Independent fortune telling with cards. Fortune telling with playing cards for the near future, for a loved one, for relationships and desires: the most truthful and simple layouts. Traditional methods of fortune telling

For fortune telling at home, you can use ordinary playing cards. The full deck includes 52 cards (sometimes 54 when two jokers are involved), and the shortened one - 36. When doing independent fortune telling, the last option is most often used. A playing deck can be considered a simplified version of the Tarot. They reveal all possible prototypes, the four suits reflect the elements and have a deep mystical purpose. A playing deck is able to describe, explain any problem, situation and give a complete psychological picture person.

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      Basics of working with maps

      All fortune telling is included in a special area of ​​sacred knowledge. The fortuneteller not only receives an answer - he listens, catches the mystical advice of the deck.

      Prohibitions and restrictions on fortune telling

      For fortune telling, it is necessary to use a deck intended only for this purpose, which has never been played. To learn how to tell fortunes on cards, you need to adhere to some rules:

        • You can spread it out for one person no more than once a day, otherwise the next fortune telling will give false results;
        • if you are not satisfied with the result of fortune-telling, make another one, clarifying it, but you cannot lay out the cards again;
        • respect the prediction, do not guess unnecessarily;
        • do not make more than 5-7 layouts a day, otherwise the symbols may begin to deceive and distort the answers;
        • if the cards give an incomprehensible, unclear answer or it is impossible to interpret the layout, then it is better to postpone fortune telling;
        • if, when shuffling the cards, they constantly fly apart and fall out of your hands, the fortune telling should be rescheduled;
        • It is not advisable to guess at night, for the most part religious holidays, on Sunday.

        Mastia meanings

        The most important criterion for fortune telling is whether the cards belong to a particular suit. They are associated with one of the areas of life and symbolize natural elements:



        General value


        Event location

        Growth, beginning, are associated with positive events, comfort in life and a period of stability; in the layouts they characterize the sphere of emotions, relationships with people and feelings; in relation to people - inexperience or youth

        Morning, spring

        Family house

        Maturity; associated with material wealth and money; with business situations they are responsible for active actions, education, travel

        Day, summer

        Retail premises, office

        Collection of results, end of period; associated with the sphere of power, information resources, social connections and position in society

        Evening, autumn

        Government institutions (prison, hospital), rich house

        Losses, problems, failures, reset; report the need to leave the comfort zone, change, making significant efforts; in relation to figures - old age

        Night, winter

        Dangerous places

        Layouts on playing cards

        There are many layouts for full and shortened decks. Each person chooses his own, depending on

        On a deck of 36 cards

        Fortune telling has long been practiced using decks of 36 symbols. From the many options for layouts, a novice soothsayer should choose simple ones in order to gain experience and understand their capabilities.

        The simplest layout forfuture:

    1. 1. Focusing on the future, the deck should be thoroughly shuffled, then move a part and move it down.
    2. 2. Then lay one card on top, calling in order from six to ace, and turn it face down.
    3. 3. When the spoken designation and the value of the symbols match, the cards should be put aside.
    4. 4. The meaning of postponed cards must be analyzed to predict possible events in the near future.

    Quick fortune telling “yes or no”

    The simplest but most accurate fortune telling to get a clear and uncompromising answer: YES (red suit) or NO (black suit). This type of divination is convenient to use when a hint is needed in this moment.

    Universal fortune telling

    Universal divinations are not suitable for standard questions and answers, they are intended for more personal, special prophecies. As a rule, such layouts consist of three or five symbols. You can use ready-made schemes:

    • Threecards. The simplest prediction that answers questions about the past, near future and present. One symbol for each period of the questioner’s life. It is important not only to accurately read the meaning of the dropped symbol, but also to interpret their combination.
    • Five cards. Fortune telling that will allow you to see the emotional part human life, thoughts of loved ones, intentions of ill-wishers or feelings of people of interest. Just two additional symbols will help open your eyes to the true motives of your immediate environment.

    It will not be easy for a beginner to correctly interpret large layouts at first, so it is better to start with more simple circuits. Five or three symbols are optimal for your first divinations. The general “mood” of the prediction also depends on the suit prevailing in the laid out symbols. After analyzing it, the questioner must move on to the combination of dropped cards.

    These layouts can also be used on a deck of 52 cards.

    Schedule for a loved one

    A fairly simple way of fortune telling for love, allowing you to get Additional information about the fortuneteller’s loved one and predict the longevity of this union. After shuffling the deck, cards are pulled out with the left little finger:

    1. 1. The first card is removed and the deck is shuffled.
    2. 2. The second one is removed, the deck is shuffled again.
    3. 3. The process continues until the fortuneteller lays out 6 cards in this way.


    1. 1. What is your loved one thinking about?
    2. 2. What is in the heart of the intended person.
    3. 3. What can happen, happen to your loved one.
    4. 4. What the intended person desires.
    5. 5. Your loved one's hopes and dreams.
    6. 6. What happens in the life of the mysterious person.

    On a deck of 52 cards

    Layouts on a full deck are less often used than on a shortened deck, but the prediction results are accurate and understandable.

    "Magic Eight"

    This layout is comprehensive, it allows you to see important, significant moments from the future, past and present. After thoroughly shuffling the deck, you need to ask the right question, formulating it correctly.

    The layout consists of eight symbols. They are laid out in a semicircle for ease of interpretation. The first six symbols show the present, all its chances, hidden dangers. After this, the questioner draws the seventh card, predicting the near future. All cards should be placed face down and only the eighth - the final - should be revealed immediately. This symbol is the main advice from the deck.

    It is quite easy to interpret the dropped cards. First of all, cards are revealed showing the present, events, difficulties and opportunities. After interpreting the present, the questioner opens the seventh suit - the near future.

    For upcoming events

    This simple fortune telling will help you find out the forecast for the future, as well as talk about events that will not happen soon.

    How to guess:

    1. 1. Take the deck and shuffle it thoroughly.
    2. 2. Remove cards in random order three times towards you.
    3. 3. Set these removed cards aside.
    4. 4. From the remaining cards, select 16 - they will be used for prediction.

    It turns out sixteen pieces in 4 rows of 4 cards. Their meanings:

    1. 1. Near future, events will happen very soon.
    2. 2. Forecast for a period of several weeks.
    3. 3. The future for several months.
    4. 4. An event that will occur in at least a year.

    Fortune telling card meanings

    To decrypt, you need to know the meaning of each card.

    The suit of hearts is associated with people's emotions and characterizes relationships.

Fortune telling is one of the ancient ways to find out the answer to a question. Even in ancient times, there were soothsayers who were engaged in similar clues to the future. Later, fortune tellers did this. And now anyone who has a healthy interest and desire can feel like a prophet of the future.

The main thing in the article

How to guess with playing cards: main rules

Some people believe that it is impossible to guess at all, since you can guess your fate. There are those who are of the opinion that you cannot guess only for yourself. And there are also adherents of the idea that it is possible to guess, and that there is nothing wrong with it. But before you start fortune telling, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules.

  • It is best to charge the deck with your energy. Before laying out the cards, hold them in your hands and mix them well so that the cards feel your energy.
  • No one should touch the cards except you. They only need to know your hands.
  • You need to guess in a good mood, otherwise fortune telling will not give you the correct answer to the question.
  • We do not recommend asking the cards the same thing several times in one fortune telling. Once a day is enough, since the cards can lie to you.
  • Try different fortune telling options for a more accurate answer.
  • If a card or several fell out of the deck during shuffling, do not ignore it. They are trying to tell you something important.
  • Under no circumstances should you play with playing cards on which you cast fortunes.
  • Use a new 36 card deck. Keep it separately, only for fortune telling.
  • When dividing the deck into parts, remove the cards with the little finger of your left hand “towards the heart”.

The meaning of playing cards when telling fortunes with 36 cards

No scientist can say how cards reveal secrets to us and why this happens. But still, by feeling the energy, feelings and desires, the cards can tell what happened and what lies ahead. By laying out playing cards, you get answers or read the future. And what are the meanings of playing cards, you will find out below in the video.

Layout on playing cards according to desire

Fortune telling is one of the simplest layouts of playing cards. You just need to make a wish, and the cards will say “yes” or “no”. To do this you need a new deck of 36 cards. Very important concentrate on desire and formulate it as clearly and clearly as possible. A wish must be made in such a way that the answer to it is positive or negative. Therefore, the desire should sound like a question.

  • Shuffle the cards while thinking about this question and discard 13 cards. Fallen aces and querent (card representing the one asking the question) set aside and re-arrange 13 cards. You need to do it three times in total.
  • If 4 aces and a querent come up, the answer is positive; if 4 aces without a querent, the answer is “yes,” but not immediately, but after some time. If there are 3 aces and a querent - “yes”, but with obstacles, without a querent - it’s unlikely. Less than 3 aces - the answer is no.

Fortune telling with playing cards for the future: a simple layout

The future is unknown and incomprehensible. Many ancient priests tried to unravel the riddle of the future, but only a few succeeded. The future changes, as do thoughts and actions. By reading cards about what awaits you tomorrow, in a week or in 10 years, you will find out. But if you do something differently than you wanted a minute ago, everything can change, because the future changes with every new thought you have.

Fortune telling for the near future using playing cards

Cards that seem designed to be played can also predict. And also talk about a lot of things, even about the near future. Shuffle the cards well, be in a great mood so that the cards tune in and feel your positive energy. In this case, fortune telling will give a truthful answer.

Fortune telling on playing cards for a man

Not many people manage to find out what a man who is so dear to their heart thinks about them, which is why girls resort to using cards. Perhaps they will give an accurate answer, or maybe the point is that they won’t tell anyone. And no one will know who you like or what you think about him.

Fortune telling with playing cards for love: 3 best ways

In adolescence, many girls become interested in fortune telling. And some ladies resort to fortune telling all their lives to find out what awaits them and with whom fate will bring them together. Over the many centuries of fortune telling, many methods and options for laying out cards have appeared. Therefore, we have prepared for you the most truthful and reliable variations.

Fortune telling with playing cards for a loved one: detailed instructions

Fortune telling about a loved one is the favorite layout of most girls. After all, it’s interesting to know what’s in your loved one’s soul and what he thinks about you. And if your loved one is not there, then you can use the cards to find out when he will appear, and choose a suitable candidate from among the applicants.

  • Think of a man and mentally imagine him. Scatter the cards according to the number of letters in his name. If cards with the same value appear next to each other, remove them.
  • Having laid out the first row, lay the second one under it. If cards with the same vertical value appear, remove them as well. And remove aces not only side by side and vertically, but also diagonally. Move the cards in order.
  • In the top row there should always be a number of cards identical to the number of letters in the name of the hidden man. Continue laying out until you run out of cards.
  • If after all the checks you have a number of cards left equal to the number of letters in the name of your loved one, then your fate will work out with him. The more cards left, the lower the probability.

Fortune telling with playing cards for relationships

Relationships are not an easy thing, they are always based on mutual understanding and mutual respect for each other. But there are cases when you want to find out about relationships without resorting to conversations. In this case, cards that will not hide anything will help you.

  • Lay out the first three cards on the left for him and the three cards on the right for her. One in the middle between them and three cards under the central one. Place the deck of cards face up under the three center cards.
  • Take two more cards from the middle of the deck, one at a time, and place them next to the central one. Decipher the meaning of the layout in order.

Fortune telling about your ex using playing cards

Girls are very curious people, so there are those who are interested in learning about their ex-boyfriend. It doesn't seem tactful to ask someone, so it's better to resort to cards. They certainly won’t be embarrassed and won’t tell anyone that you asked. This secret will remain only between you.

Gypsy fortune telling on playing cards with card meanings

Gypsies have always been not only associated with fortune telling, but also famous for their fortune telling, not only by hand, but also by cards. Their layouts are still considered one of the most truthful and detailed. The following fortune telling will give you information about the person if he is secretive. You will also find out what happened, what is and what to expect using this gypsy layout.

Mentally ask a question that interests you.

  • Place 10 cards: 3 rows of 3 cards and 1 in the center in the fourth row.
  • Then read the meanings of the cards from top to bottom. The 1st row is the past, the 2nd is the present, the 3rd is the future, and the last card in the fourth row symbolizes the main events in life.

To interpret meaning of cards in gypsy, you need to think figuratively and symbolically, because each of them in a different position can change its interpretation.

The simplest fortune telling on playing cards for love

There are a lot of variations of fortune telling, especially for love. Each of them has its advantages. Some layouts can tell about feelings, while others tell only specific answers. We propose to consider in detail simple fortune telling for love.

  • Formulate a clear question in your mind that can be answered with a clear “yes” or “no.” Take out three cards, if all suits are red - the cards are favorable to you, black - they refuse you. If there are more red suits, then “yes” rather than “no”. If there are more blacks, then vice versa.
  • Find in the deck the king of the suit that matches your lover's hair color. Blonde-haired ones are red, and dark-haired ones are black. Speak a clear question in your mind. Throw any three cards from the deck onto the king. If there are more red suits, then “yes”. And if predominantly black- it’s more likely “no”.

The most truthful fortune telling on playing cards

There is no universal fortune-telling that will reveal all the secrets and answer exciting questions. Each layout is unique and responds to questions asked. And in fact, all fortune telling is true if you follow a number of rules. Some of them are given at the beginning of the article, and others will be discussed below. For fortune telling to be truthful, you need:

  • It is better to tell fortunes on the 13th, on Fridays and on birthdays.
  • The right time for folk beliefs- 12am.
  • The presence of a cat in the room has a beneficial effect on the veracity of fortune telling. You should especially pay attention to those cards that the cat walked on.
  • Fortune telling is necessary when lit church candle, maybe red.
  • The most accurate answers can be obtained on the night of Ivan Kupala, on the night of Epiphany.

How to combine playing cards when telling fortunes about love?

Each card has its own meaning, each of them symbolizes a situation, a person or a specific action. But there are layouts where, when combined, the cards represent other actions and give other answers. So that you can correctly decipher the meanings of the cards, we have prepared a video for you that will clearly show different combinations of cards when fortune telling, not only for love, but also for other types of layouts.

The best fortune telling with playing cards: video lessons

Fortune telling provides fairly reliable answers to questions that are not so easy to obtain using conventional methods. Cards can even protect their owner by telling him what awaits him, they can protect him from troubles and prevent any trouble. The most important thing is to believe in what you are doing with all your soul and all your heart. After all, the quintessence of fortune telling is based on trust. Faith must be sincere and only then will the cards tell you the truth. And what they say will come true.

Methods of fortune telling on 36 cards

The great temptation is to know your future. It is even more difficult to resist it when it is known that knowledge about the future is not a secret, you can find out about it. For this purpose they serve methods of fortune telling on 36 cards.

The easiest way to tell fortunes is by playing cards. You can guess the most different ways, but one of the simplest items for fortune telling is playing cards.

Why cards?

A standard gaming deck consists of 36 cards, but there are also larger ones - they include 52 cards. Each card has its own uniqueness, which means it can have its own separate meaning. Therefore, the playing deck has a large range possible options use for .

Card reading It has been popular since ancient times, which means at least one person in the house knew how to tell fortunes, for example, using playing cards. Usually this role was performed by the oldest woman, a tradition that dates back to eastern traditions, where women are initially associated with magic. That is why ladies are of particular importance in fortune telling. The lady in the cards represents that same woman, a family member who possessed magical knowledge.

There is a great variety ways on playing cards, but they are all united general principles. Using certain rules and traditions, several cards are selected from the deck and placed on the table in a certain order. It is important not only the value of the cards taken from the deck, but also their place in fortune telling.

Each location has its own meaning, for example, “that which was” or “that which one thinks about.” The meaning of the cards is then interpreted according to the basic principles of interpretation and their placement, where they are located.

Classic interpretation of cards

In simple classical layouts, which will be discussed in this article, the following interpretation is usually used. The deck for such fortune telling consists of 36 cards. Each suit contains the following cards:

  • Six. Six in fortune telling means the road. If the six is ​​red, the road will be easy or happy, and if it is black, it will be empty or useless. A road can have a direct meaning and mean a journey, a trip, a move, or it can also have a figurative meaning, meaning a path or movement in any direction.
  • Seven. This is something unexpected. Again, in the case of red cards and clubs, the surprise will be rather pleasant, it is a surprise or a gift, and if the suit is spades, seven will mean a quarrel.
  • Eight- this is a meeting. In hearts and diamonds this is a pleasant meeting, perhaps even flirting, in clubs it is a sad meeting, and in spades the meeting means betrayal.
  • Nine. This card means news, news. For worms this is news about love, a declaration of love, for tambourines it is simple good news. Clubs are news related to finances, money, and the appearance of nine spades may indicate news of a serious illness.
  • Ten. Ten means family. In hearts, these are family chores that bring joy; in diamonds, the appearance of this card means a gift. Clubs are associated with receiving a material sum, and spades signal brewing problems in the family. Jack is always a young man. For worms it means a love meeting, for diamonds it is simply a pleasant acquaintance. Clubs will be associated with obtaining a new source of income, and spades mean an ally.
  • Lady- more often married woman, however, can mean a young girl. For clubs it is a homewrecker, and for spades it is an elderly, unpleasant woman.
  • King– a married or middle-aged man.
  • Ace means writing. For worms this is a love letter, and for spades it is a letter from a government house, that is, from an organization or institution.

In order to commit, all that remains is to understand how to lay out the cards correctly.

Shall we tell fortunes?

It is advisable to take a deck that has never been in the game before, but any will do. The main thing is that this deck belongs to a fortuneteller; cards taken from the wrong hands can “lie” or predict the future not of the person you are fortune-telling, but only of the owner.

A simple fortune telling for a couple. Order:

  1. Take a deck of 36 cards. Choose one card for the companion and for the companion (similar to the previous fortune telling). Take them out of the deck and place them next to you (the card of the fortuneteller on the left, his companion or companion on the right).
  2. Shuffle the cards. With your left hand, take the first two cards and place them to the left and right of the lying pair of cards. This is what worries and what each of the couple thinks about.
  3. Shuffle the deck again and cut to yourself twice.
  4. Take two cards from the deck and place the pair on top of the cards. This is the couple's future. Joint, but the card that lies above each partner means the event that will happen because of him.
  5. Repeat step 3 again and take two cards from the deck. Place them below the cards of the pair. These are couple problems. They are joint, but the card that lies above the partner means problems that he will have to solve first.

With help, it’s easy to get information about your near future. The results can even be recorded so that you can later observe how the predictions come true.

The main thing is not to forget that everything depends on the person himself, and if fortune telling prophesies problems, you can have time to prepare for them in advance and solve them with the least damage.

Fortune telling leaves almost no one indifferent, and in the soul of every skeptic sometimes a doubt arises - what if ordinary fortune telling with 36 cards can actually predict fate? We are all, to some extent, drawn to the hidden and unknown, which is why even in our technocratic age, the services of fortune tellers and psychics do not lose their relevance. However, you don’t have to rack your brains. You can try to master simple fortune telling yourself using 36 playing cards.

Fortune telling with 36 cards: basics

If you expect to get quite serious and truthful results, you should adhere to the traditional rules of fortune telling.

  1. It concerns many details, from choosing a deck to the days of the week.
  2. The deck of cards you use for fortune telling must be new. Subsequently, it will be possible to use the same deck, provided that these cards have never been used for the game.
  3. To “charge” your cards, you should put them under your pillow at night, and only after that tell fortunes.
  4. You shouldn’t guess on cards on Sundays and Mondays - on these days they will lie and mislead.
  5. You should not perform fortune telling on a deck of 36 cards in a noisy place, or while intoxicated.
  6. According to ancient customs, all methods of fortune telling with 36 cards suggest that the fortune teller should have her hair down, without a belt or belt, and preferably in a dimly lit, non-residential room.
  7. Any ancient Russian fortune-telling with 36 cards suggests very serious attitude to the process itself. Don't pick up cards for fun.
  8. You can't ask the same question twice. You can repeat guesses on the same topics no more than once every 2-4 weeks.

There are a lot of rules and subtleties, but these will be enough for a beginning fortune teller. In addition, deeply religious people should know that some religions, including all branches of Christianity, do not recognize fortune telling, considering it a diabolical act.

Simple fortune telling with 36 cards

To begin with, it is worth mastering the simplest method of fortune telling with 36 cards for love, fate, and a loved one. It consists of shuffling the deck, moving your left hand to your heart and, mentally asking a clear and specific question, drawing three cards. Usually this is enough to interpret the answer based on the meaning of 36 cards in fortune telling:


  1. Ace - they love you!
  2. King - luck.
  3. Lady - hide your feelings.
  4. Jack - they want to see you.
  5. Ten - repeat the question.
  6. Nine - you are dearly loved!
  7. Eight - the meeting will decide your fate.
  8. Seven - be careful.
  9. Six - your intention threatens trouble!


  1. Ace - a wish not to come true!
  2. King - deception lies ahead.
  3. Lady is an insult.
  4. Jack – groundless jealousy.
  5. Ten - get busy!
  6. Nine is a way out of the black streak.
  7. Eight is good news.
  8. Seven – change for the better.
  9. Six - your happiness is fragile.


  1. Ace - you made a mistake.
  2. King - hurry up!
  3. The lady is the reward.
  4. Jack - a loved one will make you sad.
  5. Ten – give up on new friendships.
  6. Nine - sad news.
  7. Eight - you will learn about the illness of a loved one.
  8. Seven is praise.
  9. Six is ​​a surprise.


To answer some questions, it will be enough to draw only one card, while for others you will need all three. You can look at the situation. The main thing is, even if the answer does not suit you, do not ask the question again. Each answer is accurate and final; the question can be repeated only after 2-4 weeks.

Before starting fortune telling, you should choose your card: single and unmarried - king and queen of diamonds; married and married - the king and queen of hearts; older people - king and queen of clubs.

Please keep in mind that each suit symbolizes a specific element:
clubs - fire (power). Her signs are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius;
diamonds - land (material wealth). Signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn;
worms - air (love). Signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius;
peaks - water (misfortune). Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

For fortune telling, a deck of 36 cards is used (without twos, threes, fours and fives). The cards are shuffled, removed and begin to be laid out openly in threes until the fortuneteller's card is encountered. By studying the first three cards, we understand what a person came with at the time of fortune-telling, we answer the question: what surrounds him at this time, what forces, what people, what events. All this is indicated by two cards that surround the card identifying the fortuneteller. You will find the meaning of the cards being studied further in the text of this program.

After completing the study and receiving the information, the card identifying the person is placed on the table, and all the other cards are shuffled again and mentally asked questions that interest the person being told fortunes. The fortuneteller takes out one card at random and places it, without opening it, face down, under the card already lying on the table.

This is very important card, giving us an idea of ​​what most concerns the heart of the person being told fortunes. Moreover, all the figures represent persons who think about the person for whom they are telling fortunes: jacks - worries and troubles, the queen of spades on the heart means boredom and melancholy, the ten and eight of spades - illness, the seven of spades - troubles, the six of spades - loss or loss.

Particularly unpleasant are clubs and spades that have one point in the middle: sevens, nines and aces. If they lie point up, sevens and nines are tears, the ace of clubs is failure in business, and the ace of spades is generally trouble. If the same cards lie point down, these are usually minor troubles, insults, insults, fear, bruises. An ace of diamonds on the heart is always a letter. Ace of hearts - news. Nine or ten diamonds - receiving money, profit.
Nine or ten of hearts is joy. But from the ceremony you can only find out when the time comes to open this card, and that time will come at the very last moment.

After this, without shuffling the decks, the fortuneteller right hand places the deck above the head of the identification card and leaves about a quarter of the deck there, then with his right hand he places the deck at the feet of the identification card, leaving the second quarter of the deck there, then with his right hand he places the third quarter to the left of the identification card and leaves the third quarter of the deck there, and then puts to her right last quarter decks.

Then the fortuneteller takes the packet of cards above his head and places the top two cards open above the head of the ID card, then takes the packet of cards at the feet of the ID card and places it on the remaining cards of the first packet on his left hand, then again removes the top two cards with his right hand and places them open at the feet of the identification card. Afterwards, the fortuneteller takes with his right hand a pack of cards to the left of the identification card and places them on left hand, removes the top two cards with his right hand and places them open to the left of the identification card, then takes the packet of cards to the right of the identification card with his right hand, places them on his left hand and removes the top two cards with his right hand, which he places open to the right of the identification card.

Next, the fortuneteller, without shuffling the deck, takes two cards in a row from the deck on his left hand and puts them open in the upper left corner of the identification card with his right hand, then takes the next two cards with his right hand and places them in the lower left corner of the identification card, open. After this, the fortuneteller, without shuffling the decks, takes the next two cards with his right hand and places them open in the upper right corner of the identification card, then with his right hand takes two more cards in a row and places them open in the lower right corner of the identification card. As a result, there are sixteen open cards around the ID card.

Then the fortuneteller shuffles the remaining cards, after which, each time discarding the top three cards with his right hand, he places every fourth closed on the heart on the identification card until he goes through the entire deck, as a result of which there are four cards on the heart above the identification card.

The meaning of the card layout.

As a result of the ceremony of laying out the cards, answers appeared to questions that interest the person being told fortunes, but these answers are encrypted by the order and arrangement of the cards, the meaning of the cards and their combinations.

It is necessary to remember well: only after the end of the alignment ceremony can you open the cards lying on the heart, or more precisely, it will be said - on (11) and under the identification card (2): they contain the immediate future of the person being told fortunes. The predominance of peaks in them indicates future troubles, and the figures will indicate where they can come from. The predominance of worms promises joy and happiness.

The pair of cards above the head (3), as well as the three pairs of cards to the right of the ID card (9, 6, 10), indicate the most near future.

A pair of cards under the feet (4) denotes what is passing, what is or will be, but will go away. If at the feet of the identification card there is any figure in which a specific person is guessed, this means that this person will soon disappear from the life of the person being told fortunes.

The two cards to the left of the ID card (5) represent the past.

Two cards in the upper left corner of the ID card (7), then what happens in currently away from the person to whom they tell fortunes.
The two cards in the lower left corner of the ID card (8) indicate the most distant future.

Particular importance is attached to the cards closest to the center, and first of all to the top ones, then to the side ones. The lower cards have less futurological value.

After this cycle, they collect all the cards, shuffle them and lay them out in threes: for themselves, for home, for family, then to answer the questions: what happened, what will happen, how will the heart calm down?

From this layout you can eliminate identical pairs of different colors (for example, black and red sevens, eights, etc.). The remaining cards will indicate what inevitably awaits you and what you yourself could only guess about. Now all that remains is to wait.


ACES - in a reading, they almost always indicate time; if the ace is in a place that denotes the near future, then it denotes the time of day; if it is in the lower right corner, where the distant future is located, then it denotes the time of year.
Four aces dropped at the same time mean the fulfillment of desires.
If during the fortune-telling ceremony four aces and four tens simultaneously fall out, then in the very near future the person being told fortunes will experience great joy and good luck.
Sometimes four aces can mean an unpleasant surprise. An ace sometimes signifies the house of the corresponding king.

KINGS - if four kings come up, this means success, a high position in society.

LADIES - four ladies for women is gossip, if one of the four ladies is with the card of the woman being told fortunes, this means that a woman close to her is gossiping about her. For men, four ladies appearing at the same time indicate that the man being told a fortune loves ladies' company and is surrounded by ladies.

JACKS - means troubles, especially if four jacks fall out at once, if one of them is on the heart - these are worries, the degree and severity of which depend on which cards, dark or light, predominate on the left side of the layout. With a king of the same suit, lying not even next to the jack, the jack means the thoughts and intentions of the king, and with nine or ten hearts, the king and jack of the same suit mean the passionate desire of this king to see the lady who is being told fortunes.

TENS are business cards. Four tens is the fulfillment of a desire, but not a heartfelt one. The more tens in the reading, the better the deeds and undertakings of the person being told fortunes.

NINES - especially four nines - mean surprise, whether pleasant or not depends on the nine lying closest to the card of the person being told the fortune, or depending on the cards to the left of the person performing the ceremony.

EIGHTS - have practically no special meaning. Sometimes four eights mean the strike or house of the corresponding queen.

SEVENS also have practically no special meaning. Four sevens sometimes mean intrigue.

SIXES - mean the road. The sixes located to the left of the person conducting the ceremony, above the head and under the feet of the identification card, mean the path for the person being told fortunes. The sixes of the corresponding suit of the figures located here are the path of these persons to the person being told fortunes.
A six that does not correspond to the suit, but located next to any figure, means what kind of road lies ahead for this person. Six Peak - dark, night. Six of clubs - evening. Six of hearts - a walk. Six of diamonds is a small close path.
Four sixes mean fulfillment of desires.

The predominance of small cards in the layout means a bleak time, lack of money, gray days, especially if the small cards are concentrated to the left of the person conducting the ceremony in the near future.

Card meanings

ACE of Clubs - determines the time of an event that should occur in the evening or autumn, also denotes a false rumor started by an ill-wisher; state house, house of a respectable or not young man, house of a respectable family, success, point up - failure, with a figure - a gift from a person identified with this figure, without a figure - a gift from stranger;
with a six - means railway;
with the king - immodest love, courtship, if they tell fortunes to a woman;
with seven clubs - winning the case, victory;
with nine of hearts - tender love;
with six clubs - a date and conversation on the street, on the road or in the evening, with added spades - death;
with a nine of spades - quick news of benefits, and if the nine of spades is pointing upward - of harm;
with the king of clubs - a happy outcome of the planned enterprise, a quick fulfillment of desires.

The KING of Clubs is a military man, a faithful or hasty friend;
with clubs - the king portends happiness, and it is also a close person, friend, husband, groom, lover;
with a nine of clubs with the point down - an influential person, a supportive person, with the point up - troubles with this person;
with the eight of clubs - rumors about enterprises at sea, the death of a ship;
with the ace of clubs - a happy outcome of a planned enterprise, the fulfillment of a desire;
with a jack of clubs - if the person who is being told fortunes is not of the suit of clubs, great sorrow;
with one of the sixes with any jack - the way to gain interest;
if the king of clubs does not fall into fortune telling, this means failure.

THE QUEEN of clubs is a respectable lady, a friend, or an illegitimate child;
with the queen of spades - with an identification card - bad circumstances, courts, troubles due to marriage;
with the eight of clubs - this is the help of a relative or close woman.

JACK OF CLUBS - denotes a military man below the rank of officer, a friend, protector or friend, without an Ace or King - big troubles; in the heart - government affairs or thoughts of the king of clubs;
with the seven of spades - misfortune due to the machinations of enemies;
between two ladies - an unfaithful wife;
between two jacks - a restless future;
with an ace of diamonds - help in trouble;
with a ten tambourine - success in money matters;
with the eight of clubs - an unexpected turn of happiness.
If the jack of clubs falls out first of the other jacks during fortune telling, this is a clear sign of correct fortune telling.

TEN OF Clubs - this is change, great dangers, fires;
at peaks - poverty, deception of hope, work;
with figures - a business person;
with hearts - a find, luck in the lottery;
with a king or queen of hearts - a manifestation of the interest of these persons;
with seven clubs - joy and news of business;
with six clubs - an unexpected offer of departure;
with ten tambourines - an indispensable receipt of money;
with a dozen of hearts - success in love;
with a ten of spades - recovery from illnesses;
with nine clubs - fun with loved ones;
with eight of clubs - receiving soon big money, inheritance, wealth, happiness;
with a seven, eight or nine of clubs - the ten of clubs gives one of the happiest combinations;
with an ace of clubs - always a change for the better;
with the seven of spades - deception and tears;
with a six or seven of clubs - a large society.

NINE of Clubs - denotes an inheritance, a pleasant conversation, doubts, the absence of something;
with a figure - indicates that it will disappear from the life of the person being told fortunes;
point up - means gossip, annoyance, tears;
with a king or queen of clubs - the love of the figures for the person being told fortunes;
with nine or ten of hearts - success in love;
with a tambourine - means the correct receipt of money and useless spending of it on pleasure;
with a worm - mutual love;
with a ten of spades - money troubles;
with the jack of hearts - travel;
with the king of clubs - denotes an influential person, a supportive person;
with ten clubs - fun with loved ones, dear people, astonishment;
connecting a nine of clubs with a seven, eight or ten of clubs is one of the happiest combinations.

EIGHT of Clubs - these are tears, frustration, death loved one, home of respectable people;
with an ace of clubs - success, and with an ace of clubs pointing up - failure;
with the king of clubs - rumors about the sea or the death of a ship;
with a lady of clubs - help from a relative or close women;
with a jack of clubs - an unexpected turn of happiness in favor of the person being told fortunes;
with ten clubs - quick acquisition real estate, receiving inheritance, wealth and happiness;
with the jack of hearts - talk about losses;
with the seven of clubs - in front of the card of the person being told fortunes, unexpected happiness;
with the seven of clubs and the ace of hearts - a happy marriage or inheritance.

SEVEN of clubs - means a close road, news of success, inheritance;
with the point up - tears;
with a lady - the thoughts of the queen of clubs;
with an ace of clubs - winning the case, victory;
with a ten, nine or eight of clubs - wealth and happiness;
with the eight of spades - if they tell fortunes to a man, he warns that his beloved is cheating on him;
with a jack of hearts with four queens and sevens - indicates the imminent birth of a son;
with a ten of hearts in the presence of the other three sevens with four queens or jacks - indicates the proximity of pregnancy.

SIX of clubs is a sea road, a useless road, a date on the street or in the garden, a path to a government place, the road of a person of clubs;
between the figures there is a big party;
with an ace of hearts in the figure - a date in the morning;
with an ace of diamonds - a date during the day;
with an ace of clubs - a date in the evening;
with the ace of spades - a date at night.

If nine clubs fall out during fortune telling, this means misfortune.

ACE of Hearts - means a gift, a package, morning time, the spring season, the house of married people;
with an ace of diamonds - a joyful letter;
with a ten of spades - a sad letter;
with the jack of hearts - good news;
with six of clubs - a date and conversation on the street in the evening;
with the nine of spades - revelry, pleasure, date and favor of a friend.

KING of hearts - a married person with a queen of hearts or a brown-haired man in the layout, also means an unexpected meeting, good news and arrival;
with a pike - trouble;
with a diamond - receiving money;
with a club - troubles;
with a heart - success.

The Queen of Hearts is a married woman;
with six and ten of hearts - tears for the person who is being told fortunes;
if a jack of clubs is added to this combination - unexpected joy;
with a heart - success in love for a man;
with other suits - success in an uncertain future;
with a dozen of hearts - a friend.

The JACK of hearts is a fair-haired man, a commoner, an unpleasant guest, good news, a cheerful company, the thoughts of the king of hearts if he is present in the layout;
with a heart - success;
with the Ace of Hearts - good news, a declaration of love;
with nine clubs - travel;
with a nine of diamonds - avoiding an unpleasant journey;
with the eight of hearts - a cordial conversation;
with an eight tambourine - a conversation about money;
with an eight of clubs - an unpleasant conversation;
with the eight of spades - news of the illness and death of a loved one;
with a lady or king - a guest;
with seven clubs and four queens or sevens - the birth of a son;
if four aces are added to them, this indicates that the son will be smart and rich.

TEN OF worms - means the city, happiness, in the heart - joy, in the heads of the card of the person being told fortune - a wedding or platonic love;
with a lady - love and loyalty of the beloved woman;
with the king - the love and loyalty of a beloved man;
with ten diamonds - great monetary interest in the near future;
with a seven of clubs if there are three other sevens in the layout or if there are four queens or jacks in the layout - the proximity of pregnancy, if a woman is being told fortunes;
with the eight of hearts - a solitary date with your beloved woman;
with the seven of hearts - consolation in grief or a solitary date;
with a six of tambourine - fun at a party;
with nine of hearts - a change in the apartment, and if there is a queen and a king of any suit - a wedding;
with the six of hearts - a joyful date;
with nine clubs - means that the beloved person will give her heart to the person being told fortunes, as well as a message or thing from the beloved person;
with ten clubs - success in love;
with an ace of diamonds - a love or joyful message.

NINE of Hearts - means a love letter or a surprise: pleasant or unpleasant, depending on nearest maps, love in general;
with any king or lady - the love of this king or lady for the person being told fortunes;
with seven or eight of hearts - a date with your loved one;
with nine clubs - means receiving news or things from a loved one, as well as her mutual love;
with any six - an unexpected meeting;
with the queen of spades - happiness.

EIGHT OF HEARTS- means a cheerful conversation, long journey, pleasure, house of hearts;
with the jack of hearts - a cordial conversation;
with seven clubs - unexpected happiness;
with a dozen of hearts - a solitary date;

with a ten diamonds near the identification card - receiving money or a large inheritance.

SEVEN of hearts - means fun, thoughts of the queen of hearts or a change in life;

with a dozen of hearts - a pleasant or secluded date;
with nine of hearts - just a date;
with four kings - a cheerful conversation.

SIX of hearts - a walk, delay or obstacle in matters of a non-love nature, the path of the king or queen of hearts;
with a worm - the path to the desired person;
with a dozen of hearts - a road and a heartfelt date.

If there are all cards of the heart suit in the layout, the person being told fortunes will experience complete pleasure in love.

ACE of tambourine - shows the time of day during the day and the time of year in the summer, means a letter, news;
with a figure - it will show the person sending the message;
with a diamond - means you will receive money soon;
with seven, nine or ten of hearts - a joyful or love letter;
with a club or spade - the removal of the desired moment and trouble;
with six of clubs - a date and conversation on the street at dusk;
with nine of spades - cunning and deception of loved ones;
with nine of hearts - a love letter;
with a ten of spades - a mourning or sad letter;
with a ten tambourine - a money letter.

KING of tambourine - means a young man, a love date, acquaintance with a future lover or beloved, and also in the absence of a lady of tambourine - a single person;
with a ten of diamonds with any jack - means support in the future from a new acquaintance or future groom;
with a six of tambourines - an indispensable fulfillment of desire;
with a worm - fun, a change in life and oblivion of the past.

LADY tambourine - points to a young girl or an unfaithful woman;
with a jack of diamonds and a ten of spades - means an unpleasant guest;
with the nine of hearts - promises good things to women, and warns men about possible theft.

JACK of diamonds - means a boy, a messenger, a trusted person, good news; if there is a king of diamonds in the layout - thoughts of the king of diamonds;
with a seven of spades - means a rich person;
with any king - a calculating or false person;
with a seven or nine a tambourine - means a hostile person and warns of imminent betrayal;
with a lady of clubs - means trouble;
with the six of clubs - an unexpected and quick trip in the company of a man;
with the king, queen and any card of the suit of the person being told fortunes - indispensable success in money matters.

TEN of tambourines - means money, a gift, a date, a village, in the heads of an identification card - receiving money;
with the king of diamonds and queen - indicates the interest of these persons in the person being told fortunes;
with the ace of spades - means a quarrel over money;
with a nine of tambourines - inevitable and quick receipt of money;
with the eight of tambourines - distant and delayed receipt of money;
with the seven of tambourines - successful troubles about money;
with six tambourines - money and absolute fulfillment of a wish;
with an eight of spades - the road to get money;
with jack of clubs - success in money matters;
with ten clubs - mandatory receipt of money;
with the seven of hearts - inheritance;
with nine of hearts - profitable work.

NINE of diamonds - means money, if there are king or queen of diamonds, it indicates the love of these persons for the person being told fortunes;
with the six of spades - troubles, failure on the road to get money;
with the jack of hearts - avoiding an unpleasant journey;
with ten tambourines - mandatory and quick receipt of money;
with four kings - a cheerful conversation.

EIGHT of diamonds - pleasant dreams, daydreaming, talking about money or hatred;
with an eight of clubs and a six of hearts - news of a fire;
with a king or queen of spades on the sides of the identification card - harm from the enemy;
with the jack of hearts - talking about money;
with ten tambourines - prospects for receiving money;
with a seven of tambourines near any figure - the inconstancy and infidelity of this figure.

SEVEN of diamonds - means joy, business, troubles, infidelity, a business date, purchase or sale, a commercial transaction: successful or unsuccessful depending on the nearest cards, a road, a small gold gift, a gift made of silver or any other metal, if there is a lady in the layout tambourine - her thoughts;
with a figure - means a happy incident;
with a ten of spades - an unexpected offer;
with ten diamonds - successful troubles about money.