Self-taught from guitarist to musician. Great self-taught guitarists: big names and interesting facts. Everyone knows Jimi Hendrix

GREAT SELF-TEACHED GUITARISTS: 3 GOLDEN NAMES OF ROCK AND ROLL Guitarists are a motley lot, among whom there are great guitarists and self-taught guitarists who were not far from the basics. One of the criteria that sometimes divides this large “class” into two irreconcilable camps is the criterion of the presence or absence of professional musical education. In our case, under professional musical education the ending is understood music school upon receipt of the appropriate document, and the second class are self-taught guitarists. It's about them we'll talk in this article, namely about three world guitarists who, having learned to play the guitar on their own, achieved worldwide fame. 1. Jimi Hendrix During his lifetime, many called him a great guitarist, a phenomenon and a genius, because he was able to look at the electric guitar in a new light. His music subsequently inspired many famous guitarists in the world, such as Ritchie Blackmore, Yngwie Malmsteen, Joe Satriani, Eric Clapton, Paul McCartney, Kirk Hammett and other great musicians. But the most interesting thing is that Jimi was self-taught. A feature of Hendrix’s technique was his “left-handedness.” His main instrument was the Fender Stratocaster, known throughout the world under the name “Electric Lady”. He turned his guitar around, making it a left-handed instrument. He did not know musical notation and this probably made him concentrate much more on the music itself. And yet, I think almost no one will argue with the fact that Jimi Hendrix really great guitarist, who was self-taught. According to the magazine Rolling Stone Hendrix takes 1st place in the hundred best guitarists of all times. 2. Eric Clapton Future musical career This famous guitarist was partly identified by Jerry Lee Lewis, whose emotional performance on British television, with Eric Clapton's ever-growing interest in the blues, became the motivator that forced Eric to take up the guitar. Eric Clapton, at the age of 14, began to learn the guitar on his own, trying to copy the playing of the great blues guitarists as faithfully as possible. As a result, we conclude: Eric Clapton is self-taught. And this self-taught musician is the only musician in the world who has been honored three times to be included in the “holy of holies” for all rockers - the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 3. Chuck Barry Chuck used various tutorials on playing the guitar, and also occasionally took basic lessons from local guitarists. Soon Chuck Berry was able to learn required amount chords that allowed him to “take off” the guitar parts of songs played on the radio. It wasn't until 1951 that Chuck Berry finally bought himself a traditional six-string electric guitar. Soon, in addition to tutorials, Berry also learned from recordings of guitar parts by such great guitarists as jazzman Charlie Christian and blues star T-Bone Walker.

In order to achieve certain success in any business, you need to plunge into it completely, so to speak, “with your head.” Then there is guaranteed to be a result, and what a result! If you take up the guitar, regularly listen to recordings of professionals, because setting someone as an example can make it much easier to achieve success. In my top, I will tell you who you can safely follow, who was able to get the most out of the instrument, who could bewitch with its sound. I would like to note that all participants in the hit parade were selected based solely on my preferences, so perhaps my choice and yours may not coincide.

10. Kurt Cobain

MTV Live and Loud

Simple riffs, maximum distortion and aggression - all this is Kurt. At one time the leader of the cult band Nirvana» was able to open new paths for alternative rock, and he himself became a cult grunge musician. Being left-handed, he created simple riffs on fifths, but damn, how aggressive it sounded! In general, it deservedly opens the top.

9. Johnny Ramone

Still from the film “Rock and Roll School”

One of the founders of the first and iconic punk band “Ramones” became an exemplary punk guitarist - bright, energetic and with a “zest”. Together with Joey, Ramone went through a long and difficult journey of the group from beginning to end. At the age of 20, he bought his first electric guitar for $54, on which almost all of the band’s songs were played. In 2003, The Rolling Stone magazine placed him 16th on its list best rock guitarists of all times and peoples.

8. Tony Iommi

During a performance in Hyde Park

The permanent guitarist of Black Sabbath is considered by many to be the first metal guitarist. His music is full of overload, which the musician never spared, but always kept under control. The brilliance and stunningness of his game will never cease to amaze, although he is left-handed and, moreover, lacks the pads of two fingers. Nothing will interfere with the master.

7. Robert Johnson


The first member of Club 27, a virtuoso bluesman. He began his career in the 30s, but, unfortunately, did not become famous until his death. Little is known about his life, I already spoke about this once: only mysticism and riddles. Modern professional musicians His works are harshly criticized, explaining this by the lack of rhythm, hearing and good diction. But, whatever one may say, it was his work that became the basis for the next generation of bluesmen.

6. Les Paul

Les Paul in New York, 2008

Guitar virtuoso, inventor and innovator, creator of the legendary guitar Gibson Les Paul. He is credited with many innovations in the field of music, such as delay effects, chorus, multi-track recording and much more. He had an inimitable playing style and constantly experimented with methods of producing sound directly on the guitar. However real glory brought him the dream of every guitarist - the legendary Gibson guitar Les Paul, which to this day is one of the most popular and most expensive. Les Paul is one of the few musicians to have a permanent exhibit at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

At a concert in Hannover, 2006

Co-founder of the legendary group “The Rolling Stones» passed long haul to fame and excellence with Jagger. Keith Richards had the most beautiful women planet and violated all laws, including biological ones. His memories, smelling of sex, drugs and rock and roll, have survived to this day.

4. Chuck Berry

John Lennon and Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry is called the father of rock and roll - they learned from him " The Beatles" and "The Rolling Stones", Roy Orbinson and Elvis Presley. “If you try to find another name for rock and roll, then let it be Chuck Berry,” this quote from John Lennon speaks for itself. He is one of the genre's most influential artists, the author of Johnny B. Goode, the most covered song in music history.

3. Jimmy Page

Guitar, guitar and more guitar!

A living legend, a restless experimenter, the “brains” of the legendary hard rock band “Led Zeppelin” - all this is Jimmy. A popularizer of the previously little-known double-neck electric guitar, Page stood at the origins of heavy rock, he is rightfully considered one of the “parents” of heavy metal, but one way or another he managed to influence almost all the music that is now being created and recorded. Well-deserved bronze.

Eric Clapton live at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff

Perhaps the only one, or at least one of the few, who could provide real competition to the No. 1 guitarist of all time. Eric is a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. The first instrument in the musician's career was a cheap acoustic guitar with steel strings, a gift from his grandmother. It was a real pain to play, and Eric required serious persistence to master this instrument. In love with the blues, he quickly won the love of the public, first as a street musician, and later as a member and lead guitarist. legendary bands The Yardbirds and Cream.

1. Jimi Hendrix

At the Miami Pop Festival, 1968.

He was the absolute First, one hundred percent Pioneer, but today for some reason they have forgotten about it. Jimi Hendrix is ​​a legendary man, who was called a brilliant musician during his lifetime. He opened up many possibilities for new sounds in the electric guitar, becoming the most inventive and daring virtuoso in the history of rock music. His work influenced almost everyone modern musicians, turning into an endless role model.

There are a great many famous guitarists, as well as performers of any other instrument. You can often hear arguments between amateurs different styles about who is the best and why this or that performer was not named. Select a specific list famous guitarists it is forbidden. There are many talented musicians, who brought something new and different to every style of guitar playing.

The Golden Age of the Guitar

For example, few people know about guitarists late XVIII - early XIX century of the peak of popularity of this instrument. A name such as Jose Fernando Sora (Spanish virtuoso 1778-1839) is known to a narrow circle of professionals classic game On guitar. But the fact that this wonderful musician himself mastered playing this instrument and was called the “Beethoven of the guitar” in France, where he lived most life, any self-respecting guitarist, regardless of performance style, needs to know.

It is also worth noting the Italian Giuliani Mauro, whose skill was noted by such masters as Haydn and Beethoven. After gaining popularity as a violinist and flautist, Mauro decided to master the guitar. And by the age of twenty he was known throughout Europe as a talented performer on this instrument.

Also interesting is the fact that after the appearance of the guitar in Russia during the reign of Empress Elizabeth (first an Italian five-string), the world saw this instrument thanks to the Russian musician Andrei Sikhra in a seven-string version.

Famous self-taught guitarists

Of course, the skill of professionals is amazing, who, thanks to their perseverance and work, achieve great results. But much more admiration is caused by self-taught people who achieve popularity without having a professional musical education.

One such phenomenon in the history of guitar mastery is the brilliant virtuoso guitarist Jimi Hendrix. Any person who is at least a little familiar with rock music knows this wonderful performer. Courage and ingenuity, the ability to play the instrument with both hands made him a great guitarist during his lifetime. Without knowing the musical notation, embodying all his ideas spontaneously, on a whim, Jimmy raised the skill of guitar playing to unprecedented heights, showing what this instrument is capable of.

Few people know that three-time Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee Eric Clapton is also self-taught. And he began to master this instrument only at the age of 14. To get into Rock and Roll of Fame means to receive recognition of achievements in development modern music. To receive this title, the performer must undergo a strict selection process from a committee (1000 experts) and receive at least 50% of the votes. Clapton managed to receive such recognition for the first time as solo artist, the second as a member of the group Cream, and the third as a guitarist for the Yardbirds.

Another genius who picked up a guitar only at the age of fifteen is Chuck Berry. It's amazing that his first guitar was a tenor guitar with only 4 strings. On it he mastered the “three-chord blues” method and only 10 years later acquired his first six-string guitar.

You can continue the list of self-taught guitarists by mentioning such guitarists as Yngwie Malmsteen and Angus McKinnon Young (songwriter and lead guitarist of AC/DC). These musicians themselves mastered the skill of playing the guitar with the help of tutorials, as well as by copying great guitarists, and were able to achieve considerable heights in this.

Special attention should be paid to masters of high-speed guitar playing. The first title of fastest guitar player was awarded to Russian guitar virtuoso Viktor Zinchuk in 2002, who played 20 notes per second. Brazilian Thiago Della Viga was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2011 for playing 24 notes per second. On this moment There is a record (not yet official) set by Ukrainian Sergei Putyakov, who managed to play 30 notes in a second. Now Sergey has submitted an application to have his record officially recorded. And who knows, maybe in the near future his name will be displayed there.

List famous guitarists, of course, is incomplete. Jimmy Page, Robert Johnson, Jeff Beck, Eddie Van Halen, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Tony Iommi, Randy Rhoads, Joe Satriani... The list goes on and on. Each of them brought something of their own, inimitable, to the playing technique, leaving their mark on the history of guitar craftsmanship.

greetings to all guitarists, of different stripes and level of training. In this article, this is probably the 3rd or 4th time I’ve raised important topics self-study and, first of all, for beginners (taking into account what you have already purchased), and it would also be useful to remember for more experienced ones.
From the most banal and funny, to the important and necessary, in simple words. Just 10 useful recommendations!

1. Learn to listen to sounds.

Musical ear begins to develop from simple things, namely from training the hearing organs - the ears. So that they not only “clap”, but also be able to distinguish all the subtleties of what they hear. And the best trainer is our daily life.
Start listening to the sounds around you and selecting a specific one from several that are sounding at the same time.

For example, among a noisy city street, highlight the sound of someone else’s mobile phone call, the cry of a bird, the whistling of car wheels, the sound of the wind, etc. Try to understand which sounds are the loudest or most sonorous at a given moment. Even simpler and more interesting: try to find the difference between the sound of a personal message arriving and the sound of an incoming postcard, etc. in your VKontakte account.
These simple workouts will definitely help you in the future when analyzing, and especially guitar tuning.

2. Proper hand placement is the key to success.

I know from myself that Beginners almost always start playing everything, right away - without paying special attention. At this stage, the guitarist's future self-esteem is formed, because the quality of your playing will depend on this.
It's like learning to write in 1st grade. After all, then, being in the 10th, “everything will be clear” with you.
Don’t be lazy and give yourself the attention you need!

3. Don't overexert yourself!

8. Knowledge of musical notation is a significant plus!

9. Learn to play and sing guitar with friends!

After grueling guitar practice, sitting at home in front of the computer, even the computer can become sad. And what can we say about ourselves... And after another fatigue of your fingers, you may have a desire to quit all these guitar lessons and...

10. Take an example from others! Get inspired!

This point can be put first, because everything begins with it, even in any routine work!
Every guitarist has heard someone play the guitar great for the first time, either live or recorded, and was inspired. After which he began his first steps towards this art.

As they develop, all musicians, sooner or later, find themselves in a situation of stupor - a lack of creative strength. And it doesn’t matter what the level of play and degree musical talent. Inspiration disappears, and mastery needs stable practice, and if you leave everything to chance, then the acquired skill is gradually forgotten and disappears. Therefore, yes it is important to seek and find inspiration for further self-development. This is especially true for those who.

As always, the most effective actions are the simplest, and it’s not so important what to do with yourself, the main thing is to unwind—to “clear” your brain—to temporarily take a break from practicing the guitar. Simply put, you need to change the environment and actively relax.

After this, longing for musical instrument and the time comes for an influx of fresh creative strength, thoughts and ideas necessary for new achievements and beginnings!
Good luck!
This article is a partial “rewrite” of articles on popular guitar sites, with my significant addition.