a maximalist.

    Ilya(Hebrew) – the fortress of the Lord. A calm, even-keeled, purposeful, ambitious person, demanding of others and himself, economical.

    Innocent(Latin) – innocent. An intelligent, romantic, quiet, calm, soft, balanced, cheerful, friendly, sociable, vulnerable, proud person, endowed with extraordinary erudition.

    Kirill(Greek) – ruler, solar. A person who is calm, firm, cheerful, strong, in difficult situations cannot always properly relieve tension, and it accumulates inside, leading to severe irritability. Independent, self-sufficient, strict and demanding towards his family members (especially children). Patient, hardworking.

    Klim(Latin) – merciful. Calmness and serenity are easily replaced by recklessness and eccentricity, he is incapable of deep feelings and experiences, cannot tolerate attacks in his direction, can easily fall into a rage, but cools down just as quickly. Easily adapts to changing conditions environment, may be subject to other people's influence. Under the influence bad people may become cruel and indifferent.

    Kondrat(Greek) – quadrangular. A person is solid, harmonious, balanced, persistent and courageous, strong-willed, independent, able to instantly concentrate when necessary, ambitious and ambitious. Can be rude and simple-minded. If misunderstandings arise, he can allow himself to make harsh statements.

    Konstantin(Greek) – permanent, solid. A kind, calm person who appreciates beauty, is painfully proud, very vulnerable, and cannot stand ridicule. At best, soft-spoken, sociable and charming. At worst - cynical, mocking, rude. Patient, ambitious, artistic.

    Roots(Latin) – horn. The person is soft, balanced, reliable, but proud, ambitious, does not tolerate critical statements addressed to him. Among strangers reserved, careful. Can be vindictive. Hardworking, imaginative and creative.

    Kuzma(Greek) – space, world. Possesses strongly expressed feeling humor, very witty, kind, cheerful. Sometimes there is a lack of firmness and self-confidence.

    Laurel(Latin) – bay leaf. The person is balanced, strong-willed, proud, and has a pronounced ability to lead. May suffer from a lack of sense of humor.

    Lion(Greek) – lion. The person is courageous, self-confident, balanced, ambitious, energetic, and can sometimes be a little secretive.

    Leonid(Greek) – similar to a lion. A non-conflict person, sociable, cheerful, with a wonderful sense of humor, cheerful, kind, strong, courageous, energetic, ambitious. If his grandiose plans are not realized and he does not find a place in life, he may begin to abuse alcohol.

    Makar(Greek) – happy. A person is restrained, thorough, reserved, secretive, strong, purposeful, proud, independent, not vindictive, can stand up for himself and his loved ones.

    Maxim(Latin) – great, greatest. A proud, ambitious, energetic, self-confident man, a favorite of women. Sometimes he may not have enough strength to implement grandiose plans in full.

    Mark(Latin) – hammer. A person is independent, practical, self-confident, sober-minded, proud, balanced, with high self-esteem, the owner of a rich imagination, will and ambition.

    Matvey(Hebrew) – given by the Lord. The person is self-sufficient, generous, unforgiving, ambitious, and knows moderation in everything.

    Michael(Hebrew) – one who is like God. The person is active, enthusiastic, passionate, inquisitive, has many hobbies, in childhood he is obedient and friendly with his parents, good-natured, but easily offended, proud, and has a good sense of humor.

    Nikita(Greek) – winner. A person is serious, firm, persistent, patient, dreamy, has a rich imagination, hardworking and assiduous, has a great influence on others, is sociable, and sometimes uncritical of himself.

    Nikifor(Greek) – Victorious. The person is strong, thorough, reasonable, somewhat reserved, with a quick reaction to what is happening, proud, and may be prone to irritability.

    Nikolay(Greek) – conqueror of nations. A contradictory person, at the same time strict and cheerful, sociable and tough, easy and tense. Versatile, with a wide range of interests, self-willed, restless, mobile, purposeful, and has organizational skills. Can be secretive.

    Oleg(Scandinavian) – sacred. A person is cautious, prudent, proud, secretive, little emotional, has logic and analytical thinking, ambitious, practical and pragmatic, balanced and witty. May abuse alcohol.

    Ostap(Greek) – stable. A person is reasonable, independent, knows his worth, proud, with a rich imagination, not very sociable, patient, persistent, strong-willed, able to control himself and control his emotions in any scenario.

    Paul(Latin) – small. The person is calm, somewhat phlegmatic, flexible, balanced, prone to laziness, a good learner, optimistic, good-natured.

    Peter(Greek) – rock, stone. A person who is active, good-natured, proud, touchy, trusting, mocking, honest and truth-loving (sometimes too much).

    Prokhor(Greek) – began to sing. The person is firm, emotional, but closed and uncommunicative, stubborn, strong-willed, has good control over his emotions, is proud, ambitious, and quick-tempered.

    Rodion(Greek) – heroic. A person is firm, calm, balanced, self-possessed and independent, unhurried, reasonable, careful in choosing friends, self-sufficient, ambitious, dispassionate, sober-minded.

    Novel(Greek) – strong, strong. The person is optimistic, cheerful, somewhat superficial, can be reckless, impatient, not very attentive, carried away, not very truthful, has a quick mind, sociable.

    Svyatoslav(Slavic) – glorious in holiness. A person is ambitious, secretive, patient, balanced, strong-willed, able to insist on his own and stand up for himself, self-confident, independent, purposeful.

    Semyon(Hebrew) – heard. In his youth he is active and excitable, but with age he becomes more solid, stable, persistent, and balanced. Throughout his life he remains proud and touchy.

    Sergey(Latin) – highly respected. The person is calm, balanced, sometimes inconspicuous, does not stand out among others, self-critical, not proud, diplomatic, has good control over his emotions, and is difficult to anger.

    Stanislav(Slavic) – glorious fortress. The person is light, active, excitable, and in childhood pugnacious and cocky. With age, he becomes proud, purposeful, and witty. Often touchy, irritable, and can be scandalous.

    Stepan(Greek) – crowned. The person is cheerful, witty, kind, not very purposeful, not vindictive, easy-going, does not get hung up on difficulties and troubles, does not have sufficient diligence and the ability to concentrate.

    Taras(Greek) – causing confusion to the enemy. The person is straightforward, stubborn, but vulnerable and sensitive. Can be a very irritable, touchy and explosive person. It is very difficult to adapt to the changing conditions of the surrounding world.

    Timofey(Greek) – worshiper of God. A calm, independent, agile, balanced person, capable of strong emotions, but reserved in public. Purposeful, loves to learn, achieves a lot.

    Timur(Greek) – successful. A person is balanced, faithful, decent, phlegmatic, thoughtful, reasonable, prone to introspection, and has a rich imagination.

    Trofim(Greek) – breadwinner. A person is strong-willed, stubborn, proud, reacts painfully to unfavorable environmental conditions, can withdraw into himself and accumulate discontent for a long time.

    Fedor(Greek) – gift of God. A person is calm, firm, self-confident, not touchy, good-natured, easy-going, balanced, friendly, has a strong feeling self-esteem, rational thinking.

    Felix(Latin) – happy. An intelligent person, outwardly calm, even if emotions are boiling in his soul, independent, reasonable, adapts well to environmental conditions, is careful and prudent.

    Philip(Greek) – lover of horses. The person is touchy, selfish, whiny, secretive, with frequent mood swings, emotional, proud, loves to be the center of attention.

    Thomas(Hebrew) – twin. An inquisitive, imaginative, but cautious person; prone to introspection, independent, calm, proud, non-conflict, with a developed sense of humor, can be somewhat withdrawn.

    Edward(German) – guardian of wealth. A person is confident, firm, purposeful, practical, but flexible and able to compromise, has a clear mind, good memory, persistent, achieves a lot in life, very businesslike.

    Yuri- variant of the name George. A cheerful, agile, lively person, with leadership abilities, the soul of the party, principled, with sparkling humor, independent, proud, hardworking and ambitious.

    Yakov(Hebrew) – follower. A lively, lively, firm, good-natured, philanthropic, self-loving person. We can say that Yakov is a down-to-earth person, with little interest in spiritual values. Can be quick-tempered and irritable.

    Yaroslav(Slavic) – glorious in his strength. The person is unhurried, thorough, firm, does not show off his emotions, secretive, a little on his own mind, dreamy, with a rich imagination, for the time being he is in the shadows.

    Choosing a name for a girl.

    When giving a name to a child, it is necessary to take into account that all of the specified characteristics are nothing more than prerequisites that can be easily corrected by proper upbringing.

    Ada(Jewish) – elegant. Calm, strong, constant, consistent, has her own opinion about everything, but does not impose it on others, faithful, persistent, serious, hardworking, sincere, a little sad.

    Alla(Arabic) – goddess. Expressive, spectacular, very energetic, purposeful, stubborn, confident, domineering, strong-willed, proud.

    Alexandra(Greek) – protector, guardian. Confident, assertive, powerful, charming, not very economical, independent, ambitious.

    Alice(German) – baby. Honest, witty, cheerful, sociable, the life of the party, proud, ambitious, dreamer and visionary, economical.

    Albina(Latin) – white. Contradictory, with some she is sweet, calm, soft, compliant, with others she is firm, uncompromising, proud. In the worst case, she is arrogant and very proud.

    Anastasia(Greek) – resurrection. Thoughtful, hardworking, with logical thinking and a penchant for analysis, independent, relies only on herself, purposeful, can become irritable, has excellent intuition.

    Angelina, Angela, Angelica(Greek) – messenger. Proud (to the point of narcissism), temperamental, lively, loves to be in the center of attention, jealous, somewhat superficial, very emotional, economical.

    Anna(Hebrew) – grace. Selfless, open, benevolent, calm, soft, kind, patient, compassionate, can underestimate and dislike herself, very serious, caring, economical.

    Antonina(Greek) – acquiring in return. In childhood, restless, playful, cheerful, cheerful, good-natured, with age she becomes more balanced, collected, prudent, prudent, purposeful. She is easy to train, grasps everything on the fly, is engaged in self-improvement, economical, caring, with a sparkling sense of humor.

    Anfisa(Greek) – blooming. Energetic, agile, ambitious, witty, with a developed imagination, very emotional, with excellent intuition, has a tendency to lead (especially in the family).

    Bella(Latin) – beauty. Reasonable, calm, unhurried, inquisitive, sociable, proud, can worry for a long time over minor troubles, loyal, affectionate, a little stubborn.

    Valentina(Latin) – strong, strong. Strict, self-critical, responsible, flexible, benevolent, serious, collected, economical, can easily succumb to the influence of others and become too trusting.

    Valeria(Latin) – cheerful, strong. Self-confident, agile, cheerful, possessing undoubted attractiveness in the eyes of men, as well as some charm. She can be stubborn, unpredictable and even eccentric, easily gets angry, but quickly moves away, sensitive, a little mysterious, romantic, does not like to do housework.

    Varvara(Latin) – foreigner, foreigner. Closed, taciturn, touchy, secretive, mysterious, patient.

    Vasilisa(Greek) – queen. Talented, cheerful, proud, reacts sharply to ridicule, can become secretive and ironic.

    Faith(Russian). Calm, balanced, friendly, selfless, humane, reasonable, susceptible to other people's influence, practical, economic.

    Veronica(Greek) – bringing victory. Active, somewhat flighty, romantic, charming, proud, picky in choosing her environment, she is successful with men.

    Victoria(Slavic) – winner, victorious. Assertive, agile, energetic, emotional, stubborn, a little extravagant, has excellent organizational skills, and a good sense of humor.

    Vladislav(Slavic) – glorious mistress. Purposeful, dynamic, impulsive, very emotional, impatient, has a vivid imagination, a sharp mind, strives to take a leading position, independent, practical, ambitious, self-reliant.

    Galina(Greek) – quiet. Balanced, reasonable, responsible, very smart, intelligent, respects people and demands respect, ambitious, hardworking, selfless, strict.

    Daria(Persian) – strong. Impulsive, cheerful, lucky, a ringleader and leader, emotional and unpredictable, has creative abilities and an extraordinary sense of humor.

    Diana(Latin) – divine. Sensitive, leisurely, thorough, decent, principled, proud, a little constrained in communicating with strangers.

    Dora(Greek) – given by God. Persistent, firm, prone to self-examination and self-criticism, outwardly indifferent and cool at heart, she can be a soft and vulnerable person.

    Evgenia(Greek) – noble. Self-confident, firm, optimistic, good-natured, but can be strict, studies well, achieves significant heights in her career, has a wonderful sense of humor, is sociable, has a penchant for leadership, is economical, loves her children very much.

    Evdokia(Greek) – favor. Kind, a little insecure, capable of self-sacrifice, agile, pleasant to talk to, optimistic, economical.

    Catherine(Greek) – pure, immaculate. Active, lively, proud, very self-confident in appearance, but at heart tender, vulnerable and very romantic, sociable, kind, cheerful, takes her choice of friends and life partner very seriously, ambitious.

    Elena(Greek) – torch. Affectionate, very excitable (especially in adolescence), proud, very capable, economical, and an excellent conversationalist.

    Elizabeth(Hebrew) – worshiping God. Purposeful, somewhat selfish, strong-willed, hardworking, diligent, capable of learning, loves to attract everyone's attention, self-sufficient, a little extravagant, has logical thinking and a penchant for analysis, has good control over her emotions, achieves success in her professional activities, economical, a little excessive Strict towards family and friends.

    Zhanna(Hebrew) – grace, mercy of God (originally – John). Courageous, firm, purposeful, passionate, has a penchant for sports and reaches certain heights in this area, capable of rash actions, temperamental, emotional, not well-balanced.

    Zinaida(Greek) – divine daughter. Ambitious, sober-minded, firm, persistent, somewhat selfish, with a very strong character, strives to subjugate those around him, to impose his opinion, smart, punchy, very energetic.

    Zoya(Greek) – life. Kind, trusting, soft, patient, obedient, cheerful, lively, romantic, needs the love of others, very sensitive, passionate.

    Isabel- one of the variants of the Hebrew name Elizabeth. Energetic, lively, active, emotional, sensual, temperamental, self-confident, selfish, often provokes conflict situations, reaches great career heights.

    Inga(Scandinavian) – fertile. Tough, firm, selfish, very proud, it always seems to her that someone is trying to infringe on her interests, she is constantly ready to fight back, looks like a tense spring, tends to exaggerate her own difficulties, is constantly dissatisfied with her fate and believes that she deserves better , pays little attention to close people, is not very sociable.

    Inna(Latin) – stormy. Emotional, artistic, stubborn, self-confident, excitable, capable of strong emotions, sometimes, tired of violent emotions, falls into a state of inhibition and loses control over the situation. He has high intelligence, a wonderful sense of humor, and organizational skills.

    Irina(Greek) – world. Active, purposeful, principled, in adolescence prone to maximalism, independent, has an analytical mind, reaches great heights in her career, independent, has the makings of a leader, diplomatic, does not really like to do housework.

    And I(Greek) – violet. Vulnerable, painfully proud, emotional, active, passionate, cheerful, with a wonderful sense of humor, strong-willed, with a creative mindset, makes a brilliant career.

    Kaleria(Greek) – beautifully flowing. Energetic, active, mobile, purposeful, restless, proud, capable of deep feelings, she can become very irritable.

    Karina(Latin) – the keel of a ship, which controls the ship. Self-confident, proud, purposeful, somewhat hasty, can grow up to be very selfish, likes to lead others, impose her opinion, domineering, impatient.

    Kira(Greek) – mistress, mistress. Tenacious, purposeful, assertive, clear, brave and fearless, she knows exactly what she wants from life and the people around her, but at heart she is gentle, kind, understanding, and sympathetic. He has excellent intuition and strives for self-improvement. She may be somewhat careless in her statements.

    Claudia(Latin) – lame. Hardworking, sociable, can stand up for herself and protect her interests, has no vindictiveness, has a good sense of humor, takes very good care of herself, follows fashion trends, is serious, ambitious, strives for financial independence from her parents and husband, sometimes too straightforward and truth-loving, good housewife, caring mother.

    Christina(Greek) – dedicated to Christ. Intelligent, proud, strives to conquer the whole world, break into elite circles, does not like to do housework, often has her head in the clouds, has a rich imagination, and can be ironic.

    Xenia(Greek) – guest, stranger. Independent, stubborn, strong-willed, self-confident, energetic, proud, can become aggressive if her interests are hurt, reacts painfully to comments (even fair ones), has a high ability to concentrate on achieving a given goal.

    Larisa(Greek) – seagull. Unbalanced, reckless, hides her dissatisfaction with herself and others under the guise of calm and contentment, urgently needs the love, approval and understanding of loved ones, pays a lot of attention to other people's shortcomings, not noticing her own.

    Lydia(Greek) - originally from Lydia (region of Turkey). Active, sociable, fair, judges people not by rank and title, but by their inner content, simple and pleasant to communicate with, self-confident, non-aggressive and unforgiving, has a tendency to laziness, enjoys universal respect and support, happy in family life.

    Love(Slavic). Restrained, patient, self-confident, self-sufficient, friendly, a little reserved, stubbornly pursues her goal, brave, hardworking, a little stubborn, passionate and loyal.

    Lyudmila(Slavic) – dear to people. Sensual, calculating, has an analytical mind, has good control over her emotions, persistent, diplomatic.

    Margarita(Latin) – pearl. Lively, sociable, prone to leadership, a little harsh, does not accept half measures, is embarrassed to show her feelings, has a logical mind, serious, fair, has a wonderful sense of humor.

    Marianne(a merger of two Hebrew names Mary and Anna) - sad grace or rejected grace. Passionate, sensitive, strong-willed, proud, emotional, can be conflicting and spoiled.

    Marina(Latin) – sea. Active, cheerful, pleasant to talk to, loved by many, self-confident, a little willful, impetuous, prone to introspection, takes into account the opinions of others, easily acquires complexes (with improper upbringing), cheerful, with a wonderful sense of humor.

    Maria(Hebrew) – sad, madam. Immersed in her own world, a little detached, warm-hearted, has a good sense of humor, passionate, somewhat reserved, outwardly strict and very serious, very attached to her children, sincere, caring, economic, principled.

    Martha(Aramaic) – lady. Business-minded, sober-minded, firm, straightforward, energetic, purposeful, knows her worth, can stand up for herself and her interests, ambitious, has logical thinking. Nadezhda (Slavic). Patient, optimistic, assiduous, cheerful, life-loving, outwardly calm, deep down very emotional, kind, sympathetic, hardworking, purposeful, economical.

    Natalia(Latin) – native. She is calm on the outside, overwhelmed by many emotions in her soul, reacts sharply to external stimuli, is proud, does not tolerate criticism, but with praise you can get anything out of her, she is sensitive and vulnerable.

    Nika(Greek) – victory. Open, active, tough, somewhat superficial, calm, self-confident, proud, has a logical mind, excellent intuition.

    Nina(Sumerian) – queen, mistress. Down to earth, proud, proud, energetic and diligent, she sets herself specific goals and almost always achieves them, relies only on herself, is hardworking, jealous of other people's successes and achievements, independent, economical, does not accept jokes about herself.

    Nonna(Latin) – ninth. Independent, closed, emotional, impulsive in actions, proud, ambitious, conflict-ridden.

    Olga(Scandinavian) – sacred. Cautious, diplomatic, calculating, somewhat reserved, proud, hardworking, persistent, home-loving, capable of making a good career.

    Polina(Greek) - a derivative form of the name Apollinaria - belonging to Apollo. Smooth, calm, good-natured, picky in relationships, depending on the circumstances can become serious and strict, proud (in some cases arrogant and arrogant), always takes care of her appearance, hardworking, purposeful.

    Raisa(Greek) – easy-going, changeable, sociable, intelligent, enterprising, prone to introspection, cheerful and good-natured, influences people, can impose her opinion on others, loves nature and travel, achieves professional success.

    Regina(Latin) – queen. Decisive, self-confident, knows her own worth, does not really listen to the opinions of others, strives to take a leading position both in the family and in society, has outstanding business qualities, wonderful sense of humor.

    Svetlana(Slavic) – light. Emotional, cheerful, cheerful, impetuous, has a mobile mind and excellent intuition, is easy and pleasant to communicate with, has many friends and acquaintances, is not capable of very deep feelings, and is not very assiduous.

    Sofia(Greek) – wise. Diligent, diligent, deeply decent, principled, serious, reliable, very hardworking and persistent, economical and homely, gravitates toward science and art, talkative, needs the approval of loved ones, you can rely on her in difficult situations, and has a hard time dealing with failures.

    Stanislava(Slavic) – glorious fortress. Confident, integral, persistent, active, quickly absorbs information, studies well, has an agile mind, is a generator of ideas, curious, sociable, friendly, not very constant in love, faithful in friendship.

    Stephanie(Greek) – crown. Active, impulsive, reacts sharply to any changes in the world around her, proud, a little eccentric, cheerful, self-confident, has the makings of a leader, and makes a good career.

    Taisiya(Egyptian) – dedicated to the goddess. Cunning, active, emotional, cautious, excitable, diplomatic, secretive, persistent, cheerful, makes a good career.

    Tamara(Phoenician) – palm tree. Straightforward, firm, emotional, sensual, inquisitive, studies well, deeply delves into the information received, has a rich imagination, fantasy, dreamy, serious, does not show her emotions to others, is a born leader both in the family and in the work team.

    Tatiana(Greek) – delivered, appointed. Decisive, self-confident, active, has her own opinion about everything, but does not impose it on others, sets realistic goals and achieves them without much difficulty, practical, can be impetuous and a little impulsive, has some problems with a sense of humor, sociable, sociable, logical.

    Ulyana(Latin), an independent variant of the name Julian. Cheerful, active, emotional, optimistic, sensual, has creative abilities, does not do well in the exact sciences, sociable, loves company.

    Evelina, Ellina(Greek) – Greek. Purposeful, emotional, proud, not very strong, sincere, artistic, easily develops complexes, can become vindictive.

    Eleanor(Greek) – compassion. Ambitious, a little arrogant, cold, purposeful, strives for material independence from her parents, even if this independence is provided to her by an elderly but wealthy man.

    Julia(Latin) - curly. Unbalanced, excitable, playful, prone to laziness, capricious, often stubborn, willful, with an adventurous streak, impulsive, inclined to study the exact sciences, life-loving, ambitious.

    “The ABCs of a young mother” V.N. Nechaeva, V.P. Mitsio, I.A. Kalyuzhnova

Hooray! An ultrasound showed who lives under my mother’s heart. “Son,” you are touched. “Heir!”, the future father rejoices. This is the moment when a woman begins to refer to her belly quite specifically, and that means it’s time to call it “belly.” And although it is not the name that makes a person, often disputes from the series “Vladlen, Dionysus or Vanya” lead to the fact that the baby remains a “baby” until the very moment of receiving a birth certificate. It is right in such a situation to gather for a family council. And you need to go there, armed with information about what rare and beautiful names there are for boys.

Our ancestors believed that the name determines the fate and character of a person. For example, by calling their son Lazarus, adults believed that God himself would help him in life. And the Fadeev’s parents hoped that their children would become successful and deserve praise in everything. They expected protection from Alexei, and courage from Brave.

The name is protection and the basis for personal development

In Indian tribes it was customary to give a person two names. One of them is false. It became public and was determined as the child grew up, when he showed any of his special qualities or skills. For example, "Keen Eye".

And the other thing was true and secret. It was carefully hidden, especially from strangers. It was believed that the enemy, who learned the secret of your naming, would gain power over your destiny, life and death.

In Christian families even today, during the sacrament of baptism, the child is given a second name, which is recommended not to be advertised to strangers. His clergyman determines by church calendar, taking into account the baby’s date of birth and the Orthodox name book. So, the child is named according to the calendar. That is, in honor of a certain saint, whose day coincides with the day the child is born or falls on the eighth or fortieth day from birth.

They say that the name of a ship determines the success of its voyage. That’s why parents often name their baby, taking into account the possible energetic influence of the Universe.

From a psychological point of view, a name is one of the main indicators of personality. This way the child can realize his gender identity, isolate himself from other people and take the path of independent development. Even new generations remember their ancestors based on their names.

How to name your son: 5 rules

All conversations regarding the influence of a person’s naming on his fate need not be taken seriously. But when choosing a beautiful and unusual name for a baby, you still need to take into account certain, quite mundane, nuances. There are five basic rules to follow when naming your son.

  1. Consonance with full name. Agree, the full name “Romeo Emelyanovich Sisev” will always attract unnecessary attention to the child. Not every teacher will say “Gremislav Abdelkhakimovich Eldarkhanov.” And Prince Mikhailovich Zhuk, quite likely, having matured, will want to change his name. Therefore, if the family surname is not elegant, it is better to find an unpretentious, simple name for the baby. For example, “Vadim Mikhailovich Zhuk” will look much more advantageous.
  2. Compatibility with patronymic. There are several recommendations here. First you need to take into account the nationality of the father. For example, if the father is Armenian Gegham, then it is better to name the boy accordingly. Agree, the combination “Avetis Geghamovich” sounds strong in comparison with the combination “Vasily Geghamovich”. Another tip: focus on the length of the middle name. Better suited for bulky middle names short names, and vice versa. For example, “Lev Konstantinovich” sounds more melodic than “Innokenty Konstantinovich”. Also, you should not give your baby a “name” that ends with the letter that the father’s name begins with. For example, “Vadim Maksimovich”. Also think about avoiding the accumulation of vowels and consonants at the junction of the first name and patronymic. Because there is a high probability that in a conversation people will involuntarily distort them. An example of a not entirely successful combination: “Peter Vladimirovich.” But combinations play well when there are beautiful sound matches or names begin with the same letter: “Andrey Alekseevich”, “Elisey Evgenievich”.
  3. Correspondence to time and place. No one condemns parents’ love for popular television products, but it’s unlikely that Batman or Nolik will feel comfortable in the village of Michurino. Edward and Barak will also look special in the Slavic environment. And Tirrion or Mason during puberty will not collect autographs, but will carry bruises home. Therefore, think carefully about your decision before naming your boy with a name that is too unusual.
  4. Transformation. Almost all names have derivative variations. They are transformed into diminutive forms or nicknames. And the latter may turn out to be offensive. This must be taken into account so that the child is not teased later. Please note that mom will be able to call Maxim “Maksyusha or Masya”, and friends - “Max” or “Maksyukha”. It’s more difficult with Gleb. Parents will address him: “Glebushka.” And peers will immediately twist it: “Bread.”
  5. Unisex names. Psychologists recommend to parents: “When naming your son, avoid options with vague gender references.” For example, these are the names Zhenya or Valya, which are suitable for both girls and boys. This is especially important if the child’s last name is not declined. For example, surnames like “Viligura” or “Katz” do not give an idea of ​​who their bearer is - a guy or a girl. Therefore, “Sasha Shuvalov” is still an acceptable option, but “Sasha Koval” is alas. This combination can provoke problems with the child’s self-identification and suppress exceptional masculine traits in character.

In Russia, the tradition of naming a child after relatives remains. For example, like a great-grandfather. This custom is a matter of debate. Some young parents are against him, because they believe that the baby can absorb the negative experiences of his ancestors and repeat their fate. And other mothers and fathers insist: naming according to the generic principle is additional protection.

It is better not to name your son after a relative who suffered a brazen, painful death or who had problems with the law. Psychologists also advise not to take your father's name. Otherwise, little San Sanych may not grow up loving son and an assistant, but an irritable and insecure eternal fatherly competitor.

In pursuit of fashion: how do Ikars and Masons live?

Parents want their son to have a rare, energetically strong and fashionable name. But when considering unusual names for boys, it is important not to go too far. Fashion is a changeable thing. It is enough to look at history. Remember how, based on the events of 1917, the boys were named October, Revo, Vladlen.

During the Soviets, Perkosrak (in honor of the launch of the first space rocket) and Dazdraperma (in honor of May Day) were popular.

Subsequently, after the collapse of the USSR, there was a wave of naming children based on TV series. Enrique, the Masons, the Cruzes, Rogelio, and Guillermo were registered.

But practice shows that after a few years all the tricky options not only lose relevance, but even look funny. But traditional names in our culture like Nikolai, Vladimir, Oleg and Alexei always sound decent.

Today there is a tendency for Old Church Slavonic names to come back into use. And among them there are unusually beautiful names for boys. For example, in 1990, only seven Platons were registered throughout Russia. And in 2015, this male name was already among the ten most popular in the country.

What are men called: interesting facts

Male names are divided into soft and hard. In the first case, boys grow up calm and docile. In the second - stubborn and strong.

Soft ones include those in which there are many vowels, as well as quiet sonants - th, r, l, m, n. This is Ilya, Benjamin, Mikhail.

But in hard ones, voiced paired consonants predominate in the company of the growling letter “P”. These are the names of Yegor, Gregory, Dmitry.

There are also neutral options that endow their owner with moderate determination and wisdom. This applies to Arkady, Andrey, Pavel.

Romans are born in February, and Marks are born in July.

If parents cannot come to a common decision on what to name their son, then they can resort to the help of a calendar. Observations by old-timers show that completely different options are suitable for children born at different times of the year.

It is better to name winter boys by choosing from the following list: Roman, Anatoly, Peter, Semyon, Arseny, Ivan.

Spring children are comfortable if their names are Danila, Styopa, Nikita or David. For summer, good options are Sergey, Kostya, Nazar, Mark, Matvey or Pasha.

And the autumn baby will be in harmony with the name Timofey, German, Fedor or Anton. There are even special layouts where options suitable for naming are listed by month.

Naming by number and horoscope

Even adults resort to the help of numerology. To do this, the number of the baby’s date of birth is calculated and a name corresponding to this number is selected in special literature. Also, adults often pay attention to compatibility with the baby’s zodiac sign. And they even look at the combination with the names of the parents themselves in order to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings at the energetic level.

The most common name on the planet, given to more than 300 million men, is Muhammad. In Muslim culture, this is the customary name for all first-born children. But in Moscow, according to the capital's civil registry office, since 1991 Alexander has always been in the lead. In 2015, Muscovites also often registered boys as Maxims, Artems, Mikhails, and Daniils.

Top 30 trendy boy names

Today there are special thematic sites where you can find unusual name boy, find out its meaning and see what children are called in different countries.

Based on the statistics of traffic to such resources, we can compile a list of the most popular modern male names. The top 30 trendy boy names of 2017 are given below.

  1. Diaz. This is a Spanish version of something more familiar in our environment. biblical name Yakov. Translated as “following on the heels.”
  2. Matvey. Translated from Hebrew as “given by the Lord.”
  3. Artem. In Greek it means "healthy" or "unharmed."
  4. Janis. Greek version of the Russian name Ivan. It means “God’s grace” or “God’s mercy.”
  5. Maxim. From Latin - “greatest”.
  6. Dmitry. From Greek - “dedicated to the goddess of fertility and agriculture Demeter.”
  7. Timofey. From Greek - “who worships God.”
  8. Daniel. Translated from Hebrew as “God is my judge.”
  9. Novel . From Latin - “Roman”.
  10. Arseny. Comes from the Greek - Arsenios. The meaning is “courageous”, “mature”.
  11. Egor. Russian transformation of the Greek name George. Meaning: "farmer".
  12. Kirill. From ancient Greek - “lord”, “lord”.
  13. Mark. From Latin - “hammer”. However, from French it is “marquis”. There are also versions that the name is dedicated to the god of war, Mars.
  14. Andrey . From ancient Greek - “brave”, “courageous”.
  15. Nikita. From Greek - “winner”.
  16. Ivan. Comes from the ancient Hebrew John - “merciful by God.”
  17. Alexey. From ancient Greek - “protector”, “protector”.
  18. Bogdan. The Slavs interpreted this name as “God’s gift.”
  19. Ilya. Transformation of the Hebrew name Eliyahu - "believer" or "power of God".
  20. Yaroslav. Has Slavic roots. IN different sources translated as “bright”, “glorious”, “strong”.
  21. Timur. A variation of the names Damir and Tamerlan. Translated from Mongolian as “iron”.
  22. Mikhail. From ancient Hebrew - “like God.”
  23. Vladislav. IN Slavic culture- “possessing glory.” The Polish version is "good ruler".
  24. Alexander . From Greek - “protector”.
  25. Sergey . From Latin - “noble”.
  26. Gleb. In Scandinavian culture - “favorite of the Gods.” The Slavic version of the origin compares this name with the words “block” and “pole”.
  27. Demid. Has Greek roots. Translated - “the advice of Zeus.” Zeus in mythology is the heavenly ruler, the world ruler.
  28. Denis. Derived from the ancient Greek - Dionysios. Interpreted as “reveler”, “merry fellow”.
  29. Ruslan. From Turkic - “lion”.
  30. Pavel. From Latin - “baby”.

A name for a child is, without exaggeration, an important component of his future life. It is known that among male names there are “strong” and “weak”, which have a certain energy and can endow a person with certain qualities. Therefore, before you give your son a name, be sure to familiarize yourself with its meaning.

In addition, parents need to remember that name abbreviations and affectionate nicknames can also affect the child's perception of his own self. It is worth alternating such manifestations of love with the full name, and also, if possible, reducing their use when the child is already in school. Otherwise, an adult man may forever remain a soft and infantile “Vlad”, although he had the makings of a strong Vlad.

If everyone knows about the “power” of the names Alexander and Vladimir, then there are less common names that many have forgotten about.

20 names for boys with strong energy


From Hebrew this name is translated as “God is the judge of everything” and has biblical origins.

Daniel is a strong, balanced man who is not inclined to make decisions in a hurry. He has a well-developed intuition, all matters are sorted out, and he accepts adversity and problems with restraint and optimism.

Such boys are prone to exact sciences, love analytics, and often have outstanding intellectual abilities. In addition, Daniels are very moral people, rarely betray, value friends and family, love their home and are not prone to senseless adventures.


The origin of the name Mark is still not precisely known. There is a version that the name sounds similar to the Latin word “marcus”, which means “hammer”. It is also believed that the name originates from the name of the god of war Mars or from the French word “marquis” (marquis).

Despite the fact that this name sounds very beautiful and “strong,” the upbringing of such a child cannot be left to chance. Since childhood, Mark has been a rather narcissistic and selfish boy, but if his energy is channeled in the right direction, this trait can be balanced by politeness and a willingness to help others.

A child with this name is often jealous of the successes of others, so from childhood he needs to be taught patience and concentration on his own victories, as well as the ability to lose with dignity. In adulthood, Mark is a rather dominant man who strives to be the master of the house and the leader at work.


The name Gleb takes its roots from the Scandinavian name Gottlieb, which means “darling of God,” “under divine protection.”

Gleb is very strong-willed, a persistent and self-confident person. A man with this name tries to achieve everything himself, does not like excessive attention to his person, and quickly makes even difficult decisions, which helps him make a good career in the future.

Gleb always keeps his promises and is responsible for his words, is true to his principles and is ready to vigorously defend them. Such a man is respected at work, primarily for his fairness and honesty.

Glebs, as a rule, become wonderful family men, love children and take care of their parents.


Translated from Latin, the name “Maxim” means “greatest.”

Maxim is a strong-willed man whose character is often dominated by ambition and pride. Therefore, parents should try to properly develop these qualities in a boy from childhood.

If Maxim is deprived of excessive vanity and self-confidence, he will be able to achieve a lot in life and become a reliable man, loving father and husband.

Maxims are smart, sociable, able to find an approach to almost any person and persuade them to do anything. People with this name are good at “calculating” people and know how to manipulate them for their own purposes. In his home, Maxim wants to be the master, the dominant, but friends sometimes mean even more to him than relatives.


Slavic name formed from two words: “Everything” (all) and “volod” (to own). So the name can be translated as “owning everything”, “ruling”.

This name sounds beautiful and full, just like its bearer. Since childhood, Vsevolod has been very flexible and mature beyond his years; teachers and classmates love him for his special attractive charisma.

A person with this name is balanced, patient, assiduous and persistent. Despite this, he does not always like to be a leader; he can be content with a supporting role. Parents can develop in their child leadership qualities so that the boy achieves great success in life.

Seva’s sociability and openness helps him out in any life circumstances. Such a man appreciates earthly joys, coziness and comfort in the home.


In Hebrew, the name "Nazar" means "vow" or "dedication to God." Also from Arabic this name can be interpreted as “far-sighted.”

Nazar is a bright, strong, controversial and even militant soul. Nazar’s unusual and mysterious character has attracted people to him since childhood, which is why the boy has many friends and acquaintances.

As a rule, such a man is reserved, closed, not very emotional, but at the same time sociable and active. He strives to achieve high results, go towards his goals on his own and craves material wealth.

In the character of Nazar one can see a strong and powerful person with great willpower. He values ​​fidelity, complaisance, and honesty in people. If a boy with that name is betrayed or offended, he will not withdraw into himself, but will repay you in return in the same coin.


The name is of Greek origin and is translated as “mature”, “courageous”.

Despite the fact that in childhood Arseny is often kind, calm and shy, he has great internal energy that will definitely manifest itself. A boy with this name is sociable, pleasant to talk to, people are drawn to him. Arseny has few real friends, but he is ready to do anything for them.

Arseny is a dreamy and creative person, so the main thing for parents is to instill in their child a sense of discipline and responsibility in a timely manner, otherwise in adult life such a man may not finish the things he starts and rush from hobby to hobby.

If you instill determination and firmness in a child, Arseny will achieve success and will not lose his sincerity.


The name Alexey has ancient Greek roots and is translated as “protector”, “one who protects”.

Alexey is a strong, strong-willed personality with developed intuition. Combined with enormous willpower, ability to work and activity in life, this trait helps him to be in the first positions and achieve success in his career.

It is important for parents to support Alexey in his endeavors, since this person is characterized by self-criticism and doubts about his actions. Boys with this name do not like adventures, sudden changes in life and risks. They are much closer to stability and comfort.

A man named Alexey is smart, attentive to detail, inquisitive and has good memory. In addition, he is very popular among girls, as he knows how to combine sensuality and tenderness with pragmatism and earthly desires.


Slavic name, which translates as “given by God.”

Bogdan is a self-confident, strong-willed person with developed intuition. But despite the fact that the boy’s character is calm and reserved, he loves to take risks and bet everything on his victory, which often leads him to success.

For such a man, self-realization, material wealth and love for his work are very important. But laziness can ruin many of Bogdan’s talents early childhood, therefore, parents should not cultivate this trait in a boy.

In life and in the family, Bogdan is a clear leader. He is reserved, always behaves with dignity and knows his worth. Such a person will never become a victim of circumstances, since he does not go with the flow, but builds his life himself.


Ostap can be translated from Greek as “solid”, “persistent”.

Ostap is a male leader who always has his own point of view on everything. The boy's desire for leadership has been evident since childhood, so he is very active and tries himself in many areas. Children with this name are very sociable, self-confident, with a good sense of humor, but not too open to others.

Ostap doesn't like it too much close attention to himself from other people, does not trust everyone, and demonstrates his talents only in the circle of loved ones.

A man with this name is a subtle psychologist who likes to observe people and evaluate their behavior in different situations. Also, such a bright individual is not prone to breakdowns or depression, lives with an optimistic attitude and has high self-esteem. But if parents want Ostap to find himself in some kind of business, they should dampen their son’s desire to participate in everything in the world and go to all sections at school.


The origin of the name goes back to Greek word“oros”, which means “mountain”, “mountain”.

Just like his name, Orestes is a strong and courageous man who is difficult to break by life's problems. Since childhood, the boy loves nature, animals, communicating with people, he does not tend to enter into conflicts. At the same time, a person with this name is very strong-willed and will go towards his goal, finding the most rational ways.

Orestes is very sociable, purposeful and diligent, but can be quite stubborn (you need to pay attention to this in childhood). Such a person does not tolerate injustice and deception, and especially betrayal.


The name Plato translated from Greek language means “broad”, “broad-shouldered”.

Since childhood, a boy with this name is very developed and serious beyond his years. He is quite stubborn, active and loves to be in the company of his elders.

Plato is very self-confident and independent. It is almost impossible to force him to do something; this can only be achieved with a delicate request and love. A man given this name often becomes a boss or businessman, as he is uncompromising when he is pushed around and directed.

Plato is a rather calm and reserved person; he does not like to share his feelings and emotions, but he is very reliable and faithful in any relationship, both friendly and family.

Names are another aspect of fashion. U different generations their choice was completely determined different criteria. However, like the entire fashion world, the fashion for names is characterized by a kind of cycle.

Tell me what is your name...

Fate, inner self, rock and signs - according to astrologers, numerologists, as well as numerous Internet sites, all these confusing concepts are extremely influenced by a person’s name. And despite the fact that some consider this nonsense, and others - the truth, it is difficult to argue that, in the end, there is something here. It’s not for nothing that sometimes a name seems completely inappropriate for a person. So how could it be if it were just a word? Everyone goes through life with him, and it is he who is asked first of all when meeting someone. This means that it is obviously believed that with the help of a name you can get to know a person better.


Modern male names are an assortment of ancient and modern, foreign influences and Slavic motifs. So, when choosing what to name a child, they now use the most unexpected options. Apparently, right now a generational change is taking place, in which there is a kind of fashionable revolution, a return to the roots. The styles of past centuries begin to appear in the clothes, and in the names - something ancient, half-forgotten. Now it’s not so difficult to meet kids on the street running to their mother’s call “Kiryan!” or "Elisha!"

The beauty of sounds

It is difficult to say how to determine whether a name is beautiful. After all, this is a matter of taste. But at one point one of them becomes more popular, more famous, begins to be associated with aesthetics and grace, and in the case of male names, also with strength and masculinity. An inexplicable phenomenon!

So, about five years ago the name Maxim turned out to be the most beautiful, and the rest of the modern male names lost in this battle. Newborn boys are often called Maxims to this day. This is the third most popular choice in Russia.

The most unusual beautiful male names

Modern resources allow you to get open access to information on almost any issue. Thanks to them, it’s not so difficult to choose original male names from thousands of options. Modern Russian young couples are not limited to the banal choice in favor of Ivanov and Petrov; when thinking about what to name the boy, they strive for mystery in the sound.

So, the rarest and most beautiful names of men of our time are given below:

  • Christian;


  • Eric.

Whatever the choice from this list, the ideal option is when the name is combined with a surname and patronymic, which emphasize its sonority. Exclusivity in something always imposes certain obligations on its owner. IN in this case: compliance with your extraordinary name and wearing it with dignity, willingness to face misunderstanding from others.

Closer to the heart

Despite the fact that unusualness usually closely borders beauty, which was literally confirmed by the previous section, we should not forget that simplicity has its own sophistication. Russian male names are no worse than foreign ones. Modern girls they choose Mikhailov and Konstantinov instead of Edwards and Anvars, feeling in them a security that stands above pathos. By “Russian” we mean not origin, but prevalence.

Among the names whose popularity has not faded over the years:


Alexander and Dmitry are a separate conversation; These have long been very popular beautiful male names in the vastness of Russia. Modern boys, guys and men wear them with pleasure, just as nobles, princes and kings did back in the 19th century.

What's in your name?

Every time, looking anywhere for male names, beautiful, modern, Russian - it doesn’t matter, most of all the searcher is interested not so much in a specific list, but in the meaning. It's always interesting to know the secret hidden behind a combination of letters.

Modern male names and their meanings correlate with each other quite clearly: for example, Alexander, already mentioned in this article, is translated as “protector.” It’s not for nothing that the famous commander immediately comes to mind. Interestingly, the name Alexey has the same etymology. As you can see, the common root “alex” is responsible for the semantic energy, although in short forms it is precisely this that is lost, leaving much nicer versions of Sasha and Lesha.

How indicative this example is: modern realities force beautiful male names to simplify and shorten, all their majesty is lost. Sometimes this comes in handy, but I wouldn’t want the origins to be forgotten one day and the power to be lost forever.

Modern male names: list

So, the young couple is waiting for a miracle to happen - the birth of a child, in this case a son. She begins to look for suitable male names in all sources of information. List (Russian modern dictionaries fortunately, they are full of such “databases”), the choice is usually extremely large, and each source tries to classify them in its own way.

Some (even most) of them present lists where male names, beautiful, modern, Russian - all in one listing, but distributed alphabetically.

Below, in turn, is a list where the classification is made by meaning. After all, of course, every parent wants their child to have exceptional qualities.


    • Andronik;


    • Alexander;

    • Bronislav;

    • William;

    "Strong, mighty":

    • Valentine;

    "Great, glorious":

    • Vladislav;


    • Sevastyan;


    "Bold, Brave at Heart":

    • Leopold;

    "Wise, reasonable":

  • "Noble, generous, peaceful":

Meanings of the most popular names for men

In the previous paragraph, male names were considered: the list (Russian modern ones for the most part, foreign ones for the lesser part) pleased with new, extraordinary combinations of sounds and long-known ones, loved in the vastness of our homeland. In Russia, the most used male names over the past ten years are:

  • Alexander;

What does each of them mean?


Alexander was and remains the most famous male name. It is popular not only in the post-Soviet countries, but also abroad. Many famous personalities bore this name: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Alexander the Great.

Its origin is Greek. The name is made up of the phrase “I protect people.” Alexandras are always persistent and strong individuals, real men with a reputation for fair people.


The name Dmitry also comes from Greece. Sunny country so called the young men in honor of the goddess of fertility Demeter.

Men named Dmitry have a strong will to live, they are kind at heart, although they sometimes commit harsh acts. Loyalty - distinguishing feature Dmitry throughout life path. Sometimes they are too talkative, which interferes with achieving goals, but natural perseverance wins, so they never stop if they really want to achieve something.


The name Maxim is distinguished among the three most popular male names by its origin - it is Latin. Translated from this language - “greatest”.

Maxims are often altruists, they love people and believe in them - they want to see something good in every person, which is why they sometimes suffer. At the same time, such men are strong in character, persistent and stubborn, they are not afraid of responsibility, and they make good and caring fathers. By the way, children are loved in principle, both their own and those of others.


To believe or not to believe that a name has sacred power is everyone’s choice. But even the most cynical person on earth is unlikely to be able to call it just a word.

Male names of any time are amazing because, no matter how majestic their sounds full form, always keep a short, diminutive, for those closest to you. She reveals sensuality and softness, without which even the harshest man would be nowhere.