Family circus. Home script for a children’s birthday “Circus show How to make a circus at home

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Do you love the circus, but there aren't many new shows? There is a solution: organize your own circus!

The circus begins with an invitation. Cut out rectangles and glue them onto thick paper. Write the name of your circus, the start date and time of the performance.

Now we need to create a circus atmosphere! A 13-meter arena is unlikely to fit in the room, so we’ll limit ourselves to simpler decor.

Hang balloons and red and white paper garlands throughout the room. Arrange the chairs in a circle, leaving space in the center for the arena. Don't forget to organize a buffet - during intermission, serve lemonade to your guests in paper cups decorated with red and white paper.
Prepare clown noses for all guests and give them in exchange for a ticket. The circus performers themselves (you and your family) must dress up in circus fashion. Wigs, capes like a magician's, hats and huge ties made of wrapping paper will do.

The show begins!
Of course, there won’t be elephants or acrobats in your circus. But the audience will become artists themselves!

Dexterity and no fraud
Spectators take turns throwing the ball into a small bucket. The circus owner, of course, announces the number and throws the ball first. The most dexterous one wins a prize.

The secret will become clear
Draw small circles on whatman paper and make cross-shaped cuts in them (so that you can stick your hand in, but nothing can be seen). Ask one of the adults to hold the Whatman paper in the air, and ask another to stand behind the Whatman paper. Each spectator puts their hand into the circle and receives an object from the other side: candy, ice, a piece of tape, a grain... We will tickle the spectators’ nerves!

Ball throwing
Place plush or plastic toys in a row, and give guests table tennis balls. Throw the balls one by one and keep score: for each toy knocked down, the player gets a point. Solemnly present the prize to the winner.

Hand out long balloons to your guests. While they are inflating them, distribute the tasks: let someone make a dog, someone a cat, and someone even an elephant. For the most similar (and not burst!) figurine, the guest receives a prize.

February 15, 2016

Have you ever had a circus party in your life? I'm not talking about those cases when someone gets drunk and starts acting weird. We are talking about a themed holiday.

Do you remember the inner thrill that dad casually said: “We’ll go to the circus this weekend!”? How mesmerizing this fairy tale was: dexterous jugglers, flexible acrobats, funny clowns. And even the air is saturated with some kind of invisible magic and admiration!

Circus themed party It will not only help bring back childhood delight, but will also bring quite adult joys.

Remember the movie "The Prestige"? Illusionists are ready to commit deception and betrayal for the sake of a new masterpiece trick - prestige.
And all for the sake of a moment of glory: an explosion of applause, enthusiastic faces and a new status as the best illusionist in the whole World! Be saturated with the charm of subtle humor, wordplay, bright costumes, entertainment in everything around you. This is how a party should be: loud, bright, brilliant, daring, fun and frank!

Try to transform yourself into an extravagant, expressive artist with unbridled imagination, high self-esteem and the overflowing emotions of real touring performers!

Let's talk about how to organize just such an enchanting holiday!

1. Relevance

This party idea is suitable for bold, relaxed groups. It is desirable that the team includes creative, artistic individuals. This evening format is suitable if you decide to celebrate a birthday, New Year, bachelor or bachelorette party, or corporate event in an original way! The big plus is that it can be arranged at any time of the year. Another option in the piggy bank, like.

2. Inviting guests and invitations

It may take 2-3 weeks to prepare colorful outfits and characters, so you need to invite your friends in advance.

Invitations can be issued in the form circus tent: order from a printing house or make it yourself from colored decorative cardboard.
Decorate the elements on the card with glitter for makeup or manicure. If you find colored feathers or beads, be sure to use them in the design of postcards.

Second option - ticket to the circus. It is better to order such a leaflet from a printing house - it will be as similar as possible to a real ticket! If you are a decent “controller”, be sure to tear the ticket of the guest who entered the festive hall by invitation.

3. Dress code

You'll have to put a lot of work into the costumes. This is not a case where you can easily pick up something from your or even your grandmother’s wardrobe! Although renting or buying in specialized stores will not be difficult. In any case, there will be those who will try to reincarnate themselves. Here are the following tips for them.

Male images.

Women's images.

For all: don't be shy to become a trained animal - a proud lion or an aggressive tigress - isn't it a special character for a circus-style party?

4. Decoration of the festive hall

Restaurant, club, apartment, dacha. If finances allow, rent a circus arena. The main thing to remember is that the event requires a lot of space.

Looking ahead to the entertainment program, we focus on the fact that 2-3 real circus acts will make your party truly unforgettable. Therefore, if you are planning such a win-win highlight of the evening, make sure that there is enough space. Invite a juggler, gymnasts, fire tamers or a magician!

Color spectrum . A pretentious circus, of course, it dictates red and white stripes, luxurious cherry-burgundy satin and velvet, golden trims, shiny elements!

Decorative elements and simple nuances that will help create the atmosphere:

Place for a photo.

Select a corner for a photo: a red curtain, a cone for a trained animal, a magician’s hat and cane, a clown’s wig, small acting paraphernalia, and if possible, ribbons or a hanging swing for spectacular photos.

If your budget allows, hire a professional photographer for a couple of hours. It is better to take high-quality photos in the first half of the celebration, while the costumes are sitting straight, the makeup is not smudged, and the eyes have not lost the ability to focus! And you will definitely take crazy selfies and photos on your phone hundreds of times before the fun ends!

In extreme, energy-saving cases, you can use the services of circus-style restaurants. There are these in many large cities. But I recommend checking the design and all the features of the room in advance, in case it turns out that your imagination is much brighter and your tent will turn out to be more soulful and festive!

5. Music

Meet guests to the Britney Spears hit “Circus”: excellent magical sound of music, under which pictures of a video with trained animals and sexy tamers pop up! If there is a screen on which you can display video, do not ignore this opportunity!

Songs about the circus, or indirectly reminiscent of the theme of performances, shows: “The performance is over” by P. Gagarina, “Furious beast, my master” from the group “Vintage”, “Harlekino” by A. Pugacheva, “Who will believe the comedian” by V. Meladze, “ Luna Park is leaving, I want to go with it." Mickey Newton. After warming up, you can prepare a playlist of modern hits. The main thing is to keep it fun, perky and rhythmic!

6. Menu and drinks

Circus artists are very active and agile: complex numbers, extreme performances, exhausting training! You can't feed them with a green salad!

Prepare a full, hearty menu that should include:

  • Meat dishes (chicken legs, steaks, meatloaf);
  • Roast with meat;
  • Baked fish;
  • Cheese slices;
  • Sausage slices;
  • Several salads, at the discretion of the organizer;
  • Sandwiches are different (they go well with red caviar);
  • Fruit assortment.

Beware of overeating - a hearty menu has its drawbacks! Compensate for it with active competitions or dances.

For dessert, cupcakes and pastries with bright cream, themed cookies, popcorn, ice cream in waffle cups and popsicles are perfect.
And where would we be without a huge, mouth-watering themed cake? When ordering a cake, do not forget to emphasize the age of the birthday person so that the confectionery result does not turn out like for children!

Beverages. Non-alcoholic: assorted juices, mineral water. Alcohol: champagne, cocktails, wine, vodka.

Advice: any dishes and drinks can be decorated with colored straws, cones, raindrops, which will automatically turn them into a themed attribute.

7. Entertainment program

  • Try to organize 2-3 professional circus acts, this will make an unforgettable impression.
  • Ask the trainer and animal characters to perform some kind of improvisational act. If there are several animals, suggest mass execution of commands accompanied by appropriate music! The main thing is that everyone gets into character 100%!

Competition “While the match is burning.” 3-4 people take part in turn. Task: as soon as the contestant enters the “arena”, a match is lit. While it burns down, you need to tell as much good things as possible about the birthday boy. The winner is the one who managed to tell the most interesting things during this time.
If it is not a birthday, then the contestants must read out their express autobiography while the match burns out. The number of given facts in the “briefly about yourself” category is assessed.

Prepared exit of the “magician”. Preparation must take place in advance. That is, the magician must be the organizer of the holiday or a person to whom everything was explained in advance. 2-3 matches are painted with mascara, even better, thoroughly rubbed with soot and placed in the ashtray after the previous competition, immediately after which a miracle trick will take place: “Did you know that a burnt match can burn again one more time?” Watch how surprise, delight and a huge question mark grow on the skeptical faces of the guests!
The magician’s task is to fully enter into the character, because it is quite simple to expose the “fraudster”, and the acting will be remembered for a long time!

Competition "Under the Circus Big Top". After a good “warm-up”, already in the second half of the holiday, ask several people who want to perform the following task: walk along a narrow ribbon (stretched evenly on the floor, fixed at the edges with weights), placing an apple on the top of the head. Halfway through, you need to draw a “swallow” figure. The most dexterous circus performer who doesn't drop the apple wins!

Competition "Climber". 5-6 people stand facing the wall, arms bent at the elbow, palms leaning against the wall. The facilitator asks questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.” For each “no” we move our palms down by the size of one palm, for each “yes” we move them up in the same way.
The host’s task is to ask as many questions as possible to which the guests will answer “yes,” for example: “Do you love your spouse?”, “Can you read?”, “Do you like the holiday?” When your hands are high enough, ask a question with a clearly affirmative answer: “Do you have a secondary education?” After the next “yes” you ask: “Why are you fighting against the wall then?”
The reward goes to the one whose hands are higher than the others - whatever one may say, the best climber!

Competition "Master of Pantomime". What's a circus without pantomime? If there are people in appropriate costumes, invite them to become contestants. Make a wish for one character at a time and see who can get the correct answer from the crowd faster. Riddle something simple: “pissing boy” or “Samson tearing the lion’s mouth”, or “pissing boy tearing the lion’s mouth”! The main thing is to have fun, it’s a circus!

8. Incentive prizes

They should be simple, but as thematic as possible. Large multi-colored lollipops, champagne, hairspray with glitter, chocolate medals, craft figures made from long balloons for modeling, clown cookies…

If it's a birthday, birthday boy give something more worthwhile. Vivid, or indirectly related to the topic. If you manage to preserve the touch of humor embedded in the gift itself or the congratulations in the card, consider that you have managed to maintain the charm of the circus atmosphere in everything!

Simple gift ideas:

For a woman: good cosmetics, a boldly colored clutch, a beautiful umbrella or any accessory chosen with taste.

For a man: A good gift would also be an accessory that suits his individual image and style: a scarf, an umbrella, a diary, or the popular ones today: “Notebook for brilliant ideas”, “Superman’s notebook”.

The most limitless and fantastic fun at your Circus party!

Many children love the circus. They often watch performances in the circus and dream of performing in the arena themselves. A good idea would be to organize a circus-themed party for children. There is no doubt that all children will enjoy such an entertainment program. However, it is necessary to think in advance about an interesting scenario for the circus, where there will be many exciting competitions that the participants of the holiday will enjoy.

For the celebration, it is proposed to choose a spacious hall that can accommodate all participants. To create a festive mood, you need to decorate the hall with appropriate decorations. It's good that they are bright. For example, colored balloons. The celebration should be led by a person who will be entrusted with the role of host. Also, one of the adults must be assigned the role of a clown. For believability, you need to choose an appropriate bright clown costume. The event begins and the presenter appears in the hall.

- Hello children! Today we have gathered for a fun and interesting holiday! Look at the room we are in. Pay attention to the decorations. What does this remind you of?

- Circus!

- That's right! Yes, it's a circus! Today we will go on an exciting journey into the world of the circus! How many of you love the circus? Who went to circus performances?

- I! I! I!

– I see that all children love to watch performances in the circus. Then you definitely won’t be bored during our holiday today. We have a lot of interesting games on our program today. We also learn a lot about the actors and animals participating in the performances. We are starting our holiday!

Music is playing.

– Children, without whom it is impossible to imagine the circus? Who can cheer us up? Who wears bright and funny costumes?

- Clown!

- Of course it's a clown! Let's invite him to our fun holiday! Clown!

All the children call the clown. A clown appears in the hall to the sound of cheerful music.

- Hello guys! Did someone call me? Oh, so many children! You're having so much fun! So, is it your holiday today?

- Hello, clown! Today we have a holiday dedicated to the circus! Who, if not you, should be a guest at this holiday! We are glad to see you here, we invite you to take part in our fun holiday. Look how happy the kids are that you came to us!

- Yes, I see everyone’s fun. This makes me very happy. How long have I not been to such holidays! Oh, woe, I forgot how to dance! What should I do?! How can a clown work in a circus if he doesn’t know how to dance? What will happen to me now?

- Don't worry, Clown. Now the kids will show you how to dance, they will teach you this. Really, guys?

- Yes!

Next, the scenario for the circus involves holding a competition. This will require some fun music. Several children are invited to participate in the competition. They should show how to dance to cheerful music. In this case, the clown will repeat after the children the movements that they will show.

– Look how well the guys and the Clown are doing! He will soon learn to dance!

- Look, kids, I remembered how to dance! Thank you very much! Now all the children are invited to dance with me and dance in circles! Join us!

Music sounds and all the children begin to dance in circles and dance with the Clown.

- Guys, do you know who else takes part in circus performances?

- Acrobats, gymnasts!

- That's right, children. Gymnasts and acrobats perform very beautiful performances that can be seen in the circus. Let's hold a competition that will allow us to find out which of you is the most skillful and dexterous. This competition will allow you to temporarily become gymnasts and acrobats.

After this, the scenario for the circus includes an interesting competition. To do this you need to prepare a small rope. It lays flat on the floor. Several children are invited to participate in the competition. Accordingly, it is necessary to prepare the same number of ropes. Each participant will have to walk along a rope that lies on the floor. The one who does it best wins a prize.

– And now another interesting competition is being offered, in which children are invited to participate.

Then the scenario for the circus includes holding another competition, for which it is necessary to invite several willing children. For this game you need to prepare circles cut out of cardboard. They must be the same color. These circles are laid out on the floor, located next to each other. Participants will take turns walking in circles. At the same time, you must not step on the floor. The participant who completes the task the fastest becomes the winner.

– What a great fellow you are, you move so deftly! And now a more complex competition is being offered.

Next, the scenario for the circus includes holding another competition. To do this, you need to prepare the same mugs from cardboard, but they must be of different colors. It will take many such circles. While the music is playing, all the children dance. As soon as the music stops, the presenter names the color. Next, the children will have to find a circle of that color and stand on it. This must be done while the leader counts to three. Those children who do not stand on the correct colored circles are eliminated from the competition. So the game continues in several stages. The game continues until one participant remains, who becomes the winner.

– Children, who else takes part in the circus performances?

- Animals!

- Right! How many of you can name which animals take part in the performances?

Children name animals.

- Everything is correct. Now let's see if you recognize the animals that your friend, the Clown, will show!

Then a competition is held, included in the script for the circus, in which the Clown takes part. It is also necessary to invite several children. The clown will show different animals, for example: horse, rabbit, tiger, lion and others. At the same time, it is necessary to show animals without words. Children will have to guess which animals the Clown is showing. The contest participant who guesses the most animals becomes the winner. The Clown gives him a reward. You can pick up a small souvenir in the form of an animal that takes part in the performances shown to the audience at the circus.

- Children, now let’s play an interesting game. We will show you exactly what different animals do and how exactly they behave.

Then the circus script includes another competition in the program related to the animals participating in the performances. Several participants are invited for this purpose. In the clown's hat you need to put pieces of paper on which different types of animals will be drawn - rabbit, horse, bear, fur seal, dog, kitty, lion and others. Each participant will have to pull out a piece of paper and unfold it. The animal that will be drawn must be shown:

– horse – show how a horse gallops;
– rabbit – show how a rabbit jumps;
– cat – show how the cat purrs;
– dog – show how fast the dog runs;
– lion – show how a lion roars.

– Young children, you showed very well and accurately what exactly these animals do. And now all animals are invited to dance!

Music plays and the children dance as the animals they were showing.

– You and I saw that the children are very good at showing the animals that work in the circus. But will they recognize their voices? To do this, let's hold an interesting competition called “Find out the voice of an animal.”

To hold the next competition, you need to prepare. You will need the voices of different animals recorded on a phone or tape recorder. After turning on the recording, children will have to listen to it and then name the animal whose voice they heard. So the competition continues until the children guess all the animals.

– You and I showed animals, guessed their voices. How about drawing everyone who takes part in the circus performances. So, children who love to draw and want to show us how beautifully they can do it are invited to participate in the competition?

Then the scenario for the circus involves holding a competition in which you will need to draw. For this competition you need to prepare paper, perhaps whatman paper, as well as markers. Each participant receives a marker and whatman paper. Children will have to draw everyone who participates in circus performances - acrobats, clowns, various animals, trainers, and so on. Once the drawings are ready, the competition ends. The winner is determined by a vote of all viewers. The child who receives the most votes becomes the winner and receives a prize. To do this, you can choose, for example, a set of paints or pencils.

- Children, who knows and can tell me what the name of a person who trains animals is?

- Trainer!

-Right! It is the trainer who shows us beautiful and spectacular performances with the participation of different animals. To understand how a trainer works with animals, the next competition is announced for the title of the best trainer.

Next, the scenario for the circus includes another competition called “Best Trainer”. Several children who wish to become trainers are invited to participate in it. To hold the competition you will need to prepare soft toys, for example, a dog, a cat, a bunny, a lion cub, a tiger cub. Children will have to dance with toys, imagining themselves as the trainer of the type of animal they got. To make the competition more interesting, you can offer to take a bag in which to put all the soft toys. Next, each child participating in the competition will have to pull out one toy, which they will “train.”

– Dear children, participants and spectators of our holiday! We had an interesting day today. We visited the circus, where we became actors for a while. We remembered exactly what types of animals take part in the performances. Aren't you bored?

- No!

-What about our friend Clown? Clown, you weren’t bored during our holiday!

- No, I had a lot of fun with the guys. They are very funny and also they helped me a lot - it was thanks to them that I remembered how to dance beautifully.

– In conclusion, I invite everyone to sing a funny song with the clown.

Music sounds, all the children sing a song. To do this, it is best to choose a children's musical composition that is known to children. After this, the fun circus-themed holiday event ends.

Circus... Circus? Circus! - scenario

Each gaming competition requires special props. Before the start of the circus performance, children participating in competitions are given colored tokens, which helps to easily organize teams at the right time. All competitions are accompanied by rhythmic music.

Prizes are prepared in advance for each competition.: books, pens, notepads, pencils, bookmarks, etc.

Leading. Today we will go... guess where? That's right, to the circus. An extraordinary performance awaits us! Why extraordinary?

Because in an ordinary circus, performers are artists, and look, they are spectators. And in our circus you yourself will be both spectators and artists.

Before starting our program, please introduce yourself to each other like real artists. I will announce: “They are taking part in an extraordinary circus performance...”, and you will loudly say your names. Get ready! “Participating in an extraordinary circus performance are... (children say their names loudly.) Nice to meet you!”

(The musical epigraph of the circus program sounds.)

Leading. Well, we got to know each other. You, like real artists, prepared to participate in the performance.

But it seems that we forgot to meet another circus artist, the funniest participant in any circus program. Who is he? (children call it.) Well, of course, a clown. So, let's call our clown Klepa to join us. Let's get ready. (children call Klepa). ‘The clown, juggling, comes out to the children

Clown. Hello kids, hello kids! What a young generation I have growing up! And you know, I’ve been working in the circus for so many years, I’ve learned a lot, because there are so many interesting genres in the circus.

Do you know them? Name it! (children list.)

Did you know that the circus was born almost 200 years ago and at first it was only equestrian, i.e. The circus showed nothing but horse racing. But the horses pranced so beautifully!

Leading. Guys, let's give our Klepa a gift. We'll give him a horse show, and not just any show, but with real riders and jugglers.

Competition "Horses"

A rider competition is held. Those interested are invited onto the stage with tokens... of color.

Participants are given “horses” - animal heads on a long stick. To the music, children, like riders, run in a circle. At this time, the leader stands in the middle of the circle and throws the ball to the runners. If a participant loses his horse or drops the ball, he is eliminated from the game.

The competition continues until a winner is determined.

Klepa. You guys are great! I was so pleased. Do you know that now there are a lot of animals and birds performing in the circus. Guess who I'm talking about.

White mansions,

The supports are red. (Geese.)

Silent during the day

At night he screams. (Owl.)

Gray hat,

Non-woven vest,

The pockmarked caftan,

And he walks barefoot. (Crow)

Little ears

They huddle together,

Rings of wool,

And there are hooves. (Sheep)

Will be born with a beard

Nobody is surprised. (Goat)

There is a haystack in the middle of the yard:

A pitchfork in front, a broom in the back. (Cow.)

Over the mountains, over the valleys

He wears a fur coat and a caftan. (Sheep.)

Four legs, fifth tail,

Sixth mane. (Horse.)

The paw is soft,

And the claw is gone. (Cat.)

The legs are thin, the sides are ringing,

And the tail is squiggle. (Dog.)

The ears are long, large,

And his eyes are slanted.

Short tail, gray fur,

He is the most cowardly in the forest. (Hare.)

Waddle along the path

Pillows and feather beds for the water.

They are excellent swimmers

On the paws

The flippers are red. (Geese.)

Leading. And I want to say that in Moscow there is a real cat circus of Yuri Kuklachev. Indeed, all kinds of animals you won’t see in the circus! What's the biggest animal you've seen at the circus? (Elephant.) Which is the smallest? (Ant.)

Clown. Since we're having a truly extraordinary show, why don't some of the kids turn into hardworking ants?

Competition "Ants"

Teams of four people line up at the doors of the hall. The first member of each team runs across the hall past the first row to the opposite wall, then returns, and now, holding on to a stick (“reed”), the “ants” run in twos, then in threes, fours. The winner is the team that returns to their door first, without losing either a “straw” or “ants” along the way.

Leading. Guys! What do you think audiences do when they want to thank artists? Are they whistling? Are they screaming? Are they knocking their feet?

That's right, they applaud. let us also learn to applaud. When the presenter comes out at the beginning of the performance, we applaud not very strongly, politely and restrainedly, as if we were saying: “Thank you for starting the performance.” Let's try to applaud as if the show is just beginning. (Children applaud.)

Well done! And if we liked the artist’s performance, how do we applaud? (Applause.)

What if you really liked it? (Applause.) Well done, real stormy applause.

What if you really, really liked the performance? (Applause.)

Wonderful, it was a long applause, turning into a standing ovation.

Clown. You guys said that I am the most important character in the circus. Do you know which number is the most important? This number is often called fatal.

Leading. In order to perform this number, we need to choose the bravest boy in the hall. (The presenter announces who is speaking.)

Attraction "Deadly Number"

The daredevil is given a tray with a vase of flowers on it. It needs to be brought to the table, carefully avoiding the obstacles lying in wait on the way - skittles. The difficulty of completing the task is that the participant is blindfolded and must remember where the pins are and not knock them over while moving towards the table. But when the participant is blindfolded, the pins are quietly removed.

Viewers have a lot of fun watching a daredevil overcome obstacles.

Clown. Well, was it scary? Why not, all the guys hid under the chairs. Do you want me to make you laugh? Just help me.

Children come up to the stage. The clown puts clown noses on them backstage. The audience laughs.

Leading. Now our performance will feature artists of a very interesting genre. Without saying a word, they can tell us a lot of interesting things. Do you think it's easy? So try all together, not with words, but with the help of facial expressions and gestures, to say the phrase: “Give me a balalaika.

And now: “I have a big balloon.” Well, everyone did very well. Klepa, I think that the artists are ready to demonstrate their skills, and you guys can guess what they are telling us about.

Competition of facial expressions and gestures

Three participants with clown noses alternately depict, using facial expressions and gestures, lines from famous children's poems by A. Barto:

Teddy Bear...;

The bull goes and swings...;

I love my horse...

Klepa. I think the guys deserve your thunderous applause. You know, I was behind the scenes now and watched with great interest you - the spectators who are sitting in the hall. Everyone behaves differently, although there are a number of rules of behavior in the theater, cinema, and at a circus performance.

Do you want me to tell you about them?

Bad advice.

You can enter the hall whenever you want. If there are already spectators in it, don’t be afraid, make your way to your place, step on everyone’s feet. You can eat delicious chocolate. During the performance - why does it melt in your pocket! You can, if you like the concert, stomp and shout.

And you can’t see well behind the head of the girl sitting in front, pull her braids + let her bend down. In general, make yourself at home.

Leading. Guys, tell Klepa how to behave in the hall, otherwise he doesn’t see anything behind the scenes. (Children answer.)

And now we will hold a music quiz with you, and Klepa will invite its winners to participate in our performance.

Quiz “Seven questions about music”

1. How many notes are there in total? (7.)

2. Which instrument has 3 strings? (At the balalaika.)

3. Which spring bird did the composer Alyabyev devote his work to? (To the nightingale.)

4. What wind musical instruments do you know? (Trumpet, saxophone, flute, etc.)

5. What musical instrument did Crocodile Gena play? (On the accordion.)

6. With whom did the Lion Cub sing his song “I’m Lying in the Sun” in a duet? (With a turtle.)

7. Who sang the Snow Maiden’s song in the New Year’s episode “Well, wait a minute (Hare.)

Klepa. These are the smartest, most inquisitive. I told you so many interesting things today, please make me happy too.

Let singers perform at our circus, because we have an extraordinary performance.

Competition "Notes"

Seven participants take the stage - the winners of the music quiz. They are pinned with pre-prepared emblems with the notes: do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si. Each “note” is invited to sing a verse of his favorite song.

And the audience, with the help of applause, determines the winner; whoever claps louder gets the prize.

Leading. Thank you guys. You brought great pleasure to our Klepa, and he made us happy many times today. Is it true?

(Children answer.)

Klepa. Since you liked me so much, then so be it, I’ll show you a trick, but you have to help me again. I give all the girls this daisy, and all the boys this bell.

As soon as you catch the butterflies, quickly run to your flower and plant them on it, and then we’ll see who did this miracle trick better.

Leading. Well, guys, I ask you to stand up, return to your chairs and quickly catch your butterflies.

Competition "Butterflies"

Flowers are attached to tablets on both sides of the stage (hall), and paper butterflies are pinned under the seats of the audience. You need to find them, run to the stage and plant the butterfly on your (chamomile or bell) flower. The butterflies are pinned with pins or tape, which are served by Klepa’s assistants.

At the end of the circus performance, its host and Klepa say goodbye to the guys and invite them to a new circus program.

Are you planning to organize a children's party or a child's birthday party in nature, but can't come up with a scenario? A holiday for children can be, for example, on a circus theme - any competitions for accuracy, do-it-yourself stilts, as well as a soap bubble show are suitable.

We invite you to the circus booth! We will not have a modern circus, but a tent. The same as before, when artists traveled in tents to different cities and set up their tents in central squares. They were all one team and helped each other. A real circus is not only fun, but also the ability to make props, and training to hone your skills, and caring for the audience.

The games and competitions presented here are united by the theme of the circus. But they are all universal - you can get creative and apply them to any children's party. The main thing is that your child likes the theme of the holiday and accepts it with enthusiasm.

A real juggler needs to be able to create his own props. Don't forget that our circus is a traveling circus and we do everything ourselves.

Regular balls are too light and completely unsuitable for real artists. Therefore, we will make not only balls that you can throw several at a time and learn to juggle, but also expanders for training the muscles of the hand.

We will need:

  • air balloons
  • small packages
  • filler (grain, legumes, corn, flour, sugar, salt, earth, sand, sawdust)
  • cups, tin cans, etc.

  1. To make one ball, take two balloons and cut off the tails.
  2. Pour enough filler into a plastic bag so that your future ball fits well in your hand. Release excess air and seal the bag.
  3. Now squeeze the bag into a round shape. Push this little bag into one of the balls, and put the other ball on the opposite side. Finally give it a round shape - and the ball is ready. The competition can begin.

You can easily make a ball from an old sock. Take a sock and cut off the part that once warmed your toes. Fill the resulting bag with buckwheat or rice and sew it, hiding the seams inside and giving your future ball the shape of a ball. You can play football with this ball at home, and it feels very pleasant to the touch.

Accurate shooter. Take a few cups or empty cans. Arrange them in a row or build a pyramid out of them. Children can take turns throwing balls, trying to knock down the cans.

We pump up the muscles. When the games are over, you can start training. To do this, let the child take the ball and crush it in his hands. If you do this long and often, your arms will become strong.

Juggling. Now you can learn to juggle. Let your child take two balls and throw them into the air one after another, catching them and throwing them from one hand to the other. When it turns out flawlessly, you can add a third ball, and then a fourth. It all depends only on the perseverance of the young circus performer.

Let's move on to dangerous stunts. We will learn the same way as aerialists and tightrope walkers do.

They walk high above our heads on thin ropes, and also perform jumps and all kinds of pirouettes, making the audience freeze with delight. All these exercises would be impossible if it were not for a person’s ability to maintain balance. This is what we have to learn.

We will need:

  • tin cans (preferably strong square ones)
  • 2 ropes
  • rubber bands
  • awl or can opener
  • colored paper
  • spray paint
  1. To make the simplest stilts, you will need our favorite circus props - tin cans. First cover them with colored paper or paint them with spray paint.
  2. In each jar, stepping back a little from the edge, punch two holes on opposite sides. Thread a rope through them so that both ends fit inside the jar. Tie the rope and pull it tight. The knot will be inside.
  3. The result was real stilts. They are difficult and dangerous to walk on (try it yourself!), and children will need insurance at first.

For younger children, you can take low cans, for example, from canned fish, and instead of ropes, attach elastic bands to fit the circumference of the baby’s feet. You will get funny stilt slippers.

Any circus performance ends with a bright final show. Soap bubble show - what could be more memorable! Moreover, we ourselves will learn how to make both a solution for soap bubbles and sticks. And we’ll even try to blow giant soap bubbles. Everyone will be surprised when they see this transparent miracle shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow!

For solution:

  • 1 liter of distilled water (you can use boiled water)
  • glycerol
  • 25 g gelatin
  • 250 ml dishwashing detergent, shampoo or liquid soap
  • 100 g sugar

For curly sticks:

  • wooden sticks (sharp ends should be cut off)
  • chenille wire

For large sticks:

  • long sticks
  • rope (preferably twine or wool)
  • bead or nut
  • scotch

The solution must be made in advance to allow it to infuse, at least the night before the performance. It can be stored for quite a long time.

  1. Let the gelatin swell with a little water. Then heat the gelatin solution (do not bring to a boil!), add sugar and stir. Cool, add glycerin (at least a little - you won’t be able to do without it) and detergent to the warm gelatin solution. Stir and let it infuse.

  1. Now let's move on to the most interesting part - making bubble sticks. To make one stick, take two pieces of chenille wire and twist them together to secure it. From the resulting blank you can create any shapes, from simple geometric to complex - abstract, in the shape of animals or people.

Children will do a great job with this task themselves, and at the same time choose shapes for their bubbles. Then attach the wire figure to the stick, adding a little glue at the joints to help it stick better.

Using sticks is very convenient for blowing bubbles: just dip them into the solution and wave them in different directions. Everything will work out even for kids who can’t cope with store-bought soap bubble kits.

  1. And we definitely need to learn how to blow huge bubbles. Take two long sticks. Cut off the sharp ends. Make a ring from the rope by tying the ends and threading a bead or other weight into the knot. Tape the rope ring to the sticks so that the weight is in the middle of the lower, longer part of the rope ring.

Now dip the rope into the bowl of solution, keeping both sticks together. When pulling out, slowly spread the sticks, moving the ring to the side and forming a huge bubble.