Dream of broken glass. Why dream of broken glass dream book

Why do you dream if you happen to break glass in your dreams? Depending on additional details, the image can warn in a dream about conflicts and separations or, on the contrary, promise deliverance from troubles, danger and illusions. The dream book will help you find the correct answer.

According to Miller

Did you dream about how you managed to break glass through negligence? The business on which you spent a lot of time and energy will end in great failure.

Don't run!

Breaking glass in a dream symbolizes events in which the dreamer really does not want to participate. The dream book suspects that you are deliberately avoiding solving pressing problems, which is only aggravating the situation.

At the same time, breaking glass literally means avoiding trouble and danger, freeing yourself from illusions and fears. Seeing a broken piece of glass can mean an unexpected, but strictly joyful event.

Don't give in!

Why do you dream if you are unlucky enough to break glass? Most often, the dream book offers a negative interpretation of the dream.

The image promises in a dream loud scandal due to trivial disagreements, loss of reputation due to someone spreading false gossip.

I dreamed about it once broken glass? In reality, you risk thoroughly ruining your relationship with someone, getting sick, or succumbing to strong emotions. To get a more accurate interpretation, it is necessary to take into account the meaning of the product itself.

Freedom or disappointment?

Did you dream about a broken window? The dream book is sure: major troubles are emerging in your personal life. Seeing a window without glazing can lead to melancholy, disappointment, and bitter thoughts.

Breaking a window yourself means literally destroying the line between reality and the subtle world. In essence, this is the acquisition of mental freedom.

In a dream, did the windshield of a car become covered with cracks from an impact? In the near future there will be an opportunity to expand your horizons.

Go for it!

Why else do you dream of a broken window pane? If you managed to break the glass from the inside, then you can implement your daring plan with amazing ease. In a dream, did someone smash a window pane from the outside? Receive important news.

I dreamed about how they deliberately cut window glass to get out? The dream book predicts the successful completion of a bad period and the fulfillment of a wish. But if only the window is broken, then you are wasting your energy in vain.


Why do you dream if you happen to break glassware? This is an omen of a serious but short-lived illness. Breaking dishes most often indicates short-lived happiness and good luck.

Did you dream that you accidentally dropped glassware and it shattered into pieces? A joyful event is approaching.

It's bad to see that they did this on purpose. The dream book warns: you risk losing literally everything. And besides, he advises not to accept the offer, no matter how promising it may seem.

What was broken?

Below are transcripts of other popular items that can be broken in a dream.

  • A glass jar means deep disappointment, a serious illness.
  • Glass - breakup, illness.
  • A bottle is a romantic adventure.
  • A plate is incredible luck, a rare chance.
  • Glasses – separation from loved ones, strange behavior.
  • Mirror - someone else's death or deliverance from enemies, illusions.

Shards of glass in a dream most often reflect the consequences that happened after some kind of conflict. Moreover, the more acute they were, the worse the current circumstances. Why else do you dream about such an image? The dream book will reveal all its secrets.

Don't get excited!

Had a dream broken glass? In real life, you will quarrel with family members or colleagues. The dream book advises not to get excited, otherwise an absurd quarrel will develop into open hostility.

Broken glass can also appear in a dream as a sign of an imminent quarrel due to well-founded jealousy. Seeing broken glass means that you have to solve some problem by force, which is unlikely to bring pleasure to those around you.

Have you ever held large pieces of glass in your hands, or, worse, mirrors, and looked at them? Prepare for a global catastrophe.

Decoding by type

A more accurate interpretation of the dream will be given by the quality and condition of the fragments in the dream.

  • Dirty - conflict with outsiders.
  • Clean – a sober assessment of the situation.
  • Matte - false illusions.
  • Brilliant - luck in love.
  • Colored - diversity.
  • Mirrored - a collapse of hopes.

Everything will change!

Why do you dream of numerous pieces of broken glass? The dream book believes that your dreams are shattered.

Pieces of broken glass in a dream warn that experiences from the past will surface and hurt you again.

Removing the fragments is a sign of good changes that will come after it seems that life has completely collapsed.

Don't even try!

Did you happen to collect glass shards? The interpretation of the dream is literal. In reality, you will try to restore what you yourself previously destroyed.

Collecting broken glass indicates a desire to change the current situation. Alas, the dream book believes that all attempts will be useless.

In your dream, did you have to collect and throw away glass pieces? You probably got rid of what was bothering you, all that remains is to give up memories and negative experiences.


Why do you dream of shards of glass in your mouth? You will soon receive an extremely negative experience, which, however, will turn out to be useful much later.

Did you dream that there were tiny pieces of glass in your mouth? The Dream Interpretation believes that invisible obstacles will appear on the way, requiring decisive action.

In a dream, did you clearly feel glass in your mouth? Talk less and certainly don’t spread gossip.

What are you thinking?

Did you dream that you had to literally spit out glass pieces? There are a lot of ideas brewing in your head, but you are clearly not able to implement them.

Have you ever seen glass shards in your food? The dream book is sure that you will receive bad news.

If in a dream you managed to eat pieces of glass, then in real life you will do unpleasant work, which will cause a lot of suffering.

Be careful!

If in your night dreams you walked on broken glass and the smallest grains stuck into your feet, then the dream book warns of great danger.

Did you dream that a piece of glass got stuck in your leg? You have to pay a visit to a person who is very unpleasant to you, or he himself will come to visit.

In addition, a glass splinter in the leg marks an old grievance, which after a while will certainly remind itself.

Did you accidentally get hurt in your dreams? In reality, you will become an object for slander and slander.

Open up!

Why do you dream of shards of glass in your hand? Your own carelessness and bad behavior will cause a major quarrel or unexpected troubles.

If in a dream you felt a piece of fragmented glass moving in your hand, then the dream book is convinced that problems will be caused by family members or the envy of friends.

Accidentally cutting yourself with a piece of glass in the night means that your talents, which you have long and stubbornly hidden, will delight those around you.

According to Miller

I had to see how glass pieces pierced the body and blood flowed, then Miller’s dream book is sure that nitpicking loved one will lead to a stressful state.

Get ready!

Did you happen to pull glass shards out of your body in a dream? An extremely unpleasant situation will be resolved in the near future.

Did you dream that you helped another character pull out a piece of glass? The dream book promises a meeting with a person who will become great friend and change your usual views.

Why do you dream that you had to remove glass shards from your body? In real life, you will know the name of someone who has been persistently harming you for a long time. Sometimes removing a glass splinter means receiving an unexpected gift.

In the reality around us there are many objects, the attitude towards which over the long history of mankind has been extremely ambiguous. Accordingly, dreams with these objects also could not have only positive or only negative interpretation.

Dream Interpretations different nations and times give very different answers to the question of why broken glass is dreamed of. Dream books often say that glass in a dream predicts deception in reality, as well as fear or sadness. In this case, the answer to the question of why broken glass is dreamed of should be positive. However, not everything is so simple.

Most interpreters believe that dreams of broken glass warn the sleeper from committing rash actions. But among dreams about broken glass there are also favorable plots - it all depends on the specifics. To understand what signs your subconscious is giving you, you first need to decide on the plot of your dreams:

  • You saw the glass shards from the side.
  • We watched glass break in a window, in a car, or somewhere else.
  • They broke a glass object themselves.
  • We were cut by shrapnel.
  • For some reason they ate glass.
  • We walked on broken glass.

If you had a dream in which the glass was already broken and you were looking at the glass shards, the vision warns of a high probability of family conflicts. It's possible that conflict situation already exists in reality, and the vision in a dream is only its reflection. If your relationships, your “family nest” are dear to you, interpreters advise showing maximum tact and understanding in order to preserve them.

You dream of shards of glass that dig into your skin - such a vision warns that a person who once caused you a lot of pain and resentment may appear on your horizon again. As the New Family Dream Book says, glass in in this case symbolizes your negative memories. To prevent them from digging into your soul like glass pieces into your skin, try to treat the situation in reality as if it were... bad dream, which will end soon, advises the interpreter.

Positively evaluates fragments in a dream Dream Interpretation of the 21st century. If broken glass lies on or on the floor and shimmers with sunlight, it is good sign. Luck and success await the sleeper ahead. Colored broken pieces of glass under the sun's rays promise a fateful meeting.

Break through to a new horizon

Did you dream about glass breaking in your sleep? Then it’s worth remembering what it was like - a window, a windshield, or maybe it was a glass goblet?

According to Miller's dream book, glass that breaks in a window while you sleep foreshadows failure in the business to which you have devoted a lot of effort and time. Modern interpreters they say that this vision should not be taken so literally. It is worth taking it as advice to reconsider your priorities: maybe the failure of the business was planned because you are not doing it of your own free will, but you need to find the strength within yourself and do what your soul is about?

Besides, broken windows in the house in a dream can warn that you should take care of your health. If you dream of partially broken, cracked glass in a window, troubles are possible in reality in the near future, but you will easily overcome them.

Why dream of broken glass if it is the windshield of a car? This image in a dream has two interpretations. First, if you drive, you should be as careful as possible on the road in the coming days, since there is a high probability of an accident. Secondly, soon you will have to master some new business, gain new knowledge - in general, go beyond your current limits.

Break the glass in the window yourself in order to get out through it - you have to climb new level, overcoming certain obstacles. Sometimes this may mean appointment to a higher position, but the promotion will require increased stress resistance from the dreamer. Shards of a broken bottle warn against conflicts in the service.

Why do you dream about glass if you dreamed of cutting yourself with its fragments? Miller's dream book states that cutting yourself with glass in a dream means gaining fame as a result of your own merits and achievements. If in the dream you had to pick up the fragments and cut yourself, Madame Hasse’s Dream Book recommends not clinging to the past, but moving forward.

Inedible Visions

Why do you dream of glass that crunches under your feet in a dream? Eastern dream book says that in reality in the near future it is worth exercising maximum caution in any actions. Walking barefoot on broken glass means that in reality they will try to drag you into some kind of adventure. You should not “get involved” in a project or business that seems even the slightest doubtful to you.

Walking on fragments in your dreams and seeing a piece of glass in your foot means that in reality unresolved problems are preventing you from moving forward. The splinter in the leg in this case is a symbol of that psychological “anchor” that holds you and does not allow you to reach new heights. This piece of glass in your own leg is a signal to sort out your thoughts, which prevent you from “attracting” luck and moving towards success.

Why do you dream about glass in your mouth? Dream books interpret chewing or pieces of glass in a dream and not feeling any discomfort as a sign of the dreamer’s lack of self-confidence. It’s worth being a little bolder - and then your goal will become less unattainable.

Modern doctors also say that when you dream of splinters in your mouth, this may be a signal of health problems - so you should consult a doctor and get examined. If glass in the mouth is not a symptom of a hidden disease, then such a vision may allegorically hint to the sleeper that he needs to monitor everything he says.

Feeling glass in your mouth in your night dreams means realizing how sharp your words and expressions can be, and understanding that they can hurt people around you. Spitting out glass pieces that ended up in your mouth - such a dream symbolizes that you want to get rid of the habit of “cutting the truth”, regardless of the circumstances. If you dreamed of spitting out glass crumbs, it means that you want to master a more comfortable style of communication with others, which in itself is very good.

Glass in a dream is a symbol of deception, fear or grief.

Looking through it in a dream is a sign of expectation. A magnifying glass in a dream means that you are prone to exaggeration and panic.

See interpretation: glasses.

If glass shrinks objects in a dream, then you are frivolous and do not see the real danger.

Breaking glass in a dream or seeing cracks on it portends danger and obstacles in business. Often such a dream foreshadows failures and disappointments and indicates that your plans will not come true.

Injuring yourself on glass in a dream means that you will not be able to avoid losses and worries.

Clean, transparent glass in a dream symbolizes the purity of your intentions and sincerity. But stained, scratched, cloudy glass foreshadows losses and disappointments.

Often such dreams indicate that you are making the wrong decision, which can lead to the collapse of your plans.

See interpretation: polish.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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