Singer from Bulgaria Eurovision. Christian Kostov: All I can do is win the"Евровидении". — Если бы вы не были участником, то за кого бы болели!}

Photo: Kristian Kostov (

Bulgaria will represent the youngest vocalist in the competition this year at Eurovision 2017

Christian Kostov, Bulgarian representative at the song competition, advances to the competition based on the results audience voting. The artist's biography and video of his performance in the second semi-final with the song "Beautiful Mess" are on our Styler.

Bulgaria at Eurovision 2017: Christian Kostov

Christian Kostov has just turned 17, but he has already won the right to represent his country at Eurovision. The performer will perform in the second semi-final of the competition, which will take place in Kyiv on May 11.

Christian Kostov was born in Moscow in 2000. His mother is Kazakh by origin, and his father is Bulgarian. Parents noticed their son’s talent in early childhood, and when Christian was 6 years old, they sent him to the famous ensemble “Fidgets”. The boy studied vocal skills and at the same time participated in the band’s concerts in the Kremlin Palace, and also toured with “Fidgets” throughout Russia and abroad. In 2009, Christian already sang on the Eurovision stage, at the opening ceremony of the competition in Moscow.

The young vocalist has participated in children's competitions "Sound Kids" (win), children's New wave 2012 (represented Bulgaria and took 7th place), project “School of Music” (3rd place). Christian Kostov reached the finals in the Russian version of the talent show “Voice.Children” and took second place on the X-factor in Bulgaria.

In 2016, Christian signed a contract with the Virginia Records label and recorded his debut song “Don’t sit for me,” which stayed at the top of the Bulgarian charts for several weeks. Then Christian Kostov’s duet with Pavell & Venci Venc’ “Vdigam Level” was released, which also became the leader of the Bulgarian charts.

In March 2017, the national broadcaster of Bulgaria announced that, based on the results of the internal selection, Kristian Kostov will go to Eurovision 2017 with the song “Beautiful Mess”.

At Eurovision 2017 in Kyiv, Portugal won, and the participant from Bulgaria, Christian Kostov, who took second place, managed to attract almost more attention than the winner. In an interview with Gazeta.Ru, he talked about how to live if fame has fallen on you.

In the Eurovision 2017 final, Bulgaria and Portugal fought each other on equal terms. And although the crystal microphone still went to the Portuguese Salvador Sobral, Christian Kostov, who competed for Bulgaria, was no less happy about the honorable second place. A good half of the audience from Russia rejoiced with him: after Yulia Samoilova was removed from participation in the competition, Kostov, who was born and raised in Moscow, became a “native” participant for them. The 17-year-old boy, who performed the song “Beautiful Mess,” generally managed to distinguish himself at Eurovision: he became the youngest participant in the entire history of the competition and set an absolute record for the number of votes received in the semi-finals.

— You probably communicated with other Eurovision participants. How's the atmosphere there? Did you feel competition?

“I went there with the thought that we would all compete, that there were only enemies around, and I had to defeat them. But when we met the guys, we became one big family. I don’t know how it was before, but this year the atmosphere at Eurovision was the main thing. We all helped each other: if someone feels bad, others run to buy medicine, if there are problems with the sound, someone will run to tell the producers, someone will go after the sound engineers. It was nice.

— Did anyone in particular support you?

- Everything is absolutely. I must be the only one of the participants who managed to make friends with everyone without exception.

— How did you feel when you sat on this wonderful semicircular sofa in the final and saw how one country after another gave you 12 points?

“You can’t call it wonderful: we almost died of fear there.” Everything was very emotional. But I am grateful to everyone who voted for me: I did not expect such support. You know, we broke the absolute Eurovision record for the number of votes received in the semi-finals: we received 93% of all votes. This is a record in the history of Eurovision: never before has any country or participant had such support. And it was not Celine Dion who did it, but Bulgaria!

— If you weren’t a participant, who would you root for?

— In fact, this year there were a lot of really good, strong participants at Eurovision. But I would probably root for Artsvik (Artsvik Harutyunyan, participant from Armenia - Gazeta.Ru). We have known each other for a long time, we have been communicating in Moscow for a long time and even celebrated together New Year.

— The song you performed at the competition is very interesting from the point of view of the musical solution, you have an unusual move there string instruments... Is creativity important to you in music, the search for originality - or hits that will make you popular?

“It seems to me that we need to find a middle ground.” Without hits there is nothing to live on and create - and without good music we lose ourselves. I am such a person: I have never been purely material - I pursue music. These emotions are something that cannot be bought. I have something to eat, a place to live, and I’m happy with everything today. All I really care about is creativity: I will be involved in the creation of all my subsequent songs, and not one will be released without my note. This is my decision.

— Most of the Eurovision participants perform in the “pop” style. And your musical style how can you determine?

— I am a big fan of live music, live instruments. But I'm also an electronics fan. I would like to combine this into something of my own, some kind of fusion between electronic and live music. More in a low voice- not just tops, tops, solid tops. And, probably, still with the pop style of clothing and dancing.

— What was your reaction to the fact that the SBU of Ukraine discovered that you performed in Crimea? Was there a real risk of leaving the competition?

— There were no problems with the organizers, to be honest. In general, with no one - no one has ever even commented on this issue. All the scandals on TV and so on passed me by. This did not affect us at all, much less the results of the competition. Everything was absolutely fair: 615 points is a lot. And, honestly, I even forgot that I was in Crimea. I really thought I had never been there. I was 14 years old at the time—I hardly remember it. I was a child, and this trip was not an expression of my personal opinion: it was by agreement with Channel One (Christian Kostov performed in Artek as one of the participants in the project “Voice. Children.” - Gazeta.Ru) - it was impossible refuse. Who knew then?

— What is happening with your career in Bulgaria now? Are you more popular there than in Russia?

— In Bulgaria I’m now like national hero. Everyone here calls me Levski. Levski is the football team that brought Bulgaria triumph in 1994. Now every car that passes near me stops and strangers they wave to me from the window. It’s not like they want photos or anything, they just thank me for what I did. I believe that Bulgaria deservedly found itself in such high positions: all the people really united and voted.

— Living in two houses, in Bulgaria and in Russia, is quite difficult. The life and mentality of which country is closer to you?

— Probably, after all, Russia. I was born and raised there, I feel more Russian than Bulgarian. Although no, in fact I feel like a person of the world. I can’t say where I feel better: here I feel at home, there I feel at home - now I’m traveling around Europe and I feel good everywhere. Probably, the diversity of mentalities in my apartment and in my family greatly influenced this: we have Muslims, Christians, and everyone else. In the family, all holidays are celebrated, all cultures are respected and every opinion is taken into account, even the opinion of a five-year-old child.

— Does popularity have a chance at such a young age? reverse side?

- I feel insecure. I'm afraid to go outside, I'm afraid that I won't be able to stand up for myself if something happens. Very rarely I can distinguish those people who wish me well from those who wish me harm - perhaps I am too kind. There were cases when I was followed, escorted home - I didn’t notice - and simply threatened. Popularity has its downside, of course: I still don’t understand who should be trusted and who not.

— How we personally acted: immediately, as quickly as possible, release something new, hold the audience with something interesting, do something of our own and communicate a lot, a lot with people. You need to keep the audience in your hands, you can’t let anyone go: today you have it, tomorrow you don’t, the guys have lost interest. Therefore, we need to immediately, from the very first days, keep everything under control and give people new food for thought. And also to be yourself, to stand out, not to be ashamed of your quirks: for example, my teeth are uneven, there is a gap between my teeth, and everyone tells me: “Take it away, take it away.” I finally decided that I would not do this. Every person has something of their own that they can and should be proud of. And you don’t have to be afraid of what you dream about: I boldly said that I want to fill Wembley Stadium. I’m not talking about this as a childhood dream, I just really believe in it and will work towards it with all my efforts. If you try and work hard, everything will come back to you. So we worked tirelessly for several years, and it all came to the point that I took second place at Eurovision. Everything has its time, you just need to be patient.

The representative from Bulgaria at Eurovision 2017, Christian Kostov, claims that both his mentor on the project “The Voice. Children” Dima Bilan and the manager of the Russian singer communicated with him.

Guess what place O.Torvald will take and

He spoke about this during a press conference following the results of the second semi-final.

“Yes, we received a message from Dima Bilan, who published it on his Instagram. There was my photo and words of support, he also said that he is always with us. In addition, his manager wrote us a letter in which he emphasized that he I was very impressed by our performance. I am very pleased after such words,” the performer noted.

Addition, expansion bilanofficial (@bilanofficial) Tra 11, 2017 about 5:13 PDT

Message from Dima Bilan on Instagram

Let us add that the family of the Moscow native was also present at the press conference.

As you know, Kostov was born into a family of a Bulgarian and a Kazakh woman.

Press conference following the second semi-final of Eurovision 2017

Let us remind you that the youngest participant in Eurovision 2017 is Christian. The SBU has not yet denied this information.

Channel 24 is the national media partner of Eurovision 2017

Christian Kostov is one of two 17-year-old participants in Eurovision 2017, but in this tandem he is the youngest. Many Russians are familiar with Christian as a finalist in the first season of the children's “The Voice” in 2013. At the competition in Kyiv he will perform the ballad "Beautiful Mess". Bookmakers "give" her second place. Skinny teenager with a head of hair dark hair was born in Moscow and could well represent Russia at Eurovision in Kyiv. But, judging by an interview with DW, the Russian music market is not enough for him, as well as the fame of another Bulgarian in Russia - Philip Kirkorov.

DW: Christian, your mother is from Kazakhstan, your father is Bulgarian, you lived in Russia...

...I live, continue to live in Moscow, study there, graduate from school.

- Then why are you performing at Eurovision in Kyiv from Bulgaria, and not from Russia?

Because I am Bulgarian, and my passport is Bulgarian, I am a citizen of the European Union. For the last two years I most of I’m currently in Bulgaria because I have a contract with a label there, I’m a finalist of the Bulgarian “X-Factor”, I’ve already released more than one single. I'm at the peak of my fame there now.

- So you can easily repeat the fate of Philip Kirkorov?

I would like to (laughs), why not. But all this is very difficult. I am still only 17 years old, and we are already trying to work in at least two markets. In general, I would like to become world famous. This is not just an idiot's dream or a child's dream.

I, however, believe that there is every chance of becoming world famous. Not for me, but for anyone in general, if you work and continue to develop what you love so much. The way I love my job, my profession, cannot be described in words. People often ask me what you would do if you weren't singing. I don't have an answer to this question. I can't imagine anything else.

- Who else, besides Philip Kirkorov, are your idols?

Most big idol for me it's Ed Sheeran. This man has broken all stereotypes in our time. modern music. Everyone says that you need to be a playboy, sing “tsa-tsa” and everything will be fine. No. This is a wildly musical man. He is far from a playboy, that is, an absolutely normal young man, and not some kind of jock or something like that.

- And from Russian performers who do you like?

In Russia - Dmitry Bilan. I just worship him. It was an honor to work with him, to have the opportunity to be on his team. I am very pleased that he turned to me on “The Voice”. And also Sergey Lazarev.

- These are all successful Eurovision participants from Russia. The only thing missing is Polina Gagarina...

I wanted to say her name, but I didn’t because I thought it was also Eurovision (laughs). But that's how it happened.


- So, at the competition you are hoping for Russian support?

Not only Russia. I count on everyone's support. For this I work very hard social networks, in various media. We try to promote the song everywhere. And so far so good.

- Things didn’t go so well for the Russian participant Yulia Samoilova. Ukrainian authorities banned her from coming to Kyiv for Eurovision. Was this the right ban?

It is not for me to judge whether it is right or wrong. Everyone has their own point of view. Everyone sees it differently, like any political issue. But I want to say that Julia is crazy good man. And I still hope that I will see her in Kyiv. I think that maybe everything will work out and we will still see her in Kyiv. I would be glad to perform on the same stage with her. (The interview was recorded before Russia’s decision to refuse to participate in Eurovision 2017. - Ed.)

- Have you already performed on the same stage with Poli Genova, the most successful Eurovision participant from Bulgaria, who took fourth place at the last competition?

Somehow it turned out that I haven’t even seen her until now. It’s some kind of nightmare: either she’s sick, then I’m busy, then she’s busy. Now, for example, she is a mentor in the Bulgarian “Voice”. I'll go back to Bulgaria and try to do this.

- You are one of the bookmakers' favorites at this year's Eurovision. Doesn't that put pressure on you?

Yes, rather, it presses. Many of my friends tell me: “Oh, cool, you must be proud of yourself.” No, exactly the opposite. I'm terribly afraid that people are betting money on me! What if I upset them? So all I can do is win (laughs).

See also:

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    Ballad of a Prodigy

    17-year-old Christian Kostov is the youngest participant in Eurovision 2017, who as a vocalist is distinguished by extraordinary maturity. He was born in Moscow in the family of a Bulgarian and a native of Kazakhstan, was a member of the group "Fidgets", a finalist of the Russian project "The Voice. Children". In Kyiv, Christian performed for Bulgaria with an emotional ballad. Bookmakers predicted him second place in the competition and they were not mistaken.

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    Winner's Karma

    But Francesco Gabbani from Italy, in whose victory the bookmakers were initially confident, took only sixth place in the final. In Kyiv he spoke with an ironic dance composition"Western Karma". In Italy, this single is at the top of the charts. At Eurovision 2017, according to experts, he simply did not have enough endurance.

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    Irony to the sound of a saxophone

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    Trump move

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    Swedish James Bond

    Swede Robin Bengtsson (fifth place) demonstrated perfect athletic form on the treadmill, and in the most literal sense: the track was an element of the stage. But accompanied by light pop, the performance resembled not a grueling workout, but a relaxed catwalk show. Robin's James Bond appearance gave him a few extra points. This performer was in the top ten in the attractiveness rating.

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    Lady Gaga Eurovision

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    Ethnopop from Armenia

    The Armenian ethno-pop composition "Fly With Me" was written by the same composers who wrote the songs for Eurovision in 2014 and 2016, when Armenia took fourth and seventh places. Until 2016, Artsvik lived in Moscow, where she worked as a children's speech therapist. She was interested in music early years, and began to appear more often on the professional stage after the Jazz Parking and “Voice” projects.

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    Belarusian hippies

    The performance of the charismatic married couple from Minsk Naviband: for the first time in all the years of Belarus’ participation in Eurovision, a composition in the Belarusian language was performed at the competition. The positively charged “Story of My Life” in the indie pop style in Kyiv was one of the few songs on native language. The catchy and understandable chorus brought the duo good points: 17th place out of 26.

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    Yodel rap from Romania

    After the second semi-final, the Romanian duo of Ilinka and Alex Flori was mentioned by many German media. Their combination of Alpine yodeling and rap in the song "Yodel It" is very specific, and most importantly, it is not clear why Romanians perform yodeling. Nevertheless: the melody, which spins in your head for a long time after listening, and bright visual effects (in the form of confetti from cannons) helped to win seventh place.

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    Club house from Tel Aviv

    Music, choreography, spectacular appearance - Imri's performance from Israel was held in an all-inclusive format. In the second semi-final of the competition, Imrie became one of the crowd's favorites. In Kyiv, he performed the pop song "I Feel Alive", which can be safely played in nightclubs. But this was not enough for high marks in the finals.

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    Urban minimalism

    Ellie Delvaux performed for Belgium under the pseudonym Blanche, as the singer explained, for reasons of uniqueness. This is also her third name on her passport. She became famous after participating in the casting of “The Voice of Belgium”. In Kyiv, melancholic electro-pop sounded, which, combined with the unusual timbre of the voice, penetrates many. On stage, the singer adheres to minimalism, perhaps too strictly.

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    Split Personality Trick

    Croatian participant Jacques Houdek, who made it to the final, is one of the exotics of Eurovision 2017. He performed his pop aria in two voices (baritone and falsetto), turning first one side or the other to the audience. The effect of two different performers was emphasized by a suit made of different halves: a tailcoat and a rocker biker jacket.

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    Dance romance

    The performer from Lyon was ranked by the authors of the German blog Prinz Eurovision Song Contest as one of the contestants with the most spectacular appearance. In Alma's Requiem ( stage name Alexandra Make) - a sea of ​​romance and not a drop of sorrow. This ethno-pop composition makes you want to dance. Result: 12th line in the final table.

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    German hope

    In the past two years, Germany ended up in last place in the Eurovision final table. This time Levina was the German hope. Her result was better, but not much: before last place. But in the ranking of performers with the most attractive appearance, Levina took fourth place. It was even rumored that out of all the participants in the competition in Kyiv, she had the most long legs.

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    Scandal of the season

    In the national selection, he caused a storm of indignation, since the results of the audience vote were ignored. The public awarded him third place, the jury believed that Manel Navarro would represent Spain in Kyiv with a light composition in the best possible way. The musician responded to the whistle from the audience with an obscene gesture - and ended up on the pages of leading newspapers. The audience was right: last place at Eurovision 2017.

    What will Eurovision 2017 be remembered for?

    Hostage to conflict

    Despite the fact that Ukraine banned Yulia Samoilova from entering the country for visiting the annexed Crimea without agreement with Kiev, bookmakers predicted the Russian composition “Flame is Burning” to place in the top 10. You can check this at Eurovision 2018: due to unresolved conflict Russia and Ukraine, Samoilova’s participation has been postponed for a year.

One of the favorites of Eurovision was the representative of Bulgaria and Russian citizen Christian Kostov.
Christian has already performed well and reached the final and can become the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2017. The British publication Metro, citing bookmakers' data, claims that the former favorite - Italian Francesco Gabbani - is rapidly being overtaken by the youngest participant in the competition, 17-year-old Christian Kostov. The publication notes that it will be quite difficult to get ahead of Gabbani, but in last days bookmakers record a steady increase in bets on the young singer representing Bulgaria at the competition.

Christian Kostov's performance in the second semi-final of Eurovision 2017

Christian Kostov was born on March 15, 2000 in Moscow. His mother Zaura is Kazakh, his father Konstantin Kostov is Bulgarian. WITH early childhood Christian was interested in music, and his parents decided to send him to the Fidget studio. With “Fidgets,” the boy participated in numerous concerts at various venues in Moscow, and went on tour throughout Russia and abroad. In 2009, Fidgets opened Eurovision in Moscow.

Wind of Change (Cover) Christian Kostov

Christian Kostov's first music video - "Listen to the Rain"!

At the age of 13, in the fall of 2013, Kostov passed the blind auditions of the first season of the Russian television project “The Voice. Children”, where he performed the Alicia Keys song “If I Ain’t Got You”. All three mentors turned to him, he chose Dima Bilan’s team.

Christian Kostov "If I ain`t got you" - JV - Voice.Children - Season 1

In the summer of 2015, at the age of 15, Christian Kostov took part in the 4th season of the talent show “The X Factor Bulgaria”. After passing the casting, he became the youngest participant in the fourth season and made it to the finals.
At the end of the show he performed a song Lube group"Call me"

Christian Kostov - Call me - X Factor Live (12/08/2015)

On March 13, 2017, it was officially announced that Christian Kostov will represent Bulgaria at Eurovision 2017 in May in Kyiv. On May 11, Bulgarian Christian Kostov won the second semi-final, where he performed the song “Beautiful Mess”. He became the youngest participant in the competition this year.

Kristian Kostov - Beautiful Mess (Bulgaria) Eurovision 2017 - (Official HD)

As you know, the representative of Russia Yulia Samoilova was not allowed by the SBU to participate in Eurovision 2017 because of her performance in Crimea.
And as always, the restless Shariy. Another investigation.

Participant of Eurovision 2017 from Bulgaria, Muscovite Christian Kostov performs in Crimea on Children's Day, 06/01/2014.

Young Muscovite Christian Kostov, who is called greetings from Russia to the Ukrainian Eurovision, having arrived in Kyiv, gave an interview for the first time, where he said warm words about the country where he began his career in the show “The Voice. Children” and said that after the competition he was going to return to Moscow.

Christian Kostov: If I win Eurovision, I will bring the award to Moscow!