I was stung by a scorpion in a dream. A black Scorpio is a powerful and insidious sign. What does it mean to see a Scorpio in a dream

Scorpio is a symbol of deceit, composure and cruelty, so if you dream of a scorpion, it means that there is a ruthless enemy among your surroundings. The dream indicates a threat that your enemy may pose. But the circumstances of your dream will tell you how to counter this threat.

Autumn dream book

I dreamed about Scorpio - the dream suggests that you are in real life Sudden trouble may await.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about Scorpio? You shouldn’t blame yourself for someone’s mistake in reality. There is no need to feel bad about yourself, because everything goes as usual.

Women's dream book

Meaning of the dream: Scorpio - this dream can serve as a sign that you are surrounded by false friends who will definitely take the opportunity to compromise you for something. If you cannot stop them, you will definitely suffer from their plans and actions.

Russian folk dream book

Interpretation of the dream: scorpion - this dream represents cruelty and anger, because a scorpion is able to attack its victim and then kill it thanks to its poisonous sting. Therefore, this dream does not bode well.

Aesop's Dream Book

  • Seeing a scorpion in a dream - this dream symbolizes meanness and cruelty, as well as deceit and composure.
  • Why do you dream of scorpions biting the victim - this dream suggests that in reality you will have to witness some unpleasant event, maybe you will even go to a funeral.
  • Why do you dream of scorpions and spiders in your collection - you can defeat your opponent, even if he plays a dishonest game.
  • If you dreamed that a scorpion bit you, this dream means that you will have to expect a trick from your friend. It will be difficult for you to cope with his blow, and it will also be difficult for you to realize that this act towards you could be committed by a person whom you trusted and helped all the time. difficult moment. (cm. )
  • In a dream, catching a scorpion means in reality you are preparing a plan for revenge on the person who made you suffer. But the dream suggests that this revenge will not be able to ease your soul, but will only make you worry even more. This period will be too restless for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a scorpion that you crushed with your foot - in reality you will fight the enemy, but with his methods, so this will not give you moral satisfaction, but it is worth noting that you will win, so take care of your peace of mind.

Dream book for family

  • Dream Interpretation: a scorpion stings itself - in reality, all the machinations of competitors will be directed at themselves. But if you want to fight them, then you should refrain from taking decisive action, because otherwise you will harm yourself.
  • In a dream, you were stung by a scorpion - this dream is considered favorable. You can avoid illness or accident. Despite this, you should still be careful.

Dream Interpretation of V. Kopalinsky

What does it mean if you dream about a scorpio - this dream speaks of a serious loss or enormous damage.

Esoteric dream book

  • Seeing a scorpion in a dream - the dream suggests that you may find yourself in mortal danger while traveling.
  • Dream Interpretation: a scorpion bites itself - the dream is a symbol of suicide.
  • A scorpion stung you in a dream - in reality, negative karma hangs over you and now it will begin to come true. You should think about your soul.

Spring dream book

Interpretation of the dream: Scorpio - in real life you will worry about something.

French dream book

Dream Interpretation: you dreamed of a scorpion - you need to be careful, your secret enemies have begun to set traps for you.

Dream Book of G. Miller

I dreamed of a scorpion, Miller’s dream book says that you have false friends who will find an opportunity to compromise you. Therefore, you need to be alert and try to stop them, otherwise you may suffer from their attacks.

Muslim dream book

Meaning of the dream: Scorpio - this dream suggests that a weak enemy may appear in your life. This enemy will want to damage your property, so you shouldn’t worry too much.

Why do you dream of a scorpion biting - this dream means that slander will follow from your enemy.
Jewish dream book of Azar

What does it mean when you see a scorpion in a dream - the dream is a symbol of the investigation or something that is connected with the court.

Dream Interpretation of Yu.Longo

  • There was a dream about Scorpio - the dream suggests that among the people around you there is a person who seems kind in appearance, but sometimes he begins to release his sting, similar to a scorpion, and at that moment tries to sting you.
  • Why do you dream of scorpions in the house, and you are afraid of them - in reality you need to be wary of a trick from your neighbor, especially the one to whom you trusted all your secrets. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream that scorpions bite themselves - this dream suggests that in your environment there is a person who is engaged in self-torture and he does it in front of you, while this person hopes for your compassion, which will be supported by something else just comforting words. You don't need to trust such a person because he is not as weak as he seems at first glance and can even oppose you, he just needs the opportunity to do so.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Scorpio in a dream means that in reality you will suffer some kind of punishment.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • Dream Interpretation: stung by a scorpion - in reality, you may become a victim of slander or various rumors.
  • Why do you dream of a black and large scorpion - the dream suggests that big changes await you in the future.
  • Dream Interpretation: kill a scorpion - this dream means that you will be able to break the plans of your enemies directed against you.
  • Dream Interpretation: – this dream symbolizes an unexpected turn of all events around you, but this will only happen in your favor.
  • Dream interpretation: there are a lot of scorpions, but you eat them in the form of a Chinese or exotic dish - in real life you will be able to connect with a person who can make your life more eventful and bring you different experiences.

Dream Interpretation of Taflisi (Persian)

Dream Interpretation: interpretation of the dream Scorpio - a dream may indicate that you have a secret enemy or even an adversary. But he is not too evil, he will not make an attempt on your life, but only on your property.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

To see a scorpion in a dream means that in reality you will be punished.

Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation: Scorpio horoscope - if you draw this sign or just see it in a dream, then the dream foreshadows a dangerous and fatal love.

Dream Interpretation of N. Grishina

I dreamed of a scorpion in a dream - this dream means enmity or stubborn struggle, but in the end victory awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

I dreamed about many scorpions - this dream is a warning. The dream indicates that some event in reality, which seems insignificant to you, can harm you. Maybe you once offended a person, and now this person wants to greatly harm you and take revenge.

Why do you dream of a little scorpio - if you are offended by someone in real life, then this dream suggests that the reason for the offense was insignificant and remember that your evil can go against you.


To summarize all of the above, I would like to say once again that a scorpio in a dream usually means something bad, but, like any rule, there is an exception here too. Therefore, before looking for an interpretation of your dream, pay attention to the details of the dream.

As a rule, such a dream foreshadows slander, slander, gossip and the machinations of enemies. For correct interpretation of a dream, you need to take into account all its details.

French dream book

When a person dreams of a scorpion, in reality he must be wary of the traps that his secret enemies have set for him.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician: Why do scorpions dream?

This dream means that there is a person surrounded by the sleeper who only pretends to be kind and decent towards him. However, from time to time this person tries to sting more painfully. When a dreamer is afraid of scorpions in a dream, in reality he needs to be wary of deceptions and tricks from loved one, to whom he completely trusted and confided secrets. If an arachnid stings itself, then in the circle of the sleeper there is a person prone to self-torture. In addition, she does this in the presence of the dreamer, trying to gain compassion and material gain. All complaints and tears should not be taken for granted. This person is not as weak and helpless as he pretends to be. Moreover, at the first opportunity he can go against the sleeping person.

Big dream book

A dream involving Scorpios means that pseudo-friends will try to compromise the dreamer at the first opportunity. You must try to stop their machinations and attacks, otherwise the sleeper may suffer greatly. If in a dream a person crushes an arachnid, then in reality he will deal with his enemy and slanderer who caused harm.

Small dream book: why do scorpions dream

This dream is a warning. It suggests that due to some event or action that seems insignificant, the sleeper can make a terrible enemy for himself. It is quite possible that the dreamer, without knowing it, inflicted a terrible offense on someone, and this person harbored great evil. If the dreamer himself is offended by someone, the little scorpion seen in the dream suggests that one should not be offended for such insignificant reasons, and hidden evil can turn against him.

Russian dream book

Why do you dream about scorpions? The dream represents meanness, deceit, malice and cruelty. These arachnids attack and kill their victims with a poisonous sting. Sometimes, in a fit of rage, a scorpion can kill itself. Such dreams do not bode well.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Scorpio dreams of bitterness, hostility and victory after a difficult struggle. For women, this dream speaks of a fatal destructive passion.

Nostradamus dream book: black scorpion

This arachnid symbolizes deceit, power and vengefulness. If the dreamer is black, then in reality he will become the object of false rumors and slander. Therefore, you need to behave carefully. A giant black scorpion dreams of great changes.

Azar's Dream Book

Scorpio dreams of some kind of litigation or investigation.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Did you dream about a scorpio? Dream interpretation as a quick punishment that a person will suffer in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Taflisi

Scorpio in a dream indicates that the dreamer has an enemy who is not too formidable, but can cause damage to property. However, nothing threatens life, the enemy does not even think about it. If an arachnid bites a dreamer, then in reality he needs to prepare for the slander of ill-wishers.

Many people often dream of such a creature as a scorpion. Dream Interpretation interprets this symbol differently. However, if you dreamed of this creature, then under no circumstances should you leave it unattended.

Interpretation of the symbol

What does a symbol like Scorpio mean? The dream book interprets it as violence and enmity with evil. The sign is not good. And in order to protect yourself, you need to remember in detail what you saw. A lot depends on the details of the vision. So, for example, if a person saw this creature attacking him, then he should be more careful. Probably, soon a person will have to face betrayal and deception. And this will come from close people. In the event that you managed to defeat the scorpion by crushing it, this is good sign. Most likely, the dreamer will be able to win a resounding victory over long-time opponents and enemies. This is how Medea’s dream book explains the meaning of the “scorpion” symbol. However, this is not the only interpretation.

Modern dream book

Scorpio is a negative sign in every sense of the word. It can mean something good in rare cases, and even then everything here depends on the circumstances in the dream and the person’s feelings. What can this symbol tell you about? Modern dream book? Scorpio, according to this book of interpretations, is the one who embodies fatal passion, bitterness and enmity. If a girl had such a vision, it means that some kind of despotic and strong man will soon appear in her life. It is possible that she will have romantic feelings for him, but even if he begins to show reciprocity, he will hurt her and make her suffer. Therefore, it is necessary to be more careful in communicating with him and try, no matter what, to keep him at a distance, since the “scorpio” is a cunning and calculating creature who can cynically and easily turn the dreamer into his victim.

For a man, such a dream means the appearance of a rival. Perhaps in your personal life, and maybe in your work. But one thing can be said with confidence - the competitor will be strong, and defeating him will not be easy.

Scorpion Hunting

If a person sees himself chasing this creature in a dream in order to catch it, this is a bad sign. It is interpreted in different ways. Freud's dream book states that if such a vision came to a person at night, it means that his life is poisoned by anger and negativity. The dreamer should become kinder, calm down, and get rid of the thirst for revenge. It is necessary to understand that nothing can be corrected, and if something can be changed, then it should be done without nerves and anger. There is no need to waste your emotions, much less turn them into negativity. Bad value V in this case has a scorpio.

The dream book also assures that such visions usually appear to those people who in reality are driven by anger, aggression and hatred. Most likely, there was a person in the dreamer’s life who made him suffer greatly. And that is why a plan of cruel revenge lurks in his soul. But it is precisely this feeling that interferes with life, poisoning a calm existence. It’s worth thinking about - is it necessary to think about it then? Definitely not. It is best to let go of the situation, forgive the offender and finally begin to live a calm, happy life.

Ancient dream book

To kill a scorpio according to this book of interpretations means to cope with all the difficulties that suddenly overcome a person. Just seeing this creature is a bad sign. This means that the person whom the dreamer previously considered good and kind will turn out to be not so pleasant. Moreover, he is worse than others in trying to harm him. Feeling fear of this creature is also unpleasant dream, promising bad things. There is probably someone in the circle of people close to him who is abusing his trust. You should not trust anyone, or, in any case, be careful with this. Because someone will not be ashamed and will easily reveal all the secrets and secrets entrusted to him out of kindness. This is how the old dream book interprets this vision.

Did Scorpio bite himself, and did the dreamer witness this? Not good either. This means that in the dreamer’s life there is a certain person who counts on his help, care and compassion, and in order to achieve this, he plays, so to speak, to the public. You don't need to trust such a person. Such people betray at the first opportunity, forgetting all the good that was done for them.

The meaning of the symbol “scorpio”: dream book of Nostradamus

This is also quite an interesting and, most importantly, a truthful book of interpretations. Scorpio personifies in this case power and authority. If a person was stung by this creature in a dream, then one should expect gossip, rumors and slander in one’s direction. Of course, this will have a bad effect on a person’s reputation, but you shouldn’t give up. You need to stoically withstand this test and not succumb to this kind of provocation. And then justice will prevail. If the dreamer managed to kill a scorpion, then this is good luck. This means that he will be able to thwart the enemy’s plans. By the way, when a person whose zodiac sign is Scorpio dreams of something like this, it’s good. For such individuals, such visions promise only positive things - good luck in work, in their personal lives and in everything else. A good dream is a vision in which a person eats a scorpion dish. This means that soon a person will appear in his life who will make his existence brighter, richer and more varied than before.

Why do you dream about a dark scorpion? Dream Interpretation.

Black is usually a pretty serious sign from above. Therefore, it cannot be ignored. Black Scorpio warns a person about rash actions, protecting him from bad consequences. If you see this insect in a dream, you should know that big changes may soon occur in your life. But this is only if the scorpio was not aggressive and behaved calmly. Then the changes will be good. However, if he attacked and tried to bite, everything was bad. For a girl, this means meeting a man who will first charm her, and when she falls under his influence, she will reveal her true essence, turning out to be a tyrant.

If the dreamer sees a scorpion killing its victim, this means that he will soon witness some very unpleasant event. But seeing this creature dried up in a collection of insects is a positive sign. Soon a person will achieve some goal, and this victory will be priceless, since it will not be easy for him.

English dream book

White Scorpio is a phenomenon that can be found infrequently. What does it mean? White Scorpio warns a person that his family and friends do not treat him the way he thinks. In other words, not sincerely. You will have to expect both material and moral problems ahead. But feeling the bite of a white scorpion is a sign from above. You should be more careful when communicating with people and protect yourself and your reputation from dirty gossip and unkind rumors.

Good sign

But killing this creature is good. The sign is favorable. He prophesies success in all matters and the end of those problems that have been troubling a person for a long time. English book interpretations assures that if a person sees how in a dream he stepped on a white scorpion and thereby killed and crushed it, then this means victory over enemies and ill-wishers. All cards will be revealed, he will find out who his traitor is, and will easily pay him off.

There are a lot of interpretations, but most of them, as you can see, do not prophesy anything good. Well, you should be careful and careful after such a vision. After all, dreams never appear to us just like that.

Collection of dream books

Why does Scorpio dream in a dream according to 26 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Scorpio symbol from 26 online dream books. If you haven't found necessary interpretation on this page, use the search form for all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Scorpio is a reflection of the manifestations inherent in this zodiac sign.

Azar's Dream Book

Scorpio - litigation, investigation.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Dreamed Scorpio- means that in your environment there is a person who pretends to be kind towards you, but from time to time he tends to release his sting and sting you more painfully.

Being afraid of a scorpion in a dream- you should be wary of a trick on the part of your neighbor, to whom you trusted all the time and confided all your secrets.

Dreaming of a scorpion stinging itself- means that in your circle there is a person who tends to engage in self-torture, and he does it not just anywhere, but precisely in your presence, hoping for compassion, supported by something else besides comforting words. You should not trust him recklessly; he is not at all as weak and helpless as he pretends to be, and is quite capable of opposing you at the first opportunity.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Scorpio?

Seeing a scorpio in a dream- a harbinger of secret enmity.

If you are bitten by a scorpion- in reality, someone’s secret enmity will greatly harm you.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Scorpio - bitterness, enmity and victory after a stubborn struggle. IN women's dreams- fatal destructive passion.

Dream book for the whole family

Scorpio stinging itself with its tail- the machinations of your competitors will turn against them. But if you entered into a fight with them- refrain from taking decisive action in the next month, you can harm yourself.

Scorpio stinging you or getting killed- a favorable sign. You will safely avoid illness or accident. But still, be careful.

Dream book for a bitch

Scorpio - your friends will deceive you, and it will be very difficult for you to forgive them.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing a scorpion in a dream- this is a warning. The dream suggests that because of some event that in reality seems insignificant and petty to you, you risk making a mortal enemy. Perhaps your actions caused a serious offense to someone, and this person harbored a very big grudge against you.

If in reality you yourself hold a grudge against someone you know- the image of a small scorpion suggests that, firstly, the reason for this offense is not so significant, and secondly, your evil can turn against you.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Scorpio - you will engage in self-criticism, you will worry.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Scorpio - sudden trouble awaits you.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Scorpio - you don’t need to blame yourself for someone else’s fault, you can’t treat yourself so badly, everything goes on as usual.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Scorpio - serious loss, great damage.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of Scorpio in a dream?

Scorpio - you will be punished.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream about a scorpio- this means your false friends will take this opportunity to discredit you.

If you fail to stop them- that means you will suffer from their attacks.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Scorpio - means vindictiveness, power, deceit.

If you were bitten by a scorpion in a dream- in reality you will become a victim of slander and false rumors.

Seeing a giant black scorpion in a dream- means great changes.

A dream in which you kill a scorpion- indicates that you will be able to thwart the insidious plans of your enemy.

Seeing yourself in a dream as a Scorpio according to your horoscope- means an unexpected turn of events, and in your favor.

If in a dream you eat an exotic Chinese dish made from scorpions- in reality means that you will connect with a person who will make your life richer and bring a lot of impressions into it.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Scorpio is the sign of false friends who will not hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity to compromise you.

If you fail to stop them- this means you will suffer from their actions.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of a scorpio- you will be lied to.

In a dream you crushed a scorpion- deal with the slanderer who caused you a lot of trouble in the past.

Aesop's Dream Book

Scorpio is the personification of cruelty, malice, meanness, vindictiveness, irritability, deceit and composure, since it has a poisonous sting, attacks and kills its victims with it, and sometimes, in a fit of rage, can direct a deadly weapon against itself.

If you dreamed of a scorpion killing its victim- this means that soon you will have to witness an unpleasant event, perhaps you will attend a funeral.

Seeing a scorpion in a collection of insects- you will be able to defeat your opponent despite his dishonest play.

If you dreamed that you were stung by a scorpion- this means expect a trick from a friend or acquaintance; It will not be easy for you to recover from the blow that he will inflict, but it will be even harder to realize that such a dishonorable act towards you was committed by a person whom you always trusted and more than once helped in difficult moments.

I had a dream where I was standing and an insect like a scorpion walked past me. brown. also in the same dream I dream that my employees want to lie down on the straw. I had this dream at night. and in the morning I dreamed that my colleagues and I wanted to buy candy from the store opposite.

Pitch darkness, someone is crawling on me and biting me, I shake them off and don’t understand who it is, later I turn on the flashlight and see a large black scorpion, they continue to fall on me and crawl over me, I throw them off, then one falls on my hand and bites me me I tear off his claw and throw him away

I myself released one scorpion from a jar. At first I played with it, and was a little afraid of it, then it hid and many, many little scorpions appeared. They ran along the floor, which I did not stand on. I sat on the sofa all the time and watched nimi.the dream was very bright and clear.

so, I was walking in the evening with my old friends, but we haven’t talked to them for a long time, I was having fun, talking to everyone, and my friend threw a scorpion at me out of anger. He grabbed my neck, a burning pain went through my body. In the end, I took it off I felt like a Scorpio and then throughout my sleep I was bleeding from my neck, and when talking the blood flowed even more. Then I moved to Moscow with these same friends, I went to college, initially I studied well, but they generally ignored my studies, they thought that they already knew everything and then I didn’t have enough time to study. Also in the dream I remember what kind of certificate I had, the institute awarded me a scholarship
but all this time I was pursued by a scorpion and the blood did not calm down, it continued to flow from my neck.

In my dream, a scorpion sat on my skirt for a long time. I wore a long skirt, and he sat at the very bottom on the hem. I was terribly afraid!! But I couldn’t take it off - my friends and people around me said that I couldn’t take it off, that I had to pay for it or go through some tests. In the end, I finally plucked up the courage and secretly shook it off from everyone, moved away and watched from the side as another girl crushed it with force and pulled out some unnaturally large sting. As if it wasn't a scorpio. While I was walking around with a scorpion on my skirt, some guy was watching me. Later we met, I liked him, joked, talked, and I reproached him for not helping me get rid of Scorpio, although I had seen him from the outside many times.

I dreamed of a scorpion, he came out from under the sheet, a small one and began to grow, when he saw me he began to head towards me and tried to sting me, he was brown!! I didn’t finish the dream, I was woken up by the alarm clock, at the moment when a scorpion jumped on me with an outstretched sting!!

in a dream I was in a big beautiful house, with gray walls and gloomy furniture. And there was a yellow scorpion. It seemed to me that he wanted to sting me and I ran away from him. But he didn’t sting me, I don’t remember everything, because... I woke up periodically from fear, but at the end of the dream I saw the scorpion dead.

I saw in a dream a scorpion that bit me, after which I was afraid that I would die, and I began to feel severe dizziness and nausea, in the dream I ran to the toilet and woke up. I open my eyes, everything goes well, I feel good, as soon as I close my eyes for a second, there’s such an influx again!

I’m sitting on the sofa and a medium-sized and dark-colored scorpion stings me on the elbows, I brush it off and it disappears. then I expect terrible wounds from the bites, but my hands are clean and there are no marks.

I seemed to be sleeping on the floor with my child and suddenly two or three small scorpions crawled over me, I began to catch them and kill them, but they ran away into the floor, then it was all forgotten and I saw another dream right there that my mother-in-law was eating crayfish and I I remembered about scorpions and I tell her in a dream, and she replies yes, I caught it, it’s a cancer and I’m eating it

Good afternoon, we were sitting on the beach with a fellow surgeon from another country on a rock, then colleagues from my department (ill-wishers) walked past, I let them pass and at the bottom I noticed a small scorpion that could possibly climb up to us - so we quickly ran (climbed) back along the rocky shore

The military man dreamed that he was carrying a girl in his arms. And a scorpion appears. My husband says: don’t touch it, it’s poisonous. and the girl immediately reaches out to the scorpion. Scorpio bites a girl. The husband tries to save the girl, takes her to the hospital, but she dies from bleeding.

Hello) Are you related to Miller?)
First I saw a long woman in blue powder, then I stood naked in front of a mirror in the recreation room of the school where I once studied, then we rode on the bus and dreamed that I went big. Then I dreamed that I saw a spider and a snail in a dark room, then the spider ran away and I saw a small scorpion, I started looking for the spider. Then I dreamed of an unfamiliar smell and that someone wanted to harm my comrades from the dream.

I don’t remember the dream itself completely..an excerpt..I open the curtain on the window. There is not a cobweb all over the window and there is a dried scorpion in the middle. They removed the cobweb with a broom..they checked whether the scorpion was alive..they poked it with something..it broke into two halves..

Hello! I dreamed that I was in a lingerie store, choosing panties for my daughter (white) and in a box with them, one was a beetle in the other, a scorpion, the seller showed that they crawl and do not leave any snags on the lace panties.

He moved slowly around the room, initially gray, large size(minimum 50cm in length). He moved in the direction of his mother, who was playing on the computer. He stung her and seemed to start drinking blood. At the same time, changing color, from orange to purple alternately.
I told my mother, my mother removed her leg, confirming that she did not feel it, but did nothing with the scarpion.
I was on the bed. He quickly crawled and jumped onto the bed well enough. I hit his flight with a pillow, as if it were a ball, and in my hands it was not a pillow, but a bat. So he jumped 2-4 times. And when he stopped repeating the movement, looking at me from the floor, I woke up.

Good morning! I saw young man, he's my friend. He came up and said his stomach hurts, I hugged my stomach. Then I wanted to drink milk, but it spilled on the floor. I started wiping, and there was this little hybrid scorpion. The nose is like a mosquito, and the tail is dark brown and beautiful. When I started admiring him, he ran towards the exit... and there was light...

Hello, I dreamed that there was a cobweb in the room and when I decided to open the door a large scorpion crawled out. We tried to catch him. And then I saw a whole bunch of little ones and they scattered around the room!!! In the dream they were never caught or crushed!!!

I dreamed that a huge red scorpion attacked me several times, he wanted to bite off my mouth, I closed myself, he could not do anything to me and crawled away somewhere. My mother sat next to me and said that she wanted to buy this scorpion for her home so that she could just live... I told her that he would eat us all, that we didn’t need it home and woke up. According to my horoscope, I am a Scorpio.

Hello! I dreamed that a woman came to the books and started asking where we were going and if I could have the telephone number of the forklift. Mom, standing nearby, began to fuss because we were running away from home for another reason, which I don’t remember well. I went to the room to collect the remaining things, I approached my mother, and this woman was already reaching out to her with her hand, in which she was holding Scorpio. In my opinion, my mother was not bitten, but the woman immediately turned to me and put the Scorpio to my hand. He bit me. I immediately call my uncle and ask him to call an ambulance, realizing that I am losing consciousness. Then the woman again brings Scorpio to her hand and he bites me again. Still conscious, I hit the woman. I throw a scorpion at her. And I hit again. Many. The next thing I see is us being dragged to the front door. -on the way out. I see us in the mirror. For some reason, only I am conscious. Then: I open my eyes and they tell me that my mother and I are alive (although I didn’t see her being bitten), and the woman died. Apparently mostly from my beatings. Help, very much bad dream!

I dreamed of a building in which there was a sick supermarket. Scorpions began to appear, and I began to crush them with my feet, but the more I crushed them, the more of them appeared. From small sizes to large

I dreamed that in the bedroom there were two large flat glass boxes on top of each other (the top one was covered with a lid), in each of which snakes and scorpions crawled. One or two snakes got out and were crawling on the bed, but did not show aggression. And then I dreamed that my wife youngest child(in fact, not yet born) went to sleep in another apartment, and left me and my eldest (two-year-old) to spend the night alone

I'm standing in the house ( wooden house, roughly speaking, from 3 rooms: living room, kitchen and entryway) of my grandmother (on my mother’s side) and I want to pick up my things (jacket). I'll take it. I approach the door to the kitchen from the living room, my cat is standing in the doorway (he couldn’t be there), all shaggy, his fur is coarser, he himself has ceased to be affectionate. At this moment, a naked voice says that he became like this due to a lack of affection, I stroke the cat and seem to take him in my arms, but when I entered the kitchen, the cat disappeared. I entered the hallway and in a dream a message seemed to come to me: in the tropical forest there is a black man, as if made of beads, he is facing me (as if someone is filming him, and I see the video), he turns away a few seconds and points at a huge (as large as a person) black scorpion, the man seems to laugh at the scorpion, pointing his finger, turns to the camera and pierces it with a stinger in the upper right part of the chest. The leading ends, I continue to the front door, I open it, and there are several large black scorpions, I stand with them for a while, I close the door, and the scorpions begin to hit the door with their stings, but the door has become like rubber and very dense, this material stretches a little under I pressed with force, but did not tear. After a couple of seconds, the scorpions and I change places and they are now in the house, and I am outside. But I realized that the keys to my house were left in the house, so I thought about what to do and called my mother, my mother said to call my grandmother, I called her too, and she answered that I should wait for her. I waited for her for a while and got tired of it, it was creepy outside (everything was gray, as if it was cloudy, but there was no rain, all the colors were faded (even my red jacket)). A couple of moments later I found myself back in the house, and the scorpions were outside, I thought about taking the keys, but I immediately forgot about them and I was transported outside again (all this time the scorpions continued to hit the door with their stings, hitting the door handle mechanism several times and keyhole and their stingers flew off precisely from this mechanism), the teleportation was repeated a couple more times. After some time, I realized that the front door was duplicated and now I was standing in the hallway, and I was surrounded by scorpions on both sides (they were on the street and in the kitchen) the doors were closed, not letting the scorpions in. Suddenly water flowed from the ceiling just above the door from the kitchen side and froze, it was ice, the stingers could not break through the door with ice, I approached the door without ice, the scorpions continued to hit. suddenly all the doors disappeared, and I was still standing in the middle of the hallway and I was surrounded by huge black scorpions, they moved their tails, but did not dare to hit me. I woke up

The scorpion was large, beautiful, black with a blue tint, and shiny. it climbed in and out of the ears and nostrils of a woman who was familiar to me in the dream, but I can’t remember who she was. In the dream, besides her, I and my son were present. the scorpion tried to sneak up on us, but we hid from it. but this woman was not afraid of him, on the contrary, she smiled. it was normal for her that he climb on her. in the dream the scorpion was not killed, it went somewhere.

I had a dream about how I was called to hunt for scorpions, I agreed and went when I saw a scorpion, I killed it, it was small, and when I then saw a big one behind the stones, I said thank you, but I’m leaving and left.

Hello! I dreamed that an acquaintance released a scorpion into the lake and then tried to catch it, but in the water it grew and bit him on the knee and ran away, after that we were in the room and I kept looking out for the scorpion, I was afraid that it would bite me and it jumped out on my leg and bit him, but I pulled him away from my leg, and when I pulled him away, I poisoned him

Hello Tatyana. I dreamed that I was at home and a friend came to visit me, we were sitting and talking and suddenly I saw a black scorpion on my bed, I jumped back, and my friend so calmly told me that I should give her cream or Vaseline and it seemed like I killed him later, I was just relieved. but then when she left, I seemed to be lying there, already getting ready to sleep, and kept thinking about how good it was that my friend came to me and saved me. and suddenly I saw a small black cat, so very well-groomed and beautiful, and next to her was this very scorpion and they were walking towards me, such horror seized me, and when they began to climb up the blanket, I simply threw the blanket on top of them and woke up abruptly.
This is such a dream. Thanks in advance.

dreamed large number scorpions that were moving towards me. I closed the door in front of them, but he began to crawl under the door. Somehow I ended up with mosquito repellent, which I used at random... but it all killed them...

At first I stood in the semi-darkness of the room. From somewhere out of the floor a small scorpion crawled out and ran around the room hecticly. Then he suddenly ran towards me, crawled onto my face, then wanted to crawl into my nose and I just couldn’t blow it out with a stream of air. Someone was definitely standing nearby, but did not help, just watched. The dream was from Sunday to Monday

I dreamed that a big black spider was hiding under my bed, and I was afraid that I wouldn’t notice it, so I watched when it crawled out to kill it, but I never found it. It was very big and black. In the same dream, near the bed on the wall, I saw a scorpion, and my sister and I began to kill it, and in the process it bit me several times, and I was afraid that I would die from the bites, I saw how they turned red and swollen, we were going to the hospital, on this the dream is over. In the same dream

Ya priehala k drugu v Dubai, my ostanovilis v raznyh komnatah, ya na 6, on na 5 etazshah, ya prishla k nemu v komnatu, tam byli prostitutki, odetye kak play boy zaichiki, odna zanimalas s nim liuboviyu…. ya znala, chto eto on, no on byl men'she, nizshe… my poshli v moyu komnatu, on stal snimat' briuki, u nego iz karmana chto-to vylapo, eto byl scorpion, bolshe chem obychno I on strelyal yadom, on strel'nul v nego, no ukusa on ne pochustvoval… ego abrala skoraya, a ya pochemu-to poshla na bolshoy concert, no v posledniy moment ottuda ubezhala, menya dazhe vypuskat ne hoteli… son byl tsvetnoy I ochen' yarkiy, vokrug mnogo zolota I golubogo tsveta

A large black scorpion sits on the floor. Everyone takes him for a wood lice. He jumps on my hand, doesn't bite. It just sits on your wrist. I try to throw him off my hand, but he grabbed tightly. I disdain to take it with my other hand. Mom comes (no longer alive) and throws it off my hand. He crawls away.

Today I had a terrible dream with various reptiles. I was in some room with people, like a train station, and next to me lay a man covered with some kind of blanket, and his legs, or rather they were hooves, were sticking out. I was sitting next to him on a chair and suddenly I saw a scorpion small and nimble, she jumped up and screamed. Some boy wanted to kill him, but didn’t kill him, and the scorpion jumped to this man lying next to him. Everyone began to tell him that he was about to be bitten, but he did not react. And the scorpion first began to grab him by the heels and hooves, and then he grew up in front like a pump and he began to suck on the man’s entire body and you could see how this scorpion vampire was sucking blood into himself. He climbed on him and downloaded. I felt disgusted and I went outside , and there lies a bat. Suddenly a snake crawls out, I jumped back and it crawled towards the bat. Suddenly a vampire scorpion came out, already enlarged by 10-20 times and with a full transparent reservoir of blood in itself. He looked at me, and I again room and woke up. Why did I dream about such horrors and creatures?

Hello! In the morning I dreamed that a scorpion and a small toy spider were running around the kitchen. And then the scorpion ate the fly. I took two glass jars to catch them. But I woke up, it’s time.

in a dream they told me that I should keep track of them, they were in a container. but the scorpions fled and there were 2 more children in the room besides me. One scorpion crawled up to one child and entered the gap next to him without harming the child. I immediately took the child in my hand and with the other hand, using a stick, I wanted to catch the second scorpion. but since one hand was occupied, I could not catch it. and after several attempts I divided it into two. but both parts of it moved. And my son took it with his hand. I was afraid that the scorpion would bite him. but he didn’t bite and I was able to remove the scorpion from his hands

I’m in a store, and I was stung by a scorpion, I look at it, it’s so big, thick, dark brown, and a lot of little scorpions, barely noticeable, start running around nearby. I covered the big scorpion with some kind of bowl, I shout to my husband to call an ambulance, I look at myself, and my whole stomach and chin are covered with blisters.

Hello! In general, in a dream I tried to get away from the scorpion, it did not come close to me, but constantly appeared on the way. That is, I leave him in the other direction, he appears in front of me, and so on again and again... midnight.. The color is so incomprehensible, light, but not white. I was scared, I was afraid that he would bite me.

Hello! In the dream, the closest girl was playing happily and threw a whole bowl of black scorpions at me, looking me in the eyes. Among them was the biggest and most terrible one - he limped. And a whole bowl of black scorpions stung me, I didn’t feel their bite. There were no bites on the body. The bites made my hands feel like they were on fire.

Hello, I dreamed that from all sides I saw a large number of scorpions (common colors) and I cut them into pieces with a small ax .. one small scorpion managed to sting me but I didn’t feel anything because of its small size .. I destroyed the rest. Thank you

Hello! I dreamed of a white scorpion. He was furious, he was in a circle, he wanted to break out of there, but it didn’t work. he buried himself in the ground, ran quickly, fluttered very violently. First he buried himself in the ground, then again to the surface. And there was a very loud crackling and grinding sound. I was furious. Fought. We just looked at him with our daughter. Then the daughter approached him, but he did not bite. I was afraid of him in my sleep. And then we just left him.

Good day. Due to latest events both at work and in personal life... quarrels, congress try-ons. It already seems that this is a warning of some kind. The dream was not colorful, but somehow warm. And I clearly saw black scorpions. They were of different sizes and seemed to come out of a glass box (it seemed bottomless) from somewhere. They crawled on the floor, on the table, on me, everywhere. And I wasn’t afraid of them... and one couple got into a fight as far as I remember. That's all. Then the alarm clock rang.

I was in some room that looked like a garage, I was with my brother. I began to sweep the floor in the pile that I collected there was a small newborn white scorpion, my brother began to touch it, he began to attack. When I woke up, I started feeling nauseous and had a headache.

Hello! I dreamed that I was returning home after meeting a guy and I saw 1 large and 2 small black scorpions on the curb near the house, then I met a friend and in a panic asked her to see if a scorpion was sitting on me, it turned out that it wasn’t, then he came up to me second close friend and begins to tell something without even listening to me, and that’s where the dream ends.

in a dream I was riding in a train or bus in the back seat, it was crowded because there were a lot of people, some man persistently tried to kiss me on the lips, I resisted very stubbornly, because I understood that he was very rich and his habit of using women, suddenly then the guy took out a huge cockroach and threw it at some girl, the cockroach fell on the back of her neck, the girl grabbed the cockroach and threw it, and while it was flying, this cockroach turned into a huge black shiny scorpion! he flew onto my hand, grabbed my hand with his paws, (he was from my elbow to my wrist in size), he looked straight into my eyes with his black round eyes, I screamed in horror, but some man suddenly grabbed him and tore him off my hand and threw him out the window from the train, there were scratches with blood on my hand, but the scorpion did not sting me, through the window I saw that the scorpion rolled head over heels down the slope of the railway

I dreamed that a black scorpion the size of a palm ran away into our apartment. I am concerned about this fact. It's late bedtime. My dead father comes. I tell him that we have 2 incidents, the first is a scorpion walking around the apartment. And then I see him under the sofa, I tell my father, here he is. The father tries to crush him with his hands. I stop him, I say he’s poisonous, don’t touch him with your hands. Then the father takes the slipper and kills him, leaving only a wet spot.

The dream is very vivid and terribly real. I am with a friend (I can’t remember her name or face, I don’t know who it was, but from the feelings in the dream I know the girl and I treat her well), We are in the kitchen (in this place for the first time) The light is dim, like from a single light bulb on a wire dangling from the ceiling. A friend draws my attention (at this time I am talking to someone, so there was a third person - I don’t know who) that there is a dirty and rusty rat in the sink. I look in and see a very small regular mouse and two more transparent ones... I’m surprised, I say that the transparent ones have just hatched and try to slam them down. Immediately I see that these creatures begin to climb out of a small dirty door in the wall next to the sink (like a garbage chute) and run along the floor to the window onto the street. I try to crush them with my feet, but there is water on the floor and I’m wearing soft rubber slippers (pink). Nothing works for me.” I already perceive “transparent” ones as frogs for some reason. I shout to my friend to She closed the garbage chute more tightly, I myself feel disgusted. She touches the door, and from there, like from a cornucopia, all sorts of creatures, insects, mostly scorpions, begin to fall. First small, then larger. I squeal in horror and jump out of the kitchen. All this is running from the wall to the window and doesn’t touch me, but there are so many of them that I’m shocked by the sight. I want to leave, run away, I turn around and some large insect with long mustache jumps on me. I throw up my hands to wave it off and wake up. Hands flew up in reality - this woke me up.

Hello. I dreamed that my mother was cradling my son, who was fast asleep under a thick canopy of cobwebs. On which some reddish spider, which I think is a scorpion, is weaving it on top. Mom doesn't see this. In a panic, I chase the spider, kill it and divide it into several parts. But suddenly its head part moves weakly and I realize with horror that I didn’t completely kill it. I see his sting. But then I lost it and can’t find parts of it among the blanket. What kind of dream? Please explain.

I was standing in a store with my girlfriend, suddenly a large black scorpion appeared at her feet, I told her to immediately move away so that it would not sting. And she grabbed him by the tail and then let him go. After this, either an animal or a small person appeared who began to tear pieces from the scorpion and eventually ate it

Hello. I was sitting and talking with a girl in some dark gray place like a barn, and a medium-sized black scorpion crawled onto my knee. I got scared, I felt unpleasant and I hit him with a punch, he fell. We continued talking and after some time the black scorpion crawled onto me again, only this time it was smaller. I knocked him down again with a punch, I thought he fell, but he caught his leg and got back up. They managed to shoot him down after several misses. It became scary that he might sting, but it was also strange that he didn’t do it.

We were sorting out new jewelry. And Eva started barking, I got up, and something grabbed me by my jacket and the floor. And then I see a scorpion, he is trying to attack. Eve attacked him, but he stung her. And I come up, and how I grab and carefully break off the tail
He runs away, I didn’t have time to kill him.
And then two more crawl out and begin to attack. My family and I are hiding in the back room; these creatures haven’t crawled in yet. Dad is looking for how to kill.
And then I see Eva was bitten, I don’t know what to do. Dad starts looking for it. Nobody helps

I am sitting with a friend in some room previously unknown to me, I see 2 scorpions crawling on the floor, then one disappeared and the second crawled further. I was very afraid, unlike my friend, since he was completely calm, I was very afraid that he would bite me on the legs because that while sitting on the chair, only my legs were on the floor and I sharply raised my legs but could not hold it for long and asked to put a three-legged stool under my feet, which was standing right next to us, after he placed the chair I visa that a scorpion climbed up the leg of the chair and was already with me on my feet, I was very scared and jerked my legs and threw it on the floor, from somewhere a green locust was crawling there, but much larger than a scorpion, and the scorpion began to chase it under the table and chairs, and suddenly the locust got stuck in the web under one of the chairs and the scorpion caught up with it and killed it with several blows hall on my tail and I woke up

I dreamed that my younger sister had a large black-charcoal scorpion in our house, I was afraid of him to the point of trembling and did not get off the table, while he constantly tried to bite me by the legs

The most complete collection of dream books. Includes: Standard Dream Book, Doff's Dream Book, Freud's Dream Book, Miller's Dream Book, Nostradamus' Dream Book, Assyrian Dream Book, Dream Interpretation of Hasse, Dream Interpretation of Vanga, Dream Interpretation of Azar, Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong, Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov, Old Russian Dream Interpretation, English dream book, Esoteric dream book, French dream book, Indian dream book, Kopalinsky's dream book, Culinary dream book, Slavic dream book, Meneghetti's dream book, Muslim dream book, Persian dream book, Correct dream book, Small dream book, Solomon's dream book, Krada Veles' dream book, Family dream book, Intimate dream book, Children's dream book, Modern dream book, Love dream book, Lunar dream book, Electronic dream book, Dream book of food, Dream book of flowers, Wedding dream book, Dream book of numbers, Dream book for women, Dream book for men, Ancient dream book, Sonic Kananita, Dream Book Longo, Ukrainian dream book.

Seeing a scorpion in a dream is a harbinger of secret enmity. If you are bitten by a scorpion, in reality someone’s secret enmity will greatly harm you.Miller's Dream Book
If you dream of a scorpio, it means. Your false friends will take the opportunity to discredit you. If you fail to stop them, then... You will suffer from their attacks.Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
Scorpio means vindictiveness, power, deceit. If you were bitten by a scorpion in a dream, then in reality you will become a victim of slander and false rumors. Seeing a giant black scorpion in a dream means great changes. A dream in which you kill a scorpion indicates that you will be able to thwart the insidious plans of your enemy. To see yourself as a Scorpio in a dream according to your horoscope means an unexpected turn of events, and in your favor. If in a dream you eat an exotic Chinese dish made from scorpions, in reality it means that you will connect with a person who will make your life richer and bring a lot of impressions into it.Dream Interpretation of Hasse
You will be punished.Esoteric dream book
To see - there is a possibility of getting into a deadly situation on the road while traveling. Self-pitying - do not engage in self-criticism, this can lead to suicide. Bitten you or someone - evidence that fate, negative karma is weighing on you, and the time has come for its fulfillment. Think about the soul.Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky
Serious loss, great damage.Muslim dream book
Scorpio - to the appearance of a weak enemy: the intention of this enemy is no more than to cause damage to the property of the dreamer. A scorpion sting means slander from the enemy.Small dream book
If you dreamed of a Scorpio, then you should be wary of insidious enemies who, posing as friends, will make every effort to ruin you. If in a dream you failed to kill a scorpion, then in reality the machinations of your enemies will bring you significant losses.Family dream book
A dream about him predicts grief due to the causticity of someone around you or a trial. Seeing a scorpion in a dream is a sign of retribution or punishment for some misdeeds. But if you have friends born under the sign of Scorpio, then soon you will have some business with them. See what a scorpio does in a dream. See interpretation: insects.Modern dream book
If you dreamed that a scorpion stung itself with its tail, then the dream means that your opponents are digging a hole for you, but will fall into it themselves. If in a dream you began to confront them, then in the near future you need to moderate your ardor and stop active actions, otherwise everything you do will turn against you. You dream of a dead scorpion at the beginning of a favorable period: you will not suffer in an accident, you will be able to avoid illness. And yet we must not forget about caution. If you dreamed that a scorpion stung you, then the dream is interpreted in exactly the same way.Dream book for men
Scorpio stinging itself with its tail - the machinations of your competitors will turn against them. But if you have entered into a fight with them, refrain from taking decisive action in the next month - you can harm yourself. A Scorpio stinging you or killing you is a favorable sign. You will safely avoid illness or accident. But still, be careful.Ancient dream book
Scorpio is the personification of cruelty, malice, meanness, vindictiveness, irritability, deceit and composure, since it has a poisonous sting, attacks and kills its victims with it, and sometimes, in a fit of rage, can turn a deadly weapon against itself. If you dreamed of a scorpion killing its victim, it means that you will soon witness an unpleasant event, perhaps you will attend a funeral. Seeing a scorpion in a collection of insects means you will be able to defeat your opponent despite his dishonest play. If you dreamed that you were stung by a scorpion, then expect a trick from a friend or acquaintance; It will not be easy for you to recover from the blow that he will inflict, but it will be even harder to realize that such a dishonest act towards you was committed by a person whom you always trusted and more than once helped in difficult moments. Catching a scorpion in a dream - you are hatching a plan for revenge on a person who made you suffer greatly, but revenge will not bring relief, it will only make you worry even more. A turbulent period awaits you. If in a dream you crushed a scorpion with your foot, it means that in reality you will be forced to fight your opponent with his own dishonest methods, which will not give you moral satisfaction, but will bring you victory, which in this situation will be much more important than peace of mind.Azar's Dream Book
Litigation, investigationFrench dream book
If you dreamed of a scorpion, beware of the traps set by your secret enemies.Slavic dream book
Slander.Sonic Kananita
Scorpio - you will be punishedElectronic dream book
investigation and litigation
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