". Презентация "Население мира. Народы, религия." Разные религии мира презентация!}

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The word “religion” is a set of views on the world, which are most often based on belief in God. IN different periods history, humanity has sought to express its attitude towards religion and religious beliefs. Today it is important to recognize that religion occupies an important place in the history of the peoples of the world and it is not just belief or disbelief in gods. Religion permeates the lives of peoples of all continents. A person is born and dies with religious rituals. Ethics, morality, morality in most countries were of a religious nature. Many cultural achievements are associated with religion: icon painting, architecture, sculpture, painting, etc. Each religion is unique and interesting in its own way.

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World religions

World religions are usually understood as Christianity, Islam and Buddhism (listed in order of antiquity). For a religion to be considered global, it must have a significant number of followers around the world and at the same time should not be associated with any national or state community. Judaism, Hinduism, Confucianism, despite the large number of their followers, are national religions.

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Christianity is the largest religion in the world. According to the encyclopedia “Peoples and Religions of the World”, it is part of the group of Abrahamic religions. Currently, the number of adherents of Christianity around the world exceeds 2 billion. Nowadays, there are the following main directions in Christianity: Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism Christianity originated in the East of the Roman Empire (in Palestine) in the 1st century AD. e. The founder is considered to be Jesus Christ

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Islam is a monotheistic religion, part of the group of Abrahamic religions. The God of Islam is Allah. The founder of Islam is Muhammad, the prophet and messenger of Allah. The holy book of Islam is the Koran. It is divided into 114 chapters (surah). Another part of the religious literature of Muslims is the sunnah (or sonnah), consisting of sacred traditions (hadith) about the life, miracles and teachings of Muhammad. The main cities of Islam are Mecca and Yathrib.

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Main directions of Islam

Sunnism Shiism Kharijism

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The main duties of Muslims: Believe that there is no god but Allah. Perform prayer 5 times a day. Pay a tax annually in favor of poor fellow believers. During the month of Ramadan, during daylight hours, abstain from drinking, eating, smoking, drugs, various kinds of pleasures, etc. Make a pilgrimage (Hajj) to the holy city of Mecca for Muslims at least once in your life.

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Buddhism arose in India in the 6th century. BC The founder of Buddhism had four names. First: Gautama. His middle name is Siddhartha. From Sanskrit it is translated as “Who has fulfilled his purpose.” His third name is Shakyamuni (“Sage from the Shakya tribe”). And his fourth name: Buddha (“Enlightened by the highest knowledge”)

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Buddhism is based on the doctrine of the Four Noble Truths: about suffering, about the origin and causes of suffering, about the true cessation of suffering and the elimination of its sources, about the true paths to the cessation of suffering.

The spiritual practice of following these paths leads to the true cessation of suffering and finds its highest point in nirvana.

Nirvana is a state in which there is no suffering or passion; state of peace, “highest happiness.”

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Regional religions

Confucianism Taoism Shintoism Baha'iism

Paganism Ancient Egypt Judaism Hinduism Jainism

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Hinduism, which developed in Ancient India in the IV-VI centuries, and is now widespread in the same region. In terms of the number of followers, he significantly exceeds such world religion like Buddhism. Hinduism is a political religion with a very a large number various deities. Important tenets of Hinduism include the doctrine of dharma, karma and samsara. Hinduism is characterized by the use of sacred books - the Vedas, as well as epic works"Mahabharata" and "Ramayana".

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Confucianism arose in the 5th-6th centuries. BC e. in China as a philosophical and ethical teaching, the founder of which was Confucius. Special attention refers to ethical norms (cult of ancestors, veneration of elders and submission to them, veneration of rank, etc.). The supreme deity in Confucianism is heaven. There are no clergy here, and all rituals are performed by the heads of families and elders of clans. The main books of Confucianism - the Pentateuch and the Four Books - are chronicles ancient history China, Chinese poetry, collections of rules of conduct. The main goal of this religious system was to educate the people in the spirit of respect for existing orders (conservative function).

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Shintoism is the national religion of Japan, which arose in the 7th-8th centuries and is based on the ancient religious beliefs of the Japanese, primarily such as the cult of deceased ancestors and the cult of nature. Shinto religion is political and recognizes that the world is populated by millions of deities and spirits. Holy books Shintoism is considered the Kojiki and Nihongi, and religious rites consist of prayers and sacrifices that are performed at Shinto shrines. . More than half of modern Japanese formally profess both religions: blessings of newborns and marriages are held in Shinto shrines, and funerals and wakes in Buddhist ones.

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Judaism is the religion of the Jews, whose origins date back to the second millennium BC. The most important dogma of Judaism is the belief in one god, Yahweh (Jehovah). Judaists also believe in God's chosenness of Jews, in the immortality of the soul, and in the future coming of a heavenly deliverer - the Messiah. The Holy Scripture of Judaism, basically identical to the Christian Old Testament, is the Tanakh, which contains three books: the Torah (Law), Nebiim (Prophets) and Ketubim (Scriptures). Houses of worship - synagogues - serve as meeting places for Jews.

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Main features of modern geography of religions

Despite all the historical changes, the modern geography of religions is quite stable. Most widespread Christianity came into the world. First of all, this applies to Catholicism. Catholics make up the majority of believers in many European countries. A significant distribution area is also characteristic of Protestantism, which determines the confessional composition of the population of many countries in Northern, Central and Central-Eastern Europe. The area of ​​distribution of Orthodoxy is much more compact. The majority of Orthodox Christians are in the CIS countries, as well as in the countries of South-Eastern Europe. Islam is also widespread in the world, but this spread is limited mainly to Asia and Africa. The main regions of Islam are the South-Western and Central Asia, North Africa. Buddhism on the world map of religions is represented by a much more compact area, covering some areas of Central-East and Southeast Asia.

Slide presentation

Slide text: Peoples, languages ​​and religions Geography 7th grade

Slide text: Lesson objectives: To form an idea of ​​ethnic identity. Form an idea about distinctive features peoples of the world. Introduce students to world and national religions.

Slide text: Checking homework: 1. What importance do they have in a person’s life? geographical maps? 2. What are map projections? What projections do you know? 3. Using maps, give examples. in various ways cartographic image. 4. Give a description of the atlas map (optional) according to the plan: a) name of the map; b) map scale; c) type of map in terms of content and coverage of the territory; d) what information can be obtained from the card.

Slide text: If I am somehow different from you, I do not insult you, but on the contrary, I approve of you. A. de Saint-Exupéry

Slide text: What people are we? Every person is part of numerous communities of people

Slide text: People living in the same territory, speaking the same language and having general culture, form a historically established stable group - an ethnos (from the Greek “people”), which can be represented by a tribe, nationality or nation.

Slide text: The great ethnic groups of the past created ancient civilizations and states. (Remember from your history course and name the states that existed in ancient times on the territory of South-West Asia, in North Africa, in the mountains South America.)

Slide text: Currently there are more than 3 thousand ethnic groups. The main difference between ethnic groups is language. Therefore, the classification of peoples is most often based on the linguistic principle. According to the degree of relatedness of languages, they form language groups that are united into families.

Slide text: Using the map of the peoples of the atlas and figure 6 of the textbook, fill out table 3 Language family Language group Ethnicity Indo-European Sino-Tibetan Afro-Asian Ural-Yukaghir Altai

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Slide text: The total number of currently known languages ​​is more than 5.5 thousand. The largest peoples and the most common languages ​​are presented in table 4. Largest peoples of the world No. Most common languages ​​1 Chinese 1 Chinese 2 Hindustani 2 English 3 Americans 3 Spanish 4 Bengalis 4 Arabic 5 Russians 5 Hindi

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Slide text: Some common languages ​​are officially recognized as international. This is English, Russian, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese

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Slide text: Using various sources information, fill out table 5, entering into it examples of countries in which the specified languages ​​are official State language English German French Spanish Portuguese Arabic Hindi

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Slide text: Question: “Why do people speak English not only in the UK, but also in the USA, Australia, New Zealand and other countries?”

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Slide text: Study the text on p. 14-15, figure 7 of the textbook and fill out table 6 Religions World National Local Christianity Islam Buddhism Judaism Shintoism Taoism and Confucianism Catholicism Orthodoxy Protestantism Shiism Sunnism Mahayana Hinayana Italy, Poland Russia, Serbia Finland, Latvia Iran Saudi Arabia, Pakistan Vietnam Myanmar, Thailand Israel Japan China Regions of Brazil, Russia

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Slide text: Christianity One of three world religions Originated at the beginning of the 1st millennium AD. e. in the east of the Roman Empire, in South-West Asia. In 1054, this religion split into three branches: Roman Catholic Protestant Greek Orthodox Center is the Vatican Professed by 2.4 billion people

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Slide text: Islam means “submission to God,” and the name Islam, adopted in Europe, comes from the Arabic Muslim - “submissive.” Originated in the 7th century. among the population of the Arabian Peninsula. The main shrine for all Arabs was the Kaaba (in Arabic - “cube”) - a temple in the city of Mecca, in the eastern corner of which a black stone was embedded, presumably a meteorite that fell from the sky. God is Allah and Muhammad is His prophet. The holy book of Islam - the Koran (in Arabic - “what is read”) - is compiled from the sayings of Muhammad, recorded by his companions; the prophet himself was illiterate. For Muslims, the Koran is the direct speech of Allah addressed to Muhammad, and through him to all people. Most The Koran is written in verse; this book is the main source of religious doctrine, contains instructions, rules of conduct, prohibitions, etc. Professed by 1.3 billion people

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Slide text: Buddhism is the oldest of the three world religions. As a worldview, Buddhism originated in India, where the historical Buddha Shakyamuni was born and taught. This happened in the middle of the first millennium BC - during the period of true flowering of Indian culture. The highest goal is a state of enlightenment, the complete development of all qualities of the mind, allowing one to effectively help beings. The formula of the Buddhist creed, which contains the briefest summary of the essence and spirit of Buddhism, states that the Buddha discovered the elements (dharma) of existence, their causal relationship and the transformation of the dynamic elements of existence into a state of eternal peace. 500 million people profess. Buddhism Center - Nepal

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Slide text: Religion - form public consciousness, a set of spiritual ideas based on faith in supernatural powers. Tolerance – (lat.) patience. Tolerance for other people's opinions, beliefs, behavior. Concession is an association, a worldview based on its main characteristics. Sect – religious organization, characterized by opposition to the church operating in society, a claim to the exclusivity of its own doctrine.

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Slide text: Problems

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Slide text: Homework: 1) study § 4; 2) answer questions and complete tasks 1-7; 3) complete tasks 8 or 9 (optional).

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Introduction The word “religion” is a set of views on the world, which are most often based on belief in God. At different periods of history, humanity has sought to express its attitude towards religion and religious beliefs. Today it is important to recognize that religion occupies an important place in the history of the peoples of the world and it is not just belief or disbelief in gods. Religion permeates the lives of peoples of all continents. A person is born and dies with religious rituals. Ethics, morality, morality in most countries were of a religious nature. Many cultural achievements are associated with religion: iconography, architecture, sculpture, painting, etc. Each religion is unique and interesting in its own way.

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World religions World religions are usually understood as Christianity, Islam and Buddhism (listed in order of antiquity). For a religion to be considered global, it must have a significant number of followers around the world and at the same time should not be associated with any national or state community. Judaism, Hinduism, Confucianism, despite the large number of their followers, are national religions.

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purple - Catholics, pink - Orthodox, blue - Protestants, dark green - Sunnis, light green - Shiites, orange - Hindus, red - Jews, light orange - Chinese religions

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Christianity Christianity is the largest religion in the world. According to the encyclopedia “Peoples and Religions of the World”, it is included in the group of Abrahamic religions. Currently, the number of adherents of Christianity around the world exceeds 2 billion. Nowadays, there are the following main directions in Christianity: Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism Christianity originated in the East of the Roman Empire (in Palestine) in the 1st century AD. e. The founder is considered to be Jesus Christ

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Islam Islam is a monotheistic religion, part of the group of Abrahamic religions. The God of Islam is Allah. The founder of Islam is Muhammad, the prophet and messenger of Allah. The holy book of Islam is the Koran. It is divided into 114 chapters (surah). Another part of the religious literature of Muslims is the sunnah (or sonnah), consisting of sacred traditions (hadith) about the life, miracles and teachings of Muhammad. The main cities of Islam are Mecca and Yathrib.

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The main duties of Muslims: Believe that there is no god but Allah. Perform prayer 5 times a day. Pay a tax annually in favor of poor fellow believers. During the month of Ramadan, during daylight hours, abstain from drinking, eating, smoking, drugs, various kinds of pleasures, etc. Make a pilgrimage (Hajj) to the holy city of Mecca for Muslims at least once in your life.

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Buddhism Buddhism originated in India in the 6th century. BC The founder of Buddhism had four names. First: Gautama. His middle name is Siddhartha. From Sanskrit it is translated as “Who has fulfilled his purpose.” His third name is Shakyamuni (“Sage from the Shakya tribe”). And his fourth name: Buddha (“Enlightened by the highest knowledge”)

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Buddhism Buddhism is based on the teaching of the Four Noble Truths: about suffering, about the origin and causes of suffering, about the true cessation of suffering and the elimination of its sources, about the true paths to the cessation of suffering. The spiritual practice of following these paths leads to the true cessation of suffering and finds its highest point in nirvana. Nirvana is a state in which there is no suffering or passion; state of peace, “highest happiness.”

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Regional religions Confucianism Taoism Shintoism Baha'iism Paganism Ancient Egypt Judaism Hinduism Jainism

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Hinduism Hinduism, which developed in Ancient India in the 4th-6th centuries, is still widespread in the same region. In terms of the number of followers, it significantly exceeds such a world religion as Buddhism. Hinduism is a political religion with a very large number of different deities. Important tenets of Hinduism include the doctrine of dharma, karma and samsara. Hinduism is characterized by the use of sacred books - the Vedas, as well as the epic works "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana".

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Confucianism Confucianism arose in the 5th-6th centuries. BC e. in China as a philosophical and ethical teaching, the founder of which was Confucius. Particular attention is paid to ethical standards (cult of ancestors, veneration of elders and submission to them, veneration of rank, etc.). The supreme deity in Confucianism is heaven. There are no clergy here, and all rituals are performed by the heads of families and elders of clans. The main books of Confucianism - the Pentateuch and the Four Books - are chronicles of the ancient history of China, Chinese poetry, and collections of rules of conduct. The main goal of this religious system was to educate the people in the spirit of respect for existing orders (conservative function).

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Shintoism Shintoism is the national religion of Japan, which arose in the 7th-8th centuries and is based on the ancient religious beliefs of the Japanese, primarily such as the cult of deceased ancestors and the cult of nature. Shinto religion is political and recognizes that the world is populated by millions of deities and spirits. The Kojiki and Nihongi are considered the sacred books of Shinto, and religious rituals consist of prayers and sacrifices that are performed at Shinto shrines. . More than half of modern Japanese formally profess both religions: blessings of newborns and marriages are held in Shinto shrines, and funerals and wakes in Buddhist ones.

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Judaism Judaism is the religion of the Jews, whose origins date back to the second millennium BC. The most important dogma of Judaism is the belief in one god, Yahweh (Jehovah). Judaists also believe in God's chosenness of Jews, in the immortality of the soul, and in the future coming of a heavenly deliverer - the Messiah. The Holy Scripture of Judaism, essentially identical to the Christian Old Testament, is the Tanakh, which contains three books: the Torah (Law), Nebiim (Prophets) and Ketubim (Writings). Houses of worship - synagogues - serve as meeting places for Jews.

About 100 thousand years ago among ancient ancestors modern man speech began to form. About 12 thousand years ago, when large groups people were cut off from each other due to the increase in level, the formation began different languages and peoples.

How many peoples and languages ​​are there on Earth?

A people is a collection of people living in a certain territory and speaking the same language. Each nation has its own culture and traditions. The unity of language is the main feature that distinguishes one people from another. Number of peoples and languages ​​during human history constantly changing. Scientists believe that there are about 5 thousand peoples and languages ​​on Earth now. In most cases, the names of the people and the language are the same. However, the number of people speaking given language, and the peoples for whom it is native are different.

Languages, based on their similarities and origins, are grouped into language families. There are about 20 such families. The largest of them is Indo-European, its languages ​​are spoken by almost half of all humanity. These include the Russian language.

Although the number of languages ​​is huge, 2/3 speak 12 languages.

In addition to differences in language, peoples differ in numbers. The number of most peoples on Earth is small - less than 1 million people. At the same time, the most prominent numerous nations: Chinese, Hindustani, Americans, Bengalis, Russians, Japanese. The number of each of them is more than 100 million people.


Since ancient times, people have explained what is happening around them by the actions of supernatural beings - spirits, demons, gods. This is how religious beliefs appeared. With the help of religion, people tried to understand the world around them and comprehend the meaning of life. The role of religion is enormous to this day. There are more people who believe in any deity than non-believers (atheists). Religion influences the customs, culture and life of people, their economic and political activities.

There are hundreds of religions in the world. Some of them took possession of souls and minds large quantity people in different parts Earth.

The 12 most common religions account for about 95% of all believers. Among them are Christianity, Islam, etc.

Along with the world ones there are national religions. Among them, Hinduism, widespread in the region, stands out in terms of the number of believers. It arose approximately 1500 years before our era. Founder unknown. Hindus worship many gods (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) and believe, like Buddhists, in the reincarnation of souls.