Sculptural compositions (40). Monuments to angels. Lenin Square. Guardian Angel monument. Stavropol online Monuments to the Archangel Michael

The symbolic and triumphant allegorical element of Palace Square is the Alexander Drovsky Column. Erected in honor of the victory of Alexander I over Napoleon, the column is made of solid red granite in the Empire style. The column is crowned with the figure of an angel trampling a snake. The pedestal is also made of granite and decorated with bas-reliefs depicting episodes of various military operations. The 47.5 m column weighing 704 tons is not fixed to the foundation, but is installed on a granite base, and stands under the influence of its own gravity and as a result of precise calculation. In 1834, the lifting and installation of this complex structure took place, and more than 10 thousand people gathered to see it.

1-2. Stavropol. Alexandrovskaya Square. Monument to the Guardian Angel:

The monument to the Guardian Angel, erected by the city authorities in 2002, in honor of the 225th anniversary of Stavropol, is a column lined with red granite, on top of which bronze sculpture An angel, leaning his foot on a gilded sphere, raises a cross over the city. The fountains located at the base of the monument feed Stavropol residents with life-giving coolness in summer days. The angel crowns the relatively new, but already beloved by both townspeople and guests of the regional center, Alexander Square.

1-3. Kirovograd. Monument to the "Guardian Angel of the Place":

With the construction of Independence Square (microdistrict five-five) in 2004 in honor of the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity of Christ for the 250th anniversary of the founding of the city on the initiative of the Kirovograd Regional Council and the regional state administration, the Kirovograd City Executive Committee, the Kirovograd Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, public organizations of the city and region, a monument was erected Guardian Angel.
Along the perimeter of the column, closer to the base, you can read the inscription “God Bless Ukraine.”
The monument was created by several people:
- idea Vasily Mukhina;
- sculptor Anatoly Gonchar;
- architect Vitaly Krivenko.

1-4. Monument to the 1000th anniversary of Brest

A majestic monument in the center of Brest, built in 2009.
In preparation for the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the city, which will take place in 2019, a sculptural composition - a monument to the history of Brest - appeared at the intersection of Sovetskaya and Gogol streets. The sculpture is crowned with the figure of an angel - the intercessor and protector of ancient Berestye and the modern city.

The three-tier monument, 10.5-11 m high, is made of granite and bronze. The top of the monument is decorated guardian angel of the city with a cross in one hand and a shield in the other. Below are figures of historical figures closely connected with the history of the city: Vladimir-Volyn prince Vladimir Vasilkovich, Grand Duke Vytautas of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the 16th-century statesman Nikolai Radziwill the Black. As well as collective images of Mother, Soldier and Chronicler.

The monument itself is grandiose, multifaceted, multi-tiered and thoroughly presented in the article:

In April 2011, a circular high relief with a total area of ​​11 m² was installed. It reflects 6 historical subjects: the legend of the founding of the city, the construction of the city, the participation of the Berestey people in the Battle of Grunwald, the publication of the Berestey Bible, defense Brest Fortress 1941, space exploration.

Meanwhile, the installation of a monument in this part of the city with this sculptural composition was repeatedly raised and hotly discussed at Brest forums. Thus, one of the main arguments “against” was “borrowing the composition of the Brest monument from the Russian monument to Empress Catherine II in Krasnodar and erected in her honor in Odessa.” Until recently, the issue of historical figures who should/should not be immortalized in a sculptural composition was also discussed. For example, in this sculpture it was planned to crown both the Grand Duke of Lithuania and King Jagiello of Poland.

2. Monuments to Archangel Michael:

2-1. Monument to Archangel Michael in Kyiv on the square. Minsk

Address: Kyiv, sq. Minsk

Minsk Square- an area in the Obolon residential area, Obolonsky district of the city of Kyiv.
On the square there is a square with a monument to Archangel Michael - the patron saint of Kyiv
on the corner of Obolonsky Prospekt and st. Marshal Tymoshenko:

Monument to Archangel Michael - a monument in honor of the patron saint of the city of Kyiv, St. Michael. Installed in 2000 on the corner of Obolonsky Prospekt and st. Marshal Tymoshenko. In the center of the square on a small area of ​​its main alley. The authors are sculptors V. Znoba, M. Znoba, architects M. Bosenko, M. Demin, V. Isak. Manufactured by the Kyiv factories "Granit" and "Kievprodmash" by order of the regional state administration with funds from philanthropists M. Zagorodniy and V. Isaac. The height of the sculpture is 3 m, the column is 4.5 m.

The bronze figure of the archangel is mounted on a white granite column. The image of the saint reproduces traditional iconography: in his elevated right hand he holds a flaming sword. The frontal composition is enriched on a wide scale large wings, folds long cloak; the step forward of the right foot gives the sculpture dynamics. Plastic solution marked by careful attention to detail. The sculpture is well perceived from all sides. The faceted column rests on a two-stage octagonal stone pedestal. At the top along the perimeter of the column there are bronze compositions depicting a winged cross, on back side- annotation.

View of the linden alley in Obolon

2-2. Monument to Archangel Michael in Kyivon Lyatsky (Pechersky) in orots:

Archangel Michael is the patron saint of Kyiv. Until 2001, the statue stood on the zero kilometer column. During the reconstruction of the Maidan of Independence in 2001, the old statue was replaced with a more pompous one and installed either in the Lyatsky (Pechersky) orota.

If they don’t change their minds about changing the monument to Archangel Michael, then this will be the third statue of the patron saint of the capital.
In 2001, the first archangel was removed from Maidan Nezalezhnosti, whom Kyiv residents nicknamed “Batman” because of his fluttering cape. This bright landmark of the capital's central square helped many citizens and guests not to get lost in the crowded crowd. "Under Batman" was a favorite meeting place for many.
In place of the thin Mikhail, six years ago, a stocky, strong man with smaller wings was installed above the Lyadsky Gate. If they had been half a meter longer, perhaps no one would have thought of comparing the sculpture with the devil and expelling the current archangel from his long-established place.
Where to go old monument then we thought for a long time. At first they wanted to give it to Kharkov in honor of its 350th anniversary. Moreover, Donetsk also planned to make its own gift - Mertsalov’s palm tree. Kyiv was ahead of Moscow and gave the Cossack Kharko. Because of this, everything had to be changed so that no one would be offended. Mikhail was sent to Donetsk, and the palm tree was sent to Kyiv.
It is not yet clear where the current archangel will go.

2-3.Monument to Archangel Michael in Kyivon South tower of the National Reserve "Sofia Kievskaya".

Connoisseurs of Kyiv antiquity decided to recreate the figure of Archangel Michael on the spire of the southern tower of St. Sophia of Kyiv.
Four years ago, work began, but due to lack of money, the process was somewhat delayed.
The project reached the finish line only in the fall of 2010, when the figure of the Archangel was hoisted onto the spire.
The recreated figure was unveiled in October last year.
The figure is made of gilded copper and weighs about a hundredweight.

On Tuesday, in Kyiv, the figure of the arch-strategist Michael was installed, which was fixed in its rightful historical place on the South Tower of the National Reserve "Sophia of Kiev".

Thus, there are three monuments to the archangel in the capital. They formed a kind of triangle: “Sofia”, Lyadsky Gate on the Maidan and Mikhailovsky Golden-Domed. Experts say that all people who live in this territory are under powerful protection and will get sick less.

According to legend, the sky of Grace in Kiev is held by the winged figures of Archbishop Michael. Since ancient times, this angel has been the patron saint of Kyiv and is considered the leader of the army of the Lord. Therefore, even the monument to the Archangel Michael is a reservoir of positive energy and opens a window to the heavenly world, as read in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

A positive field of the Holy Spirit is formed around this monument. And the people who are close to this prayer of trance are purified,” says Metropolitan Yaroslav.

The symbol of Archangel Michael is a powerful energy ray, says psychoanalyst Inna Smug. - And in the triangle, these figures provide a huge energy shell. From a spiritual point of view, everything that falls into this triangle is a powerful divine seal, almost sanctity... People with negative energy in the territory of “Sofia” - St. Michael’s Golden-Domed - Maidan cannot live with it. This applies primarily to those who are involved in the occult, atanism, and black magic.

Historians say that in the 18th century all administrative buildings in Kyiv had an image of the Archangel Michael on their walls. One of the most ancient monuments to the archangel was located on the South Tower of the Sophia, in the same place where its gilded copy has stood since September 21st. In 1930, by order of the authorities, the monument to the archangel was removed, and the last heavenly guard of Kyiv was lost. The administration of the Sofia Kievskaya Nature Reserve tried for several years to begin work on the restoration of the monument, but was hampered by a shortage of media. Thanks to the head of the Board of Trustees, Alexander Glusyu, the artifacts were found and a copy of the figure was placed in its original place. And Kyiv finally found a third figure from its guardianship.

To believe or not to believe that the triangle of three figures of the Archbishop of Michael is a sacred protection, the right of each of the Kiev residents. But if, when looking at the figure of the archangel, a person has a desire to do something good, it means that the creators of the monument have fulfilled their function.

Archpriest Vladimir S. Avelyev, Chairman of the Foreign Publishing Department of the UOC:

The number of monuments does not affect the quality of human life. Whether we live well or poorly depends only on us. Christian monuments cannot and should not be a tribute to fashion. And they are constantly poured in as pagan amulets. For the people of Kiev to truly live better, they need to work more and lead a pious lifestyle. The best protection from evil is fasting and prayer.

2-4. Monument to Archangel Michael in Donetsk, st. Artema, opposite 129 “v”:

The monument to Archangel Michael is a bronze sculpture by Georgy Kuravsky.

Initially, the monument to Archangel Michael was erected in Kyiv (Archangel Michael is considered the heavenly patron of Kyiv) on Independence Square. The sculpture stood on a column of white marble brought from Italy.

To the people of Kiev new sculpture I didn't like it. The authorities and the clergy subsequently expressed an opinion on the need to replace it with another.

In 2001, it was decided to replace the sculpture with a more impressive one and it was removed from the square. Instead, a sculpture by Anatoly Kushch was installed on the Pechersk Gate.

During the dismantling of Kuravsky's sculpture, a large stone fell out of the pedestal and injured several people.

The sculpture was planned to be presented to Kharkov on the anniversary of its 350th anniversary, but the monument was presented to Donetsk. In return, Donetsk presented Kyiv with a copy of Mertsalov’s Palm.

The sculpture of the archangel was installed in May 2002 near the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Donetsk. The mayor of Kyiv Omelchenko was present at the opening.

The sculpture represents the figure of an archangel in the form of a thin young man in full height, dressed in a long flowing cloak. IN right hand The archangel has a sword, and in his left is a shield.

The inscription on the pedestal reads (translated from Ukrainian):
“Archangel Michael.
May the heavenly forces protect you!
Residents of Kyiv to Donetsk residents from the bottom of their hearts.
May 2002."

2-5. Monument to Archangel Michael in G. Kharkov.
Monument to the 50th parallel (the line of the parallel itself) and the monument to Archangel Michael in G. Kharkov. On the left in the flowerbed is the city's coat of arms made of flowers.

Monument to the 50th paralleloriginal sign in Kharkov, symbolizing that Kharkov is the most big city at the 50th parallel north latitude. Installed in the City Garden named after T. G. Shevchenko exactly along the line of the 50th parallel of northern latitude.

The monument consists of twenty bronze and copper tablets with the inscription “50th parallel”, which are located along the alley in the form of a broken line. In the center there is a convex bronze circle with the image globe and indicating some largest cities world (Moscow, Rome, Jerusalem, Paris, Dubai and Delhi), and the distance from them to Kharkov. Along the perimeter of the ball there is a repeating inscription “Kharkov” in Russian and “Kharkov” in English.

2-6. Monument to Michael the Archangel in the city of Sochi.

Monument to Michael the Archangel— a monumental column with a sculpture of Archangel Michael, head of the Heavenly Host, patron of the city of Sochi. Located on the esplanade of Kurortny Prospekt in the Central district of Sochi, Krasnodar region, Russia.

The sculpture is cast from bronze, 7 meters high. The monument was designed by architect Sergei Sukhorukov and sculptor Vladimir Zelenko, cast at the Belarusian enterprise “Excellent Casting”. The base of the sculpture was a five-meter podium made of red granite and a twenty-meter reinforced concrete column. The monument was erected on May 10. On the pedestal there is a bronze plaque with the words:
Established by order of the mayor of the city of Sochi, Viktor Viktorovich Kolodyazhny, in 2006 from the Nativity of Christ
Archangel Michael is the patron saint of the city of Sochi. since the throne of the main cathedral of the city - the Cathedral of Michael the Archangel - is dedicated to this saint.

The monument was erected at the burial site of Russian soldiers who died defending Fort Alexandria, the citadel of the modern city of Sochi.

Monument to Archangel Michael. Coordinates: (43.582214°, 39.722328°). Guardian angel of the city of Sochi.

2-7. Minsk. Monument to Archangel Michael defeating the dragon at the Church of St. Simeon and St. Helena:

In 1996, in front of the Red Church (Church of St. Simeon and Helen) on Independence Square, a statue of Archangel Michael piercing a winged serpent with a spear was erected. It symbolizes the victory of the heavenly army over the forces of darkness. Archangel Michael edition VNA is considered the patron saint of Belarus.
Sculptor Igor Golubev used a drawing from the Bible by Francis Skaryna.

2-8. Podolsk Sculpture "Archangel Michael"

1995 - in Podolsk, in the Kutuzovo microdistrict, the sculpture “Archangel Michael” was installed (stainless steel, forging, welding).

Sculptor Stalina Mikhailovna Udalova:

“After “Spring” I had a dream for a long time: an angel was flying over the forest. And then one day, during a meeting, Seryozha Shanaev suggested that I make a small monument to M.I. Kutuzov in a public garden for City Day. I immediately suggested the namesake Archangel Michael, the head of the heavenly army, the patron saint of all Orthodox Christians. Then I was already dreaming of plastic icons of the 12th century, the immortal example of which is Tretyakov’s “Ustyug Annunciation”. The dream was becoming reality.
I began to read about Kutuzov and became convinced that he was truly guided by the will of Providence. For some, his head wound would have been fatal - for him it was not. He retreated, avoiding battles, gave up Moscow - and won!
Everything was done easily, as if by itself. There were no obstacles. The attitude of the people was also surprising: everyone helped, they gave their last.
Okay, I’m thinking: “I’ll do something, but how to deliver it?” There was no lift in the city of the required height. But they found it. They connected something and raised it.”
Archangel Michael in the rays of the setting sun
in Podolsk in the Kutuzovo microdistrict
The city really responded. Here is an excerpt from Sergei Shanaev’s article “Memories of the Holiday”:
“... The monument to Kutuzov came as a surprise to many, but not to its creators: sculpture by S.M. Udalova, architects O.G. Lyubarskaya, S.V. Kudrina, designer V.N. Nikolaevsky, welder Z.P. Ponomareva, mechanic Ponomarev I.A., builders under the leadership of Chernov A.N., deputy of the city Duma A.A. Fedin, climbers-installers Ermakov V.I. and Gunyaeva G.D.
...Special thanks to Kolupaev I.I., Shakhalov P.K., Chesnokov B.N. and Kereev V.S. – without their professionalism and efficiency, we would hardly be able to admire the magnificent bas-relief of the monument to Kutuzov.
The happy fate of the monument to Kutuzov became possible with the support of the city administration and, above all, P.I. Zabrodin.
And now Archangel Michael hovers over our city. People stop, raise their heads and, perhaps, think about the eternal.”
The work required such stress from the sculptor that it came to nervous breakdowns. Over the next five years, not a single job was done.
It's good that we managed to do it after all. It’s bad that it’s almost free: the fee was used to buy a TV. There wasn't enough for more. It’s also bad that after five years the ensemble dedicated to M.I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky still exists in the form of a skeleton, like a stove chimney in a burnt-out house. It is necessary, of course, to place the rotunda, eight columns, steps, and the remaining three reliefs on the pedestal, securing them correctly along the axis so that Kutuzov does not seem tiredly lying down.

But Seryozha Shanaev himself is also right beautiful image still exists. The foot of the Archangel gently touches the sphere-ball. The wings are almost folded. The face is turned to the ground. Finely detailed robes hug light flesh. This is perceived as the victory of light over the darkness of timelessness. Archangel Michael is the archangel, the supreme military leader, translated from Greek as the conqueror of evil, the patron of warriors fighting for a just cause. His winged figure often adorned the helmets of Russian soldiers. Stalin Udalova used the iconography of a 12th century Russian icon from Tretyakov Gallery, where Archangel Michael holds in his right hand a staff that belongs only to angels, and in his left hand a sphere with the name of Jesus Christ.

2-9. Monument to Archangel Michael in Arkhangelsk. Sculptor Alexey Blagovestnov, 2002.

2-10. Leipzig, southern outskirts of Leipzig. Teutonic Michael Archangel.

Above the entrance to the memorial is a huge statue of a winged warrior in a Teutonic helmet and armor. In his hand is a fiery sword, on the halo is the inscription – Archangel Michael.

The building is simply cyclopean, perhaps too gloomy and ponderous, evoking associations with the mausoleum of some great warrior of antiquity.

Mournful figures of the Teutons on the top, equally stern sculptures inside: a wounded giant, a grieving father with the body of his murdered son on his lap, a woman nursing twins…. Any nail of these figures is larger than my entire foot: estimate the scale! But the main thing is the expression of the gigantic faces, full of unyielding, mournful determination. Looking at them, you get an understanding of what Germany was like on the eve of the First World War, with what mood it began this war and what it saw as its role. Above the entrance to the memorial there is a huge statue of a winged warrior in a Teutonic helmet and armor... That's what he is, the Teutonic Michael the Archangel! But Michael is the leader of the heavenly army, the conqueror of the devil...

2-11. Paris. Font tan Saint-Michel, located on the left bank of the Seine.

F he tan Saint-Michel, located on the left bank of the Seine, serves as a landmark for Parisians, near which it is customary to make appointments. The square is usually full of people waiting for someone. You may also have an appointment at this place. When standing on Place Saint-Michel, don't forget to look at the Font Tan, which has stood here since 1860.

The construction of the von tan was conceived as part of a grandiose project to rebuild the city, led by Baron Haussmann. The plan was to demolish the old neighborhoods and build wide avenues and boulevards. One of these boulevards was Saint-Michel, which runs from the Ile de la Cité to the Luxembourg Gardens. The fountain on the square was supposed to cover the ugly facade of one of the buildings located at the beginning of Saint-Michel Boulevard. The author who designed the von tan was Daniel David. He conceived the monument in such a way that four columns, erected on a high base, form a kind of triumphal arch, under which there should first be a female statue of Peace, and then a statue of Napoleon I. For political reasons, the place on the pedestal was taken by the bronze Archangel Michael, striking Satan.

F he tan Saint-Michel amazes with its height (more than 2.2 m) and splendor. Different types of stone are used in its decoration. Around the bronze statue there are columns made of red marble; in the decoration you can see green, blue and yellow marble. A pair of bronze griffins direct jets of water into the pool.

Since the Latin Quarter is located not far from the monument, von tan Saint-Michel has become a place where Parisian students like to gather. They like to celebrate different events by swimming in the pool. After the end of the study session, students bring their textbooks to the fountain to sell them to those students who still need it. During the student riots in May 1968, students occupied the square and declared themselves an independent state. True, they did not maintain their independence for long, until the police came to the square and drove the students out of there, using batons and tear gas.


2-12. Mount of the Archangel Michael (without man-made monuments):

This place is incredibly romantic. What is not at all surprising is that Mont Saint-Michel, the Mount of the Archangel Michael, is already conducive to daydreaming by its very appearance. A rocky island, covered with winds and legends, with an amazing, unique castle-abbey rising on it - a real treasure, carefully protected by the sea, sands and the grace of its patron.

The city on the island has existed since 709. Currently there are 80 inhabitants. Since 1879, the island has been connected by a causeway to the mainland. At low tide, sand dunes emerge from the sea. And 2 or 3 times a year, when an exceptionally high tide floods the dam, Mont Saint-Michel is completely cut off from the mainland. The island is a granite formation approximately 930 m in diameter and 92 m above sea level.

Before the advent of man-made buildings, Mount Saint-Michel was just a cliff with steep slopes, eighty meters high. The granite from which it is composed is very strong and has not been eroded for thousands of years. Around Saint-Michel there was a dense forest, which is supposed to have been called the Forest of Sissi. Over time, under the pressure of the sea, the forest disappeared. According to legend, a real tsunami - a huge whirlwind of water and wind - changed the landscape at the beginning of the 8th century. So Mount Saint-Michel, together with the neighboring Tombelin hill, seemed to be separated from the continent, turning into an island at high tide. Three rivers flow along the sandy banks around the mountain: Se, Selyun and Kuenon. The latter is the border between Brittany and Normandy. A French proverb says: “Couenon has gone mad, that’s why Mount Saint-Michel ended up in Normandy.”.

2-13. Dolina, Dolinsky district, Ivano-Frankivsk region. Monument to Fighters for the Ukrainian State.
The majestic monument to the Fighters for the Ukrainian State was erected in the city center. From now on, Archangel Michael with a lowered sword and a palm branch in his hand is business card Down to the valley.

2-14. Vladivostok. Memorial to the glory of the Russian army, dedicated to the heroes of the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905. Opened in December 2006. The central part of the ensemble is the formidable figure of an angel with a shield and sword. Archangel Michael, Heavenly Archangel.

The dedication says: “To the heroes of the Russian-Japanese War from grateful descendants.”

On the side of the pedestal there is a marble slab with a long inscription: “The memorial to the glory of the Russian army was erected with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Veniamin of Vladivostok and Primorsky with the support of the command of the Pacific Fleet, commissioned by the Patriotic Foundation “Memory” through the efforts of the beautifier Alexander Leonidovich Yasin.”

Vladika Benjamin, Archbishop of Vladivostok and Primorsky:
“In Vladivostok, to our shame, this is the first monument in honor of the heroes who died in the Russo-Japanese War.”

The idea of ​​​​creating the monument belongs to Pavel Ivanovich Slabenko, president of the Pamyat patriotic foundation.
“Initially it was assumed that it would be the figure of an angel, and when the idea was discussed in the Vladivostok diocese, we were offered that it would be the Archangel Michael.
Vladyka Benjamin said that Archangel Michael is the archangel of the Heavenly Forces, the patron saint of all earthly warriors."

Boris Blednov, senior researcher Museum of the Pacific Fleet:
- “We are restoring historical justice to the whole world - both the Pacific Fleet and public organization, and the Memory Foundation. The feat is truly significant and we are ashamed to forget about it."
The monument was made in North Korea by the Mangan association with the assistance of the commander of the Pacific Fleet, Admiral Viktor Fedorov, and the president of Otechestvo JSC, Alexander Leonidovich Yasin.
The laying of the first stone took place on June 24, 2006.
The grand opening of the monument took place on Saturday, December 16, 2006.

3. Angel of the North(English) Angel of the North) is a modern sculpture created by Antony Gormley and installed in Gateshead, England.

Angel of the North is a steel sculpture 20 meters tall, with a wingspan of 54 meters and weighing 208 tons, which is larger than the Statue of Liberty. It is considered the largest sculpture of an angel in the world. The sculpture's wings are angled forward at 3.5 degrees, with Antony Gormley stating that he wanted to create a "feeling of being embraced." The angel stands on a hill overlooking the A1 road and the A167 road in Tyneside.


Work on the project began in 1994, with a total cost approaching £1 million. Most of The National Lottery provided funding for the project. National Lottery ).
Due to its location, the sculpture must withstand winds of over 160 km/h. 165 tons of concrete were used to create the pile foundation that anchors the 20-meter sculpture into the ground.
Construction Angela was completed by February 16, 1998. When it was installed, Angel of the North caused controversy among local residents and in British newspapers, but is now regarded as a North East England landmark.
It is sometimes affectionately known as The Gateshead Flasher.

4. Volgograd. Sasha Filippov Square . Monument to an angel.
The monument to the angel in Sasha Filippov's park can hardly be called a cool monument, but it is impressive.

Sasha Filippov - Stalingrad school k, 16-year-old partisan during the Second World War, scout.

5. Vilnius. This is the main square of Užupis. It’s called, you’ll never guess, “Angel Square”:

Uzhupi with(or t. Užupis, rus. Zarechye ) is a district of Wilnius, partly located in the Old Town. Considered a district of artists and figures, it is often compared to the Montmartre district in Paris. Today the area is home to art galleries and workshops, and numerous cafes.

The symbol of modern Užupis is an Angel with a Trumpet erected on its central square. The bronze sculpture is installed on a column 8.5 meters high. The column was installed in 2001. Authors: sculptor Romas Vilčiauskas and architect Algirdas Umbrasas.
When the Dalai Lama, who received honorary citizenship of the republic, arrived in Užupis, he said that he would like the sound of this trumpet to be heard throughout the entire world.

6. Rome Vatican. Square San Pietro. St. Peter's Cathedral .

7. Zhytomyr. Putyatinskaya Square. Monument “Sad Angel”:

Monument "Weeping Angel" in Zhitomir. Installed on Putyatinskaya Square.
August 23, 2006, in memory of the victims of the Holodomor in Ukraine of 1932-1933.

The authors of the project for the monument in the form of an angel crying over bread were architect Petr Pere The sculptor Alexander Kostyuk also appeared.
As the author of the project noted, angels usually do not cry, but contemplating the horrors of the Holodomor, he could not resist.
The inscription on the monument " Bright memory of the victims of the Holodomor"

8. Good Angel of Peace

8-1. Moscow. Art Park "Museon". Good Angel of Peace:

Square of Heroes of Russia- part of the architectural and park ensemble “World of Good”, located on the territory of the Muzeon Arts Park in Moscow.
The name is not official; it is not included in the All-Moscow Classifier of Moscow Streets and the reference book “Streets of Modern Moscow” (2009) based on it.
The author of the project is Honored Artist Russian Federation P. T. Stronsky.
The square opened on December 26, 2007.
“Square of Heroes of Russia” is part of the architectural and park ensemble “World of Good”, which also includes the following compositions: “Good Angel of Peace”, “ Kind Heart Earth" and the Arc de Triomphe, marking the beginning of the "Alley of Heroes of Russia". In general, the ensemble is an architectural expression of the cultural and historical project “History of Russia in Modern Times”. Numerous stars were laid on the square in honor of outstanding scientists, public and politicians, representatives of show business, etc.

8-2. Russia, Krasnodar region, Sochi. Angel of Peace on the central square in Lazarevskoye:

8-3. The tallest monument on the planet will be built in Cyprus

A 135-meter monument made of environmentally friendly, self-cleaning materials should appear on the southern coast of Cyprus, near the “fruit” capital of the republic - the city of Limassol.

The idea of ​​a monument in the form of an angel holding a dove, symbolizing peace and mercy, appeared in Russia five years ago. Small “Good Angels of the World” already exist abroad and in many Russian cities, including Moscow. $70 million will be invested in the construction of the giant angel, which will become both a large business and entertainment center, Moskovsky Komsomolets reports.

The monument, which will be larger in scale than the statue of Christ in Brazil, the Statue of Liberty in the United States and the statue of Buddha in China, will be created from nanomaterials.

“The statue will be covered with a special film, which is a hundred times lighter than glass,” says the author of the artistic concept of the monument, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Pyotr Stronsky. “In principle, it can have any color, but in our case it will be gold plated. This is an environmentally friendly technology."

At the base of the complex there will be a large infrastructure for tourists - concert hall, cafes, restaurants. And in the monument itself there are three observation platforms, which can be reached by high-speed elevators. But a spiral staircase will lead to the highest point of the monument (135 meters). According to Stronsky, the height of the angel figure will be 86 meters, the height of the base with the sphere will be 49 meters. Total area the complex will exceed 32 thousand square meters.

Guardian Angel Monument

Guardian angel monument is special. It is impossible to pass by him.

Undoubtedly, we will classify such a monument as exclusive.

And here's why.

  1. Firstly, Our craftsmen have the ability to create a monument from a single slab of granite. Such work will require a lot of experience from our sculptors.
  2. Secondly, we decided to create a human-sized figure of an angel. This is essentially a sculpture.
    Finally, The hardest and most reliable granite is used for production. Perhaps this is the most durable granite.
  3. Undoubtedly, the semantic load of the figure of the guardian angel is also very important.

Guardian angel - divine figure. He is called to follow us, guarding and protecting us, both on earth and in heaven. The guardian angel is a mediator between the divine world and ours. They say in myths and legends that a guardian angel is obliged to maintain the connection between God and his creations. Also, one must ensure that the divine destiny is fulfilled. As if fulfilling the will of fate.

  • Guardian angel, as it were leans on the monument with one hand. With the other hand, she presses flowers to her chest.
  • We offer place on the monument engraving of a portrait, manual or machine. Dates, names and other engravings can also be placed on the stele.
  • The kit also includes stand for monument and flower beds, everything you need.

Guardian Angel Monument for those who want to receive not just a monument, but a masterpiece of art.

Monument Guardian Angel, Stavropol

One of the main attractions of Stavropol is the Guardian Angel monument, erected by local authorities in 2002 in honor of the 225th anniversary of the city on the site where ancient times springs flowed, feeding a network of wells that gave life to our city and its first inhabitants. The monument is located on Alexander Square next to the Gallery shopping center. The authors of the sculpture are G.F. Katrunov, S.F. Karavinsky, architect V.A. Markelov, designer O.B. Vazlin.

The monument is a column, lined with red granite, 25 meters high, which is crowned by an Angel cast in bronze, resting one leg on a gilded hemisphere. The angel faces east and raises the cross in his hands above the city. At the foot of the monument there is a fountain that delights city residents on hot, sultry days.

“Guardian Angel of the City of the Cross” has long become a favorite meeting place for young people, couples and short time managed to become one of the symbols of the city. It can be seen from afar, and in sunny weather the monument takes on fabulous colors. The cross held by the angel seems to protect the city from misfortunes and dangers.

This sculpture makes passing townspeople remember spirituality, helps to become kinder towards family and friends, friends and absolutely strangers, and also promotes the commission of bright deeds, teaches you to dream and believe in miracles, and also blesses you for good deeds. They say that if a person looks at an Angel and makes a wish, it will certainly come true.


Blokhin, N. Ermolovsky Boulevard. Yesterday. Today, tomorrow / N. Blokhin, T. Blokhina. – Stavropol, 2002

Back in the 18th century, on a high hill overgrown with dense forest, a fortress was erected to protect the southern borders of the young Russian Empire. Nowadays, it has become a popular holiday destination, an important cultural, political and industrial center of our country, which never ceases to amaze both residents and guests of the city with its interesting places and monuments. The most visited part of the city is historical center– Fortress hill, where the future “City of the Cross” was once laid. Here are the ancient architectural monuments Stavropol - Assumption Cathedral, military hospital, remains of the fortress wall. Much attention in Stavropol is devoted to the events of the Great Patriotic War. So, in the city you can find many monuments, memorial complexes And sculptural compositions dedicated to the fight against Nazi Germany. One of these monuments is the Memorial of Eternal Glory, which is a bas-relief depicting heroes of the Civil and Patriotic War, as well as the face of the Motherland. Another monument dedicated to the victims of war and repression, as well as civilians who died during the six-month occupation of Stavropol, is the Cold Spring, located among centuries-old trees Tamanskaya dacha, on the northern slopes of Kholodnaya Balka. This place is also famous for the fact that in the middle of the 20th century the construction of the city water supply began from here. Despite all the destruction and battles, modern city Stavropol, which rapidly broke out of the fortress walls, continues its development and growth, protected by the holy guardian angel, towering 25 m above the city, and becoming the protector and symbol of this amazing land. The sculpture is located on Alexander Square, surrounded by fountains and flower beds, and invariably reminds residents and all people of creation and goodness, of spiritual improvement and bright deeds. Many claim that next to this monument you can make your deepest wishes, which will certainly come true. Another symbol of the greatness of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Creator, as well as the divine principle of everyone living on Earth, is the magnificent Kazan Cathedral Mother of God, which is also the tallest building in the entire region. The height of the temple, from the base to the top of the central chapter, is 75 m. And the height of the bell tower, which was built next to the cathedral 13 years later, is about 100 m. Next to the Central City Park there is another masterpiece of religious architecture - St. Andrew's Cathedral, erected on Stavropol land more than 100 years ago. This is one of the few temples on the territory