Profession"администратор". Администратор - это кто? Профессиональные обязанности администратора!}

Administrators today are quite in demand personnel. This position is a leadership position and therefore requires certain skills, responsibility and knowledge. Working as an administrator Everywhere it pays well, but the requirements for the candidate are quite high. An administrator can work in any field, but each of them leaves a certain imprint on his activities and requires specific knowledge. But in any case, communication skills, the ability to persuade, speak beautifully and make an impression - these are personal qualities that will help you become a good administrator and a well-paid one.

Those who only dream of getting a job as an administrator should know that this profession is not just a manager, it is a manager. His main tasks include efficient and courteous customer service. He is most often the first to meet potential clients and advise them on the issues of the services provided, helping them understand, decide and choose the option that best suits their needs and wishes. The administrator is obliged to create the most comfortable conditions for clients. Also, most often his responsibilities include monitoring and recording the receipt and expenditure of material assets, and he communicates most closely with visitors. It is on his shoulders that the solution to all conflict situations falls. And this means that work as an administrator requires good endurance, good manners and intelligence, because in every conflict situation it is important that in the end the client is satisfied. Therefore, the administrator must consider complaints about the service, as well as select a set of organizational and technical measures that would resolve the conflict. However, its main task is to foresee and prevent in time the possibility of a conflict.

In fact, or rather for an administrator, it is not simple and requires being a bit of a psychologist, a strategist and being able to calculate everything several steps ahead. It is also worth refusing this job for those people who do not like or cannot find common language With different people. After all, every day the administrator receives a huge number of visitors and needs to talk to each of them. Therefore, if you like peace and tranquility, this job is not for you. It is unlikely that such work will suit the type of temperament of explosive choleric people or calm melancholic people. This work requires energy. After all, in addition to communicating with clients, it is also necessary to provide the working staff with everything they need. In addition, you need to ensure the cleanliness and comfort of the premises. This does not mean that the administrator is obliged to carry out the cleaning himself, but if he sees that his staff cannot cope for some reason, he must take on part of their work. After all, in any situation the client should be satisfied. The administrator is constantly in close contact with the working staff - his subordinates. Therefore, he must ensure that everyone performs their duties well, follows the rules of conduct, sanitary and hygienic standards, labor protection rules and internal labor regulations. The administrator must have full control over their work. His task is to make the functioning of the enterprise as efficient as possible; if he discovers any shortcomings or weaknesses, it is he who must report to the owners of the company or senior management.

What knowledge does it require? work as an administrator? First of all, these are the norms applicable to enterprises, internal orders, instructions, work schedule, management and regulatory documents, it is good to know the rights and obligations of employees who are directly subordinate to him. He must also know the specifics of the enterprise, the full range of services provided, and the procedure for servicing clients. It is best if the employee has an economic or financial education, education in management, economics or psychology, because this knowledge will not be superfluous in his daily work.

If you are thinking about becoming an administrator or want to try yourself in this capacity, then it is better to contact recruitment agency. There you will be interviewed, tested for professional suitability, and most importantly, a suitable and desired vacancy will be selected.


Relatively recently, a person whose work is supposed to manage and control the actions of a group was called a manager. Today such specialists are called administrators. This word came to us from English language and literally means “manager, manager.”

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Administrator are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities graduate large number specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Administrators.

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Description of activity

Administrators are most often required in those institutions social sphere, which are visited by a large number of people: catering, sports clubs, theaters, large stores and others.

These specialists control the work of the rest of the team, coordinate the actions of visitors to the establishment, and maintain order. The administrator must be well acquainted with the peculiarities of his company in order to be able to answer any questions from clients. In addition, in most cases, administrators work with databases (for example, with a client database).


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Administrator cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Administrator, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Administrator You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work Administrator(related or similar specialty). Average vocational education not enough to become Administrator.

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Job responsibilities

The administrator's responsibilities depend on his field of activity. If a specialist is involved in maintaining databases in computer systems, then he needs to monitor the safety of information, make changes at the request of users, conduct consultations and determine the usefulness of databases. These are, for example, the responsibilities.

Well, if a specialist is engaged in administrative and management activities, then his responsibilities include solving administrative issues, filling out official documentation and providing the necessary information to visitors and employees.

As a rule, the administrator is the first person visitors to the establishment meet. Therefore, he must answer all their questions regarding the company’s work, current promotions and other features. The administrator also gives clients the necessary things: keys, towels, etc.

Type of labor

Mainly mental work

Profession Administrator- This is a profession predominantly of mental work, which is largely associated with the reception and processing of information. In progress Administrator the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

The profession of an administrator is a leadership position. Therefore, it is unlikely that this specialist will be able to advance in career ladder in your company, especially if it is small. This specialist can either work in one position with the prospect of an increase in salary, or one day occupy a management position or open his own business.

Career Opportunities

There are enough opportunities

The vast majority of representatives of the profession Administrator believe that they have enough opportunities for career advancement. If an ordinary specialist has such a goal, then it is quite possible for him to occupy a leadership position in this area.

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To become a sought-after systems administrator, it is not at all necessary to obtain a diploma of relevant education; many specialists who are quite in demand today started with self-study.

First of all, the following skills are important in such activities:

  • knowledge of the computer structure as a whole, as well as software and electronic components;
  • analytical skills;
  • operational thinking;
  • orientation in at least basic English.

It will be very helpful for newcomers to find employment in companies that do not specialize in information technology and, accordingly, not requiring particularly qualified IT specialists. However, it is unlikely here wages will be at the desired level.

To get paid for your work high level, you need to develop well in your qualifications.

To do this, you need to regularly study technical literature, as well as learn from the experience of colleagues, which can be done on online forums. The infosphere is a very rapidly developing structure, and in order to stay on top, you need to continuously improve.

It is important to understand that when applying for a job as an IT administrator, the most important criterion is only your qualifications, which must be described in your resume.

How to become a store administrator

In the vast majority of cases, you can become a trade manager only if you have an education marketing or economic areas. Internships are possible, since specialists with experience are always preferable for employers.

Before starting the employment process, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the upcoming job. A store administrator is not just a seller, but a specialist responsible for optimizing the sales process and increasing profits. Therefore, in order to work in such a position, you need to learn the ability to concentrate the buyer’s attention and encourage him to buy. It is important to know how the product should be positioned on the display. In addition, the administrator is an excellent psychologist, and being able to establish contact with all social categories of customers is a huge advantage.

It follows that the administrator trading floor the store is very versatile educated person, so the knowledge gained in the courses, with psychology and marketing in the first place, will be useful to you.

How to become a restaurant administrator

Very often, former bartenders or waiters who have risen through the ranks become restaurant managers. Such vertical growth is very useful for the administrator, since he already knows all the tricks of the workers now subordinate to him, which allows him to make the restaurant system more efficient.

A specialized higher education is almost always of little importance, although it is welcome.

It is important to develop leadership abilities and gain initial skills in working with databases on a PC. You must be able to speak a foreign language and understand wines.

Well, the most important thing in the restaurant business is experience. Therefore, do not be afraid to get him in a position, for example, the same bartender. Try to work very efficiently and professionally - this is the key to advancing in your career to the position of administrator.

How to become a hotel administrator

Basically, the responsibilities of an administrator are always to manage the work of the organization. A hotel administrator is no exception, but before applying for this position, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements: you will need to control payment for services, advise clients at the counter and by phone, distribute reservations to rooms, etc.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the schedule will be irregular.

Having a diploma is certainly a plus, but it will still be important to take additional courses: studying the hotel business, as well as English lessons will be very useful.

To gain experience, you can apply for simpler vacancies in hotels. It will also help you answer questions in the future. phone calls and work in call centers.

And, of course, if you have all the listed skills, you need to create a competent resume.

How to become a beauty salon administrator

Often, large salons require administrative assistants. This is the position that anyone can apply for if their beauty salon administration qualifications still require improvement.

After obtaining the appropriate skills, a person who wants to move to the position of general manager in a salon should already be perfectly aware of the functions of this employee:

  • Just like any administrator, the main tool of the manager of a beauty salon will be the telephone. Speaking is the main task of this specialist, and the conversation must be competent, taking into account the requirements of the specialization.
  • Administrator - central figure in a company, which means you won’t be able to sit - activity is very important;
  • Discipline and responsibility are also valued among personal qualities. And appearance is always a priority: it must be perfect.

Are you confident in your abilities? Well, all that remains is to advise you to make an impression at the interview as exactly the person needed for the proposed vacancy of a beauty salon administrator. To do this, the employer needs to demonstrate a love of communicating with clients by promoting services; show that you are interested as an employee in further career growth and development of the organization.

The administrator must supervise the performance of basic functions by other employees, and, if necessary, resolve controversial situations. The administrator's duties include ensuring coordinated work the entire team and constant monitoring of the quality of the resulting products or services. To be appointed to the position of administrator, it is enough to have a complete secondary or higher education. Many companies require at least 2 years of relevant work experience.

What an administrator should know

  1. Guidelines, decrees, resolutions and other orders of higher authorities or legislative acts that relate to the charter of life of a certain social group, which the job description of the system administrator obliges to do.
  2. The structure and features of management activities, the ability to monitor the functions of other employees. The rights and assigned responsibilities of each employee, as well as the work schedule together with possible overtime or short days, which is what the job description of the salon administrator obliges you to do.
  3. Basic rules for serving visitors, as well as methods for improving service.
  4. A complete list and exact types of services that the company provides.
  5. Basic economic issues, in most cases concerning the peculiarities of the organization of labor of workers and the issues of managing each employee fairly and in accordance with the charter of the enterprise, legislative norms, which is provided for by the job description of the store administrator.

Basic Administrator Skills

  1. The main positions of marketing, as well as the basics of organizing advertising, its planning and successful positioning of products or services, the ability to supervise ongoing operations designed to popularize products or services in society.
  2. Layout of all production and demonstration premises, features of the location of strategically important objects, design of each room, if necessary, conducting an inspection or tour of certain compartments or rooms. This applies to those whose work is guided by the job description of the hotel administrator.
  3. Aesthetic concepts of beauty and social psychology that can guide you when making the most important decisions.
  4. A full range of legislative acts relating to the protection of workers and their protection from negative incidents during their work activities.

What the administrator is guided by

  1. The public charter, especially its widespread provisions.
  2. Orders and instructions issued by superiors.
  3. Rules internal regulations, which are prescribed in the legislative acts and regulations of each organization.
  4. A job description that combines the rights and responsibilities of an administrator.


Each administrator is required to perform the following functions:

  1. Control and independent participation in the economic activities of a certain working group.
  2. Monitoring the rational use of financial resources, excluding unreasonable expenses.
  3. Constantly conducting reporting activities within the framework of one’s competence and qualifications, delegating them to higher authorities. This is provided for by the job description of the hotel administrator.

Main Responsibilities

  1. Maintaining a control function over the integrity and safety of all objects representing material value and are part of a specific organization.
  2. Taking action if urgent or conflict situations that require an immediate solution. You have to react quickly, so the work of an administrator involves a lot of moral and sometimes physical stress, as prescribed by the job description of a beauty salon administrator.
  3. Consider and partially make decisions regarding complaints received from customers who are dissatisfied with the service or the work of employees. In the second case, the administrator can often apply penalties or other measures to suppress the unsatisfactory work of employees. He must also understand the situation, and not just do the job, so many argue that such activity is morally complex, which is regulated by the job description of the cafe administrator.

Main instructions

  1. Ensure that all premises are properly decorated. Also monitor the proper appearance, placement and timely change of advertising objects both indoors and outdoors. This primarily concerns employees who must follow the job description of a beauty salon administrator.
  2. Monitor the provision and constant maintenance of order inside and outside the premises, which is an integral part of the image of a building or a specific company, as shown by the sample job description administrator.
  3. Monitor employees’ compliance with basic labor discipline standards, as well as fire safety and other safety measures, as provided for by the administrator’s job descriptions.
  4. Reports the information received or seen to the immediate supervisor regarding all errors in the work of employees, and also provides possible measures that are aimed at eliminating all problems and erroneous actions, which the job description of the cafe administrator obliges to do.
  5. With the help of teams, maintains cleanliness and order in the work area, supervising the work of workers or hiring special teams. Also, the administrator’s responsibilities include checking the serviceability and proper condition of technical equipment and equipment necessary for work, purchasing furniture for an office or other premises, equipment and goods for various purposes that are useful for both technical and economic purposes.

Functional responsibilities

  1. Organizes, creates a schedule and assigns work hours for the cleaner, and also checks the result of the work.
  2. Organizes congratulatory events or the purchase of gifts, bonuses in honor of holiday events for company employees, as well as past and present partners, regular customers or all those who used the services or products of a particular enterprise.
  3. Completely resolves all issues with the landlord regarding public services of the premises leased by the company, as provided for by the administrator’s job descriptions.
  4. Carries out organizational measures regarding the proper operation of all equipment,, if necessary, schedules repair work, determines its time, speed, agrees on the cost, selects craftsmen or companies that provide optimal services for a specified fee.
  5. Constantly keeps records of office and other technical supplies, equipment, inventory and all elements of the economic part, promptly provides the required quantity and range of these devices to employees.
  6. Compiles, checks and submits documentation containing reports from various fields for each past period, which is determined by the job description of the administrator.
  7. Organizes and controls the proper and dosed nutrition of employees during the lunch break, distributes portions if this is provided for by the company's charter.


The administrator has the following rights:

  1. Make inquiries regarding the condition and quality of the supplied equipment, availability and quantity, intensity of consumption of materials for production.
  2. Make and make proposals for improving the work of the company or modernizing the actions of managers.
  3. Make demands to supply managers good conditions to perform official duties.
  4. Carry out the adoption of quick and rational decisions, which are within the competence of the administrator, which is specified in the company’s charter. This is stated in the administrator's job descriptions.


The administrator is responsible for timely provision necessary materials and resources for work, maintaining cleanliness and safety at a specific facility, and keeping documentation in good condition. The correctness of the preparation and timely submission of reports also depends on the administrator.

He has no right to disclose trade secret, as well as all information that he learned by chance while performing his immediate duties. In order for this employee to work without problems, he must fulfill his duties in a timely manner. He is responsible for the safety of the entrusted property, as well as for fulfilling the requirements of the job description.

The administrator's job responsibilities are established by senior management. All of them must be indicated in the job description, otherwise they have no legal force. Besides this, this document must be presented to the administrator for review immediately before his assumption of a new position.

As for the main points that the job description contains, everything depends on the specifics of the job. Indeed, despite the similarity of responsibilities, each structure has some differences. For example, there is a huge gap between hotel workers and, say, system administrators.

Who is an administrator?

But we should start with who the administrator is. Indeed, despite the prevalence of this position, many do not quite understand the range of responsibilities that fall on them. So, an administrator is a person who is responsible for order in a certain organization.

That is job responsibilities The administrator is obliged to monitor the quality of work of his wards, communicate with clients (including resolving conflict situations), monitor the cleanliness of the halls, and so on.

Who can become an administrator?

In general, people who have completed secondary education can apply for this position. However, with increasing competition in the labor market, the requirements for candidates for the post of administrator have also increased. So, people with higher education, knowledgeable foreign languages have much greater chances than their less enlightened colleagues.

Moreover, in order to get into a promising position, the future employee will have to complete special courses. True, quite often management trains people with potential at their own expense. There are also some areas of administration that require specialized education. For example, a system administrator.

How to write a job description correctly?

All documents of this type are created under the careful supervision of management. Ready-made templates are used as a sample, which can be supplemented or changed at will, based on the needs of the organization. However, despite this, the administrator’s job responsibilities should not contradict the labor code, and also have clauses that violate the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Often such a document has four points:

  1. General provisions, which indicate the main requirements for the candidacy of an administrator. Also here you should indicate the employee’s immediate superiors, the replacement procedure, the required level of knowledge, and so on.
  2. Responsibilities. They include the entire list of what an administrator is required to do.
  3. Rights – the part where all the privileges of a given employee are indicated.
  4. Responsibility is a particularly important point that establishes the punishment for a particular act.

Sample job description

This option is universal and suitable as a starting template for any organization. However, it should be remembered that most items will need to be changed based on management considerations.

I. General provisions

  1. An administrator is a specialist who belongs to the category of office employees.
  2. Persons over 18 years of age who have completed secondary education can apply for this position.
  3. This specialist reports directly to the head of the hotel/restaurant/club.
  4. The administrator must be able to:
  • correctly distribute responsibilities between employees of the organization;
  • eliminate all conflict situations both within the team and outside it;
  • competently convey all the necessary information about services and tariffs to the clients of this organization.

II. Responsibilities

The administrator is obliged:

  1. Create all necessary conditions for a comfortable stay of customers on the premises.
  2. Provide all necessary information on services, tariffs and discounts.
  3. Maintain all types of customer bases, as well as take measures to effectively increase them.
  4. Resolve all conflict situations with clients, staff and management.
  5. Ensure cleanliness and order in the territory entrusted to him.
  6. Monitor compliance with discipline within the work team.
  7. Provide managers with all information about their organization.

III. Rights

This specialist has the right:

  1. Take an interest in all management decisions related to both internal and foreign policy organizations.
  2. Make suggestions to improve staff performance.
  3. Require compliance with all rules and regulations established by this document, as well as labor code Russian Federation.
  4. Make decisions based on your own considerations, unless they contradict this agreement.

IV. Responsibility

The following penalties may be applied to the administrator:

  1. For failure to comply with management orders, an employee may be subject to administrative liability.
  2. For malicious violations of discipline and negligence, the administrator may be demoted, including dismissal.

This is just an approximate example of what the main document regulating the actions performed by the administrator might be. The job description largely depends on the specific organization. Therefore, as an example, let’s look at the most common types of this profession.

Responsibilities of a store administrator

Often such vacancies exist only in supermarkets, as well as in stores that are part of large trading network. Main feature This position is that the person holding it has to monitor the effectiveness of sales.

Based on this, we can conclude that the job responsibilities of a store administrator are primarily aimed at:

  • improving the work of sellers;
  • development of marketing techniques;
  • control over the quality of goods.

Responsibilities of a restaurant administrator

The restaurant business is built on attracting customers. delicious dishes and quality service. If the first depends to a greater extent on the work of the chef, then the second is the lot of the administrator.

It is he who must monitor everything that can affect the mood of clients. So, the main job responsibilities of a restaurant administrator are as follows:

  • organization of coordinated work of personnel;
  • communication with clients;
  • creating a favorable atmosphere in the room;
  • providing information regarding the menu and the work of the chef.

Hotel business

The most extensive job responsibilities of a hotel administrator are. This is due to the fact that this specialist has to manage many aspects of life inside the hotel.

Thus, the job responsibilities of a hotel administrator prescribe:

  • ensure the comfort of guests;
  • provide information regarding hotel accommodation, local cuisine, attractions, etc.;
  • monitor the cleanliness of the hall, rooms, corridors;
  • keep records of reservations;
  • Monitor the performance of staff and, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments.

Special category of administrators

As mentioned earlier, some categories in this area still require certain education. Thus, the job responsibilities of a system administrator imply having a diploma as an IT specialist. Otherwise, he will not be able to perform the tasks assigned to him.

Also, similar requirements may be presented in some other areas, depending on the specifics of production and management’s opinion on this matter.