Drawing a plot on a military theme. How to draw a war with a pencil step by step. The Great Patriotic War on a sheet of paper

The Great Patriotic War is a page in our history that cannot be ignored. For a peaceful sky, for bread on the table, we are indebted to our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who, without sparing their lives, fought against a fierce enemy for the sake of a happy future for their children.

As a sign of eternal memory and respect in our country, it is customary to give veterans flowers and themed cards made by small children's hands. Such masterpieces are worth more than any awards, because they testify that even children know and are proud of the exploits of their ancestors. Today we will tell you how and what kind of drawings for children about war you can draw on the eve of a great holiday or simply to consolidate the knowledge gained from a history lesson.

So, we bring to your attention a master class on how to draw the Patriotic War step by step for children with a pencil.

Example 1

Boys always associate war with military equipment and aviation. Tanks, helicopters, airplanes, various weapons - these are all achievements of scientific progress, without which victory would have come at an even greater cost to us. Therefore, we will begin our first lesson, dedicated to drawings about the war (1941-1945) for children, with detailed description how to draw a tank step by step.

First of all, let's prepare everything you need: pencils and colored pencils, an eraser and Blank sheet paper.

Continuing to improve our skills, let's draw a military aircraft:

Example 2

Of course, little princesses may not like drawing military equipment. Therefore, we have prepared separate drawings for them that can be used as a greeting card:

As you can see, draw these simple pictures It’s not at all difficult for a child to talk about war, the main thing is to show a little imagination and patience.

Alexandrov Alexander, 10 years old, "Tankman"

"My great-grandfather. He took part in the Great Patriotic War. He liberated Prague. His tank was knocked out and he was shell-shocked."

Astafiev Alexander, 10 years old, “Simple Private”

“My great-grandfather participated in the Great Patriotic War from 1941 to 1945. He started as a simple private and ended with the rank of sergeant. recent years During the war he fought on the famous Katyusha. During the war, he was repeatedly awarded various orders and medals. He has 12 in total. Born in 1921, died in 1992."

Bavina Zoya, 10 years old, “On Lake Ladoga”

"Danilov Ivan Dmitrievich. My great-grandfather was born in 1921 on July 2. He died in 1974. In 1944, they broke through the blockade of Leningrad. The troops marched along Lake Ladoga. There was very strong ice on it, and cars with people and food drove across the lake. In In some places the ice was thin, and some soldiers fell under the ice. Once he also fell through the ice. After the fall, he was taken to the hospital, where he was treated for tuberculosis. He returned from the war in 1944, as he was seriously wounded. He came back from the war with a scar on his chest and two fingers missing. But his body was weakened and he died."

Bakushina Natalya, 10 years old, “Pride of the Family”

“My great-grandfather on my mother’s side participated in the Great Patriotic War. He was born in 1918 and died in 2006 at the age of 88. My great-grandfather went to war at the age of 21. He was an ordinary soldier, served in Nalchik. From the first days war, the regiment where he served was sent to defend the city of Moscow. Subsequently, the regiment was transferred to the defense of Stalingrad. My great-grandfather participated in the operation to capture General Pauls. For his participation in the battles for Moscow and Stalingrad, he was awarded military orders and medals. and he was given the title junior lieutenant. He was the commander of a rifle crew. During the war, my great-grandfather was seriously wounded in the stomach and head. He was sent to a rear hospital in Novosibirsk. After being discharged from the hospital, from 1944 to 1946, he served in the rear forces, preparing recruits for sending to the front. In 1947, my great-grandfather was demobilized."

Bekboeva Ayan, 10 years old, “My great-grandfather”

“My great-grandfather’s name was Sultanbay. He fought in the Ukrainian Front. He had orders and medals. He was a sniper. He fought for 3 years. He came back from the war lame. When he returned, my grandmother was 6 years old. My mother recalled how interesting he talked about the war, how At night we crossed the Dnieper River by boat. He liberated cities and villages from the Nazis. He lived to be ninety-two years old, with a shrapnel in his leg!

Sofia Vanyushina, 10 years old, "Arzhaev Afanasy Vasilievich"

"Arzhaev Afanasy Vasilievich (1912 - 11/25/1971)
My great-great-grandfather Afanasy Arzhaev was born in 1912 in the village. Matveevka Soloneshensky district Altai Territory. In 1941, he was called up to the front in the Soloneshensky RVK of the Altai Territory, private. In 1944, there was a funeral for my grandfather and the family believed that he had died. However, in 1946, my great-great-grandfather returned from the front alive and well. It turned out that after the Great Patriotic War he participated in the war with Japan. During the war, grandfather was awarded orders and medals. Unfortunately, he allowed his children to play with these awards and the awards were lost. Our family only has memories and one photograph showing our grandfather with the Order of the Red Star on his chest. Grandfather did not share his memories of the war with anyone. When the sons asked their father to talk about the war, he limited himself to the phrase: “There is nothing good there.” The family only knew that he was an intelligence officer. After the war, grandfather worked with dignity, was a good family man, he had 10 children. He died early, in 1971, at the age of 59.
While preparing this story, my parents and I were surprised to discover that there was information on the Internet that my grandfather had died. We also found information about some of my great-great-grandfather’s awards on the Feat of the People website. It indicates that Afanasy Vasilyevich Arzhaev was awarded the Order of the Red Star on September 16, 1943, and on January 15, 1944 - the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree. According to the memories of my great-grandfather, who played with the awards: “There was something to play with!”
For the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, my family decided to restore the details of the heroic military life of my great-great-grandfather and begin further search for information about his exploits and awards."

Vasilyeva Polina, 10 years old, “Our hero is nearby”

"The Great has begun Patriotic War! Nazi Germany invaded the territory of our country and wanted to conquer it. Our Soviet people stood up to defend his homeland! In these ranks of defenders was my great-grandfather Konstantin Andreevich Gubin! He bravely endured all the hardships military service. Participated in all necessary battles against the fascist occupiers. He fought as a sapper. He had a service dog, Mukhtar. Together with Mukhtar, they neutralized German mines. One day, near the city of Smolensk, he was blown up by a mine together with Mukhtar. Mukhtar died, and his great-grandfather was sent to the hospital where he underwent surgery on his leg. He spent three months in the hospital, and after recovery was sent to the front. At the end of the war, he returned to his homeland in the city of Irbit. During the war he was awarded one order and three medals. I often remember my great-grandfather and am very proud of him!!! And on May 9th I try to come to the city of Irbit to lay flowers on his grave."

Gataullina Alina, 10 years old, "Nurse"

“Marfa Aleksandrovna Yarkina in 1942-1943 worked in hospitals as a nurse in the pre-front line, and in 1944-1945 she worked in the deep rear in hospitals, specifically in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky. In 1943, it was decided to move the hospital away from the pre-front line on the train. During the journey, the train was bombed. Several carriages were blown up, everyone in them was killed. My grandmother was lucky, she survived and continued to work as a nurse after the end of the Great Patriotic War, she remained to live and work in the city of Kamensk. Ural."

Gileva Anastasia, 10 years old, “My great-grandfather”

Gureeva Ekaterina, "Alexey Petrovich Maresyev"

“A whole story was written about this man - “The Tale of a Real Man.” And rightly so - after all, Alexey Maresyev a real hero, who was able to continue fighting even after amputation of both legs at the knee. Already on July 20, 1943, Maresyev saved the lives of two of his comrades, and also shot down two enemy fighters at once. Already on August 24, 1943 he was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. In total, he managed to make 86 combat missions and shoot down 11 enemy aircraft. By the way, he shot down four planes before being wounded and seven after being wounded. In 1944, he began working as an inspector pilot, moving from a combat regiment to the management of Air Force Universities."

Denisova Vlada, 10 years old, “My Hero”

"My great-grandfather Yura Zherebenkov. He went through the entire Second World War. He loved to tell me different stories about war. When I was little, my great-grandfather told me one interesting story. For me, my great-grandfather will always remain a hero of the Second World War!"

Dubovin Vadim, "Alexey Maresyev"

Zhuravleva Maria, 10 years old, “My great-grandfather”

"I didn't see my great-grandfather. But I know that my great-grandfather was very a good man. His name was Stepan. He lived in the village with his wife and four children. Stepan worked as an accountant (economist). In 1941 he went to war. My great-grandfather fought in the infantry. In 1942 he was captured in a concentration camp in Poland. When he returned home, he was very ill and could not work for a long time. In 1956, the government awarded him the medal "For Victory over Germany." Later he moved to Sverdlovsk. Stepan died in 1975. Now I come with my mother to his grave."

Zadorina Tatyana, 10 years old, “My great-grandfather”

"My great-grandfather Alexey Nikolaevich Loskutov was born in 1903 on October 18 in the city of Kamyshlov. He worked in tax office agent. In 1941 in July he went to the front. In November 1943, he was at home - he came on leave after treatment in the hospital (he was wounded in the knee). In 1944 he went back to the front. Died in 1944 on September 22 in Latvia. He was buried in the Latvian SSR (Bava district, Vitsmuzhskaya volost, Boyar village)."

Kopyrkina Elvira, 10 years old, “My heroic relative”

“I want to tell you about my great-great-grandfather. His name was Kopyrkin Alexander Osipovich. He was born on July 27, 1909 in the village of Berezovka, Artinsky district, Sverdlovsk region, into a family of peasants. In 1924, my grandfather graduated from three classes primary school, his education was limited to this, since from an early age he was forced to work. In 1931, my grandfather was drafted into the Red Army for military service. In the army, he received the military specialty of a mortar operator. In 1934, my great-grandfather returned from the army and went to work in a mine, extracting copper ore. At that time, my great-grandfather’s family moved to the city of Degtyarsk, Revdinsky district, Sverdlovsk region.
In September 1941, my great-grandfather was drafted into the army as part of general mobilization. At first he fought on the Leningrad Front, was the commander of a gun - a 76 mm caliber cannon. At the end of 1941, in the battles near Tikhvin, my great-grandfather was surrounded and seriously wounded. Field of recovery, great-grandfather was again sent to the front line, where, as part of the 104th mortar regiment, he took part in the defense of Leningrad until the blockade was lifted and complete liberation. After the liberation of Leningrad, my great-grandfather’s mortar regiment was sent to the 1st Ukrainian Front. As part of the 1st Ukrainian Front, my great-grandfather took part in the liberation of all of Europe and reached Berlin itself. For his participation in the Great Patriotic War, my grandfather was awarded orders and medals. After the end of World War II, my great-grandfather returned home and continued to work in the mine. My great-grandfather died in 1995, long before I was born. Even though I never met him, I am proud to be a descendant of such a heroic man."

Kulak Sergey, 11 years old, “The Contribution of Heroes to the Victory”

"The contribution of my great-grandfathers to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This year on May 9, the whole country will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Many of my fellow countrymen were participants in the Great Patriotic War. Some went to the front, some stayed in the rear to work at the factory. These were people who put their soul, energy and strength of their youth into everything they did. Such people were my great-grandfathers Pavel Konstantinovich Kulak (on my father’s side) and Mikhail Ivanovich Ushakov (on my mother’s side). Both of them worked in the Marten workshop, but at different factories: Pavel Konstantinovich - at the Kuibyshev plant, and Mikhail Ivanovich - at the Uralvagonzavod. And it so happened in the history of our family that both great-grandfathers welded armor steel for the legendary T-34 tank. selfless work my great-grandfathers were awarded state awards of different degrees and categories: some are kept in the museum, others in the family archives. I'm proud of my ancestors. When I grow up, I will definitely work and serve my Motherland like my great-grandfathers Kulak Pavel Konstantinovich and Ushakov Mikhail Ivanovich - people of heroic times and fair fate, hardened by hard work."

Lebedev Dmitry, 10 years old, “Tankers are broad-shouldered people”

“My grandfather participated in the Second World War, he rode a tank, scouted the Nazis! He reported to his senior rank.”

Lutsev Anton, 13 years old, “No one is forgotten”

"My great-grandfather was born in 1913. Nozdryakov Konstantin Dmitrievich. He was drafted into the Army in 1941. He went through almost the entire war. He reached Koeningsberg (Kaliningrad) there were fierce battles near Baltic Sea. He was mortally wounded. Died on April 23, 1945. He was buried near the Baltic Sea. In 1948 everyone dead soldiers transferred to a mass grave."

Nazimova Liliya, 13 years old, “No one is forgotten”

“The Chechen Khanpasha Nuradilovich Nuradilov was born on July 6, 1920. After being drafted during the Second World War, he became the commander of a machine gun platoon of the fifth guards cavalry division. In the first battle, he managed to destroy 120 fascists. After 1942, he destroyed another 50 enemy soldiers. A month later, in February, he was wounded Nuradilov remained behind the machine gun, destroying about 200 enemies."

Nelyudimova Yulia, 11 years old, “The Road of Life”

"There is a cruel sign in war:
When you see the star's light has gone out,
Know that it was not a star that fell from the sky - it was
On White snow one of us fell.
L. Reshetnikov.

Laptev Efim Lavrentievich (05/20/1916 - 01/18/1976). When the war began, my great-grandfather had already graduated from a vocational school. In 1941 he served in an anti-tank division. From 1942 to 1943 he took part in the battles for Stalingrad and fought on the Kursk-Oryol Bulge. In 193 he was seriously wounded and was hospitalized. After recovery, he was sent to the Urals, where he continued his service at the legendary Uralelectrotyazhmash plant.
Defense, retreats and advances, hunger and cold, the bitterness of losses and the joy of victories - my great-grandfather and other front-line soldiers had to endure.
Laptev Efim Lavrentievich was awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War, 2nd degree, and the medal "For Courage". After the end of the war, he continued to serve at the UETM plant. I'm proud of my great-grandfather. Such heroes need to be honored and remembered, because thanks to them we live in this world without war."

Patrakova Elizaveta, 10 years old, “Not a step back!”

“My hero, Grigory Ivanovich Boyarinov, colonel, died heroically while performing a combat mission.”

Plotnikova Anna, 9 years old, “My great-grandfather”

“This is my great-grandfather. His name is Sergei Nikiforovich Potapov. During the Great Patriotic War, he served at the headquarters. My great-grandfather trained soldiers for the front, met the wounded from the front. He was awarded the medal “For Victory over Germany.”

Elena Sevastyanova, 10 years old, “My Hero”

“My hero is Israfilov Abas Islalovich, junior sergeant. He showed heroism in battle, died from his wound on October 26, 1981.”

Selina Milana, 9 years old, “My Great Grandfathers”

“Two of my great-grandfathers took part in the Great Patriotic War: Selin Nikolai Pavlovich and Odnoshivkin Alexey Pavlovich. I want to draw and remember those people who fought for themselves, for us, for the Motherland. I learned from my grandparents about their exploits, battles, in which they participated. I imagine every story and mentally am next to them...
Here is one episode, expressed by me with pencils on a sheet of paper: a gloomy sky, the clouds are very low, shots and explosions are heard from afar, and the whistle of a pool can be heard. And on a huge field, our heroes-great-great-grandfathers, great-grandfathers and grandfathers run confidently without fear, following commands. Giant tanks press the ground with their tracks, holding the defense.
I am proud that I had such brave ancestors. By the way, my beloved father Kolya and adored uncle Lyosha were named in honor of my great-grandfathers."

Skopin Sergey, 10 years old, “For Stalingrad”

"Alexander Kondovik. He fought in the battle of Stalingrad, earned the Order of the Red Star."

Ksenia Tarskikh, 10 years old, “My Grandfather”

"Alexander Ivanovich Okhotnikov, born in 1914, guard sergeant.
Comrade Okhotnikov showed himself to be a brave and courageous warrior in battles against the German invaders. 27.3.1945 in the battles for locality Chissau (2nd Belarusian Front) comrade. Okhotnikov constantly moved in infantry combat formations and with rifle-automatic fire from the crew, he destroyed 3 soldiers and scattered a group of enemy soldiers up to 13 people."

Fomicheva Elizaveta, 9 years old, “In the name of life”

“The hero of my drawing was my great-grandfather, who fought in the Great Patriotic War. His name was Nikolai Fomichev. In 1941, he was drafted to the front. He fought on the Leningrad front. In 1945, in the battles for the liberation of Prague, he showed valor and courage and was awarded a medal "

Cherdantseva Nastya, 10 years old, “Intelligence Commander”

“My great-grandfather’s name was Mikhail Emelyanovich Cherdantsev. He was born in 1919 in the Urals. Before the war, he was called up to serve in the Red Army. During the war, he served in the infantry. My great-grandfather fought bravely. He was wounded. With his unit, he was surrounded. Then He fought his way to Berlin. He was awarded orders after the war. He died in 1967. "

Today we will tell you what drawings on the theme of war you can draw for the holiday “Victory Day”. This great holiday informs us that in 1945 we won a victory over Nazi Germany. The 1941 war was the worst and claimed many lives. Now, celebrating this holiday, we pay tribute to our grandfathers and great-grandfathers for their victory!

If you want to draw drawing on the theme of the Great Patriotic War, then we will help you with this! Here are the options for themes for drawing war:

1. Battlefield (tanks, planes, military);

2. In the trench (a military man shoots from a trench, a doctor bandages a wound in a trench);

3. Portrait of a military man or full-length;

4. The return of a soldier from the war.

Topic: Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) drawings

Here is a lesson on this topic that we have prepared for you. It shows a fight between two soldiers on the battlefield. This drawing is quite simple to make; you can color it with pencils, paints or any other way.

We have also prepared pictures for you to draw. There is children's drawing on the topic of war and several examples of pictures on the same topic. You can simply sit in front of your computer and draw any of these pictures with a pencil.

And also here are some variants of drawings on the theme of war, drawn with a pencil or pen.

Children's drawing on the theme of war

Especially for beginning artists, we have developed several step-by-step lessons. How to learn to draw a tank, a military plane or a rocket with a pencil - this is what you can learn, and if you come up with a drawing theme and combine several of our lessons into one, you will get a complete drawing on the theme of the Great Patriotic War!

2 variants of St. George ribbons

And here are 2 options for tanks for your drawing. It’s difficult to draw them, but it’s possible with the help of our lessons.

We draw various military equipment: airplane, helicopter, rocket. All the lessons below will help even a novice artist draw a picture on the theme of the Great Patriotic War.

Drawing on the theme Victory

If you need to draw greeting card, then here are the lessons on drawing a postcard with a pencil (everything is explained step by step). The cards depict symbols of victory, and the inscriptions “Happy Victory Day!” are beautifully executed.

On the postcard you will draw nice number 9, congratulatory inscriptions, stars and ribbons.

And here is a drawing of a military order, a St. George ribbon and an inscription for Victory Day.

Time passes, years, centuries, the events and experiences of the terrible war days go further and further. But they are not forgotten, so each new generation draws their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers on sheets of paper, trying to capture the feat they accomplished. How to draw a war so that it does not look like a heartless drawing that will be forgotten over time, but so that it is remembered and deposited in the soul and heart of every person?

Drawing on a military theme

Before discussing the topic “war”, you should decide on several parameters. In your mind you need to imagine what the drawing will look like, what will be depicted on it.
Will it be a separate character or part of a military action? Maybe it will be an image of some kind military equipment in the ruins of a city, or a plane in a blazing sky, or a nurse in a hospital, or an old woman looking out the window with the hope of the return of her son or husband. The main thing is that it comes from the heart. Then the image will come out with soul. No person can remain indifferent when thinking about the past and picturing war. A piece of paper conveys the state of war, the hostile attitude towards it and devastating consequences that she leaves behind.

Color and paints of military drawing

Every person who undertakes to paint on a military theme sees his own future drawing in its own color. The palette of war is multifaceted. It can also be in black tones - a sign of mourning, horror and loss. Maybe in red colors - a symbol of spilled blood, rage and cruelty. Also, the drawing can be “colorless gray”, this is the color the desperate people who lived in those years saw the war. The image may be bright, vibrant (in the color of hope). How to draw a war, in what color or in many shades? Everyone decides for themselves.

An example of a drawing about the war in pencil step by step

In order to complete the drawing, we will need: paper, pencil and thoughts about what will be depicted. So, how to draw a war with a pencil step by step, if you decide to depict some kind of battle scene battle, with a crowd of people, equipment, and so on? First, mark all the main lines of the drawing with very light strokes, so that if necessary, you can correct this without harm to the picture. When drawing a building, draw its main part (roof, walls), then indicate details, for example, a hole in the wall where a bomb fell, or part of a collapsed staircase. What if you decide to draw several soldiers on the battlefield? In this case, you should start from the farthest. In the figure it should be the smallest in size, and all the others should gradually increase in size.

When displaying various equipment, be it an airplane, a tank or a ship, you need to start in the same way as with various buildings, first drawing the base, and then gradually adding reality, color or historical nuances to them. Also, in order for your characters, equipment and buildings to look as realistic as possible, you should turn to literary sources. Look through photographs of those years, find out, for example, what uniform the soldiers had, what tanks and planes they had, how they differed from each other, and pay attention to this in the picture. With the help of books and various illustrations, you can easily understand how to draw a war or various military actions.

Great Patriotic War on a sheet of paper

How to draw the Patriotic War on a piece of paper? The Great Patriotic War is often called the “war of engines.” Indeed, at that time in service Soviet troops Motorized technology begins to operate. Particularly noteworthy is the appearance of tanks. In this regard, the idea of ​​what war looks like has also changed. Tanks began to appear in the drawings against various backgrounds. It could be a tank in an abandoned city or on a battlefield, or a separate element of an entire picture. Enemy tanks are drawn separately, they certainly contain various elements of nationality (for example, a swastika).

In films about the Great Patriotic War, you can also see Soviet soldiers with machine guns, Shpagin pistols (PPSh), and fascists with angular MPs. Also, heavy and heavy-duty installations of the Baltic Fleet took part in the Great Patriotic War. They can also often be found in drawings. Taking all this into account, the Great Patriotic War is often depicted on a sheet of paper with drawings of various types of equipment and weapons.

Life without war, but with the memory of its heroes

How to paint war with light colors? It is possible to depict this event without using dark and terrifying colors. The image of a soldier returning home, or an already graying veteran and his family, can also be attributed to military themes drawing. The purpose of a film about war is, first of all, the memory of those terrible events and one of the ways of warning for the future. Therefore, all drawings about the war are of enormous significance, and the younger generation learns the history of their country from these subjects.

From the title it’s already clear what it’s about we'll talk. We will study how to draw war with a pencil step by step. It won't be star Wars and Darth Vader and not even a shooter game, but a real war! Three soldiers in a trench, with piles of military equipment. In order to draw all this, you will need a lot of knowledge about military affairs. You can, of course, sit down to play WoT, but in the end you won’t draw anything. Who doesn’t know this is such a super action game with the participation of tanks, which has gathered a huge number of gamers in our country. By the way, the yellow-faced Chinese are no less interested in this. It seems that half of their population goes in for sports, judging by the number of Olympic medals in 2012, but the second is mired in the whirlpool of online games. For the fact that half of our population has been staring at the LCD monitor for two years now, at the same time managing to stain the gaming mouse with greasy fingers from dinner and pour coffee on the keyboard... let’s all say “Thank you” to Wargaming! Although God bless him. Now let's take a break from tanks and try to draw military actions with the participation of real ones. There are five steps ahead.

How to draw a war with a pencil step by step

Step one First, let's outline the people in motion. Head, position of the torso, arms, legs.
Step two Now let's think about what will be around our soldiers: this is a fence, stones, logs. Let's show their outlines.
Step three Let's dress our combatants: helmet, pants, boots. Let's equip one of them with a bag. Let’s draw the face profile of the one closest to us. We will surround the fence with barbed wire.
Step Four Let's add details: barbs on the wire, belts on people's clothes, a spatula, etc.
Step five Let's do the shading. There are darker areas on the clothing at the folds. Let's darken the areas on the pillars. Well, here are the soldiers against the backdrop of a military and completely unpicturesque landscape.
See similar military equipment drawing lessons.