Drawing of a dove with spread wings. How to draw a dove: a few simple rules. Let's draw the plumage, beak and eye of a dove

One of the most famous birds is the white dove. This bird has symbolized peace since ancient times. Therefore, we will learn how to draw it on a sheet of paper using simple materials at hand.

On initial stages The artist's task is to determine the size of the main parts of the bird. This is a head with a beak and a body with wings and a tail. We'll already get it outline drawing With a bright outline, you can move on to the brightest and most colorful moment - coloring the picture. So in the end we get beautiful drawing dove of peace

Materials for drawing a dove:

  • a sheet of paper of a suitable size;
  • eraser and simple pencil;
  • liner or thin felt-tip pen;
  • colour pencils.

Stages of drawing a dove:

Draw two circles in the center of the sheet. Let's leave a distance between them. So the first circle will be smaller. This will be the head of a dove.

We connect two circles to get the head and body of a dove of peace. Schematically draw the tail and add the beak.

We determine the size and wingspan, because the bird will be in flight.

Now you can add lines on the wings and tail to get beautiful and neat feathers.

Delete with an eraser auxiliary lines and contours of circles. Let's add eyes and paws.

Let's place a twig in the bird's beak as a symbol. Draw an arcuate line with a small thickness. Add leaves to the sides.

Now you can carefully go over all the lines with a thin felt-tip pen with a black tip or a 0.07 mm liner to get a finished outline drawing of a dove.

Now take a green and brown pencil. We use them to paint the twig in the bird’s beak.

Create the background with blue and blue pencil. We’ll also go over the bird itself using these shades.

Pigeons are common inhabitants of big cities and small villages. Since ancient times, they have lived next to humans, settling on the roofs of high-rise buildings and in other recesses of stone buildings. You can meet the rock pigeon on the street, in the park, near children's playgrounds, where trusting and friendly birds are accustomed to feasting on the treats that kids bring them. Bread crumbs, seeds, millet – local residents are happy and grateful for any kind of care.

Children also enjoy feeding birds; they watch with delight their habits and habits, and on every walk they try to save something tasty for their younger brothers. Do you feed the pigeons in the city park? If not, then be sure to try it and you will see how much positive emotions your baby will receive. And so that pleasant impressions remain in your memory for a long time, when you come home, draw a dove on a piece of paper with your child. We will now tell you how to do this.

So, we bring to your attention several master classes on how to draw a dove with a pencil for children step by step.

Example 1

The white dove is a symbol of health and purity. Releasing a couple of snow-white doves has already become a tradition at wedding ceremonies and graduations. Actually, we will begin our lesson by drawing such a “symbolic” bird.

First of all, let's prepare Blank sheet paper, a simple pencil and an eraser. Now let's get started.

Example 2

Our next masterpiece will be a dove of peace. According to legends and beliefs, it was a dove with an olive twig in its beak that informed Noah about the end global flood. Also in Christianity, the dove is a symbol of the holy spirit, and not so long ago its image became the emblem of the First World Peace Congress. So, let’s look carefully at how to draw a dove of peace flying in the sky with a pencil for children step by step:

Example 3

To please the smallest audience, you can draw a funny cartoon dove. For example, like this one.

Example 4

For older children, it is better to draw a real pigeon, as similar as possible to those they are used to seeing in the park and on the street. Don't think that it is very difficult, just follow our instructions and you will succeed.

  1. As usual, let's start drawing a dove step by step for children with guides.
  2. Now let's adjust the contours of the head and neck.
  3. Let's draw the beak and eye.
  4. Next, let's take care of the body.
  5. Our next step is the wing and tail.

Welcome, mommies, to the blog!

In the last article, I told you how to make a simple craft for a dove of peace with a child from children’s palms, if you haven’t seen it yet, then take a look. Today we will tell you how to draw a dove of peace step by step with a pencil for beginners with photo instructions. My son and I drew it for the first time and Leni got it right the first time, so I think you will definitely succeed, since we chose a simple Dove for drawing, which a six-year-old child can handle. Just follow the simple step-by-step instructions that we will post below in the article.

How to draw a dove of peace step by step with a pencil for beginners

We will need:

  • White list
  • Simple pencil
  • Eraser

    1. First you need to draw the head and beak of the dove.
    2. Next we draw the chest and part of the wing.
    3. We draw the details of the wings, feathers, and tail of the bird.
    4. Next we drew an olive branch that is being held by White dove in the beak.
      That's all, the dove of peace drawn in pencil is ready. Below you can see step by step instructions, following which my son and I drew and, in fact, our drawing.)

How to draw a dove of peace step by step instructions for children

We will need:

  • White list
  • Simple pencil
  • Eraser

How to draw a dove of peace with a pencil:

  1. On the sheet we draw an oval (the body of a dove). We add a neck to it, a head in the form of a small circle, and one front wing.
  2. Draw the second wing for the dove.
  3. We draw feathers on the wings and tail of the dove (we erase the extra lines. On the head we draw a sharp beak in the form of a triangle.
  4. All that remains is to draw the pigeon’s paws and eyes.

That's all, the dove of peace drawn in pencil is ready.

Even in ancient times, the dove was considered a symbol of fertility, and subsequently peace.
Ancient people thought that the pigeon did not have a gallbladder, and bile since the time of Hippocrates was considered the cause of an angry, grumpy disposition.
Pigeons were considered sacred birds and messengers of the gods in the countries of the East.
In Christianity, the dove was considered a symbol of the Holy Spirit. In the Bible, the dove released by Noah brought him an olive branch as a symbol of reconciliation between the elements. This is considered a sign of people's forgiveness. In the Middle Ages, the dove was an indispensable attribute of the Annunciation, Baptism, the Descent of the Holy Spirit and the Trinity.
A dove appeared on the shoulder of the Prophet Muhammad, personifying the Divine inspiration descending on him.
It was believed that the devil and witches could take any form except dove, donkey and sheep.
IN Ancient Rome The doves of Venus, who built their nest in the overturned helmet of Mars, were considered a symbol of peace.
Because of its devotion to its offspring, the dove symbolized maternal feelings. Sometimes the dove was a sign of wisdom.
The Jews called the dove “Yona” (in Greek spelling “Ionas”). The prophet sent by the Lord to Nineveh was named Jonah.
In Neoplatonism, the dove personified the force with which they established lower worlds. In Freemasonry it is a symbol of innocence and purity, in China it is a symbol of old age and longevity.
The dove was depicted on the scepters of some rulers, symbolizing the power sent to them by God.
Kissing doves symbolize lovers. In the USA and Great Britain, politicians who lobby for military action are called hawks, and peaceful ones politicians- pigeons (doves).
Material from Wikipedia

In the sky, on the streets, sidewalks, on window sills and roofs, we can see peace-loving, gentle, kind, and often almost tame pigeons. There are many species of these birds. Lesson topic: how to draw a dove.


We will need:

  • graphite pencils of different hardness
  • sketch paper
  • eraser
  • pastels or colored pencils.

The most important component is desire, and you can create good sketches using any available tools and materials.

Where to begin

Before you start drawing, look for nature, carefully examine nice photos. If possible, watch these birds outside.

Here are some examples of different designs.

Line and shape

It is important to capture and outline the bird’s pose, static or dynamic, with one line. The line will help to correctly position and construct the main components of the shape of the depicted object.

In each of the above sketches simple figures The body shapes of pigeons are indicated: the head and body are ovals, the wings are similar to triangles, the tail is a trapezoid.

Combine all these shapes with a single line to form an approximate silhouette.

Detailing the silhouette

We clarify the previously drawn lines and add the main ones important details. The lines may already be more confident and distinct, but still without finishing expressiveness.

1. When drawing a bird with open wings, it is important to show it correctly direction and shape of feathers. Using light lines we outline the large flight feathers and small coverts. All feathers are attached to the body of the wings, directed downwards and smoothly diverging to different sides when the wing is open. Feathers in the tail large, of the same shape and size, reminiscent of a fan.

We also outline the line of the eyes and beak; they are located on the axis that divides the oval of the head in half. Show small paws at the bottom of the body.

2. In this sketch we can show the shape of the wings and tail more clearly. In the overall silhouette, highlight the paws and claws.

We should outline bird's eyes and beak. This can be done by dividing the oval of the head horizontal line into two parts (the lower part is slightly smaller than the upper). The horizontal axis should represent the direction the bird is looking. This line divides the beak into lower and upper parts. We also place the eye above this axis.

3. In this drawing we will more accurately show the shape of the wings and tail, the direction of the feathers. According to the above recommendations, we will place the eyes and beak. Mark a small arc over the top of the beak. It's important to show rounded breasts birds and protruding paws.

Shadows and a little color

At the final stage of work, you need to make the drawing as detailed as possible. We can draw patterns on the feathers, some folds and relief on them. Clarify the shape of the paws; they have small tubercles and claws. Specify the shape of the beak and eyes.

The drawing will become more expressive if we add shadows. They usually form under the wings, in the lower part of the body, under the legs and tail. You can outline the shadow areas with a few light strokes if you are painting a white dove, or you can work more carefully with color, light and shadow.

Structural features

Drawing doves is quite simple, but let's look at some of the nuances separately.


The paws of all birds are quite strong and powerful, they help to take off and land, move by jumping, grab and maintain balance. The paws are attached approximately in the middle of the body and always lean back. The upper part has a lot of muscles and is covered with feathers. The lower part of the paw is very thin, there are only tendons, and is covered with scales and sometimes feathers.

The feet of pigeons consist of four toes. Three fingers point forward and one back. There are small seals and claws on the fingertips. The image below shows the sequence in which you can draw the paws of pigeons.


The shape of the head, beak and eye placement may vary slightly depending on the breed of bird. Sometimes the top of the head appears larger, more voluminous, or pulled down over the eyes. However, in most cases the following scheme will be correct:

  • We fit the head into an oval placed horizontally.
  • We divide this oval in half using the horizontal and vertical axis.
  • To place the beak and eyes we should draw another horizontal line slightly below the center. This line is shown in red in the figure. It runs down the center of the beak and divides it into the mandible and mandible.
  • The eyes and beak are connected by a certain line that helps us better understand the structure of the head and draw it correctly. This not entirely distinct feature runs from the center of the beak under the base of the eye and goes a little further, probably to the area of ​​the bird's ear. Essentially, this line and our red arrow are one and the same.
  • The red line helps us identify and show in the drawing the direction the bird is looking.


The red line and the vertical axis help us place the eyes - we draw them at the corner of the intersection of these lines.

The eyes are usually round, sometimes slightly elongated into an oval. Most breeds have a small halo around their eyes. It highlights and visually enlarges the eye with a contrasting color. Most often, the eyes of these birds are orange with a large black pupil in the center.


The mandible is slightly larger than the lower part of the beak and curves slightly downwards. At the base, near the head, the beak has a stripe or even a bulge of a contrasting color. On the beak there are two holes resembling nostrils.

The lower part of the beak stands out little and has a duller color.

Dove of peace

A white dove carrying an olive branch in its beak is a symbol that came to us from the Bible; after the flood, this bird brought a green branch to Noah.

After World War II, the white dove became a symbol of peace. It was first depicted by Pablo Picasso; he painted it as a symbol and emblem of the World Peace Congress. Here is this drawing:

Let's try to create our own drawing as a symbol of peace.