You need to approach everything more simply. How to approach life more simply

Sometimes it happens that there is no end to the series of problems. It's getting like it's impossible to stop endless stream anxious thoughts. Each event is depicted in the imagination as extremely important; someone's views and assessments seem to determine the entire further course of life. How to treat everything more simply, without letting any little thing or someone’s remark pass through you? Let's look at a few practical methods.

Determine your motivation

To become a little thicker-skinned for your own good, you need to be clear about the benefits of being life position. Firstly, by paying excessive attention to undeserving people or events, you automatically forget about the most important things - about loved ones, about your own home, health, well-being. Thus, not taking everything to heart means being able to separate important things from unimportant ones.

Secondly, peace of mind has another significant advantage. When a person treats everything that happens in life more or less evenly, then no matter what storms in life encroach on his calm, he will always have the strength and energy to solve problems. After all, if life is really full of difficulties, then worry and anxiety about every issue only depletes your strength, depriving you of the energy that is so necessary at this very moment.

Learn to manage your emotions and attention

This step is fundamental to being able to cope with all the events happening around you. When you are in an unfavorable life situation - and it is in such situations that you can often hear the advice “not to take everything to heart” - you need to remember one important thing. Most often, people around them are looking for their own benefit. And if such events happen around you that you can’t stop thinking about them day or night, perhaps someone’s deepest interests are involved in this problem. This is not always obvious at first glance.

In order to approach life more simply and not be a puppet in the hands of acquaintances, colleagues, or superiors, you must, first of all, learn to manage yourself.
How to do this? First of all, through willpower training. Even if a certain problem tries to at the moment absorb the entire volume of attention, with a strong-willed effort it is necessary to direct its focus to other things.

For many, pets are a true source of joy. Cats or dogs - whoever likes which pets more - will always share their positive energy and help restore the balance of power. It is necessary to learn to pay attention to pleasant things, no matter how great the temptation to fall into anxiety or obsessively grinding the same situation in your thoughts.

Use self-hypnosis

If consciousness continually “clings” to what is happening around, in this case it is necessary to use the traditional Russian mantra. Within the framework of censorship, it will sound something like “fuck it all.” Use this expression several times a day, especially when thoughts about certain situations or people begin to enter your head. Despite its apparent simplicity, this point is an integral part of working on yourself.

After all, only by “unloading” yourself from unnecessary worries and worries can you learn to devote your time and energy to what is truly valuable. Using this phrase (or any other convenient variation of it), you can teach your subconscious to react to what is happening to a much lesser extent.

Find the good in everything

Perhaps one of the most important points. As Baron Munchausen said, the stupidest things are done with a serious expression on your face. If you know how to find small joys every day, and be grateful for what you have at the moment, your life position will gradually transform into one that is perceived as an easy attitude to what is happening. Seriousness is often a companion to depression and unresolved problems. Optimism, the ability to enjoy little things and gratitude, on the contrary, are characteristic of those who take things more simply.

Find your true goals

Worrying about little things and being too " serious attitude“to current events is often a consequence of a general unsettled life, a poor understanding of one’s desires, needs and goals. In order to avoid giving your mental and emotional energy to undeserving things, you need to determine your true priorities. In order to achieve truly important and significant goals, you will have to make an effort every day - and this in itself can occupy a restless mind.

Use affirmations

Positive statements can be written on sticky notes and posted in all visible places. Affirmations should be changed - after a week or two, it is advisable to surround yourself with new statements. Thus, every time you, for example, stand in front of a mirror or open the refrigerator, you will automatically receive a dose of positivity. The most inspiring statements can be written on small pieces of paper and taken with you.

Clean up the apartment

Global cleaning – good way organize your thoughts. Minor cleaning also contributes to this goal. It’s worth doing it in every free minute. By freeing your reality from junk, you can quickly feel freer and happier. Often when people are depressed, their homes are not in the best shape. Turn your home into a place where you want to be, and not from where, on the contrary, you want to escape. Cleaning and decorating the interior to your liking will help distract you and streamline your perception.

And, finally, the most important advice is to rely only on your own strengths, since it is impossible to learn to relate to everything more simply without having what is called an inner core. Of course, many things can play a really important role in our lives. But if we develop a life position based on inner strength, external circumstances lose a significant part of their influence.

Is life not easy? Are your relationships not working out and is everything complicated? Would you like to take things easy and simpler? In this article you will find 21 tips to help you with this.

1. Stop thinking about what others think of you and how you look from the outside. You should finally stop worrying about the opinions of others. Sometimes you should be yourself and not try to please everyone; it is quite possible that it is then that those around you will try to please you in everything and will begin to value your opinion.

2. You must learn to invest, first of all, in yourself - spend your time gaining new knowledge and skills, buy yourself new clothes, treat yourself to travel, spend money on going to the gym. Remember that if you are a good, interesting conversationalist and at the same time look great, you will be offered a job faster, you will have many friends, like-minded people, and fans.

3. Remember that you need money primarily to pay for your needs and desires, and how you were able to earn it is no longer entirely important. So you will stop reproaching yourself for the fact that with a diploma in psychology you are forced to do manicures for more successful clients. And you will also stop worrying about the fact that your career is developing completely differently from that of your classmates.

4. Learn to seize the moment. Try to stop constantly thinking ahead and trying to calculate the future. It changes so quickly that it is often simply impossible.

5. Lower your demands on yourself and others, allow people to be imperfect. Disappointment in people comes not from the fact that they are bad, but from the fact that they did not live up to your illusions about them. Don't expect it and you won't be disappointed.

6. Relieve yourself of some responsibility. Understand that not everything in the world depends on you. This does not mean that you need to stop trying and let life take its course.

7. Learn to maintain positive contacts - people in your company should feel pleasant and comfortable. Of course, sometimes the ability to smooth out conflicts and manipulation skills are also required. Just don’t complicate communication - you shouldn’t have a constant showdown, work on mistakes, focus on shortcomings, or provoke disputes and conflicts. Remember that the people around you also only have one life and they want to live it, enjoying every moment. People tend to look for the positive in communication; they already have enough negativity in their lives.

8. Remember that an “easy” woman is, first of all, an open, kind, sociable person, ready to help, but only to her immediate circle. Therefore, it is unlikely that she will allow herself to be manipulated at work and carry out other people’s tasks, or she will be too altruistic - she will never help others, forgetting about her own interests.

9. Don't keep old grievances. Of course, experience is worth a lot, but no one likes to communicate with a person who, when meeting, always remembers unseemly actions. Despite the fact that there are 7 billion people in the world, the circle of your daily communication is very limited. And if you look at people in black and white, soon you won’t even have anyone to talk to.

10. Keep a diary; it’s better to entrust your doubts and worries to paper than to constantly burden others with your problems.

11. Take every day as the best, every action as magic, and hard work as a quest or an exciting journey.

12. Learn to love and appreciate yourself, constantly list your merits in your mind, repeat to yourself that you deserve the best.

13. Do not be irresponsible and do not confuse lightness with frivolity; people should know that they can rely on you in a difficult situation.

15. Allow yourself to be a happy person.

16. Remember, the world is not hostile, do not be afraid of failures, if something happens, you will still have many opportunities to correct the mistake.

17. Stop constantly gossiping, criticizing and judging other people.

18. Stop controlling the lives of others, sometimes it’s worth opening even the tightest hugs and allowing a person to make mistakes and draw conclusions from them. Understand that you cannot always protect your loved ones, and you do not know the answers to all the questions.

19. Try to learn to love loved ones with unconditional love - when they feel absolute acceptance regardless of their actions, they will try to upset you less.

20. Learn to see opportunities where previously you saw only obstacles and limitations.

21. Remember that lightness is often a conscious choice of an adult and often he is forced to make significant efforts to maintain it.

Bill Gates is 63. He now believes he is a completely different person than he was when he founded Microsoft to “put a computer on every desk in every home.”

To evaluate the quality of his life, Gates asks himself various questions. They are different from those he asked himself in his youth.

For 25-year-old Gates, only one question mattered to gauge his business success: Are Microsoft products the embodiment of the dream of personal computers?

New questions

On his personal blog, Gates Notes, the businessman said that he still continues to evaluate his work at the end of each year, but the questions have changed. Here's what he's asking himself now:

Did I spend enough time with my family?

Did you learn a lot of new things?

Have you made new friends and been able to become even closer with old friends?

Gates is ready to admit that at the age of 25 these questions would only make him laugh. But at 63, they acquired special significance for him.

Bill Gates' friend Warren Buffett suggested another question to him that would allow him to evaluate the measure of success:

Do the people I care about give me love in return?

Assessing the quality of your life

Of course, when assessing personal success, it is necessary to look at our own career achievements, at the level of income we receive... But how many of us sit down and think about the quality of our lives?

For Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, the main measure of quality of life is the quantity and quality of the actions we perform that can have an impact. positive influence on other people's lives. And since you and I are not billionaires, we can start with our members own families, friends, colleagues and members of local communities. What are we doing to do better life people within our sphere of influence?

Warren Buffett is familiar with this principle. Here's his definition of success, which he once told a group of Georgia Tech students:

“When you get to my age, you will truly measure your success by the number of people you love and who also love you. This is the real test of how you have lived your life. Love can't be bought, and that's what it's all about main problem. The only way to receive love is to be responsive, kind, caring and loving. How more love you give, the more you receive.”

As the third richest person on the planet, Buffett lives by promoting and regularly engaging in philanthropy. For example, it follows a principle known as “Promised Contributions,” in which richest people people around the world donate most of their wealth to charity.

Bill Gates and his wife founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to “give love.” He has donated billions of dollars to improve health care, fight diseases, fight poverty and expand educational opportunities.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019

“Everything you resist makes you weaker. Whatever resonates with your soul makes you stronger.” — Wayne Dyer.

One of the very important life lessons that each of us should learn: we need to give up as soon as possible the desire to constantly complain about what we don’t like in the world around us, and about other people who do not behave in the way we consider acceptable.

We also need to stop constantly complaining about the current life situation or past events. It is worth realizing that sometimes our mind begins to distort reality. And it depends only on us what shade we will give to everything that we see around us - negative or positive.

And most importantly, we need to understand that we should not always believe in everything we think.

You should learn to always keep at least a distance arm's length everything that makes you unhappy, and everything that you don't really like. And bring closer to yourself what you really like. When you do this, you will soon realize that by doing so you have begun to attract many wonderful things, events and people into your life.

Simply by learning to switch your attention from the negative, or, say, from what you don’t like at all, or what you don’t want at all, to something positive. For what you really like, for what you really want. You will learn a lot about what really leads to happiness and how to achieve it for you.

In fact, our thoughts are simply incredibly powerful, they have enormous power of creation and creativity. Therefore, if we can direct our mind and way of thinking to work only and exclusively for our benefit, we will certainly be able to find happiness in the very near future.

Now read, understand and experience what the incredible and wonderful James Allen once said:

“When you think, you let your mind travel, and when you love, you attract something to you. Today you are where your thoughts took you, and tomorrow you will be where they take you.”


“Tell me about your worries, and I’ll tell you about mine,

Don't forget to make us coffee - this won't be a short moment,

I came here for you, but you came here for me,

And what are our worries? There is a restless glare on the water.

Complain to me about everything - about doubts, fears and pain.

I will listen to everything to the end - that’s my role...

And when you finish and listen to my life's riddles,

You will probably realize that you are, in fact, completely fine.

Remember, my friend, that I took away your pain,

I wrote down your complaints for a reason

Into a huge book - so that you can start all over again.

And when pain suddenly squeezes your chest again,

Take the book of your complaints off the shelf and read it again.

You will realize that your complaints are complete nonsense." ~ Anita Brown

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019


But you will not find death and life there, since such specific products are distributed by the head office located elsewhere.

Visitors to the store are told the cost of fulfilling their wishes. But despite having dreams, some people never look into the store, wondering how they can realize them without putting any effort into it.

The range of prices here is simply incredible. So, for the sake of a good job, you need to sacrifice certainty and stability in life, be ready to plan your life, believe in yourself and stop blindly following the orders of other people.

For power, you need to give up your beliefs, learn to find a logical explanation for everything, say “no” to others, know your own worth, and put your interests above those of others. And also to declare yourself, regardless of support or rejection from the outside.

There are also some pretty strange prices. For example, marriage can be purchased almost for nothing. But a happy marriage has a very high price, which implies personal responsibility for your happiness, the ability to enjoy life, awareness of your needs and what you want to achieve. And also - mastering the art of appreciating what you already have, recognizing your value, refusing the status of a “victim”. And in some cases, there is a risk of breaking off communication with some relatives and friends.

Not all store visitors who are eager to realize their dreams are willing to pay this price. At the sight of some price tags, someone simply turns around and leaves. Others spend a long time counting their “savings”, trying to figure out where they can raise the required amount.

There are also those who complain about inflated prices, asking for a discount for themselves, or are simply wondering when a sale is planned. And there are also individuals who are ready to spend absolutely all their money in order not only to get what they want, but also to package it in a beautiful wrapper.

A separate category of shoppers look with envy at happy customers who managed to fulfill their desire, mistakenly assuming that they realized their dream thanks to a personal acquaintance with the store owner. Or maybe because they know the secret of making wishes come true without any effort.

The store owner was approached many times with a request to review prices and reduce them in order to attract more visitors. But he refused, because if the prices were reduced, the quality of the desires provided could suffer significantly.

If the owner is asked whether he is afraid of bankruptcy, he just shakes his head and says that there will always be daredevils who are ready to take risks and turn their world upside down. Those who are not satisfied with a predictable and routine life, or those who really believe in themselves and are ready to spend energy and time to make their dream come true.

By the way, on the door of this very wish shop there is a tiny poster on which it was written: “If your dream has not come true, it means you have not paid for it yet.”

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019

Empaths have skills that everyone else wishes they had. Without a doubt, being a hyper-sensitive person in modern world- hard. However, this also has its own unique advantages.

Here are 4 superpowers that every empath has:

1. Mind reading.

Empaths tend to be very intelligent. They are able to determine the motives of others. They know how to distinguish bad from good. We can definitely say that this is a superpower!

2. The ability to recognize emotions and feelings.

Empaths are aware not only of their own feelings and emotions, but also of those around them.This ability could well be called another superpower of empathetic individuals. They are able to help not only themselves, but also others.

3. The ability to turn negative into positive.

Empaths are great at distinguishing negative from positive. This skill allows them to find something good in any situation. This is truly a wonderful skill in the modern world!

Anyone can benefit from spending time in the company of an empath. Do you feel bad or very upset? A true empath can fix this and lift your spirits. You will look at the situation from a completely different angle.

4. Application of skills in practice.

Well, the superpowers of empaths can actually be practiced with success. Such people know how to accurately “read” those around them, so by applying their skills, they can achieve great success. For example, in counseling, therapy and healing.

Yes and in everyday life their ability to empathize and love makes the lives of the people around them much better!

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019

More often than not, willpower is a function of success. It's easy to get things done when you enjoy what you're achieving. Here are some tips to help you achieve what you want.

Willpower is also a muscle; The more you train her, the stronger she becomes. But what if you need help getting things done right now? What if you can't wait for motivation to kick in? Start by organizing your life so that it supports your goals.

Eliminate unnecessary options

We have a limited supply of mental energy that we can spend on self-control. Some of us have more, some of us have less. But eventually everyone runs out of enthusiasm to fuel their willpower. Therefore, the more decisions we need to make in a day, the greater the load on the brain, and the more we need to look for shortcuts.

The fewer choices we face, the better our decisions will be. For example, is it difficult for you not to constantly check email. Then turn off all reminders about new letters and access your mail only when necessary. Make it difficult to check your email - then you will do it less often. Choice is the enemy of willpower (and accessibility and convenience).

Don't put it off until tomorrow

It is easier to make decisions if they are not urgent. For example, choose what you will wear tomorrow or what you will cook for breakfast or lunch the next day - and prepare these dishes the night before. Or you can choose when you will go in for sports tomorrow - and pack sportswear.

This way, tomorrow your mental energy can be saved for making really important decisions. The power of routine will not only make you more efficient, but it will also make important decisions easier to make. When there aren't too many decisions to make, it's easy to avoid the fatigue and burnout associated with making them.

Do the hardest thing first

According to science, we have the most energy in the morning. That's why best time for making difficult decisions - morning. Decide what difficult things lie ahead of you and do them first.

Create reminders for long-term goals

You want to lose weight, but when you're feeling mentally tired, it's easy to convince yourself that you'll start working out tomorrow instead of today. Mental fatigue makes you look for the easy way out—even though the easy way is usually the wrong way. The solution is simple: create reminders.

Someone attaches to the monitor a printout from the bank, which indicates the amount of his loan - in order to remember his obligation. Someone hangs a photo of themselves, 20 kilograms thicker, on the refrigerator as a reminder of what they no longer want to be.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019

Feel it inner freedom and your limitless creativity.

This meditation aims to help us move beyond our usual boundaries and open up to new possibilities. It connects us to the central channel of the body, where creativity lives and where clarity and self-confidence arise.

Practice it for 11 minutes to free up space for energy and fresh ideas.

  • Sit comfortably with your pelvis above your knees. Inhale through your nose, breathing deeply into your stomach. Feel how the light descends with the air. Exhale through your nose from bottom to top, feeling the light moving upward.
  • Then add sensitivity and listening with a simple mudra that enhances creative clarity. Gather your hands into a bowl shape in front of your heart - little fingers touching, palms facing up.
  • Breathe deeply into your belly through your nose and feel the quality of acceptance in your hands. Invite the source of your creativity into physical body, noticing any thoughts or sensations as they arise.
  • Welcome your breath and watch it become longer and calmer with each breath cycle. As you create more stability in your body and breath, you create fertile soil for the seeds of your creativity.
  • As you finish your meditation, imagine that you are inhaling light all the way down to your lower abdomen. Place your palms together in a prayer gesture (Anjali mudra) in front of your chest, at the level of your heart. Exhalation comes from the stomach, from bottom to top; pull your navel center towards your spine, imagining how the light brightly illuminates your entire being and the entire surrounding space.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019


Free yourself from guilt, accept yourself and feel your strength.

These 3 mantras will give you a feeling inner beauty and balance. You will be able to unleash your creative potential, realize your nobility and feel unconditional love to yourself.

Yogi Bhajan called these 3 affirmations the most powerful of all. Observe how the touch of the tongue to the roof of the mouth causes a vibration that balances all systems. These words will release your strength and the strength of every woman of your kind from the subconscious.


Sit in a comfortable position with a straight back, close your eyes, repeat affirmations from 3 to 31 minutes:

  • God created me as a woman.
  • To be a woman.
  • Now. Now. Now.

You can repeat it in the original if you know English language: “God made me a woman.” I am a woman to be. Now.Now. Now."

"God made me a woman"

This affirmation frees you from feelings of guilt, brings peace and a sense of satisfaction. If for some reason this particular wording does not suit you, change it so that you feel inner agreement.

"To be a woman"

This affirmation reveals your creativity, self-love, self-respect. She frees from internal conflict and crisis.

"Now. Now. Now"

This affirmation uplifts and helps you live face to face with the present. It gives strength of self-control and inner peace.

The material is compiled based on information from the book “I am a Woman” by Krishna Kaur.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019

Use the resourceful time of spring to feel alive and present.

If you don’t feel the joy of life and it seems to you that you are moving in a circle, these 5 steps will help you get out of a dead spot.

Get organized

Clear your space of everything that doesn't make you happy. Start cleaning out your wardrobe: feel free to get rid of everything that you haven’t worn for a long time, but “it’s a pity to throw it away, the thing seems good.” You can donate such clothes to a thrift store or give them to those in need.

Write down on a piece of paper all the qualities that you want to get rid of: for example, self-pity, being a victim, guilt, resentment, self-doubt, fear. List everything that prevents you from enjoying simple things - and burn this list.

Choose any meditation you like and do it every morning and every evening for 5 minutes for 3 weeks. Set the intention to open up to change, free yourself from old limiting programs and start laughing more.

Group energy can help you - create a community of like-minded people, even if it’s just your sister and best friend. And agree to talk every day about discoveries, share everything that comes to you in meditation.

Keep your promises

Right now, take a piece of paper and write down everything you once promised but didn’t complete. Include in this list promises to yourself, as well as children's desires and dreams.

In return, you will receive a release of energy and an influx of joy. And if old unfulfilled obligations have completely lost their relevance, write yourself a letter in which you remove old restrictions and obligations from yourself.

Allow yourself all emotions

Observe carefully all the emotions that come - and do not try to hold them back or somehow get rid of them. Give yourself permission to feel anger, give yourself permission to cry as much as you need.

Accept and love all your thoughts and decisions. Actions. Get in touch with your inner child and give it unconditional love and understanding.


The main task is to connect movement with breathing. Turn on some music you like and start moving as if you were dancing your healing and release.

Don't watch your movements - let them be as ridiculous or crazy as you like! But be careful not to hold your breath. After 5 minutes of this dance, the body itself will begin to guide you - and then liberation will definitely happen.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019


We often receive questions: “Why am I unable to achieve my goal? I do all the practices, work with intention, but nothing works! Well, when already..?”

You probably already guessed what the reason is. Yes - in most cases, nothing prevents us from achieving our desired goal. low level energy, no pendulums, no evil eye and no damage - namely, off-scale importance.

In Transurfing we call “importances”: fears, anxieties, doubts, indignation, dissatisfaction, irritation, restlessness, excitement, depression, confusion, despair, idealization, admiration, delight, disappointment, conceit, disgust, lust, impatience and a strong thirst to get something whatever you want.

However, we do not suggest that you fight with importance and try hard to suppress it, defeat it, get rid of it... We suggest that you first get to know it better so that it will be easier for you to “diagnose” certain manifestations of it in yourself.

And, having looked your “importances” and fears in the face, having realized them, it will be much easier for you to free yourself from them. Without fighting and suppressing emotions.


There are two types of importance: external and internal. External importance arises when you attach too much great value some events or objects of the surrounding world.

For example, you are going for an interview, business meeting, negotiations, presentation, speaking at a conference, exam - and you’re terribly worried. You overstate the importance of this event:

  • “What if I don’t succeed? What if everything doesn’t go according to plan?”;
  • “If I fail this exam/interview/negotiation, my life is over!”;
  • “I’ve been preparing for this my whole life!”

In itself, any event is neutral in its essence. And you can just go and take yours, what you want. Pass an interview, make a conclusion good deal, pass an exam, give a brilliant presentation... But you artificially inflate the importance and create excess potentials that can ruin the whole thing.

If you realize this in time, you will be able to bring your feelings and emotions into balance by performing the practice of Transurfing to reduce importance or by performing internal adjustments and changing your state to a more effective one.


Inner importance manifests itself as an overestimation of your strengths or weaknesses. It can greatly inflate your self-esteem or, conversely, give you a whole bunch of complexes.

In life, inner importance can take many different forms. For example, you decide that you do a very important job, that you are the most valuable employee of the company, and everyone else is no match for you.

Sooner or later, such a position will lead to the fact that the arrow of your own importance will begin to go off scale, equilibrium forces will arise, and you will get a slap on the nose. For example, make a serious mistake in your work and lose your bonus.

Or another example. Someone once told you that you have an ugly face/too tall/too short/an unpleasant voice. Or that you’re bad at your job/can’t do anything/total mediocrity.

Having succumbed to a sense of inner importance, you begin to look everywhere for confirmation of this, criticize yourself and engage in self-criticism, thereby programming yourself for failure and driving yourself into fears and depression.

Also, internal importance is the case when it seems to you that everyone is looking at you because: you have a stain on your jacket/a crease in your tights/a pimple on your forehead and so on. In fact, no one really cares about you - everyone is fixated only on themselves.

Manifestations of internal importance:

  • “I am a very important person!”;
  • “I am doing a terribly important job, no one can handle it except me”;
  • “Everyone notices what an ugly, squeaky voice I have, everyone laughs at me.”


Any importance - internal and external - makes your life very difficult. They are the very strings of the puppets to which the pendulums cling you. But there is good news: any importance is far-fetched. And you can refuse them at any time, simply by changing your attitude towards what is happening.

“Reducing your importance will not only significantly reduce the number of problems in your life. By giving up external and internal importance, you receive such a treasure as freedom of choice” (Vadim Zeland, “Reality Transurfing. Stage I”).

Think about it: maybe you don’t even notice how in everyday life this notorious importance becomes a stumbling block in realizing your true goals?

Right now we invite you to dive into yourself - and write down all your “importances” on a piece of paper in order to realize them and “face them.”

When you complete this practice, the sheet of paper can be burned and the “importance” can be reduced using Transurfing practices.

Publisher: Gaya - March 06, 2019


Dear women! This article is dedicated to you. Dear men! This article will help you better understand women in the New Age.

Each woman is unique in her essence, she is beautiful with her own special beauty, endowed with unique talents, has her own individual merits and wonderful traits of character, appearance, and Soul. However, in our world of pendulum systems that absorb our attention and impose on us stereotyped standards of beauty and standards of success, it is very easy to lose your true self and forget about your uniqueness.

Many girls and women constantly stumble over the same questions:

  • “How can I love and accept my body if I have a big nose/overweight/bow legs?”
  • “Do I deserve more if I still don’t understand what my purpose is?”
  • “As the years go by, wrinkles appear on my face, and it seems that I am missing something important.”
  • “How can I find myself, my path?”
  • “Will I be able to meet the man of my dreams and create a happy relationship?”
  • “Is it possible to be absolutely healthy and remain young?”

At some point you begin to feel that everything that happens to you is not your life. You feel that there is another reality in which you can be happy. But you don't understand how to get there. How to create a different life, filled with joy, love, harmony and prosperity?

Even if they tell you: “This is possible, especially now, in the energies of the New Time!”, your mind will not believe it. He will say “No” and give a huge number of reasons. And only your Soul knows and feels that before our eyes a time of powerful changes and positive transformations is coming, in which everything is truly possible!

I had such a period in my life that I simply smelled of negativity and pessimism. I passed it on and “poured” it onto those around me, which incredibly depressed and depressed me. It seemed as if a dark streak had come in life and there was no bright spot to be seen at all.

No, I won’t say that I have now become such a positive, driven and ever-blooming young lady. But I began to approach life and problems a little more simply.

There is still a lot of work ahead and I continue to change. I have my own problems and troubles, but I have become easier to perceive them as life experiences or a certain stage in my existence. I want to share with you my recently acquired and already established knowledge - how to approach life more simply. I learned some of these life positions from the book “Reality Transurfing” by Vadim Zeland.

We create problems for ourselves because they are important.

Have you ever thought about this proposal? But this is actually true. For example, I have a problem with a child’s developmental disabilities. I decided to assume that this problem would remain for the rest of my life and that it was all very serious. I’m not saying that you need to “score” and do nothing. You just have to stop thinking about it being a “problem.”

You won't believe it, but it really works. Once you remove the significance from a serious state of affairs, these very problems solve themselves. It seems to me that this happens because a person does not get hung up on what is happening, but tries to perceive everything as an ordinary reality, inevitable.

I held this view for quite a long time, but could not imagine it in practice. After all, just because I sit and think “oh, what a serious problem I have,” nothing will change. You just need to carry out the necessary actions, so to speak, go with the flow.

You can’t change reality, you have to choose what you need

The book contains very interesting example With exhibition hall. You are unhappy with something and want to change it. Nothing will work out for you if it is not within your power.

Imagine walking through a museum and not liking the exhibit. You wouldn't destroy it or ask for it to be removed, would you? It’s the same in life, if you understand that you are unable to change the state of things, just move on and choose the appropriate option for yourself that you will like.

Rent yourself out

I liked this phrase and life position the most :) The author suggests taking the role of an observer in your personal life. Notice that when you are sitting in line at the clinic and watching a lively and heated discussion, you are unlikely to worry too much, because it does not particularly concern you.

Try to put this technique into practice. Just be an observer of what is happening and it will become much easier. Don't take things too seriously in your own life.


One of my friends taught me this technique. They told her about it at a work training. Sometimes I use it in unpleasant situations. When it seems to me that what happened to me is simply catastrophic. Sometimes this happened to me at work.

Everyone knows the situation when a boss reprimands an employee for unsuccessful work. You need to imagine a vector from 0 to 100 in your mind and determine what number your work or specific situation is on (I had 30), and the loss loved one(I have 100).

Therefore, it is necessary to understand that work is just work. Of course, for some it is a favorite, but you need to remember about things that are much more important than work.

Irritation and rage in everyday life

We are all human and we tend to get angry. For example, you are in a crowded place and begin to get irritated for any reason. You cannot change the situation, so you can imagine that you are in Antarctica among penguins.

I tried to do this once, a smile immediately appeared on my face and my mood lifted. Or another option is to simply abstract yourself and think about something pleasant and bright.


I hope my tips will be useful to you in the future. Sometimes they really help me deal with troubles more simply. Maybe for someone they will become significant in life, as they became for me.

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All problems are in our head. And if you look at the situation from the outside through the eyes of another person, the circumstances will not seem terrifying. But in order to learn to cope with them, you need to work with yourself. And after you get out of the captivity of the “little things in life”, the world around us will no longer be difficult and cruel for you.

How to treat everything more simply: being your own friend

To avoid becoming a victim of “well-wishers,” look at what is happening from the outside. Imagine that you are the same friend who is being asked for advice. Take a break from what is happening and think about what you would say. There will be many options, but among them there will be one that will be the right decision.

How to treat everything more simply: “sleep with the problem”

When the same thought gnaws at you, you can only dream of inner harmony. If at this moment the right decision does not come to mind, take a break from everything. Do something that brings you pleasure. If you think that a swarm of thoughts on the same topic will help you understand what is happening, you are mistaken.

It’s not for nothing that psychologists say that you need to “sleep” with a thought that requires the correct answer. After all, the morning is wiser than the evening. Sometimes, in order to find insight, it is enough to simply let go of painful thoughts. And the answer will come to mind on its own.

How to treat everything more simply: not a flood

The habit of looking at everything with particular seriousness in many cases does not do a good deed. On the contrary, people who are accustomed to treating the world with manic thoroughness exhaust both themselves and those around them. (Read also).

As the heroine of Daria Dontsova’s novel, Dasha Vasilyeva, said, we grow old not because of physiology, but because own problems, which first “swarm around” in the head, and then appear on the face in the form of wrinkles.

Before putting yourself into a “mortuary” state, abstract yourself from the situation and think - is everything really that scary? Making mountains out of molehills is a favorite behavior pattern of alarmists. This applies not only to personal life, but also to work. There are professions that require enormous attention - doctor, rescuer, firefighter. The people who chose them are simply obliged to react quickly. If you are not responsible for human lives, then there is no need to be hysterical when the printer stops printing or the paper runs out. The technician will adjust the technique and you can continue.

It is important to learn not to get hung up on little things. Then life will become easier.

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