New application Kontur.Agent for Externa users. A new application Kontur.Agent is available for Kontur.Externa subscribers

Kontur.Agent is an application that promptly notifies the user about new notifications from Kontur.Extern, Normative and Diadoc.

Thanks to the service, you will make your business even more efficient by receiving important information in a timely manner and responding to it in a timely manner.

You can easily customize the application to suit your needs and receive notifications for free:

New notifications will appear as pop-up messages in the lower right corner of your computer screen:

By clicking on the notification, you will be taken to the service from which the notification came, and the received document will appear on the screen.

From the application it is easy to go to other SKB Kontur services - Extern, Diadoc, Focus, Standard, Purchasing and Accountant School, as well as to the showcase of all Kontur products, in Personal Area user or to the technical support page.

What should I do to start using the service?

If you started using Kontur.Extern before January 18, 2016, to activate Kontur.Agent you need to install the application on your PC yourself. To do this, just follow the link, download the application and install it. All new subscribers who have connected since January 18 will have access to the service automatically.

How to log in to the service?

Authorization in the service is carried out using your certificate or login and password. If in Kontur.Extern the work is carried out in the service accounting mode, then in Kontur.Agent you should select the certificate of the parent organization.

Kontur.Agent is designed to notify users about the receipt of new documents in Kontur.Extern, Diadoc, Normative, Kontur.EDI. Notifications will appear as pop-up messages in the lower right corner of the screen.

Example notification:

Installation and login to Kontur.Agent

Wait until the verification is completed and click the “Install” button.

Wait for the installation to complete and click on the “Launch Contour Agent” button.

A login window will appear. Authorization is carried out using a certificate or login and password. You must select a certificate the right organization or enter the login and password that are used to enter Kontur.Extern, Diadoc, Normative.

If in Kontur.Extern the work is carried out in the service accounting mode, then in Kontur.Agent you should select the certificate of the parent organization.

You can also launch Kontur.Agent through the menu “Start” > “All Programs” > “SKB Kontur” > “Kontur.Agent”.

If you need to log into the program with a different certificate or login, you should right-click on the Contour.Agent icon in the tray and select “Change user”.

You can exit the program in the same way. If it is necessary for Kontur.Agent not to start after rebooting the computer, then you should go to the certificate change window and close it without selecting anything.

Setting up the Contour Agent

After logging in, the Contour.Agent icon will appear in the computer tray.

You should click on it and click on the gear icon. A list of settings will open in which you can specify which notifications you want to receive.

Work at Kontur.Agent

Upon admission to Kontur.Extern, Diadoc, Standard or Contour.EDI new documents, notifications, replies that were selected in the settings, a pop-up message will appear in the lower right corner of the computer screen.

The main tab will display all received notifications from Kontur.Extern, Diadoka, Normative and Kontur.EDI.

If you click on a notification, you will be taken to the service from which the notification came. A window with the received document will immediately open on the screen.

  • Contour store - link to all SKB Contour products;

The Kontur.Agent application was developed and launched, which instantly notifies employees about new incoming information from Diadoc, Normative and Extern.

Now the work of Extern subscribers will be faster and more efficient due to the fact that all important information arrives on time - the specialist does not miss anything and responds to requests on time.

Subscribers receive notifications for free and have the opportunity to customize the application to suit their specific needs.

When does it arrive? new information, the user sees pop-up notifications in the lower right corner of the screen.

Through the notification, you can immediately begin processing the information - click on the message and go to the service where it came from, and the sent document will open on the screen.

The application is integrated with Focus, Accountant School, Standard, Purchasing, Diadoc, Extern. From it it is convenient to go to all these services and to the showcase of all Kontur projects. You can also quickly go from the Agent to technical support or to the subscriber’s personal account.

How to start using Agent?

For everyone who has become a new Extern subscriber since January 18, 2016, the Agent will be connected automatically - you can use it immediately. If you have registered before, download the application, install on your computer and activate.

What is needed for authorization

You can log in to the application using your login and password or using a personal certificate. If you work for Externa in the accounting service format, then select the certificate of the parent organization for authorization. Be aware of all important matters in a timely manner!

Attention! Representatives of the Service Center (SC) from whom you purchased Kontur.Market are setting up the connection of our service with compatible cash registers. We advise you to use this service.

To configure the operation of the cash register software, contact the Technical Service Center (TSC) where you purchased the cash register.

To set up a connection between the cash register and Kontur.Market, the following conditions are required:

  1. The cash register must be located in point of sale and be set up to make sales;
  2. The outlet must have access to the Internet;
  3. The point of sale must have a PC from which you will later work in the Kontur.Market service;
  4. To configure, you will need access to the Kontur.Market service; to enter the service you need a login/password or a certificate for reporting.

Setup steps

  1. Installation of “Cash Agent”

While at the retail outlet, go to the Kontur.Market service on the PC from which you will later work in the service. If you have several retail outlets, then in the service select the one in which you are currently located. After that, go to the settings section.


  • If you use the “Basic Terminal Shtrikh-UTM” cash register, then this cash register can be used as the PC from which you will work in the service;
  • If you use a Dreamkas line cash register, you must have a separate PC from which you will work in the service;
  • When organizing the work of cash registers and the Kontur.Market service outside one local network, you need to set up a VPN connection yourself to connect the cash register with the UTM. A similar scheme is supported by the cash registers of the “Dreamkas” line. Setup instructions;
  • When organizing work with cash registers from the Atol and Shtrikh-M manufacturers, the cash agent is installed locally on each cash register (if the cash register uses the Windows operating system), and not on the computer where the Kontur.Market service is installed. The same recommendation is suitable for the Set Start Viki Micro software from Dreamkass installed on the Windows operating system;
  • If the cash register software uses Linux, the cash agent must be installed on a computer running Windows OS located on the same local network as the cash register.

In chapter " Box office"click “+Add cash register” and download the “Kontur. Cash Agent” utility, through which the Kontur.Market service communicates with your cash register:

If it is not possible to install this utility on a cash register, install the utility on a PC that will always be located on the same local network as the cash registers. Also, this PC, like the cash register, must always operate in constant access mode.

Attention! The utility is designed to work on a PC with Windows OS (min. requirements: XP SP3 and higher).

Direct link to download the cash agent distribution kit:

After installing the utility, the “Contour.Cash Agent” shortcut will appear on the desktop. After launching the shortcut in the browser, the page will open:

If you use a proxy to access the Internet, in the “General Settings” section of the cash agent, you must select “Configure manually” and specify the URL, login and password to access the proxy:

Check your proxy server settings with your system administrator.

2. Adding a cash register

After completing the installation of the cash agent, return to the settings section of the Kontur.Market service and proceed to the next step - “Adding a cash register”.

To add a cash register, you need to obtain a secret code that will allow you to establish a connection between a retail outlet in the Kontur.Market service and the cash register at this retail outlet:

Be sure to make sure that you receive a secret code in the settings section of the Kontur.Market system of the exact outlet in which you are located. Otherwise, in the process of further work, all sales will be taken into account incorrectly: the cash register will receive a catalog of goods and prices from another outlet. Sales records will also be kept at another outlet. As a result, the declaration will be generated with errors.

Copy the secret code in the service and return to the cash agent page. Click the “+Add cash register” button and in the window that opens, in the “Secret code” field, paste the copied value:

After this, in the “Manufacturer” field you must indicate the manufacturer of the cash register:

After specifying the cash register manufacturer, specify the folder for synchronization from which the cash register will receive items. The cash register will also record sales reports there:

Make sure that this folder exists and the cash register is configured to synchronize with this folder.

For the cash register of the “Dreamkas” line, the address format is:

  • if “Cash Agent” is installed on the computer - \\IP address of the cash register\exchange
  • if “Cash Agent” is installed on the cash register (SetStart Viki Micro on Windows) - Drive:\exchange

For the cash register line “Shtrikh-M” and “Atol” the address format is:

  • if “Cash Agent” is installed on the computer - \\IP address of the cash register\path to the folder
  • if “Cash Agent” is installed on the cash register - Drive:\path to folder

To configure the Atol cash register synchronization folder with the Frontol xPOS software, you can use the text

To set up a synchronization folder for the Dreamkas cash register with the "Set Start" software.

To set up a synchronization folder for the Shtrikh-M cash register with the Cashier 5 software.

If you set up the cash register yourself, use the following instructions:

  • Shtrikh-M: kassir.pdf
  • Atol: Frontol 5, Frontol xPOS,

If desired, you can change the name of the cash register.

After filling in all fields, save the changes. If all parameters are entered correctly, the settings will be saved.


  • When you save the settings for the first time, the cash register should already be in sales mode.
  • When the settings are saved for the first time, the service checks not only the presence of a folder for synchronization, but also makes a request to the cash register. The request may last 1-2 minutes.

After saving the cash register settings, you need to return to the settings section of the “Contour.Market” service and click the “test connection” button:

After successful completion of the check, the cash register status will look like this:

If there are several cash registers at the point of sale, repeat the “Adding a cash register” step and for each cash register in turn, generate a “Secret Code”. The steps must be repeated until all cash desks appear in the settings section of the “Contour.Market” service.

3.Complete setup

The work on setting up the connection between the cash register and Kontur.Market has been completed. You can move on to the next stage of work - using a 2D scanner, enter barcodes of alcoholic products into Kontur.Market.