Essay"что значит быть человеком". Сочинение "что значит быть человеком" Почему не каждый может быть Человеком!}

Why can't everyone be a Human?

We are all people, but not each of us is a person with capital letters"H" is not a typo. Only a part of Russians can boast of their humanity and philanthropy, and it is from this that you can understand exactly what kind of person you are. Why can’t everyone call themselves a Man with their head held high? Because he doesn’t keep people in his heart, he’s not ready to put up with other people’s vices and shortcomings that can irritate him, he doesn’t understand why others should help them. You can list them without interruption, but why simply write something that almost everyone already knows about.

The interesting thing is this: every person can see shortcomings in himself, name them, but not say a word about the shortcomings of his friends, relatives, acquaintances and unfamiliar people. But a simple person will always say what everyone around him is like, point out to them and his interlocutors the shortcomings, but forget that he himself has his own shortcomings, or considers them completely insignificant compared to the shortcomings of others. From here it becomes clear that not every person can become a Human! However, if you want to change, then all this is within your power, you just need to take a better look at others for strengths and at yourself for shortcomings.

How to become a real Man.

It’s not hard to be a human; rules are enough for them, which will not turn you into an animal, but will leave you at the level of a Human. First you need to learn to be honest with yourself and with others. This is not only humane, but also easier for life, you don’t have to remember what you lied about and what you hid.

What should be included here:

  • don’t lie to people (even for the good),
  • do not hide what may be important and what you consider not important to yourself,
  • do not deceive yourself, do not deceive yourself towards people,
  • do not forget to repay debts if you have to borrow.

What else says about you as a Human, how to become a Human? This is politeness. Try to talk to people in a way that would be pleasant for you, otherwise you will not be able to become more humane. Politeness is the ability to not “poke your nose” into someone else’s business, to answer correctly, to speak politely, to sense the difference in age, gender, importance, etc. Try to say hello first, and not wait for someone to greet you, let older people go ahead, hold them back doors, give your hand, if necessary, to girls, women, children and the elderly, so that it is more convenient for them to go down the stairs, even if you are strangers, give up a seat on public transport to those in need.

It is important to become a person to be hardworking. Without work, you not only become dumber and lose good appearance, but you also stop appreciating the life, people and work of those around you. Try to work as much as your health allows, don’t count the years until retirement. Work is important for a Man, so as not to perish, in order to “bloom.”

And charming. Know how to listen to people, know how to tell your story correctly, know how to laugh where necessary and remain silent where necessary. Smile more often; a smile reveals your potential for kindness and humanity.

Literary reading lesson

3rd grade (program by L.V. Zankov)

Topic: How difficult it is to become human. Based on the work of S. Lagerlöf“Nils' wonderful journey with wild geese

Lesson objectives:

    consider the hero of a fairy tale, the manifestation of his character in actions and speech, the development of character over time;

    develop independence in reading, the ability to express judgment about what is read.

Place this lesson in the lesson system on this topic: the third lesson in the system of lessons on studying Selma Lagerlöf’s fairy tale “Nils’s Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese.”

Equipment and used teaching aids:

Presentation, textbook “Literary Reading” by Churakova N.A., excerpts from the cartoon “The Enchanted Boy”, children’s drawings for the fairy tale story by Selma Lagerlöf.

During the classes

I. Updating knowledge.

- What is the name of the work that we read several lessons?

- What genre does it belong to?

This genre in literature is called a fairy tale. Do you know what a fairy tale is? What is a story? Let's turn to the encyclopedia.

A story is a work related to epic genre, it describes several events from the life of the main character, a certain period of it. The plot is often branched, has several lines, usually main character participates in the destinies of other people. The composition of the work often contains descriptions of landscapes, author’s digressions and detailed portrait characteristics

- Now you will hear information about this writer that you do not yet know.

Selma Ottilie Luvisa Lagerlöf is a Swedish writer. She was born in Sweden on November 20, 1858 in the family of a retired military man and a teacher. After graduating from the teacher's seminary, she began teaching at a girls' school in the city of Landskrona, located in southern Sweden.

A few years later, she began to actively publish her works, filled with traditions and legends of Sweden.

Lagerlöf became famous worldwide for her book about a boy, Nils, who is forced to travel with a flock of wild geese. The book was supposed to tell children about geography, history, legends and cultural traditions Sweden.

Is the first woman to be awarded Nobel Prize in Literature (in 1909) and third among all women to receive the Nobel Prize.

What is the name of the chapter of the textbook where the fairy tale “Nils’s Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese” is placed?

How difficult it is to become human.”

But Nils was born a man. Does someone who was born human also need to become human?

Children : To become a human means to become a good person, a real person.

- Was Martin right when he told Akka about Nils: “You can’t even call him a human being”?

Children : Judging by his past actions, he cannot be called a human being. Besides, Nils is too vertically challenged in order to be considered human and pose at least some danger to the pack.

Teacher : Read the epigraph to the chapter. Let's clarify who Grigory Gorin is? Do you know such films as “An Ordinary Miracle”, “That Same Munchausen”? The scripts for these films were written by a famous Russian playwright, who died quite recently, Grigory Gorin.

How do you guys understand the meaning of the epigraph? What does it mean to become even more alive? Is it possible?

Children : The writer means the awakening of his soul in a person, a person can “see the light”, become more sensitive towards other people, towards the world around him.

Teacher : How many of you can address these words to yourself?

Children raise their hands.

Teacher : How will this manifest itself?

Children : In helping animals, nature, loved ones and acquaintances.

II. Analysis of excerpts from a fairy tale in terms of the main story moral problem“Becoming human.” (p.31-61)

Teacher : To whom of the people you know? literary heroes Can we include the words of Grigory Gorin?

Children : To Nils.

- Now let’s start working on each chapter separately in order to trace how Nils’ character manifested itself and changed over time in his actions and speech.

How can we better organize work in class in order to have time to analyze all the chapters that we read together?

Children : Work in groups.

All groups receive cards with tasks: consider the hero of a fairy tale, the manifestation of his character in actions and speech in different passages.

Children work for 5-7 minutes, after which the discussion begins. Everything the guys say about Nils is proven in the text. The main character traits of the hero are written down in a notebook according to literary reading indicating the page number to read the confirmation of this trait.

III. View an excerpt from the cartoon “The Enchanted Boy.”

Teacher : Before we start discussing the main character, let's see how Nils appears to us at the very beginning (viewing a cartoon excerpt).

IV. Continuation of work on the analysis of excerpts from a fairy tale.

Teacher : Let's listen guys1 group (manifestation of Nils’ character in actions and speech in 1 passage p. 38-42)

Group 1.

Mischievous, absent-minded, careless, lazy, hooligan, impatient, restless – p.38.

Liar, ignoramus, curious – p.39.

Smart, quick-witted – p.40.

Bully, cunning, resourceful, careful, ruthless - p.41.

Greedy, selfish – p.42.

2nd group children analyze the passage on pp. 42-47.

Liar – p.43.

Obedient, persistent, purposeful, bully, touchy – p.43.

Trusting, smart, shrewd, cowardly – ​​p.44.

A bully, he offended everyone weaker than him, polite - p. 45.

Flattering, heartless – p.46.

Proud – p.47.

3 group children analyze the passage on pp. 47-55.

Caring, fearless, desperate – p.48.

Compassionate, affectionate – p.49.

Tenacious, hardy, attachment to his home – p.50.

Caring, decisive, grateful, knows how to adapt to new living conditions - p.51.

Thrifty – p.52.

Impatient, open, knows how to come to terms with circumstances – p.54.

He knows how to get used to a life that is alien to him - p.55.

4 group children analyzes the passage on pp. 55-60.

Hardy, courageous, courageous, fair, courageous, quick-witted, dexterous - p.56.

Brave, desperate, knows how to protect a friend, strong, resourceful - p.57.

He does not spare his life for the sake of his friend, he is determined, fearless, tenacious, hardy - p.58.

Trusting, humane, vulnerable – p.59.

Kind, brave, fair, strong, smart, courageous, brings happiness to others - p.60.

Teacher : How did Nils’ character change during the journey? I will name the qualities inherent in Nils before the journey, and you name the qualities that the hero acquired during the journey.

Was - became:
Absent-minded - attentive.
A bully is fair.
Impatient - hardy.
Lonely - made many friends.
A liar is truthful.
Lazy is hardworking.
Bully is a protector, a friend.
Ruthless - humane.
Selfish - generous.
Cowardly - brave.
Offender, heartless – defender of the weak, brave.
Nasty, proud - brings happiness to others.

Teacher : It turns out that we see two completely different people. Why has Nils changed so much?

Children : Gained wisdom and life experience during the journey. The formation of man takes place.

V. Understanding the idea of ​​the story.

- Let's return to the title of the fairy tale. Remember when we said that the title very often contains the idea of ​​the work?

- Why does the author say: “Wonderful journey”? After all, in fact, it was a life-threatening path in which you could die.

Children : Travel is life path. We all travel through life. A real miracle happened in Nils’ life. He learned from nature its simplicity and wisdom, managed to “settle in” in an unusual environment, survive in difficult situations, without complaining or shifting his troubles onto someone else’s shoulders.

I became a person, a real person: caring, sensitive, strong.

- Why did Nils have such a difficult test?

Children : He was a loser and couldn't read books to learn from other people's mistakes.

- What is the main idea of ​​Selma Lagerlöf's fairy tale? What did she want to explain to readers?

Every person is a person, and Main way life changes in self-improvement.

Selma Lagerlöf wanted people to think about what real kindness is and real love, took care of nature, learned from the experiences of other people, so as not to end up as travelers in a desert world, but to use this time for the benefit of nature’s flourishing.

Teacher : you must love all living things on Earth, go towards them with kindness, then they will repay you in kind.

Was it placed correctly? fairy tale in the section “How difficult is it to become human”?

Children : Right. After all, it shows what tests you need to go through to become a real person: kind, caring, responsible for another person, for animals, for nature .

Teacher : And not only for loved ones, but also for those whom we may not know, but who need our help. Just like Nils among animals, so we, living among people, show our character in actions and speech, and over time we realize and understand something new.

VI. Lesson summary.

Teacher : What did each of you think about today? Share your thoughts, feelings.

Children : We need to be more attentive to everything that surrounds us.

Teacher : Deeper understanding main idea we can tell a fairy tale...

Children: When we consider the system of images and understand the characters and relationships of the heroes.

Teacher : This is what we will do in the next lesson.

Use the emoticon to indicate your mood, and back side indicate what character traits you would like to see in yourself?

Group assignments

Group 1. Read the passage pp. 62-66 Underline those character traits of Nils that fit his actions in this passage. Write down Nils' character traits on a sheet of paper.

Mischievous, absent-minded, compassionate, affectionate, lazy, hooligan, impatient, restless

liar, ignoramus, curious

Group 2. Read the passage pp. 66-71. Emphasize those character traits of Nils that fit his actions in this passage. Write down Nils' character traits on a sheet of paper.

Smart, quick-witted, lazy, Bully, cunning, resourceful, cautious, ruthless, greedy, selfish

Group 3. Read the passage pp. 71-79. Emphasize those character traits of Nils that fit his actions in this passage. Write down Nils' character traits on a sheet of paper.

Caring, fearless, liar, obedient, persistent, purposeful, bully, touchy, trusting, smart, quick-witted, cowardly

Group 4. Read the passage pp. 79-84. Emphasize those character traits of Nils that fit his actions in this passage. Write down Nils' character traits on a sheet of paper.

Caring, fearless, desperate, liar, ignorant, curious

Compassionate, affectionate

Group 5. Read the passage pp. 89-96. Emphasize those character traits of Nils that fit his actions in this passage. Write down Nils' character traits on a sheet of paper.

Caring, fearless, desperate Compassionate, affectionate Liar, ignorant, hardy, Greedy, selfish, decisive, Thrifty

Impatient, open-minded, able to come to terms with circumstances

Knows how to get used to someone else's life

Group 6. Read the passage p. 96-103 . Emphasize those character traits of Nils that fit his actions in this passage. Write down Nils' character traits on a sheet of paper.

Greedy, selfish Hardy, brave, fair, quick-witted, clever, desperate, strong, resourceful, ignorant

Does not spare his life for the sake of a friend, determined, fearless, hardy, trusting, humane, vulnerable

Kind, brave, fair, absent-minded, smart, brave

When we look at good people, it seems that they have always been like this. That for them there is no question of what to do right, because they have built-in guidance in their heads - how to be a good person.

But still become human- this is a goal that requires work on yourself. If you ask yourself how to become a good person, you can simply get confused. What exactly are the characteristics of real people, where do they come from, and, an important question, is this necessary at all?

Being a decent person can seem like a difficult and not always pleasant task. Why is this necessary - to adapt to someone, to infringe on your interests? Isn't it better to give yourself freedom of action, and let others take care of their own comfort?

But those who ask this question - how to become human? – often they come to him for a reason. For some, selfishness, intolerance or indelicacy have cost them valuable relationships, important connections. We live in a world where every person is connected with the world around him, unless he lives on desert island. Even convinced egocentrists should live in harmony with others.

Become human It may not be easy, but being one is easier than not being one. This makes life clearer, giving awareness of exactly what to do at one time or another. This makes the world more interesting, allowing you to look at it from many points of view, and not just from the point of view of your own benefit. Finally, it gives useful and pleasant connections, hobbies, acquaintances and impressions.

So what does it mean to be a real person? What traits make a person good?

First, let's be clear: everyone is good at something. The absence of any important feature does not put him in a lower grade. But some qualities are necessary for all people without exception - both for the peace of others and for their own comfort.

It is important to highlight the following properties here:

  • decency;
  • responsiveness and ability to sympathize;
  • the ability to be responsible for one’s words;
  • initiative.

How to become human: integrity

To become human, it is important to do the right thing not only in someone’s presence, but also where no one is watching. Not only in cases where punishment may follow for rude or dangerous actions, but also in cases where “nothing will be done.” And besides, do not harm not only by action, but also by inaction.

How to strengthen your integrity?

Start by being honest with both others and yourself. If you have to justify yourself for some actions, think about the moment at which this dissonance arises between what you did and what you should have done. The desire not to tell the truth or not to do what is necessary speaks of internal conflict. If you solve it, it will help you not only become a good person, but also feel lighter and freer.

A decent person is able to answer for his words and actions. And also - evaluate your behavior and correct it from time to time, if necessary. Every evening, remember the events of the past day and answer yourself: were my actions everywhere the same as what I expect from others in relation to myself? Am I ready to take responsibility for all my actions?

Be respectful of other people's personal space. This concept can be expanded to the following components:

  • things and other material property;
  • territory - be it a house, workplace or sitting in transport;
  • psychological comfort.

Everything is clear with the first two points - this is taught from childhood: do not take other people’s things without permission, and if you do take them, handle them with care; don’t restore order in someone else’s house, don’t jostle in public transport, and so on. As for handling such a subtle matter as someone else’s spiritual comfort, this is also important, and at the same time not so difficult.

How to Be a Good Person: Show Empathy

It is hard to imagine, how to become human, if you do not know how to understand other people and their feelings. The word “sympathy” is usually regarded as the ability to help those who are in trouble. But what if you think about the meaning of this word? “To sympathize” means to feel together, to share not only someone else’s misfortune, but also such diverse emotions as delight, bewilderment or indignation.

There are people so prone to empathy - that is, the ability to feel in the shoes of another - that they can be given the opposite advice: do not take it too personally, take care of yourself. But this is rather an exception.

No one can read other people's thoughts. However, most people are able to predict their own actions and imagine how they might affect another person. We cannot determine exactly what aspirations the people around us have, but we can make some guesses.

The simplest rule for good man- this is the so-called Golden Rule morality: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This does not require overcoming yourself and acting to your own detriment - this is just a way of life that will allow you to live in harmony with the world around you and avoid many conflict situations.

Try this comprehension exercise. Let a friend tell a story with his participation. During his story, try to predict what will follow next, related to his reaction: “and you probably calmed down right away?” or “I guess that was unpleasant?” Of course, this should take place in agreement with the interlocutor.

Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Especially if you can’t understand him - trying to “get into someone else’s shoes” and considering the situation from a different point of view not only teaches understanding, but also helps to resolve conflicts.

Be gentle. Other people have bad days, unpleasant conversations, difficult family circumstances - no one is immune from this. Sometimes it is a coincidence, and in other cases it is the fault of the person himself. But in any case, one should not blame him for what happened. Even with the best intentions, if you want to explain to him possible ways to avoid trouble, show tact and do not put pressure on him.

People are unpleasant when someone witnesses their mistake - this is an axiom. Therefore, if someone makes a mistake, there are two correct options. When a mistake has already occurred, and nothing can be done about it, remain silent, turn your attention to something else, pretend that you didn’t notice. If you see that a person can correct his mistake - for example, wipe a stain from his face - tell him about it quietly, without making an event out of it.

And after they reported it, forget it. Another rule is that people don’t like to feel obligated. Therefore, any conflict or awkward situation should be closed.

Each person requires a respectful attitude - towards himself as an individual, as well as towards his feelings. And even if it seems to you that that gloomy silent person over there needs to be cheered up, remember that he also has the right to behave in the way that is comfortable for him, if it does not bother anyone else.


IN ideal world becoming human would be much easier. The reality is that quite often this becomes difficult. We want to lash out, be indignant at someone’s behavior that is, in our opinion, incorrect, to be rude to someone, to refuse someone. Why? Because all people are different, with their own characteristics, and it is not always easy for us to understand each other.

And yet, becoming human means in many ways accepting someone else’s imperfections, being more comfortable with a different point of view or a different way of life. It is important to be aware of the people around you, acquaintances and strangers:

  • each of them is special in some way;
  • It is difficult to change another person, and this is not always necessary;
  • what you don’t like may be pleasant and even necessary for someone else;
  • we cannot know all the circumstances.

Everyone may have circumstances unknown to us that cause them to act in one way or another. We talked about character traits that need to be developed in ourselves. But are there really so many people around who comply with these rules completely and completely?

You often hear: “he’s a good guy, but he’s rude,” “she good woman, but she completely neglected herself”, “he is kind, but stubborn, and this cancels out all his kindness”... To be a good person means to see the virtues in those around them, without these “buts” that “cross out” their virtues. Don't let someone else's shortcomings cross out in your eyes. positive features. Be guided, concentrate your attention on valuable qualities, and not on those traits that are unpleasant.

At the same time, you don’t have to release the brakes if something bothers you or worries you. If behavior loved one it’s unpleasant for you, you can and should always warn him: “I worry when you come late and don’t warn me,” “I get a headache when you smoke in the room.”

But remember: a person is not reduced to the sum of his shortcomings or oddities.

If you find out about someone’s unseemly behavior, there is even more sense and need to talk about it. There are actions that cannot be tolerated - disregard for someone else's health or safety, ignoring other people's feelings and interests. If they behave like this with you, this can be a good reason to limit the relationship. But even in this case, remember: every person has something for which he is worth appreciating.

Be proactive

You can dream about becoming a human being, and at the same time expect that the opportunities for this will meet themselves. Many people are waiting for the opportunity to prove themselves to appear in their lives. However, the lifestyle of good people is not about waiting for some big thing to happen. This is a lot of small but useful things to do every day. And this is not waiting for someone to call you to express yourself, but the ability to notice someone’s need and respond to it.

There are different people: those who do not notice the surrounding problems get used to them and ignore them. Those who only criticize and wait for the issue to be resolved with someone else's help. And those who see the problem and do not brush it aside, but solve it.

To reach this level, you just need to look around. What in the world around you would you like to improve? This is not necessarily something global - for a start it is enough to warm atmosphere in his own home. For example, with the following actions:

  • make friends with neighbors;
  • organize cleanliness in the entrance or plant flowers in the yard;
  • create a cozy atmosphere in the yard.

Try to make it at least a little better where you appear. The phrase “it’s not my problem” can be a talisman for an overly sensitive psyche, but it can also be an obstacle to becoming a good person.

If something is uncomfortable or unpleasant for you, don’t wait for someone to take care of it, start solving the problem yourself. If you see that someone is in trouble, offer your help. Even if these are just words of support - firstly, it will form in you good habit not to be indifferent, and secondly, someone may need them and even need them.

Develop yourself

When they talk about good people, usually they mean character, and not erudition and education. A simple worker may turn out to be wonderful person, and the university professor is grumpy and unpleasant. And yet, the acquired knowledge and erudition always leave their mark on the personality. By replenishing your intellectual luggage, you will receive the following benefits:

  • you will always find something to talk about with a variety of people;
  • you will begin to look at the world more broadly and be able to understand people better;
  • you will be able to find new role models among outstanding personalities;
  • and among them - to find out what subtleties and difficulties there are, how they found solutions to the problems that arose before them.

Self-development is not only reading smart books, but also developing social skills, gaining knowledge from the field of psychology and other human sciences. If you want to understand others and know at what moment and how to come to the rescue, you cannot do without knowledge of psychology.

Know how to work in a team. This helps to notice and appreciate each participant. Individualists believe that they can handle it themselves, since no one will do their job better than themselves. But the reality is that every person contributes. The ability to rely on others and trust their professionalism will not make you worse, and on the contrary, respect and trust in your partners evokes respect in return. Therefore, solve problems together more often, play team sports or “What? Where? When?" - this way you will make yourself better and personal qualities, and the ability to interact with people.

Don't be afraid to ask for advice. People willingly meet those who show respect for their knowledge and experience. Show your partners and family that you value them and listen to them. They really can teach you many useful things.

You probably have something that you recognize as “yours.” Some people get along well with children, while others get along well with old people. Some people love animals or nature and find themselves in imparting knowledge or lifting spirits. Here are some ways to make the world a better place in different ways.

Join a volunteer project. There are many of them: assistance to orphanages, homes for the disabled or the elderly - those people who need help. You can help based on your capabilities and skills: communication, implementation necessary work, coordinating the collection of assistance or simply transferring money. In any case, this will be a big step towards becoming a better person and doing a good deed.

Help homeless animals: shelter a cat or dog, foster an animal that is looking for an owner. Help an animal shelter with a job or a money transfer. Animals need help no less than people, and are also grateful for it.

Do master classes on your professional topics. Communicate on forums: explain unclear questions to beginners or share your experience with fellow professionals. Write a tutorial about something you're good at, be it programming, car repair, cooking, or crafts. Write or translate an article for Wikipedia. Knowledge is something that does not diminish when it is shared.

Become a blood donor. It is not difficult, not harmful, and at the same time priceless. Without exaggeration, you will be able to believe that you helped save someone’s life. Before you commit this act, read the list of medical contraindications. And also with a list of benefits for donors: perhaps it will become an additional motivation.

But, if you have seriously decided to change yourself for the better, strive to ensure that your right actions are done consciously and sincerely.

Where to take an example

Those who want to become a real person cannot do without a guide. Situations and circumstances are so different that it is not always easy to understand how to behave correctly. For this, people came up with such phenomena as culture and art, science and education - they help to develop, become better, find support and a standard of behavior.

When reading books, watching films and TV series, analyze the characters and their actions. Some are calm and calm, others are sociable and friendly - remember these behavior patterns. In difficult situations, it can be very useful to imagine: what would this character or that heroine do now?

You can also focus on the people around you - everyone has something to learn. When communicating with old acquaintances or getting to know new ones, pay attention to the positive traits of each of them. Give them compliments - it is important for every person to be appreciated.

Also, remember that even very different people can complement each other. If someone is very far from you in character, think about how he can be useful to you - and how you can help him.

How to be a good person: developing willpower

When it comes to becoming a good person, the first thing that comes to mind is that you need to be kind, sympathetic and gentle. And few people think about the fact that good people often have to make considerable efforts to remain good.

Being an altruist is more difficult than being an egoist. Holding a grudge is easier than moving past it, and apologizing and admitting your own wrong is less pleasant than acting as the injured party. And here lies the subtlety that makes good people what they are: when choosing between the easy and the right, they choose the second.

And this applies not only to relationships between people. Those who work on themselves and pay attention to their development understand: the key to success is the constant refusal of momentary pleasures in favor of long-term results. Thus, in order to become better, you need to learn to make an effort on yourself and act not in a simple way, but in the right way.

Willpower can grow, like a muscle, with constant exercise. Develop the habit of doing something small every day, but requiring some effort. What exactly? For example, working on your imperfections: this is internal work that few people will appreciate from the outside, but it will help you become better. Or work to improve your relationships with the world around you. Write down a list of your strengths that you want to develop and your weaknesses that you want to get rid of. Write next to each of them what exactly you can do with it, and record: what exactly you do every day to get closer to perfection.

Is a good person a comfortable person?

You can always rely on decent people in everything. They come to the rescue, don’t hold grudges, know how to solve the problem, and it seems that they can do absolutely anything. The perfect find to sit on his neck! That is why many people prefer to love and respect only themselves.

However, becoming a good person does not mean letting everyone push you around. This means learning to separate those who cannot cope without outside help from those who can manage on their own. And also - to provide assistance correctly, without spoiling or spoiling the other.

Remember this old saying: “Give another a fish and he will eat for a day; give him a fishing rod and he will eat for a lifetime.” Unfortunately, in the understanding of many, being a good person means not only giving fish to someone else every day, but also cutting it up, cooking it and serving it.

What does this lead to? In most cases, the recipient begins to take this behavior for granted. Getting used to constant services and concessions, he begins to demand more. A good man is exhausted - but his efforts are never enough...

This situation harms both sides - both the one who acts as a good person and the one who, through his efforts, has become accustomed to lack of independence and arrogance. Such behavior spoils character and relationships, and the one who originally had the best intentions becomes disappointed in his desire to be good... Moreover, in all his efforts, he could miss those who needed his help even more.

Here's the paradox: to become good, you need to learn to be bad. This means:

  • understand your own needs and not let anyone violate them;
  • be able to say “no”;
  • take time for yourself to recover;
  • understand what behavior you allow towards yourself and what is unacceptable;
  • make it clear to others.

The world rests on good people. That is why they need to be protected and appreciated. Why can doctors or rescuers, even the best ones, seem callous and cynical? Because if they let every misfortune pass through them, then they won’t last long. They take care of their resource so that it does not fade away ahead of time.

And yet, if some business changes the world for the better, then there cannot be too many such things. Spare no effort to warm someone: he will warm another, that one will warm a third, and this chain will move further and further. Someday she will return to you. And the more doing the right thing If you do it, the higher the likelihood of seeing results around you.

How difficult it is to become a real person...

In the summer I read the book “Nils Holgersson’s Wonderful Journey through Sweden” Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf. I also love to travel, but so far the geography of my trips is very small: we go with the whole family to Ryazan, to Moscow to visit relatives, to nearby towns, for example, to very ancient city Zaraysk... And during these trips I always imagine that in fact we are going far, far away and don’t even know where we will arrive at the end. I really want to travel around my entire country, so huge, to learn about new lands, people, their lives and customs! But we don't have such an opportunity. How great it would be!

I have been familiar with Selma Langerlöf’s book for a long time. It tells about a boy who was evil, cruel, heartless. He didn't treat anyone with respect. For this, the gnome made Nils very small, turned him into a gnome. And in this form, Nils, together with the domestic goose Martin, set off on a journey with wild geese that flew to warm countries.

During the trip, the geese become friends for Nils. Gradually he begins to understand how important it is to take care of someone and how important it is for someone to take care of you. At home he didn't think about it at all. He gets into different situations, in which the geese require his help. And Nils begins to take care of them, and the geese begin to take care of him. Martin brings Nils nuts to please him, and Nils starts running through the forest only to say thank you to the squirrel Tirla. He begins to appreciate attention to himself, for the first time he wants to do something good in return, at least thank him. To be honest, this was also a revelation for me. Of course, I try not to forget to say thank you, I try to treat others politely. My mother always taught me this. But while reading, I once again realized how important this is.

And when Nils fights the fox, saving his own flock, you understand that he has become a real man. He, like a soldier, protects those who are dear to him. At this moment, he completely forgets about himself, does not think at all about whether he himself will survive. The main thing is that they survive. It seems to me that this episode is very important for Nils, and for the geese, and for Martin. This is already the beginning of the path to the real feat that he accomplishes in the castle: he practically alone destroys an entire army of rats! A real hero.

Together with the flock, he flew all over Sweden. Nils saw a lot, and when he returned to native home, became a completely different boy. The dwarf told him that he could return to his previous form when his friend was served with apples. Nils did not immediately understand him. The terrible condition was revealed to him when he overheard his parents talking about roasting Martin before he went off on a wild goose chase again. When Nils realized that the Dwarf's spell would be destroyed after the death of his beloved Martin, he immediately ran to the barn to let him out. Nils doesn’t even think that now he will remain little forever, that he will never be able to hug his mother. But he really wanted it! And in general, how will he live further? It turns out he gave his old life for the life of a beloved friend, knowing that now he will never be as big as before. I think not every boy could do this. Probably not every adult. It was a real victory, the most difficult one - because he defeated himself. And the dwarf, it turns out, wanted this, he was just testing Nils. But it’s true, many people don’t think about the fact that being a human is very responsible and difficult. A person becomes real only when he can do something for others, even at the risk of himself. I think such books are very important, I want all the kids to read them.

Nils' story is only part of a wonderful book about Sweden, an amazing country. Selma Lagerlöf wrote this book for Swedish schoolchildren as a geography textbook. The book contains many legends and tales about the Swedish land, its history, ancient cities and the people who lived there. I read this book with great pleasure; I was mentally transported to a distant, wonderful country. Dreamland Sweden even appeared in my dreams. When I grow up, I really want to go there, see with my own eyes the ancient castles, forested mountains, cool and transparent rivers, meet the residents, make new friends.

It would be great if we also had such textbooks. I would love to learn from them.

After reading this book, I wanted to know more about my home country. Maybe I won’t be able to go to Sweden, but I will definitely travel around Russia. Our country is huge, with diverse nature. It would hardly be possible to fly around it on Martin. And on a plane you can miss a lot.

I live in the small village of Sitkovo, probably few people know its name. But ours is very beautiful. And not far from us is the village of Konstantinovo, where Sergei Yesenin was born. We went there with our parents. When you stand on the banks of the Oka, it seems that you can stretch out your arms and fly, far, far away... Konstantinovo is also a small village. Is it possible to miss it and not notice it? How much you won’t learn about Russia then! And if you go in the other direction, then the estate of the writer Dostoevsky Darovoye is very close to us. A very small village, and in it was born a writer who is known not only in Russia, but also in Sweden and all over the world. And Zaraysk? A small town - and it’s even older than Moscow! He's nearby too. How many beautiful legends are associated with it!

Probably, when I grow up, I myself will write such a textbook about my country. And I’ll ask my mom and dad to make illustrations for it, they are artists. I just won’t fly, I’ll walk. So as not to miss some tiny village, so Russian that it can take your breath away.


Nikolay Kosyakov, 11 years old, Sitkovo village, Ryazan Oblast. Finalist of the “Book Expert of the 21st Century” competition (second season)

Tell people nice things about Themselves
And let’s not use the word “compliments” in this regard.
This word - it was so unlucky for him - now has a hypocritical flair:
it is now more often used not in direct meaning, but in this:
"kind words spoken for personal gain"
This will not work.

Because this is manipulation.
That is, a way of influencing people that is generally unacceptable.
Because every person is a great and sacred value.
Not a puppet.
To become such a person, you - get ready - will need to develop 2 very important skills:

Skill 1:
Look not through people, but directly at them.

Skill 2:
Find in people even those qualities and traits that they themselves are not aware of.
That's all.
Having developed these two skills, you will automatically become a person
which you simply don’t want to refuse.
And this amazing secret will help you with this:

Every person is God!

...To be honest, I never understood why this is a secret for many - after all
This is exactly what the Main Books of all religions are about.

This is a message (and in fact, a reminder)
is conveyed on almost every page - and it is precisely this message, unlike others,
NOT encrypted at all.

Do you need to be convinced that you - YOU PERSONALLY - are divine energy?
If you still need to, then do it this way: you will definitely be convinced of this when, keeping in mind
"Every person is God" you will start looking at people
who constantly surrounds you, or whom you meet fleetingly.

And it is precisely this world that is the real one.

This phenomenon - clearing vision - is explained very simply.
You (and I, and all the people in the world) can perceive the world in two ways:
⚫ Through your physical shell (through the senses)
⚫ Or your core.

And you know this, of course.
As you also know, when you feel good in your soul, you see wider - significantly
you see more: both in the panorama and in its details.

But perception through the senses does not give such a vision - that is why
such a limited overview: only in pinpoint and insufficiently intelligible fragments.

So try to look around with your core - it’s not just more interesting,
it's even much more practical! After all, this way you get many times more information,
than only through the senses - and this leaves little incomprehensible.
And don't put it off.

Sit down and write down all the people you are with today
(or tomorrow) will have to communicate.
Keeping it in mind
"Every person is God"
write down 2-3 qualities (traits) next to each name,
what you like about these people.
Particular attention to those people with whom you have...
let's say it doesn't work out very well somehow.

Next to their names, also write 2-3 qualities (traits),
which you like.

Or this: don’t write anything about them,
close your eyes and imagine them one by one in a bright sheaf of light.
Pour light over every person - bathe in it.

Just take your time: let these people be in your energy for at least 1 minute.
Please let them do this. Do this good deed - because you can do it:
You have an unlimited supply of this colossally healing energy.
Don't forget about your loved ones. And even so: start with your loved ones.
List them good qualities and features - and bathe them
in its light energy.
And then like this.
Go and communicate. Just don't go into limited vision, okay?
Look at people from your core.
Knowledge that is no longer a secret will help you with this.
So when interacting with people (even fleetingly), say to yourself mentally:
"Before me is God"
Just this.
Don’t let it bother you that many people don’t really allow
perceive yourself as a manifestation of God.
So when you look at people like this, just remember: you know
but they are not. This is the whole point - their confusion.

Those people who do not evoke sympathy by their external manifestations,
just succumbed to the confusion on the topic:
“You are sinful (i.e. dirty) from birth until the funeral service” - they live under it.
And they don’t even suspect that this is just a trick, an evil suggestion.

And YOU can become the person who will remove this suggestion.
All that is needed for this is to tell such people that
AS you see them from your core.
And in conclusion - keep this: this
I got this secret from my professor.
Many years have passed, but I clearly remember that moment.

There was an exam, I had already answered both the ticket and additional questions - and waited,
When will the professor give me a grade? And he sat and, with his hands folded on my closed notebook,
looked out the window. It seemed to me that an eternity had passed - he was looking out the window for so long.
Finally, he handed me the record book and said very quietly:

"How more you people
you can help, the closer you are to God"

There was an A in the record book, but that was not why my soul sang.
They gave me... no, NOT a pep talk. I was given the key to myself.

Now I pass this key to you.
Take this key and reveal to people themselves.
You can do it. By your very nature, you can.
All the best to you!
Marta Nikolaeva-Garina

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