The image of a person’s beauty, a festive costume. The beauty of a person. The image of a Russian beauty. Drawing a portrait. (4th grade). Introduction to women’s folk costume

Human beauty (female image)

Fine arts lesson in 4th grade according to the program of B. M. Nemensky.

Goals and objectives:

To introduce students to the portrait genre, the beauty of Russian folk clothes women;

Show the role of art in understanding the beauty of a Russian woman;

Learn to identify means of expressing mood and feeling in art;

Introduce the work of M. V. Vasnetsov;

Show a reflection of the proportions and facial expressions in the portrait;

Develop imagination, creative imagination, graphic skills;

Make interdisciplinary connections (literature, art, history, music);

To instill in children a love for Russian history.

Equipment: for teacher– methodological tables, reproductions; for studentsgraphic materials, album. Reproductions of paintings by A. Venetsianov “On arable land. Spring”, M.V. Vasnetsova “Alyonushka”, “Girl with a calf”, I. Bilibina “Ilya Muromets frees Zabava Putyatishna”, V.A. Serova “Girl with peaches”. A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” (excerpt); N. A. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (excerpt), “Frost, Red Nose” (excerpt), Russian recording folk songs.

Lesson progress

    Organizational moment.

Good afternoon, dear friends!

New meeting I'm glad.

Waiting for you today

A tale about a Russian beauty.

2. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Introductory word.

In the last lesson we said that in art nothing is ever depicted just for the sake of depiction.

An image is a product of labor, and through it the artist expresses his attitude towards what is depicted, his thoughts and feelings about this. All types and genres of fine art directly or indirectly tell about a person. The main object of art has always been man, his appearance, complex spiritual world, character, mood, structure of his thoughts and feelings - in a word, all the wealth of personality in its various manifestations.

One of the genres of painting, sculpture and graphics dedicated to the depiction of a specific, specific person is the portrait. The main quality of a portrait—resemblance to the original—is ensured, first of all, by an accurate depiction of the person’s appearance. However, external similarity alone is not enough, since the true depth of a portrait lies in revealing the psychological world of a person. The observant eye of a portrait artist sees in the facial expressions, in the expression of the eyes, in gestures and posture, in the manner of walking, sitting, dressing, and in the surrounding environment the manifestation of certain character traits, habits, experiences, moods and feelings, that is, the internal state of a person .

B) Didactic game"Mood and facial expressions."

The teacher opens diagrams of faces on the board.

Students use each facial expression pattern to describe a person’s mood and character; a raised eyebrow or both eyebrows - a surprised face, raised corners of the eyes and lips - a cheerful face; knitted and slightly lowered eyebrows - an angry, angry face; tightly compressed straight narrow lips - greedy, selfish character; a narrowed eye, an eyebrow raised above it, a raised corner of the lips - a sly, cunning character.

Conversation “Female image in art.”

Guys, I suggest you look at the reproductions of A. G. Venetsianov “On the arable land. Spring”, “Girl with a Calf”, I. Bilibina “Ilya Muromets frees Zabava Putyatishna”, V. Vasnetsov “Alyonushka”, V. A. Serov “Girl with Peaches”.

What meaning do you put into the expression “Russian beauty”? Let's turn to artistic expression about the beauty of women who lived in ancient Russian villages and cities.

They say there is a princess

That you can't take your eyes off.

During the day the light of God is eclipsed,

At night the earth lights up -

The moon shines under the scythe,

And in the forehead the star is burning.

And she herself is majestic,

Protrudes like a peahen;

He speaks sweetly,

It's like a river is babbling.

A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” (excerpt)

Matrena Timofeevna

dignified woman,

Wide and dense

About thirty-eight years old.

Beautiful; gray streaked hair,

The eyes are large, strict,

The richest eyelashes,

Severe and dark.

She's wearing a white shirt,

Yes, the sundress is short,

Yes, a sickle over your shoulder.

N. A. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (excerpt)

There are women in Russian villages

With calm importance of faces,

WITH beautiful power in movements

With the gait, with the look of queens.

Wouldn't a blind person notice them?

And the sighted man says about them:

It will pass - as if the sun will shine,

If he looks, he will give you a ruble.

A beauty that is a wonder to the world:

Blush, slim, tall,

In every the clothes are beautiful,

He is dexterous in any work.

N. A. Nekrasov “Frost, Red Nose” (excerpt)

What unites these female images? What is their beauty?

Students. Their rich inner world, kindness, hard work.

    Acquaintance with the painting “Alyonushka” by V. M. Vasnetsov.

The teacher invites the children to answer questions aimed at developing sensitivity to the language of the picture and the ability to see its pathos.

Look at the picture and say what impression you get when you first look at it. Why does the picture make such an impression? How does an artist achieve such power of expression? What means does he use?

What is a composition? How was the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov constructed? (Alyonushka immediately attracts our attention. She is depicted almost in the center of the canvas, facing the viewer. To emphasize her loneliness, the artist did not place other characters in the picture.)

Describe Alyonushka's appearance. (Alyonushka is a poor peasant girl. She has thin arms. Alyonushka is barefoot; her clothes are shabby: a torn sundress, an old faded blue jacket; brown hair spread over the shoulders, head lowered.)

What did the artist especially highlight in Alyonushka’s appearance? (Alyonushka’s face and hands stand out against a dark background with a light pink canvas. You immediately see her sad face and big eyes.)

Think about what words can more accurately describe Alyonushka’s look.

Great grief fell on Alyonushka. How did the artist show this? Pay attention to Alyonushka's pose. (Alyonushka sits alone on a stone, with her head bowed low, saddened, thoughtful. She convulsively clasped her knees, bent over. Her whole pose expresses misfortune, grief).

Pay attention to the expression on Alyonushka's face. What is her state of mind? (She is sad, yearning, saddened.)

How did the artist convey the mood of this painting using color? (Yellow, pink, red are warm colors, they create a joyful mood in a person. But, using cold tones of dark green, blue, gray colors, the artist evokes in the viewer a feeling of melancholy, sadness and sadness. In the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “Alyonushka” has both warm and cold tones. Cold tones of greenery stand out. There are few warm colors: light pink on the face, hands, pink flowers on a sundress. More dark brown, gloomy colors. This makes a sad impression).

Color in a painting is of great importance. The overall tone of the picture (color) is dim, dominated by dark green and red-brown colors. Browned grass, reddish autumn foliage, yellowed greenery emphasize the overall brown-green tone of the picture. In addition to the dim tones, we see in the picture a light strip of the dying dawn, the bright emerald green of the sedge, pink flowers on Alyonushka’s sundress and a blue blouse. Using bright, contrasting colors, the artist enhances the impression of sadness and melancholy created by the painting.

What kind of nature is Alyonushka depicted against? How does the landscape convey the mood of the painting? (The painting depicts early autumn. Nature is beginning to fade. In some places the trees have turned yellow. Fallen leaves float in the pool. Autumn sky gloomy. In autumn, nature dies, it brings sadness. This landscape echoes Alyonushka’s mood.)

Yes, the artist’s attention is attracted not by lush nature, but by the first time of autumn withering, in the description of which he resorts to soft tones of dark green, blue, yellow-brown colors. Autumn, faded, dull colors of the landscape create a mood of sadness and sadness. The artist showed that nature is in tune with Alyonushka’s mood, she seems to listen to the thoughts of the poor girl, is sad and cries with her. Young birch trees stand around, sadly silent, thin branches of aspens have bent and sank into the water, and here and there the stems of sedge have drooped. Pointed pines and sharp sedge stems protect the girl, protect her from evil people.

The artist depicted swallows above Alyonushka’s head. IN folk art swallows are a symbol of friendliness. “Swallows do not build nests under the eaves of an evil family,” people say. The swallows that have flown to Alyonushka chirp quietly, as if they are trying to calm down and dispel Alyonushka’s sadness. And Alyonushka understands, loves nature and only trusts her with her inconsolable grief.

What is the image of the “Russian beauty” in the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov? (This is the image of a Russian orphan girl, hardworking and kind, simple and modest).

Guys, what do you know about the artist V.M. Vasnetsov?

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is a great Russian artist. He was born in 1848, died in 1926. V. M. Vasnetsov’s father, a village priest, loved to draw and taught his sons to read and write. IN free time made something. Mother, simple, kind woman, managed the household and children. There were six of them, all boys. The family was friendly, life was good and calm. In winter, the old cook often told fairy tales; little Vita remembered these tales for a long time. He tried to draw, but nothing worked. Grandmother drew fairy-tale pictures to Vita. At the age of 17, Victor went to St. Petersburg to the Academy of Artists. This was in 1867. He was very worried during the exam and did not follow the result. I entered the drawing class. A year later, he again came to the Academy of Arts and found out that he had been accepted into it a year ago. During his life, V. M. Vasnetsov painted many paintings on fairy tale themes.

Physical education minute

Students do the exercise:

Oh, oh, oh, oh, Lyuli!

The red girl is walking

Like a peacock floating.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, Lyuli!

Like a peacock floating,

Taki speech says:

I walk near the Mlada kindergarten,

I’m walking near Green Mlada,

I listen to Solovyov’s songs;

The nightingale sings well in the garden,

He sings and makes me happy.

    Getting to know folk costume.

Tell me, what is the Russian beauty wearing? The ensemble of Russian folk costume creates poetic image, inseparable from the interior peasant hut, working life, holidays and rituals. Not only are the patterns on the clothes elegant; the entire ensemble is dominated by symmetrical construction and a loving attitude to every detail.

Russians sound folk songs.

Aesthetic assessment of the costume as a work decorative arts finds expression in oral poetry. Thus, in songs, more attention is usually paid to the description of the costume than to the portrait of the hero. “The girl’s everyday outfit is mentioned - a sundress, a calico or calico shirt, a braided braid, a festive linen shirt with embroidery of her own work (“I, when I’m young, have a linen hem sewn with blue paper, threads, feathers, not splinters”)... a silk belt, gold oblique kokoshnik..."

Details that characterize the hero’s appearance complement him internal image:

The beautiful maiden is coming

Like a peacock floating,

She's wearing a blue dress

Scarlet ribbon in a braid,

There is a feather on the head.

Demonstration of women's Russian folk costume.

Festive girls' costume of the Voronezh province (sundress made of black woolen fabric, shirt with a red collar and red sleeves with woven colored patterns and embroidery, red apron with a woven white pattern, red headscarf). The end of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century.

Costume of a newlywed in the city of Galich-Kostroma (white muslin shirt with sleeves embroidered in white satin stitch, crimson damask sundress, gold-embroidered half-shugai, Galich kokoshnik and muslin scarf embroidered with gold) First half of the 11th century. Kostroma Historical and Archival Museum - Reserve.

Festive costume of the bride of the city of Kostroma. Second half of the 11th century.

Shirts were made from bleached linen and canvas: for men - below the knees, for women - up to the toes. There was embroidery with colored threads along the collar, sleeves and bottom. Beautiful! And this comes from ancient times, when such embroidery had a magical meaning: it girded a person, protected him from the “evil eye”. The meaning of embroidery was forgotten, but the tradition remained in the form of decorations on clothes.

Women wore a sundress over their shirt. The clothes were loose, wide-cut, and did not restrict movement. The legs, arms, and neck were covered: all the imperfections of the figure were hidden.

IN holidays the head was decorated with a marvelous headdress - a crown or kokoshnik. Richly decorated with freshwater pearls, embroidery, and pendants, it made you hold your head high and your back straight. And his mistress acted “like a peahen,” “swimming like a swan.” IN everyday life the girl flaunted her braid: “the braid is a girl’s beauty.” A married woman was removing all her hair. According to legends, female hair brought misfortune. It was shameful for a married woman to appear without a headdress. Even now, when they say “she was a fool,” we mean she was disgraced.

Maiden's "koruna" - wedding dress of the bride of the Northern Territory. 19th century

5. Independent work students.

The students’ idea of ​​the characteristic features of the Russian beauty’s appearance, her strength and tenderness, which emerged as a result of the conversation, is embodied in the image female image by students. The task is performed individually on large sheets of gouache.

Guys, before work, think about the following questions:

Which one would you like to see? older sister, your mother? What would they look like in ancient Russian clothing?

How will you arrange the sheet?

Here, a vertical image is better suited, which can be made in height, chest-length or waist-length. It is necessary to beautifully decorate elements of clothing and headdress.

When completing the task, compositional and coloristic problems are solved, and the ability to portray a person is mastered.

So, the head is wider at the top, narrower towards the chin, the front part to some extent resembles the shape of an egg, a high, stately neck is a sign female beauty. Pay attention to how the eyes are drawn, the nose and lips are depicted. The beauty of images will be achieved through the beauty of color relationships and shapes, individual details of the face. Will it be beautiful if we draw a large nose, a wide mouth, put the eyes close, make a small skull, huge ears? You can attach pre-cut blanks of beautiful, harmonious and exaggerated facial details to the sheet. This moment of comparison brings positive results. After the show, the children independently work on the image of the Russian beauty.

Reflection ( Express exhibition. Evaluation of work.)

    originality of the idea;

    design aesthetics;

    volume of work.

Students demonstrate their work, discuss it, and after some corrections, evaluate the work.

Cleaning workplaces.

    Lesson summary.

So, my dears, what new did you learn in today's lesson?

What goals did we achieve by the end of our lesson?

What remains an unexplored mystery, an unsolved task for you?

Well done, this is exactly what we will devote our next lessons to.

Homework: find reproductions of works of art that reflect male beauty.

Summary of a fine arts lesson in 4th grade according to the program of B. M. Nemensky

on the topic " The image of human beauty (female image).”

Fine arts teacher Irina Vladimirovna Grishina

GBOU secondary school No. 417 SP progymnasium No. 1642

    Class: 4

    Item: fine arts.

    Subject: The image of human beauty (female image).

    Lesson location in the system Fine arts lesson in 4th grade according to the program of B. M. Nemensky. Lesson 5

    Lesson type: Lesson on mastering new knowledge.

    Goals and objectives of the lesson:

- To form ideas about the understanding of the beauty of a woman in Russian culture, to create conditions for the development of interest in the origins of the art of Rus', to develop a sense of respect for one’s culture, to form an emotional and value-based attitude

to the traditions of the Russian people.

Strengthen the ability to depict a portrait of a person, strengthen the skills of working with color.

- Develop children's need for creativity.

- To develop in students artistic and graphic drawing techniques based on the decor of a folk costume when solving problems of variation and improvisation.

    Equipment for the lesson: Computer, projector, presentation on the topic of the lesson.

    Didactic tools :

for the teacher

visual range: drawings, presentation with works by I. Bilibin,

K. Makovsky, M. Vrubel

literary series: poems - A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” (excerpt), “Frost, Red Nose” (excerpt).

musical series: recording of Russian folk songs.

for the student – Sheet A-3, gouache and brushes.

    Planned results: to form in students an idea of ​​​​folk costume and women's headdress; respect for culture, develop the ability to work with art materials when creating a portrait of a Russian beauty.

Lesson progress

1. Motivation (self-determination) to educational activities.

Teacher: - Hello, guys. Check if you have everything ready for the lesson?

Today we have an unusual lesson - a journey into the past.

Waiting for you today

A tale about a Russian beauty.

Slide 1

2. Updating knowledge

Guys, what do you think a “Russian beauty” should be like? (children’s answers: beautiful, kind, smart, etc.)

Let's turn to the artistic word about the beauty of women who lived in ancient Russian villages and cities. Folk music will help us get into the right mood. (A recording of the Russian folk song “The Girl Walked in the Garden” sounds)

Slide 2

Teacher: They say there is a princess

That you can't take your eyes off.

During the day the light of God is eclipsed,

At night the earth lights up -

The moon shines under the scythe,

And in the forehead the star is burning.

And she herself is majestic,

Protrudes like a peahen;

He speaks sweetly,

It's like a river is babbling.

What work are these lines from?

Students: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

Teacher: There are women in Russian villages

With calm importance of faces,

With beautiful strength in movements

With the gait, with the look of queens.

Wouldn't a blind person notice them?

And the sighted man says about them:

It will pass - as if the sun will shine,

If he looks, he will give you a ruble.

A beauty that is a wonder to the world:

Blush, slim, tall,

She is beautiful in any clothes,

He is dexterous in any work.

Students: Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. "Jack Frost".

Teacher: What unites these female images? What is their beauty?

Students: Their hard work and beauty.

3. Statement of the problem and recording of new knowledge

Teacher: The concept of a Russian beauty reflects centuries-old ideas about the ability to behave and dress, about facial features, and most importantly, about the ability to subtly feel nature and deeply experience grief and joy. Gentleness and spiritual strength, tenderness and majesty are understood as the essence of the beauty of a Russian woman.

Female images are deeply connected with the image of the bird of happiness, which walks on the earth, swims on water and can fly freely in the sky accessible only to human dreams.

Do you know what costume your great-great-great-grandmother might have worn?

What did everyday and festive folk costumes look like, how and why were they decorated?

Students: Sundress, shirt. On weekdays - simple, dim. On holidays, beautiful, bright. Decorated with embroidery.

Teacher: Guys, we have a difficult guest today - Mashenka. She came to us in a stylized Russian costume. The teacher demonstrates a women's Russian folk costume.

The beautiful maiden is coming

Like a peacock floating,

on her gold dress,

Scarlet ribbon in a braid.

Take a look at Masha's suit. It was as if someone had collected sunlight and flowers from the fields and placed them on clothes. Everything about the suit reminds you of beauty native land, gives rise to a feeling of celebration in the soul!

Over the course of several centuries, in different parts of the Russian land, their own characteristic features in clothing, and people strictly adhered to local traditions.

A special place In Russian costume, the headdress was always given priority.

Girls in Rus' before marriage could walk with their heads uncovered, but their hair had to be braided in one braid as a sign that the girl was still alone, unmarried. They had long hair, and they didn’t walk around with their hair down, because it would be so inconvenient to wash, cook, sew, work in the field, or care for livestock. A girl's braid was considered a symbol of honor, and to pull the braid meant to insult the girl. In the illustration for the Russian fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful,” I. Bilibin depicted Vasilisa with a long braid.

Slide 3

The picture shows that the forehead is not covered with bangs - it was believed that with a closed forehead the girl would get sick more often. The girls decorated the end of their braids with a braid. It could be of any shape: round, bow, crescent, etc. The most common headdress for a girl is a scarf.

Slide 4

The scarf depicts I. Bilibin Alyonushka from the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka",

Slide 5

and “Girl with Beetroot” - A. Venetsianova.

Girls could decorate their heads with ribbons, and on holidays they wore hats different shapes– both flat and openwork with slits, with teeth: crowns, bows, bandages, flies, kokoshniks (N. Argunov. “Portrait of a girl in a kokoshnik”),

Slide 6

crowns (M. Vrubel. “The Swan Princess”, V. Vasnetsov. “Three Princesses of the Underground Kingdom”).

Slide 7

The headdresses were open-topped, embroidered with gold thread, and the bottoms of openwork weaving made of pearls (in the form of a mesh) descended onto the forehead. Pearls were mined in clean northern rivers.

By ancient custom a married woman did not appear in public with “plain hair” - this was considered a great sin. Hair was believed to have magical powers. When getting married and becoming a member of another family, a woman had to hide her hair so as not to bring misfortune to her husband and his relatives. It is no coincidence that I. Bilibin depicts Baba Yaga with her hair down.

Slide 8

During wedding ceremony The bridesmaids said goodbye to the bride while singing drawn-out sad songs and, with tears, unbraided her girlish braid, and the bride said: “Farewell, braid, girlish beauty, you’ve had enough of hanging around your shoulders, it’s time to get out of the mess.” Then the bride’s hair was intertwined into two temporal braids, placed like a crown around her head, and then tightly covered with a warrior. At the same time, the girl wailed: “Just show off, my light brown hair, you will have darkness, and light brown hair, and you will have a burden and a wild head.” From that moment on, none of the men could see the woman's hair. In Rus' there was an expression “to fool a woman,” that is, to insult her by revealing her hair.

Slide 9

A typical headdress for a married woman is a kika and a magpie with a back. The base of the quilt was made of quilted canvas with a lining, the front part of the quilt was made of birch bark
or leather and covered with expensive fabric. At A.S. Pushkin in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” the old woman has “...a brocade kitty on the crown...”. A magpie, a cover made of expensive fabric, was put on top of the base, and a backplate was attached to the back. The edge of the magpie was decorated with gold embroidery, and a thick braided cord decorated with beads was attached to the back. Among the details of the magpie there are “wings” and “tail”, and in the embroidery patterns there are images of birds. The entire kika, together with the magpie, could weigh up to seven kilograms. The names of the hats echo the names of birds: “kokosh” is a rooster, it wakes up the sun, and “kichka” is a duck.

On holidays, women's heads were decorated with a wonderful headdress - a crown or kokoshnik.

Slide 10

Kokoshnik is a tall, embroidered festive headdress for women covering their hair.

Richly decorated with freshwater pearls, embroidery, and pendants, it made you hold your head high and your back straight. And his mistress acted “like a peahen,” “swimming like a swan.”

4. Practical work

Teacher: We have already said that the main object of art has always been a person, his appearance, complex spiritual world, character, mood, structure of his thoughts and feelings - in a word, all the richness of personality in its various manifestations.

Guys, tell me, what is the name of the image of a certain, specific person?

That's right - it's a portrait.

Definition of the task and stages of work:

Let's get started creative work. Before you are the necessary math-

rials. When performing work, you need to show creative imagination and ability to work, you have to paint a portrait of a Russian beauty in a headdress. This will be a chest-to-chest image. What is the best way to arrange a sheet of paper for such a drawing? That's right, vertically.

You will complete the practical task without preliminary pencil drawing.

1.First you need to outline the oval of the head,the head is wider at the top, narrower towards the chin, the front part to some extent resembles the shape of an egg, a high, stately neck is a sign of female beauty.

2. Then, directly on the face (without a palette), draw up a complexion color (white, yellow, red), paint over the face and neck, outline the headdress (immediately with paints); While the face is drying, paint over the background of the picture and clothes. Facial features can only be drawn using dried paint. Remember how to correctly draw eyes, depict a nose, lips.

3. A portrait needs to be decorated, and jewelry is very suitable for this. The decoration on the neck is a “harness”. “Harness” is a huge number of beads, cords woven from beads, beaded collars, collars, jewelry made from threads and coins. Decorations should be painted with dots and strokes very quickly, paints should be taken directly from the jar, without mixing.

4. Try to convey the character of the Russian beauty in your drawing.

(children’s independent work)

5. Summing up the lesson, reflecting on learning activities in the lesson.

Teacher. Please share your results with us.

In this case, take a closer look at the following criteria:

Originality of the idea;

Design aesthetics;

Scope of work.

So, my dears, what new did you learn in today's lesson?

What goals did we achieve by the end of our lesson?

What remains an unexplored mystery, an unsolved task for you?

Well done, this is exactly what we will devote our next lessons to.

Even today, when on the streets you can no longer meet young ladies in kokoshniks, sundresses and long brown braids, classic look The Russian beauty is associated precisely with traditional national dresses and a characteristic appearance.

Today we will discuss the ideal of Russian beauty and talk about what Russian beauty is.

“White-faced, black-browed... blood and milk... Russian beauty - long braid.. a beautiful maiden..,” - there are many epithets that convey the essence of Russian beauty.

But the main nuance that distinguishes us, our beauties, from no less beautiful foreign women and their concepts of ideals is warmth and sincerity.

Bread and salt, hospitality, good nature, motherhood, simplicity, nature, village, strong character- this is something without which the kokoshnik will not look good.

What was the ideal of Russian beauty in different eras and what is he like today?

In addition to female beauty, there are, of course, other niches for the manifestation of beauty in the understanding of our compatriots, but still the female image occupies one of the first places of honor in it. And most often, when they talk about beauty, they mean its direct embodiment in a weak field. In Russia, apart from women, nature is beautiful...

In addition to national traits, the ideal of female beauty is changeable and fickle... day before yesterday- these are corsets, golden curls, a small leg, a snub nose, sloping shoulders, a modest look, yesterday- huge eyes with winged makeup, short stature, feminine and “voluminous” figure with a thin waist, Today(although propaganda is trying to take us away from the 90-60-90 generation and set a new, larger format - everything is in vain, while skinny people are in fashion) - “made-up appearance”, 16-centimeter stilettos, plump lips, etc.

But besides the fact that the ideal of beauty is not so simple and everyone can have their own, for Russians there is a series characteristic features that make them stand out from the crowd of foreigners. Of course, it happens that those whose blood is, as they say, mixed, are difficult to distinguish from other “mestizos,” but still Russians (regarding the beautiful external features) is more often visible than not.

What are these traits? Let's figure it out in order.

Much depends on the era and what fashion reigned in it, but even despite the difference in details, there was always something in common that connected the images of Russian beauties across centuries and social strata.

The products of creativity will tell a lot about the era, for example, if today there is the media, the Internet, light, electricity, nano-technology, then there was a time when none of this existed... A.S. Pushkin wrote novels and poems under the light of a burning candle, F .M. Dostoevsky, I.S. Turgenev, Leo Tolstoy created their immortal masterpieces while living in the depths of the forest. And the heroines of their creations were the quintessence of not only the ideal female image, but also ideal image Russian girl.

Let's remember such iconic Russian women as Tatyana Larina, Anna Karenina, Natasha Rostova, Sonya Marmeladova, Olga Odintsova... And although Sonya Marmeladova, as it may seem to some, is an extra character on this list, she carries a special symbolism, revealing in her heroine one from the sides of the potential of the Russian soul: to remain pure and innocent even in the dirt...

One of the Russians literary classics endowed his heroines with extraordinary beauty, and absolutely different in parameters in different periods of the country’s life, for example, if a century earlier thin women’s waists, cinched in corsets, were valued, then a century later sloping shoulders and aristocratic facial features were valued.

Some people focused on inner beauty, covering the lack of external or transforming everything around so that all the parameters become not as important as the personality of the heroine.

But for some, for others, something more followed the outer shell.. Dostoevsky invested in beauty the ability to turn the world upside down; in Tolstoy, beauty often appeared (especially in some stories) as a kind of mystical fatal force that paralyzes the will; Turgenev created the famous image of Turgenev’s girl... And although, according to the rules, this very Turgenev’s girl does not have extraordinary beauty, it is possible to say, her beauty was given to her by her stormy inner life, multifaceted world, noble manners, and modesty.

A.P. Chekhov noted that everything in a person should be beautiful...

Yes, if we talk about that time, then beauty and its preservation were strongly associated with purity, innocence, that is, it was believed that the longer a girl walks as a maiden, the more beautiful she is.

After marriage, another means of prolonging the life of a beautiful appearance was the birth of several children; pregnancies seemed to contribute to the flowering of female beauty. In reality, of course, everything was not entirely like that... but nevertheless, today’s state of affairs is absolutely opposite to what existed then.

The female image in Russian fairy tales, if we talk about positive heroines, is always beautiful, kind, modest girls with braids below the waist, in long sundresses.

“I’m in one of my dad’s books, he has a lot of old funny books, - I read what kind of beauty a woman should have... There, you see, there is so much said that you can’t remember everything: well, of course, black eyes, boiling with resin - by God, that’s what it says: boiling with resin! - black as night , eyelashes, a gentle blush, a thin figure, longer than an ordinary arm - you know, longer than an ordinary one! - a small leg, in moderation big breasts, correctly rounded calf, shell-colored knees, sloping shoulders - I almost learned a lot by heart, it’s all so true! - but most importantly, you know what? - Easy breathing!

But I have it,” listen to how I sigh, “I really do?” (I. Bunin, “Easy Breathing”)

Today, the Russians named Margarita (“The Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov), Anna Karenina, Ekaterina (from “The Thunderstorm” by Ostrovsky), and Tatyana Larina as the brightest and most beautiful heroines of books written by Russian writers.

Noble, aristocratic young ladies turned over time into more modern ones. From busty, hard-working peasant women and sophisticated, educated young ladies with sloping shoulders to Barbie dolls (a stereotype brought from the West). It’s not for nothing that Pushkin’s fairy tales were read to children in the past, but nowadays, with the start about 20 years ago, new toys and new fairy tales have burst into our lives.

Nothing shapes the consciousness of the adult generation more than what has already been formed in childhood through toys, media distorted understanding of values. 20 or more years ago, Barbie, Cindy, etc. dolls began to appear in Russia, and the girls who played with them became women long ago.

The image of artificial beauty is firmly “ingrained” into the consciousness of the fairer sex; the younger generation already perceives all Barbies as a relic of the past and creates their own creative formats of beauty.

Does society make the ideal or does society make the ideal? Perhaps it’s both. When people needed to be “driven” into labor bondage - a peasant woman became a beauty, when a course towards education was proclaimed - aristocratic features became fashionable, and in different social categories in different ways. Today, for example, in order for the fashion industry to live, cosmetics are sold and many other areas are promoted and goals are achieved - popular glamor formats.

Someone says that Russian women are the most beautiful, and they are immediately visible abroad; among the reasons for beauty they note that our nation is not too pure, and we have collected all the best from all nations; someone convinces that in Russians nothing special, moreover, they are too simple. According to the experience of tourists who have been to different countries with whom I had contact, I can say that Beautiful women are everywhere, but Russians, without subjectivity, are truly more beautiful.

And also, in the opinion of foreigners, Russian women (which is why they are loved) are distinguished not even by their appearance, but by their flexible character, the lack of feminism, the willingness to submit to the head of the family, against the backdrop of cunning and aware of their rights (and often not particularly beautiful) foreign women, our beautiful “Cinderellas” look much more advantageous. However, the trend of feminization is still alive among our women.

As for the Russian phenotype, our compatriots are more likely to have a straight nose profile, light eyes, and light hair.

“The combination of characteristics characteristic of Russian populations (in comparison with the Western European central variant):

Relatively light pigmentation. The proportion of light (about 30%) and medium shades of hair, light shades eyes (45-49%) is increased, the proportion of dark ones is decreased;

Average height of eyebrows and beard;

Moderate face width;

The predominance of an average horizontal profile and a medium-high nose bridge;

Less forehead tilt or more poor development eyebrows" (Wikipedia)

In the 17th century, the traveler Archdeacon Pavel of Aleppo, who visited Russia, described the local residents and their way of life as follows:

“ each person’s house there are ten or more children with white hair on their heads; for their great whiteness we called them elders... ...Know that women in the country of the Muscovites are beautiful in face and very pretty; their children are like the children of the Franks, but more ruddy”...

Marco Polo wrote at the very end of the 13th century about the population of contemporary Russia: “The people are simple-minded and very beautiful; men and women are white and blond..."

If previously Russians were short in stature, today each new young generation is “growing up”:“One hundred years ago, the average height of fifteen-year-old Muscovites was 147 centimeters, in 1923 - 157 centimeters, and in 1982 - 170 centimeters.”

The average height of an adult Russian man today is 175 cm(Dutch, for example, 184 cm), women - 162 cm(Chinese women are 154 cm, the average height of women in the Netherlands is 168 cm).

Opinions of Russians about what “Russian beauty” is:

« Russian beauty is light, brown or brown hair, light eyes (gray, light green, blue), light skin, regular or close to regular facial features, oval or moderately round face.”

“I think I won’t be much mistaken if I say that everyone who was seriously interested in the pre-revolutionary history of Russia and looked at the many photographs of that era that have come down to us, certainly noted for themselves the beauty of the people depicted in them.

This applies to the Russian aristocracy, and ordinary employees, and even more ordinary peasants.

Some absolutely amazing beauty is captured on their faces. Calm. Sublime. Not flashy. Real beauty, as if illuminated from somewhere within, from the very depths of the heart. Not at all similar to our modern gloss and glamor, where sometimes you can’t even see a living person behind cosmetics, photoshop and plastic surgery.

And it would be nice if we were talking only about the great princes and princesses (when you look at photographs of representatives of the Imperial House, there is no doubt: the expression “white bone, blue blood” was clearly not pulled out of thin air). But it’s the same for representatives of other classes” (Russian People’s Line).

What do foreigners think about the beauty of Russian women:

« Among Russian women there are two extremes: some devote all their energy to education and self-development and have almost no interest in cosmetics, while others, on the contrary, spend too much money on caring for their appearance. And they succeed” (commentary of an Israeli cosmetologist).

« Many foreign men have told me that they are amazed at how many beautiful women on Russian Internet sites, and there are not so many beautiful women in their countries.

A Russian man I know was in America, and he says that he was amazed that there were practically no beautiful women on the streets. There are few beautiful women, and they are all sitting in expensive cars - dismantled. My friend, having come to a meeting with the Americans, asked one of them why he came to look for a wife in Russia. What do you think the answer was? “Your women are beautiful.”

« It is noted that Russian women compete so seriously in the marriage market that that they pose a real threat to local women (“Russian women are coming,” where “they are coming” is understood as an invasion that cannot be stopped). A natural reaction is to accuse Russian women of immoral behavior (25% of all contexts): unscrupulousness, easy accessibility and prostitution (it is common for Russian women to “engage in prostitution and earn money in any way”). However, foreign women note the beauty of Russian women (38% of contexts).”

True, with the beauty of Russian women, not everything is so simple; indeed, there are many beauties among Russian women, but they often use their appearance not for the best purposes. The Russia channel program “Beauty in Russian” is not only about the beauty of Russian women, but also the slightly unsightly side of “trading” it...

There are fewer typical Russian beauties, but still, judging by those whom Russians consider heroes, not everything is so bad. Oksana Fedorova doesn’t look like Barbie, she’s real... but she can hardly be the standard for ordinary Russian women with an average statistical height of 160 cm.

Self-care among modern ladies has begun to take on a manic form, but you need to understand that times are different... if enlarged lips, “made” body parts, unnatural appearance become popular, nothing can be changed, you just need to get over it, it has always been like that : there is an overabundance of such fashionable phenomena and people themselves become disgusted.

Soon naturalness will be worth its weight in gold (but still well-groomed naturalness). Well, thanks to the abundance of well-groomed women, those who waved their hands began to take care of themselves, and now they realized that they look gray next to others - this is still a plus.

The Russians consider the most beautiful Russian actresses of the 20th century to be: 1st place: Irina Alferova (Constance from "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers"), 2nd place - Svetlana Toma ("The Camp Goes to Heaven"), 3rd place - Anastasia Vertinskaya (" Amphibian Man", " Scarlet Sails"), Svetlana Svetlichnaya, Natalya Kustinskaya, Tatyana Vedeneeva, Vera Alentova and others.

As for the faces of our time and which celebrities Russians consider beautiful, then Russians consider Oksana Fedorova one of the most beautiful women in Russia.

Also on this list: Alina Kabaeva, Alena Shishkova (model), Valentina Zelyaeva (Russian model), Sofia Rudyeva (model), from actresses, singers: Marina Alexandrova, Elena Korikova, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Anna Pletneva, Natalya Rudina (Natalie) , Alexandra Savelyeva, Svetlana Khodchenkova.

The standard of beauty of a Russian man in understanding Russian women and in general - more concise. Our man should still be not so much handsome as courageous. The most handsome men, according to statistics - in Italy. Who do women dream about then?

About a good fellow from a fairy tale, a prince on a white horse, a Russian hero, a courageous hard worker? The weaker sex gives priority internal qualities, although external pleasantness is important. Even the handsome ones are on the list famous people Not famous for their beauty: Pavel Astakhov, Roman Abramovich, Dmitry Pevtsov, Dmitry Isaev (actor), Maxim Averin, Pavel Volya, Anton Makarsky.

  • analyze and summarize children’s knowledge about human beauty;
  • introduce women's folk costume;
  • develop cognitive activity, teach to observe, compare and analyze;
  • cultivate correct aesthetic perception of the environment.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

2. Repetition of what was covered in the previous lesson

– In the previous lesson we talked to you about the beauty of a person. Let's remember what we said about female and male beauty.
- Tell me, what else did we do in class? (Children's answers.)

3. Introduction to women's folk costume

– Today we will talk to you about women’s folk costume. And the result of our work today will be a costume in which we will dress the female figure.

- So, let's begin. Listen to my story. The young girl's adornment was a long braid. No wonder they said: “The braid is a girl’s beauty!” Pearl threads, ribbons or a braid, a piece of birch bark or leather covered with expensive fabric, were woven into the braid. (set No. 2, picture 3; set No. 1 pictures 5, 7).

Women always wore a headdress. If we look at the pictures, we will not see a single uncovered head. (Set No. 3, pictures 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

– What were the names of the hats?

Girls put beautiful crowns or girlish headbands on their heads.

(Set No. 1, pictures 5, 7). They were also decorated with pearls and beads. Married women had to hide their hair under a headdress. It was indecent to appear with your head uncovered, that is, bare-haired. This is where the expression “goofing off” comes from. What did it mean? (it means getting into an awkward position)

- Now let's look at the picture that lies in front of you. Carefully examine and name the main parts of women's clothing.

  1. crown
  2. goosebumps
  3. shirt
  4. soul warmer
  5. sundress.

4. Practical work

– In the last lesson we drew a face for our doll. And now we have to paint the kokoshnik, sundress and shirt.

I think that both your sundress and your shirt will turn out different. But I would like you to use amulets when coloring. What are amulets? (Of course, these are amulets and signs that protect people.)

On the board:

Using these amulets, we will try to create the image of a Russian woman.

Getting the job done.

5. Summing up

Evaluation of work. Exhibition.

– At the end of the lesson I wanted to summarize. What did women wear at that time? And lastly, what kind of shoes did women wear? This will be your homework. AND next lesson we'll start with this.

Literature used

  1. Nemenskaya L.A. Every nation is an artist” textbook on fine arts. 4th grade.
  2. Shpikalova T.Ya. I live in Russia. Creations of Russian masters.
  3. Didactic material+ game “Loto”.
    “Russian traditional costume. Word of mouth complex.”
    “Russian traditional costume.”
    “Russian traditional costume. Complex with poneva.”
  4. Video film “From the history of Russian costume.”

Abstract of an art lesson on the topic “The image of human beauty. Male image"

Purpose of the lesson : to introduce students to the ideas of the Russian people - our ancestors - about the beauty of a man: a hard worker and defender of the Motherland and clan.

Tasks And: introduce students to the image of the Russian hero in literature and painting, develop imaginative thinking, improve your skills in working in color, and cultivate pride in your belonging to Russian history.

Equipment: for the teacher: methodological tables, reproductions, slides;
for students : paper, paints, brushes, palette, water jar.

Visual range : paintings by artists V. Vasnetsov, P. Korin.

Musical series:Russian folk songs (No. 5 – “Whether the falcon is clear”)

Literary series: excerpts from epics.


1. Organizational moment.
Over the centuries, every nation has developed an image of human beauty.
In the last lesson we talked about the beauty of a Russian woman. Today in class we will get acquainted with the image of male beauty.

2 . Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

The image of a man is always closely connected with his work. In Russian peasant culture this is the image of a plowman. The clothes of the Russian peasant were quite simple, not as elegant as women's suit. A shirt, which was made from bleached linen, and trousers, bast shoes on the feet, and boots were festive footwear.

Embroidered patterns were applied along the collar, sleeves and bottom of the shirt. The shirt was belted with a sash. The clothes showed simplicity, comfort, some severity and modesty.

The image of the Russian peasant combines ideas about the unity of mighty strength and kindness - Good fellow. He knows how to work on his land and knows how to protect it. The beauty of a man has always been seen in the strength of a worker, the courage and nobility of a defender of the Motherland. To protect their lands, the Russians built defensive structures - fortresses, used forests, lakes, rivers, hills to protect them from enemies, but not only high walls protected our ancestors from enemies.

In peaceful days, the Russian man was a peasant, a plowman, a sower, and a breadwinner. And in the days of hard times he became a warrior, a defender. The image of the defender of the Russian land is sung in epics, this is the image of Russian heroes. The epics tell about the courageous struggle of the Russian people against their enemies - nomads. The most popular was the hero Ilya Muromets, peasant son from the city of Murom. Ilya Muromets defeated Nightingale the Robber, Idolishche, and Kalin the Tsar.

He put a red-hot arrow,
Yes, I lowered the silk bowstring,
Is it his thuja red-hot arrow, -
So the red-hot arrow whistled,
And she hit the Nightingale the Robber,
And it hit him in the right temple;
She knocked down the Nightingale and out of raw oak
There is damp earth and feather grass.

Another favorite hero of the people was the hero Dobrynya Nikitich, who defeated the Snake on the Stream River.
Another hero is often found in folk epics- This is Alyosha Popovich. But not only in epics was the image created

Many Russian artists addressed this topic. Painting by Russian painter V.M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs” (conversation based on the painting). It is emphasized that the artist, just like the Russian people, endowed his heroes with national traits character that was respected by the people - courage, calmness, generosity, resourcefulness, readiness to make any sacrifice to defend the fatherland. The landscape in the picture emphasizes the sense of greatness and beauty of Russian soldiers.

Another artist P. Korin depicted the legendary defender of the Russian land - Alexander Nevsky (conversation based on the painting).

Let's look at what heroic equipment looked like. A chain mail consisting of metal rings was worn over ordinary clothes; slits were made on the sides of the chain mail to make it more convenient to mount a horse. Chain mail was expensive, so ordinary warriors wore leather shirts with sewn metal plaques. An important part of the equipment was a pointed helmet shaped like a church dome - an onion. A chainmail mesh fell off the helmet and protected the neck. Heroic weapons: sword, spear, bow and arrows, shield, axe.
Before moving on to independent work, you need to rest a little.

3. Physical education minute.
Everyone stood up quietly.

Hands up! Wider your shoulders!
One, two, three - breathe evenly!
They clapped their hands - one, two, three!
They stomped their feet - one, two, three!

4.Independent work of students.

Exercise: depict a portrait-image of a Russian hero.

Place the sheet vertically, for any image option: in full height, waist-deep or chest-deep. Outline the proportions of the figure: arms to the middle of the thighs, elbows to the waist, wide shoulders, powerful neck, strong legs. When drawing the head, take into account that the hero could have a mustache and beard. When working on the image of a weapon, you need to remember that you don’t need to draw everything at once - the hero could hardly hold a sword, spear, shield, bow, arrows, or club in his hands at the same time.

5. Lesson summary . Exhibition and analysis of works.

6. Generalization of the lesson topic. What qualities does the image of beauty of a Russian person, a Russian man include? Who was the Russian man in peaceful days? In the days of hard times? What weapons did the Russian heroes have?

7. Cleaning workplaces.