First student theater. National Research University Higher School of Economics. Principles of our existence

“The theater is a pulpit from which you can say a lot of good to the world.”

It is no coincidence that this phrase of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol became a guide for the organization of student theater, because today we are beginning to forget about the true purpose of this sacred place, from time immemorial it has been a kind of beacon through which people projected into the world: eternal values, patterns of behavior and spiritual foundations.

The Russian Acting Studio (RAS), which takes responsibility for the erection of this isthmus into the wonderful world of stage scenes and audience applause, defines as the main idea of ​​its existence exclusively traditional ideas about the profession of an artist, in which ethics, taste and professionalism, in the name of love and goodness, there is the only correct algorithm of action on the path to creating performances.

Russian acting studio - through immersion in creative process theater rehearsals, with his true art And caring attitude to the classics - hopes to instill in young people the forgotten concepts of honor and dignity for which loved ones have always been famous literary heroes and theater masters of the past.

The main task that the Russian Acting Studio sets for itself is the creation of a strong troupe of artists of the RANEPA Student Theater, who have maximum professional skills and are ready to truly serve Melpomene for the benefit of education and the development of the culture of our country, in the best traditions of the national theater.

About the Studio

The Russian acting studio will celebrate the first year of its existence in March 2017. It was created as a platform for the implementation of theatrical and educational projects by the community creative people, united by common views on art as the freedom to create good, increase love and serve the Truth. The main task of the RAS is: cultivation traditional values through upbringing, education and development. There's a big one ahead interesting way joint creativity, in working on theatrical productions, pedagogical activity and cultural education, where the RANEPA Student Theater occupies leading place on the way to realizing your plans.

About responsibility

Fazil Iskander said: “True responsibility can only be personal.” Therefore in in this case One person is responsible for everything - artistic director Russian acting studio, theater and film actor, director, teacher Vadim Medvedev. He has more than 70 roles in films and TV series, about 30 roles in the theater, several theatrical productions and 20 years of teaching experience. Also, the studio’s additional specialists have only the best representatives of their field, ready to create for the benefit of creativity and the benefit of people.

Everyone dreams of touching beauty and being in the world of art. Especially for students, there are excellent opportunities to visit leading theaters for free or at a big discount. Below we tell you where you can go for a nominal fee.

There is a special visiting program for students here. Students of higher educational institutions can purchase a ticket to any performance for only 50 rubles. The indicated price applies even to premieres. To do this, you should come to the box office half an hour before the start of the event and show your student ID.

Maly Theater

IN legendary theater there is a 50% discount on all tickets for students theater universities. Important: students of other educational institutions are not offered a discount. However, if you want to join the classics, you can buy an inexpensive ticket to the balcony and, if there are free seats, after the third bell, move to the stalls.

Workshop of Peter Fomenko

One of the few theaters that students can visit completely free of charge! The practice of student first-come, first-served queue is used here. Those wishing to go to the theater should arrive in advance, several hours before the start, and stand in line to receive a free ticket. You must be on the registration list and have your student ID with you. If there are free places, the administrator will skip you through the list in order of registration.

Grand Theatre

This year the program “ Big for young" Within its framework, citizens from 16 to 25 years old who have provided a student card have the right to purchase a ticket worth 100 rubles. Important: these benefits apply only to full-time students. Also through special organizations that provide social support population, tickets are sold at a low price category(10th belt Historical scene and 7th belt of Nova).

In addition, every day at 17.30 at the box office No. 2 you can purchase discounted tickets for 100 rubles for the Main Stage and for 50 rubles for the New Stage. There are many people who want to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of sublime art, so we advise you to queue from 16.00.

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As you can see, there are ways to get into Grand Theatre quite a lot, you just have to choose the right one.

Moscow Provincial Theater

At this institution, students will receive a 30% discount on tickets. Naturally, only upon presentation of a supporting document

Et cetera

A special offer has been organized for students - from Monday to Thursday there is a 50% discount on tickets. It is important that you need to purchase such tickets not on the day of your visit, but in advance, having previously booked them by phone.

Theater Praktika

The doors of this theater are always open to students! You can attend any performance for free as a student. Important - to visit, you must write an email [email protected] a few days in advance, indicating your details and the name of the presentation. After receiving approval of your application, feel free to go to the theater and enjoy the beauty.

Moscow Drama Theater "Benefit"

Provides youth with a 50 percent discount on all tickets. Important - the application must be sent a month in advance [email protected]. The sooner the letter is sent, the greater the chance that you will have time to take a vacant preferential place.

Student Theater of the Higher School of Economics

You can attend entertaining performances, in which, by the way, not only students are involved, without any financial expenses. To do this, you just need to register on the event page. The theater regularly posts information about upcoming performances in VKontakte groups, so subscribe to them and watch new productions

Theater of Nations

Periodically holds promotions according to which students can attend certain performances for free. It is better to follow the news on the theater website.

School of Modern Drama

Free places are often allocated for students. Recently, within the framework of the “Department” project, a quota of 50 places was allocated for students. To get to the theater, register in advance by phone listed on the website and repost to in social networks


You can’t get here for free, but the theater often holds interesting promotions. For example, a student can get two tickets for the price of one and the like. You should check the website for current offers.

School of Dramatic Art

They have not established a fixed discount, but on average a student can count on a 50-70 percent discount, which is quite good.

Theater Arts Studio

Theater students will be able to choose any performance for free, while other students will receive a generous 90% discount.

Please note that the list of theaters provided is not exhaustive. Before visiting the theater, be sure to visit its website; perhaps this institution also provides benefits or discounts for students.

  • Student theaters are a place where you can recharge with sincere emotions, faith in a bright future and inspiration.
  • Moscow Art Theater School‒ forge of the gold fund of the Soviet and Russian theater and cinema, almost every production of which is a sensation.
  • Higher Theater School named after M.S. Shchepkina offers free tickets to student performances that can be ordered by phone.
  • Students' repertoire Theater Institute named after. B. Shchukina‒ classical and modern drama, musicals, operettas, plastic poems without words.
  • In GITIS future actors and directors are always ready to surprise the audience, be it a performance based on songs of rock stars or music by P. Tchaikovsky.
  • Visit Educational theater VGIK, whose performances are also free, can be combined with a walk around VDNKh or the Botanical Garden.

Moscow is a city that attracts young men and women from all over the country who dream of the stage and glory, who are ready to endlessly storm the city’s theater schools. Famous, GITIS, VGIK, “Sliver”, “Pike” - for a Russian person these names contain deep meaning, since it was from the walls of these oldest educational institutions that, for the most part, all the greatest actors of the past century came out. Moreover, these personnel forges still continue to regularly prepare talented personnel for the theater stage and movie screens.

It also happens that after graduation, courses together with their master form their own theater. Just remember the famous Oleg Tabakov or the “Workshop of Pyotr Fomenko”. Therefore, if you are ready to receive a portion of inspiration, seasoned with faith in a bright future and sincere emotions, it makes sense to visit educational theaters. It is important to take into account that many student performances are sometimes a kind of exam in dance and plastic arts, and therefore can be understood without words or knowledge of the Russian language. You can follow current changes in the poster on the official websites of universities, but the easiest way to do this is in thematic groups on social networks.

Moscow Art Theater School

Kamergersky Lane, 3 is a landmark place for Moscow. It is here still in late XIX V. thanks to the activities of K.S. Stanislavsky and the famous Moscow opened its doors art theater(Moscow Art Theater), and in the building next to the theater, in 1943, the Studio School began operating, now bearing the name of Nemirovich-Danchenko. Over more than seventy years of history, this educational institution gave a start in life to actors and directors who now make up the golden fund of Soviet and Russian theater and cinema.

IN different years Oleg Basilashvili and Alexey Batalov, Vladimir Vysotsky and Evgeny Evstigneev, Tatyana Doronina and Galina Volchek, Oleg Efremov and Oleg Tabakov, Vladimir Menshov and Evgeny Mironov, and many others graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School.

One of the recent Moscow Art Theater sensations was the release of Dmitry Brusnikin’s workshop in 2015, which gained fame during his studies. These guys literally shocked the entire theater of Moscow, because over the years spent within the walls of the Studio School, they were able to successfully absorb all the best from dramatic, musical, physical and plastic theater, multiply and create a completely personalized, bright, talented and very characteristic artistic language.

The class of 2016, led by people's artist Russia Viktor Ryzhakov: his students have already mastered not only the stage of their native educational theater, but also other venues in the capital, for example. In their graduation performances, they boldly turn to dramaturgically complex material (“Platonov. The First Meeting”, “Platonov. FROH”, “Faulkner. Silence”), as well as difficult personalities (“12 exploits of Gagarin”) and the tragic legacy of the past (“ An out-of-date concert").

Tickets to the Educational Theater can be purchased at the theater box office in Kamergersky Lane from Wednesday to Sunday; tickets for other venues are sold online.

Higher Theater School (Institute) named after. M.S. Shchepkina

The Shchepkinsky School, or “Shchepka”, as it is popularly called, traces its history back to the times Imperial Russia, when in 1809, by order of Alexander I drama school at the orphanage it was transformed into the Moscow Theater School. Since 1938, this school has been named after the famous Russian actor and teacher Mikhail Semenovich Shchepkin, thanks to whom mid-19th century V. and received at its disposal a beautiful building on Neglinnaya Street, building 6/2. Now “Sliver” is run by the Maly Academic Theater and annually produces several acting and directing courses.

“Shchepka” is rightfully proud of its graduates, because among them are Maria Ermolova, whose name she now bears, Oleg Dal, Vitaly Solomin, Inna Churikova, Oleg Menshikov. Moreover, the Shchepkinsky School regularly recruits national studios, preparing students for the CIS countries.

In the repertoire of graduation courses, for example, 2016, professors V.I. Korshunova, V.A. Safronova, V.N. Dragunova, V.M. Beilis and V.N. Ivanov can be found both classical and modern dramaturgy: tragic fates Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII, the heroes of Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard", the ups and downs of relationships in the comedy "On a Busy Place" and much more.

You can order free tickets for productions staged on the educational stage on Neglinnaya Street by phone, and reservations at the theater center “On Strastnoy”, where student performances are also staged, are available by phone and through the center’s website ( Strastnoy Boulevard, house 8A).

In addition to Sliver, there is another equally famous university in Moscow - Shchuka, also known as the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute. Growing from amateur theater studio Evgeniy Vakhtangov, a director who created his own method that can compete with the method of his teacher, this educational institution literally in a few decades acquired the status of the country's leading theater school.

It was with the students of his drama studio that Vakhtangov, shortly before his death in 1922, staged his most famous play “Princess Turandot”, which in our time gave the name to the prestigious theater award. In the name of this talented theater director named state theater in the very center of old Moscow, : State academic theater them. E.B. Vakhtangov. The theater was created on the basis of the master's studio, where Shchukinsky graduates are now performing. It is interesting that within the walls of “Shchuka”, which in 1937 received permanent premises not far from the theater, in Bolshoi Nikolopeskovsky Lane, 12A, the continuity of worship has been maintained for eighty years now: they teach here former graduates who are now the Moscow elite theater stage and preserving the culture of Vakhtangov teaching.

Graduate students have been presenting their diploma performances on the stage of the Educational Theater since 1939, and during this time they often surprised the entire theater capital. It is worth recalling that " a kind person from Szechwan" by Yuri Lyubimov was diploma work students graduating in 1964 and became an event of such magnitude that it prompted Lyubimov, together with his students, to create, in the 1960-1980s. which was a cult place in Moscow.

The famous Soviet actor and Vakhtangov's favorite student Boris Shchukin, whose name the institute bears today, Vladimir Etush, Yulia Borisova, Yuri Yakovlev, Andrei Mironov, Konstantin Raikin, Rolan Bykov, Vasily Lanovoy, Tatyana Samoilova, Irina Kupchenko - a list of outstanding graduates of "Pike" can be found continue indefinitely.

Today's students, of course, are also ready to continue the work of the famous Vakhtangov students, and their educational performances often fills the halls in the building on Bolshoy Nikolopeskovsky Lane. They play Russian and foreign plays, stage plastic poems without words, musicals and operettas, for example, “Monsieur de Moliere” and “Dog in the Manger” by Lope de Vega, “Farewell to Matera” by V. Rasputin and “Gypsies” by A. Pushkin. Tickets for student productions can be ordered by calling the Educational Theater box office.

Russian University of Theater Arts (GITIS)

Russian University theatrical arts, better known as GITIS, is another important component cultural life Moscow. Here, in the historical building at Bolshoi Gnezdnikovsky Lane, 10, for many decades now there has been an Educational Theater, on the stage of which they once performed best actors and directors of the country.

GITIS traces its history back to the late seventies of the 19th century, when Russian pianist Pyotr Adamovich Shostakovsky opened the Music and Drama School for newcomers (later renamed the school). Much has changed over the past century. The school has become the largest Theatre Institute Russia. In many ways, this was facilitated by the great director of the 20th century, Vsevolod Meyerhold, in the 1920s. united the school with its Higher Theater Workshops and created its own theater on the basis of the new State Institute of Theater Arts (now the theater bears the name of Meyerhold).

GITIS school in different time Alexander Abdulov and Vladimir Andreev, Inna Churikova and Anatoly Papanov, and others passed. Started my career here creative activity director Anatoly Efros, through whose efforts modern domestic theater largely acquired its identity, the outstanding founder of the concept of “poor theater,” the Pole Jerzy Grotowski, also received his education here.

Today, GITIS masters graduate several student courses, which, like their famous predecessor Pyotr Fomenko, strive to form their own theater on the basis of the university. Musical Theatre represented by the workshops of professors A.A. Barmak and V.B. Ryabova settled in a beautiful multifunctional building - New scene educational theater on Akademika Pilyugin Street, 2.

The stage in Bolshoi Gnezdnikovsky and sometimes the historical building of GITIS in Maly Kislovsky Lane, 6 invite you to look at future actors and directors drama theater. Jacques Offenbach, Boris Vasiliev, Alexander Ostrovsky, Carlo Goldoni - the sources of inspiration for graduation performances are quite diverse, and among recognized masters plays there are performances set to music or based on songs of rock stars.

You can see student productions by registering at official group theater "VKontakte" by calling the box office of the Educational Theater or purchasing tickets online on the partner website.

All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography
them. S.A. Gerasimova (VGIK)

Last on our list, but not the least important is the All-Russian state institute cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimov, known as VGIK (Wilhelm Pieck Street, 3). It is at this university that programs are implemented vocational training frames for cinema, television, radio and screen arts. The domestic film industry was born here in 1919.