Tarot numerology by date of birth. Calculation of partnerships using tarot

Find out which Tarot card by date of birth applies to you! Calculating a personal Tarot card that influences life will be useful for those who want to know all their weaknesses and strengths. Compatibility analysis based on date of birth and Tarot cards will show the future of the relationship.

In the article:

Tarot card by date of birth - how to calculate it

In order to find out the Tarot cards that correspond to you by date of birth, you should make simple calculations. and numerology are closely related. Numerology by date of birth is considered accurate, because it is known that the date of birth includes information about past lives and about the fate of a person that awaits him in the present incarnation.

The easiest way to understand the calculations of Tarot arcana by date of birth is by example. Let's say fortune telling is carried out for a person who was born on July 25, 1996. There will be three numbers in total and, accordingly, three cards that affect it.

First number- this is the number of birth. If it is less than 22, you won’t have to carry out any manipulations with it, because it already corresponds to one of the arcana, of which, as we know, there are also 22. In our example, the person was born on the 25th, so you should subtract the number of arcana from him:

The first Tarot card by date of birth for this example is the third arcana, or the Empress.

Second Arcana by date of birth is calculated by adding all the numbers of the date of birth - day, month and year. In our example, the calculations would look like this:


As a result of calculating the second number, the result is almost always a number greater than the number of major arcana of the Tarot. Therefore, you should subtract 22 from it until you get a sum less than this value:


The second personal Tarot card by date of birth in our example is the seventeenth lasso, or Star.

Not all tarot readers also calculate third tarot card- lasso by date of birth. However, it also has an impact on a person’s life and his destiny, so it is by no means superfluous. Quite often the third number is the same as the second. This means that you have not three, but two personal cards. In order to recognize the third card, you need to bring the date, month and year of birth into correspondence with the arcana, but this time separately. In our example it looks like this:

1+9+9+6=25; 25-22=3

After this, the resulting three numbers need to be summed:


The third card in our example is the thirteenth lasso, or Death.

After calculating three or two cards that correspond to the direction of your entire life path, you can begin to decipher the Tarot arcana by date of birth. Each of them has its own meaning and influences different aspects of life in its own way.

Tarot Arcana by date of birth - decoding

Tarot numerology by date of birth suggests the presence of two or three cards that have different meaning. So, the first personal arcana has the most important. Its influence is most easily seen in a person's character. It is this lasso that has the greatest impact on the behavior of the fortuneteller. This is his mask, his social role, how others see you. The first lasso can also indicate the abilities and talents of a person given at birth.

The influence of the second lasso is difficult to notice, especially to unfamiliar people. Perhaps a person does not want to show this side of his nature to anyone at all. Its influence on fate is more significant than that of the first lasso. The second lasso represents a person’s path, his purpose and meaning of life. Its meaning will indicate the mission that you must complete in your current incarnation.

The third lasso is considered to complement the meanings of the previous two. It cannot be interpreted separately from other arcana. The influence of this lasso is the least manifested, and it practically does not manifest itself, but the influence is still there.

What do the Tarot Arcana mean by date of birth?

Every Tarot Card Has Two Sides of Meaning - light and dark. It depends only on the person which path he decides to take. Both its two sides, or only one, can appear.

  1. Magician - sociability, a penchant for creativity, a craftsman with golden hands. There are magical abilities. Most often he chooses the position of manager or administrator and is involved in organizing the work process. Dark side Maga - cunning, machinations, fraud, desire to live at someone else's expense. In this case, there are no magical abilities, but he can engage in charlatanism.
  2. Priestess - sensitivity, helpfulness, chastity, a good psychologist, teacher or medium. The dark side of the Priestess is black magic, tearfulness, loves to complain about life. She is unpredictable, but not too smart.
  3. Empress - good mother and a wife (or father and husband), a realist, a good income, sexuality and fertility. Dark Empress - despotism, childlessness, reluctance to start a family, excesses, open relationships, inability to control oneself.
  4. Emperor - discipline and order, activity and energy. Most likely, he occupies a high position, a leader or a politician. Dark Emperor - stubbornness, aggression, despotism, tediousness and pedantry, excess energy.
  5. Hierophant - knows how to listen and give advice. Can be a clergyman, a teacher, a psychologist - there is all the data for this. The Dark Hierophant is a bad adviser and a liar who cannot find his way. He is unspiritual or uses spiritual ideals to cover up the true motives of his actions.
  6. Lovers - sociability, charm, kindness and sexuality. He has many friends, but has problems with his personal life - love triangles, inability to start a family. Dark Lovers - tightness, complexes, especially related to relationships. Uncertainty and indecision, the need to constantly make choices.
  7. Chariot - courage, confidence, activity. Constantly on the move, traveling a lot, frequent changes in life. Dark Chariot - either laziness, cowardice and stagnation, or excessive activity and restlessness.
  8. Justice - coldness, balance, decency, clear mind. Often associated with law enforcement, law enforcement, and jurisprudence. Dark Justice - bias, low morality, own laws, heavy karma.
  9. Hermit - wisdom, love of solitude, calmness, prudence, desire for knowledge and spiritual quest. There are magical and clairvoyant abilities, as well as the makings of a psychologist. Dark Hermit - complex, selfishness, embitterment and gloominess. There are mental and communication problems.
  10. - a lucky optimist, a lot of trips and trips, an active lifestyle. The Dark Wheel of Fortune is a lazy person and a fatalist, a passive person who is afraid of his future, but does not want to change it.
  11. Strength - energy, determination, confidence, sexuality, love of sports, competition, power. Dark Power - either spinelessness, or aggressiveness, instability and problems in sexual life.
  12. Hanged Man - wisdom, slowness, love of creativity. The beginning of life is usually difficult, but with age everything normalizes. Dark Hanged Man - illusions, laziness, despondency, possible disability.
  13. Death - strong personality with magical abilities, career - most likely military. There may be many traumas, dangers and trials, especially in youth. Dark Death is either self-destruction or the goal of causing harm to others. Alcoholism or drug addiction, mental problems, involvement in crime.
  14. Moderation - love for animals, calmness, gentleness and kindness. Dark Moderation - either passivity, or imbalance and a tendency to go to extremes.
  15. The devil is a good psychologist, financier, seducer, leader. Have magical abilities. Often chooses a career as a bank employee, manager, or psychologist. The Dark Devil is either a manipulator, a cunning and insidious person with obvious strategist abilities, or a person dependent on anything, for example, a gamer, an alcoholic, a drug addict.
  16. Tower - activity, activity, love of change, frequent mood swings, touchiness and sensitivity. Often gets injured. The Dark Tower - aggression and crime, possible mental problems and dangers. It is better for the bearer of the Dark Tower not to choose risky professions, it is too dangerous.
  17. Star - spirituality, sophistication, Creative skills. Most likely we're talking about about a writer or poet. Dark Star - laziness, mundaneness, rudeness, dislike of art.
  18. Moon - creative talent, most likely vocal or acting. There are very strong extrasensory inclinations. Can be good psychologist. Dark Moon - illusion, fears and phobias, impracticality, addiction to alcohol and drugs.
  19. The sun - the desire to be in the center of attention, enjoying comfort. The work is most likely related to creativity, fame, perhaps show business. Dark Sun - either selfishness, or uncertainty, complexes and timidity.
  20. Judgment - spirituality and wisdom. In their youth they may suffer from insecurity, but with age this goes away when they gain recognition from others. Dramatic changes and moving to another country are possible. Dark Court - laziness, false ideals, bad karma, changeable life, instability.
  21. The world is a stable and measured course of life, pure karma, a strong guardian angel, in general, it is one of the most successful cards by date of birth. Dark World - uncertainty, escape from problems, laziness, such a person misses all the chances given to him.
  22. Jester - old soul with huge psychic abilities. An innovator, a discoverer, a person with an unusual destiny. A penchant for travel, creative abilities. Dark Jester - eccentricity, nervousness, stupidity, lack of purpose, mental problems.

Compatibility by date of birth - Tarot for relationship prediction

In order to find out compatibility by date of birth and Tarot, you will need the birth dates of two people. This method of predicting relationships is one of the most accurate, because it includes both the numerological aspect and the use of an ancient fortune-telling system, which is respected by the most famous magicians of our time and the Middle Ages.

Like the previous ones, we propose to analyze these calculations using an example. Suppose they are held for people who were born 25.07.1996 And 16.09.1995 . Fortune telling for compatibility using Tarot cards and date of birth begins with the calculation second personal arcana according to the above method:

2+5+7+1+9+9+6=39; 39-22=17
1+6+9+1+9+9+5=40; 40-22=18

To predict relationships using numerology and tarot cards, you should get four numbers. First number will give general characteristics relations, as well as the atmosphere that will prevail in this union. To do this, it is necessary to sum up the personal arcana of the partners. In our example, the calculations will be as follows:

17+18=35; 35-22=13, the first lasso for calculating compatibility is Death.

Second card will tell you what the first partner will get from this relationship. To do this, the first lasso is added to his personal one, obtained above:

13+17=30; 30-22=8, the second lasso is Strength.

Third card talks about what the second partner will receive from the union. It is calculated similarly to the second map:

13+18=31; 31-22=9 , third lasso - The Hermit.

Fourth card shows the outcome of the relationship. In order to get it, you need to add all three numbers obtained earlier:

13+8+9=30; 30-22=8 , fourth lasso - Strength.

The tarot card readings that will reflect your union can indicate what your relationship is like and what your future together will be like.

Compatibility by Tarot cards and date of birth - the meaning of the arcana

  1. The magician is a favorable union, provided that one of the partners learns to give in to the other. The struggle for leadership, quarrels and scandals, finding out who is the head of the family. Selfishness can lead to breakup.
  2. Priestess - coldness, closedness and detachment. Unfavorable alliance, loneliness together.
  3. Empress - warmth, love, support, care. Favorable prognosis, overall affection, passion and desire to start a family.
  4. The Emperor - on the one hand, a stable relationship with a man in the role of head of the family, and on the other - boredom, formalism and lack of emotional warmth.
  5. Hierophant - common interests and topics of conversation. A union of like-minded people, spiritual closeness, age difference, but there may be no passion.
  6. Lovers are an emotional, stormy and passionate relationship. However, there is a high probability of an opponent appearing, lack of stability and superficiality.
  7. Chariot - instability, frivolity, unwillingness to live together. If the other cards are favorable, a strong relationship is possible, and instability is reflected in one of the periods of the relationship.
  8. Strength is the struggle between partners for dominance. Both dominate and try to subjugate their partner, have a strong character and ambitions. There is passion and interest in each other. This card is neutral, a compromise will lead to a favorable outcome, its absence will lead to a break.
  9. Hermit - lack of understanding and common topics for conversation; these people are not interested in being together. Lack of relationships as such unrequited love, divorce some time after the wedding.
  10. Wheel of Fortune - financial situation plays big role, perhaps we are talking about a marriage of convenience. The union may be unstable, but there is a chance of starting a family.
  11. Justice is a calculation, but not always material, for example, choosing a partner according to his qualities without the influence of feelings and emotions. A marriage of obligation, common debt, good contact between partners is possible, but without any special emotions.
  12. Hanged Man - the relationship has reached a dead end. There are two options - access to new level the efforts of both partners or a break, the desire to find something completely different.
  13. Death - in an unfavorable environment, instability that will lead to separation. In a favorable one - temporary difficulties that will be dealt with.
  14. Moderation - family happiness without much passion or vivid emotions. Calm, smooth relationships, stability, understanding, comfort, common goals and respect.
  15. The devil is a complex relationship, when it’s bad together and it’s impossible to be apart. Common obligations without a relationship are possible - common children after a divorce, for example, or reluctance to get a divorce due to stability financial situation married. Often the Devil indicates relationships without obligations with heavy attachment to each other, a desire to possess a person.
  16. The tower is a perfect union different people. There are no points of contact, but there are quarrels, disagreements, and misunderstandings. Most likely, this relationship will not work out.
  17. The star is friendship and warmth, but there is no close emotional connection. Perhaps this is a union of people who are married to other partners, or maybe a long-distance relationship.
  18. Moon - betrayal and temptation, lies, misunderstanding, understatement. This relationship can bring a lot of mental suffering.
  19. Sun - both partners are happy with the union. Honesty, understanding, friendship. Often a fleeting marriage, almost immediately after meeting, as well as the appearance of children soon after the wedding.
  20. Judgment is a karmic relationship that forces partners to learn a certain life lesson. Relationships will inevitably become ballast and end in breakup, there is tension and problems in general.
  21. Peace - happiness, harmony, love. An extremely favorable union.
  22. Jester - instability and frivolity, the desire for freedom and independence. Relationships without obligations, carelessness, lack of responsibility.

In general, cards corresponding to dates of birth can tell a lot about both the character of people and their fate and purpose. Using numerology and the Tarot divination system, you can also find out how compatible you are with your partner and what the future holds for your relationship.

Simple compatibility calculation

This technique can be used not only to analyze love relationships, but also to consider any partnerships - friendly, business, family, etc.
This method helps to quickly draw the necessary conclusions about possible problems in partnership and about the prospects of relationships.
Of course it's only preliminary analysis, if you see some problems, do not rush to draw terrible conclusions. Here we will see the roughest, most general moments of relationships, but sometimes this is enough. As in any technique where Tarot cards are used, you need to approach the issue creatively, include intuition, there are no very strict rules, but to interpret the layout you need to have a good understanding of the basic archetypes of the 22 major arcana and know the meanings of the minor arcana.
I’ll show you how to calculate compatibility at specific example. Let's take two famous people- Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov
Alla was born - 04/15/1949
Philip - 04/30/1967
1) We need to calculate the number of fate and transfer it to one of the major arcana of the Tarot. I have already written about this before, here we will use only one specific method. You need to add up all the numbers of the date of birth, if the final number is greater than 22, then subtract 22 and get one of the cards of the major arcana.
Alla - 1+5+4+1+9+4+9 = 33 - 22 = 11 Strength
Philip - 3+4+1+9+6+7 = 30 - 22 = 8 Justice
This is one of the main cards in the fate of every person; it largely describes character, purpose of life, mission, etc. But that’s not about that now, we will use this number to determine the characteristics of relationships between people.
2) To determine compatibility, we do simple calculations.
A) We add up the fate numbers of both partners, here, as elsewhere, if the result is more than 22, then subtract 22. I won’t write further about this, remember this rule.
11 + 8 = 19 Sun
B) Add the resulting number A with the fate number of the first person.
19 + 11 = 30 - 22 = 8 Justice
C) Add the resulting number A with the fate number of the second person
19 + 8 = 27 - 22 = 5 Dad
D) Add up all three numbers A + B + C
19 + 8 + 5 = 32 - 22 = 10 Fortune
Position meaning
A is a general characteristic of the relationship that this union brings. This card describes the general compatibility between partners.
Of course, in this position it is desirable to have “good” cards, since the durability of the alliance and its quality depend on this. I already wrote that among the major arcana there are not very good cards, it is better not to have them in this position.
22 - Jester
9 - Hermit
12 - Hanged Man
13 - Death
15 - Devil
16 - Tower
18 - Moon
20 - Court
B - what the first partner will receive from this relationship, how he perceives the other.
Q - what the second partner will receive from this relationship, how he perceives the other half.
G is the result of the relationship, where everything can lead. This is also a very important card.
Let's now analyze the relationship between Alla and Philip.
A - 19 Sun. Excellent card, joy, happiness, optimism. The sun is associated with creativity, so the union is certainly creative. Vibrant relationships.
B - 8 Justice. What does Alla get from this relationship? Hardly here great love, it’s a very earthly map. This is a definite benefit, clearly calculated steps, good plan. On the other hand, this card is karmic, so for her this is a non-random relationship.
B - 5 Dad. What does Philip get out of this relationship? The card in love readings says that the partner will be older in age - for sure! Further, this is also not a particularly love card, but rather a partner for him - good teacher, mentor.
G - 10 Fortune. The result of a relationship is, first of all, money, success, fame, fame. And this, apparently, was also laid down by fate, because Fortune is a card of karma. Both deserve it.
It will be interesting to see Pugacheva’s relationship with another young man?! Maxim Galkin - 06/18/1976
Galkin's destiny number - 1+8+6+1+9+7+6 = 38 - 22 = 16 Tower
A - 11 + 16 = 27 - 22 = 5 Dad
B - 5 + 11 = 16 Tower
B - 5 + 16 = 21 World
G - 5 + 16 + 21 = 42 - 22 = 20 Court
It immediately catches your eye - again 5 Pope, this time as a general assessment of the union. When Dad falls into this position in a relationship, someone is always a student and someone is a teacher. Just remember this. And often there is an age difference, by the way.
For Alla, this union is not very good (16 Tower), it can undermine her authority and negatively affect her fate. The tower is associated with struggle, ambition; in such an alliance there is a danger that your partner will sooner or later throw you down. It is also a danger to real estate. I have seen the Tower deal with serious real estate litigation on more than one occasion.
For Maxim, on the contrary, this alliance is very profitable - World 21. Naturally, with such a map his popularity will increase sharply, he will be able to achieve some very big goals. Then, this card is connected with abroad and this union will facilitate trips abroad or purchases of real estate abroad.
As in the relationship with Kirkorov, the final karmic card is 20 Judgment. How not everything is by chance in the life of Alla Borisovna! :-)))
Let's look at another interesting union, not a love one.
Vladimir Putin - 10/7/1952
Dmitry Medvedev - 09.14.1965
Putin's destiny number is 7+1+1+9+5+2 = 25 - 22 = 3 Empress
Medvedev's fate number - 1+4+9+1+9+6+5 = 35 - 22 = 13 Death
By the way, Medvedev has an interesting number of fate. Good example, when with such a complex lasso you can take such a position. Although, I think the negative of Death will play out in his destiny sooner or later. I have very often seen examples of how this card gives a sharp, unexpected rise, but also an equally sharp fall.
Let's move on to calculating compatibility.
A - 3 + 13 = 16 Tower
B - 16 + 3 = 19 Sun
B - 16 + 13 = 29 - 22 = 7 Chariot
G - 16 + 19 + 7 = 42 - 22 = 20 Court
Again the final karmic card 20 Judgment catches your eye! Relationships are fateful, not accidental. Looking ahead, we can say that the result of such cooperation will be big, dramatic changes, some kind of revival.
Although, the union itself is quite complex - 16 Tower. This card is of great ambition, struggle (Mars). And under certain circumstances, someone can throw someone down.
What's good about this example? The overall compatibility is not very positive (Tower), but look at positions B and C. Both partners will benefit greatly from this union. Medvedev receives the 7th Chariot - promotion, victory, winning, achieving big goals. And Putin - 19 Sun - new personality development, flourishing, popularity.
Another famous union.
Princess Diana - 1.7.1961
Prince Charles - 11/14/1948
Diana's destiny number - 1+7+1+9+6+1 = 25 - 22 = 3 Empress
Charles' destiny number is 1+4+1+1+1+9+4+8 = 29 - 22 = 7 Chariot
A - 3 + 7 = 10 Fortune
B - 10 + 3 = 13 Death
B - 10 + 7 = 17 Star
G - 10 + 13 + 17 = 40 - 22 = 18 Moon
I didn’t specifically select these examples, I just took them at random and again KARMA! Fortune will also indicate that money and material things play a strong role in relationships. This, by the way, is not always bad; you should always look at the other cards. And in in this case they are very eloquent.
Diana gets 13 Deaths from this relationship! Firstly, this is one of the powerful indications of divorce. Secondly, this is certainly a complex relationship. Astrological correspondence of the card is Scorpio. A sign of strong, deep feelings, anxiety, danger, etc.
For Charles, this relationship is much more positive. Let's just say his star shone even brighter thanks to Diana.
The final map we see is the 18th Moon. A card with a negative connotation. From the practice of this technique, if in love relationships If the Moon falls out, then there may be interference from another woman or a strong influence from the mother. It is also a card of deception, betrayal, and betrayal. Well, everything is clear here.
I think these examples have convinced you of the high effectiveness of this interesting technique. But her possibilities don’t end there. We can look not only at the relationship between two people, but also at the relationship of a certain group. Here it is most interesting to consider family relationships. Many things immediately become clear. Let's look at it again with an example. This is an example from my practice.
Analysis of family relationships
Mom - 03/12/1949
Dad - 07/1/1950
Son - 08/22/1972
Mother's destiny number - 1+2+3+1+9+4+9 = 29 - 22 = 7 Chariot
Father's destiny number - 1+7+1+9+5 = 23 - 22 = 1 Magician
Son's destiny number - 2+2+8+1+9+7+2 = 31 - 22 = 9 Hermit
The calculation method is very simple
A - add up the numbers of all members of the group - 7 + 1 + 9 = 17 Star
B - A + number of the first person - 17 + 7 = 24 - 22 = 2 Priestess (mother)
B - A + number of the second person - 17 + 1 = 18 Moon (dad)
G - A + number of the third person - 17 + 9 = 26 - 22 = 4 Emperor (son)
D - the total of all numbers - 17 + 2 + 18 + 4 = 41 - 22 = 19 Sun
The interpretation of the positions here is the same. A - general description union. Further, how each member of the union behaves in the group, what he receives from the group. D is the result of the relationship of this group, the future.
The family here is quite prosperous - 17 Star. The relationship is friendly and warm, although there is no particularly close emotional connection.
Mom fits into this relationship very harmoniously - 2 Priestess. She plays the role of the mother of the family perfectly. But the father’s position is not so good - 18th Moon. The Moon is a female card, so its position here is somewhat out of place. You probably already guessed how this was expressed in reality. Father has weak character and cannot cope with the male role in the family. There is a penchant for alcohol. There were also betrayals. And my son has 4 Emperor. The son took on the function of the man in the house, but while he was little, he behaved very impudently, did not obey, and had difficulties with his upbringing. Mom tried to take control, but this only worsened the relationship with her son. If you are interested, separately calculate the relationships in this family between son and mother, between mother and father. This will also explain a lot.
From this analysis we see that the difficulties in the family are largely related to the position of the father, which is why the son behaves accordingly. This is a very interesting effect. While the son lived in the family, the parents did not divorce, although there were many attempts. But then the son himself got married and left home. Less than a year later, my parents divorced. How can this be explained from the point of view of this technique? The final family card is 19 Sun. She says that, despite the difficulties, the family will not fall apart. When my son left, the energy in the house changed. Mom and dad were left alone. Look at their compatibility and you will understand why the marriage fell apart. A very instructive example.

Arcana of the Tarot and the number of fate, how to find out more about your life!

I have been studying numerology for a long time and discovered a very interesting connection between numbers and the major arcana of the Tarot. According to classical numerology, by adding up all the numbers of the date of birth, you can thus obtain the DESTINY NUMBER, which will characterize the fate and main direction of the life of its owner. And then I thought, why not connect this number with one of the major arcana of the Tarot.
By date of birth, you can determine several important arcana that will influence a person’s entire life. If you are new to tarot cards, then first you need to have a good understanding of the meaning of the 22 arcana. Otherwise you will get confused in interpretations. I will give at the end of the article brief description based on your own experience, but the more you understand and feel the arcana, the more deeply you will be able to understand fate and life path person.
1) The first lasso is calculated very simply. This is the number of birth (we do not take the month and year). If the number is up to 22, then everything is clear. A person was born on the 8th of any month - his lasso is JUSTICE. Born 18 - MOON. If the number is greater than 22, then you need to SUBTRACT 22. This rule applies to all further calculations! For example, someone was born on 27, 27-22=5 - his lasso is PAPA. And so on.
This is one of the most important indicators. Firstly, it is very easy to calculate, and secondly, it is usually strongly manifested in a person’s character and behavior. We can say that this is a mask, a social role. The way others see us. This lasso can tell about a person’s abilities and talents. It is best used when calculating compatibility. Fast and convenient.
2) The second lasso of birth is calculated as follows. You need to write down all the numbers of your date of birth (without zeros) in a row and add them up. If the final number is greater than 22, subtract 22 until you get the lasso. For example, 17.3.1983 - 1+7+3+1+9+8+3 = 32-22=10 - WHEEL OF FORTUNE. I hope you understand.
This lasso is less noticeable at first glance in a person, but it has a more noticeable influence on fate. This is the road along which a man is walking. This is his highest purpose, his true self. Pay special attention to the interpretation of this lasso. Try to understand how it affects you, what it gives, what is your mission on this earth.
3) The third lasso is additional, sometimes it can be counted, sometimes it will be equal to the second lasso. To find the third arcana, you need to separately bring the day, month and year of birth to some of their 22 arcana, and then add all three, and, if in the end, the number is greater than 22, then subtract 22. I will explain with an example. Someone was born on 2/24/1976. 24 (day)-22=2 - PRIESTESS. 2 (month) - PRIESTESS, 1976 (year) =23-22=1 - MAG. As a result, we get - PRIESTESS (2) + PRIESTESS (2) + MAGIC (1) = 5 PAPA. This is the third lasso.
It is similar in meaning to the second lasso of birth, but less manifested and gives some additions. It cannot be considered separately from the first two arcana.
In calculations, I always give Jester number 22, JUSTICE - 8, and STRENGTH -11. Sometimes in different systems There is some confusion about this.
And now, having calculated the number of people whose relationships you want to look at, you need to add the individual numbers together (examples were given above by Sympinno).
Number meanings:
1 - In such relationships there will always be a question of leadership. Someone, usually a man, will strive to lead the relationship, impose his will and his laws. Try not to conflict about this, it will not lead to anything good. Relationships are creative, interesting, a lot depends on the mood of the partners, a lot can be changed. It is good for you to engage in joint creativity.
2 - Soft, harmonious relationships. Soul kinship. You understand each other perfectly. Each partner is rich inner world, strong imagination. This is a very favorable relationship.
3 - Good relationship. Which most often lead to marriage. Maybe the birth of a child. Relationships that bring money and stability. However, don't let others interfere in your life. Especially mothers. In this union main role a woman will play.
4 - Relationships. In which the main role is played by a man. Lots of passion and emotions. Don't let jealousy ruin everything. You will want to completely own your loved one, and this is selfishness. Don't let gossip ruin your union.
5 - An important union in your life. Humans will play a significant role. Social differences can get in the way here. Or a difference in interests, outlook on life. Your partner will become your teacher and advisor. Or you will become his guiding star.

7 - Very dynamic relationships, a lot of changes, trips, communication. Lots of inconstancy. There may be betrayals. Usually such relationships end quickly. Don't rush into making an important decision about your loved one! High chance of error.
8 - This is more of a business union than a love one. Karmic relationships. In a past life, you did something wrong to each other. In this life you must work out your mistakes. Such relationships are difficult to break. We need to work on ourselves. You shouldn't change your partner.
9 - Difficult relationships. Everyone for themselves. You may feel very lonely in this union. Lack of affection, attention, warmth. Such an alliance eventually falls apart. This is also unrequited love. You love, but you don’t! Or vice versa!

11 - Difficult relationships. Both partners have very a strong character. Everyone is trying to dominate. Hence the conflicts and discord. Third parties may intervene. Treason. We need to adapt to each other, find a compromise. Otherwise the relationship will fall apart. Very good compatibility in sex.
12 - You will go to great lengths for this relationship. It's always sacrifices. You can endure a lot for the sake of your love. This is a complex, karmic relationship. Unrequited feelings. Grievances. Misunderstanding. This relationship will leave a deep imprint on your soul.
13 - Bad alliance. Sooner or later it will fall apart like a house of cards. Energy incompatibility between partners. Dangerous relationship. Violence in marriage.

16 - Very unstable relationships. Constant swearing, quarrels. As a result, divorce. You don't fit in with each other. The relationship is dangerous for both partners. Strong influence loved ones can provide. Energy vampirism.

The following arcana indicate karmic relationships:
5 Dad is an educational union, someone is a teacher, someone is a student.
8 Justice is the main card of karma, what you sow is what you reap! It is important to comply moral principles In a relationship, cheating is unacceptable. You need to learn to maintain balance.
10 Wheel of Fortune - a fateful marriage, it can be very good or very bad, you need to look at the other arcana. Often gives uncontrollable relationships, everything can change in one moment. Strong craving for freedom and independence. The distance that will constantly separate the lovers.
12 Hanged Man - a difficult relationship, you want to escape from it, but you can’t. Until the sacrifice is made. Strong karmic card.
13 Death is a very complex relationship, again a karmic debt. One of the partners could have greatly offended the other in a past life, even killed. Violence in family.
15 The devil is manipulation, also a karmic card. Sexual addiction, sometimes monetary. It is also difficult to break such a relationship until the person understands and forgives.
16 Tower - I don’t consider it a karmic card, but it greatly spoils relationships, constant quarrels, conflicts, showdowns, and can lead to violence or even widowhood. If there are a lot of karmic cards in the calculations plus the Tower, then it greatly spoils the picture.
20 Judgment is also a strong karmic card, indicating that souls have already met in a past life. This union needs to undergo a great transformation, otherwise there will be a divorce.
22 The Jester is not exactly a karmic card, but in the negative it can cause a lot of problems in relationships. Treason, desire for freedom, infantilism, sexual deviations.

Tarot Compatibility

1 - In such relationships there will always be a question of leadership. Someone, usually a man, will strive to lead the relationship, to impose his will and his laws. Try not to conflict about this, it will not lead to anything good. Relationships are creative, interesting, a lot depends on the mood of the partners, a lot can be changed. It is good for you to engage in joint creativity.

2 - Soft, harmonious relationships. Soul kinship. You understand each other perfectly. Each partner has a rich inner world and a strong imagination. This is a very favorable relationship.

3 - Good relationships that most often lead to marriage. Maybe the birth of a child. Relationships that bring money and stability. However, don't let others interfere in your life, especially your mother. In this union, the woman will play the main role.

4 - Relationships in which the main role is played by a man. Lots of passion and emotions. Don't let jealousy ruin everything. You will want to completely own your loved one, and this is selfishness. Don't let gossip ruin your union.

5 - An important union in your life. This person will play a significant role. Social differences can get in the way here. Or a difference in interests, outlook on life. Your partner will become your teacher and advisor. Or you will become his guiding star.

6 - The most harmonious of all unions. These are the strongest marriages. Mutual love, harmony and tranquility. However, at first it may be difficult to fully understand each other. Don't worry, everything comes with time.

7 - Very dynamic relationships, a lot of changes, trips, communication. Lots of inconstancy. There may be betrayals. Usually such relationships end quickly. Do not rush into making an important decision about your loved one, as there is a high chance of error.

8 - This is more of a business union rather than a love one. Or - karmic relationships. In a past life, you did something wrong to each other. In this life you must work out your mistakes. Such relationships are difficult to break. We need to work on ourselves. You shouldn't change your partner.

9 - Difficult relationships - everyone for themselves. You may feel very lonely in this union. Lack of affection, attention, warmth. Such an alliance eventually falls apart. This is also unrequited love. You love, but you don’t! Or vice versa!

10 - a very happy relationship. She will bring success and good luck. A person is sent into your life as a lifeline. It will greatly expand the horizons of your capabilities. It can also be a relationship of convenience. In any case, everything will end well!

11 - Difficult relationships. Both partners have very strong characters. Everyone is trying to dominate. Hence the conflicts and discord. Third parties may intervene. Treason. We need to adapt to each other, find a compromise, otherwise the relationship will fall apart. Very good compatibility in sex.

12 - You will go to great lengths for this relationship. It is always a sacrifice. You can endure a lot for the sake of your love. These are complex, karmic relationships, unrequited feelings, resentments, misunderstandings. This relationship will leave a deep imprint on your soul.

13 - Bad alliance. Sooner or later it will fall apart like a house of cards - there is energetic incompatibility between partners. Dangerous relationship. Possible violence in marriage.

14 - Calm, even relationships. This is one of the best compatibility options. You understand each other, there are common goals, common interests. Long and stable relationship.

15 - Danger! Such an alliance is built on manipulation and blackmail. One of the partners tied up another. Severe sexual addiction. Perversions. Black magic. Love spell! Try not to connect your life with this person.

16 - Very unstable relationships. Constant swearing, quarrels. The result is divorce. You don't fit in with each other. The relationship is dangerous for both partners. Close people can have a strong influence. Energy vampirism.

17 - A wonderful union. You complement each other well. A man has been sent to you by your guardian angel. Great future. Collaborative creativity.

18 - There are many misconceptions and illusions in relationships. You haven’t fully understood who is next to you. Deception of treason. Get down to the ground. The danger of making the wrong choice. You cannot use magic to harmonize relationships. Especially the black love spell!

19 - Great. Warm and harmonious relationships. The birth of healthy and happy children. Real love. Understanding. Support.

20 - At the first stage, such relationships can be quite complex. You will adapt to each other. However, very quickly the problems will fade into the background. will appear strong feelings. Overall this is a good relationship. The main thing is to give time to get used to each other. This is a loyal friendship.

21- Peace, tranquility, harmony. Strong marriage. Serious intentions. Taking care of each other. Excellent energy compatibility.

22 - Very unpredictable relationships. Thirst for freedom. Your partner may be a very unconventional person. This is a volcano that can explode at any moment. It takes a lot of effort to make this relationship smooth and calm. Divorce is likely!

The most favorable relationships are 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 14, 17, 19, 21
Most unfavorable relationships - 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 22

Relationship compatibility can be tested different ways- according to the horoscope, with the help of fortune telling, according to the lines on the hands. One of the most reliable ways is Tarot card calculation. Using the date of birth of both partners and a deck of cards, you can calculate the nature of the relationship, the combination of two personalities and the future of their family.

Compatibility by date of birth

To calculate compatibility, you need to calculate the Tarot card that matches your union. To do this, you need to add the numbers of your own date of birth and the numbers of your partner’s date of birth. For example, you were born on September 12, 1987, and your chosen one was born on October 1. 1986.

Note! If the resulting numbers are greater than 22, then you need to subtract 22 from each. It turns out: 37-22 = 15; 26 – 22 = 4.

We get the number of the first lasso Tarot. Let's add these two numbers: 15+4 = 19. This is the number of the card, which gives a general description of the relationship. He also describes the atmosphere that reigns between partners in family life. IN in this example this lasso is the Sun.

Second lasso shows what you will get from this relationship, how it will affect you. To get the number of the second arcana, take the summed number of your date of birth and add to it the first number received. In the example given, it would look like this: 15+19 = 34; 34-22 = 12. The twelfth lasso is the Hanged Man.

Third card shows what your partner will get from the relationship. You need to calculate the number of this lasso in the same way as shown above, only you need to take into account the number of your partner’s date of birth. Example: 4+19 = 23; 23-22 = 1 . Number 1 corresponds to the Magic card.

Fourth card will talk about the outcome of the relationship. To calculate this lasso, you need to add up all three numbers obtained: 19+12+1 = 32; 32-22 = 10 . The tenth arcana in the Tarot deck is the Wheel of Fortune.

Compatibility in love and marriage

If you want to know How will your family life turn out? with a specific person, then you need to again refer to the calculations made above. Take the first number of the lasso, which describes the general nature of the relationship, and add it with the fourth number, which describes the outcome of the relationship. Example: 19+10 = 29; 29-22 = 7 . Seven corresponds to the Arcana Chariot. By her description one should judge compatibility in marriage.

There are also many secrets hidden in a person’s name and useful information, as in date of birth. As in the calculation by date of birth, the result of the calculation is the definition of the lasso, which describes the nature of the relationship between two people. To calculate compatibility the letters of the name (yours and your chosen one) need to be converted into numbers.

If you want to get more accurate information, then you need to convert not only names, but also surnames and patronymics into numbers. Each number corresponds to several letters:

Here's an example: Anna and Yuri. We calculate the number for Anna: A – 1, N – 6, N – 6, A – 1; 1+6+6+1 = 14. We calculate the number for the name Yuri: Y – 5, R – 9, I – 1; J – 2; 5+9+1+2 = 17.

The meaning of the cards

Number 1 – Magician

Map of wisdom and experience. Good compatibility in relationships and marriage. This is a tandem of two independent and independent people who can stand up for themselves and their point of view. In such a couple, problems may arise due to the desire for leadership of both partners.

They need to learn to give in to each other in order to achieve harmony in the union. The first thing that lovers need to determine is who is boss in the house.

Number 2 – Priestess

Arcana of mystery and cunning. Poor compatibility, even on initial stages relationships. There will be a constant gap between people. They are too different to understand each other. Closedness, loneliness and indifference await this couple.

Number 3 – Empress

Map of stability and family. Fate favors such a marriage. Both value family, comfort and tranquility. In such a couple there will never be betrayal or lies. This is a stable relationship in which partners will support each other.

Number 4 – Emperor

Card of the protector and father. A happy marriage will only work if the woman is ready for patriarchal relations in family. In this case, the man will be the breadwinner, and the woman will bear the responsibilities of housework and childcare. If one of the partners sees their relationship differently, then nothing good will come of it.

Number 5 – Hierophant

In this case, we are talking more about spiritual compatibility than physical compatibility. In such an alliance, partners will understand each other perfectly and support each other in difficult situation and speak frankly on any topic. These are two soul mates for whom nothing is impossible in terms of relationships. The only negative is the lack of passion.

Number 6 – Lovers

Compatibility in relationships is very good. Passion, romance, and a constant desire to be together are clearly evident here. As for marital compatibility, it is in question. Family relationships will be frivolous and painful. Too many disagreements await lovers due to the constant desire for personal freedom and rejection of each other’s opinions.

Number 7 – Chariot

This is instability and frequent disagreements. There is no compatibility under any circumstances. This is a union of two very different people with irreconcilable views on life. Your life partner will be like the fourth wheel on a cart.

Number 8 – Strength

Compatibility is good, this couple has the opportunity to build their future together. The only thing that can destroy a marriage is the struggle for dominance in the family. The main thing for these lovers is to decide who is boss in the house.

Number 9 – Hermit

This is a card of loneliness, melancholy and tears. The couple is incompatible. They are not interested in spending time together. There are a lot of things that separate them. This card can also indicate unrequited love.

Number 10 – Wheel of Fortune

Good compatibility. They say about such a marriage that it is successful, and that the woman (man) is lucky with her husband. In this case, we can talk about calculation and a mutually beneficial alliance; it is not for nothing that the lasso is called Fortune.

Number 11 – Justice

In this case, we are not talking about feelings at all. This is a marriage of convenience or obligation. Probably, the partners are held together by something other than love and passion. Such marriages arise, for example, when a child is born out of wedlock.

Number 12 – Hanged Man

Poor compatibility. This couple does not have a happy future. Sooner or later, the relationship will reach a dead end if the partners do not make attempts to revive feelings and start over from scratch.

Number 13 – Death

Lovers can build strong family, if they are not afraid of obstacles on their life path.

Number 14 – Moderation

Good compatibility if partners look in the same direction and strive for harmony, tranquility and family comfort. Such a couple can have many children.

Number 15 – Devil

In relationships, compatibility is good. In such a couple there is passion, attraction, emotions. However, often the strength of an alliance is tested by constant disagreements, hysterics, betrayals and impulsiveness of partners. In family life, such a tandem is unlikely to have the opportunity to develop for a long time.

Number 16 – Tower

There is no compatibility at all in such a pair. That's two too different people. If, nevertheless, these people tie the knot, then in their family life only quarrels, scandals, reproaches and disagreements await them.

Number 17 – Star

Such relationships are good at a distance. This is more of a friendship than any serious feelings. With frequent meetings, lovers can quickly get tired of each other. It's not destined to be in love together.

Number 18 – Moon

The start of a relationship can be good. Passion, romance, affection and intimate conversations. But if partners hope for something more, they will be disappointed. There is no compatibility in family life. In marriage, partners will face tears, betrayals and lies.

Number 19 – Sun

Compatibility 100%. In this case we are talking about mutual love, understanding, support and common goals. They say about such a union that it is pleasing to the Universe. In such a couple, everything happens very quickly - it is love at first sight, a quick wedding, the imminent birth of children.

Number 20 – Judgment

No compatibility. If partners get married, it’s not just like that. Tarot readers say about such a union that it is karmic. A man and a woman must learn a lesson from their relationship and correct past mistakes.

Number 21 – Peace

Excellent compatibility. A favorable union in which everything is harmonious. Lovers understand each other well, support each other in everything and give in at the right time. In addition, they are doing well in terms of physical intimacy.

Having guessed compatibility by date of birth using Tarot, you will be able to draw up and calculate your personal card, recognize strengths and weaknesses, and predict the future of your relationship with your loved one.

How to calculate compatibility using Tarot cards

To determine your Tarot lasso, you need to make simple calculations. They are based on the numerological method. It is believed that a person’s date of birth contains information about his past reincarnations and the fate of his current incarnation.

  1. The first number is your birthday. In our example it is equal to one. But, if the birth number is greater than 22, you need to subtract this number. For example: 25-22 = 3
  2. To get the second number, add up all the numbers from the date of birth: 1+9+8+4+1+1 = 24. Subtract 22: 24-22 = 2
  3. Third number. First, we separately count the numbers of the day, month and year of birth. We get: 1, 1, 1+9+8+4 = 22. Let’s sum it up: 22+1+1=24. Subtract: 24-22 = 2

As a result, we got three numbers: 3, 2 and 2. They correspond to the arcana of the Empress and Priestess. Find your meanings in the list of arcana below.

Thus, it is necessary to calculate the numbers of both partners.

Example: dates of birth - 10/16/1991 and 01/01/1984:

  1. Calculate the second personal numbers: 1+6+1+0+1+9+9+1 = 28, 28 - 22 = 6. And 0+1+0+1+1+9+8+4 = 24, 24 - 22 = 2
  2. Based on these calculations, we calculate the following compatibility numbers:
  3. The first number is a general characteristic of the relationship and the atmosphere that prevails in the union of two lovers. We add up their second personal arcana: 6+2 = 8. The number corresponds to the arcana of Strength
  4. The second number will indicate the place of the first partner in the union. To do this, you need to add the first compatibility number with his personal second number: 8 + 6 = 14. Corresponds to the lasso of Moderation
  5. The third number is calculated similarly to the second for the other partner: 6 + 2 = 8. Corresponds to the Arcana of Strength
  6. The fourth number will indicate the outcome of the relationship. We add up three compatibility numbers: 8+14+8=30, 30 −22 = 8. Corresponds to the Arcana of Strength

The meaning of the arcana

The Arcana will tell you about the following:

  1. Mag. The union is favorable. But only on the condition that one of the partners learns to seek compromises and stops fighting for leadership in the pair. Otherwise, endless quarrels and conflicts await you. Get rid of selfishness and learn to give
  2. Priestess. An unfavorable union in which neither partner satisfies their needs in the relationship. The couple has detachment and cool feelings towards each other
  3. Empress. Arkan promises a warm relationship, full of care, love and support. It is likely that this couple will be together for the rest of their lives and will build a strong family
  4. Emperor. The relationship is stable, strong, in which the man occupies a dominant position. But partners can be incredibly bored together; there is a lack of true spiritual intimacy
  5. Hierophant. Partners have common interests and always have something to talk about. This is true spiritual friendship, partnership. Probably between them a big difference aged, which may cause a lack of passion
  6. Lovers. The relationship in a couple is very vibrant, full of passion and emotions. But they can be very superficial and unstable. High probability of betrayal
  7. Chariot. A man and a woman treat each other lightly, without planning anything serious. It is unlikely that the union will be strong and long-term
  8. Force. Both people constantly fight with each other, defending the dominant place in the couple. Both dominants who strive to subjugate are very strong in character and ambitious. But at the same time there is interest in each other and strong passion, so there is a chance of a favorable outcome. To do this, you need to learn to look for and find compromises.
  9. Hermit. Partners are bored together, there are no common interests, there is nothing to talk about. Divorce, separation and unrequited love - a matter of time
  10. Wheel of Fortune. Often the lasso indicates a marriage of convenience. It is unlikely that there will be trust, understanding and love in the union; there is no need to talk about stability. But if material interests coincide, everything can turn out well
  11. Justice. The card indicates that the choice of a partner was not emotional, but rational. This could be a fictitious marriage, a “contractual” relationship. People are connected rather by a common business and material values than feelings
  12. Hanged. The relationship is at an impasse. Either you make a tremendous effort and return your feelings, or you will break up very soon
  13. Death. Parting is a matter of time if other numbers also indicate unfavorable arcana. Otherwise we can hope for the best
  14. Moderation - deep family happiness, mutual understanding and love. There are no bright emotions, but this is real harmony and stability. Partners respect and value each other without even thinking about cheating
  15. Devil. A union of two people dependent on each other. This is sick love, in which, most likely, a man and a woman are connected only by incredible physical attraction. About spirituality and true love no need to talk
  16. Tower. A union of two opposites that have absolutely no common points of contact. Parting is inevitable
  17. Star. A union that began with friendship. Lovers are united by warmth, but for some reason they cannot be completely and completely together. Perhaps they are married to other people or live at a great distance from each other
  18. Moon. Relationships full of betrayals and lies. Cause a lot of suffering and pain
  19. Sun. Both of the couple are satisfied and happy. There are all the components of a harmonious relationship - sincerity, spiritual intimacy, physical attraction. Usually ends quickly in marriage and children
  20. Court. Relationships of the karmic type. Most likely, people have already met in past reincarnations and offended each other, and now they must learn the lesson
  21. World. The most favorable union full of harmony, happiness and love
  22. Jester is a frivolous relationship that is unlikely to last long. Both the man and the woman are rather immature and careless, not used to looking into the future

Watch the video about calculating compatibility:

Important: do not be upset if the cards predict that the future of your union will not be cloudless. Interpretation is more of a way to understand what needs to be worked on than an accurate forecast. Your destiny is in your hands.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Compatibility in a relationship can be checked in different ways - using a horoscope, using fortune telling, or using the lines on your hands. One of the most reliable ways is Tarot card calculation. Using the date of birth of both partners and a deck of cards, you can calculate the nature of the relationship, the combination of two personalities and the future of their family.

Compatibility by date of birth

To calculate compatibility, you need to calculate the Tarot card that matches your union. To do this, you need to add the numbers of your own date of birth and the numbers of your partner’s date of birth. For example, you were born on September 12, 1987, and your chosen one was born on October 1. 1986.

  • 1+2+9+1+9+8+7 = 37;
  • 1+1+1+9+8+6 = 26;

Note! If the resulting numbers are greater than 22, then you need to subtract 22 from each. It turns out: 37-22 = 15; 26 – 22 = 4.

We get the number of the first lasso Tarot. Let's add these two numbers: 15+4 = 19. This is the number of the card, which gives a general description of the relationship. He also describes the atmosphere that reigns between partners in family life. In this example, this lasso is the Sun.

Second lasso shows what you will get from this relationship, how it will affect you. To get the number of the second arcana, take the summed number of your date of birth and add to it the first number received. In the example given, it would look like this: 15+19 = 34; 34-22 = 12. The twelfth lasso is the Hanged Man.

Third card shows what your partner will get from the relationship. You need to calculate the number of this lasso in the same way as shown above, only you need to take into account the number of your partner’s date of birth. Example: 4+19 = 23; 23-22 = 1 . Number 1 corresponds to the Magic card.

Fourth card will talk about the outcome of the relationship. To calculate this lasso, you need to add up all three numbers obtained: 19+12+1 = 32; 32-22 = 10 . The tenth arcana in the Tarot deck is the Wheel of Fortune.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Compatibility in a relationship and compatibility in marriage are completely different things. It happens that relationships between lovers develop well, but after official marriage everything changes dramatically.

If you want to know How will your family life turn out? with a specific person, then you need to again refer to the calculations made above. Take the first number of the lasso, which describes the general nature of the relationship, and add it with the fourth number, which describes the outcome of the relationship. Example: 19+10 = 29; 29-22 = 7 . Seven corresponds to the Arcana Chariot. By her description one should judge compatibility in marriage.

By name

A person’s name contains as many secrets and useful information as their date of birth. As in the calculation by date of birth, the result of the calculation is the definition of the lasso, which describes the nature of the relationship between two people. To calculate compatibility the letters of the name (yours and your chosen one) need to be converted into numbers.

If you want to get more accurate information, then you need to convert not only names, but also surnames and patronymics into numbers. Each number corresponds to several letters:

  • 1 – a, i, s, b;
  • 2 – b, j, t, s;
  • 3 – in, k, y, b;
  • 4 – g, l, f, e;
  • 5 – d, m, x, y;
  • 6 – e, n, c, i;
  • 7 – o, h, e;
  • 8 – f, p, w;
  • 9 – z, r, sch.

Here's an example: Anna and Yuri. We calculate the number for Anna: A – 1, N – 6, N – 6, A – 1; 1+6+6+1 = 14. We calculate the number for the name Yuri: Y – 5, R – 9, I – 1; J – 2; 5+9+1+2 = 17.

Next, we add up the resulting numbers and get the number of the lasso of compatibility: 14+17 = 31 = 31-22 = 9.

The meaning of the cards

Number 1 – Magician

Map of wisdom and experience. Good compatibility in relationships and marriage. This is a tandem of two independent and independent people who can stand up for themselves and their point of view. In such a couple, problems may arise due to the desire for leadership of both partners.

They need to learn to give in to each other in order to achieve harmony in the union. The first thing that lovers need to determine is who is boss in the house.

Number 2 – Priestess

Arcana of mystery and cunning. Poor compatibility, even at the initial stages of a relationship. There will be a constant gap between people. They are too different to understand each other. Closedness, loneliness and indifference await this couple.

Number 3 – Empress

Map of stability and family. Fate favors such a marriage. Both value family, comfort and tranquility. In such a couple there will never be betrayal or lies. This is a stable relationship in which partners will support each other.

Number 4 – Emperor

Card of the protector and father. A happy marriage will only work if the woman is ready for patriarchal relationships in the family. In this case, the man will be the breadwinner, and the woman will bear the responsibilities of housework and childcare. If one of the partners sees their relationship differently, then nothing good will come of it.

Number 5 – Hierophant

In this case, we are talking more about spiritual compatibility than physical compatibility. In such an alliance, partners will understand each other perfectly, support each other in difficult situations and speak frankly on any topic. These are two soul mates for whom nothing is impossible in terms of relationships. The only negative is the lack of passion.

Number 6 – Lovers

Compatibility in relationships is very good. Passion, romance, and a constant desire to be together are clearly evident here. As for marital compatibility, it is in question. Family relationships will be frivolous and painful. Too many disagreements await lovers due to the constant desire for personal freedom and rejection of each other’s opinions.

Number 7 – Chariot

This is instability and frequent disagreements. There is no compatibility under any circumstances. This is a union of two very different people with irreconcilable views on life. Your life partner will be like the fourth wheel on a cart.

Number 8 – Strength

Compatibility is good, this couple has the opportunity to build their future together. The only thing that can destroy a marriage is the struggle for dominance in the family. The main thing for these lovers is to decide who is boss in the house.

Number 9 – Hermit

This is a card of loneliness, melancholy and tears. The couple is incompatible. They are not interested in spending time together. There are a lot of things that separate them. This card can also indicate unrequited love.

Number 10 – Wheel of Fortune

Good compatibility. They say about such a marriage that it is successful, and that the woman (man) is lucky with her husband. In this case, we can talk about calculation and a mutually beneficial alliance; it is not for nothing that the lasso is called Fortune.

Number 11 – Justice

In this case, we are not talking about feelings at all. This is a marriage of convenience or obligation. Probably, the partners are held together by something other than love and passion. Such marriages arise, for example, when a child is born out of wedlock.

Number 12 – Hanged Man

Poor compatibility. This couple does not have a happy future. Sooner or later, the relationship will reach a dead end if the partners do not make attempts to revive feelings and start over from scratch.

Number 13 – Death

Lovers will be able to build a strong family if they are not afraid of obstacles in their life path.

Number 14 – Moderation

Good compatibility if partners look in the same direction and strive for harmony, tranquility and family comfort. Such a couple can have many children.

Number 15 – Devil

In relationships, compatibility is good. In such a couple there is passion, attraction, emotions. However, often the strength of an alliance is tested by constant disagreements, hysterics, betrayals and impulsiveness of partners. In family life, such a tandem is unlikely to have the opportunity to develop for a long time.

Number 16 – Tower

There is no compatibility at all in such a pair. These are two very different people. If, nevertheless, these people tie the knot, then in their family life only quarrels, scandals, reproaches and disagreements await them.

Number 17 – Star

Such relationships are good at a distance. This is more of a friendship than any serious feelings. With frequent meetings, lovers can quickly get tired of each other. It's not destined to be in love together.

Number 18 – Moon

The start of a relationship can be good. Passion, romance, affection and intimate conversations. But if partners hope for something more, they will be disappointed. There is no compatibility in family life. In marriage, partners will face tears, betrayals and lies.

Number 19 – Sun

Compatibility 100%. In this case, we are talking about mutual love, understanding, support and common goals. They say about such a union that it is pleasing to the Universe. In such a couple, everything happens very quickly - it is love at first sight, a quick wedding, the imminent birth of children.

Number 20 – Judgment

No compatibility. If partners get married, it’s not just like that. Tarot readers say about such a union that it is karmic. A man and a woman must learn a lesson from their relationship and correct past mistakes.

Number 21 – Peace

Excellent compatibility. A favorable union in which everything is harmonious. Lovers understand each other well, support each other in everything and give in at the right time. In addition, they are doing well in terms of physical intimacy.

Number 22 – Jester

This relationship is doomed to fail. At the beginning of a relationship, it may seem that the lovers will live a long and happy life together, but everything is not as it seems. This is a card of instability, betrayal, open relationships.

The Arcanum to which your compatibility number corresponds must be analyzed in accordance with your life situation. Sometimes, to make a more accurate prediction, you need to check compatibility in other ways.