Raskolnikov in the novel is a crime name. Raskolnikov, Rodion Romanovich. Poor but friendly Raskolnikov family. Description of Rodion’s act

Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov.

The main character of the novel is Rodion Raskolnikov. Romantic, proud and strong personality. He was remarkably good-looking, with beautiful dark eyes, dark brown color, above average height, thin and slender. But in Raskolnikov’s clothes, the author emphasizes his poverty and destitution: his clothes turned into practically rags, his hat was all worn out, “all in holes and stains, without brims and bent to one side at the ugliest angle.” Raskolnikov is a former law student, which he left because of poverty and his theory. The hero’s consciousness is tormented by two questions: “is it allowed to commit small evil for the sake of great good, does a noble goal justify a criminal means?” and “Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right.” To destroy them, Raskolnikov kills the old pawnbroker and her sister Lizaveta, who became an accidental witness to the first planned murder. After the murder, Raskolnikov experiences a deep spiritual shock. The hero develops a fever, he is close to insanity and suicide. The collapse of theory for Raskolnikov meant the collapse of everything, all life attitudes. He is now alienated from society, from now on he is a schismatic.

The speaking surname Raskolnikov comes from the word “schism”. Those who separated and rejected the main current are called schismatics. Rodion, like the schismatics, threw away moral laws and invented his own moral theory. The meaning of the theory is that all people are divided into “those who have the right,” who can cross a certain moral line, and “trembling creatures,” who must obey the strongest. Ordinary people- only creatures designed to reproduce their own kind. “Extraordinary” are those people who rule the world, reach heights in science, technology, and religion. They not only can, but are obliged to destroy everything and everyone on their way to achieving the goal necessary for all of humanity. These, according to Raskolnikov, include Mohammed, Newton, and Napoleon.

Returning to the surname, it should be added that the surname also indicates the painful split of his personality, the split of the hero’s soul into two halves. One part of his soul is selfless and childishly innocent (Raskolnikov’s childish smile, his childish cry in his first dream), the other is cold, proud, filled with selfishness.

Raskolnikov's name is Rodion - Greek origin, has several versions of origin: according to one, it came from Greek name Herodion, meaning “hero”, according to the second, it has at its root a Greek word meaning “rose”, and according to the third, this could be the name of a resident of the island of Rhodes. The island of Rhodes was famous for its great commanders, so the motif arises here strong people who were able to overcome blood and suffering. Here Dostoevsky reproduces Aesop’s famous aphorism: “Here is Rhodes, here jump!” This fable tells the story of a traveler who arrives on an island and boasts that he has completed a great long jump. In response to his boasting, local residents offered to demonstrate their skills. So is Raskolnikov in the novel. His Rhodes becomes the murder of an old woman.

Raskolnikov's patronymic is Romanovich. Roman translated from Latin means “Romans”, comes from the Greek “fortress”, “strength”. The novel says that Raskolnikov wanted to test his strength and fortitude, he wanted to “become Napoleon.” Thus, in the hero’s patronymic, the motif of “Napoleons”, the powers that be, continues to develop.

We find an interesting interpretation of Raskolnikov’s name, surname and patronymic in S. Belov. The researcher notices that the name Rodion in its sound is associated with the word “homeland”. Raskolnikov “splits” the mother earth that gave birth to him, “splits” the homeland of the Romanovs (patronymic - Romanovich). Thus, Dostoevsky appears here as a harbinger of things to come. historical events, when in the name of “great ideas” “blood according to conscience” was allowed, and the homeland of the Romanovs, Russia, was split in the literal sense of the word.

What did Raskolnikov come to in the finale? It becomes clear to him that his theory is “stillborn” (as S. Belov called it) and that “it is impossible to build personal happiness or even general well-being on the suffering of another, even an insignificant being” (Grossman). Killing anyone is prohibited.

Marmeladov Semyon Zakharovich.

“The Marmeladov family is a focus in which all the misfortunes of an incorrectly structured ... society are refracted, and how “sweet” this world is is depicted by the bitterly ironic surname chosen by Dostoevsky,” wrote V. Ya. Kirpotin.

Marmeladov is the titular adviser, Sonechka's father. “He was a man over 50 years old, with a yellow, even greenish face swollen from constant drunkenness and with swollen eyelids, from behind which tiny, like slits, but animated reddish eyes shone. But there was something very strange about him; his gaze seemed to even glow with enthusiasm - perhaps there was meaning and intelligence - but at the same time there seemed to be a flicker of madness.” Marmeladov lost his job due to layoffs, so he started drinking. We learn Marmeladov’s life story from his own lips. The hero raised his weakness and his vices to a universal scale, and often behaved overly theatrically: “To be sorry, why feel sorry for me! - Marmeladov suddenly yelled, standing up with his hand outstretched forward, in decisive inspiration, as if he was just waiting for these words.

There are no direct associations with the surname of Semyon Zakharovich. The following scenario is possible: “marmalade” is a sweetness, soft, jelly-like. A very (even too) sweet product, like the hero of the novel, his soul is not saturated with the bile of the world, but life is sugary. The main quality of the marmalade, “soft,” corresponds to the character traits of the hero and his manner of speaking.

In fact, if you look deeper, the surname further emphasizes the plight of the family, their poverty, hunger and disease. The family is a product of an incorrectly structured society, and the surname is intended to emphasize the “sweetness” of life in such a society.

The male name Semyon is a form of Hebrew male name Simeon, meaning “he who hears (God),” “heard by God in prayer.”

The hero dreams of being pitied, listened to sympathetically, and shown respect: “After all, it is necessary that every person can at least go somewhere.” However, he does not meet such an attitude towards himself anywhere. And this is not surprising - Dostoevsky shows that respect in society grows in proportion to a person’s material well-being. And accordingly, poor people are considered outcasts, almost lepers, who have no place among the “normal”. Marmeladov is also aware of this, saying with bitterness: “In poverty,” he says to Raskolnikov, “you still retain your nobility of innate feelings, but in poverty no one ever does. For poverty they don’t even kick you out with a stick, but with a broom they sweep you out of human company, so that it’s all the more offensive.”

Sonya Marmeladova.

Sonya is the daughter of Semyon Marmeladov, tortured by the reproaches of her mother, distraught with poverty, forced to go to work to support her drunkard father and his family. Outwardly, she is a thin and pale girl, with sharp, irregular facial features. She couldn't be called pretty, but she was Blue eyes were so clear that when they perked up, the expression on their faces became kind and simple-minded, and involuntarily attracted one to oneself.

All the heroine’s actions are surprising in their sincerity and openness; she does nothing for herself, everything is for the sake of someone: her stepmother, stepbrothers and sisters, Raskolnikov. Life position girls reflects faith in goodness, justice and humility, but, above all, love for a person, no matter what he is.

Dostoevsky did not choose her name by chance. The name Sofia came to us from Greek language and means “wisdom”, “reasonableness”. M.S. Altman made a special conclusion about the internal meaning of her name: “And if the name Sophia in general means wisdom, then in Dostoevsky the wisdom of his Sophia means humility.” In the novel it is more often used as Sonya, Sonechka, which emphasizes her childishness. But Raskolnikov, at the very beginning of the novel calling her Sofia Semyonovna, seems to call upon her childish wisdom, albeit without fully understanding it.

As for the surname, it should be judged on the basis of the overall image of the entire Marmeladov family, their tragic life.

Petr Petrovich Luzhin.

His appearance in the novel is unexpected and ominous. Its existence was known in the first part, one might say, from the very beginning. But it comes to the fore even suddenly. And here is his description. You feel some disappointment. It would seem that such a name - Pyotr Petrovich - obliges us to a lot. It is known that Luzhin, simply put, is a scoundrel, and it seems that he should see a man, apparently of outstanding appearance, who does mean things in cold blood, calmly. Having read the portrait of Luzhin, you are surprised: you think that he is vile, but not to the same extent! The first association that comes to mind is jellyfish. The same disgusting creature appeared before us. The author's attitude towards him is quite understandable. One can even feel mockery of him. For example, comparing a sideburn with cutlets or the words, “even the hair... seemed... nothing funny.” Why “even”?! Dostoevsky himself assessed him very laconically: a beautiful and respectable physiognomy. The dislike for this character intensifies when you read his ugly ultimatum to Dunechka and Pulcheria Alexandrovna. The contrast between the first and last names of Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin is puzzling. "Stone" and Luzhin! Without knowing his name, it would be possible to explain his last name: after all, he is one of the “dirtiest” characters in the novel. Then the interpretation of his name comes to mind, however, here we need to deviate a little from the meaning that is usually given to it: not “stone”, but “stone”, “petrified”; Another synonym (but this is specifically for Luzhin) is callous.

Dmitry Prokofievich Razumikhin.

This is one of Raskolnikov's doubles, his most close friend. Of course, the character is positive. Raskolnikov killed. He killed and was left alone. One? Is it by chance that at moments when Raskolnikov is having an incredibly difficult time - whether it is an illness, or a moment of unbearable loneliness - Razumikhin appears nearby? And who helped Dunechka and Pulcheria Alexandrovna the most when they first arrived in St. Petersburg, and a mass of devastating facts immediately fell upon them: Rodya’s illness, the news of his conversation with Luzhin. And it is unknown how that day would have ended for them if the same Razumikhin had not been nearby. It somehow involuntarily relieves the tension that has arisen and calms the heated passions. Demetrius in Greek is “belonging to Demeter - the goddess of agriculture,” or the earth. Earth, foundation, support for Raskolnikov.

In Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment there are many symbolic details. Landscapes, interiors, portraits, names and surnames of characters are symbolic.

The main character of the novel is Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov. The name itself, Rodion, is of Greek origin, meaning “resident of the island of Rhodes.” Etymologically, the words “ore”, “red”, “rose” go back to the same root. “Ore” means “blood” in Old Church Slavonic. Thus, already in the very name of the main character, the blood motif is set, which is then implemented in the plot.

However, there is a connection here with the hero theory itself. The island of Rhodes was famous for its great commanders; Pompey, Caesar, and Tiberius studied there. So, here the motive of the powerful of this world arises, people who were able to transgress through blood and suffering. Raskolnikov cannot become Caesar and Tiberius, so he becomes an “ordinary” killer. Here Dostoevsky reproduces Aesop’s famous aphorism: “Here is Rhodes, here jump!” This fable told of a certain traveler who arrived in Rhodes and boasted that he had once completed a great long jump. In response to his boasting, local residents invited him to “demonstrate his skills.” So is Raskolnikov in Dostoevsky’s novel. His Rhodes becomes the murder of the old pawnbroker.

Raskolnikov's patronymic is Romanovich. Roman - translated from Latin means “Roman”, comes from Greek word"fortress", "strength". Turning to the content of the novel, let us remember that Raskolnikov wanted to test his strength, his fortitude, and wanted to “become Napoleon.” Thus, in the hero’s patronymic, the motif of “Napoleons”, the powers that be, continues to develop.

Finally, the surname itself - Raskolnikov - indicates the painful split of his personality, the split of the hero’s soul into two halves. One part of his soul is selfless, compassionate and childishly innocent (Raskolnikov’s childish smile, his childish cry in his first dream), the other is cold, selfish, proud, filled with pride and individualism.

Raskolnikov selflessly helps the Marmeladovs, a fellow student. Burnt, he saves children from the fire. He is also noble towards Duna, not accepting her sacrifice in the form of marriage with “ wonderful person» Luzhin. And at the same time, human life is worth nothing for Raskolnikov: testing his theory, together with the “evil and harmful old woman,” he kills the innocent Lizaveta.

We also find an interesting interpretation of Raskolnikov’s first name, patronymic and last name in S.V. Belov. The researcher notices that the name Rodion in its sound is associated with the word “homeland”. “Raskolnikov “splits” the mother earth that gave birth to him, “splits” the homeland” of the Romanovs (the hero’s patronymic is Romanovich).

Thus, Dostoevsky appears here as a kind of brilliant harbinger of future historical events, when in the name of “great” ideas “blood according to conscience” was allowed, and the homeland of the Romanovs, Russia, turned out to be “split” in the literal sense of the word.

Side story line novel - the Marmeladov line. This surname, reminiscent of sweets and associated with contentment, comfort, and something pleasant, is intended to highlight the plight of the heroes. The life of this unfortunate family is completely opposite to these associations. Constant need, poverty, hunger, Katerina Ivanovna’s illness, Marmeladov’s drunkenness, Sonya, forced to receive a “yellow ticket” - troubles and misfortunes accompany the heroes throughout the entire story. “The Marmeladov family is a focus in which all the misfortunes of an incorrectly structured ... society are refracted, and how “sweet” this world is is depicted by the bitterly ironic surname chosen by Dostoevsky,” wrote V. Ya. Kirpotin.

The name of Lizaveta, who became an innocent victim of Raskolnikov, is also significant in the novel. The name Elizabeth is of Hebrew origin and means “God’s oath”, “Vow to God”. Lizaveta is depicted in the novel as a holy fool. This is “a tall, clumsy, timid and humble girl, almost an idiot, ... who was in complete slavery to her sister.” There is something childish in Lizaveta’s face; defending herself from Raskolnikov’s attack, she childishly covers herself with her hand.

Fools in Rus' have always been considered people close to God. By killing Alena Ivanovna, and at the same time Lizaveta, who happened to be in the apartment by accident. Raskolnikov, according to Dostoevsky, kills the vow to God, respect for him. And after that, life seems to leave him. And then, at the end of the novel, he is resurrected by his love for Sonya, the same Sonya who read Lizavetino’s Gospel to him and who herself seemed similar to her.

The situation here is highly symbolic: in spiritual resurrection hero, the one he deprived of this life invisibly participates in his return to life. And in this Dostoevsky sees the highest meaning and the highest wisdom inherent in Christianity.

Thus, the names and surnames of the heroes in Dostoevsky’s novel are deeply significant, connected with ideological meaning works, with symbolism, with plot development.

F. M. Dostoevsky - great person and a writer whose name is known to absolutely every person since school. One of his most famous novels is Crime and Punishment. Dostoevsky wrote a story about a student who committed a murder, after which he suffered a terrible punishment, not in a legal sense, but in a moral sense. Raskolnikov tormented himself, but not only he himself suffered from what he did. The Raskolnikov family in the novel Crime and Punishment also suffered from the actions of the protagonist.

The meaning of the novel's title

"Crime and Punishment" - great novel, which captivated millions of readers and classics lovers. It is worth saying that in the name lies deep meaning and the content of the work.

It is important that from the very beginning Dostoevsky wanted to give his novel a different name, and he came up with “Crime and Punishment” when the writing of the work was at the completion stage. It must be said that the novel can no longer be imagined with a different title, because it is the current one that reflects the entire essence of the idea of ​​the great classic.

First the crime, and then the punishment. Dostoevsky wanted to emphasize that sometimes moral punishment is not as scary for a person. Raskolnikov felt its fullness and realized how terrible it was to “punish” himself.

It is worth saying that not only Rodion felt how difficult it was to experience moral punishment. The Raskolnikov family in the novel “Crime and Punishment” also felt how much one can suffer from the actions committed by loved ones and relatives.

Rodion Raskolnikov

F. M. Dostoevsky decided to introduce the reader to the main character of his novel from its first pages. The author described Raskolnikov’s appearance: “he was slender, handsome, his height was above average, and his eyes were large and beautiful.” The main character of the novel grew up in the family of a poor tradesman.

The writer notes that Raskolnikov was always poorly dressed, and any other person would prefer not to go out in such “rags” at all. The main character's father died, and his family found themselves in a very difficult situation. Raskolnikov's sister was forced to take a job as a governess in order to save the difficult situation. financial situation, and Rodion had to live on money sent by his mother. However, there were still not enough funds, and the young man began giving private lessons. Such a difficult situation forced Rodion to leave his studies at the university.

The history of the Raskolnikov family played a huge role in Rodion’s life. It is worth saying that poverty became the cause of many misfortunes that occurred in the life of the main character. However, in spite of everything, Rodion loved his family very much and was ready to give his life for her.

Raskolnikov's mother

Pulcheria Alexandrovna is Rodion's mother, who loved her son with all her heart. She represents a simple Russian woman who was not only a good and affectionate mother who loved her children. The author shows the reader that Pulcheria looked good, despite her age, as well as her ugly and unkempt clothes.

The main character's mother was compliant and could always agree to a lot. However, despite this, she was an honest man and it was precisely this trait that did not allow her to overstep herself.

The Raskolnikov family in the novel “Crime and Punishment” appeared before the reader as poor but honest. Its members were ready to do anything for each other.

Rodion's sister

Dunya is Raskolnikov's beloved sister. It is worth saying that warm relations have long been established between her and her brother, which can safely be called friendly. Dunya loved Rodion and her mother very much, which is why she decided to marry Luzhin in order to save her relatives from poverty. She wanted Raskolnikov to continue studying at the university and also work with her future husband.

However, Rodion dissuaded his sister from marrying Luzhin, because he was a greedy and ignoble gentleman. Soon Dunya married Razumikhin - best friend Raskolnikov, who became part of their small family.

The Raskolnikov family in the novel Crime and Punishment is very friendly. Despite all the hardships and obstacles that each member encounters along the way, they stay together and try to help each other.

Father of Rodion Raskolnikov

It is worth saying that Dostoevsky decided not to talk much about Father Rodion. All we know is that the head of the family died. After his death, Pulcheria and her young children were forced to earn a living, and this was not at all easy for them.

Raskolnikov's connection with his family. Dunya's act

It must be repeated that the Raskolnikov family was very friendly and loving. The characterization of the heroes makes it clear that each of them was ready to do anything for each other. The mother loved her children, and they loved her.

The Raskolnikovs’ reverent attitude towards each other is visible at the very beginning of the novel. When they were left in complete poverty after the death of their father, their mother, Dunya and Rodion himself struggled to get money in order to provide at least a little for the family. The main character's sister went to great sacrifices, having decided to marry Luzhin. Dunya wanted to marry him primarily in order to save her family from poverty. This act suggests that Raskolnikov was so close to his mother and sister that they were ready to make great sacrifices.

Poor but friendly Raskolnikov family. Description of Rodion's action

Despite the fact that Rodion was a criminal, Dostoevsky did not deprive him of his loved ones. This is confirmed by the Raskolnikov family. The characteristics of the members of this family show the reader that, despite the obstacles and adversities, they still remained the closest and dearest people to each other.

Rodion’s connection with his family is confirmed by the situation when Rodion learned about the upcoming marriage of Dunya and Luzhin. Raskolnikov's sister wanted to marry this gentleman for the sake of the prosperity of her family, but Rodion expressed his protest and dissatisfaction about this. Raskolnikov forbade his beloved sister to marry the greedy and not noble Luzhin, because he did not want to see how his sister would suffer and suffer. This act suggests that family and the honor of each of its members are the main thing.

The role of family in Rodion's life

It is worth saying that it was not in vain that Dostoevsky paid so much attention to the Raskolnikov and Marmeladov families. The writer wanted to show what they mean in the life of every person. The Raskolnikov family becomes an example in the story. The description of the actions and characters of each character gives the reader the opportunity to understand what role close people play in each other’s lives. It must be said that Raskolnikov’s family partly became involved in Rodion’s crime, because the mother and Dunya pinned all their hopes on the main character. That is why he felt a duty to his family, as well as a great responsibility for the lives of his mother and sister.

The role of Rodion's family in Crime and Punishment

Throughout the entire novel, the reader experiences not hostility, but pity for the main character of the work “Crime and Punishment.” The Raskolnikov family was in a difficult situation. Duna, Pulcheria and Rodion constantly had to endure various shocks and difficult situations.

The fate of the Raskolnikov family is not easy, and therefore makes every reader feel pity and sympathy. Throughout their lives, these people had to fight for themselves and their loved ones, go through difficult trials, but at the same time take care of their honor and live fairly. The role of the Raskolnikov family in the novel is that with its help the author can draw the reader’s attention to how relationships with loved ones can influence Good family, in which mutual understanding and love reign, can give peace and true happiness.

Schoolchildren meet the proud romantic Rodion Raskolnikov, who imagines himself the “arbiter of destinies,” in the 10th grade. The story of the murder of an old pawnbroker, which happened in St. Petersburg in the mid-60s of the 19th century, leaves no one indifferent. gave world literature the most a bright representative personality in which “the devil fights with God.”

History of creation

Your very own famous work, which is respected in every corner of the world, Fyodor Mikhailovich conceived it in hard labor, where he ended up for participating in Petrashevsky’s circle. In 1859, the author of the imperishable novel wrote to his brother from Tver exile:

“I’ll start a novel in December. (...) I told you about one confessional novel that I wanted to write after everyone else, saying that I still had to experience it myself. My whole heart and blood will pour into this novel. I conceived it while lying on my bunk, in a difficult moment of sadness and self-destruction.”

The convict experience radically changed the writer's beliefs. Here he met with personalities who conquered Dostoevsky with the power of spirit - this spiritual experience and was to form the basis of a new novel. However, his birth was delayed for six years, and only when faced with complete lack of money did the “parent” take up his pen.

The image of the key character was suggested by life itself. At the beginning of 1865, the newspapers were full of the terrifying news that a young Muscovite named Gerasim Chistov had killed with an ax a washerwoman and a cook who were working for a common woman. Gold and silver items, as well as all the money, disappeared from the women's chests.

The list of prototypes was supplemented by the French killer. From Pierre-François Lacenaire, Dostoevsky borrowed the “high ideals” that underlie crimes. The man did not see anything reprehensible in his murders; moreover, he justified them, calling himself a “victim of society.”

And the main core of the novel appeared after the publication of the book “The Life of Julius Caesar,” in which the emperor expresses the idea that the mighty of the world This, unlike the “gray mass of ordinary people,” is endowed with the right to trample moral values ​​and even kill if they consider it necessary. This is where Raskolnikov's theory of the “superman” came from.

At first, “Crime and Punishment” was conceived in the form of a confession of the main character, which did not exceed five or six printed pages in volume. The author mercilessly burned the completed initial version and began to work on an expanded version, the first chapter of which appeared in January 1866 in the Russian Messenger magazine. After 12 months, Dostoevsky put an end to his next work, consisting of six parts and an epilogue.

Biography and plot

Raskolnikov's life is unenviable, like that of all young people from poor families of the 19th century. Rodion Romanovich studied to become a lawyer at St. Petersburg University, but due to extreme need he had to quit his studies. The young man lived in a cramped attic closet in the Sennaya Square area. One day he pawned the old pawnbroker Alena Ivanovna’s last valuable thing - his father’s silver watch, and that same evening in a tavern he met an unemployed drunkard, former titular councilor Marmeladov. He spoke about the terrible tragedy of the family: due to lack of money, his wife sent her daughter Sonya to the panel.

The next day, Raskolnikov received a letter from his mother, which outlined the troubles of his family. In order to make ends meet, sister Dunya is going to be married off to the calculating and already middle-aged court councilor Luzhin. In other words, the girl will be sold, and with the proceeds Rodion will have the opportunity to continue his studies at the university.

The goal of killing and robbing the pawnbroker, born even before meeting Marmeladov and the news from home, became stronger. In his soul, Rodion experiences a struggle between disgust for the bloody act and high idea about saving innocent girls who, by the will of fate, play the role of victims.

Raskolnikov nevertheless killed the old woman, and at the same time her meek younger sister Lizaveta, who came to the apartment at the wrong time. The young man hid the stolen goods in a hole under the wallpaper, without even finding out how rich he was now. Later, he prudently hid money and things in one of the St. Petersburg courtyards.

After the murder, Raskolnikov is overtaken by deep spiritual experiences. The young man was going to drown himself, but changed his mind. He feels an insurmountable gap between himself and people, falls into a fever and even almost confesses to the murder to the clerk of the police station.

Exhausted from fear and at the same time from a thirst for exposure, Rodion Raskolnikov confessed to the murder. The compassionate girl could not be persuaded young man come to the police and confess, because he intended to “fight some more.” But soon he could not stand it, paying for the double murder with hard labor in Siberia. Sonya followed Raskolnikov, settling next to his place of imprisonment.

Image and main idea

Dostoevsky gives an accurate description of Raskolnikov's appearance: he is a handsome young man with delicate features and dark eyes, above average height, slender. The impression is spoiled by the poor clothes and the malicious contempt that flashes every now and then on the hero’s face.

Psychological picture Rodion Romanovich changes throughout the narrative. At first a proud personality appears, but with the collapse of the theory of the “superman”, pride is pacified. Deep down, he is a kind and sensitive person, he devotedly loves his mother and sister, once saved children from a fire, and gave his last money for Marmeladov’s funeral. The thought of violence is alien and even disgusting to him.

The hero thinks painfully about the Napoleonic idea that humanity is divided into two parts - ordinary people and arbiters of destinies. Raskolnikov is worried about two questions: “Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right?” and “is it possible to commit a small evil for the sake of a great good?”, which became the motives for his crime.

However, the “ideological killer” soon realizes that it is impossible to break moral laws without consequences; he will have to go through the path of spiritual suffering and come to repentance. Raskolnikov can safely be called a marginalized man who failed to defend his own convictions. His teaching and rebellion were a fiasco, the drawn theory did not stand the test of reality. By the end of the novel, the characteristics of the main character change: Rodion admits that he turned out to be a “trembling creature,” an ordinary person with weaknesses and vices, and the truth is revealed to him - only humility of heart leads to the fullness of life, to love, to God.

Film adaptations

The main characters of the novel “Crime and Punishment” appeared in many films of Russian and foreign cinema. The work debuted in its homeland in 1910, but modern lovers of Dostoevsky’s work lost the opportunity to watch the work of director Vasily Goncharov - the picture was lost. Three years later, Raskolnikov again “called” the audience to the cinemas, introducing himself in the person of the artist Pavel Orlenev.

But these were insignificant films. The chronicle of glorious film works based on the imperishable novel was opened by the film by Pierre Chenal with Pierre Blanchard in leading role. The French managed to convincingly convey the image of Raskolnikov and the tragedy of the Russian work; the actor was even awarded the Volpi Cup. Slovakian Peter Lorre and Frenchman starred in two more foreign films “Crime and Punishment”.

Soviet cinema became famous for the two-part film by Lev Kulidzhanov: he committed a crime, which film set worked together with (Porfiry Petrovich), Tatyana Bedova (Sonechka Marmeladova), (Luzhin), (Marmeladov) and others famous actors. This role gave Taratorkin popularity - before it, the young actor worked modestly at the Leningrad Youth Theater and managed to act in films only once. The picture from all the scattering of productions on the theme of the work of Fyodor Mikhailovich was recognized as the most successful.

The beginning of the 2000s was marked by a boom in the creation of films based on classical works. The directors did not ignore Dostoevsky. “Crime and Punishment” was filmed in eight episodes by Dmitry Svetozarov. In the 2007 film, the role of Rodion Raskolnikov went to, Sonya Marmeladova played, and Porfiry Petrovich. The film was received coldly by critics, calling it controversial. In particular, the song accompanying the credits was confusing:

“Whoever dares a lot is right, he is the ruler over them.”
  • The magazine "Russian Messenger" owes Dostoevsky's novel its rise in popularity. After the publication of Crime and Punishment, the publication acquired 500 new subscribers - an impressive number for those times.
  • According to the author's original idea, the novel had a different ending. Raskolnikov was supposed to commit suicide, but Fyodor Mikhailovich decided that such an outcome was too simple.

  • In St. Petersburg at the address st. Grazhdanskaya, 19 – Stolyarny lane, 5 there is a house called Raskolnikov’s house. It is believed that he lived in it main character novel. There are exactly 13 steps leading to the attic, as it is written in the book. Dostoevsky also describes in detail the yard where his character hid the loot. According to the writer’s memoirs, the courtyard is also real - Fyodor Mikhailovich noticed this place when he relieved himself there during a walk.

  • Georgy Taratorkin was approved for the role based on a photograph. The actor was in the hospital with a serious illness, the diagnosis was disappointing - according to doctors' forecasts, his legs would have to be amputated. In the photo, Taratorkin impressed the director with his sickly, haggard face, which is how Raskolnikov appeared to him. When the young actor received the good news that his candidacy had been approved, he immediately rose to his feet. So the role saved the man’s limbs.
  • In Kulidzhanov's film, the episode of Raskolnikov's destruction of evidence after the murder is accompanied by a muffled rhythmic knock. This sound is the heartbeat of Georgy Taratorkin recorded on a tape recorder.


"I'm just in main idea I believe mine. It consists precisely in the fact that people, according to the law of nature, are generally divided into two categories: into the lower (ordinary), that is, so to speak, into material that serves solely for the generation of their own kind, and into people proper, that is, those who have the gift or the talent to say a new word among oneself... The first category is always the master of the present, the second category is the master of the future. The first preserve the world and increase it numerically; the latter move the world and lead it to the goal.”
“A scoundrel of a man gets used to everything!”
“Science says: love yourself first, first of all, for everything in the world is based on personal interest.”
“Become the sun, everyone will see you.”
“There is nothing in the world more difficult than straightforwardness and nothing easier than flattery.”
“If you fail, everything seems stupid!”
“Who in Rus' doesn’t consider himself Napoleon now?”
“Everything is in the hands of man, and yet he blows it all away, purely out of cowardice. Curious what people fear most? They are most afraid of a new step, a new word of their own.”

The distinctive features of the great Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky are depth, penetration, moral strength, it is not for nothing that it came from him philosophical movement"soilism". The social and philosophical novel “Crime and Punishment” is a popular and famous masterpiece of Dostoevsky not only in Russia, but also in the world.

The novel is a vivid and truthful reflection of life Russian society mid-nineteenth century - poverty, alcoholism, girls from poor families forced to live on a yellow ticket (Sonya

Marmeladova), lawlessness of moneylenders (old woman pawnbroker Alena Ivanovna). The novel reveals to the reader all the nooks and crannies of life at that time, sometimes cruel and gloomy. Following Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, we see dozens human destinies, all sides Russian reality, different people- “trembling creatures” and “having power.”

The names and surnames of the main characters of the novel are “telling” - from the first reading, the reader easily understands definite opinion about the personality and character of these characters.

The main character of the socio-philosophical novel “Crime and Punishment” by Fyodor Mikhailovich

Dostoevsky is Rodion Raskolnikov, a former student living in deep poverty. Rodion is smart and kind. He observes the society around him, sees the suffering of people, reflects on the social structure. Being surrounded by poverty and human grief, Raskolnikov creates an inhuman theory.

The speaking surname Raskolnikov comes from the word “schism”; schismatics are those who separated and rejected the main trend. Rodion, like the schismatics, rejected moral laws and invented his own moral theory, which contradicted life. He was cut off from all groups and layers, from all trends and laws. His subsequent repentance and understanding of the gravity of the crime split his soul, introducing a contradiction between mind and soul, theory and life.

The collapse of the theory for Rodion meant the collapse of everything, all life attitudes. He is now separated from society, from now on he is a schismatic. If it were not for Sonya Marmaledova, Raskolnikov would not have been able to live on. Sonya is Marmeladov’s daughter, a pure girl, timid, as her last name suggests, but a believer, spiritually rich, even working for a long time yellow ticket(by engaging in prostitution), she did not lose the purity of her soul. Sonya showed Rodion her “truth” - goodness, faith in people and God, sincerity. The name Sophia was not chosen by Dostoevsky by chance. Saint Sophia is the mother of the saints Faith, Hope, Love - martyrs who were raised by their mother in the spirit of Christian values ​​and who suffered terrible suffering from the Roman authorities. So Sonya Marmeladova “educated” Raskolnikov, showed him a righteous life according to Christian precepts, the value and goodness of faith in God. She, like the ancient martyrs, fighters for the faith, did not cloud her soul, even while engaging in ungodly activities for the sake of survival.

Andrey Semyonovich Lebezyatnikov is a young man full of ideas and theories. He is no different in intelligence, therefore all his social and philosophical reflections timid and often stupid. At the same time, Andrei Semenovich wants to show himself smart person and bows to new, unusual social theories, such as building communes. Here we can see an analogy between the name Lebezyatnikov and the word “fawn” - to ingratiate.

Dmitry Prokofievich Razumikhin is a friend of Raskolnikov, just like him, a former student. You can easily notice the analogy of his surname with the word “reason.” Razumikhin sincerely cares about his friend Rodion and gives him wise advice. Dmitry Prokofievich is a strong, rational person.

Zametov Alexander Grigorievich – clerk, employee of the police office. You can trace the analogy of his last name with the words “note”, “notice”. He was a shrewd man and suspected Raskolnikov of murder, tried to tease him, but did not reveal all his cards.